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Android中的anr定位指导与建议_android anr如何定位

android anr如何定位















3.1.1 logcat日志获取



adb logcat -v time process thread >.\\\logcat.log
  • 1


3.1.2 trace.txt文件获取


  • 针对Android低版本手机(6.0以下),使用
adb pull data/anr/traces.txt
  • 1


  • 针对Android高版本手机,会有权限的问题.但是谷歌给我们提供了令一个命令,就是bugreport,我们可以使用如下命令
adb bugreport
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上面四种情况其实就是对应的安卓的四大组件的超时情况,从这里我们不难想到,安卓的anr机制其实就是安卓系统本身设计的一种保护性措施,如果四大组建响应超时了那么就会触发android not responding的回应.在开发中我们大多数遇到的情况都是第一种,在主线程做了耗时操作,导致堵塞,然后触发点击事件,无法及时响应.就比如我们8月份出现的一次直播间卡死现象,就是上面所说的第一种情况,我们在主线程做了耗时循环操作,导致所有UI刷新都在进行等待,同时我们如果触摸屏幕也会进行等待,最后会触发anr弹窗.

3.2.2ANR文件解读 logcat文件解读

我们在logcat文件中搜索"ANR in"关键字,我们将会得到发生anr时系统给出的log信息,如下图,如果搜索不到这样的信息,我们可以直接跳过这一步,因为可能是手机厂商自己定制系统的时候修改了framework层,所以我们可能看不到。



9392 12-25 22:49:41.424 E/ActivityManager( 1535): Reason: Input dispatching timed out 
(Waiting to send non-key event because the touched window has not finished processing 
certain input events that 
9393 were delivered to it over 500.0ms ago.  Wait queue length: 8.  Wait queue head age: 5573.6ms.)
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12-25 22:49:41.424 E/ActivityManager( 1535): CPU usage from 5064ms to 15908ms later (2023-12-25 22:49:30.515 to 2023-12-25 22:49:41.359):
12-25 22:49:41.424 E/ActivityManager( 1535):   105% 26596/com.jingdong.app.mall: 103% user + 2.6% kernel / faults: 7121 minor
12-25 22:49:41.424 E/ActivityManager( 1535):   16% 835/surfaceflinger: 12% user + 4.1% kernel / faults: 529 minor
12-25 22:49:41.424 E/ActivityManager( 1535):   14% 1535/system_server: 9.3% user + 4.7% kernel / faults: 10314 minor 2 major
12-25 22:49:41.424 E/ActivityManager( 1535):   12% 1043/media.codec: 5.7% user + 6.5% kernel / faults: 17482 minor
12-25 22:49:41.424 E/ActivityManager( 1535):   4.4% 770/android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-service: 2.1% user + 2.3% kernel / faults: 10 minor
12-25 22:49:41.424 E/ActivityManager( 1535):   2.9% 30680/com.tencent.mobileqq: 1.8% user + 1.1% kernel / faults: 3273 minor 11 major
12-25 22:49:41.424 E/ActivityManager( 1535):   2.6% 993/cnss_diag: 2.2% user + 0.4% kernel
12-25 22:49:41.424 E/ActivityManager( 1535):   2.4% 570/irq/289-synapti: 0% user + 2.4% kernel
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显而易见,com.jingdong.app.mall已经占用了105%,说明它以及几乎占满了CPU的负载,这个更加能确定我们代码的某一块正在执行着耗时操作,那么如何找到这个耗时操作呢?我们继续往下看。 trace.txt文件解读




----- pid 1882 at 2022-10-02 15:37:56 -----
----- end 1882 -----

----- pid 1565 at 2022-10-02 15:37:57 -----
----- end 1565 -----

----- pid xxx at xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx -----
----- end xxx -----
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----- pid 12061 at 2023-04java-12 13:48:06 -----
Cmd line: com.xxx.xxx
Build fingerprint: 'TECNO/H571/TECNO-AX8:7.0/NRD90M/B-190624V299:user/release-keys'
ABI: 'arm64'
Build type: optimized

/** =====================类加载信息-开始 class_linker.cc中写入,记录类加载信息===================== */
Zygote loaded classes=16108 post zygote classes=9573
Dumping registered class loaders
#0 dalvik.system.PathClassLoader: [], parent #1
#1 java.lang.BootClassLoader: [], no parent
#2 dalvik.system.PathClassLoader: [/data/app/~~vbVFUHP-Q5oukq_bLiNj0w==/com.transsnet.boomplay.lite-R3xTRHDqhXkMGO0tbfFeGw==/base.apk:/data/app/~~vbVFUHP-Q5oukq_bLiNj0w==/com.transsnet.boomplay.lite-R3xTRHDqhXkMGO0tbfFeGw==/base.apk!classes2.dex:/data/app/~~vbVFUHP-Q5oukq_bLiNj0w==/com.transsnet.boomplay.lite-R3xTRHDqhXkMGO0tbfFeGw==/base.apk!classes3.dex], parent #1
#3 dalvik.system.InMemoryDexClassLoader: [/data/user/0/com.transsnet.boomplay.lite/Anonymous-DexFile@2764641574.jar], parent #2
#4 dalvik.system.DelegateLastClassLoader: [/data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000002/DynamiteLoader.apk], parent #0
#5 dalvik.system.DelegateLastClassLoader: [/data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000000/AdsDynamite.apk], parent #2
#6 dalvik.system.InMemoryDexClassLoader: [/data/user/0/com.transsnet.boomplay.lite/Anonymous-DexFile@3764699927.jar], parent #2
#7 dalvik.system.InMemoryDexClassLoader: [/data/user/0/com.transsnet.boomplay.lite/Anonymous-DexFile@1904604828.jar], parent #2
#8 dalvik.system.PathClassLoader: [/product/app/WebViewGoogle/WebViewGoogle.apk], parent #1
#9 dalvik.system.PathClassLoader: [/product/app/TrichromeLibrary/TrichromeLibrary.apk], parent #1
#10 dalvik.system.DexClassLoader: [/data/user/0/com.transsnet.boomplay.lite/cache/1658186039475.jar], parent #2
#11 dalvik.system.DexClassLoader: [/data/user/0/com.transsnet.boomplay.lite/app_pccache/2/BDA423607FA5C8DB48E6A852040B4F20FC43D4B8/pcam.jar], parent #2
Done dumping class loaders
Classes initialized: 7610 in 6.478s
/** =====================类加载信息-结束========================================================= */

