RRT算法的全称是快速扩展随机树算法(Rapidly Exploring Random Tree),它的想法就是从根结点长出一棵树当树枝长到终点的时候这样就能找到从终点到根节点的唯一路径。
class Node: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y self.cost = 0.0 self.parent = None和Dijkstra和A*算法是一样的,不过这里的x、y是真实坐标系的坐标而不是珊格地图的坐标,节点代价为距离,如果连接了下一个节点这个代价也是进行相加的,parent存储了父亲节点,方便于找到终点后计算路径。
obstacleList = [(5, 5, 1), (3, 6, 2), (3, 8, 2), (3, 10, 2), (7, 5, 2), (9, 5, 2), (8, 10, 1)] # Set params # 采样范围 设置的障碍物 最大迭代次数 rrt = RRT(randArea=[-2, 18], obstacleList=obstacleList, maxIter=200) # 传入的是起点和终点 path = rrt.rrt_planning(start=[0, 0], goal=[15, 12], animation=show_animation)我们设计了一系列的圆柱障碍物,并向RRT类中传参,圆柱障碍物是中心坐标+半径的形式,如下图:
def __init__(self, obstacleList, randArea, expandDis=2.0, goalSampleRate=10, maxIter=200): self.start = None self.goal = None self.min_rand = randArea[0] self.max_rand = randArea[1] self.expand_dis = expandDis self.goal_sample_rate = goalSampleRate self.max_iter = maxIter self.obstacle_list = obstacleList # 存储RRT树 self.node_list = None将起始点、结束点置为null,最小随机点和最大随机取样点设置为-2与18,单次前进距离(X_near --> X_rand)为2,直接取终点为最终点的采样概率为10%,最大迭代次数为200,障碍物列表也传进来了。RRT树为none。
path = rrt.rrt_planning(start=[0, 0], goal=[15, 12], animation=show_animation)
def rrt_planning(self, start, goal, animation=True): start_time = time.time() self.start = Node(start[0], start[1]) self.goal = Node(goal[0], goal[1]) # 将起点加入node_list作为树的根结点 self.node_list = [self.start] path = None记录了起始时间计算时间,我们将起始点和终止点封装成node,因为我们没有指定代价cost和parent,因此代价由类默认设置为0,父亲节点设置为-1。将起点加入到node_list中为根结点。初始化路径。
for i in range(self.max_iter): # 进行采样 rnd = self.sample() # 取的距离采样点最近的节点下标 n_ind = self.get_nearest_list_index(self.node_list, rnd) # 得到最近节点 nearestNode = self.node_list[n_ind] # 将Xrandom和Xnear连线方向作为生长方向 # math.atan2() 函数接受两个参数,分别是 y 坐标差值和 x 坐标差值。它返回的值是以弧度表示的角度,范围在 -π 到 π 之间。这个角度表示了从 nearestNode 指向 rnd 的方向。 theta = math.atan2(rnd[1] - nearestNode.y, rnd[0] - nearestNode.x) # 生长 : 输入参数为角度、下标、nodelist中最近的节点 得到生长过后的节点 newNode = self.get_new_node(theta, n_ind, nearestNode) # 检查是否有障碍物 传入参数为新生城路径的两个节点 noCollision = self.check_segment_collision(newNode.x, newNode.y, nearestNode.x, nearestNode.y)先看sample函数:
def sample(self): # 取得1-100的随机数,如果比10大的话(以10%的概率取到终点) if random.randint(0, 100) > self.goal_sample_rate: # 在空间里随机采样一个点 rnd = [random.uniform(self.min_rand, self.max_rand), random.uniform(self.min_rand, self.max_rand)] else: # goal point sampling # 终点作为采样点 rnd = [self.goal.x, self.goal.y] return rnd先取得了一个1-100的随机数,如果大于self.goal_sample_rate(传进来的参数=10),我们就启动if语句:
它使用了 Python 中的
中。(-2 --> 18)
random.uniform(a, b)
= 18之间。这个坐标作为我们随机采样的点。如果是else语句的话我们直接将终点作为采样点。
def get_nearest_list_index(nodes, rnd): # 遍历所有节点 计算采样点和节点的距离 dList = [(node.x - rnd[0]) ** 2 + (node.y - rnd[1]) ** 2 for node in nodes] # 获得最近的距离所对应的索引 minIndex = dList.index(min(dList)) return minIndex第一行代码创建了一个列表
之间的欧几里得距离的平方。具体来说,它使用了列表推导式(list comprehension)的语法,对于
(node.x - rnd[0]) ** 2 + (node.y - rnd[1]) ** 2
之间距离的平方值。minIndex = dList.index(min(dList)) 获得了最近的距离所对应的索引。
因此,nearestNode = self.node_list[n_ind]这个代码就得到了距离采样点Xrand最近的节点Xnear,如下图所示:
theta = math.atan2(rnd[1] - nearestNode.y, rnd[0] - nearestNode.x)
