- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import os
- from keras import backend as K
- from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
- from keras.models import Sequential
- from keras.layers import Embedding, Bidirectional, LSTM, Dense, TimeDistributed, Dropout
- from keras_contrib.layers.crf import CRF
- os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'
- '''
- 默认为0,显示所有日志要过滤INFO日志,
- 请将其设置为1WARNINGS另外,2并进一步过滤掉ERROR日志,
- 将其设置为3可以执行以下操作使警告静音
- '''
- class LSTMNER:
- def __init__(self):
- cur = '/'.join(os.path.abspath(__file__).split('/')[:-1])
- self.train_path = os.path.join(cur, 'data/train.txt')
- self.vocab_path = os.path.join(cur, 'model/vocab.txt')
- self.embedding_file = os.path.join(cur, 'model/token_vec_300.bin')
- self.model_path = os.path.join(cur, 'model/tokenvec_bilstm2_crf_model_20.h5')
- self.datas, self.word_dict = self.build_data()
- self.class_dict = {
- 'O': 0,
- 'B-pro': 1,
- 'I-pro': 2,
- 'B-sym': 3,
- 'I-sym': 4,
- 'B-dis': 5,
- 'I-dis': 6,
- 'B-equ': 7,
- 'I-equ': 8,
- 'B-dru': 9,
- 'I-dru': 10,
- 'B-ite': 11,
- 'I-ite': 12,
- 'B-bod': 13,
- 'I-bod': 14,
- 'I-dep': 15,
- 'B-dep': 16,
- 'I-mic': 17,
- 'B-mic': 18
- }
- self.EMBEDDING_DIM = 300
- self.EPOCHS = 50
- self.BATCH_SIZE = 64
- self.NUM_CLASSES = len(self.class_dict)
- self.VOCAB_SIZE = len(self.word_dict)
- self.TIME_STAMPS = 150
- self.embedding_matrix = self.build_embedding_matrix()
- '''构造数据集'''
- def build_data(self):
- datas = []
- sample_x = []
- sample_y = []
- vocabs = {'UNK'}
- for line in open(self.train_path,encoding = 'utf-8'):
- # if line=='$':
- # continue
- # else:
- line = line.rstrip().strip('$').split('\t')
- if not line:
- continue
- char = line[0]
- if not char:
- continue
- cate = line[-1]
- sample_x.append(char)
- sample_y.append(cate)
- vocabs.add(char)
- if char in ['。','?','!','!','?']:
- datas.append([sample_x, sample_y])
- sample_x = []
- sample_y = []
- word_dict = {wd:index for index, wd in enumerate(list(vocabs))}
- self.write_file(list(vocabs), self.vocab_path)
- return datas, word_dict
- '''将数据转换成keras所需的格式'''
- def modify_data(self):
- x_train = [[self.word_dict[char] for char in data[0]] for data in self.datas]
- y_train = [[self.class_dict[label] for label in data[1]] for data in self.datas]
- x_train = pad_sequences(x_train, self.TIME_STAMPS)
- y = pad_sequences(y_train, self.TIME_STAMPS)
- y_train = np.expand_dims(y, 2)
- return x_train, y_train
- '''保存字典文件'''
- def write_file(self, wordlist, filepath):
- with open(filepath, 'w+',encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
- f.write('\n'.join(wordlist))
- '''加载预训练词向量'''
- def load_pretrained_embedding(self):
- embeddings_dict = {}
- with open(self.embedding_file, 'r',encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
- for line in f:
- values = line.strip().split(' ')
- if len(values) < 300:
- continue
- word = values[0]
- coefs = np.asarray(values[1:], dtype='float32')
- embeddings_dict[word] = coefs
- print('Found %s word vectors.' % len(embeddings_dict))
- return embeddings_dict
- '''加载词向量矩阵'''
- def build_embedding_matrix(self):
- embedding_dict = self.load_pretrained_embedding()
- embedding_matrix = np.zeros((self.VOCAB_SIZE + 1, self.EMBEDDING_DIM))
- for word, i in self.word_dict.items():
- embedding_vector = embedding_dict.get(word)
- if embedding_vector is not None:
- embedding_matrix[i] = embedding_vector
- return embedding_matrix
- '''使用预训练向量进行模型训练'''
- def tokenvec_bilstm2_crf_model(self):
- model = Sequential()
- embedding_layer = Embedding(self.VOCAB_SIZE + 1,
- weights=[self.embedding_matrix],
- input_length=self.TIME_STAMPS,
- trainable=False,
- mask_zero=True)
- model.add(embedding_layer)
- model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(128, return_sequences=True)))
- model.add(Dropout(0.5))
- model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(64, return_sequences=True)))
- model.add(Dropout(0.5))
- model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(self.NUM_CLASSES)))
- crf_layer = CRF(self.NUM_CLASSES, sparse_target=True)
- model.add(crf_layer)
- model.compile('adam', loss=crf_layer.loss_function, metrics=[crf_layer.accuracy])
- model.summary()
- return model
- '''训练模型'''
- def train_model(self):
- x_train, y_train = self.modify_data()
- print(x_train.shape, y_train.shape)
- model = self.tokenvec_bilstm2_crf_model()
- history = model.fit(x_train[:],
- y_train[:],
- validation_split=0.2,
- batch_size=self.BATCH_SIZE,
- epochs=self.EPOCHS)
- # self.draw_train(history)
- model.save(self.model_path)
- return model
- '''绘制训练曲线'''
- def draw_train(self, history):
- # Plot training & validation accuracy values
- plt.plot(history.history['acc'])
- plt.title('Model accuracy')
- plt.ylabel('Accuracy')
- plt.xlabel('Epoch')
- plt.legend(['Train'], loc='upper left')
- plt.show()
- # Plot training & validation loss values
- plt.plot(history.history['loss'])