/** =====================引用表-开始 intern_table.cc中写入,记录强弱引用数量===================== */
Intern table: 52569 strong; 653 weak
/** =====================引用表-结束=========================================================== */

/** =====================JNI加载信息-开始 java_vm_ext.cc中写入,记录加载的so===================== */
JNI: CheckJNI is on; globals=537 (plus 272 weak)
Libraries: /data/app/com.xxx.xxx-2/lib/arm64/libxxx.so /data/app/com.xxx.xxx-2/lib/arm64/libmmkv.so /system/lib64/libandroid.so /system/lib64/libcompiler_rt.so /system/lib64/libjavacrypto.so /system/lib64/libjnigraphics.so /system/lib64/libmedia_jni.so /system/lib64/libwebviewchromium_loader.so libjavacore.so libopenjdk.so (10)
/** =====================JNI加载信息-结束======================================================  */

/** =====================java虚拟机堆状态-开始 heap.cc中写入,记录当前的内存状态===================== */
Heap: 1% free, 22MB/22MB; 75975 objects
Dumping cumulative Gc timings
Start Dumping histograms for 1 iterations for partial concurrent mark sweep
ProcessMarkStack:	Sum: 13.723ms 99% C.I. 0.101ms-13.010ms Avg: 4.574ms Max: 13.036ms
MarkRootsCheckpoint:	Sum: 12.257ms 99% C.I. 6.064ms-6.193ms Avg: 6.128ms Max: 6.193ms
UpdateAndMarkImageModUnionTable:	Sum: 9.253ms 99% C.I. 0.772us-5675us Avg: 544.294us Max: 6044us
SweepMallocSpace:	Sum: 5.684ms 99% C.I. 0.044ms-5.640ms Avg: 2.842ms Max: 5.640ms
ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects:	Sum: 4.281ms 99% C.I. 0.002ms-4.257ms Avg: 2.140ms Max: 4.279ms
UpdateAndMarkZygoteModUnionTable:	Sum: 4.197ms 99% C.I. 4.197ms-4.197ms Avg: 4.197ms Max: 4.197ms
AllocSpaceClearCards:	Sum: 4.094ms 99% C.I. 0.001ms-3.971ms Avg: 1.023ms Max: 4.023ms
MarkConcurrentRoots:	Sum: 3.598ms 99% C.I. 0.565ms-3.025ms Avg: 1.799ms Max: 3.033ms
(Paused)ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects:	Sum: 2.214ms 99% C.I. 0.004ms-2.210ms Avg: 1.107ms Max: 2.210ms
ReMarkRoots:	Sum: 1.367ms 99% C.I. 1.367ms-1.367ms Avg: 1.367ms Max: 1.367ms
MarkAllocStackAsLive:	Sum: 1.293ms 99% C.I. 1.293ms-1.293ms Avg: 1.293ms Max: 1.293ms
ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects:	Sum: 1.034ms 99% C.I. 0.283us-711.750us Avg: 60.823us Max: 722us
(Paused)ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects:	Sum: 738us 99% C.I. 0.265us-644.750us Avg: 43.411us Max: 686us
(Paused)ProcessMarkStack:	Sum: 225us 99% C.I. 225us-225us Avg: 225us Max: 225us
SweepLargeObjects:	Sum: 198us 99% C.I. 198us-198us Avg: 198us Max: 198us
SweepSystemWeaks:	Sum: 163us 99% C.I. 163us-163us Avg: 163us Max: 163us
BindBitmaps:	Sum: 113us 99% C.I. 113us-113us Avg: 113us Max: 113us
MarkNonThreadRoots:	Sum: 108us 99% C.I. 53us-55us Avg: 54us Max: 55us
EnqueueFinalizerReferences:	Sum: 105us 99% C.I. 105us-105us Avg: 105us Max: 105us
ImageModUnionClearCards:	Sum: 104us 99% C.I. 0.250us-39us Avg: 3.058us Max: 39us
FinishPhase:	Sum: 77us 99% C.I. 77us-77us Avg: 77us Max: 77us
ProcessReferences:	Sum: 59us 99% C.I. 59us-59us Avg: 59us Max: 59us
ZygoteModUnionClearCards:	Sum: 57us 99% C.I. 12us-45us Avg: 28.500us Max: 45us
RevokeAllThreadLocalAllocationStacks:	Sum: 51us 99% C.I. 51us-51us Avg: 51us Max: 51us
MarkingPhase:	Sum: 43us 99% C.I. 43us-43us Avg: 43us Max: 43us
ReclaimPhase:	Sum: 42us 99% C.I. 42us-42us Avg: 42us Max: 42us
(Paused)PausePhase:	Sum: 31us 99% C.I. 31us-31us Avg: 31us Max: 31us
ProcessCards:	Sum: 29us 99% C.I. 13us-16us Avg: 14.500us Max: 16us
ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects:	Sum: 25us 99% C.I. 25us-25us Avg: 25us Max: 25us
PreCleanCards:	Sum: 22us 99% C.I. 22us-22us Avg: 22us Max: 22us
SwapBitmaps:	Sum: 14us 99% C.I. 14us-14us Avg: 14us Max: 14us
(Paused)ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects:	Sum: 13us 99% C.I. 13us-13us Avg: 13us Max: 13us
Sweep:	Sum: 12us 99% C.I. 12us-12us Avg: 12us Max: 12us
MarkRoots:	Sum: 4us 99% C.I. 4us-4us Avg: 4us Max: 4us
InitializePhase:	Sum: 3us 99% C.I. 3us-3us Avg: 3us Max: 3us
RecursiveMark:	Sum: 2us 99% C.I. 2us-2us Avg: 2us Max: 2us
SweepZygoteSpace:	Sum: 1us 99% C.I. 1us-1us Avg: 1us Max: 1us
FindDefaultSpaceBitmap:	Sum: 0 99% C.I. 0ns-0ns Avg: 0ns Max: 0ns
Done Dumping histograms
partial concurrent mark sweep paused:	Sum: 6.716ms 99% C.I. 6.716ms-6.716ms Avg: 6.716ms Max: 6.716ms
partial concurrent mark sweep total time: 65.237ms mean time: 65.237ms
