#include<iostream> using namespace std;//印刷少了一行! class Date{ public: Date(int,int ,int); Date(int,int); Date(int); Date(); void display(); private: int month; int day; int year; }; Date::Date(int m,int d,int y):month(m),day(d),year(y) {}//参数初始化表初始化 Date::Date(int m,int d):month(m),day(d){ year=2005; } //指定默认值 Date::Date(int m):month(m){ day=1; year=2005; } Date::Date(){ month=1; day=1; year=2005; } void Date::display() { cout<<month<<"/"<<day<<"/"<<year<<endl; } int main(){ Date d1(10,13,2005); Date d2(12,30); Date d3(10); Date d4; d1.display(); d2.display(); d3.display(); d4.display(); return 0; } /* 显然输出是: 10/13/2005 12/30/2005 10/1/2005 1/1/2005 */
//声明构造函数时指定默认参数是可以的,但全部默认参数构造函数会与构造函数重载产生歧义,所以这样显然是错误的P255页(4)条 //修改,直接删掉其它构造函数的重载即可,这样在传入参数按照参数值否则按照默认值,就可以得到和上一问相同的结果 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Date{ public: Date(int =1,int =1,int =2005); /* Date(int,int); Date(int); Date();*/ void display(); private: int month; int day; int year; }; Date::Date(int m,int d,int y):month(m),day(d),year(y) {}//参数初始化表初始化 /*Date::Date(int m,int d):month(m),day(d){ year=2005; } //指定默认值 Date::Date(int m):month(m){ day=1; year=2005; } Date::Date(){ month=1; day=1; year=2005; }*/ void Date::display() { cout<<month<<"/"<<day<<"/"<<year<<endl; } int main(){ Date d1(10,13); Date d2(12,30); Date d3(10); Date d4; d1.display(); d2.display(); d3.display(); d4.display(); return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Student{ public: Student(int n,double s):num(n),score(s){} void display(); private: int num; double score; }; void Student::display() { cout<<"student:"<<num<<", score:"<<score<<endl; } int main(){ Student stu[5]={Student(1001,85),Student(1002,97),Student(1003,78),Student(1004,91),Student(1005,88.5)}; Student *p; p=&stu[0]; (*p).display(); p=p+2; (*p).display(); p=p+2; (*p).display(); return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Student{ public: Student(int n,double s):num(n),score(s){} void display(); double sc(); private: int num; double score; }; void Student::display() { cout<<"student:"<<num<<", score:"<<score<<endl; } double Student::sc(){ return score; } void max(Student *p){ double max; max=(*p).sc();//用一个公有成员函数得到score for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ if((*p).sc()>max) max=(*p).sc(); p++; } cout<<"max="<<max; } int main(){ Student stu[5]={Student(1001,85),Student(1002,97),Student(1003,78),Student(1004,91),Student(1005,88.5)}; Student *p; p=&stu[0]; max(p); return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Student{ public: Student(int n,float s):num(n),score(s){} void display(){ cout<<num<<" "<<score<<endl; } void change(int n,float s){ num=n; score=s; } private: int num; float score; }; int main(){ Student stud(101,78.5); stud.display() ; stud.change(101,80.5); stud.display(); return 0; } /* 显然输出: 101 78.5 101 80.5 */
//(1) #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Student{ public: Student(int n,float s):num(n),score(s){} void display(){ cout<<num<<" "<<score<<endl; } void change(int n,float s){ num=n; score=s; } private: int num; float score; }; int main(){ const Student stud(101,78.5);//如果对象定义为常对象,不可被普通成员函数调用,无法运行 stud.display() ; stud.change(101,80.5); stud.display(); return 0; }
//(2) P267 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Student{ public: Student(int n,float s):num(n),score(s){} void display() const{ cout<<num<<" "<<score<<endl; }//必须声明为常成员函数 void change (int n,float s) const{//声明为常成员函数 num=n; score=s; } private: mutable int num;//如果一定要改变常对象的值,声明为mutable mutable float score; }; int main(){ const Student stud(101,78.5); stud.display() ; stud.change(101,80.5); stud.display(); return 0; }
//(3) #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Student{ public: Student(int n,float s):num(n),score(s){} void display() { cout<<num<<" "<<score<<endl; } void change (int n,float s){ num=n; score=s; } private: int num; float score; }; int main(){ Student stud(101,78.5); Student *p=&stud; //指向对象的指针 p->display() ;//与stud.display();等价 p->change(101,80.5); p->display(); return 0; }
//(4) #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Student{ public: Student(int n,float s):num(n),score(s){} void display() const{ cout<<num<<" "<<score<<endl; } void change (int n,float s){ num=n; score=s; } private: int num; float score; }; int main(){ Student stud(101,78.5); const Student *p=&stud; //指向常对象的指针 ,指向非const对象,不能通过指针改变指向对象 p->display() ;//而要通过指针调用成员函数,成员函数必须声明为const ,即不可修改本类的成员 stud.change(101,80.5);//对象本身可以改变,不可通过指针改变对象 p->display(); return 0; }
//(5) #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Student{ public: Student(int n,float s):num(n),score(s){} void display(){ cout<<num<<" "<<score<<endl; } void change (int n,float s){ num=n; score=s; } private: int num; float score; }; int main(){ Student stud(101,78.5); Student *const p=&stud; //指向对象的常指针,只是指针的指向不能改变 p->display() ; p->change(101,80.5);//可以通过指针改变对象 p->display(); return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Student{ public: Student(int n,float s):num(n),score(s){} void display(){ cout<<num<<" "<<score<<endl; } void change(int n,float s){ num=n; score=s; } private: int num; float score; }; void fun(Student &s){ s.display(); s.change(101,80.5); s.display(); } int main(){ Student stud(101,78.5); fun(stud); return 0; }
