import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import router from './router' import store from './store' import Antd from 'ant-design-vue' import 'ant-design-vue/dist/antd.css' import vuescroll from "vuescroll" import "vuescroll/dist/vuescroll.css" Vue.config.productionTip = false Vue.use(Antd) Vue.use(vuescroll)//使用 new Vue({ router, store, render: h => h(App) }).$mount('#app')
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<template> <div class="index"> <a-row :gutter="[10,10]"> <a-col :span="24"> <h2 v-text="'You are talking to: '+message2UserId"/> <div class="messagesWrapper"> <vue-scroll ref="chatMessagesScroller" :ops="ops" style="width:100%;"> <div class="chatMessages"> <a-row :gutter="[10,10]"> <a-col v-for="(message,index) in chatMessages" :key="index" :span="24"> <div :class="['chatMessageItem',message.fromId === loginUserId ? 'send' : 'receive']"> <div class="messageAuthor"> <a-avatar :size="45" icon="user"/> </div> <div class="messageInfo"> <div class="messageTime">2022-03-28</div> <div :class="['chat-bubble',message.fromId === loginUserId ? 'chat-bubble-right chat-bubble-success':'chat-bubble-left chat-bubble-primary']" :id="'chatMessage_'+index"> <span v-text="message.messageInfo"/> </div> </div> </div> </a-col> </a-row> </div> </vue-scroll> </div> <a-textarea v-model="messageInfo" placeholder="input message" rows="4"/> <a-button type="primary" v-on:click="sendMessage" icon="enter" style="float: right;margin-top:10px">send</a-button> </a-col> <a-col :xl="12" :lg="12" :md="12" :sm="24" :xs="24"> <span> 当前状态:<span :style="isLogined ? 'color:green;':'color: red;'" v-text="isLogined ? '已登录': '未登录'"/> </span> <a-input-search v-model="loginUserId" placeholder="your id" @search="imLogin"> <a-button type="primary" slot="enterButton"> login </a-button> </a-input-search> </a-col> <a-col :xl="12" :lg="12" :md="12" :sm="24" :xs="24"> <label>chat to user:</label> <a-input v-model="message2UserId" placeholder="chat target user id" style="width:100%"/> </a-col> </a-row> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "index", data() { return { loginUserId: '', socket: undefined, message2UserId: '', messageInfo: '', chatMessages: [], isLogined: false, ops: { vuescroll: {}, scrollPanel: { scrollingX: false }, rail: { keepShow: true }, bar: { hoverStyle: true, onlyShowBarOnScroll: false, //是否只有滚动的时候才显示滚动条 background: "#929292",//滚动条颜色 opacity: 0.5,//滚动条透明度 'overflow-x': "hidden" } }, isSending: false, } }, methods: { initSocketConnect() { let that = this; if (window.WebSocket || window.MozWebSocket) { that.socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:7777/ws"); that.socket.onmessage = function (event) { let messagePacket = JSON.parse(event.data); let msgCommand = messagePacket.command; if (msgCommand !== 'HEARTBEAT_RESPONSE') { that.processMessage(messagePacket); } }; that.socket.onopen = function (event) { console.log("websocket connected"); that.startHeartBeat(); }; that.socket.onclose = function (event) { console.log("websocket disConnected"); }; } else { console.log("your browser does not support websocket"); } }, startHeartBeat() { let that = this; setInterval(function () { let packet = {}; packet.command = "3"; that.socket.send(JSON.stringify(packet)); }, 5000); }, imLogin() { let that = this; if (that.loginUserId) { let loginPacket = {}; loginPacket.dataInfo = { userId: that.loginUserId, password: "123456", clientType: "web", clientVersion: "1", }; loginPacket.command = "1"; that.socket.send(JSON.stringify(loginPacket)); that.isLogined = true; } else { that.$notification['info']({ message: 'please input your loginId', }); } }, processMessage(messagePacket) { let that = this; let msgCommand = messagePacket.command; switch (msgCommand) { case "SYS_NOTIFY_REQUEST": that.processSysNotifyPacket(messagePacket); break; case "P2P_MESSAGE_REQUEST": that.processP2pMessagePacket(messagePacket); break; default: console.log("msg type to do..."); } }, processSysNotifyPacket(notifyPacket) { let that = this; let notifyType = notifyPacket.notifyType; switch (notifyType) { case "CLIENT_ONLINE": that.processUserOnline(notifyPacket.jsonNotifyInfo); break; case "CLIENT_OFFLINE": that.processUserOffline(notifyPacket.jsonNotifyInfo); break; default: console.log("process sys notify..."); } }, processUserOnline(onlineInfo) { let that = this; let userObj = JSON.parse(onlineInfo); let onlineUser = userObj.onlineUser; if (that.loginUserId !== onlineUser) { if (window.Notification) { Notification.requestPermission(function (status) { var n = new Notification('上线通知', {body: '用户:' + userObj.onlineUser + "上线了!"}); }); } } }, processUserOffline(offlineInfo) { let that = this; let userObj = JSON.parse(offlineInfo); let userId = userObj.offlineUser; if (that.loginUserId !