partial concurrent mark sweep freed: 47501 objects with total size 5MB
partial concurrent mark sweep throughput: 730785/s / 78MB/s
Start Dumping histograms for 2 iterations for sticky concurrent mark sweep
FreeList:	Sum: 33.813ms 99% C.I. 4us-4566us Avg: 367.532us Max: 5846us
MarkRootsCheckpoint:	Sum: 29.286ms 99% C.I. 2.440ms-13.136ms Avg: 7.321ms Max: 13.198ms
ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects:	Sum: 17.030ms 99% C.I. 0.002ms-10.912ms Avg: 2.128ms Max: 11.077ms
ProcessMarkStack:	Sum: 11.693ms 99% C.I. 0.001ms-6.876ms Avg: 1.461ms Max: 6.980ms
SweepArray:	Sum: 9.276ms 99% C.I. 2.812ms-6.464ms Avg: 4.638ms Max: 6.464ms
MarkConcurrentRoots:	Sum: 9.065ms 99% C.I. 0.010ms-6.326ms Avg: 2.266ms Max: 6.356ms
ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects:	Sum: 5.890ms 99% C.I. 0.288us-1678.999us Avg: 86.617us Max: 1864us
MarkNonThreadRoots:	Sum: 4.015ms 99% C.I. 0.045ms-3.775ms Avg: 1.003ms Max: 3.820ms
ReMarkRoots:	Sum: 2.579ms 99% C.I. 0.575ms-2.004ms Avg: 1.289ms Max: 2.004ms
SweepSystemWeaks:	Sum: 1.775ms 99% C.I. 315us-1460us Avg: 887.500us Max: 1460us
(Paused)ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects:	Sum: 979us 99% C.I. 0.500us-883us Avg: 244.750us Max: 883us
ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects:	Sum: 951us 99% C.I. 11us-691us Avg: 237.750us Max: 692us
MarkingPhase:	Sum: 499us 99% C.I. 226us-273us Avg: 249.500us Max: 273us
AllocSpaceClearCards:	Sum: 457us 99% C.I. 0.333us-202us Avg: 57.125us Max: 202us
BindBitmaps:	Sum: 330us 99% C.I. 108us-222us Avg: 165us Max: 222us
ImageModUnionClearCards:	Sum: 258us 99% C.I. 0.253us-59us Avg: 3.794us Max: 59us
ResetStack:	Sum: 231us 99% C.I. 87us-144us Avg: 115.500us Max: 144us
EnqueueFinalizerReferences:	Sum: 171us 99% C.I. 20us-151us Avg: 85.500us Max: 151us
ProcessReferences:	Sum: 125us 99% C.I. 15us-110us Avg: 62.500us Max: 110us
RevokeAllThreadLocalAllocationStacks:	Sum: 121us 99% C.I. 37us-84us Avg: 60.500us Max: 84us
ReclaimPhase:	Sum: 111us 99% C.I. 26us-85us Avg: 55.500us Max: 85us
(Paused)PausePhase:	Sum: 109us 99% C.I. 35us-74us Avg: 54.500us Max: 74us
FinishPhase:	Sum: 82us 99% C.I. 32us-50us Avg: 41us Max: 50us
ZygoteModUnionClearCards:	Sum: 73us 99% C.I. 12us-27us Avg: 18.250us Max: 27us
(Paused)ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects:	Sum: 68us 99% C.I. 0.250us-21us Avg: 2us Max: 21us
InitializePhase:	Sum: 63us 99% C.I. 16us-47us Avg: 31.500us Max: 47us
PreCleanCards:	Sum: 51us 99% C.I. 23us-28us Avg: 25.500us Max: 28us
(Paused)ProcessMarkStack:	Sum: 45us 99% C.I. 1us-44us Avg: 22.500us Max: 44us
SwapBitmaps:	Sum: 29us 99% C.I. 10us-19us Avg: 14.500us Max: 19us
ForwardSoftReferences:	Sum: 20us 99% C.I. 3us-17us Avg: 10us Max: 17us
(Paused)ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects:	Sum: 18us 99% C.I. 7us-11us Avg: 9us Max: 11us
MarkRoots:	Sum: 11us 99% C.I. 5us-6us Avg: 5.500us Max: 6us
UnBindBitmaps:	Sum: 10us 99% C.I. 3us-7us Avg: 5us Max: 7us
SwapStacks:	Sum: 4us 99% C.I. 2us-2us Avg: 2us Max: 2us
RecordFree:	Sum: 3us 99% C.I. 1us-2us Avg: 1.500us Max: 2us
FindDefaultSpaceBitmap:	Sum: 2us 99% C.I. 1us-1us Avg: 1us Max: 1us
PreSweepingGcVerification:	Sum: 0 99% C.I. 0ns-0ns Avg: 0ns Max: 0ns
Done Dumping histograms
sticky concurrent mark sweep paused:	Sum: 4.504ms 99% C.I. 2.035ms-2.469ms Avg: 2.252ms Max: 2.469ms
sticky concurrent mark sweep total time: 129.294ms mean time: 64.647ms
sticky concurrent mark sweep freed: 91166 objects with total size 6MB
sticky concurrent mark sweep throughput: 706713/s / 51MB/s
Total time spent in GC: 194.531ms
Mean GC size throughput: 51MB/s
Mean GC object throughput: 712498 objects/s
/** 2.2 内存信息* start/
Total number of allocations 214578
Total bytes allocated 32MB
Total bytes freed 10MB
Free memory 335KB
Free memory until GC 335KB
Free memory until OOME 361MB
Total memory 22MB
Max memory 384MB
/** 2.2 内存信息* end/
Zygote space size 1340KB
Total mutator paused time: 11.220ms
Total time waiting for GC to complete: 3.077us
Total GC count: 3
Total GC time: 194.531ms
Total blocking GC count: 0
Total blocking GC time: 0
Histogram of native allocation 0:1038,128:379,256:105,384:160,640:1,896:16,1152:2 bucket size 128
Histogram of native free 0:156,64:133,192:351,256:38,448:90,640:1 bucket size 64
/** =====================java虚拟机堆状态-结束====================================================== */