def get_new_node(self, theta, n_ind, nearestNode): newNode = copy.deepcopy(nearestNode) # 坐标 newNode.x += self.expand_dis * math.cos(theta) newNode.y += self.expand_dis * math.sin(theta) # 代价 newNode.cost += self.expand_dis # 父亲节点 newNode.parent = n_ind return newNode我们先把随机采样节点Xrand的最近节点Xnear做了深拷贝,利用三角函数计算出新的节点的坐标(1.我们传进来的参数expand_dis意为每一次的导航步长 2.expand_dis * costheta就是x的增量,y同理),因此,我们实例化了一个新节点,它的代价就是它邻近节点的代价 + expand_dis(2),它的父亲节点为这个邻近节点Xnear保证了递归的顺利进行。
newNode = self.get_new_node(theta, n_ind, nearestNode)
def check_segment_collision(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): # 遍历所有的障碍物 for (ox, oy, size) in self.obstacle_list: dd = self.distance_squared_point_to_segment( np.array([x1, y1]), np.array([x2, y2]), np.array([ox, oy])) if dd <= size ** 2: return False # collision return True这个就是具体问题具体分析了,判断两条线间是否有障碍物,即Xnear和Xnew间:
if noCollision: # 没有碰撞把新节点加入到树里面 self.node_list.append(newNode) if animation: self.draw_graph(newNode, path) # 是否到终点附近 if self.is_near_goal(newNode): # 是否这条路径与障碍物发生碰撞 if self.check_segment_collision(newNode.x, newNode.y, self.goal.x, self.goal.y): lastIndex = len(self.node_list) - 1 # 找路径 path = self.get_final_course(lastIndex) pathLen = self.get_path_len(path) print("current path length: {}, It costs {} s".format(pathLen, time.time()-start_time)) if animation: self.draw_graph(newNode, path) return path如果没有碰撞的话,我们认为这个Xnew是靠谱的,将它加入到节点队列中。再判断它是否在终点附近,我们来看is_near_goal函数:
def is_near_goal(self, node): # 计算距离 d = self.line_cost(node, self.goal) if d < self.expand_dis: return True return False这里就是计算我们新加的节点到终点的距离是否小于一次的步长2,如果小于的话就return true。
self.check_segment_collision(newNode.x, newNode.y, self.goal.x, self.goal.y)如果没有障碍物的话,我们导航成功,开始输出路径:
def get_final_course(self, lastIndex): path = [[self.goal.x, self.goal.y]] while self.node_list[lastIndex].parent is not None: node = self.node_list[lastIndex] path.append([node.x, node.y]) lastIndex = node.parent path.append([self.start.x, self.start.y]) return path我们一个一个找终止节点的父节点就可以了。
- import copy
- import math
- import random
- import time
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as Rot
- import numpy as np
- show_animation = True
- class RRT:
- # randArea采样范围[-2--18] obstacleList设置的障碍物 maxIter最大迭代次数 expandDis采样步长为2.0 goalSampleRate 以10%的概率将终点作为采样点
- def __init__(self, obstacleList, randArea,
- expandDis=2.0, goalSampleRate=10, maxIter=200):
- self.start = None
- self.goal = None
- self.min_rand = randArea[0]
- self.max_rand = randArea[1]
- self.expand_dis = expandDis
- self.goal_sample_rate = goalSampleRate
- self.max_iter = maxIter
- self.obstacle_list = obstacleList
- # 存储RRT树
- self.node_list = None
- # start、goal 起点终点坐标
- def rrt_planning(self, start, goal, animation=True):
- start_time = time.time()
- self.start = Node(start[0], start[1])
- self.goal = Node(goal[0], goal[1])
- # 将起点加入node_list作为树的根结点
- self.node_list = [self.start]
- path = None
- for i in range(self.max_iter):
- # 进行采样
- rnd = self.sample()
- # 取的距离采样点最近的节点下标
- n_ind = self.get_nearest_list_index(self.node_list, rnd)
- # 得到最近节点
- nearestNode = self.node_list[n_ind]
- # 将Xrandom和Xnear连线方向作为生长方向
- # math.atan2() 函数接受两个参数,分别是 y 坐标差值和 x 坐标差值。它返回的值是以弧度表示的角度,范围在 -π 到 π 之间。这个角度表示了从 nearestNode 指向 rnd 的方向。
- theta = math.atan2(rnd[1] - nearestNode.y, rnd[0] - nearestNode.x)
