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2024.2 DataWhale 多智能体实战 第三章 单智能体开发_多智能体 demo

多智能体 demo

项目地址:GitHub - datawhalechina/hugging-multi-agent: A tutorial to quickly help you understand the concept of agent and muti-agent and get started with coding development

3.3 实现一个单动作Agent

3.3.1 Demo演示

下面将演示如何使用MetaGPT实现一个单动作智能体,该智能体可以根据用户的需求写出一个python函数,比如:"write a function that calculates the sum of a list"。


0. 环境配置:略,请参考第一章教程。

1. 准备demo代码:在metagpt目录下创建single_act_agent.py,并复制以下代码:

  1. import re
  2. import asyncio
  3. from metagpt.actions import Action
  4. from metagpt.roles import Role
  5. from metagpt.schema import Message
  6. from metagpt.logs import logger
  7. class SimpleWriteCode(Action):
  8. PROMPT_TEMPLATE : str = """
  9. Write a python function that can {instruction} and provide two runnable test cases.
  10. Return ```python your_code_here ``` with NO other texts,
  11. your code:
  12. """
  13. name: str = "SimpleWriteCode"
  14. async def run(self, instruction: str):
  15. prompt = self.PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(instruction=instruction)
  16. rsp = await self._aask(prompt)
  17. code_text = SimpleWriteCode.parse_code(rsp)
  18. return code_text
  19. @staticmethod
  20. def parse_code(rsp):
  21. pattern = r'```python(.*)```'
  22. match = re.search(pattern, rsp, re.DOTALL)
  23. code_text = match.group(1) if match else rsp
  24. return code_text
  25. class SimpleCoder(Role):
  26. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  27. super().__init__(**kwargs)
  28. self._init_actions([SimpleWriteCode])
  29. async def _act(self) -> Message:
  30. logger.info(f"{self._setting}: ready to {self.rc.todo}")
  31. todo = self.rc.todo # todo will be SimpleWriteCode()
  32. msg = self.get_memories(k=1)[0] # find the most recent messages
  33. code_text = await todo.run(msg.content)
  34. msg = Message(content=code_text, role=self.profile,
  35. cause_by=type(todo))
  36. return msg
  37. async def main():
  38. msg = "write a function that calculates the sum of a list"
  39. role = SimpleCoder()
  40. logger.info(msg)
  41. result = await role.run(msg)
  42. logger.info(result)
  43. asyncio.run(main())

2. 运行demo:

python single_act_agent.py




msg = "write a function that returns the largest negative number of a list, return -1 if the list does not contain any negative number"


3.3.2 代码讲解



1. 接收用户的需求并组装成prompt

2. 将prompt送入LLM并得到返回结果

3. 从返回结果中提取出python代码部分

  1. import re
  2. import asyncio
  3. from metagpt.actions import Action
  4. class SimpleWriteCode(Action):
  5. PROMPT_TEMPLATE: str = """
  6. Write a python function that can {instruction} and provide two runnnable test cases.
  7. Return ```python your_code_here ``` with NO other texts,
  8. your code:
  9. """
  10. name: str = "SimpleWriteCode"
  11. async def run(self, instruction: str):
  12. prompt = self.PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(instruction=instruction)
  13. rsp = await self._aask(prompt)
  14. code_text = SimpleWriteCode.parse_code(rsp)
  15. return code_text
  16. @staticmethod
  17. def parse_code(rsp):
  18. pattern = r'```python(.*)```'
  19. match = re.search(pattern, rsp, re.DOTALL)
  20. code_text = match.group(1) if match else rsp
  21. return code_text




  1. from metagpt.roles import Role
  2. from metagpt.schema import Message
  3. from metagpt.logs import logger
  4. class SimpleCoder(Role):
  5. name: str = "Alice"
  6. profile: str = "SimpleCoder"
  7. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  8. super().__init__(**kwargs)
  9. self._init_actions([SimpleWriteCode])
  10. async def _act(self) -> Message:
  11. logger.info(f"{self._setting}: ready to {self.rc.todo}")
  12. todo = self.rc.todo # todo will be SimpleWriteCode()
  13. msg = self.get_memories(k=1)[0] # find the most recent messages
  14. code_text = await todo.run(msg.content)
  15. msg = Message(content=code_text, role=self.profile, cause_by=type(todo))
  16. return msg