== onlineUser) { if (window.Notification) { Notification.requestPermission(function (status) { var n = new Notification('下线通知', {body: '用户:' + userId + "下线了!"}); }); } } }, sendMessage() { let that = this; if (!window.WebSocket && !window.MozWebSocket) { alert("your browser does not support websocket"); return; } if (that.socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { if (that.message2UserId) { if (that.isLogined) { if (that.messageInfo) { if (that.message2UserId !== that.loginUserId) { that.isSending = true; let p2pMessagePacket = {}; p2pMessagePacket.dataInfo = { fromId: that.loginUserId, toId: that.message2UserId, messageInfo: that.messageInfo, }; p2pMessagePacket.command = "5"; that.chatMessages.push(p2pMessagePacket.dataInfo); that.socket.send(JSON.stringify(p2pMessagePacket)); that.messageInfo = ''; that.scrollMessages2Bottom(); that.isSending = false; } else { that.$notification['info']({ message: 'you can not chat with yourself', }); } } else { that.$notification['info']({ message: 'chat message can not be empty!', }); } } else { that.$notification['info']({ message: 'please login before chat to someone!', }); } } else { that.$notification['info']({ message: 'please input userId which you wanna to chat', }); } } else { console.log("WebSocket connect failed"); } }, processP2pMessagePacket(messagePacket) { let that = this; that.chatMessages.push(messagePacket); that.scrollMessages2Bottom(); }, scrollMessages2Bottom() { let that = this; let targetEleId = "#chatMessage_" + (that.chatMessages.length - 1); console.log("targetEle:" + targetEleId); setTimeout(function () { that.$refs.chatMessagesScroller.scrollIntoView(targetEleId, 100); }, 100); } }, mounted() { let that = this; that.initSocketConnect(); } } </script> <style scoped> .index { width: 60%; margin: 0 auto; height: 100%; margin-top: 60px; } .messagesWrapper { height: 60vh; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.6); border-radius: 4px; margin-bottom: 20px; } .chatMessages{ padding: 20px; } .chatMessageItem{ width: 100%; display: flex; align-items: flex-start; } .chatMessageItem .messageInfo{ width: 0; flex: 1; } .chatMessageItem.send{ flex-direction: row-reverse; justify-content: flex-end; } .chatMessageItem.send .messageAuthor{ margin-left: 10px; } .chatMessageItem.send .messageInfo{ text-align: right; } .chatMessageItem.receive{ flex-direction: row; justify-content: flex-start; } .chatMessageItem.receive .messageAuthor{ margin-right: 10px; } .chatMessageItem.receive .messageInfo{ text-align: left; } .chat-bubble { color: #333; box-shadow: 3px 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2); padding: 5px 10px; width: auto; max-width: 50%; text-align: left; display: inline-block !important; position: relative; word-break: break-all; background-color: #ffffff; transition: all .2s; cursor: pointer; margin-bottom: 10px; } .chat-bubble:hover { transform: scale(1.03); } .chat-bubble-left { float: left; border-radius: 0 5px 5px 5px; } .chat-bubble-left:before { content: ''; width: 6px; height: 6px; left: -6px; top: 0; position: absolute; border-left: 3px solid transparent; border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; border-top: 3px solid #ffffff; border-right: 3px solid #ffffff; } .chat-bubble-right { float: right; border-radius: 5px 0 5px 5px; } .chat-bubble-right:after { content: ''; width: 6px; height: 6px; right: -6px; top: 0; position: absolute; border-left: 3px solid #ffffff; border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; border-top: 3px solid #ffffff; border-right: 3px solid transparent; } /** chat-bubble-primary */ .chat-bubble-left.chat-bubble-primary { background: linear-gradient(90deg, #2b92e4, #30a1dc) !important; color: #ffffff !important; } .chat-bubble-left.chat-bubble-primary:before { border-right: 3px solid #2b92e4 !important; border-top: 3px solid #2b92e4 !important; } .chat-bubble-right.chat-bubble-primary { background: linear-gradient(90deg, #30a1dc, #2b92e4) !important; color: #ffffff !important; } .chat-bubble-right.chat-bubble-primary:after { border-left: 3px solid #2b92e4 !important; border-top: 3px solid #2b92e4 !important; } /** chat-bubble-success */ .chat-bubble-left.chat-bubble-success { background: linear-gradient(90deg, #4caf50, #66b869) !important; color: #ffffff !important; } .chat-bubble-left.chat-bubble-success:before { border-right: 3px solid #4caf50 !important; border-top: 3px solid #4caf50 !important; } .chat-bubble-right.chat-bubble-success { background: linear-gradient(90deg, #66b869, #4caf50) !important; color: #ffffff !important; } .chat-bubble-right.chat-bubble-success:after { border-left: 3px solid #4caf50 !important; border-top: 3px solid #4caf50 !important; } </style>
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