- # 生长 : 输入参数为角度、下标、nodelist中最近的节点 得到生长过后的节点
- newNode = self.get_new_node(theta, n_ind, nearestNode)
- # 检查是否有障碍物 传入参数为新生城路径的两个节点
- noCollision = self.check_segment_collision(newNode.x, newNode.y, nearestNode.x, nearestNode.y)
- if noCollision:
- # 没有碰撞把新节点加入到树里面
- self.node_list.append(newNode)
- if animation:
- self.draw_graph(newNode, path)
- # 是否到终点附近
- if self.is_near_goal(newNode):
- # 是否这条路径与障碍物发生碰撞
- if self.check_segment_collision(newNode.x, newNode.y,
- self.goal.x, self.goal.y):
- lastIndex = len(self.node_list) - 1
- # 找路径
- path = self.get_final_course(lastIndex)
- pathLen = self.get_path_len(path)
- print("current path length: {}, It costs {} s".format(pathLen, time.time()-start_time))
- if animation:
- self.draw_graph(newNode, path)
- return path
- def rrt_star_planning(self, start, goal, animation=True):
- start_time = time.time()
- self.start = Node(start[0], start[1])
- self.goal = Node(goal[0], goal[1])
- self.node_list = [self.start]
- path = None
- lastPathLength = float('inf')
- for i in range(self.max_iter):
- rnd = self.sample()
- n_ind = self.get_nearest_list_index(self.node_list, rnd)
- nearestNode = self.node_list[n_ind]
- # steer
- theta = math.atan2(rnd[1] - nearestNode.y, rnd[0] - nearestNode.x)
- newNode = self.get_new_node(theta, n_ind, nearestNode)
- noCollision = self.check_segment_collision(newNode.x, newNode.y, nearestNode.x, nearestNode.y)
- if noCollision:
- nearInds = self.find_near_nodes(newNode)
- newNode = self.choose_parent(newNode, nearInds)
- self.node_list.append(newNode)
- self.rewire(newNode, nearInds)
- if animation:
- self.draw_graph(newNode, path)
- if self.is_near_goal(newNode):
- if self.check_segment_collision(newNode.x, newNode.y,
- self.goal.x, self.goal.y):
- lastIndex = len(self.node_list) - 1
- tempPath = self.get_final_course(lastIndex)
- tempPathLen = self.get_path_len(tempPath)
- if lastPathLength > tempPathLen:
- path = tempPath
- lastPathLength = tempPathLen
- print("current path length: {}, It costs {} s".format(tempPathLen, time.time()-start_time))
- return path
- def informed_rrt_star_planning(self, start, goal, animation=True):
- start_time = time.time()
- self.start = Node(start[0], start[1])
- self.goal = Node(goal[0], goal[1])
- self.node_list = [self.start]
- # max length we expect to find in our 'informed' sample space,
- # starts as infinite
- cBest = float('inf')
- path = None
- # Computing the sampling space
- cMin = math.sqrt(pow(self.start.x - self.goal.x, 2)
- + pow(self.start.y - self.goal.y, 2))
- xCenter = np.array([[(self.start.x + self.goal.x) / 2.0],
- [(self.start.y + self.goal.y) / 2.0], [0]])
- a1 = np.array([[(self.goal.x - self.start.x) / cMin],
- [(self.goal.y - self.start.y) / cMin], [0]])
- e_theta = math.atan2(a1[1], a1[0])
- # 论文方法求旋转矩阵(2选1)
- # first column of identity matrix transposed
- # id1_t = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]).reshape(1, 3)
- # M = a1 @ id1_t
- # U, S, Vh = np.linalg.svd(M, True, True)
- # C = np.dot(np.dot(U, np.diag(
- # [1.0, 1.0, np.linalg.det(U) * np.linalg.det(np.transpose(Vh))])),
- # Vh)
- # 直接用二维平面上的公式(2选1)
- C = np.array([[math.cos(e_theta), -math.sin(e_theta), 0],
- [math.sin(e_theta), math.cos(e_theta), 0],