//参考P283计算学生平均成绩 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Sale{ public: Sale(int n,int q,double p){ num=n; quantity=q; price=p; } void sumsale(){//公有成员函数既可以访问静态成员也可以访问非静态成员 if(quantity<=10){ sum=quantity*price*discount; } else{ sum=quantity*price*0.98*discount; } n=quantity; } static double average(){ //静态成员函数只访问静态数据成员不可访问非静态成员,(要访问必须限定对象,那么一定要将对象定义放在前面) return sum/n; } static void display(){ cout<<"average:"<<average()<<endl; } private: int num; int quantity; double price; static double sum; static int n; static double discount; }; //一般情况下,静态成员函数访问静态数据成员,公有成员函数可以对所有数据成员进行处理 double Sale::discount=0.9;//静态成员只能在类外初始化,属于类 double Sale::sum=0.0; int Sale::n=0; int main(){ Sale s1(101,5,23.5); Sale s2(102,12,24.56); Sale s3(103,100,21.5); s1.sumsale(); cout<<"No 1: "; s1.display(); s2.sumsale(); cout<<"No 2: "; s2.display(); s3.sumsale(); cout<<"No 3: "; s3.display(); return 0; }
//原程序 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Date ; class Time{ public: Time(int,int,int); void display(Date &); private: int hour; int minute; int sec; }; class Date{ public: Date(int,int,int); friend void Time::display(Date &); private: int month; int day; int year; }; Time::Time(int h,int m,int s){ hour=h; minute=m; sec=s; } void Time::display(Date &d){ cout<<d.month<<"/"<<d.day<<"/"<<d.year<<endl; cout<<hour<<":"<<minute<<":"<<sec<<endl; } Date::Date(int m,int d,int y){ month=m; day=d; year=y; } int main(){ Time t1(10,13,56); Date d1(12,25,2004); t1.display(d1); return 0; }
//修改 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Date ; class Time{ public: Time(int,int,int); friend void display(Date &,Time &); private: int hour; int minute; int sec; }; class Date{ public: Date(int,int,int); friend void display(Date &,Time &); private: int month; int day; int year; }; Time::Time(int h,int m,int s){ hour=h; minute=m; sec=s; } void display(Date &d,Time &t){//普通函数声明为友元 cout<<d.month<<"/"<<d.day<<"/"<<d.year<<endl; cout<<t.hour<<":"<<t.minute<<":"<<t.sec<<endl; } Date::Date(int m,int d,int y){ month=m; day=d; year=y; } int main(){ Time t1(10,13,56); Date d1(12,25,2004); display(d1,t1); return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Date; class Time{ public: Time(int,int,int); void display(Date &d);//友元类形参仍因该是Date类对象的引用 private: int hour; int minute; int sec; }; class Date{ public: Date(int,int,int); friend Time;//Time声明为Date的友元类,Time中所有成员函数可以访问Date成员 private: int month; int day; int year; }; Time::Time(int h,int m,int s){ hour=h; minute=m; sec=s; } void Time::display(Date &d){ cout<<d.month<<"/"<<d.day<<"/"<<d.year<<endl; cout<<hour<<":"<<minute<<":"<<sec<<endl; } Date::Date(int m,int d,int y){ month=m; day=d; year=y; } int main(){ Time t1(10,13,56); Date d1(12,25,2004); t1.display(d1); return 0; }
//原程序 //P292 例9.14类模板 #include<iostream> using namespace std; template <class numtype>//声明类模板,虚拟类型名numtype class Compare{ public: Compare(numtype a,numtype b){ x=a; y=b; } numtype max(){//类里定义成员函数 return (x>y)?x:y; } numtype min(){ return (x>y)?y:x; } private: numtype x,y; }; int main(){ Compare<int> cmp1(3,7); cout<<cmp1.max()<<" is the maximum of the two integers."<<endl; cout<<cmp1.min()<<" is the minimum of the two integers."<<endl<<endl; Compare<float> cmp2(47.8,96.34); cout<<cmp2.max()<<" is the maximum of the two float numbers."<<endl; cout<<cmp2.min()<<" is the minimum of the two float numbers."<<endl<<endl; Compare<char> cmp3('a','A'); cout<<cmp3.max()<<" is the maximum of the two characters."<<endl; cout<<cmp3.min()<<" is the minimum of the two characters."<<endl<<endl; return 0; }
//修改 #include<iostream> using namespace std; template <class numtype>//声明类模板,虚拟类型名numtype class Compare{ public: Compare(numtype a,numtype b){ x=a; y=b; } numtype max(); numtype min(); private: numtype x,y; }; //template <class numtype> numtype Compare<numtype>::max(){//类外定义成员函数 template <class numtype>//类模板 numtype Compare<numtype>::max(){//注意,第一个numtype是函数的类型,Compare<numtype>是一个整体代表带参的类 return (x>y)?x:y; } template <class numtype> numtype Compare<numtype>::min(){ return (x>y)?y:x; } int main(){ Compare<int> cmp1(3,7); cout<<cmp1.max()<<" is the maximum of the two integers."<<endl; cout<<cmp1.min()<<" is the minimum of the two integers."<<endl<<endl; Compare<float> cmp2(47.8,96.34); cout<<cmp2.max()<<" is the maximum of the two float numbers."<<endl; cout<<cmp2.min()<<" is the minimum of the two float numbers."<<endl<<endl; Compare<char> cmp3('a','A'); cout<<cmp3.max()<<" is the maximum of the two characters."<<endl; cout<<cmp3.min()<<" is the minimum of the two characters."<<endl<<endl; return 0; }
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