vocab = set([line.rstrip() for line in open('vocab.txt')])#用set效率高一些(时间复杂度)
给定输入(错误地输入)的单词,由编辑距离的3种操作(insert, delete, replace),返回该单词所有候选集合。
#生成单词的所有候选集合 def generate_candidates(word): """ word: 给定的输入(错误的输入) 返回所有(valid)候选集合 """ # 生成编辑距离不大于1的单词 # 1.insert 2. delete 3. replace # appl: replace: bppl, cppl, aapl, abpl... # insert: bappl, cappl, abppl, acppl.... # delete: ppl, apl, app # 假设使用26个字符 letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' splits = [(word[:i], word[i:]) for i in range(len(word)+1)]#将单词在不同的位置拆分成2个字符串,然后分别进行insert,delete你replace操作,拆分形式为:[('', 'apple'), ('a', 'pple'), ('ap', 'ple'), ('app', 'le'), ('appl', 'e'), ('apple', '')] #print(splits) # insert操作 inserts = [L+c+R for L, R in splits for c in letters] # delete deletes = [L+R[1:] for L,R in splits if R]#判断分割后的字符串R是否为空,不为空,删除R的第一个字符即R[1:] # replace replaces = [L+c+R[1:] for L,R in splits if R for c in letters]#替换R的第一个字符,即c+R[1:] candidates = set(inserts+deletes+replaces) #print(candidates) # 过来掉不存在于词典库里面的单词 return [word for word in candidates if word in vocab] #generate_candidates("apple")#生成Apple的所有候选集合
在生成的与正确单词编辑距离不大于1的单词的基础上,再次进行insert, delete, replace操作,从而生成编辑距离不大于2的所有候选集合。
def generate_edit_two(word):
return [e2 for e1 in generate_candidates(word) for e2 in generate_candidates(e1)]
# 读取语料库
#import nltk
from nltk.corpus import reuters#reuters路透社语料库
# 读取语料库
categories = reuters.categories() # 路透社语料库的类别
corpus = reuters.sents(categories=categories) # sents()指定分类中的句子
直接导入reuters时(from nltk.corpus import reuters)报错如下:
import nltk
# 构建语言模型:bigram term_count = {} bigram_count = {} for doc in corpus: doc = ['<s>'] + doc # '<s>'表示开头 for i in range(0, len(doc)-1): # bigram: [i,i+1] term = doc[i] # term是doc中第i个单词 bigram = doc[i:i+2] # bigram为第i,i+1个单词组成的 if term in term_count: term_count[term] += 1 # 如果term存在term_count中,则加1 else: term_count[term] = 1 # 如果不存在,则添加,置为1 bigram = ' '.join(bigram) if bigram in bigram_count: bigram_count[bigram] += 1 else: bigram_count[bigram] = 1
# 用户打错的概率统计 - channel probability
channel_prob = {}
for line in open('F:/自然语言处理/NLP/拼写纠错/spell-errors.txt'):
items = line.split(":")
correct = items[0].strip()
mistakes = [item.strip() for item in items[1].strip().split(",")]
channel_prob[correct] = {}
for mis in mistakes:
channel_prob[correct][mis] = 1.0/len(mistakes)
import numpy as np V = len(term_count.keys()) file = open("testdata.txt","r") for line in file: items = line.rstrip().split('\t') line = items[2].split() print(line) j = 0 for word in line: if word not in vocab: #需要替换word成正确的单词 #Step1: 生成所有的(valid)候选集合 candidates = generate_candidates(word) # 一种方式: if candidate = [], 多生成几个candidates, 比如生成编辑距离不大于2的 # TODO : 根据条件生成更多的候选集合 if len(candidates) < 1: continue probs=[] # 对于每一个candidate, 计算它的score # score = p(correct)*p(mistake|correct) # = log p(correct) + log p(mistake|correct) # 返回score最大的candidate for candi in candidates: prob = 0 # 计算channel probability if candi in channel_prob and word in channel_prob[candi]: prob += np.log(channel_prob[candi][word]) else: prob += np.log(0.0001) #计算语言模型的概率 ''' 比如s=I like playing football. line=['I','like','playing','football'] word为playing时 ''' forward_word= line[j-1]+" "+candi#考虑前一个单词,出现like playing的概率 if forward_word in bigram_count and line[j-1] in term_count: prob += np.log((bigram_count[forward_word]+1.0)/(term_count[line[j-1]]+V)) else: prob += np.log(1.0/V) if j+1 < len(line):#考虑后一个单词,出现playing football的概率 backward_word= candi + " " + line[j+1] if backward_word in bigram_count and candi in term_count: prob += np.log((bigram_count[backward_word] + 1.0)/(term_count[candi]+V)) else: prob += np.log(1.0/V) probs.append(prob) max_idx = probs.index(max(probs)) print(word,candidates[max_idx]) j +=1
结果形式为:错误单词 正确单词
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