- //BTree.h
- #ifndef _BTREE_H_
- #define _BTREE_H_
- #define BT_LEFT 0
- #define BT_RIGHT 1
- typedef void BTree;
- typedef unsigned long long BTPos;
- typedef struct _tag_BTreeNode BTreeNode;
- struct _tag_BTreeNode
- {
- BTreeNode* left;
- BTreeNode* right;
- };
- typedef void (BTree_Printf)(BTreeNode*);
- BTree* BTree_Create();
- void BTree_Destroy(BTree* tree);
- void BTree_Clear(BTree* tree);
- int BTree_Insert(BTree* tree, BTreeNode* node, BTPos pos, int count, int flag);
- BTreeNode* BTree_Delete(BTree* tree, BTPos pos, int count);
- BTreeNode* BTree_Get(BTree* tree, BTPos pos, int count);
- BTreeNode* BTree_Root(BTree* tree);
- int BTree_Height(BTree* tree);
- int BTree_Count(BTree* tree);
- int BTree_Degree(BTree* tree);
- void BTree_Display(BTree* tree, BTree_Printf* pFunc, int gap, char div);
- #endif
- //BTree.c
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include "BTree.h"
- typedef struct _tag_BTree TBTree;
- struct _tag_BTree
- {
- int count;
- BTreeNode* root;
- };
- static void recursive_display(BTreeNode* node, BTree_Printf* pFunc, int format, int gap, char div) // O(n)
- {
- int i = 0;
- if( (node != NULL) && (pFunc != NULL) )
- {
- for(i=0; i<format; i++)
- {
- printf("%c", div);
- }
- pFunc(node);
- printf("\n");
- if( (node->left != NULL) || (node->right != NULL) )
- {
- recursive_display(node->left, pFunc, format + gap, gap, div);
- recursive_display(node->right, pFunc, format + gap, gap, div);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(i=0; i<format; i++)
- {
- printf("%c", div);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- static int recursive_count(BTreeNode* root) // O(n)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- if( root != NULL )
- {
- ret = recursive_count(root->left) + 1 + recursive_count(root->right);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- static int recursive_height(BTreeNode* root) // O(n)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- if( root != NULL )
- {
- int lh = recursive_height(root->left);
- int rh = recursive_height(root->right);
- ret = ((lh > rh) ? lh : rh) + 1;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- static int recursive_degree(BTreeNode* root) // O(n)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- if( root != NULL )
- {
- if( root->left != NULL )
- {
- ret++;
- }
- if( root->right != NULL )
- {
- ret++;
- }
- if( ret == 1 )
- {
- int ld = recursive_degree(root->left);
- int rd = recursive_degree(root->right);
- if( ret < ld )
- {
- ret = ld;
- }
- if( ret < rd )
- {
- ret = rd;
- }
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- BTree* BTree_Create() // O(1)
- {
- TBTree* ret = (TBTree*)malloc(sizeof(TBTree));
- if( ret != NULL )
- {
- ret->count = 0;
- ret->root = NULL;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- void BTree_Destroy(BTree* tree) // O(1)
- {
- free(tree);
- }
- void BTree_Clear(BTree* tree) // O(1)
- {
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- if( btree != NULL )
- {
- btree->count = 0;
- btree->root = NULL;
- }
- }
- int BTree_Insert(BTree* tree, BTreeNode* node, BTPos pos, int count, int flag) // O(n)
- {
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- int ret = (btree != NULL) && (node != NULL) && ((flag == BT_LEFT) || (flag == BT_RIGHT));
- int bit = 0;
- if( ret )
- {
- BTreeNode* parent = NULL;
- BTreeNode* current = btree->root;
- node->left = NULL;
- node->right = NULL;
- while( (count > 0) && (current != NULL) )
- {
- bit = pos & 1;
- pos = pos >> 1;
- parent = current;
- if( bit == BT_LEFT )
- {
- current = current->left;
- }
- else if( bit == BT_RIGHT )
- {
- current = current->right;
- }
- count--;
- }
- if( flag == BT_LEFT )
- {
- node->left = current;
- }
- else if( flag == BT_RIGHT )
- {
- node->right = current;
- }
- if( parent != NULL )
- {
- if( bit == BT_LEFT )
- {
- parent->left = node;
- }
- else if( bit == BT_RIGHT )
- {
- parent->right = node;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- btree->root = node;
- }
- btree->count++;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- BTreeNode* BTree_Delete(BTree* tree, BTPos pos, int count) // O(n)
- {
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- BTreeNode* ret = NULL;
- int bit = 0;
- if( btree != NULL )
- {
- BTreeNode* parent = NULL;
- BTreeNode* current = btree->root;
- while( (count > 0) && (current != NULL) )
- {
- bit = pos & 1;
- pos = pos >> 1;
- parent = current;
- if( bit == BT_LEFT )
- {
- current = current->left;
- }
- else if( bit == BT_RIGHT )
- {
- current = current->right;
- }
- count--;
- }
- if( parent != NULL )
- {
- if( bit == BT_LEFT )
- {
- parent->left = NULL;
- }
- else if( bit == BT_RIGHT )
- {
- parent->right = NULL;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- btree->root = NULL;
- }
