- import cv2 as cv
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.image as mpimg
- import numpy as np
- import copy
实验目的:使用 Python + OpenCV,了解图像的基本显示方式,熟悉开发环境。
(1) 在开发环境下,显示 Lena 图像;
(2) 修改目录及文件名,显示磁盘中的指定图像;
(3) 将原有图像宽、高各缩小 1/2,显示原始图像及缩小后图像;
(4) 将原有图像转为灰度图像,任意指定 3 个位置,显示对应像素灰度值(在字符窗口中)。
- lena = cv.imread('.imagelena.jpg')
- # cv.namedWindow("lena")
- # cv.imshow("lena",lena)
- # cv.waitKey(0)
- # cv.destroyAllWindows())
- lena = lena[:,:,::-1] # transform image to rgb
- plt.imshow(lena)
- plt.show()
- season = cv.imread('.imageseason.jpg')
- # cv.namedWindow("season")
- # cv.imshow("season",season)
- # cv.waitKey(0)
- # cv.destroyAllWindows()
- season = season[:,:,::-1]
- plt.imshow(season)
- plt.show()
- season_re = cv.resize(season, None ,fx = 0.5, fy = 0.5)
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2)
- ax[0].imshow(season)
- ax[1].imshow(season_re)
- <matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x263069d2808>
- season = cv.imread('.imageseason.jpg')
- season_gray = cv.cvtColor(season,cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
- print(season_gray[200,800])
- print(season_gray[500,500])
- print(season_gray[800,200])
- # cv.namedWindow("gray")
- # cv.imshow("gray",season_gray)
- # cv.waitKey(0)
- # cv.destroyAllWindows()
- plt.imshow(season_gray, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.show()
- 216
- 63
- 75
实验目的:使用 Python + OpenCV,完成不同颜色空间变换,熟悉颜色空间的基本概念,对各通道结果进行分析。
(1) 在开发环境下,自行选择有代表性的图像(给出的season与课程PPT中相同,可用于参照测试);
(2) 显示对应的 B、G、R 通道;
(3) 将原有图像转化为 HSV 空间表达,并显示对应分量;
(4) 分别对 RGB 和 HSV 分量显示图像进行分析;
(5) (可选)使用 matplotlib 的 pyplot, 并应用 plot 函数显示图像,看是否能正常显示。进一步使用该函数将图像分成2*4个子窗口,分别在不同子窗口中显示原始图像及不同分量
- season = cv.imread('.imageseason.jpg')
- season_B = season[:,:,0]
- season_G = season[:,:,1]
- season_R = season[:,:,2]
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=100)
- plt.subplot(1,3,1)
- plt.title('B channel')
- plt.imshow(season_B, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(1,3,2)
- plt.title('G channel')
- plt.imshow(season_G, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(1,3,3)
- plt.title('R channel')
- plt.imshow(season_R, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- season = cv.imread('.imageseason.jpg')
- season_HSV = cv.cvtColor(season,cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=100)
- plt.subplot(1,3,1)
- plt.title('Hue')
- plt.imshow(season_HSV[:,:,0], plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(1,3,2)
- plt.title('Saturation')
- plt.imshow(season_HSV[:,:,1], plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(1,3,3)
- plt.title('Value')
- plt.imshow(season_HSV[:,:,2], plt.cm.gray)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- season = cv.imread('.imageseason.jpg')
- plt.imshow(season) #不能直接正常显示,plt的格式是RGB,OPENCV是BGR,需要转换
- plt.show()
- season_B = season[:,:,0]
- season_G = season[:,:,1]
- season_R = season[:,:,2]
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=100)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('Original')
- plt.imshow(season[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('B channel')
- plt.imshow(season_B, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('G channel')
- plt.imshow(season_G, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('R channel')
- plt.imshow(season_R, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
实验目的:使用 Python + OpenCV,完成图像平滑去噪以及边缘检测,熟悉各类滤波器及 Canny 算子的使用,并对结果进行比较分析。
(1) 在开发环境下,对给定图像使用平均滤波、高斯滤波、中值滤波和双边滤波进行平滑去噪;
(2) 观察平滑去噪结果,并进行比较分析;
