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icloud 取消桌面备份_如何在iPhone和iPad上禁用和删除iCloud备份

icloud 取消桌面备份

icloud 取消桌面备份

iCloud Backup for the device screen on iPhone
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

iCloud backup for iPhone and iPad can be a lifesaver if you lose your device. But if you regularly back up your device to the cloud or if you just don’t have enough storage space on iCloud, you might want to disable the feature.

如果您丢失了设备,则iPhone和iPad的iCloud备份将成为您的救星。 但是,如果您定期将设备备份到云,或者如果iCloud上没有足够的存储空间,则可能要禁用该功能。

Your iPhone or iPad can automatically back up your data overnight when you’re asleep. iCloud backup includes your app data, Apple Watch layout, device settings, Home screen organization, iMessages, photos, videos, purchase history, ringtones, and your Visual Voicemail password.

您的iPhone或iPad可以在您睡着一夜后自动备份您的数据。 iCloud备份包括您的应用程序数据,Apple Watch布局,设备设置,主屏幕组织,iMessages,照片,视频,购买历史记录,铃声和可视语音信箱密码。

Device-specific iCloud backups are limited to data stored on your device. They don’t include things like your iCloud Photos, iMessages in iCloud, Voice Memos, Notes, iCloud Drive, contacts, calendar, bookmarks, and so on.

特定于设备的iCloud备份仅限于存储在设备上的数据。 它们不包括您的iCloud照片,iCloud中的iMessage,语音备忘录,便笺,iCloud驱动器,联系人,日历,书签等。

Before you choose to delete any app data from iCloud—or disable the iCloud backup feature altogether—make sure you’ve backed up your iPhone or iPad to your Mac or Windows PC.

在选择从iCloud删除任何应用程序数据(或完全禁用iCloud备份功能)之前,请确保已将iPhone或iPad备份到Mac或Windows PC。

在iPhone和iPad上删除旧的iCloud和应用程序备份 (Delete Old iCloud and App Backups on iPhone and iPad)

Apple offers a storage management tool for iCloud, similar to the tool for checking the local storage on your iPhone and iPad. Using the tool, you can see how much space is taken up by backups in total and by individual apps.

Apple提供了iCloud的存储管理工具,类似于用于检查iPhone和iPad上本地存储的工具。 使用该工具,您可以查看备份总计和单个应用程序占用了多少空间。

Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone or iPad and then tap on your Profile found at the top of the menu.


Tap on Profile icon from Settings app

Now, select the “iCloud” option.

现在,选择“ iCloud”选项。

Tap on iCloud from profile screen

Here, tap on the “Manage Storage” button.


Tap on Manage Storage option

From the iCloud Storage list, choose the “Backups” option.

从“ iCloud存储”列表中,选择“备份”选项。

Tap on Backups from iCloud menu

You’ll now see all iPhones and iPads associated with your iCloud account and the amount of storage space that they’re taking up. Tap on a device to see a further breakdown.

现在,您将看到与您的iCloud帐户关联的所有iPhone和iPad,以及它们占用的存储空间量。 点击设备以查看进一步的故障。

Choose the backup for device

You’ll now see details for the last backup time and a list of apps that are backed up to iCloud, along with how much space they’re taking up. If you spot an app that’s taking up too much space, you can tap on the toggle next to the app to delete and disable iCloud backup for the current app.

现在,您将看到有关上次备份时间的详细信息以及已备份到iCloud的应用程序列表,以及它们占用的空间。 如果发现某个应用占用太多空间,则可以点击该应用旁边的切换按钮,以删除并禁用当前应用的iCloud备份。

Tap on toggle next to an app

To confirm, tap on the “Turn Off And Delete” option from the popup menu.


Tap on Turn off and Delete to delete the app backup in iCloud

Do this for a couple of apps and see if you can get a significant amount of storage space back. That way, you may not have to disable the iCloud backup feature altogether.

对几个应用程序执行此操作,看看是否可以收回大量存储空间。 这样,您可能不必完全禁用iCloud备份功能。

We would recommend that you enable app backups for essential apps like WhatsApp, Messages, and so on. But for media or podcast apps, it would be best to disable the feature if you’re running out of storage space.

我们建议您为诸如WhatsApp,Messages等基本应用程序启用应用程序备份。 但是对于媒体或播客应用程序,如果存储空间不足,最好禁用该功能。

If you want, you can still turn off and delete the entire iCloud backup for the device. To do this, swipe to the bottom of the page and tap on the “Delete Backup” option.

如果需要,您仍然可以关闭并删除该设备的整个iCloud备份。 为此,请滑动至页面底部,然后点击“删除备份”选项。

Tap on Delete Backup

From the popup, tap on the “Turn Off & Delete” button to confirm.


Tap on Turn off and Delete to delete iCloud backup

Now, the entire iCloud backup of your iPhone or iPad will be deleted, and the iCloud Backup feature will be disabled.


在iPhone和iPad上禁用iCloud备份 (Disable iCloud Backup on iPhone and iPad)

If you simply want to disable the iCloud Backup feature without monitoring the storage, there’s a shortcut for you.


After tapping on the Profile from the “Settings” app, go to the “iCloud” section.

从“设置”应用中点击配置文件后,转到“ iCloud”部分。

Tap on iCloud from profile screen

Swipe down and tap on the “iCloud Backup” button.

向下滑动,然后点击“ iCloud Backup”按钮。

Tap on iCloud Backups

Here, simply tap on the toggle next to the “iCloud Backup” option.

在这里,只需点击“ iCloud Backup”选项旁边的开关即可。

Tap on toggle next to iCloud Backups

From the popup, confirm by tapping on the “OK” button.


Tap on OK from the popup

Your current backup will be deleted from iCloud, and the iCloud Backup feature will be disabled for the device.


If you want to enable the feature again, come back to this screen and tap on the toggle next to the “iCloud Backup” option.

如果要再次启用该功能,请返回此屏幕,然后点击“ iCloud Backup”选项旁边的切换按钮。

Once you’ve done this, take a look at our guide on different ways to free up iCloud storage space.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/662872/how-to-disable-and-delete-icloud-backup-on-iphone-and-ipad/

icloud 取消桌面备份

