- let keyword="其他"
- let data =[
- {
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- "id": "1669527816008568834",
- "parentId": "1664902947899924482",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "title": "手机",
- "key": "2",
- }],
- "hasChildren": true,
- "title": "手机售后",
- "key": "1",""
- },
- {
- "id": "1673252728467623938",
- "parentId": "0",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "title": "测试",
- "key": "1",
- },
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- "children": [{
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- "children": [{
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- "parentId": "1664216675430670337",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "title": "小米",
- "key": "3",
- }, {
- "id": "1665018856224284674",
- "parentId": "1664216675430670337",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "title": "美的",
- "key": "3",
- }],
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- "title": "空调",
- "key": "2",
- }, {
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- "id": "1665018922062274561",
- "parentId": "1664216695471054849",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "title": "美的",
- "key": "3",
- }],
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- "title": "冰箱",
- "key": "2",
- }, {
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- "parentId": "1664216721056309250",
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- "parentId": "1664216721056309250",
- "hasChildren": false,
- "title": "美的",
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- }],
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- "parentId": "1664216765738229761",
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- "title": "万家乐",
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- <script>
- // 使用 map() 方法遍历返回来的数据中的每个对象
- const filteredData = this.tabList1.map(item => {
- let arr = []
- // 如果有子级
- if (item.hasChildren) {
- // 遍历每个对象的 children 数组
- const children = item.children.map(childItem => {
- // 如果有子级
- if (childItem.hasChildren) {
- // 到第三级、筛选出符合搜索条件的
- const grandchildren = childItem.children.filter(grandchildItem => {
- return grandchildItem.title.includes(this.keyword);
- });
- // 将过滤后的 grandchildren 赋值回 childItem 的 children 属性中
- if (grandchildren.length > 0) {
- console.log('grandchildren', grandchildren)
- childItem.children = grandchildren;
- return childItem;
- }
- }
- }).filter(childItem => (childItem !== undefined && childItem.length !==
- 0)); // 过滤childItem有undefined和[]的情况
- if (children.length > 0) {
- console.log('children', children)
- // 将过滤后的 children 赋值回 item 的 children 属性中
- item.children = children;
- return item;
- }
- }
- }).filter(item => (item !== undefined));
- console.log('filteredData ', filteredData)
- </script>

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- @click="clickTitle(1)">服务类</view>
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- <view class="u-demo-block__content" v-else>
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- {{item.englishName}}
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- <script>
- var util = require('@/utils/util.js');
- var api = require('@/config/api.js');
- export default {
- data() {
- return {
- emptyImg: '',
- tabList: [],
- dataList: [],
- indexList: [],
- popupShow: false,
- options: [{
- text: '修改',
- style: {
- backgroundColor: '#3c9cff',
- fontSize: '14px'
- }
- }, {
- text: '删除',
- style: {
- backgroundColor: '#f56c6c',
- fontSize: '14px'
- }
- }],
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- content: '',
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- item: {},
- value: 0,
- titleType: 0, //0 产品类 1 服务类
- keyword: '',
- tabsCurrent: 0,
- typeId: '',
- titleTypeId: '',
- nonePerson: false,
- pageTotal: 0,
- pageTotal2: 0,
- pageCurrent: 1,
- pageCurrent2: 1,
- isSecond: true,
- isSecond2: true,
- nameValue: '',
- titleName: '',
- formatter: value => value.replace(/[^\a-zA-Z]/g, ''),
- btnLoading: false,
- tabList1: [], //用来筛选数据
- emtyDataList: [], //搜索为空时显示所有数据
- }
- },
- onLoad() {
- // this.loadmore()
- this.getTabList()
- },
- methods: {
- // 点击切换产品类、服务类
- clickTitle(str) {
- if (this.titleType == str) {
- return
- }
- this.tabsCurrent = 0;
- this.current = 0;
- this.pageCurrent = 1;
- this.pageCurrent2 = 1;
- this.isSecond = true;
- this.titleType = str;
- this.dataList = [];
- this.indexList = []
- this.getTabList()
- },
- // 获取头部数据
- getTabList() {
- uni.showLoading({
- mask: true
- })
- let params = {
- keyword: this.keyword,
- levelType: 3,
- companyId: 1,
- partitionType: this.titleType,
- companyId: 1,
- }
- util.request(api.prodTypePageClild, params, 'get').then((res) => {
- uni.hideLoading()
- if (res.code === 200 || res.code === '200') {
- this.tabList = [];
- this.tabList1 = [];
- if (res.data.length > 0) {
- res.data.forEach(el => {
- var obj = {
- name: el.title,
- id: el.id
- }
- this.tabList.push(obj)
- this.tabList1.push(el)
- this.emtyDataList.push(el)
- })
- this.titleTypeId = this.tabList[this.tabsCurrent].id
- this.getLeftList(this.titleTypeId, this.tabList1)
- } else {
- this.nonePerson = true
- }
- } else {
- uni.showToast({
- title: res.msg,
- icon: 'none'
- })
- }
- }).catch(() => {
- uni.hideLoading()
- })
- },
- // 点击头部导航
- tabTitle(e) {
- if (this.tabsCurrent == e.index) {
- return
- }
- this.tabsCurrent = e.index;
- this.titleTypeId = e.id
- uni.showLoading({
- mask: true
- })
- this.current = 0;
- this.dataList = [];
- this.indexList = [];
- // this.pageCurrent = 1
- // this.pageCurrent2 = 1
- this.isSecond = true
- // this.getLeftList(this.titleTypeId)
- console.log(e)
- for (let tab of this.tabList1) {
- if (tab.id === e.id) {
- if (tab.hasChildren) {
- const tabData = this.findLeft(tab.id, this.tabList1)
- console.log('tabData', tabData)
- // /this.dataList = this.dataList.concat(tabData.children);
- this.dataList = tabData.children
- console.log('this.dataList', this.dataList)
- uni.hideLoading()
- // 右边数据初始化
- this.getrightList(this.dataList[0].id, this.dataList)
- } else {
- this.indexList = []
- uni.hideLoading()
- }
- }
- }
- },
- findLeft(id, tabList1) {
- console.log('tabList1', id, tabList1)
- for (const tabData of tabList1) {
- if (tabData.id === id) {
- console.log('tabData', tabData)
- return tabData
- }
- }
- return null
- },
- scrolltolower() {
- if (this.pageTotal == this.pageCurrent) {
- return
- }
- this.isSecond = false;
- this.pageCurrent++
- uni.showLoading({
- mask: true
- })
- this.getLeftList()
- },
- getLeftList(id, tabList) {
- console.log('tabList', tabList)
- this.dataList = []
- if (tabList.length > 0) {
- if (tabList[0].hasChildren) {
- this.dataList = this.dataList.concat(tabList[0].children);
- if (this.isSecond && this.dataList.length > 0) {
- this.typeId = this.dataList[this.current].id
- this.getrightList(this.typeId, this.dataList)
- }
- } else {
- this.dataList = []
- }
- }
- },
- scrolltolower2() {
- if (this.pageTotal2 == this.pageCurrent2) {
- return
- }
- this.isSecond = false;
- this.pageCurrent2++
- uni.showLoading({
- mask: true
- })
- this.getrightList(this.typeId)
- },
- getrightList(id, dataList) {
- console.log('dataList', dataList)
- if (dataList.length > 0) {
- if (dataList[0].hasChildren) {
- this.indexList = this.indexList.concat(dataList[0].children);
- } else {
- this.indexList = []
- }
- }
- },
- // 关闭左滑
- closeSwiper() {
- if (this.$refs.tooltip) {
- this.$refs.tooltip.close()
- }
- if (this.$refs.swipeActions && this.$refs.swipeActions.children.length > 0) {
- this.$refs.swipeActions.children.forEach(el => {
- el.closeOther()
- })
- }
- },
- // 头部标题点击右侧
- clickRight() {
- // console.log(this.$refs.uTabs)
- let systemInfo = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