(3) 在开发环境下,对给定图像使用 Sobel 算子、Laplace 算子和 Canny 算子进行边缘检测;
(4) 观察不同方法结果(包括 Canny 算子使用不同参数的结果),并进行比较分析;
(5) (可选)计算执行每个方法需要的时间,并进行对比分析。注:实验图像包括:orange, pic2, right03, starry_night
- star = cv.imread('./image/starry_night.jpg')
- orange = cv.imread('./image/orange.jpg')
- pic2 = cv.imread('./image/pic2.png')
- right = cv.imread('right03.jpg')
- #均值滤波
- print('均值滤波')
- print('starry_night',end=': ')
- %time star_blur = cv.blur(star,(5,5))
- print('orange',end=': ')
- %time orange_blur = cv.blur(orange,(5,5))
- print('pic2',end=': ')
- %time pic2_blur = cv.blur(pic2,(5,5))
- print('right03',end=': ')
- %time right_blur = cv.blur(right,(5,5))
- print("")
- #高斯滤波
- print('高斯滤波')
- print('starry_night',end=': ')
- %time star_gau=cv.GaussianBlur(star,(5,5),0)
- print('orange',end=': ')
- %time orange_gau=cv.GaussianBlur(orange,(5,5),0)
- print('pic2',end=': ')
- %time pic2_gau = cv.GaussianBlur(pic2,(5,5),0)
- print('right03',end=': ')
- %time right_gau = cv.GaussianBlur(right,(5,5),0)
- print("")
- #中值滤波
- print('中值滤波')
- print('starry_night',end=': ')
- %time star_median = cv.medianBlur(star,5)
- print('orange',end=': ')
- %time orange_median = cv.medianBlur(orange,5)
- print('pic2',end=': ')
- %time pic2_median = cv.medianBlur(pic2,5)
- print('right03',end=': ')
- %time right_median = cv.medianBlur(right,5)
- print("")
- #双边滤波
- print('双边滤波')
- print('starry_night',end=': ')
- %time star_bi = cv.bilateralFilter(star,40,75,75)
- print('orange',end=': ')
- %time orange_bi = cv.bilateralFilter(orange,40,75,75)
- print('pic2',end=': ')
- %time pic2_bi = cv.bilateralFilter(pic2,40,75,75)
- print('right03',end=': ')
- %time right_bi = cv.bilateralFilter(right,40,75,75)
- 均值滤波
- starry_night: Wall time: 1.99 ms
- orange: Wall time: 997 µs
- pic2: Wall time: 0 ns
- right03: Wall time: 997 µs
- 高斯滤波
- starry_night: Wall time: 998 µs
- orange: Wall time: 997 µs
- pic2: Wall time: 997 µs
- right03: Wall time: 0 ns
- 中值滤波
- starry_night: Wall time: 3.99 ms
- orange: Wall time: 2.99 ms
- pic2: Wall time: 2 ms
- right03: Wall time: 2.99 ms
- 双边滤波
- starry_night: Wall time: 438 ms
- orange: Wall time: 259 ms
- pic2: Wall time: 113 ms
- right03: Wall time: 293 ms
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('blur')
- plt.imshow(star_blur[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('gaussian')
- plt.imshow(star_gau[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('medianBlur')
- plt.imshow(star_median[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('bilateral')
- plt.imshow(star_bi[:,:,::-1])
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('blur')
- plt.imshow(orange_blur[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('gaussian')
- plt.imshow(orange_gau[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('medianBlur')
- plt.imshow(orange_median[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('bilateral')
- plt.imshow(orange_bi[:,:,::-1])
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('blur')
- plt.imshow(pic2_blur[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('gaussian')
- plt.imshow(pic2_gau[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('medianBlur')
- plt.imshow(pic2_median[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('bilateral')
- plt.imshow(pic2_bi[:,:,::-1])
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('blur')
- plt.imshow(right_blur[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('gaussian')
- plt.imshow(right_gau[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('medianBlur')