/** =====================OTA文件记录-开始 oat_file_manager.cc中写入,记录当前使用到的OTA文件===================== */
/data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/0000030c/oat/arm64/MeasurementDynamite.odex: speed
/data/user/0/com.xxx.xxx/app_optimized/audience_network.dex: speed
/system/framework/oat/arm64/com.android.location.provider.odex: speed
/system/framework/oat/arm64/com.android.media.remotedisplay.odex: speed
/data/app/com.google.android.gms-2/oat/arm64/base.odex: interpret-only
/data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000307/oat/arm64/DynamiteLoader.odex: speed
/data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/000002ee/oat/arm64/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_230500000000000.odex: speed
/data/app/com.xxx.xxx-2/oat/arm64/base.odex: interpret-only
/** =====================OTA文件记录-结束===================================================================== */

/** =====================JIT信息记录-开始 jit.cc中写入,记录JIT的信息===================== */
Current JIT code cache size: 17KB
Current JIT data cache size: 20KB
Current JIT capacity: 64KB
Current number of JIT code cache entries: 16
Total number of JIT compilations: 16
Total number of JIT compilations for on stack replacement: 0
Total number of deoptimizations: 0
Total number of JIT code cache collections: 0
Memory used for stack maps: Avg: 675B Max: 2992B Min: 64B
Memory used for compiled code: Avg: 1081B Max: 2648B Min: 176B
Memory used for profiling info: Avg: 274B Max: 1040B Min: 32B
Start Dumping histograms for 16 iterations for JIT timings
Compiling:	Sum: 512.109ms 99% C.I. 3.640ms-96.064ms Avg: 32.006ms Max: 96.425ms
TrimMaps:	Sum: 12.116ms 99% C.I. 41us-5108us Avg: 757.250us Max: 5295us
Done Dumping histograms
Memory used for compilation: Avg: 346KB Max: 959KB Min: 77KB
ProfileSaver total_bytes_written=0
ProfileSaver total_number_of_writes=0
ProfileSaver total_number_of_code_cache_queries=0
ProfileSaver total_number_of_skipped_writes=0
ProfileSaver total_number_of_failed_writes=0
ProfileSaver total_ms_of_sleep=2000
ProfileSaver total_ms_of_work=0
ProfileSaver total_number_of_foreign_dex_marks=2
ProfileSaver max_number_profile_entries_cached=19
ProfileSaver total_number_of_hot_spikes=0
ProfileSaver total_number_of_wake_ups=0
/** =====================JIT信息记录-结束================================================ */

/** =====================ART信息指标-开始 metrics_common.cc中写入,记录ART虚拟机的一些关键指标===================== */
*** ART internal metrics ***
    timestamp_since_start_ms: 19952
    ClassLoadingTotalTime: count = 17358
    ClassVerificationTotalTime: count = 15303
    ClassVerificationCount: count = 28
    WorldStopTimeDuringGCAvg: count = 0
    YoungGcCount: count = 0
    FullGcCount: count = 0
    TotalBytesAllocated: count = 2349168
    TotalGcCollectionTime: count = 0
    YoungGcThroughputAvg: count = 0
    FullGcThroughputAvg: count = 0
    YoungGcTracingThroughputAvg: count = 0
    FullGcTracingThroughputAvg: count = 0
    JitMethodCompileTotalTime: count = 28492
    JitMethodCompileCount: count = 39
    YoungGcCollectionTime: range = 0...60000, buckets: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    FullGcCollectionTime: range = 0...60000, buckets: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    YoungGcThroughput: range = 0...10000, buckets: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    FullGcThroughput: range = 0...10000, buckets: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    YoungGcTracingThroughput: range = 0...10000, buckets: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    FullGcTracingThroughput: range = 0...10000, buckets: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
*** Done dumping ART internal metrics ***
/** =====================ART信息指标-结束====================================================================== */