- [0, 0, 1]])
- for i in range(self.max_iter):
- # Sample space is defined by cBest
- # cMin is the minimum distance between the start point and the goal
- # xCenter is the midpoint between the start and the goal
- # cBest changes when a new path is found
- rnd = self.informed_sample(cBest, cMin, xCenter, C)
- n_ind = self.get_nearest_list_index(self.node_list, rnd)
- nearestNode = self.node_list[n_ind]
- # steer
- theta = math.atan2(rnd[1] - nearestNode.y, rnd[0] - nearestNode.x)
- newNode = self.get_new_node(theta, n_ind, nearestNode)
- noCollision = self.check_segment_collision(newNode.x, newNode.y, nearestNode.x, nearestNode.y)
- if noCollision:
- nearInds = self.find_near_nodes(newNode)
- newNode = self.choose_parent(newNode, nearInds)
- self.node_list.append(newNode)
- self.rewire(newNode, nearInds)
- if self.is_near_goal(newNode):
- if self.check_segment_collision(newNode.x, newNode.y,
- self.goal.x, self.goal.y):
- lastIndex = len(self.node_list) - 1
- tempPath = self.get_final_course(lastIndex)
- tempPathLen = self.get_path_len(tempPath)
- if tempPathLen < cBest:
- path = tempPath
- cBest = tempPathLen
- print("current path length: {}, It costs {} s".format(tempPathLen, time.time()-start_time))
- if animation:
- self.draw_graph_informed_RRTStar(xCenter=xCenter,
- cBest=cBest, cMin=cMin,
- e_theta=e_theta, rnd=rnd, path=path)
- return path
- def sample(self):
- # 取得1-100的随机数,如果比10大的话(以10%的概率取到终点)
- if random.randint(0, 100) > self.goal_sample_rate:
- # 在空间里随机采样一个点
- rnd = [random.uniform(self.min_rand, self.max_rand), random.uniform(self.min_rand, self.max_rand)]
- else: # goal point sampling
- # 终点作为采样点
- rnd = [self.goal.x, self.goal.y]
- return rnd
- def choose_parent(self, newNode, nearInds):
- if len(nearInds) == 0:
- return newNode
- dList = []
- for i in nearInds:
- dx = newNode.x - self.node_list[i].x
- dy = newNode.y - self.node_list[i].y
- d = math.hypot(dx, dy)
- theta = math.atan2(dy, dx)
- if self.check_collision(self.node_list[i], theta, d):
- dList.append(self.node_list[i].cost + d)
- else:
- dList.append(float('inf'))
- minCost = min(dList)
- minInd = nearInds[dList.index(minCost)]
- if minCost == float('inf'):
- print("min cost is inf")
- return newNode
- newNode.cost = minCost
- newNode.parent = minInd
- return newNode
- def find_near_nodes(self, newNode):
- n_node = len(self.node_list)
- r = 50.0 * math.sqrt((math.log(n_node) / n_node))
- d_list = [(node.x - newNode.x) ** 2 + (node.y - newNode.y) ** 2
- for node in self.node_list]
- near_inds = [d_list.index(i) for i in d_list if i <= r ** 2]
- return near_inds
- def informed_sample(self, cMax, cMin, xCenter, C):
- if cMax < float('inf'):
- r = [cMax / 2.0,
- math.sqrt(cMax ** 2 - cMin ** 2) / 2.0,
- math.sqrt(cMax ** 2 - cMin ** 2) / 2.0]
- L = np.diag(r)
- xBall = self.sample_unit_ball()
- rnd = np.dot(np.dot(C, L), xBall) + xCenter
- rnd = [rnd[(0, 0)], rnd[(1, 0)]]
- else:
- rnd = self.sample()
- return rnd
- @staticmethod
- def sample_unit_ball():
- a = random.random()
- b = random.random()
- if b < a:
- a, b = b, a
- sample = (b * math.cos(2 * math.pi * a / b),
- b * math.sin(2 * math.pi * a / b))
- return np.array([[sample[0]], [sample[1]], [0]])
