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SitePoint Podcast#122:重要吗? 没有!

reasons to fit in a quickie every day, because your health and your relation

Episode 122 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week the panel is made up of Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy), Brad Williams (@williamsba), and Kevin Yank (@sentience).

SitePoint Podcast的第122集现已发布! 本周的座谈会由Patrick O'Keefe( @ifroggy ),Brad Williams( @williamsba )和Kevin Yank( @sentience )组成。

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

  • SitePoint Podcast #122: Important? No! (MP3, 55:50, 53.6MB)

    SitePoint Podcast#122:重要吗? 没有! (MP3,55:50,53.6MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the topics covered in this episode:


Browse the full list of links referenced in the show at http://delicious.com/sitepointpodcast/122.


主持人聚光灯 (Host Spotlights)

面试成绩单 (Interview Transcript)

Patrick: Hello and welcome to another edition of the SitePoint Podcast. This is Patrick O’Keefe and I am joined by my normal co-host Brad Williams, Brad, how’s it going?

帕特里克:您好,欢迎来到SitePoint播客的另一版本。 这是帕特里克·奥基夫(Patrick O'Keefe),我和我的普通合伙人布拉德·威廉姆斯(Brad Williams)一起加入,布拉德最近怎么样?

Brad: Good, how you doing?


Patrick: Doing great, doing great. Just kind of ran to get here, ran through the highway you could say, in a car, to get here in time to do the show, and it’s because it’s a special show, it’s a special episode of the Podcast as we have a special guest host this week.

帕特里克:做得很好,做得很好。 就像是跑到这里,在高速公路上跑,你可以说是开车,要及时赶到这里进行演出,这是因为这是一个特别的节目,是Podcast的一个特别节目,因为我们有一个特别的节目本周的来宾主持人。

Kevin: Oh, who is it! Who’s the special guest?

凯文:哦,是谁! 谁是特别嘉宾?

Patrick: Well, Kevin is anticipating himself —


Kevin: What?


Patrick: (Laughs) — as a guest host apparently.


Kevin: Ah!


Patrick: So, Kevin, thanks for ruining that, and Kevin Yank was a part of what I will call the core four, our original four hosts on the SitePoint Podcast for episode one; Kevin Yank, Brad Williams, myself and Stephan Segraves who unfortunately can’t be with us here tonight, and Kevin was on through episodes 1 through 108 leaving not too long ago to pursue a full-time role at Learnable. Kevin, welcome back!

帕特里克(Patrick):因此,凯文(Kevin),感谢您破坏了这一点,而凯文·扬克(Kevin Yank)是我称之为核心四人的一部分,这是我们第一集的SitePoint Podcast上的原始四位主持人; 不幸的是,凯文·扬克(Kevin Yank),布拉德·威廉姆斯(Brad Williams),我本人和斯蒂芬·塞格拉夫斯(Stephan Segraves)今晚不能与我们在一起,凯文(Kevin)经历了第1至108集,不久前离开,在Learnable担任全职角色。 凯文,欢迎回来!

Kevin: I can’t believe I’m the special guest. I was promised a special guest.

凯文:我不敢相信我是特别的客人。 我答应过我特别的客人。

Brad: You know I thought we finally got rid of you and, alas, you’re right back here where you started, so I don’t know how that happened.


Kevin: (Laughs) I’ll try not to speak too much.


Brad: (Laughs) I’m kidding.


Kevin: (Laughs)


Patrick: Yeah, and of course the vacancy of Kevin can never be replaced, but the vacancy was filled by Louis Simoneau of SitePoint.

帕特里克(Patrick):是的,当然,凯文(Kevin)的空缺永远无法替代,但空缺由SitePoint的路易斯·西蒙诺(Louis Simoneau)填补。

Kevin: Isn’t he great, I like Louis.


Patrick: He’s doing good; that explains how he got the role (laughter). No, Louis is doing great but he is away this week hopefully having some fun somewhere, and he’ll be back for next week’s episode, so looking forward to having him back. But to talk about you for a second, Kevin, you are the Chief Instructor at Learnable.

帕特里克:他做得很好。 解释了他是如何得到这个角色的(笑声)。 不,路易(Louis)表现不错,但他本周希望能不在某个地方玩得开心,而且他将在下周的节目中回来,因此期待他回来。 但是,请稍等一下,Kevin,您是Learnable的首席讲师。

Kevin: Yep.


Patrick: And Learnable is a site that a lot of our listeners will be familiar with, but for any that aren’t what’s the quick 140 character?

帕特里克: Learnable是一个很多听众都熟悉的网站,但是对于那些不是140个快速字符的人来说呢?

Kevin: The quick 140 character is we are a website where anyone can build and sell an online course about anything at all.


Patrick: So how old is Learnable now? I remember there was — I think it was a soft launch or a hard launch during a conference last year that we were all at, so if math serves me it’s probably around, what, nine, ten months old?

帕特里克:那么现在可学多大了? 我记得有一次–我认为我们去年在一次会议上是一次软启动还是一次硬启动,所以如果数学为我服务,大概是九,十个月大吗?

Kevin: Well, yeah, it kind of depends on where you start counting, it’s like a relationship, you know, do you count it from the first kiss, the first date (laughter), what is it?


Patrick: You’re probably more experienced than me so just whichever one.


Kevin: Well, we were at the BlogWorld Expo Conference last October recruiting instructors to build our first batch of courses, but we like to count it from our public launch which happened in April of this year, so from BlogWorld Expo to that day in April we had that big group of instructors that we recruited building our first batch of courses, and we launched all of those at once, and since then we’ve been trickling them out as more courses come through, so we usually publish one or two new courses a week on all sorts of topics, obviously we have plenty of stuff on web development because that’s our roots, we grew out of the SitePoint.com courses area, so still plenty of new web development courses coming out every week. We’ve got recent courses on Mobile Web Design, jQuery, CSS Form Design and lots more to be found in there, and we’re also expanding into courses on business, small business topics, courses on lifestyle; if you want to find out how the pros do worm composting in their backyards, Learnable.com is the place to find out.

凯文:好吧,去年10月我们参加了BlogWorld博览会会议,招募讲师来建立我们的第一批课程,但是我们希望从今年4月的公开发布会(从BlogWorld Expo到4月的那一天)算起我们招募了一大批讲师,他们开设了第一批课程,并立即启动了所有课程,此后,随着更多课程的推出,我们一直在向他们撒谎,因此我们通常会发布一两个新课程每周举办各种主题的课程,显然,我们有很多关于Web开发的知识,因为这是我们的根源,我们成长于SitePoint.com课程区域之外,因此每周仍有大量新的Web开发课程问世。 我们最近开设了有关移动Web设计,jQuery,CSS表单设计的课程,还有更多其他课程,而且我们还将扩展到有关商务,小型企业主题,生活方式的课程; 如果您想了解专业人士如何在他们的后院进行蠕虫堆肥,Learnable.com是一个了解的地方。

Patrick: Yeah, I think, Brad, weren’t you and April putting together some sort of gardening project


Kevin: There you go.


Brad: We are (laughter), but, well, yes but, I just eat the things that come out of the garden.


Patrick: Okay, that’s your role. So, I was going to ask you about that; are most of your best-selling courses tech-centric or are some of the more general ones sneaking in there as well?

帕特里克:好的,那是你的角色。 所以,我要问你有关的事。 您最畅销的课程中大多数都是以技术为中心的吗?还是一些更一般的课程也在潜行中?

Kevin: So far the technology ones are leading the day, and that really comes from the fact that we have a big audience in that area already. Also, you would expect that tech-savvy people are on top of and comfortable with buying digital content online, digital learning products, paying for access to this web product that not only is a bunch of videos and articles and stuff like that, but is also a little closed community where you can interact with the other students and the teacher of the course. But I think that sort of product is something that people who aren’t as tech savvy it might take them a little while to get their heads around, at the same time we need to spin up our marketing machine in those areas; where we’re used to addressing the web developer audience, we need to build our audiences in the other areas. So, yes, they are moving more slowly but that’s what’s exciting about having a new website, a new brand, a new logo, is we get to start from scratch and open it up as widely as we can.

凯文(Kevin):到目前为止,技术领域处于领先地位,这实际上是由于我们已经在该领域拥有大量用户这一事实。 此外,您可能希望精通技术的人能够轻松地在线购买数字内容,数字学习产品,并为访问此网络产品付费,这不仅是一堆视频和文章之类的东西,而且也是一个封闭的社区,您可以在其中与其他学生和课程老师进行互动。 但是我认为这种产品是不那么精通技术的人们可能需要花些时间才能掌握自己的知识,与此同时,我们需要在这些领域启动营销机器。 在习惯于与Web开发人员打交道的地方,我们需要在其他领域建立受众。 因此,是的,他们的发展速度越来越慢,但是,有了一个新的网站,一个新的品牌,一个新的徽标,这令人兴奋,这是我们从头开始并尽可能广泛地开放它。

Patrick: Excellent. Well, maybe one day I’ll have a course on there after much discussion about it with Shayne for a very long time (laughter).

帕特里克:太好了。 好吧,也许有一天,我会和Shayne讨论了很长时间(笑),然后我将在那里开设一门课程。

Kevin: It’s not through lack of us asking I’ll tell you that.


Patrick: Well, I appreciate that. So, this is a group show, a news show, so let’s jump right into stories, and I think for our first story it’s un-doubtable that a good portion of our listeners will now have access to Spotify, the much heralded, much hyped digital music service that has been available over in Europe for a long time, so our European listeners are well used to Spotify; there are apparently 10 million registered in Europe alone for the service, and we just got it here officially in the U.S. about a week or so ago. And I’ve had access to it for about a month and a half, two months, thanks to a friend of mine who works at the company, but everyone in the U.S., at least a lot of people that I know, are now jumping on board with the service that allows you to listen to 18 million tracks on pretty much any device you want, your mobile devices, your computer, your cell phone, whatever else, for $9.99 a month, not only their licensed group of tracks, 18 million licensed tracks, but also tracks that yourself has in your library you can listen to on Spotify as well at that premium level. So, Kevin, unfortunately you are in Australia, which is not Europe and is not the United States.

帕特里克:嗯,我很感激。 所以,这是一个集体表演,是一个新闻节目,所以让我们直接进入故事,我认为对于我们的第一个故事,毫无疑问,我们的很大一部分听众现在将可以使用Spotify,这是广为人知,广为宣传的数字音乐服务已经在欧洲提供了很长一段时间,因此我们的欧洲听众已经习惯了Spotify; 仅在欧洲,就有大约1000万注册该服务,而我们大约在一周前才在美国正式注册该服务。 多亏了我的一个朋友在公司工作,我已经有大约一个半月两个月的时间了,但是我在美国的每个人,至少我认识的很多人,现在都在跳跃借助这项服务,您可以在几乎任何所需的设备,移动设备,计算机,手机以及任何其他设备上以每月9.99美元的价格收听1800万首曲目,而不仅仅是他们的许可曲目,18百万首授权曲目,而且还包含您自己库中的曲目,您也可以在Spotify上以该高级收听。 因此,凯文(Kevin),很遗憾,您在澳大利亚,这不是欧洲,也不是美国。

Kevin: Yep.