3.4 实现一个多动作Agent






1. 在metagpt目录下新建multi_act_agent.py文件,并复制以下代码:

  1. import os
  2. import re
  3. import subprocess
  4. import asyncio
  5. import fire
  6. import sys
  7. from metagpt.llm import LLM
  8. from metagpt.actions import Action
  9. from metagpt.roles import Role
  10. from metagpt.schema import Message
  11. from metagpt.logs import logger
  12. class SimpleWriteCode(Action):
  13. PROMPT_TEMPLATE :str = """
  14. Write a python function that can {instruction} and provide two runnnable test cases.
  15. Return ```python your_code_here ``` with NO other texts,
  16. your code:
  17. """
  18. name: str = "SimpleWriteCode"
  19. async def run(self, instruction: str):
  20. prompt = self.PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(instruction=instruction)
  21. rsp = await self._aask(prompt)
  22. code_text = SimpleWriteCode.parse_code(rsp)
  23. return code_text
  24. @staticmethod
  25. def parse_code(rsp):
  26. pattern = r'```python(.*)```'
  27. match = re.search(pattern, rsp, re.DOTALL)
  28. code_text = match.group(1) if match else rsp
  29. return code_text
  30. class SimpleRunCode(Action):
  31. name: str = "SimpleRunCode"
  32. async def run(self, code_text: str):
  33. result = subprocess.run([sys.executable, "-c", code_text], capture_output=True, text=True)
  34. code_result = result.stdout
  35. logger.info(f"{code_result=}")
  36. return code_result
  37. class RunnableCoder(Role):
  38. name: str = "Alice"
  39. profile: str = "RunnableCoder"
  40. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  41. super().__init__(**kwargs)
  42. self._init_actions([SimpleWriteCode, SimpleRunCode])
  43. self._set_react_mode(react_mode="by_order")
  44. async def _act(self) -> Message:
  45. logger.info(f"{self._setting}: ready to {self.rc.todo}")
  46. # By choosing the Action by order under the hood
  47. # todo will be first SimpleWriteCode() then SimpleRunCode()
  48. todo = self.rc.todo
  49. msg = self.get_memories(k=1)[0] # find the most k recent messagesA
  50. result = await todo.run(msg.content)
  51. msg = Message(content=result, role=self.profile, cause_by=type(todo))
  52. self.rc.memory.add(msg)
  53. return msg
  54. async def main():
  55. msg = "write a function that calculates the sum of a list"
  56. role = RunnableCoder()
  57. logger.info(msg)
  58. result = await role.run(msg)
  59. logger.info(result)
  60. asyncio.run(main())

2. 运行该文件,demo中智能体可以根据需求生成代码,并在两个测试用例中执行。




1. Action类SimpleWriteCode同3.3章,这里省略。

2. Action类SimpleRunCode作用是执行SimpleWriteCode生成的代码

  1. class SimpleRunCode(Action):
  2. name: str = "SimpleRunCode"
  3. async def run(self, code_text: str):
  4. result = subprocess.run([sys.executable, "-c", code_text], capture_output=True, text=True)
  5. code_result = result.stdout
  6. logger.info(f"{code_result=}")
  7. return code_result

3. Role类RunnableCoder类似3.3章,区别是3.3章单动作Agent的init函数中只初始化了一个Action,而本章节在Role的init函数中加入了前面定义的两个Action,并通过set_react_mode函数来指定Action的执行顺序

  1. class RunnableCoder(Role):
  2. name: str = "Alice"
  3. profile: str = "RunnableCoder"
  4. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  5. super().__init__(**kwargs)
  6. self._init_actions([SimpleWriteCode, SimpleRunCode])
  7. self._set_react_mode(react_mode="by_order")
  8. async def _act(self) -> Message:
  9. logger.info(f"{self._setting}: ready to {self.rc.todo}")
  10. # By choosing the Action by order under the hood
  11. # todo will be first SimpleWriteCode() then SimpleRunCode()
  12. todo = self.rc.todo
  13. msg = self.get_memories(k=1)[0] # find the most k recent messagesA
  14. result = await todo.run(msg.content)
  15. msg = Message(content=result, role=self.profile, cause_by=type(todo))
  16. self.rc.memory.add(msg)
  17. return msg