- plt.title('Model loss')
- plt.ylabel('Loss')
- plt.xlabel('Epoch')
- plt.legend(['Train'], loc='upper left')
- plt.show()
- # 7836/7836 [==============================] - 205s 26ms/step - loss: 17.1782 - acc: 0.9624
- '''
- 6268/6268 [==============================] - 145s 23ms/step - loss: 18.5272 - acc: 0.7196 - val_loss: 15.7497 - val_acc: 0.8109
- 6268/6268 [==============================] - 142s 23ms/step - loss: 17.8446 - acc: 0.9099 - val_loss: 15.5915 - val_acc: 0.8378
- 6268/6268 [==============================] - 136s 22ms/step - loss: 17.7280 - acc: 0.9485 - val_loss: 15.5570 - val_acc: 0.8364
- 6268/6268 [==============================] - 133s 21ms/step - loss: 17.6918 - acc: 0.9593 - val_loss: 15.5187 - val_acc: 0.8451
- 6268/6268 [==============================] - 144s 23ms/step - loss: 17.6723 - acc: 0.9649 - val_loss: 15.4944 - val_acc: 0.8451
- '''
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- ner = LSTMNER()
- ner.train_model()
- import numpy as np
- from keras import backend as K
- from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
- from keras.models import Sequential,load_model
- from keras.layers import Embedding, Bidirectional, LSTM, Dense, TimeDistributed, Dropout
- from keras_contrib.layers.crf import CRF
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import os
- os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'
- class LSTMNER:
- def __init__(self):
- cur = '/'.join(os.path.abspath(__file__).split('/')[:-1])
- self.train_path = os.path.join(cur, 'data/train.txt')
- self.vocab_path = os.path.join(cur, 'model/vocab.txt')
- self.embedding_file = os.path.join(cur, 'model/token_vec_300.bin')
- self.model_path = os.path.join(cur, 'model/tokenvec_bilstm2_crf_model_20.h5')
- self.word_dict = self.load_worddict()
- self.class_dict = {
- 'O': 0,
- 'B-pro': 1,
- 'I-pro': 2,
- 'B-sym': 3,
- 'I-sym': 4,
- 'B-dis': 5,
- 'I-dis': 6,
- 'B-equ': 7,
- 'I-equ': 8,
- 'B-dru': 9,
- 'I-dru': 10,
- 'B-ite': 11,
- 'I-ite': 12,
- 'B-bod': 13,
- 'I-bod': 14,
- 'I-dep': 15,
- 'B-dep': 16,
- 'I-mic': 17,
- 'B-mic': 18
- }
- self.label_dict = {j:i for i,j in self.class_dict.items()}
- self.EMBEDDING_DIM = 300
- self.EPOCHS = 20
- self.BATCH_SIZE = 64
- self.NUM_CLASSES = len(self.class_dict)
- self.VOCAB_SIZE = len(self.word_dict)
- self.TIME_STAMPS = 150
- self.embedding_matrix = self.build_embedding_matrix()
- self.model = self.tokenvec_bilstm2_crf_model()
- self.model.load_weights(self.model_path)
- '加载词表'
- def load_worddict(self):
- vocabs = [line.strip() for line in open(self.vocab_path)]
- word_dict = {wd: index for index, wd in enumerate(vocabs)}
- return word_dict
- '''构造输入,转换成所需形式'''
- def build_input(self, text):
- x = []
- for char in text:
- if char not in self.word_dict:
- char = 'UNK'
- x.append(self.word_dict.get(char))
- x = pad_sequences([x], self.TIME_STAMPS)
- return x
- def predict(self, text):
- str = self.build_input(text)
- raw = self.model.predict(str)[0][-self.TIME_STAMPS:]
- result = [np.argmax(row) for row in raw]
- chars = [i for i in text]
- tags = [self.label_dict[i] for i in result][len(result)-len(text):]
- res = list(zip(chars, tags))
- print(res)
- return res
- '''加载预训练词向量'''
- def load_pretrained_embedding(self):
- embeddings_dict = {}
- with open(self.embedding_file, 'r') as f:
- for line in f:
- values = line.strip().split(' ')
- if len(values) < 300:
- continue
- word = values[0]
- coefs = np.asarray(values[1:], dtype='float32')
- embeddings_dict[word] = coefs
- print('Found %s word vectors.' % len(embeddings_dict))
- return embeddings_dict
- '''加载词向量矩阵'''
- def build_embedding_matrix(self):
- embedding_dict = self.load_pretrained_embedding()
- embedding_matrix = np.zeros((self.VOCAB_SIZE + 1, self.EMBEDDING_DIM))
- for word, i in self.word_dict.items():
- embedding_vector = embedding_dict.get(word)
- if embedding_vector is not None:
- embedding_matrix[i] = embedding_vector
- return embedding_matrix
- '''使用预训练向量进行模型训练'''
- def tokenvec_bilstm2_crf_model(self):
- model = Sequential()
- embedding_layer = Embedding(self.VOCAB_SIZE + 1,
- weights=[self.embedding_matrix],
- input_length=self.TIME_STAMPS,
- trainable=False,
- mask_zero=True)
- model.add(embedding_layer)
- model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(128, return_sequences=True)))
- model.add(Dropout(0.5))
- model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(64, return_sequences=True)))
- model.add(Dropout(0.5))
- model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(self.NUM_CLASSES)))
- crf_layer = CRF(self.NUM_CLASSES, sparse_target=True)
- model.add(crf_layer)
- model.compile('adam', loss=crf_layer.loss_function, metrics=[crf_layer.accuracy])
- model.summary()
- return model
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- ner = LSTMNER()
- while 1:
- s = input('enter an sent:').strip()
- ner.predict(s)
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