Patrick: (Laughs) So you’re not on it yet but, Brad, I know you signed up for an account, right?


Brad: Yes, I got an invite, I signed up and I’ve actually played with it a little bit, not too intensely but I have played with it so I understand the service, I mean it’s a pretty neat service; are you actually a premium member, Patrick, or you’re just running with the free version for now?

布拉德:是的,我收到了邀请,我签了字,实际上我已经开始使用它了,虽然不是很紧张,但是我已经开始使用它了,所以我了解这项服务,我的意思是这是一项非常简洁的服务; 您实际上是Patrick的高级会员吗,或者您现在只是在使用免费版本?

Patrick: I am on the free version right now, and that goes back to just getting that pre-launch access and I think all I could do was a free version, I could be wrong though. And I had maybe six people who I was connected to on Facebook who had access before the launch, now I look at it and I have probably six times that number, so it’s definitely I guess being wildly adopted out there at least by music lovers because they are allowing that easy free access to the service right now. But obviously part of what they’re doing is trying to generate revenue so they do have those premium levels, and according to Spotify that have 1.6 million paying subscribers in 7 countries in Europe, that’s of the 10 million registered users, so they have about 16% of their users are paying ones, at least in Europe. So I thought that was kind of an interesting number because I don’t know if that’s a good percentage for a freemium more-or-less model or a bad percentage, what do you think, Kevin?

帕特里克(Patrick):我现在使用的是免费版本,这可以追溯到发布前的访问权限,我认为我所能做的就是免费版本,不过我可能错了。 我大概有六个人在Facebook上与我建立了联系,他们在发布前就可以访问,现在我来看,这个数字可能是这个数字的六倍,所以我想我肯定至少被音乐爱好者疯狂地采用了,因为他们现在允许轻松,免费地访问该服务。 但是很明显,他们正在做的事情是设法创造收入,使他们的收入达到一定水平。据Spotify称,在欧洲7个国家/地区拥有160万付费用户,即1000万注册用户中,至少在欧洲,有16%的用户是付费用户。 所以我认为这是一个有趣的数字,因为我不知道这对于免费增值模式是一个好百分比还是一个坏百分比,凯文,您怎么看?

Kevin: I think any number of customers that ends with the word ‘million’ you’re doing pretty well.


Patrick: Right.


Kevin: Beyond that it’s difficult to read into these numbers like you say. I’m curious what has you guys excited about Spotify that wasn’t pushing your buttons like the other services like this that were available in the U.S. already. You had RDO, Mogg, Rhapsody, Napster, these are all sort of music subscription services with various options for taking the music with you, some of them just have access to streaming on the go, some of them let you actually download and synch tracks to your mobile device when you’re offline. What’s Spotify got that the other ones don’t?

凯文:此外,很难像您说的那样读懂这些数字。 我很好奇你们对Spotify感到兴奋的是,它没有像在美国已经可用的其他服务那样按您的按钮。 您拥有RDO,Mogg,Rhapsody,Napster,它们都是各种音乐订阅服务,提供了多种随身携带音乐的选项,其中一些可以随时随地访问流媒体,其中一些可以让您实际下载和同步曲目离线时连接到移动设备。 Spotify从中获得了其他人没有的东西?

Patrick: Great question. Brad, are you on any other services right now, any of the ones Kevin mentioned?

帕特里克:很好的问题。 布拉德,凯文提到过,您现在还从事其他服务吗?

Brad: I actually use Slacker for music primarily.


Kevin: Oh, Slacker Radio, yeah.


Brad: Yeah. And it’s obviously quite a bit different because Slacker’s really just you pay it’s like $35.00 or $40.00 a month, I’m sorry, a year not a month, that would be quite a bit (laughter), and it’s literally just you play stations and you can create stations if you want and things like that, but there’s not a lot of control where you can drill that and say alright I want this track and that track and this track, it’s you can do a little bit of that but they also throw in random tracks that are similar. I’m kind of a lazy music listener, I don’t really have a lot of time to like set up individual songs in these large tracks, I really just want to say this is the type of music I like, play stuff and allow me to find new music that I wouldn’t normally have heard by doing that, so that’s kind of why I enjoy Slacker.

布拉德:是的 而且显然有很大的不同,因为Slacker的费用实际上是您每月支付35.00或40.00美元,对不起,一年而不是一个月,那会相当多(笑),这实际上是您在玩电台和您可以根据需要创建电台,诸如此类,但是没有太多控制权可以在其中钻取并说好我想要该轨道,该轨道和该轨道,这是您可以做的一些事情,但是它们放入相似的随机轨道。 我是一个懒惰的音乐听众,我真的没有太多时间喜欢在这些大型曲目中设置个人歌曲,我真的只是想说这是我喜欢的音乐类型,播放音乐并允许我找到了通常不会听到的新音乐,所以这就是为什么我喜欢Slacker的原因。

Patrick: Yeah, and you mean you’re on Slacker when you’re not using Turntable.FM, right? (Laughter)

帕特里克:是的,您的意思是不使用Turntable.FM时就使用Slacker,对吗? (笑声)

Brad: That’s what I was going to say, I’ve been on Turntable.FM lately because it’s actually opened up even more tracks and it’s just so interactive to do with your friends, that’s really been the key for me; I’ve had a lot more fun in there when I have four or five of my friends in the same room and they’re playing tracks and we’re all playing tracks and things like that, so.

布拉德:这就是我要说的,最近我去过Turntable.FM,因为它实际上开辟了更多的曲目,而且与您的朋友互动是如此互动,这确实是我的关键。 当我有四个或五个朋友在同一个房间里时,我在那儿玩得更开心,他们正在播放曲目,而我们都在播放曲目之类的东西,所以。

Patrick: And speaking of Turntable.FM, about a week ago I achieve Gorilla Status for those who know what that is (laughter), reaching 1,000 DJ points on the service so, yes.

帕特里克(Patrick):关于Turntable.FM,大约一周前,我达到了“大猩猩身份”的资格,这些人知道(笑)是什么,在服务上达到了1000 DJ点,是的。

Kevin: Does that mean you’ve been DJ-ing for so long you grew a beard and you look like a gorilla?


Patrick: Yeah, I guess that’s one way to look at it. I mean I shave every morning so it’s kind of hard to stack up anything on that part of my body (laughter), but yeah you could say that. So, speaking of me personally, I’m conflicted on this because the acquaintance of mine at Spotify, D A Wallach, who is a really cool guy, lead singer of the band Chester Fringe, I was actually on a panel with him at BlogWorld last year and he’s really involved with Spotify and really doing a great job to get them out there especially in the artist’s community and with other musicians. And then I have Ardio which one of their designers is Adam Pascelly who some people at SitePoint may remember from the forums, I believe his username is Adam P now, for many years he was on staff, as I think Swim 5001 as well at some point, so I’m a big fan of what Ardio is doing, I’m a big fan of what Spotify is doing, so for me I’m conflicted. And the funny thing is, though, is neither service is exactly for me, and the reason I say that is because of the fact that there are different types of music listeners. There’s an article that I read that was real good at Fast Company about how it’s a rental economy, that was said by John Irwin who is the president of Rhapsody, and he was interviewed because of the launch of Spotify by Tyler Gray at Fast Company and he mentioned that it’s a rental economy, but while also acknowledging that there are listeners out there who do want to own music or buy music and have the freedom that comes along with that, and I am in that category. And one of the reasons I’m in that category is because a lot of these services will never be able to license substantial portions of my collection because I have a lot of music, a huge collection, it spans vinyl, cassettes, CD, digital, and I have a playlist; I don’t listen to everything I’ve purchased, I have a playlist that’s a small percentage of that and that is what I listen to. And so the fact that Spotify doesn’t allow you to upload your music to The Cloud, and the same is true for Ardio, is a problem for me in using the service and listening to everything I want to listen to because you can’t, for example, I can’t sign up with Spotify and then let them index my library and then go on a trip and access it from my laptop because they only access it from the computer you’re on at that time. So there’s no Cloud hosting, it’s not like Amazon Cloud Drive or iCloud or any service like that because you’re not uploading your own music, so for me Amazon Cloud Drive or iCloud or any number of those services are a little more attractive so I can upload the music I want to listen to and then access it from anywhere. Now, I will say I could see myself paying for Spotify just because, well, it’s $5.00 a month or $10.00 a month, and it’s instant access to all of this music, most popular music out there in a second, I mean you can pull up previews but full songs, and sample music if you want legally which is kind of important to me; I like to sample music legally if I can, and for $9.99 a month it’s sort of I would say a no-brainer.

帕特里克:是的,我想那是一种看待它的方法。 我是说我每天早上都要刮胡子,所以很难在我身体的那部分堆积任何东西(笑声),但是是的,你可以这么说。 所以,就我个人而言,我对此感到矛盾,是因为我与Spotify的熟人DA Wallach相识,他是一个非常酷的人,乐队Chester Fringe的主唱,实际上我上次参加了BlogWorld年,他真的参与了Spotify的工作,并做出了出色的工作,尤其是在艺术家社区和其他音乐家中,使他们脱颖而出。 然后是Ardio,他们的设计师之一是Adam Pascelly,SitePoint的一些人可能在论坛上记得他,我相信他的用户名是Adam P,多年来他一直在工作,就像我认为Swim 5001一样。因此,我是Ardio在做什么的忠实粉丝,我是Spotify在做什么的忠实粉丝,所以对我来说我很矛盾。 然而,有趣的是,这两种服务都不是完全适合我的,而我之所以这么说是因为存在着不同类型的音乐收听者。 Rhapsody总裁约翰·欧文(John Irwin)说过,有一篇我读过的文章对Fast Company的租车经济有真正的好处,他之所以接受采访是因为Fast Company和Tyler Gray推出了Spotify,他提到这是一种租金经济,但同时也承认那里确实有听众想要拥有音乐或购买音乐并拥有随之而来的自由,因此我属于这一类。 我属于该类别的原因之一是,由于我拥有大量音乐,大量唱片,其中包括黑胶唱片,卡带,CD,数字唱片,因此许多此类服务永远都无法许可我收藏的大部分作品,并且有一个播放列表; 我不听所有购买的东西,我的播放列表只占其中的一小部分,这就是我在听的内容。 因此,Spotify不允许您将音乐上传到The Cloud,而Ardio也是如此,这对我来说是一个使用服务并收听我想听的所有内容的问题,因为您无法,例如,我无法注册Spotify,然后让他们为我的图书馆建立索引,然后旅行并从我的笔记本电脑访问它,因为他们只能从当时使用的计算机访问它。 因此,没有Cloud Hosting,它不像Amazon Cloud Drive或iCloud或类似的服务,因为您没有上传自己的音乐,所以对我而言,Amazon Cloud Drive或iCloud或任何这些服务都更具吸引力,所以我可以上传我想听的音乐,然后从任何地方访问它。 现在,我要说的是,我自己会为Spotify付费,原因是,它每月5.00美元或每月10.00美元,并且可以立即访问所有这些音乐,一秒钟内最受欢迎的音乐,我的意思是您可以可以预览,但可以欣赏完整的歌曲,如果可以的话,可以试听音乐,这对我来说很重要; 如果可以的话,我想合法地对音乐进行采样,而且每月只要$ 9.99,就可以说是轻而易举了。