- ret = current;
- btree->count = btree->count - recursive_count(ret);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- BTreeNode* BTree_Get(BTree* tree, BTPos pos, int count) // O(n)
- {
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- BTreeNode* ret = NULL;
- int bit = 0;
- if( btree != NULL )
- {
- BTreeNode* current = btree->root;
- while( (count > 0) && (current != NULL) )
- {
- bit = pos & 1;
- pos = pos >> 1;
- if( bit == BT_LEFT )
- {
- current = current->left;
- }
- else if( bit == BT_RIGHT )
- {
- current = current->right;
- }
- count--;
- }
- ret = current;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- BTreeNode* BTree_Root(BTree* tree) // O(1)
- {
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- BTreeNode* ret = NULL;
- if( btree != NULL )
- {
- ret = btree->root;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int BTree_Height(BTree* tree) // O(n)
- {
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- int ret = 0;
- if( btree != NULL )
- {
- ret = recursive_height(btree->root);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int BTree_Count(BTree* tree) // O(1)
- {
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- int ret = 0;
- if( btree != NULL )
- {
- ret = btree->count;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int BTree_Degree(BTree* tree) // O(n)
- {
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- int ret = 0;
- if( btree != NULL )
- {
- ret = recursive_degree(btree->root);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- void BTree_Display(BTree* tree, BTree_Printf* pFunc, int gap, char div) // O(n)
- {
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- if( btree != NULL )
- {
- recursive_display(btree->root, pFunc, 0, gap, div);
- }
- }
- //main.c
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "BTree.h"
- /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */
- struct Node
- {
- BTreeNode header;
- char v;
- };
- void printf_data(BTreeNode* node)
- {
- if( node != NULL )
- {
- printf("%c", ((struct Node*)node)->v);
- }
- }
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- BTree* tree = BTree_Create();
- struct Node n1 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'A'};
- struct Node n2 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'B'};
- struct Node n3 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'C'};
- struct Node n4 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'D'};
- struct Node n5 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'E'};
- struct Node n6 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'F'};
- BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n1, 0, 0, 0);
- BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n2, 0x00, 1, 0);
- BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n3, 0x01, 1, 0);
- BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n4, 0x00, 2, 0);
- BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n5, 0x02, 2, 0);
- BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n6, 0x02, 3, 0);
- printf("Height: %d\n", BTree_Height(tree));
- printf("Degree: %d\n", BTree_Degree(tree));
- printf("Count: %d\n", BTree_Count(tree));
- printf("Position At (0x02, 2): %c\n", ((struct Node*)BTree_Get(tree, 0x02, 2))->v);
- printf("Full Tree: \n");
- BTree_Display(tree, printf_data, 4, '-');
- BTree_Delete(tree, 0x00, 1);
- printf("After Delete B: \n");
- printf("Height: %d\n", BTree_Height(tree));
- printf("Degree: %d\n", BTree_Degree(tree));
- printf("Count: %d\n", BTree_Count(tree));
- printf("Full Tree: \n");
- BTree_Display(tree, printf_data, 4, '-');
- BTree_Clear(tree);
- printf("After Clear: \n");
- printf("Height: %d\n", BTree_Height(tree));
- printf("Degree: %d\n", BTree_Degree(tree));
- printf("Count: %d\n", BTree_Count(tree));
- BTree_Display(tree, printf_data, 4, '-');
- BTree_Destroy(tree);
- return 0;
- }
- //my design --BTree.c
- #include "BTree.h"
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- typedef struct _tag_TBTree TBTree;
- struct _tag_TBTree //define the node of header
- {
- int count;
- BTreeNode* root;
- };
- static int recursive_degree(BTreeNode* root)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- if(root!=NULL)
- {
- if(root->left!=NULL)
- {
- ret++;
- }
- if(root->right!=NULL)
- {
- ret++;
- }
- if(ret == 1)
- {
- int ld = recursive_degree(root->left);
- int rd = recursive_degree(root->right);
- if(ret < ld)
- {
- ret = ld;
- }
- if(ret < rd)
- {
- ret = rd;
- }
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- static int recursive_height(BTreeNode* root)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- if(root!=NULL)
- {
- int lh = recursive_height(root->left);
- int rh = recursive_height(root->right);