/** =====================线程信息-开始 thread_list.cc中写入,记录当前进程的线程信息============================== */
suspend all histogram:	Sum: 2.785ms 99% C.I. 4us-1964.800us Avg: 278.500us Max: 2044us
"Signal Catcher" daemon prio=5 tid=3 Runnable
  | group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d555e0 self=0x7a8d897400
  | sysTid=12067 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7a8cd04450
  | state=R schedstat=( 53844613 20052004 79 ) utm=2 stm=2 core=0 HZ=100
  | stack=0x7a8cc0a000-0x7a8cc0c000 stackSize=1005KB
  | held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
  native: #00 pc 000000000047c0fc  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+220)
  native: #01 pc 000000000047c0f8  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+216)
  native: #02 pc 000000000045027c  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEbP12BacktraceMap+480)
  native: #03 pc 0000000000467de8  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZN3art14DumpCheckpoint3RunEPNS_6ThreadE+832)
  native: #04 pc 00000000004600d4  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZN3art10ThreadList13RunCheckpointEPNS_7ClosureE+476)
  native: #05 pc 000000000045fcc4  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZN3art10ThreadList4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEb+848)
  native: #06 pc 000000000045f930  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZN3art10ThreadList14DumpForSigQuitERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEE+804)
  native: #07 pc 000000000043b8c4  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZN3art7Runtime14DumpForSigQuitERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEE+344)
  native: #08 pc 0000000000441f44  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher13HandleSigQuitEv+2096)
  native: #09 pc 0000000000440aec  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher3RunEPv+480)
  native: #10 pc 000000000006a31c  /system/lib64/libc.so (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+208)
  native: #11 pc 000000000001db28  /system/lib64/libc.so (__start_thread+16)
  (no managed stack frames)

"main" prio=5 tid=1 Blocked
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x75bc7c50 self=0x7a8d896a00
  | sysTid=12061 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7a91e23a98
  | state=S schedstat=( 401196933 229090000 643 ) utm=29 stm=10 core=4 HZ=100
  | stack=0x7ff9366000-0x7ff9368000 stackSize=8MB
  | held mutexes=
  at android.app.SystemServiceRegistry$CachedServiceFetcher.getService(SystemServiceRegistry.java:929)
  - waiting to lock <0x077d5864> (a java.lang.Object[]) held by thread 23
  at android.app.SystemServiceRegistry.getSystemService(SystemServiceRegistry.java:886)
  at android.app.ContextImpl.getSystemService(ContextImpl.java:1524)
  at android.content.ContextWrapper.getSystemService(ContextWrapper.java:659)
  at android.view.TouchScreenHelper.updateDisplayInfo(TouchScreenHelper.java:323)
  at android.view.TouchScreenHelper.init(TouchScreenHelper.java:149)
  at android.view.TouchScreenHelper.<init>(TouchScreenHelper.java:87)
  at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.getTouchScreenHelper(WindowManagerGlobal.java:173)
  - locked <0x02a54acd> (a java.lang.Class<android.view.WindowManagerGlobal>)
  at com.android.internal.policy.DecorView.<init>(DecorView.java:290)
  at com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.generateDecor(PhoneWindow.java:2376)
  at com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.installDecor(PhoneWindow.java:2730)
  at com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.getDecorView(PhoneWindow.java:2085)
  at com.xxx.common.base.XxxBaseActivity.toggleTranslucent(XxxBaseActivity.java:37)
  at com.xxx.common.base.XxxBaseActivity.onCreate(XxxBaseActivity.java:20)
  at com.xxx.xxx.guide.ControllerActivity.onCreate(ControllerActivity.java:174)
  at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:6734)
  at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1118)
  at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2681)
  at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2793)
  at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap12(ActivityThread.java:-1)
  at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1527)
  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:110)
  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:203)
  at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6301)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(Native method)
  at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1094)
  at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:955)