- plt.imshow(right_median[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('bilateral')
- plt.imshow(right_bi[:,:,::-1])
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- #只能处理灰度图,重新读取灰度图
- star_gray = cv.imread('.imagestarry_night.jpg', cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
- orange_gray = cv.imread('.imageorange.jpg', cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
- pic2_gray = cv.imread('.imagepic2.png',cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
- right_gray = cv.imread('right03.jpg',cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
- #Laplace边缘检测
- def Lap(img):
- img_lap = cv.Laplacian(img,cv.CV_64F)
- img_lap = cv.convertScaleAbs(img_lap)
- return img_lap
- print('Laplace边缘检测')
- print('starry_night',end=': ')
- %time star_lap = Lap(star_gray)
- print('orange',end=': ')
- %time orange_lap = Lap(orange_gray)
- print('pic2',end=': ')
- %time pic2_lap = Lap(pic2_gray)
- print('right03',end=': ')
- %time right_lap = Lap(right_gray)
- Laplace边缘检测
- starry_night: Wall time: 3.98 ms
- orange: Wall time: 1.99 ms
- pic2: Wall time: 0 ns
- right03: Wall time: 999 µs
- #Sobel边缘检测
- def SobelX(img):
- sobelx = cv.Sobel(img,cv.CV_64F,1,0)
- sobelx = cv.convertScaleAbs(sobelx)
- return sobelx
- def SobelY(img):
- sobely = cv.Sobel(img,cv.CV_64F,0,1)
- sobely = cv.convertScaleAbs(sobely)
- return sobely
- def SobelXY(img):
- sobelx = cv.Sobel(img,cv.CV_64F,1,0)
- sobely = cv.Sobel(img,cv.CV_64F,0,1)
- sobelCombined = cv2.bitwise_or(sobelX,sobelY)
- return sobelCombined
- print('Sobel边缘检测X方向')
- print('starry_night',end=': ')
- %time star_X = SobelX(star_gray)
- print('orange',end=': ')
- %time orange_X = SobelX(orange_gray)
- print('pic2',end=': ')
- %time pic2_X = SobelX(pic2_gray)
- print('right03',end=': ')
- %time right_X = SobelX(right_gray)
- print("")
- print('Sobel边缘检测Y方向')
- print('starry_night',end=': ')
- %time star_Y = SobelY(star_gray)
- print('orange',end=': ')
- %time orange_Y = SobelY(orange_gray)
- print('pic2',end=': ')
- %time pic2_Y = SobelY(pic2_gray)
- print('right03',end=': ')
- %time right_Y = SobelY(right_gray)
- print("")
- print('Sobel边缘检测XY方向')
- print('starry_night',end=': ')
- %time star_XY = SobelY(star_gray)
- print('orange',end=': ')
- %time orange_XY = SobelY(orange_gray)
- print('pic2',end=': ')
- %time pic2_XY = SobelY(pic2_gray)
- print('right03',end=': ')
- %time right_XY = SobelY(right_gray)
- print("")
- print(star_XY.shape)
- Sobel边缘检测X方向
- starry_night: Wall time: 2.99 ms
- orange: Wall time: 2 ms
- pic2: Wall time: 0 ns
- right03: Wall time: 998 µs
- Sobel边缘检测Y方向
- starry_night: Wall time: 2.96 ms
- orange: Wall time: 2.03 ms
- pic2: Wall time: 993 µs
- right03: Wall time: 1.99 ms
- Sobel边缘检测XY方向
- starry_night: Wall time: 2.99 ms
- orange: Wall time: 1.99 ms
- pic2: Wall time: 964 µs
- right03: Wall time: 2.03 ms
- (600, 752)
- #Canny
- #low:50 high:100
- print('Canny边缘检测,阈值1=50阈值2=100')
- print('starry_night',end=': ')
- %time star_canny1 = cv.Canny(star_gray,50,100)
- print('orange',end=': ')
- %time orange_canny1 = cv.Canny(orange_gray,50,100)
- print('pic2',end=': ')
- %time pic2_canny1 = cv.Canny(pic2_gray,50,100)
- print('right3',end=': ')
- %time right_canny1 = cv.Canny(right_gray,50,100)
- print("")
- #low:50 high:150
- print('Canny边缘检测,阈值1=50阈值2=150')
- print('starry_night',end=': ')
- %time star_canny2 = cv.Canny(star_gray,50,150)
- print('orange',end=': ')
- %time orange_canny2 = cv.Canny(orange_gray,50,150)
- print('pic2',end=': ')