Kevin: It definitely seems like these services are built for a different kind of music listener than maybe you are, Patrick, and I think that’s great that there are different services for different types of music consumers out there. Certainly if you were the kind of person who likes popular music, who like newly released music and who likes to sample and socialize around their music, see what their friends are discovering and jump on board, I know that’s what services like Ardio are well known for is following your friends, seeing what new music they’ve discovered and listening in. But, yeah, these services like the Amazon Cloud and the upcoming iCloud from iTunes are for a different kind of listener. What strikes me, though, looking down this list of competitors in the music subscription service is every one of them, and I can say this now because I’m no longer a regular host on the show and I can abandon any pretense that I’m not a ridiculous Apple fan boy, but all of these businesses seem to operate at the mercy of Apple. Every September I’m sure they hold their breath thinking is this going to be the year that Apple launches a subscription service to iTunes that will compete with us, and it feels like if Apple did that and they had their subscription option in combination with their Cloud hosted tracks option the game would be done, Apple could really put these people out of business overnight. Am I overstating that?

凯文:显然,这些服务是为不同于您的音乐收听者而建的,帕特里克,我认为很高兴为不同类型的音乐消费者提供不同的服务。 当然,如果您是那种喜欢流行音乐,喜欢新发行音乐并且喜欢对音乐进行采样和社交,看到他们的朋友正在发现并加入的人,那么我知道像Ardio这样的服务就是众所周知的的目的是跟随您的朋友,看看他们发现了什么新音乐并聆听。但是,是的,这些服务(如Amazon Cloud和iTunes即将推出的iCloud)适用于另一种听众。 不过,令我印象深刻的是,在音乐订阅服务中看一下这个竞争对手的名单就是每一个人,我现在可以这么说是因为我不再是节目的定期主持人,而且我可以放弃任何假装,我不是一个可笑的苹果迷,但是所有这些业务似乎都在苹果的掌控之下。 我确定每年9月我都会屏住呼吸,想想今年将是苹果推出iTunes订阅服务的一年,它将与我们竞争,这就像苹果公司这样做了,他们可以将订阅选项与云托管的轨道选项可以完成游戏,苹果确实可以使这些人在一夜之间破产。 我是否夸大其词?

Patrick: No, out of business? maybe, but here’s the thing, and it’s funny you make that point because I made kind of an observation on I think it was the Copyright 2.0 show, another show I host, about — and this was around the launching, kind of quick launching of not only Amazon Cloud Drive and Cloud Music Player, but then quickly after that Google Music Beta and then Apple iCloud, and how there’s essentially three things here at work, three services, number one the ability to purchase music, to actually purchase individual music, tracks or albums. There’s the ability to access music, a subscription based service, and then there’s the ability to upload what you own to The Cloud to access it, no service does all three; some do two, some do one. Google Music, for example, they can’t sell you music, they don’t have any sort of licensing to do that, they don’t have a subscription service, so Google Music is on the scale of one. Amazon sells music and they offer a Cloud service much like Apple iTunes match and iTunes and iCloud will be able to do, so that’s the twos, and where you have Ardio and Spotify they’re just selling access to a subscription catalog of music, no one can do all three. And it’s kind of funny to think about how there just isn’t anyone out there doing that yet and who will be the first? I mean Apple, they could do it, they haven’t, I don’t know what the reason is or the thinking there because obviously they are probably the most powerful player in digital music internationally, so for whatever reason they’re not doing it and these other companies can get a foothold in the market I suppose by offering that service and offering it to the people who want it which is a substantial portion of people who listen to music. It was an article, I can’t remember the quote, but someone said it’s about getting people used to the idea of paying for something to do with music. So, getting people used to paying, okay, well they’re not going to buy albums anymore but here’s $9.99 a month for the subscription service, or here’s $50.00 a year for The Cloud service or $25.00 a year, or whatever it is, just to get them used to paying something to associate value with recorded music. And it’s interesting, I read a statement by Sean Parker who is an investor in Spotify and was part of the team at Napster, and so it’s kind of a funny I guess bookends in a way is he was part of that movement that some would say — I don’t want to say killed the music industry but obviously it led to a large amount of reduced sales, and now he’s on the Spotify end of things and he says that today, or the launch of Spotify is the quote, is the “realization of the dream and marks the reversal of the downward trend that was started by Napster.” He says that it “could bring about the start of a new golden age of music and means that music itself as opposed to the accessories around music, like merchandise and concert tickets, will again be perceived to have intrinsic value allowing artists to make money by directly selling their art. The rusted gears of the music business will loosen and turn again.” So that might be a flair for the dramatic.

帕特里克:不,倒闭吗? 也许,但是这件事很有趣,您提出这一点很有趣,因为我对我认为是版权2.0展览(我主持的另一个展览)进行了某种观察,这与发布,快速发布有关。不仅包括Amazon Cloud Drive和Cloud Music Player,还包括Google Music Beta和Apple iCloud,以及之后的工作原理,三项服务,第一项购买音乐能力,实际购买个人音乐的能力,曲目或专辑。 可以访问音乐,一项基于订阅的服务,然后可以将自己拥有的内容上传到The Cloud以访问它,这三项服务都无法实现。 有些做两件事,有些做一件事。 以Google音乐为例,他们无法向您出售音乐,没有任何许可来执行此操作,没有订阅服务,因此Google Music的规模只有一个。 亚马逊出售音乐,并且他们提供类似于Apple iTunes Match的Cloud服务,iTunes和iCloud可以做到,所以两者兼而有之。在您拥有Ardio和Spotify的地方,他们只是出售对音乐订阅目录的访问权,一个可以做到所有三个。 想一想,现在还没有人这样做,这是一种有趣的做法,谁将是第一个呢? 我的意思是苹果公司,他们可以做到,他们没有,我不知道是什么原因或那里的想法,因为显然他们可能是国际上数字音乐领域最强大的播放器,因此无论出于何种原因,他们都没有这样做通过提供该服务并将其提供给想要该服务的人们,我认为它和其他公司可以在市场上站稳脚跟,而这正是听音乐的人们中的很大一部分。 这是一篇文章,我记不清这句话了,但是有人说这是关于让人们习惯于支付与音乐有关的东西的想法。 因此,让人们习惯支付,好吧,好了,他们不再打算购买专辑了,但这是订阅服务的每月9.99美元,或者The Cloud服务的每年50.00美元或每年的25.00美元,或者仅仅是让他们习惯于付出一些与录音音乐相关的价值。 有趣的是,我读了肖恩·帕克(Sean Parker)的声明,肖恩·帕克(Sean Parker)是Spotify的投资人,也是Napster团队的一员,所以我觉得书呆子有点有趣,这是因为他是这一运动的一部分,有人会说—我不想说扼杀了音乐产业,但是显然这导致了销售的大量减少,现在他处于Spotify的境地,他说今天,或者说Spotify的推出就是报价。 “实现梦想,标志着由Napster开始的下降趋势的逆转。” 他说,“它可能带来音乐新的黄金时代的开始,这意味着与商品和音乐会门票等音乐周边配件相反的音乐本身,将再次被视为具有内在价值,可以使艺术家通过赚钱来赚钱。直接出售他们的艺术品。 音乐界生锈的齿轮将松动并再次转动。” 所以这可能是戏剧的天赋。

Kevin: Yes, he’s never been afraid of stating what he hopes will happen as fact.


Patrick: But certainly he’s been around to witness a lot of these things, so it’s interesting to read his thoughts on it in a Facebook note where he tagged John Lennon’s son Sean Lennon, Spotify CEO Daniel Eck, Mark Zuckerberg, Sean Fanning of Napster fame, and also DA was tagged in that as well. So obviously he’s putting his thoughts out there and Spotify has a lot of support, so it will be interesting to see how this market plays out and I guess what Apple does to answer it if anything.

帕特里克(Patrick):但是,他的确可以见证很多这样的事情,因此在Facebook笔记中阅读他的想法很有趣,他在上面标记了约翰·列侬的儿子肖恩·列侬,Spotify首席执行官丹尼尔·埃克,马克·扎克伯格,纳普斯特成名的肖恩·范宁,DA也被加了标签。 因此,很明显,他在表达自己的想法,Spotify得到了很多支持,因此,看看这个市场如何发挥作用以及我想苹果会采取什么行动来解决这个问题将很有趣。

Kevin: Alright, I think that’s enough business-y talk for the moment. I think it’s time to get some code into this podcast.

凯文:好吧,我认为目前这是足够的商务话题。 我认为是时候在此播客中添加一些代码了。

Patrick: Oh, no, not code!


Kevin: (Laughs) This is bringing back a blog post from a friend of the show I believe, I think you had him on for quite a great interview, Jeremy Keith. He posted on his blog on July 6th about an issue that’s been raised with the HTML5 Working Group around the block quote tag. Brad, when is the last time you wrote a block quote tag?

凯文:(笑)这是该展览的一位朋友发来的一篇博客文章,我相信,我想你邀请他参加了一次很棒的采访,杰里米·基思。 他于7月6日在自己的博客上发布了有关HTML5工作组围绕引号引起来的问题。 布拉德,您最后一次写块引用标记是什么时候?

Brad: Um, it’s been a while; it’s not one I certainly use —

布拉德:嗯,已经有一段时间了。 这不是我肯定会使用的人-

Kevin: I think it’s something that bloggers use a lot; bloggers quoting each other seems to be the most common.

凯文:我认为这是博主经常使用的东西。 博主互相引用似乎是最常见的。

Brad: Yeah, it’s built into a lot of — yeah, it’s built into a lot of blogging platforms.