"RxCachedThreadScheduler-1" daemon prio=5 tid=23 Blocked
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12f61af0 self=0x7a8211fa00
  | sysTid=12096 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7a68c66450
  | state=S schedstat=( 164816616 182495075 396 ) utm=13 stm=2 core=7 HZ=100
  | stack=0x7a68b64000-0x7a68b66000 stackSize=1037KB
  | held mutexes=
  at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.getInstance(WindowManagerGlobal.java:182)
  - waiting to lock <0x02a54acd> (a java.lang.Class<android.view.WindowManagerGlobal>) held by thread 1
  at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.<init>(WindowManagerImpl.java:58)
  at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.<init>(WindowManagerImpl.java:65)
  at android.app.SystemServiceRegistry$50.createService(SystemServiceRegistry.java:599)
  at android.app.SystemServiceRegistry$50.createService(SystemServiceRegistry.java:598)
  at android.app.SystemServiceRegistry$CachedServiceFetcher.getService(SystemServiceRegistry.java:933)
  - locked <0x077d5864> (a java.lang.Object[])
  at android.app.SystemServiceRegistry.getSystemService(SystemServiceRegistry.java:886)
  at android.app.ContextImpl.getSystemService(ContextImpl.java:1524)
  at android.content.ContextWrapper.getSystemService(ContextWrapper.java:659)
  at me.jessyan.autosize.utils.ScreenUtils.getScreenSize(ScreenUtils.java:62)
  at me.jessyan.autosize.AutoSizeConfig.init(AutoSizeConfig.java:247)
  at me.jessyan.autosize.AutoSizeConfig.init(AutoSizeConfig.java:205)
  at me.jessyan.autosize.AutoSize.checkAndInit(AutoSize.java:84)
  at com.xxx.common.base.XxxApplicationInitor.initAutoSize(MusicApplicationInitor.java:404)
  at com.xxx.common.base.XxxApplicationInitor.thirdSDKInit(MusicApplicationInitor.java:414)
  at com.xxx.common.base.XxxApplicationInitor.preInit(MusicApplicationInitor.java:438)
  at com.xxx.common.base.XxxApplicationInitor.access$800(MusicApplicationInitor.java:109)
  at com.xxx.common.base.XxxApplicationInitor$10.subscribe(MusicApplicationInitor.java:231)
  at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableCreate.subscribeActual(ObservableCreate.java:40)
  at io.reactivex.Observable.subscribe(Observable.java:12284)
  at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableSubscribeOn$SubscribeTask.run(ObservableSubscribeOn.java:96)
  at io.reactivex.Scheduler$DisposeTask.run(Scheduler.java:578)
  at io.reactivex.internal.schedulers.ScheduledRunnable.run(ScheduledRunnable.java:66)
  at io.reactivex.internal.schedulers.ScheduledRunnable.call(ScheduledRunnable.java:57)
  at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
  at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:272)
  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133)
  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607)
  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)

"Binder:1002_1" prio=5 tid=7 Native
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c01940 self=0x7a8d8c3400
  | sysTid=1020 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7a869be450
  | state=S schedstat=( 19616954905 44253949137 66794 ) utm=1314 stm=647 core=1 HZ=100
  | stack=0x7a868c4000-0x7a868c6000 stackSize=1005KB
  | held mutexes=
  kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1020/stack)
  native: #00 pc 000000000006c840  /system/lib64/libc.so (__ioctl+4)
  native: #01 pc 000000000001fb60  /system/lib64/libc.so (ioctl+140)
  native: #02 pc 0000000000055698  /system/lib64/libbinder.so (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14talkWithDriverEb+264)
  native: #03 pc 00000000000557fc  /system/lib64/libbinder.so (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState20getAndExecuteCommandEv+24)
  native: #04 pc 0000000000055f4c  /system/lib64/libbinder.so (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14joinThreadPoolEb+72)
  native: #05 pc 00000000000739f8  /system/lib64/libbinder.so (???)
  native: #06 pc 0000000000012598  /system/lib64/libutils.so (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+272)
  native: #07 pc 00000000000a2618  /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+128)
  native: #08 pc 000000000006a31c  /system/lib64/libc.so (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+208)
  native: #09 pc 000000000001db28  /system/lib64/libc.so (__start_thread+16)
  (no managed stack frames)
  /** =====================线程信息-结束============================================================================*/

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4schedstat=( 562066147 3061697256 542 )执行时间记录:三个值分别表示线程在cpu上执行的时间、线程的等待时间和线程执行的时间片长度
6at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native method) at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:1127)此时采集到的APP对应线程的对应状态,也就是当时代码所执行的位置,这个信息对我们来说尤其重要,是我们分析anr的关键依据.




  • Blocked状态

也就是阻塞状态,一般主线程发生blocked,说明它在等待获取监视器锁(synchronized 锁)时,如果锁被其他线程占用,就会进入Blocked状态。示例如下:

"main" tid=1 systid=17151 blocked | waiting to lock <0x05dfb3bd> (java.lang.Object) held by thread 46
       at android.app.ContextImpl.getExternalCacheDirs(ContextImpl.java:836)
       at android.content.ContextWrapper.getExternalCacheDirs(ContextWrapper.java:311)
       at androidx.core.content.ContextCompat$Api19Impl.getExternalCacheDirs(ContextCompat.java:840)
       at androidx.core.content.ContextCompat.getExternalCacheDirs(ContextCompat.java:459)
       at androidx.core.content.FileProvider.parsePathStrategy(FileProvider.java:696)
       at androidx.core.content.FileProvider.getPathStrategy(FileProvider.java:635)
       at androidx.core.content.FileProvider.attachInfo(FileProvider.java:416)
       at android.app.ActivityThread.installProvider(ActivityThread.java:7673)
       at android.app.ActivityThread.installContentProviders(ActivityThread.java:7209)
       at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:7121)
       at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1600(ActivityThread.java:268)
       at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2056)
       at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
       at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:268)
       at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8107)
       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java)
       at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:627)
       at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:997)
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  • Waiting状态