- %time pic2_canny2 = cv.Canny(pic2_gray,50,150)
- print('right3',end=': ')
- %time right_canny2 = cv.Canny(right_gray,50,150)
- print("")
- #low:100 high:150
- print('Canny边缘检测,阈值1=100阈值2=150')
- print('starry_night',end=': ')
- %time star_canny3 = cv.Canny(star_gray,100,150)
- print('orange',end=': ')
- %time orange_canny3 = cv.Canny(orange_gray,100,150)
- print('pic2',end=': ')
- %time pic2_canny3 = cv.Canny(pic2_gray,100,150)
- print('right3',end=': ')
- %time right_canny3 = cv.Canny(right_gray,100,150)
- Canny边缘检测,阈值1=50阈值2=100
- starry_night: Wall time: 4.94 ms
- orange: Wall time: 998 µs
- pic2: Wall time: 998 µs
- right3: Wall time: 998 µs
- Canny边缘检测,阈值1=50阈值2=150
- starry_night: Wall time: 2.99 ms
- orange: Wall time: 995 µs
- pic2: Wall time: 1.99 ms
- right3: Wall time: 998 µs
- Canny边缘检测,阈值1=100阈值2=150
- starry_night: Wall time: 2.99 ms
- orange: Wall time: 0 ns
- pic2: Wall time: 997 µs
- right3: Wall time: 998 µs
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('Laplace')
- plt.imshow(star_lap, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('Sobel_X')
- plt.imshow(star_X, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('Sobel_Y')
- plt.imshow(star_Y, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('Sobel_XY')
- plt.imshow(star_XY, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('Laplace')
- plt.imshow(orange_lap, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('Sobel_X')
- plt.imshow(orange_X, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('Sobel_Y')
- plt.imshow(orange_Y, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('Sobel_XY')
- plt.imshow(orange_XY, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('Laplace')
- plt.imshow(pic2_lap, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('Sobel_X')
- plt.imshow(pic2_X, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('Sobel_Y')
- plt.imshow(pic2_Y, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('Sobel_XY')
- plt.imshow(pic2_XY, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('Laplace')
- plt.imshow(right_lap, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('Sobel_X')
- plt.imshow(right_X, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('Sobel_Y')
- plt.imshow(right_Y, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('Sobel_XY')
- plt.imshow(right_XY, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('origan')
- plt.imshow(star_gray, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('canny1')
- plt.imshow(star_canny1, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('canny2')
- plt.imshow(star_canny2, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('canny3')
- plt.imshow(star_canny3, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('origan')
- plt.imshow(orange_gray, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('canny1')
- plt.imshow(orange_canny1, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('canny2')
- plt.imshow(orange_canny2, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('canny3')
- plt.imshow(orange_canny3, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('origan')
- plt.imshow(pic2_gray, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('canny1')
- plt.imshow(pic2_canny1, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('canny2')
- plt.imshow(pic2_canny2, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('canny3')
- plt.imshow(pic2_canny3, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('origan')