Patrick: Doesn’t WordPress use it automatically when you go to the quote button in the ‘what you see is what you get’ editor?


Brad: Yeah, the quote button is block quote and I think Blogger has a button for it, I think the leading platforms do have those.


Kevin: Right. So I think this tag, block quote, has had a long journey behind it. It feels to me like one of the tags I’ve known about the longest but whose use to me has changed the most over the years. Back when I first learned HTML block quote was the tag you used to indent things, and if you wanted things more indented you just put more block quote tags around it (laughs). But I think we’ve overcome those days of presentational markup, and these days people use block quotes to actually quote things. The problem is when you quote someone you usually want to give them credit for that quote, you want to cite them as we say, and the most obvious tag you would use for that would be the HTML cite tag, and there’s a whole debate going on in the HTML standardization process over whether the cite tag should be used to point to a person or not, but that’s a whole separate argument. The one that Jeremy Keith is talking about today is how do we cite, how do we provide accreditation to a block quote in HTML, what’s the right way to do it? And the best way that he has seen it done, and he quotes an example from the HTML5 Doctor website, is where inside the block quote, after you’ve quoted the stuff you want to quote, you put a footer tag, and that footer contains your citation. And if you read the descriptions of the block quote tag and the footer tag this use actually makes sense, it says that the block quote tag is what is called a sectioning root, which is to say that if you’ve got headers or sections or anything like that inside your block quote, those don’t contribute to the table of contents of the current document, they are assumed to be structural elements that happen inside the quoted document and so they’re ignored. And by the same rule, any header tag or footer tag inside that block quote does not apply to the surrounding document, it is a header or footer for that quoted document only. The problem here is that the standard as it currently exists as a draft, the HTML standard, also says that every block quote tag must come from the original document, so you can’t use a footer to say this is what I want to say about the quote; a footer inside the block quote by the letter of the law should be a footer that you are quoting that appeared in the original document. The long and short of this is that Jeremy Keith is saying that he sees this really lovely and elegant way of marking up credit for a quote, he can’t find any other good way to do it according to the letter of the law, and he would like to see the standards body’s position on this markup reversed. He’s actually, what brought him to this debate is a separate blog post on the HTML5 Doctor site by all Ollie Studholm, and basically making the case for this Ollie even went to the trouble of opening an official bug report with the HTML5 bug report with the HTML5 Working Group which was closed with the message “will not fix, if you’d like to see this fixed please provide a rationale for the fix,” which he has now done extensively in this post, but it seems like the HTML5 Working Group is not budging yet on this point. What do you guys think, is this an important issue, having a standard way to markup accreditation for a block quote?

凯文:对。 因此,我认为此标记(块引用)在其后面已经走了很长一段路。 在我看来,这是我所知最长的标签之一,但多年来对我的使用变化最大。 回到我最初学习HTML块引号的时候,您曾用它来缩进标记,如果您想让事物更缩进,您只需在它周围放上更多的块引号即可(笑)。 但是我认为我们已经克服了表达标记的时代,这些天人们使用块引号来实际引用事物。 问题是,当您引用某人时,通常希望使他们相信该引用,就像我们所说的那样引用他们,最明显的标签是HTML cite标签,整个辩论正在进行中在HTML标准化过程中,有关是否应使用cite标签指向一个人的问题,但这是一个单独的论点。 杰里米·基思(Jeremy Keith)今天谈论的一个问题是,我们如何引用,如何提供对HTML中的块引用的认证,正确的方法是什么? 而他所看到的最好的方法是引用HTML5 Doctor网站上的一个示例,就是在块引用内的位置,在引用了要引用的内容之后,放置一个页脚标签,然后添加该页脚包含您的引用。 而且,如果您阅读了块引号和页脚标记的说明,那么这种用法实际上是有意义的,它表示块引号是所谓的分段根,也就是说,如果您具有标题或分段或像在块引用中一样,那些不会对当前文档的目录起作用的东西,它们被认为是引用的文档中发生的结构元​​素,因此将被忽略。 并且根据相同的规则,该块引用内的任何页眉标签或页脚标签都不适用于周围的文档,它仅是该引用文档的页眉或页脚。 这里的问题是,当前作为草稿存在的标准(HTML标准)还说每个块引号都必须来自原始文档,因此您不能使用页脚来表示这就是我要说的关于报价 法律条文大括号内的页脚应该是您在原始文档中引用的页脚。 简而言之,就是杰里米·基思(Jeremy Keith)说,他看到了这种非常可爱和优雅的方式来标记报价,他根据法律条文找不到其他好的方法,并且他希望看到标准机构在此标记上的立场被颠倒。 实际上,他引起这场辩论的是所有人Ollie Studholm在HTML5 Doctor网站上的另一篇博客文章,基本上,为这个Ollie辩护的理由甚至是用HTML5错误报告打开带有HTML5工作组已关闭,并显示消息“将无法修复,如果您希望看到此修复程序,请提供此修复程序的原理”,他在本文中已对此进行了广泛的介绍,但似乎HTML5工作组在这一点上还没有开始。 你们认为,这是一个重要的问题,采用标准方法来标记大宗报价的标记认可吗?

Patrick: Important, no. (Laughs)

帕特里克:重要,不。 (笑)

Kevin: No, not important?


Brad: I guess the question is how many people are going to use it this way or how many people will use it in the correct way. I think it makes sense to have a way to do this, whether this is the proper way I honestly don’t know. Hats off to them, though, I mean this certainly is going to be a tough battle it sounds like just looking at the bug report and the response back.

布拉德:我想问题是有多少人将以这种方式使用它,或者有多少人将以正确的方式使用它。 我认为有办法做到这一点很有意义,这是否是我真的不知道的正确方法。 不过,我要对他们表示敬意,这无疑是一场艰苦的战斗,听起来就像只是查看错误报告并返回响应。

Patrick: Yeah, and just to finish my thought, not that it’s not smart, important, I don’t know, but it is a good point and I think it’s something that I’ve actually kind of noticed when trying to use the “functionality” in WordPress at least, and setting the quote off and citing it properly and how it’s a first-world problem (laughter), but hey, I wouldn’t mind if there were some simpler way that WordPress could then integrate into its software when you do click that quote button where there will be a dialog for, okay, attribution, name, link, etcetera.


Kevin: I really like that we are down to first-world problems with HTML5, this is a good sign to me that the spec is so solid that these are the biggest things that people are arguing about now, and I think that’s good, and that we have a little time to address these, we’re not at risk of getting the final stamp of approval put on HTML5 before these, these nice little arguments about what’s the best way to code something have been had. So, yeah, lovely post by Jeremy Keith and an original post by Ollie Studholm, can’t wait to see where this ends up, I hope we do get an official way to attribute our block quotes.

凯文(Kevin):我真的很喜欢我们可以解决HTML5的第一手问题,这对我来说是一个好兆头,说明规范如此扎实,这些是人们现在正在争论的最大问题,而且我认为这很好,并且我们有一点时间来解决这些问题,我们没有冒着在这些之前获得HTML5最终批准印章的风险,关于如何编写某些东西的最佳方法的这些有趣的小争论已经存在。 因此,是的,Jeremy Keith的可爱帖子以及Ollie Studholm的原创帖子迫不及待地想知道它的结局,我希望我们能以一种官方的方式来引用大楷的报价。

Patrick: And if you want to hear the SitePoint podcast with Jeremy Keith that Kevin referenced, it’s SitePoint Podcast #111.

帕特里克(Patrick):而且,如果您想听凯文(Kevin)引用的杰里米·基思(Jeremy Keith)的SitePoint播客,那就是SitePoint播客#111。

Kevin: Yeah, nice one, one of my favorite episodes that one.


Brad: So, Mozilla’s been busy. Shortly after releasing Firefox 5, are either of you on Firefox 5 by the way?

布拉德:所以,Mozilla很忙。 在发布Firefox 5之后不久,您俩是在Firefox 5上吗?

Patrick: Yes.


Kevin: I’ve installed it and proceeded to ignore it.


Patrick: I still haven’t installed Chrome so that hasn’t changed since you left the show, Kevin; I still have not installed Chrome.

帕特里克:凯文(Kevin),自从您离开演出以来,我还没有安装Chrome,所以它没有改变。 我仍然没有安装Chrome。

Kevin: We just need to record a sound clip of him saying that and we can play it back every episode.


Patrick: Edit it in every time like at the end.


Brad: Yeah, we’ll end every episode.


Patrick: Yeah, thank you for listening to the SitePoint Podcast, and Patrick still hasn’t installed Chrome, we’ll see you next week. (Laughter)

帕特里克(Patrick):是的,谢谢您收听SitePoint播客,帕特里克(Patrick)尚未安装Chrome,我们下周见。 (笑声)

Brad: Start taking bets on what version you do, I say version 50. Anyway, getting sidetracked, Mozilla’s been busy. Shortly after releasing Firefox 5 they released another interesting item called BrowserID which is an experimental new way of signing into websites. Have either of you guys checked this out yet or heard about it?

布拉德(Brad):开始押注您使用的是哪个版本,我说是50版本。不管怎么说,Mozilla一直忙于开发。 在发布Firefox 5之后不久,他们发布了另一个有趣的项目,称为BrowserID,这是一种登录网站的实验性新方法。 你们中的一个人有没有检查过或听说过?

Kevin: No, but this is — if it is what I’m hoping it is I’m hoping you will tell me it is what I hope it is.


Brad: I hope I do too now; I don’t want to let you down (laughter).

布拉德:我希望我现在也这样做。 我不想让你失望(笑)。

Patrick: Kevin’s hoping it’s not in The Cloud (laughter), because you know me and Kevin we hate The Cloud; we don’t want to trust all our details with our information.

帕特里克(Patrick):凯文(Kevin)希望它不在云(笑)中,因为您知道我,而凯文(Kevin)我们讨厌云(Cloud)。 我们不想用我们的信息来信任我们所有的细节。

Kevin: I love The Cloud; leave The Cloud alone, it’s nice!

凯文:我爱云。 别管“云”,太好了!

Brad: I think you’re going to like it. So basically BrowserID implements the verified email protocol which offers a streamline user experience so a user can prove their ownership of an email address with fewer confirmation messages and without site-specific password. So essentially it is a decentralized login that any website can implement that allows users to login with just their email.

布拉德:我想你会喜欢的。 因此,基本上,BrowserID实现了经过验证的电子邮件协议,该协议可提供简化的用户体验,因此用户可以用更少的确认消息和无特定于站点的密码来证明其对电子邮件地址的所有权。 因此,从本质上讲,这是任何网站都可以实施的分散登录,允许用户仅使用其电子邮件登录。

Kevin: So, comparing this to something like OpenID which I think we can agree was a technical masterpiece but did not take hold with regular users for various reasons. One of those big reasons is that OpenID what it allowed you to use as your identifier was a website address, and people are not used to logging into things using their website address to identify themselves. Using an email address seems to come a lot more natural, so this seems to be right away something that BrowserID has over OpenID.