3.5 实现一个更复杂的Agent:Tutorial Assitant

技术文档助手(Tutorial Assistant)可以根据用户输入的主题(例如:摄影教程)生成一份教学文档。文档不是一次性由LLM生成,而是由Agent分步骤执行。Agent首先根据用户输入的主题生成一份大纲,然后再在大纲内的各个主题下生成具体教学内容。




  1. from datetime import datetime
  2. from typing import Dict
  3. import asyncio
  4. from metagpt.actions.write_tutorial import WriteDirectory, WriteContent
  5. from metagpt.const import TUTORIAL_PATH
  6. from metagpt.logs import logger
  7. from metagpt.roles.role import Role, RoleReactMode
  8. from metagpt.schema import Message
  9. from metagpt.utils.file import File
  10. from typing import Dict
  11. from metagpt.actions import Action
  12. from metagpt.prompts.tutorial_assistant import DIRECTORY_PROMPT, CONTENT_PROMPT
  13. from metagpt.utils.common import OutputParser
  14. class WriteDirectory(Action):
  15. """Action class for writing tutorial directories.
  16. Args:
  17. name: The name of the action.
  18. language: The language to output, default is "Chinese".
  19. """
  20. name: str = "WriteDirectory"
  21. language: str = "English"
  22. async def run(self, topic: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict:
  23. """Execute the action to generate a tutorial directory according to the topic.
  24. Args:
  25. topic: The tutorial topic.
  26. Returns:
  27. the tutorial directory information, including {"title": "xxx", "directory": [{"dir 1": ["sub dir 1", "sub dir 2"]}]}.
  28. """
  29. COMMON_PROMPT = """
  30. You are now a seasoned technical professional in the field of the internet.
  31. We need you to write a technical tutorial with the topic "{topic}".
  32. """
  34. Please provide the specific table of contents for this tutorial, strictly following the following requirements:
  35. 1. The output must be strictly in the specified language, {language}.
  36. 2. Answer strictly in the dictionary format like {{"title": "xxx", "directory": [{{"dir 1": ["sub dir 1", "sub dir 2"]}}, {{"dir 2": ["sub dir 3", "sub dir 4"]}}]}}.
  37. 3. The directory should be as specific and sufficient as possible, with a primary and secondary directory.The secondary directory is in the array.
  38. 4. Do not have extra spaces or line breaks.
  39. 5. Each directory title has practical significance.
  40. """
  41. prompt = DIRECTORY_PROMPT.format(topic=topic, language=self.language)
  42. resp = await self._aask(prompt=prompt)
  43. return OutputParser.extract_struct(resp, dict)
  44. class WriteContent(Action):
  45. """Action class for writing tutorial content.
  46. Args:
  47. name: The name of the action.
  48. directory: The content to write.
  49. language: The language to output, default is "Chinese".
  50. """
  51. name: str = "WriteContent"
  52. directory: dict = dict()
  53. language: str = "English"
  54. async def run(self, topic: str, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
  55. """Execute the action to write document content according to the directory and topic.
  56. Args:
  57. topic: The tutorial topic.
  58. Returns:
  59. The written tutorial content.
  60. """
  61. COMMON_PROMPT = """
  62. You are now a seasoned technical professional in the field of the internet.
  63. We need you to write a technical tutorial with the topic "{topic}".
  64. """
  66. Now I will give you the module directory titles for the topic.
  67. Please output the detailed principle content of this title in detail.
  68. If there are code examples, please provide them according to standard code specifications.
  69. Without a code example, it is not necessary.
  70. The module directory titles for the topic is as follows:
  71. {directory}
  72. Strictly limit output according to the following requirements:
  73. 1. Follow the Markdown syntax format for layout.
  74. 2. If there are code examples, they must follow standard syntax specifications, have document annotations, and be displayed in code blocks.
  75. 3. The output must be strictly in the specified language, {language}.
  76. 4. Do not have redundant output, including concluding remarks.