"main" prio=5 tid=1 Waiting
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x70df6868 self=0xa7c3de00
  | sysTid=8565 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=1073741825/1 handle=0xa8222dc0
  | state=S schedstat=( 421005565 19181973 433 ) utm=25 stm=16 core=2 HZ=100
  | stack=0xbe132000-0xbe134000 stackSize=8192KB
  | held mutexes=
  at b.a.b.c.a.l.v(:1)
  - waiting on <0x077aff1b> (a java.lang.Class<b.a.b.c.a.l>)
  at b.a.b.c.f.b.e(:6)
  at b.a.b.c.a.k.c(:60)
  at b.a.b.c.a.k.a(:6)
  at b.a.b.c.a.k.<clinit>(:1)
  at com.xxx.storage.cache.g1.V(:2)
  at com.xxx.storage.cache.q1.a(:20)
  at com.xxx.biz.remote.j.i(:113)
  at com.xxx.biz.remote.j.f(:6)
  at com.transsnet.xxx.lite.service.PlayerService$m.a(:5)
  at com.transsnet.xxx.lite.service.PlayerService$m.onChanged(:1)
  at com.jeremyliao.liveeventbus.LiveEventBus$ObserverWrapper.onChanged(LiveEventBus.java:3)
  at androidx.lifecycle.LiveData.considerNotify(LiveData.java:6)
  at androidx.lifecycle.LiveData.dispatchingValue(LiveData.java:8)
  at androidx.lifecycle.LiveData.setValue(LiveData.java:4)
  at androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData.setValue(MutableLiveData.java:1)
  at com.jeremyliao.liveeventbus.LiveEventBus$LiveEvent.postInternal(LiveEventBus.java:1)
  at com.jeremyliao.liveeventbus.LiveEventBus$LiveEvent.access$1800(LiveEventBus.java:1)
  at com.jeremyliao.liveeventbus.LiveEventBus$LiveEvent$PostValueTask.run(LiveEventBus.java:1)
  at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:883)
  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100)
  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:214)
  at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7669)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native method)
  at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:590)
  at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:936)
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  • BLOCKED 状态表示线程在等待获取监视器锁,它可能是由于同步块或同步方法的争用导致的。

  • WAITING 状态表示线程在等待其他线程的通知或中断,它可能是由于调用了 wait()、join() 等方法导致的。

这两种状态都属于线程的阻塞状态,但产生的原因和等待的条件是不同的。BLOCKED 状态是由于争夺锁而导致的,而 WAITING 状态是由于线程主动等待的情况。

  • Runnalbe状态


"main" prio=5 tid=1 Runnable
  | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 flags=0 obj=0x722c7448 self=0xb0f3de00
  | sysTid=30043 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=1073741825/1 handle=0xb1539dc0
  | state=R schedstat=( 6367575122 32733935 3055 ) utm=565 stm=70 core=0 HZ=100
  | stack=0xbe581000-0xbe583000 stackSize=8192KB
  | held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
  native: #00 pc 00303e8b  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/libart.so (art::DumpNativeStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>>&, int, BacktraceMap*, char const*, art::ArtMethod*, void*, bool)+78)
  native: #01 pc 003af52b  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/libart.so (art::Thread::DumpStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>>&, bool, BacktraceMap*, bool) const+358)
  native: #02 pc 003abb73  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/libart.so (art::Thread::Dump(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>>&, bool, BacktraceMap*, bool) const+34)
  native: #03 pc 003c4ccb  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/libart.so (art::DumpCheckpoint::Run(art::Thread*)+606)
  native: #04 pc 003aff61  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/libart.so (art::Thread::RunCheckpointFunction()+128)
  native: #05 pc 0041ff45  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/libart.so (art::JniMethodFastEnd(unsigned int, art::Thread*)+40)
  at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native method)
  at d.a.i.put(:16)
  at com.bumptech.glide.util.CachedHashCodeArrayMap.put(CachedHashCodeArrayMap.java:2)
  at com.bumptech.glide.request.BaseRequestOptions.transform(BaseRequestOptions.java:23)
  at com.bumptech.glide.request.BaseRequestOptions.transform(BaseRequestOptions.java:15)
  at com.bumptech.glide.request.BaseRequestOptions.optionalTransform(BaseRequestOptions.java:4)
  at com.bumptech.glide.request.BaseRequestOptions.scaleOnlyTransform(BaseRequestOptions.java:3)
  at com.bumptech.glide.request.BaseRequestOptions.optionalScaleOnlyTransform(BaseRequestOptions.java:1)
  at com.bumptech.glide.request.BaseRequestOptions.optionalFitCenter(BaseRequestOptions.java:1)
  at com.xxx.util.glide.b.N(:1)
  at com.xxx.util.glide.b.optionalFitCenter(:1)
  at com.bumptech.glide.RequestBuilder.into(RequestBuilder.java:22)
  at e.a.b.b.b.e(:46)
  at e.a.b.b.b.g(:2)
  at com.xxx.kit.function.HomeLastPlayedView.f(HomeLastPlayedView.java:4)
  at com.xxx.kit.function.HomeLastPlayedView.b(HomeLastPlayedView.java:29)
  at com.xxx.kit.function.HomeLastPlayedView.g(HomeLastPlayedView.java:12)
  at com.xxx.ui.home.c.n1.A1(:4)
  at com.xxx.ui.home.c.n1.z1(:5)
  at com.xxx.ui.home.c.n1.D(:1)
  at com.chad.library.adapter.base.m.n0(:4)
  at com.chad.library.adapter.base.m.o0(:2)
  at com.chad.library.adapter.base.m.onBindViewHolder(:2)
  at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$h.bindViewHolder(:8)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(ViewRootImpl.java:1840)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run(ViewRootImpl.java:7937)
  at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:980)
  at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:804)
  at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:739)
  at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:965)
  at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:883)
  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100)
  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:264)
  at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7605)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native method)
  at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:492)
  at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:980)
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  • native状态