凯文:因此,将其与类似OpenID的东西进行比较,我认为我们可以同意这是一项技术杰作,但是由于各种原因,它并未吸引普通用户。 其中一个重要原因是,OpenID允许您将其用作标识符的是网站地址,并且人们不习惯使用其网站地址来进行身份登录。 使用电子邮件地址似乎更为自然,因此这似乎是BrowserID在OpenID之上的东西。

Brad: Yeah, I mean love sites that let you login with email because it’s hard to remember usernames, especially if you can’t get the one you typically use so you always have that second and third level usernames adding a one or two on the end; it’s nice just doing it with your email because you typically will know what email it is. Another big difference, because everyone when they first hear about this immediately says OpenID, sounds like OpenID, what’s the difference, that’s obviously a big one. Another big one is BrowserID does not involve the identity provider in a login process, so it basically does not track or have the ability to store data on the sites that you’re logging into.

布拉德:是的,我的意思是喜欢让您通过电子邮件登录的网站,因为很难记住用户名,尤其是如果您无法获得通常使用的用户名,因此您总是在第二和第三级用户名上添加一个或两个。结束; 只需处理您的电子邮件就很好了,因为您通常会知道它是什么电子邮件。 另一个很大的区别是,因为每个人在刚听说这件事时都会立即说出OpenID,听起来就像OpenID,有什么区别,那显然是一个很大的区别。 另一个重要的功能是BrowserID在登录过程中不涉及身份提供者,因此它基本上不跟踪或无法在您登录的网站上存储数据。

Kevin: Interesting.


Brad: Which I like a lot.


Patrick: So, to the layman like myself, and I don’t mean to be the old codger here, or maybe I do, but just like when we talked about OpenID with Kevin way back when, I don’t like the idea of having one login unlock everything, you know, is that still the same case here with BrowserID, does it operate in that same way where if you have the access to this one login then you get access to every site where you’ve used that login?


Kevin: It seems to me that if you wanted multiple logins you would use BrowserID with multiple email addresses, so you would have the email address that you use to login to really secure things, and then you would have the email address that you login to most things, and then you might have a separate email address that you only use to login to your online banking, for example. And if your web browser was carrying the browser ID’s for all of those things inside of it you could choose with a click which identity you wanted to login to the current website as.

凯文:在我看来,如果您想要多次登录,则可以使用带有多个电子邮件地址的BrowserID,这样您将拥有用于真正保护事物安全的电子邮件地址,然后您将拥有登录的电子邮件地址。例如,大多数情况下,您可能会有一个单独的电子邮件地址,仅用于登录在线银行。 而且,如果您的Web浏览器在其中包含所有这些内容的浏览器ID,则可以单击一下,选择您要登录到当前网站的身份。

Brad: Yeah, it definitely allows multiple email addresses like you said; I certainly would never use something like this on a bank. Now, reading up on it, it does use a public and private encryption key method.

布拉德:是的,它绝对可以像您说的那样允许多个电子邮件地址; 我当然不会在银行使用这样的东西。 现在,继续阅读,它确实使用了公共和私有加密密钥方法。

Kevin: Yep.


Brad: So it’s basically using cryptography, so when you say like you can login and you gain access to everything that’s not necessarily how it would work, they would essentially have to get a hold of those keys if I understand it correctly, which isn’t likely.


Kevin: So what I like about this is the fact that it’s coming from a browser maker, because it seems if identifying yourself with a URL was one major failing of OpenID the other one is that they didn’t really get the browser makers involved enough. When you login to a website with OpenID the browser has no idea what it is you’re doing, as far as it can tell one side is bouncing you to your OpenID provider’s site where you’re logging in and that OpenID provider’s site is bouncing you back to the original one passing the authentication to it. The browser as far as it knows is just open and closing pages, it’s going, wow, this seems to be some complicated you’re doing at the moment but I don’t know what it is. It seems to me if you want to make it easy for users to login to sites without using necessarily a password, the way to do that is to get the browsers involved so that the browser knows what your OpenID is. When you open your browser it prompts you to login to your browser and then it can login on your behalf using your OpenID to various sites. But for some reason that never happened, it was like OpenID they tried to build it without the involvement of the browser makers, and it seems like the browser makers are best positioned to help improve the user experience to a point where regular users can use this sort of thing. So it’s great that BrowserID is coming from the browser vendors because I think they have a better chance at building something like that, something usable.

凯文:所以我喜欢这个事实,它来自浏览器制造商,因为好像用URL识别自己是OpenID的一大失败,另一个似乎是他们没有真正让浏览器制造商充分参与。 当您使用OpenID登录网站时,浏览器不知道您在做什么,因为它可以告诉您一侧正在跳回您登录的OpenID提供程序站点,而该OpenID提供程序站点正在跳动。您将原始身份传递回原始身份验证。 就目前所知,浏览器只是打开和关闭页面,哇,这似乎是您目前正在执行的复杂操作,但我不知道它是什么。 在我看来,如果您想使用户无需使用密码即可轻松登录网站,这样做的方法就是让浏览器参与其中,以便浏览器知道您的OpenID是什么。 当您打开浏览器时,它会提示您登录浏览器,然后它可以使用您的OpenID代表您登录各种站点。 But for some reason that never happened, it was like OpenID they tried to build it without the involvement of the browser makers, and it seems like the browser makers are best positioned to help improve the user experience to a point where regular users can use this sort of thing. So it's great that BrowserID is coming from the browser vendors because I think they have a better chance at building something like that, something usable.

Brad: So the big question is are websites going to start implementing this. I mean most sites now are already implementing Facebook login, Twitter login, OpenID even; is this going to take hold?

Brad: So the big question is are websites going to start implementing this. I mean most sites now are already implementing Facebook login, Twitter login, OpenID even; is this going to take hold?

Kevin: I think for those sites that don’t want to use Facebook, Twitter, etcetera, because they would be dependent on a third party site that on some level they might even compete with. Those sites at this point have two choices, one is standard usernames and passwords, the other is OpenID, which is although on some sites continues to be available, there are fewer and fewer new sites I’m seeing that are implementing it, at least exposing it to the user.

Kevin: I think for those sites that don't want to use Facebook, Twitter, etcetera, because they would be dependent on a third party site that on some level they might even compete with. Those sites at this point have two choices, one is standard usernames and passwords, the other is OpenID, which is although on some sites continues to be available, there are fewer and fewer new sites I'm seeing that are implementing it, at least exposing it to the user.

Brad: Yep.

Brad: Yep.

Kevin: So it seems to me that those sites that previously would have been implementing OpenID in an open and interoperable way, this may be a better choice for them. For sites that have always just used usernames and passwords because they go this OpenID stuff is too complicated for my users to figure out, this also might be a good option.

Kevin: So it seems to me that those sites that previously would have been implementing OpenID in an open and interoperable way, this may be a better choice for them. For sites that have always just used usernames and passwords because they go this OpenID stuff is too complicated for my users to figure out, this also might be a good option.

Brad: Yeah, I got to be honest, I’ve always kind of loved the ease of logging into a website with Facebook, two clicks you’re logged in, they have your picture there, they have a little bit of your info, but —

Brad: Yeah, I got to be honest, I've always kind of loved the ease of logging into a website with Facebook, two clicks you're logged in, they have your picture there, they have a little bit of your info, but —

Patrick: Social Security number.

Patrick: Social Security number.

Brad: — I’ve also always not, yeah, I’ve also not loved the idea that they now know what sites I’m logging into and they’re grabbing information and logging that and doing whatever with it.

Brad: — I've also always not, yeah, I've also not loved the idea that they now know what sites I'm logging into and they're grabbing information and logging that and doing whatever with it.

Kevin: Yeah.


Brad: So I would love for something like this to really take off. OpenID definitely had a good run, you’re right, you just don’t see it that often; it might still be there but you don’t see it, it’s not as prevalent as like a Facebook click here to login with Facebook or Twitter.

Brad: So I would love for something like this to really take off. OpenID definitely had a good run, you're right, you just don't see it that often; it might still be there but you don't see it, it's not as prevalent as like a Facebook click here to login with Facebook or Twitter.

Patrick: Yeah, my OpenID is like myvidoop.com (laughs), and my login is like apieceofcake or something, I mean I don’t even know what the heck it is anymore.

Patrick: Yeah, my OpenID is like myvidoop.com (laughs), and my login is like apieceofcake or something, I mean I don't even know what the heck it is anymore.

Kevin: It’s not necessarily an either or thing either, I could see the Facebooks and Twitters of the world implementing BrowserID because even if you are logging into a site using your Facebook login, if you’re not currently logged into Facebook what does it ask you for, your email address and password. And if you could use BrowserID to login at that point, into Facebook, and then you get into the third party site using your Facebook login, that could work. I think Facebooks and Twitters, one of their big challenges in getting new users on board is this little dance they have to do of, okay, you told me your email address but I don’t know that’s your email address so I have to send you an email and you need to click the link and now you can use your new account. And I bet because if they’re anything like our numbers they are losing a small but significant percentage of new users in that verification step; people create a new account and then they lose interest or the email goes in their spam folder, or whatever happens, and they never complete that verification.

Kevin: It's not necessarily an either or thing either, I could see the Facebooks and Twitters of the world implementing BrowserID because even if you are logging into a site using your Facebook login, if you're not currently logged into Facebook what does it ask you for, your email address and password. And if you could use BrowserID to login at that point, into Facebook, and then you get into the third party site using your Facebook login, that could work. I think Facebooks and Twitters, one of their big challenges in getting new users on board is this little dance they have to do of, okay, you told me your email address but I don't know that's your email address so I have to send you an email and you need to click the link and now you can use your new account. And I bet because if they're anything like our numbers they are losing a small but significant percentage of new users in that verification step; people create a new account and then they lose interest or the email goes in their spam folder, or whatever happens, and they never complete that verification.

Patrick: They’re a robot.

Patrick: They're a robot.

Kevin: This thing, this BrowserID gets around that, it obviates the need for that email verification step.

Kevin: This thing, this BrowserID gets around that, it obviates the need for that email verification step.

Patrick: The conspiracy theorist might ask how long until Mozilla announces that BrowserID is part of their social graph.

Patrick: The conspiracy theorist might ask how long until Mozilla announces that BrowserID is part of their social graph.

