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transformers java_java – Hibernate给出一个奇怪的ClassCast异常(使用Transformers)

nullpointerexception org.hibernate.transform.aliastobeanresulttransformer.tr



public List getAllFactsWithoutParentsAsFactDto() {

String completeQuery = FactCodeQueries.SELECT_DTO_FROM_FACT_WITH_NO_PARENTS;

Query query = createHibernateQueryForUnmappedTypeFactDto(completeQuery);

List factDtoList = query.list(); //line 133

return factDtoList;



private Query createHibernateQueryForUnmappedTypeFactDto(String sqlQuery) throws HibernateException {

return FactCodeQueries.addScalars(createSQLQuery(sqlQuery)).setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(FactCodeDto.class));


给我一个ClassCastException – >跟踪的一部分:

Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: be.fgov.just.cjr.dto.FactCodeDto cannot be cast to java.util.Map

at org.hibernate.property.access.internal.PropertyAccessMapImpl$SetterImpl.set(PropertyAccessMapImpl.java:102)

at org.hibernate.transform.AliasToBeanResultTransformer.transformTuple(AliasToBeanResultTransformer.java:78)

at org.hibernate.hql.internal.HolderInstantiator.instantiate(HolderInstantiator.java:75)

at org.hibernate.loader.custom.CustomLoader.getResultList(CustomLoader.java:435)

at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.listIgnoreQueryCache(Loader.java:2423)

at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.list(Loader.java:2418)

at org.hibernate.loader.custom.CustomLoader.list(CustomLoader.java:336)

at org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.listCustomQuery(SessionImpl.java:1898)

at org.hibernate.internal.AbstractSessionImpl.list(AbstractSessionImpl.java:318)

at org.hibernate.internal.SQLQueryImpl.list(SQLQueryImpl.java:125)

at be.fgov.just.cjr.dao.factcode.FactCodeDAOImpl.getAllFactsWithoutParentsAsFactDto(FactCodeDAOImpl.java:133)




public void set(Object target, Object value, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) {

( (Map) target ).put( propertyName, value ); //line 102






我正在使用Hibernate 5(并且从3升级)…


编辑2 :(整个FactCodeDto类,按要求)

package be.fgov.just.cjr.dto;

import be.fgov.just.cjr.model.FactCode;

import be.fgov.just.cjr.model.FactCodeType;

import be.fgov.just.cjr.utility.FullDateUtil;

import be.fgov.just.cjr.utility.Locales;

import lombok.Getter;

import lombok.Setter;

import lombok.ToString;

import org.springframework.util.Assert;

import java.util.*;




public class FactCodeDto extends TreeNodeValue {

private String cdFact;

private String cdFactSuffix;

private Boolean isSupplementCode;

private Boolean isTitleCode;

private Boolean mustBeFollowed;

private Date activeFrom;

private Date activeTo;

private Boolean isCode;

private Long idFact;

private Long idParent;

private String type;

Map description = new HashMap(3);

public FactCodeDto() {


public FactCodeDto(String prefix, String suffix) {


this.cdFact = prefix;

this.cdFactSuffix = suffix;


public FactCodeDto(String cdFact, String cdFactSuffix, Boolean isSupplementCode, Boolean mustBeFollowed) {


this.cdFact = cdFact;

this.cdFactSuffix = cdFactSuffix;

this.isSupplementCode = isSupplementCode;

this.mustBeFollowed = mustBeFollowed;


public FactCodeDto(String cdFact, String cdFactSuffix, Boolean isSupplementCode, Boolean mustBeFollowed, Long idFact, Long idParent, Boolean isCode, Boolean isTitleCode, Date from, Date to, Map descriptions,String type) {


this.cdFact = cdFact;

this.cdFactSuffix = cdFactSuffix;

this.isSupplementCode = isSupplementCode;

this.mustBeFollowed = mustBeFollowed;

this.idFact = idFact;

this.idParent = idParent;

this.isCode = isCode;

this.isTitleCode = isTitleCode;

this.activeFrom = from;

this.activeTo = to;

if (descriptions != null) {

this.description = descriptions;


this.type = type;


public FactCodeDto(FactCode fc) {

this(fc.getPrefix(), fc.getSuffix(), fc.isSupplementCode(), fc.isHasMandatorySupplCodes(), fc.getId(), fc.getParent(), fc.isActualCode(), fc.isTitleCode(), fc.getActiveFrom(), fc.getActiveTo(), fc.getAllDesc(),fc.getType().getCode());


public String formatCode() {

return FactCode.formatCode(cdFact, cdFactSuffix);


public boolean isActive() {

Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());

return FullDateUtil.isBetweenDates(now, this.activeFrom, this.activeTo);


public void setDescFr(String s) {

description.put(Locales.FRENCH, s);


public void setDescNl(String s) {

description.put(Locales.DUTCH, s);


public void setDescDe(String s) {

description.put(Locales.GERMAN, s);



* public String toString() {

* StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

* sb.append(getIdFact() + ": ")

* .append(getIdParent() + ": ")

* .append(" " + cdFact + cdFactSuffix + ": " + (isSupplementCode ? "NO Principal " : " Principal "))

* .append((mustBeFollowed ? " Must Be Followed " : "NOT Must Be Followed "));

* return sb.toString();

* }


public Map getDescription() {

return description;



public int hashCode() {

final int prime = 31;

int result = 1;

String fullCode = formatCode();

result = prime * result + ((fullCode == null) ? 0 : fullCode.hashCode());

return result;



public boolean equals(Object obj) {

if (this == obj) {

return true;


if (obj == null) {

return false;


if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {

return false;


FactCodeDto other = (FactCodeDto) obj;

return formatCode().equals(other.formatCode());



public boolean isChildOf(TreeNodeValue value) {


boolean isChild = false;

if (value instanceof FactCodeDto) {

if (this.getIdParent() != null) {

isChild = this.getIdParent().equals(((FactCodeDto) value).getIdFact());



return isChild;



public boolean isBrotherOf(TreeNodeValue value) {


boolean isBrother = false;

if (value instanceof FactCodeDto) {

if (this.getIdParent() != null) {

isBrother = this.getIdParent().equals(((FactCodeDto) value).getIdParent());



return isBrother;



public boolean isParentOf(TreeNodeValue value) {


boolean isParent = false;

if (value instanceof FactCodeDto) {

isParent = this.getIdFact().equals(((FactCodeDto) value).getIdParent());


return isParent;



public int compareTo(TreeNodeValue to) {

if (to instanceof FactCodeDto) {

return formatCode().compareTo(((FactCodeDto) to).formatCode());

} else return 1;


public String getCode() {

return formatCode();