"main" prio=5 tid=1 Native
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x71356448 self=0xad23de00
  | sysTid=5281 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=1073741825/1 handle=0xad781dc0
  | state=S schedstat=( 513647352614 2827621143 157445 ) utm=45497 stm=5867 core=0 HZ=100
  | stack=0xbe6c9000-0xbe6cb000 stackSize=8192KB
  | held mutexes=
  kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/5281/stack)
  native: #00 pc 0005a16c  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (syscall+28)
  native: #01 pc 0005f58d  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (__futex_wait_ex(void volatile*, bool, int, bool, timespec const*)+88)
  native: #02 pc 000a58ad  /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (pthread_cond_wait+32)
  native: #03 pc 0004dd89  /system/lib/libc++.so (std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&)+8)
  native: #04 pc 0004fbfb  /system/lib/libc++.so (std::__1::__assoc_sub_state::copy()+54)
  native: #05 pc 0004fdd1  /system/lib/libc++.so (std::__1::future<void>::get()+10)
  native: #06 pc 0034e119  /system/lib/libhwui.so (android::uirenderer::renderthread::RenderProxy::destroyHardwareResources()+144)
  at android.graphics.HardwareRenderer.nDestroyHardwareResources(Native method)
  at android.graphics.HardwareRenderer.clearContent(HardwareRenderer.java:505)
  at android.view.ThreadedRenderer.destroyHardwareResources(ThreadedRenderer.java:456)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl.destroyHardwareRenderer(ViewRootImpl.java:7503)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl.dispatchDetachedFromWindow(ViewRootImpl.java:4362)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doDie(ViewRootImpl.java:7424)
  - locked <0x02d4ecb5> (a android.view.ViewRootImpl)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl.die(ViewRootImpl.java:7397)
  at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.removeViewLocked(WindowManagerGlobal.java:490)
  at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.removeView(WindowManagerGlobal.java:428)
  - locked <0x0dc61f4a> (a java.lang.Object)
  at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.removeViewImmediate(WindowManagerImpl.java:126)
  at android.app.Dialog.dismissDialog(Dialog.java:389)
  at android.app.Dialog.dismiss(Dialog.java:371)
  at com.xxx.kit.function.CommonDialog$35.onClick(CommonDialog.java:957)
  at android.view.View.performClick(View.java:7156)
  at android.view.View.performClickInternal(View.java:7129)
  at android.view.View.onKeyUp(View.java:14212)
  at android.view.KeyEvent.dispatch(KeyEvent.java:2833)
  at android.view.View.dispatchKeyEvent(View.java:13398)
  at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchKeyEvent(ViewGroup.java:1921)
  at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchKeyEvent(ViewGroup.java:1931)
  at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchKeyEvent(ViewGroup.java:1931)
  at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchKeyEvent(ViewGroup.java:1931)
  at com.android.internal.policy.DecorView.superDispatchKeyEvent(DecorView.java:457)
  at com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.superDispatchKeyEvent(PhoneWindow.java:1849)
  at android.app.Dialog.dispatchKeyEvent(Dialog.java:825)
  at com.android.internal.policy.DecorView.dispatchKeyEvent(DecorView.java:371)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage.processKeyEvent(ViewRootImpl.java:5640)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage.onProcess(ViewRootImpl.java:5503)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.deliver(ViewRootImpl.java:5006)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.onDeliverToNext(ViewRootImpl.java:5059)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.forward(ViewRootImpl.java:5025)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$AsyncInputStage.forward(ViewRootImpl.java:5165)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.apply(ViewRootImpl.java:5033)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$AsyncInputStage.apply(ViewRootImpl.java:5222)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.deliver(ViewRootImpl.java:5006)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.onDeliverToNext(ViewRootImpl.java:5059)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.forward(ViewRootImpl.java:5025)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.apply(ViewRootImpl.java:5033)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.deliver(ViewRootImpl.java:5006)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.onDeliverToNext(ViewRootImpl.java:5059)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.forward(ViewRootImpl.java:5025)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$AsyncInputStage.forward(ViewRootImpl.java:5198)
  at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ImeInputStage.onFinishedInputEvent(ViewRootImpl.java:5363)
  at android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$PendingEvent.run(InputMethodManager.java:3064)
  at android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.invokeFinishedInputEventCallback(InputMethodManager.java:2607)
  at android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.finishedInputEvent(InputMethodManager.java:2598)
  at android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ImeInputEventSender.onInputEventFinished(InputMethodManager.java:3041)
  at android.view.InputEventSender.dispatchInputEventFinished(InputEventSender.java:143)
  at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
  at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:336)
  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:215)
  at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7605)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native method)
  at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:492)
  at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:980)
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  1. 有耗时的遍历

  2. 有IO操作

  3. 有十分频繁的某个UI的绘制



我们看到我们重写的时候我们把count设置了int最大值,我们把count设置成了这么大,那有没有可能我们设置成了最大值后,在populate方法中产生一个耗时的循环导致anr的呢,事实的确如此.最终导致anr的原因就是主线程卡在了populate中的一个for循环中,它需要循环的次数是int的最大值除以2,相当于10亿多次.具体ViewPager为什么会这么设置,又是怎么导致这样的anr产生的,这里就不再展开了.毕竟这篇文章主要是为了向大家介绍定位anr的方法.有兴趣的同学可以看一下下面链接的文档进行深究 https://www.jianshu.com/p/d465307accff




  • 绝对不要在主线程上进行复杂耗时的操作,比如说发送接收网络数据、进行大量计算、操作数据库、读写文件等,统统采用异步操作

  • Service中的耗时操作最好也是采用异步任务

  • 在设计及代码编写阶段避免出现出现死锁、死循环等不恰当情况

  • 使用一些避免、检测ANR的工具,比如:

