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如果4个人的钱小于运行的钱 则必定亏本
依次遍历每个时间点的游客 wait记录当前等待游客数量
ans记录最大利润时的经营时间 cur记录当前利润 maxv记录最大利润
当没有后续游客时 继续考虑等待的游客 每次上4人使得利润最大化
def minOperationsMaxProfit(customers, boardingCost, runningCost): """ :type customers: List[int] :type boardingCost: int :type runningCost: int :rtype: int """ if 4*boardingCost<runningCost: return -1 wait = 0 ans = -1 cur = -999 maxv = -999 num = 0 for cus in customers: wait += cus tmp = min(4,wait) wait -=tmp cur += tmp*boardingCost-runningCost num +=1 if cur>maxv: maxv = cur ans = num while wait>0: tmp = min(4,wait) wait -=tmp cur += tmp*boardingCost-runningCost num +=1 if cur>maxv: maxv = cur ans = num return ans
从1个s1开始寻找s2 不停的添加s1 寻找到能够开始循环的地方
def getMaxRepetitions(s1, n1, s2, n2): """ :type s1: str :type n1: int :type s2: str :type n2: int :rtype: int """ if n1==0: return 0 s1cnt,ind,s2cnt = 0,0,0 m = {} while True: s1cnt +=1 for c in s1: if c==s2[ind]: ind+=1 if ind==len(s2): s2cnt+=1 ind=0 if s1cnt==n1: return s2cnt//n2 if ind in m: s1p,s2p = m[ind] pre = (s1p,s2p) nxt =(s1cnt-s1p,s2cnt-s2p) break else: m[ind] = (s1cnt,s2cnt) ans = pre[1]+(n1-pre[0])//(nxt[0])*nxt[1] l = (n1-pre[0])%nxt[0] for i in range(l): for c in s1: if c==s2[ind]: ind+=1 if ind==len(s2): ans+=1 ind=0 return ans//n2
递归 对右侧进行操作
class ListNode(object): def __init__(self, val=0, next=None): self.val = val self.next = next def removeNodes(head): """ :type head: Optional[ListNode] :rtype: Optional[ListNode] """ def do(node): if node is None: return None node.next = do(node.next) if node.next and node.val<node.next.val: return node.next else: return node return do(head)
cur为选取的状态 1为选择 0位不选
每一行使用二进制表示 mask[i]
def maximumRows(matrix, numSelect): """ :type matrix: List[List[int]] :type numSelect: int :rtype: int """ m,n=len(matrix),len(matrix[0]) mask = [sum(v<<j for j,v in enumerate(row)) for i,row in enumerate(matrix)] ans,limit = 0,1<<n for cur in range(1,limit): if cur.bit_count()!=numSelect: continue t = sum((mask[j]&cur)==mask[j] for j in range(m)) ans = max(ans,t) return ans
对于右侧不高于自己的人 左侧的人必定看不到
维护一个单调栈 递减
def canSeePersonsCount(heights): """ :type heights: List[int] :rtype: List[int] """ st=[] n = len(heights) ans = [0]*n for i in range(n-1,-1,-1): cur = heights[i] while st and cur>st[-1]: ans[i]+=1 st.pop() if st: ans[i]+=1 st.append(cur) return ans
遍历每一个节点 在节点后插入公约数
class ListNode(object): def __init__(self, val=0, next=None): self.val = val self.next = next def insertGreatestCommonDivisors(head): """ :type head: Optional[ListNode] :rtype: Optional[ListNode] """ import math node = head while node.next is not None: node.next = ListNode(math.gcd(node.val, node.next.val), node.next) node = node.next.next return head
def canConstruct(ransomNote, magazine): """ :type ransomNote: str :type magazine: str :rtype: bool """ if len(magazine)<len(ransomNote): return False from collections import defaultdict m = defaultdict(int) for c in magazine: m[c]+=1 for c in ransomNote: m[c]-=1 if m[c]<0: return False return True
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