- plt.imshow(right_gray, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('canny1')
- plt.imshow(right_canny1, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('canny2')
- plt.imshow(right_canny2, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('canny3')
- plt.imshow(right_canny3, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
实验目的:使用 Python + OpenCV,完成原始米粒图像的灰度直方图变换与显示, 进一步对米粒图像进行分割,显示分割以后的结果,同时计算米粒的直径(最小包围矩形队形的长边)的方差与落在 2.5σ范围内的米粒数量,并对结果进行分析。
(1) 在开发环境下,显示米粒图像的灰度直方图;
(2) 使用大津或其它方法进行阈值分割,得到分割后的二值化结果;
(3) 对结果应用 findContours 函数,得到所有米粒对应的轮廓;
(4) 画出每一米粒对应的最小包围矩形,进一步计算方差并进行统计;
(5) 对分割及统计结果进行分析。
- rice_gray = cv.imread('rice.jpg', cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
- rice = cv.imread('rice.jpg')
- # 显示灰度直方图
- plt.hist(rice_gray.ravel(), 256, [0, 256])
- plt.title('Histogram of Rice')
- plt.show()
- #大津算法分割
- thr1, bw1 = cv.threshold(rice_gray, 0, 0xff, cv.THRESH_OTSU)
- print('Threshold is :', thr1)
- element = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_CROSS, (3, 3)) # 构造一个特定大小和形状的结构元素,用于图像形态学处理
- bw1 = cv.morphologyEx(bw1, cv.MORPH_OPEN, element) #开运算
- seg = copy.deepcopy(bw1) #深度拷贝
- Threshold is : 129.0
- #计算轮廓
- cnts1, hier1 = cv.findContours(seg, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
- count = 0
- # 遍历所有区域,并去除面积过小的
- for i in range(len(cnts1), 0, -1):
- c = cnts1[i-1]
- area = cv.contourArea(c)
- if area < 10:
- continue
- count = count + 1
- # 区域画框并标记
- x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(c)
- cv.rectangle(rice, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0, 0xff), 1)
- cv.putText(rice, str(count), (x, y), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.5, (0, 0xff, 0))
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(1,2,1)
- plt.title('rice')
- plt.imshow(bw1, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(1,2,2)
- plt.title('rice_contour')
- plt.imshow(rice)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- # 尝试使用canny的图片寻找轮廓
- rice_gray = cv.imread('rice.jpg', cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
- rice = cv.imread('rice.jpg')
- rice_canny = cv.Canny(rice_gray,100,150)
- #计算轮廓
- cnts2, hier2 = cv.findContours(rice_canny, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
- count = 0
- # 遍历所有区域,并去除面积过小的
- for i in range(len(cnts2), 0, -1):
- c = cnts2[i-1]
- area = cv.contourArea(c)
- if area < 5:
- continue
- count = count + 1
- #print("blob", i, " : ", area)
- # 区域画框并标记
- x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(c)
- cv.rectangle(rice, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0, 0xff), 1)
- cv.putText(rice, str(count), (x, y), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.5, (0, 0xff, 0))
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(1,2,1)
- plt.title('rice_canny')
- plt.imshow(rice_canny, plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(1,2,2)
- plt.title('rice_contour')
- plt.imshow(rice)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- #先对图像进行锐化操作,再二值化,最后提取边缘
- def custom_blur_demo(image):
- kernel = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [-1, 5, -1], [0, -1, 0]], np.float32) #锐化
- dst = cv.filter2D(image, -1, kernel=kernel)
- return dst
- rice_gray = cv.imread('rice.jpg', cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
- rice = cv.imread('rice.jpg')
- rice_gray = custom_blur_demo(rice_gray) #锐化
- thr2, bw2 = cv.threshold(rice_gray, 0, 255, cv.THRESH_OTSU)
- element = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_CROSS, (3, 3)) # 构造一个特定大小和形状的结构元素,用于图像形态学处理
- bw2 = cv.morphologyEx(bw2, cv.MORPH_OPEN, element) #开运算
- #计算轮廓
- cnts3, hier3 = cv.findContours(bw2, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
- count = 0
- # 遍历所有区域,并去除面积过小的
- for i in range(len(cnts3), 0, -1):
- c = cnts3[i-1]
- area = cv.contourArea(c)
- if area < 10:
- continue
- count = count + 1
- #print("blob", i, " : ", area)
- # 区域画框并标记
- x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(c)
- cv.rectangle(rice, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0, 0xff), 1)
- cv.putText(rice, str(count), (x, y), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.5, (0, 0xff, 0))
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(1,2,1)
- plt.title('rice')
- plt.imshow(bw2,plt.cm.gray)
- plt.subplot(1,2,2)
- plt.title('rice_contour')
- plt.imshow(rice)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- #统计方差时,采用老师给例程的分割方法
- D=[] #直径
- for i in range(len(cnts1), 0, -1):
- c = cnts1[i-1]
- area = cv.contourArea(c)
- if area < 10:
- continue
- x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(c)
- D.append(max(w,h))
- D_var = np.var(D) #求方差
- print('方差为:'+str(D_var))
- D_mean = np.mean(D) #求平均
- sigma = np.sqrt(D_var)
- count = 0
- for i in range(0,len(D)):
- if i < D_mean+2.5*sigma and i > D_mean - 2.5*sigma:
- count=count+1
- print('落在 2.5σ范围内的米粒数量有'+str(count)+'个')
- 方差为:35.66932593363395
- 落在 2.5σ范围内的米粒数量有30个
实验简述:跟踪是视觉感知的核心任务之一,在安防、监控等领域具有广泛应 。应用 Python 及 OpenCV 提供的相关功能,实现一个可以对输入视频中运动 目标进行检测、跟踪的系统。
(1) 系统输入:给定视频(含有相关目标); 系统输出:检测的目标框及目标运动轨迹;
(2) 首先在“viplane”视频上进行实验;进一步在“Cap02t3”、“999”和 “video1”视频上进行实验。
(1) 运动目标检测可利用 OpenCV 提供的背景提取算法;
(2) 运动目标跟踪可利用 OpenCV 提供的多目标跟踪方法,如 KCF 等;
(3) (可选)为得到更好效果,可尝试利用深度学习进行目标检测;
(4) (可选)为得到更好的多目标跟踪效果,可尝试利用 SORT、DEEPSORT 等方法。
- videoFileName = './image/viplane.avi'
- cap = cv.VideoCapture(videoFileName)
- fgbg = cv.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2()
- thresh = 200
- flag = 0
- while True:
- ret, frame =cap.read()
- if not ret: # 没读到当前帧,结束
- break
- fgmask = fgbg.apply(frame)
- _, fgmask = cv.threshold(fgmask, 30, 0xff, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
- bgImage = fgbg.getBackgroundImage()
- # 以下是OpenCV 4.x用法,
- # 3.x需要使用 _, cnts, _
- cnts, _ = cv.findContours(fgmask.copy(), cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
- count = 0
- for c in cnts:
- area = cv.contourArea(c)
- if (area < thresh): # 区域面积小于指定阈值
- continue
- count += 1
- x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(c)
- cv.rectangle(frame, (x,y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0xff, 0), 2)
- if flag == 2:
- print('共检测到', count, '个目标', 'n')
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(1,2,1)
- plt.title('frame')
- plt.imshow(frame)
- plt.subplot(1,2,2)
- plt.title('background')
- plt.imshow(bgImage)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- break
- flag = flag + 1
- cap.release()
- 共检测到 7 个目标
- videoFileName = './image/999.mp4'
- cap = cv.VideoCapture(videoFileName)
- fgbg = cv.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2()
- thresh = 200
- flag = 0
- while True:
- ret, frame =cap.read()
- if not ret: # 没读到当前帧,结束
- break
- fgmask = fgbg.apply(frame)
- _, fgmask = cv.threshold(fgmask, 30, 0xff, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
- bgImage = fgbg.getBackgroundImage()
- # 以下是OpenCV 4.x用法,
- # 3.x需要使用 _, cnts, _
- cnts, _ = cv.findContours(fgmask.copy(), cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
- count = 0
- for c in cnts:
- area = cv.contourArea(c)
- if (area < thresh): # 区域面积小于指定阈值
- continue
- count += 1
- x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(c)
- cv.rectangle(frame, (x,y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0xff, 0), 2)
- if flag == 2:
- print('共检测到', count, '个目标', 'n')
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(1,2,1)
- plt.title('frame')
- plt.imshow(frame)
- plt.subplot(1,2,2)
- plt.title('background')
- plt.imshow(bgImage)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- break
- flag = flag + 1
- cap.release()
- 共检测到 20 个目标
- videoFileName = './image/Cap02t3.mp4'
- cap = cv.VideoCapture(videoFileName)
- fgbg = cv.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2()
- thresh = 200
- flag = 0
- while True:
- ret, frame =cap.read()
- if not ret: # 没读到当前帧,结束
- break
- fgmask = fgbg.apply(frame)
- _, fgmask = cv.threshold(fgmask, 30, 0xff, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
- bgImage = fgbg.getBackgroundImage()
- # 以下是OpenCV 4.x用法,
- # 3.x需要使用 _, cnts, _
- cnts, _ = cv.findContours(fgmask.copy(), cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
- count = 0
- for c in cnts:
- area = cv.contourArea(c)
- if (area < thresh): # 区域面积小于指定阈值
- continue
- count += 1
- x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(c)
- cv.rectangle(frame, (x,y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0xff, 0), 2)
- if flag == 47:
- print('共检测到', count, '个目标', 'n')
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(1,2,1)
- plt.title('frame')
- plt.imshow(frame)
- plt.subplot(1,2,2)
- plt.title('background')
- plt.imshow(bgImage)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- break
- flag = flag + 1
- cap.release()
- 共检测到 4 个目标
- videoFileName = './image/video1.avi'
- cap = cv.VideoCapture(videoFileName)
- fgbg = cv.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2()
- thresh = 200
- flag = 0
- while True:
- ret, frame =cap.read()
- if not ret: # 没读到当前帧,结束
- break
- fgmask = fgbg.apply(frame)
- _, fgmask = cv.threshold(fgmask, 30, 0xff, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
- bgImage = fgbg.getBackgroundImage()
- # 以下是OpenCV 4.x用法,
- # 3.x需要使用 _, cnts, _
- cnts, _ = cv.findContours(fgmask.copy(), cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
- count = 0
- for c in cnts:
- area = cv.contourArea(c)
- if (area < thresh): # 区域面积小于指定阈值
- continue
- count += 1
- x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(c)
- cv.rectangle(frame, (x,y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0xff, 0), 2)
- if flag == 35:
- print('共检测到', count, '个目标', 'n')
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(1,2,1)
- plt.title('frame')
- plt.imshow(frame)
- plt.subplot(1,2,2)
- plt.title('background')
- plt.imshow(bgImage)
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
- break
- flag = flag + 1
- cap.release()
- 共检测到 2 个目标
- cap = cv.imread('./image/Cap02t3.jpg')
- nine = cv.imread('./image/999.jpg')
- viplane = cv.imread('./image/viplane.jpg')
- video = cv.imread('./image/video.jpg')
- fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
- plt.subplot(2,2,1)
- plt.title('Cap02t3')
- plt.imshow(cap[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,2)
- plt.title('999')
- plt.imshow(nine[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,3)
- plt.title('viplane')
- plt.imshow(viplane[:,:,::-1])
- plt.subplot(2,2,4)
- plt.title('video')
- plt.imshow(video[:,:,::-1])
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.show()
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