Kevin: Hmm. (Laughter)

Kevin: Hmm. (笑声)

Brad: So if you want to see a working example of BrowserID they set up a website called myfavoritebeard.org and you can actually click the little sign-in link at the top and it walks through the process, it’s as simple as you would expect, give it your email and password, it will email you an authentication, you click that, you can even leave the popup open, it uses Ajax, and it will automatically validate you and then you log right in. So it sounds like it’s extremely easy.

Brad: So if you want to see a working example of BrowserID they set up a website called myfavoritebeard.org and you can actually click the little sign-in link at the top and it walks through the process, it's as simple as you would expect, give it your email and password, it will email you an authentication, you click that, you can even leave the popup open, it uses Ajax, and it will automatically validate you and then you log right in. So it sounds like it's extremely easy.

Kevin: And they make the point that it’s all done with HTML and JavaScript right now, but the vision is that it would be built into your browser so it would be even simpler.

Kevin: And they make the point that it's all done with HTML and JavaScript right now, but the vision is that it would be built into your browser so it would be even simpler.

Brad: Yeah, so it’s even mobile friendly, works on a majority of the modern browsers, if not all, and it seems like it’s extremely easy to implement to websites with just a few lines of JavaScript, so certainly something to keep an eye on to see if it does start getting some traction.

Brad: Yeah, so it's even mobile friendly, works on a majority of the modern browsers, if not all, and it seems like it's extremely easy to implement to websites with just a few lines of JavaScript, so certainly something to keep an eye on to see if it does start getting some traction.

Patrick: Let’s get back to some money talk because that’s what I talk best about I guess.

Patrick: Let's get back to some money talk because that's what I talk best about I guess.

Brad: Money, money, money.

Brad: Money, money, money.

Patrick: (Laughs) No, but WordStream, which is a company that provides hosted software that automates most of the manual work involved with creating and optimizing paid and natural search marketing campaigns, that’s according to Robin Wauters at TechCrunch. They put together an info graphic of the top 20 most expensive keywords on Google AdWords. So Google AdWords are the ads that you see when you search on Google at the top or to the right, and also AdWords is integrated with Google’s AdSense platform where web publishers display ads and display those same kind of search key-wordy ads and get paid usually per click. So they have their top 20 and the number one is WordPress, I’m just kidding, Brad (laughter).

Patrick: (Laughs) No, but WordStream, which is a company that provides hosted software that automates most of the manual work involved with creating and optimizing paid and natural search marketing campaigns, that's according to Robin Wauters at TechCrunch. They put together an info graphic of the top 20 most expensive keywords on Google AdWords. So Google AdWords are the ads that you see when you search on Google at the top or to the right, and also AdWords is integrated with Google's AdSense platform where web publishers display ads and display those same kind of search key-wordy ads and get paid usually per click. So they have their top 20 and the number one is WordPress, I'm just kidding, Brad (laughter).

Kevin: You’re looking at a different list than I am.

Kevin: You're looking at a different list than I am.

Brad: I was sure I looked at this graph earlier.

Brad: I was sure I looked at this graph earlier.

Patrick: (Laughs) No, the real number one, and this isn’t going to be a huge shock I don’t think, these top keywords, but the number one keyword is ‘insurance’ and keywords in that category. The top CPC in that category, that’s cost per click, is $54.91, so if you see a lot of insurance websites that’s why, because there’s a lot of money to be made even from the search traffic that that keyword generates. Number two is loans with the top cost per click of $44.28. On that same theme, mortgage number three, $47.12. So, business that — it’s not a surprise I suppose, business that exchange a lot of money, or a lot of money exchanges hands, people buying a house, people buying a car, mortgages, loans and insurance, those are also the areas where people will pay the most to get in front of qualified web visitors.

Patrick: (Laughs) No, the real number one, and this isn't going to be a huge shock I don't think, these top keywords, but the number one keyword is 'insurance' and keywords in that category. The top CPC in that category, that's cost per click, is $54.91, so if you see a lot of insurance websites that's why, because there's a lot of money to be made even from the search traffic that that keyword generates. Number two is loans with the top cost per click of $44.28. On that same theme, mortgage number three, $47.12. So, business that — it's not a surprise I suppose, business that exchange a lot of money, or a lot of money exchanges hands, people buying a house, people buying a car, mortgages, loans and insurance, those are also the areas where people will pay the most to get in front of qualified web visitors.

Kevin: What strikes me is if you really didn’t like a particular insurance company you could cause them some pain just by going around clicking on their ads and not buying anything from them. If they’re paying $50.00 for every one of those clicks, ouch.

Kevin: What strikes me is if you really didn't like a particular insurance company you could cause them some pain just by going around clicking on their ads and not buying anything from them. If they're paying $50.00 for every one of those clicks, ouch.

Patrick: You want to be discreet to avoid click fraud, but, you could definitely do that. And that’s something that people do, and not just like companies you don’t like, but like websites that don’t like each other, like two opposing let’s say web communities or web publications that don’t like each other and they both advertise, let’s go ahead and cost that guy five to ten dollars just because I don’t like the way he looked at me last Sunday.

Patrick: You want to be discreet to avoid click fraud, but, you could definitely do that. And that's something that people do, and not just like companies you don't like, but like websites that don't like each other, like two opposing let's say web communities or web publications that don't like each other and they both advertise, let's go ahead and cost that guy five to ten dollars just because I don't like the way he looked at me last Sunday.

Kevin: Yeah.


Brad: Next up on Learnable, how to get away with click fraud (laughter).

Brad: Next up on Learnable, how to get away with click fraud (laughter).

Patrick: Well, we could spin that to a positive, how to defend against click fraud.

Patrick: Well, we could spin that to a positive, how to defend against click fraud.

Kevin: Yeah.


Patrick: Sure, there you go. And to round out the top ten you have attorney, credit, lawyer, donate, degree, hosting —

Patrick: Sure, there you go. And to round out the top ten you have attorney, credit, lawyer, donate, degree, hosting —

Kevin: There you go.

Kevin: There you go.

Patrick: — and claim. And hosting in particular is really the — it’s us obviously.

Patrick: — and claim. And hosting in particular is really the — it's us obviously.

Brad: It’s expensive to be a host these days.

Brad: It's expensive to be a host these days.

Patrick: Yeah. Web hosting they found that the top cost per click was $31.91.

帕特里克:是的。 Web hosting they found that the top cost per click was $31.91.

Kevin: Yeah. Well, what strikes me is if you’d looked at this list a decade ago I suspect there would have been a lot more sort of keywords from the web niche of things. And more and more this list is looking a lot like mainstream society; areas in which money, people need to spend money to make money in business, is gradually taking over this list. The real world, quote/unquote, and the web world are merging together. The fact that number nine is the first thing on this list that seems to me is something that is only important online is interesting. Just overall this list of 20 is a pretty good reflection of what businesses are spending a lot of money to promote themselves overall not just online.

凯文:是的。 Well, what strikes me is if you'd looked at this list a decade ago I suspect there would have been a lot more sort of keywords from the web niche of things. And more and more this list is looking a lot like mainstream society; areas in which money, people need to spend money to make money in business, is gradually taking over this list. The real world, quote/unquote, and the web world are merging together. The fact that number nine is the first thing on this list that seems to me is something that is only important online is interesting. Just overall this list of 20 is a pretty good reflection of what businesses are spending a lot of money to promote themselves overall not just online.

Patrick: Yeah, like if you turn on the TV what kind of commercials do you see, well, I see a lot of commercials for attorneys.

Patrick: Yeah, like if you turn on the TV what kind of commercials do you see, well, I see a lot of commercials for attorneys.

Kevin: Yep, and insurance companies and all of that.

Kevin: Yep, and insurance companies and all of that.

Patrick: And loans and insurance, yeah. Donate is an interesting one at seven.

Patrick: And loans and insurance, yeah. Donate is an interesting one at seven.

Kevin: Yeah.


Patrick: You know donating and the art of donation and whatnot, that that’s such a high cost per click. I don’t know, obviously it’s competitive business you could say, charity.

Patrick: You know donating and the art of donation and whatnot, that that's such a high cost per click. I don't know, obviously it's competitive business you could say, charity.

Brad: They’re paying to get donations.

Brad: They're paying to get donations.

Patrick: Like hosting; like hosting is a competitive business. It’s not that necessarily it’s in the same money class as say loans, I can signup for web hosting for three dollars a month probably from a number of the hosts that advertise on Google AdWords, but it’s a very high competitive business where they’re trying to get ahead of someone else, and if they can get that one customer for $30.00 and keep them for a couple years then I guess they’ve done the math that it works out. And just to stay on the techie note, of the final ten you have software at $13.00, you have — that’s kind of the main techie one, but the one that’s related to Kevin I thought was number 17, classes.

Patrick: Like hosting; like hosting is a competitive business. It's not that necessarily it's in the same money class as say loans, I can signup for web hosting for three dollars a month probably from a number of the hosts that advertise on Google AdWords, but it's a very high competitive business where they're trying to get ahead of someone else, and if they can get that one customer for $30.00 and keep them for a couple years then I guess they've done the math that it works out. And just to stay on the techie note, of the final ten you have software at $13.00, you have — that's kind of the main techie one, but the one that's related to Kevin I thought was number 17, classes.

Kevin: Yeah, that’s right.

Kevin: Yeah, that's right.

Patrick: With $35.04 for a top CPC. Of course Learnable online classes if you will, virtual instruction.

Patrick: With $35.04 for a top CPC. Of course Learnable online classes if you will, virtual instruction.

Kevin: See what we did to get around that is we call them online courses so we don’t have to compete with the classes keyword (laughter).

Kevin: See what we did to get around that is we call them online courses so we don't have to compete with the classes keyword (laughter).

Patrick: Exactly, exactly. That’s a good point.

Patrick: Exactly, exactly. 那是个很好的观点。

Kevin: I’m not sure if that’s a sound strategy, I’ll have to talk it over with our marketing people (laughs). No, it’s very interesting. Yeah. Be glad if you’re not in a business that is on this list because I think having to pay $50.00 for every customer acquisition on search keyword traffic would be pretty harsh.

Kevin: I'm not sure if that's a sound strategy, I'll have to talk it over with our marketing people (laughs). No, it's very interesting. 是的 Be glad if you're not in a business that is on this list because I think having to pay $50.00 for every customer acquisition on search keyword traffic would be pretty harsh.

Patrick: Absolutely. So I think that’s all we’ve got for stories this week, let’s go ahead and share our host spotlights; Kevin, being our honored guest, why don’t you go first.

Patrick: Absolutely. So I think that's all we've got for stories this week, let's go ahead and share our host spotlights; Kevin, being our honored guest, why don't you go first.

Kevin: Alright, well, I’ve got a quickie and a longie. I figure I haven’t been here for a while so I’ve earned the right to throw in a couple.