- @staticmethod
- def get_path_len(path):
- pathLen = 0
- for i in range(1, len(path)):
- node1_x = path[i][0]
- node1_y = path[i][1]
- node2_x = path[i - 1][0]
- node2_y = path[i - 1][1]
- pathLen += math.sqrt((node1_x - node2_x)
- ** 2 + (node1_y - node2_y) ** 2)
- return pathLen
- @staticmethod
- def line_cost(node1, node2):
- return math.sqrt((node1.x - node2.x) ** 2 + (node1.y - node2.y) ** 2)
- @staticmethod
- def get_nearest_list_index(nodes, rnd):
- # 遍历所有节点 计算采样点和节点的距离
- dList = [(node.x - rnd[0]) ** 2
- + (node.y - rnd[1]) ** 2 for node in nodes]
- # 获得最近的距离所对应的索引
- minIndex = dList.index(min(dList))
- return minIndex
- def get_new_node(self, theta, n_ind, nearestNode):
- newNode = copy.deepcopy(nearestNode)
- # 坐标
- newNode.x += self.expand_dis * math.cos(theta)
- newNode.y += self.expand_dis * math.sin(theta)
- # 代价
- newNode.cost += self.expand_dis
- # 父亲节点
- newNode.parent = n_ind
- return newNode
- def is_near_goal(self, node):
- # 计算距离
- d = self.line_cost(node, self.goal)
- if d < self.expand_dis:
- return True
- return False
- def rewire(self, newNode, nearInds):
- n_node = len(self.node_list)
- for i in nearInds:
- nearNode = self.node_list[i]
- d = math.sqrt((nearNode.x - newNode.x) ** 2
- + (nearNode.y - newNode.y) ** 2)
- s_cost = newNode.cost + d
- if nearNode.cost > s_cost:
- theta = math.atan2(newNode.y - nearNode.y,
- newNode.x - nearNode.x)
- if self.check_collision(nearNode, theta, d):
- nearNode.parent = n_node - 1
- nearNode.cost = s_cost
- @staticmethod
- def distance_squared_point_to_segment(v, w, p):
- # Return minimum distance between line segment vw and point p
- if np.array_equal(v, w):
- return (p - v).dot(p - v) # v == w case
- l2 = (w - v).dot(w - v) # i.e. |w-v|^2 - avoid a sqrt
- # Consider the line extending the segment,
- # parameterized as v + t (w - v).
- # We find projection of point p onto the line.
- # It falls where t = [(p-v) . (w-v)] / |w-v|^2
- # We clamp t from [0,1] to handle points outside the segment vw.
- t = max(0, min(1, (p - v).dot(w - v) / l2))
- projection = v + t * (w - v) # Projection falls on the segment
- return (p - projection).dot(p - projection)
- def check_segment_collision(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
- # 遍历所有的障碍物
- for (ox, oy, size) in self.obstacle_list:
- dd = self.distance_squared_point_to_segment(
- np.array([x1, y1]),
- np.array([x2, y2]),
- np.array([ox, oy]))
- if dd <= size ** 2:
- return False # collision
- return True
- def check_collision(self, nearNode, theta, d):
- tmpNode = copy.deepcopy(nearNode)
- end_x = tmpNode.x + math.cos(theta) * d
- end_y = tmpNode.y + math.sin(theta) * d
- return self.check_segment_collision(tmpNode.x, tmpNode.y, end_x, end_y)
- def get_final_course(self, lastIndex):
- path = [[self.goal.x, self.goal.y]]
- while self.node_list[lastIndex].parent is not None:
- node = self.node_list[lastIndex]
- path.append([node.x, node.y])
- lastIndex = node.parent
- path.append([self.start.x, self.start.y])
- return path
- def draw_graph_informed_RRTStar(self, xCenter=None, cBest=None, cMin=None, e_theta=None, rnd=None, path=None):
- plt.clf()
- # for stopping simulation with the esc key.
- plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect(
- 'key_release_event',
- lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
- if rnd is not None:
- plt.plot(rnd[0], rnd[1], "^k")
- if cBest != float('inf'):
- self.plot_ellipse(xCenter, cBest, cMin, e_theta)
- for node in self.node_list:
- if node.parent is not None:
- if node.x or node.y is not None:
- plt.plot([node.x, self.node_list[node.parent].x], [
- node.y, self.node_list[node.parent].y], "-g")
- for (ox, oy, size) in self.obstacle_list:
- plt.plot(ox, oy, "ok", ms=30 * size)
- if path is not None:
- plt.plot([x for (x, y) in path], [y for (x, y) in path], '-r')
- plt.plot(self.start.x, self.start.y, "xr")
- plt.plot(self.goal.x, self.goal.y, "xr")
- plt.axis([-2, 18, -2, 15])
- plt.grid(True)
- plt.pause(0.01)
- @staticmethod
- def plot_ellipse(xCenter, cBest, cMin, e_theta): # pragma: no cover
- a = math.sqrt(cBest ** 2 - cMin ** 2) / 2.0
- b = cBest / 2.0
- angle = math.pi / 2.0 - e_theta
- cx = xCenter[0]
- cy = xCenter[1]
- t = np.arange(0, 2 * math.pi + 0.1, 0.1)
- x = [a * math.cos(it) for it in t]
- y = [b * math.sin(it) for it in t]
- rot = Rot.from_euler('z', -angle).as_matrix()[0:2, 0:2]
- fx = rot @ np.array([x, y])
- px = np.array(fx[0, :] + cx).flatten()
- py = np.array(fx[1, :] + cy).flatten()
- plt.plot(cx, cy, "xc")
- plt.plot(px, py, "--c")
- def draw_graph(self, rnd=None, path=None):
- plt.clf()
- # for stopping simulation with the esc key.
- plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect(
- 'key_release_event',
- lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
- if rnd is not None:
- plt.plot(rnd.x, rnd.y, "^k")
- for node in self.node_list:
- if node.parent is not None:
- if node.x or node.y is not None:
- plt.plot([node.x, self.node_list[node.parent].x], [
- node.y, self.node_list[node.parent].y], "-g")
- for (ox, oy, size) in self.obstacle_list:
- # self.plot_circle(ox, oy, size)
- plt.plot(ox, oy, "ok", ms=30 * size)
- plt.plot(self.start.x, self.start.y, "xr")
- plt.plot(self.goal.x, self.goal.y, "xr")
- if path is not None:
- plt.plot([x for (x, y) in path], [y for (x, y) in path], '-r')
- plt.axis([-2, 18, -2, 15])
- plt.grid(True)
- plt.pause(0.01)
- class Node:
- def __init__(self, x, y):
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
- self.cost = 0.0
- self.parent = None
- def main():
- print("Start rrt planning")
- # create obstacles
- # obstacleList = [
- # (3, 3, 1.5),
- # (12, 2, 3),
- # (3, 9, 2),
- # (9, 11, 2),
- # ]
- # 设置障碍物 (圆点、半径)
- obstacleList = [(5, 5, 1), (3, 6, 2), (3, 8, 2), (3, 10, 2), (7, 5, 2),
- (9, 5, 2), (8, 10, 1)]
- # Set params
- # 采样范围 设置的障碍物 最大迭代次数
- rrt = RRT(randArea=[-2, 18], obstacleList=obstacleList, maxIter=200)
- # 传入的是起点和终点
- path = rrt.rrt_planning(start=[0, 0], goal=[15, 12], animation=show_animation)
- # path = rrt.rrt_star_planning(start=[0, 0], goal=[15, 12], animation=show_animation)
- # path = rrt.informed_rrt_star_planning(start=[0, 0], goal=[15, 12], animation=show_animation)
- print("Done!!")
- if show_animation and path:
- plt.show()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()

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