- var width = systemInfo.windowWidth - 150
- this.$refs.uTabs.scrollLeft += width
- if (this.$refs.uTabs.scrollLeft > this.$refs.uTabs.scrollViewWidth) {
- this.$refs.uTabs.scrollLeft = 0;
- }
- },
- // 搜索按钮
- searchBtn(e) {
- this.keyword = e
- if (this.keyword == '') {}
- },
- // 搜索
- searchChange(e) {
- console.log('搜索', e)
- this.keyword = e
- this.pageCurrent2 = 1;
- this.dataList = []
- this.indexList = []
- if (this.keyword != '') {
- // 使用 map() 方法遍历返回来的数据中的每个对象
- const filteredData = this.tabList1.map(item => {
- let arr = []
- // 如果有子级
- if (item.hasChildren) {
- // 遍历每个对象的 children 数组
- const children = item.children.map(childItem => {
- // 如果有子级
- if (childItem.hasChildren) {
- // 到第三级、筛选出符合搜索条件的
- const grandchildren = childItem.children.filter(grandchildItem => {
- return grandchildItem.title.includes(this.keyword);
- });
- // 将过滤后的 grandchildren 赋值回 childItem 的 children 属性中
- if (grandchildren.length > 0) {
- console.log('grandchildren', grandchildren)
- childItem.children = grandchildren;
- return childItem;
- }
- }
- }).filter(childItem => (childItem !== undefined && childItem.length !==
- 0)); // 过滤childItem有undefined和[]的情况
- if (children.length > 0) {
- console.log('children', children)
- // 将过滤后的 children 赋值回 item 的 children 属性中
- item.children = children;
- return item;
- }
- }
- }).filter(item => (item !== undefined));
- console.log('filteredData ', filteredData)
- let tabList = []
- let tabList1 = []
- // 处理搜到的数据赋值
- if (filteredData.length > 0) {
- filteredData.forEach(el => {
- //构造
- var obj = {
- name: el.title,
- id: el.id
- }
- tabList.push(obj)
- tabList1.push(el)
- })
- this.tabList = tabList
- this.tabList1 = tabList1
- if (this.tabList1.length > 0) {
- this.tabsCurrent = 0
- if (this.tabList1[0].hasChildren) {
- // 左边数据初始化
- this.dataList = this.dataList.concat(this.tabList1[0].children);
- if (this.dataList.length > 0) {
- this.current = 0
- if (this.dataList[0].hasChildren) {
- // 右边数据初始化
- this.indexList = this.indexList.concat(this.dataList[0].children);
- } else {
- this.indexList = []
- }
- }
- } else {
- this.dataList = []
- }
- }
- } else {
- // 搜不到相关数据
- this.nonePerson = true
- this.tabList = []
- this.dataList = []
- this.indexList = []
- this.indexList1 = []
- }
- } else {
- this.searchClear()
- }
- },
- // 清空按钮
- searchClear() {
- console.log('kong---111111')
- this.keyword = ''
- this.tabsCurrent = 0;
- this.current = 0;
- this.tabList = []
- this.tabList1 = []
- this.dataList = []
- this.indexList = []
- this.getTabList()
- },
- // 点击分类名称
- clickItem(obj, index) {
- this.current = index
- if (this.typeId == obj.id) {
- return
- }
- this.typeId = obj.id;
- uni.showLoading({
- mask: true
- })
- this.pageCurrent2 = 1;
- this.indexList = [];
- // this.getrightList(this.typeId)
- console.log('obj---', obj)
- if (obj.hasChildren) {
- const leftData = this.findRight(this.typeId, this.dataList)
- console.log('leftData', leftData)
- this.indexList = this.indexList.concat(leftData.children);
- uni.hideLoading()
- } else {
- this.indexList = []
- uni.hideLoading()
- }
- },
- findRight(id, dataList) {
- console.log('findRight', id, dataList)
- for (const leftData of dataList) {
- if (leftData.id === id) {
- return leftData
- }
- }
- return null
- },
- // 左滑点击事件
- clickGroup(e, item) {
- this.$refs.swipeActions.closeOther()
- this.btnLoading = false;
- if (e.index == 0) {
- this.item = item;
- this.title = "修改品牌名称"
- this.modelType = 3;
- this.titleName = item.typeName;
- this.nameValue = item.englishName
- this.range.forEach((el, index) => {
- if (item.region == el.text) {
- this.value = index
- }
- })
- // this.show = true;
- this.popupShow = true;
- } else {
- this.show = true;
- this.title = '删除'
- this.modelType = 4
- this.content = '是否确认要删除该品牌?'
- this.item = item
- // this.delGroup(item)
- }
- },
- }
- }
- </script>

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