Kevin: Alright, well, I've got a quickie and a longie. I figure I haven't been here for a while so I've earned the right to throw in a couple.

Patrick: They’ve been building up (laughter).

Patrick: They've been building up (laughter).

Kevin: The quickie is the W3C’s Internationalization Checker, which you can get to at validator.w3.org/i18n-checker. If you’re not familiar with that, i18n, that’s how you write internationalization if you don’t want to have to write all 20 letters in that word, you type i and then 18 which stands for the 18 letters that come in between and then n, so i18n-checker at validator.w3.org. This is a nice little validator that will check your sites compliance with standards around languages and internationalization. These are the standards that ensure that your website will turn up in the search engines as the correct language and will be viewable by people on computers for whom English is not the configured language. If you want people in let’s say Asian countries to be able to view your website correctly you want to make sure it’s correctly tagged as an English language site so that it will displayed right on their systems. And you can check all that sort of stuff just by typing your websites address into this internationalization checker, it’s really nice, it’s not one of those validators that checks a thousand different things, this one checks about 10, 20 different things, and the advice it gives you for fixing them is really easy to follow; earlier today I just put a few of my sites through there and it caught one or two things that I had fixed up in 10 minutes, definitely worth doing. My biggie is MacOS 10 Lion, which has hit the —

Kevin: The quickie is the W3C's Internationalization Checker, which you can get to at validator.w3.org/i18n-checker. If you're not familiar with that, i18n, that's how you write internationalization if you don't want to have to write all 20 letters in that word, you type i and then 18 which stands for the 18 letters that come in between and then n, so i18n-checker at validator.w3.org. This is a nice little validator that will check your sites compliance with standards around languages and internationalization. These are the standards that ensure that your website will turn up in the search engines as the correct language and will be viewable by people on computers for whom English is not the configured language. If you want people in let's say Asian countries to be able to view your website correctly you want to make sure it's correctly tagged as an English language site so that it will displayed right on their systems. And you can check all that sort of stuff just by typing your websites address into this internationalization checker, it's really nice, it's not one of those validators that checks a thousand different things, this one checks about 10, 20 different things, and the advice it gives you for fixing them is really easy to follow; earlier today I just put a few of my sites through there and it caught one or two things that I had fixed up in 10 minutes, definitely worth doing. My biggie is MacOS 10 Lion, which has hit the —

Brad: Roar!

Brad: Roar!

Kevin: Which has hit the Mac App Store, by the time this show goes live. As a developer I’ve been playing with MacOS 10 Lion for a few weeks, been using the golden master, and I have to say I am enjoying it as an upgrade, but at the same time I would advise against installing it right away on a system that maybe you rely on for mission critical stuff. Certainly I’ve had it on my main laptop for a couple of weeks now and it has caused some headaches in various areas. Just like any major operating system upgrade there are things that are a little hinky here that if you’re going to lose money because your computer is incompatible with something unexpectedly or crashes in some way unexpectedly just once then you’re going to want to avoid putting this on that machine just yet. That said, loving it as an upgrade, it is just like their mobile interfaces, they have done a great job of bringing animation all throughout the operating system. Even in something like the new email app, Mail version 5, it’s just full of gorgeous little touches that if you’re viewing an email message in the main mail window and then you click reply, that message sort of pops out of the window, flies open and unfolds into a new message composition window next to it on the screen. This kind of attention to detail is all through the operating system and makes it a real joy to use in continually unexpected ways. The big things that I enjoy are, as I said, the new version of mail is a really big step up, if you’re a Gmail user or not this is a great improvement, it shows your email messages in conversation threads just like Gmail does, it has all those nice little animations and lots of other little — the search in mail is absolutely killer. If you start typing — if I start typing Brad Williams, I’ve just typed Brad, and the pop down under the search field recognizes people in my address book and says are you talking about Brad Williams? So it’s got this list of people named Brad, and if I hit enter on Brad Williams then my search field now contains a sort of one of these blue sort of pill shaped things saying from Brad Williams, and the from part is a dropdown menu so I can change it to ‘to’ Brad Williams. And so now it’s showing me all messages to Brad Williams and then I can keep typing afterwards; if I type attachment one of the options it gives me below is message has attachments and I press enter on that and now I’m looking at messages to Brad Williams that have attachments, and it’s all done just by typing and selecting options in the search field, it is really, really slick. And, yeah, lots of great stuff, I could go on for an hour about this so I’ll let us move on, but for a $30.00 upgrade to your operating system it is definitely worth getting. If you’re still stuck on MacOS 10 Leopard, the 10.5 version, then hey it’s a $60.00 upgrade, you have to go and buy the Snow Leopard disc and then from there you can upgrade to Lion, definitely worth doing even if you’re a couple of versions behind.

Kevin: Which has hit the Mac App Store, by the time this show goes live. As a developer I've been playing with MacOS 10 Lion for a few weeks, been using the golden master, and I have to say I am enjoying it as an upgrade, but at the same time I would advise against installing it right away on a system that maybe you rely on for mission critical stuff. Certainly I've had it on my main laptop for a couple of weeks now and it has caused some headaches in various areas. Just like any major operating system upgrade there are things that are a little hinky here that if you're going to lose money because your computer is incompatible with something unexpectedly or crashes in some way unexpectedly just once then you're going to want to avoid putting this on that machine just yet. That said, loving it as an upgrade, it is just like their mobile interfaces, they have done a great job of bringing animation all throughout the operating system. Even in something like the new email app, Mail version 5, it's just full of gorgeous little touches that if you're viewing an email message in the main mail window and then you click reply, that message sort of pops out of the window, flies open and unfolds into a new message composition window next to it on the screen. This kind of attention to detail is all through the operating system and makes it a real joy to use in continually unexpected ways. The big things that I enjoy are, as I said, the new version of mail is a really big step up, if you're a Gmail user or not this is a great improvement, it shows your email messages in conversation threads just like Gmail does, it has all those nice little animations and lots of other little — the search in mail is absolutely killer. If you start typing — if I start typing Brad Williams, I've just typed Brad, and the pop down under the search field recognizes people in my address book and says are you talking about Brad Williams? So it's got this list of people named Brad, and if I hit enter on Brad Williams then my search field now contains a sort of one of these blue sort of pill shaped things saying from Brad Williams, and the from part is a dropdown menu so I can change it to 'to' Brad Williams. And so now it's showing me all messages to Brad Williams and then I can keep typing afterwards; if I type attachment one of the options it gives me below is message has attachments and I press enter on that and now I'm looking at messages to Brad Williams that have attachments, and it's all done just by typing and selecting options in the search field, it is really, really slick. And, yeah, lots of great stuff, I could go on for an hour about this so I'll let us move on, but for a $30.00 upgrade to your operating system it is definitely worth getting. If you're still stuck on MacOS 10 Leopard, the 10.5 version, then hey it's a $60.00 upgrade, you have to go and buy the Snow Leopard disc and then from there you can upgrade to Lion, definitely worth doing even if you're a couple of versions behind.

Patrick: And this could be a precursor to Apple’s fall dominance. MG Siegler wrote on TechCrunch on Monday that Apple has a shot at becoming the most valuable company in the world, at least by market capitalization, as they could surpass Exxon and take the number one slot, so I guess we’ll see.

Patrick: And this could be a precursor to Apple's fall dominance. MG Siegler wrote on TechCrunch on Monday that Apple has a shot at becoming the most valuable company in the world, at least by market capitalization, as they could surpass Exxon and take the number one slot, so I guess we'll see.

Kevin: As we record this they just had their quarterly earnings call and announced a record quarter of revenue and blowing away all predictions. The predictions were very generous, the predictions were that they were going to have a record quarter, but the predictions fell far short of how much of a record quarter they’ve had; in after hours trading their stock has gone from I think it was in the 380’s, $380 mark, it’s now well over $400 following that earnings call, so I would say, yeah, heading up to that most valuable company if they haven’t already reached it.

Kevin: As we record this they just had their quarterly earnings call and announced a record quarter of revenue and blowing away all predictions. The predictions were very generous, the predictions were that they were going to have a record quarter, but the predictions fell far short of how much of a record quarter they've had; in after hours trading their stock has gone from I think it was in the 380's, $380 mark, it's now well over $400 following that earnings call, so I would say, yeah, heading up to that most valuable company if they haven't already reached it.

Patrick: Brad, what do you have?

Patrick: Brad, what do you have?

Brad: I have one of the most interesting blogs and funny blogs I’ve seen, and I’ll actually — the website’s called runningfromcamera.blogspot.com, and I’ll read a little snippet that describes it. It says, “The rules are simple, I put the self-timer on two seconds, push the button and try to get as far from the camera as I can,” (laughter), and it’s a picture of this going back to 2006 this guy’s been doing this.

Brad: I have one of the most interesting blogs and funny blogs I've seen, and I'll actually — the website's called runningfromcamera.blogspot.com, and I'll read a little snippet that describes it. It says, “The rules are simple, I put the self-timer on two seconds, push the button and try to get as far from the camera as I can,” (laughter), and it's a picture of this going back to 2006 this guy's been doing this.

Kevin: It’s the same dude.

Kevin: It's the same dude.

Brad: It appears to be the same guy. Nothing on here explains it and you can only see the back of him, obviously, because he’s running from the camera, and there’s just picture after picture after picture of him all over the world in various cities and areas just trying to get as far away from the camera as he can in two seconds, it’s pretty funny. And he actually links to other sites that have started to do this under the “It Ain’t Me, Babe,” section, so I guess who knows, this phenomenon might be catching on. But I don’t know; I might try this next time I’m on vacation hit some of these nice vacation spots and see how far away I can get from the camera in two seconds.

Brad: It appears to be the same guy. Nothing on here explains it and you can only see the back of him, obviously, because he's running from the camera, and there's just picture after picture after picture of him all over the world in various cities and areas just trying to get as far away from the camera as he can in two seconds, it's pretty funny. And he actually links to other sites that have started to do this under the “It Ain't Me, Babe,” section, so I guess who knows, this phenomenon might be catching on. But I don't know; I might try this next time I'm on vacation hit some of these nice vacation spots and see how far away I can get from the camera in two seconds.

Patrick: It might be a theme for WordCamp Philly.

Patrick: It might be a theme for WordCamp Philly.

Brad: Yeah, it’s totally ridiculous but I had a lot of fun going through the archives and looking at all the various pictures of the guy’s back as he runs away. He doesn’t get too far but how far can you really get in two seconds?

Brad: Yeah, it's totally ridiculous but I had a lot of fun going through the archives and looking at all the various pictures of the guy's back as he runs away. He doesn't get too far but how far can you really get in two seconds?

Patrick: Well, they need to have Olympic class sprinters do this and compare how fast they get away from the camera to this I guess average everyday gentleman.

Patrick: Well, they need to have Olympic class sprinters do this and compare how fast they get away from the camera to this I guess average everyday gentleman.

Brad: I mean this would be better than planking I think (laughter); this is it, much more entertaining.

Brad: I mean this would be better than planking I think (laughter); this is it, much more entertaining.

Patrick: Two things I have not yet done, but you never know. So, my spotlight is Back to the Future, have you heard of it? Uh, no, that’s just a bit of nostalgia for longtime listeners.

Patrick: Two things I have not yet done, but you never know. So, my spotlight is Back to the Future, have you heard of it? Uh, no, that's just a bit of nostalgia for longtime listeners.

Kevin: You gotta play the game, Patrick; you have got to play the game. I just finished the Back to the Future video game series, and if you are a fan of those movies and you have not picked up those games you are missing out, man. This is the Back to the Future fans dream come true these games.

Kevin: You gotta play the game, Patrick; you have got to play the game. I just finished the Back to the Future video game series, and if you are a fan of those movies and you have not picked up those games you are missing out, man. This is the Back to the Future fans dream come true these games.

Patrick: And this is the episode adventure from Telltale, right?

Patrick: And this is the episode adventure from Telltale, right?

Kevin: Yeah, exactly, telltalegames.com, there are five episodes Back to the Future Adventure Games series. The biggest complaint I’ve seen about it is from gamers saying it’s too easy, but if you approach it as a Back to the Future fan and you consider it as basically a fourth movie that has slightly interesting puzzles scattered through it that you need to solve in order to unlock the next chapter of the story, it is an engrossing and hilarious and beautifully written and crafted experience with Christopher Lloyd reprising his role as Doc Brown, must see.

Kevin: Yeah, exactly, telltalegames.com, there are five episodes Back to the Future Adventure Games series. The biggest complaint I've seen about it is from gamers saying it's too easy, but if you approach it as a Back to the Future fan and you consider it as basically a fourth movie that has slightly interesting puzzles scattered through it that you need to solve in order to unlock the next chapter of the story, it is an engrossing and hilarious and beautifully written and crafted experience with Christopher Lloyd reprising his role as Doc Brown, must see.

Patrick: That’s awesome to hear. I haven’t played it yet but I will have to. My real spotlight is Derek Jeter, he recorded his 3,000th hit on July 9th, and if you’re a baseball fan you know how big a deal that is, and the way he did it was in storybook fashion, he went five for five, he did it on a homerun, later in the game he drove in the winning run. The game was saved by Mariana Rivera and the fan who caught the ball, the 3000th hit, wanted nothing more than to give it back to Jeter.

Patrick: That's awesome to hear. I haven't played it yet but I will have to. My real spotlight is Derek Jeter, he recorded his 3,000th hit on July 9th, and if you're a baseball fan you know how big a deal that is, and the way he did it was in storybook fashion, he went five for five, he did it on a homerun, later in the game he drove in the winning run. The game was saved by Mariana Rivera and the fan who caught the ball, the 3000th hit, wanted nothing more than to give it back to Jeter.

Kevin: Aw.

Kevin: Aw.

Patrick: Again, if you’re not a sports fan this doesn’t mean anything to you, but if you’re a baseball fan it makes a lot of sense. And to me when I look at Derek Jeter it’s funny to say it but I see my childhood and one of the pillars of it which was Yankee baseball led by him. And I met him at Yankee Day which was at the Florida State Fair in the spring of 1996 prior to his rookie season, and the line to meet him was very short, there was literally no one there to meet him, so I went up and I met him and he signed my rookie card, and 11 year old Patrick, 11 year old me was on my way, and he’s been my favorite player ever since and I’ve never regretted that choice; as someone who loves the game he’s always been the epitome of a ball player to me. So that’s my spotlight and congratulations to Mr. Jeter. And on an Internet related note, I actually watched it streaming live on MLB.com, which is Major League Baseball, and I was so thankful that Major League Baseball and the Yankees made it available like that so that I could watch it and my brother and my father could watch it all at the same time over the phone in different locations and all kind of share in the moment and appreciate it, so it was kind of a pretty cool Internet meets pre-Internet, something that we’ve all loved for many years, sort of special moment, so I thought that was really cool.

Patrick: Again, if you're not a sports fan this doesn't mean anything to you, but if you're a baseball fan it makes a lot of sense. And to me when I look at Derek Jeter it's funny to say it but I see my childhood and one of the pillars of it which was Yankee baseball led by him. And I met him at Yankee Day which was at the Florida State Fair in the spring of 1996 prior to his rookie season, and the line to meet him was very short, there was literally no one there to meet him, so I went up and I met him and he signed my rookie card, and 11 year old Patrick, 11 year old me was on my way, and he's been my favorite player ever since and I've never regretted that choice; as someone who loves the game he's always been the epitome of a ball player to me. So that's my spotlight and congratulations to Mr. Jeter. And on an Internet related note, I actually watched it streaming live on MLB.com, which is Major League Baseball, and I was so thankful that Major League Baseball and the Yankees made it available like that so that I could watch it and my brother and my father could watch it all at the same time over the phone in different locations and all kind of share in the moment and appreciate it, so it was kind of a pretty cool Internet meets pre-Internet, something that we've all loved for many years, sort of special moment, so I thought that was really cool.

Brad: So did they show the whole game just in anticipation that he would hit the homerun?

Brad: So did they show the whole game just in anticipation that he would hit the homerun?

Patrick: They showed his At Bats, and they streamed it live, and then after he got it they actually let it play, you know the whole kind of four minutes break in the game to acknowledge the fans and whatnot, so it was really cool to see them put it out there and make it available for free, streaming, I really appreciated it.

Patrick: They showed his At Bats, and they streamed it live, and then after he got it they actually let it play, you know the whole kind of four minutes break in the game to acknowledge the fans and whatnot, so it was really cool to see them put it out there and make it available for free, streaming, I really appreciated it.

Kevin: Before we go I just wanted to jump in with one more thing related to Brad’s spotlight.

Kevin: Before we go I just wanted to jump in with one more thing related to Brad's spotlight.

Patrick: Yes, sir.

Patrick: Yes, sir.

Kevin: Because these photos of this guy running away from the camera in different exotic locations all around the world reminded me of a new site that I saw this week.

Kevin: Because these photos of this guy running away from the camera in different exotic locations all around the world reminded me of a new site that I saw this week.

Patrick: Oh, this is your everlasting legacy, Kevin, this may be your last appearance ever on the SitePoint Podcast and this is how you want to end it.

Patrick: Oh, this is your everlasting legacy, Kevin, this may be your last appearance ever on the SitePoint Podcast and this is how you want to end it.

Kevin: I’m not sure I can read out the URL of this as this is a family show, I’ll leave it to your imagination, the website is wherethe*F*isthis.com.

Kevin: I'm not sure I can read out the URL of this as this is a family show, I'll leave it to your imagination, the website is wherethe*F*isthis.com.

Patrick: Yeah, and substitute F for a word that rhymes with buck, as in a dollar.

Patrick: Yeah, and substitute F for a word that rhymes with buck, as in a dollar.

Kevin: Yeah! Spell it out as if your mom wasn’t watching, and wherethe*F*isthis.com is basically this crowd-sourced photo location site; people post photos taken of beautiful vistas and places all around the world where they don’t know where it is, they’re like oh I found this great photo of this place that I’d like to visit but I have no idea where it is, and the crowd does their best to locate it. And if you look at the homepage you can see several photos that have been located by the community; you can see several others, plenty others, that have not been located, so if you’re feeling — if you’ve done a little travel in your time and you’re feeling a little generous, why not spend a little time clicking through these photos and if you recognize the place you can mark where it is on the map. I’ve seen at least one, however, that has been identified as a Photoshop fakery (laughs), so I think they may have to add to this site a report as not real button because there are at least one or two in there, but, yeah, it’s a neat idea.

Kevin: Yeah! Spell it out as if your mom wasn't watching, and wherethe*F*isthis.com is basically this crowd-sourced photo location site; people post photos taken of beautiful vistas and places all around the world where they don't know where it is, they're like oh I found this great photo of this place that I'd like to visit but I have no idea where it is, and the crowd does their best to locate it. And if you look at the homepage you can see several photos that have been located by the community; you can see several others, plenty others, that have not been located, so if you're feeling — if you've done a little travel in your time and you're feeling a little generous, why not spend a little time clicking through these photos and if you recognize the place you can mark where it is on the map. I've seen at least one, however, that has been identified as a Photoshop fakery (laughs), so I think they may have to add to this site a report as not real button because there are at least one or two in there, but, yeah, it's a neat idea.

Patrick: Very cool, very cool.

Patrick: Very cool, very cool.

Brad: Very cool.


Patrick: So let’s go around the table and why don’t we go Brad and then Kevin.

Patrick: So let's go around the table and why don't we go Brad and then Kevin.

Brad: Sure. I’m Brad Williams from Webdev Studios and you can find me on Twitter @williamsba.

布拉德:好的。 I'm Brad Williams from Webdev Studios and you can find me on Twitter @williamsba .

Kevin: I’m Kevin Yank; I’m the Chief Instructor at Learnable.com. If you’d like to learn or teach anything with an online course, visit Learnable.com today!

Kevin: I'm Kevin Yank; I'm the Chief Instructor at Learnable.com . If you'd like to learn or teach anything with an online course, visit Learnable.com today!

Patrick: And you can follow our usual co-host Stephan Segraves and Louis Simoneau @ssegraves and @rssaddict respectively, and you can follow SitePoint @sitepointdotcom, that’s Sitepoint d-o-t-c-o-m. And I’m going to close the show out with Kevin here not doing it, which is kind of strange, so visit us at Sitepoint.com/podcast to leave comments on this show and to subscribe to receive every show automatically. You can email podcast@sitepoint.com with your questions for us, we’d love to read them out on the show and give you our advice. The SitePoint Podcast is produced by Karn Broad. Thank you for listening and we’ll see you next week.

Patrick: And you can follow our usual co-host Stephan Segraves and Louis Simoneau @ssegraves and @rssaddict respectively, and you can follow SitePoint @sitepointdotcom , that's Sitepoint dotcom. And I'm going to close the show out with Kevin here not doing it, which is kind of strange, so visit us at Sitepoint.com/podcast to leave comments on this show and to subscribe to receive every show automatically. You can email podcast@sitepoint.com with your questions for us, we'd love to read them out on the show and give you our advice. The SitePoint Podcast is produced by Karn Broad. 感谢您的收听,下周见。

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

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翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/podcast-122-important-no/