- ret = ((lh>rh)?lh:rh) + 1;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- static int recursive_count(BTreeNode* node)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- if(node!=NULL)
- {
- ret = recursive_count(node->left) + 1 + recursive_count(node->right);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- static void recursive_display(BTreeNode* node,BTree_Printf* pFunc,int format,int gap,char div)
- {
- int i = 0;
- if((node!=NULL)&&(pFunc!=NULL))
- {
- for(i=0;i<format;i++)
- {
- printf("%c",div);
- }
- pFunc(node);
- printf("\n");
- if((node->left!=NULL)||(node->right!=NULL))
- {
- recursive_display(node->left,pFunc,format+gap,gap,div);
- recursive_display(node->right,pFunc,format+gap,gap,div);
- }
- }
- else //when there has only-left child node or only-right child node,print the char to fill the place
- {
- for(i=0;i<format;i++)
- {
- printf("%c",div);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- BTree* BTree_Create()
- {
- TBTree* ret = (TBTree*)malloc(sizeof(TBTree));
- if(ret != NULL)
- {
- ret->count = 0;
- ret->root = NULL;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- void BTree_Destroy(BTree* tree)
- {
- free(tree);
- }
- void BTree_Clear(BTree* tree)
- {
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- if(btree != NULL)
- {
- btree->count = 0;
- btree->root = NULL;
- }
- }
- int BTree_Insert(BTree* tree,BTreeNode* node,BTPos pos,int count,int flag) // pos :position; count :moving times;
- {
- int ret = 0;
- int bit = 0;
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- ret = (btree!=NULL)&&(node!=NULL)&&((flag==BT_LEFT)||(flag==BT_RIGHT));
- if(ret)
- {
- BTreeNode* parent = NULL;
- BTreeNode* current = btree->root;
- node->left = NULL;
- node->right = NULL;
- while((count>0)&&(current!=NULL))
- {
- bit = pos & 1;
- pos = pos >> 1;
- parent = current;
- if(bit==BT_LEFT)
- {
- current = current->left;
- }
- else if(bit==BT_RIGHT)
- {
- current = current->right;
- }
- count--;
- }
- if(flag==BT_LEFT) //when the current node has some children node,the current node should be inserted after the node
- {
- node->left = current;
- }
- else if(flag == BT_RIGHT)
- {
- node->right = current;
- }
- if(parent!=NULL)
- {
- if(bit == BT_LEFT)
- {
- parent->left = node;
- }
- else if(bit == BT_RIGHT)
- {
- parent->right = node;
- }
- }
- else //insert the first node
- {
- btree->root = node;
- }
- btree->count++;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- void BTree_Display(BTree* tree,BTree_Printf* pFunc,int gap,char div)
- {
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- if((btree!=NULL)&&(pFunc!=NULL))
- {
- recursive_display(btree->root,pFunc,0,gap,div);
- }
- }
- BTreeNode* BTree_Delete(BTree* tree,BTPos pos,int count)
- {
- BTreeNode* ret = NULL;
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree; //×öÒ»¸ö¿Ç
- int bit = 0;
- if(btree!=NULL)
- {
- BTreeNode* parent = NULL;
- BTreeNode* current = btree->root;
- while((count>0)&&(current!=NULL))
- {
- bit = pos & 1;
- pos = pos >> 1;
- parent = current;
- if(bit==BT_LEFT)
- {
- current = current->left;
- }
- else if(bit==BT_RIGHT)
- {
- current = current->right;
- }
- count--;
- }
- if(parent!=NULL)
- {
- if(bit==BT_LEFT)
- {
- parent->left = NULL;
- }
- else if(bit == BT_RIGHT)
- {
- parent->right = NULL;
- }
- }
- else //the only one node
- {
- btree->root = NULL;
- }
- ret = current; //important
- btree->count = btree->count - recursive_count(ret);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- BTreeNode* BTree_Get(BTree* tree,BTPos pos,int count)
- {
- BTreeNode* ret = NULL;
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- int bit = 0;
- if(btree!=NULL)
- {
- BTreeNode* parent = NULL;
- BTreeNode* current = btree->root;
- while((count>0)&&(current!=NULL))
- {
- bit = pos & 1;
- pos = pos >> 1;
- parent = current; //record the current node
- if(bit == BT_LEFT)
- {
- current = current->left;
- }
- else if(bit == BT_RIGHT)
- {
- current = current->right;
- }
- count--;
- }
- ret = current; //important
- }
- return ret;
- }
- BTreeNode* BTree_Root(BTree* tree)
- {
- BTreeNode* ret = NULL;
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- if(btree != NULL)
- {
- ret = btree->root;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int BTree_Height(BTree* tree)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- if(btree!=NULL)
- {
- ret = recursive_height(btree->root);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int BTree_Count(BTree* tree)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- if(btree!=NULL)
- {
- ret = btree->count;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int BTree_Degree(BTree* tree)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree;
- if(btree!=NULL)
- {
- ret = recursive_degree(btree->root);
- }
- return ret;
- }
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