  77. 5. Strict requirement not to output the topic "{topic}".
  78. """
  79. prompt = CONTENT_PROMPT.format(
  80. topic=topic, language=self.language, directory=self.directory)
  81. return await self._aask(prompt=prompt)
  82. class TutorialAssistant(Role):
  83. """Tutorial assistant, input one sentence to generate a tutorial document in markup format.
  84. Args:
  85. name: The name of the role.
  86. profile: The role profile description.
  87. goal: The goal of the role.
  88. constraints: Constraints or requirements for the role.
  89. language: The language in which the tutorial documents will be generated.
  90. """
  91. name: str = "Stitch"
  92. profile: str = "Tutorial Assistant"
  93. goal: str = "Generate tutorial documents"
  94. constraints: str = "Strictly follow Markdown's syntax, with neat and standardized layout"
  95. language: str = "English"
  96. topic: str = ""
  97. main_title: str = ""
  98. total_content: str = ""
  99. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  100. super().__init__(**kwargs)
  101. self._init_actions([WriteDirectory(language=self.language)])
  102. self._set_react_mode(react_mode=RoleReactMode.BY_ORDER.value)
  103. async def _think(self) -> None:
  104. """Determine the next action to be taken by the role."""
  105. logger.info(self.rc.state)
  106. logger.info(self,)
  107. if self.rc.todo is None:
  108. self._set_state(0)
  109. return
  110. if self.rc.state + 1 < len(self.states):
  111. self._set_state(self.rc.state + 1)
  112. else:
  113. self.rc.todo = None
  114. async def _handle_directory(self, titles: Dict) -> Message:
  115. """Handle the directories for the tutorial document.
  116. Args:
  117. titles: A dictionary containing the titles and directory structure,
  118. such as {"title": "xxx", "directory": [{"dir 1": ["sub dir 1", "sub dir 2"]}]}
  119. Returns:
  120. A message containing information about the directory.
  121. """
  122. self.main_title = titles.get("title")
  123. directory = f"{self.main_title}\n"
  124. self.total_content += f"# {self.main_title}"
  125. actions = list()
  126. for first_dir in titles.get("directory"):
  127. actions.append(WriteContent(
  128. language=self.language, directory=first_dir))
  129. key = list(first_dir.keys())[0]
  130. directory += f"- {key}\n"
  131. for second_dir in first_dir[key]:
  132. directory += f" - {second_dir}\n"
  133. self._init_actions(actions)
  134. self.rc.todo = None
  135. return Message(content=directory)
  136. async def _act(self) -> Message:
  137. """Perform an action as determined by the role.
  138. Returns:
  139. A message containing the result of the action.
  140. """
  141. todo = self.rc.todo
  142. if type(todo) is WriteDirectory:
  143. msg = self.rc.memory.get(k=1)[0]
  144. self.topic = msg.content
  145. resp = await todo.run(topic=self.topic)
  146. logger.info(resp)
  147. return await self._handle_directory(resp)
  148. resp = await todo.run(topic=self.topic)
  149. logger.info(resp)
  150. if self.total_content != "":
  151. self.total_content += "\n\n\n"
  152. self.total_content += resp
  153. return Message(content=resp, role=self.profile)
  154. async def _react(self) -> Message:
  155. """Execute the assistant's think and actions.
  156. Returns:
  157. A message containing the final result of the assistant's actions.
  158. """
  159. while True:
  160. await self._think()
  161. if self.rc.todo is None:
  162. break
  163. msg = await self._act()
  164. root_path = TUTORIAL_PATH / datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
  165. await File.write(root_path, f"{self.main_title}.md", self.total_content.encode('utf-8'))
  166. return msg
  167. async def main():
  168. msg = "摄影教程"
  169. role = TutorialAssistant()
  170. logger.info(msg)
  171. result = await role.run(msg)
  172. logger.info(result)
  173. asyncio.run(main())





1. Action类WriteDirectory:根据用户输入主题,生成大纲

2. Action类WriteContent: 根据大纲生成教程细节

3. Role类TutorialAssistant:在内部改写了_think,_handle_directory,_act和_react函数,实现了运转流程的自定义。

