主要是活用 etree
from _chj.comm.pic import * import requests from lxml import etree import pandas as pd import urllib.parse from requests_html import HTMLSession session = HTMLSession() class params: base_url="https://www.fangpi.net" sbase_url="https://www.fangpi.net/s/" fsing="tmp/sing.txt" furl_out="tmp/sing_url.sh" dsong = "tmp/songs" def main(): f1_get_files() f2_mk_wget() def f2_mk_wget(): chj_file.mkdir( params.dsong ) exec_cmd( f" bash {params.furl_out} " ) def f1_get_files(): fp = open(params.furl_out, "w") for i, line in enumerate( readlines( params.fsing ) ): arr = line.split() if len(arr) == 1: nm, uname = line, None else: nm, uname = line.split() uname = uname.strip() outurl, nm = get_link( nm.strip(), uname ) if outurl is not None: #fp.write( f"{i} {outurl} {nm}\n") ss = f"wget -c '{outurl}' -O {params.dsong}/{i}-{nm}\n" fp.write( ss ) def get_link( query_nm, query_uname ): url = params.sbase_url + urllib.parse.quote( query_nm ) r = requests.get(url) tree = etree.HTML( r.text ) r.close() items = tree.xpath(".//table[@class='table']/tbody/tr") for tr in items: #tds = tr.xpath(".//td") nm = tr[0].xpath("./a/text()")[0].strip() unm = tr[1].text urlsing = tr[2].xpath("./a/@href")[0] #print( nm, unm, urlsing ) if nm == query_nm: if query_uname is None or unm == query_uname: url_sing = params.base_url + urlsing href, download = get_sing_url( url_sing ) return href, download return None, None #df = pd.read_html(url, encoding='utf-8',header=0) # 这个会失去链接 def get_sing_url( url ): r = session.get(url) # 必须要渲染否则不行 r.html.render() tree = etree.HTML( r.html.html ) r.close() #print( r.html.html ) a = tree.xpath(".//div[@class='input-group-append']/a[@id='btn-download-mp3']")[0] href = a.xpath("./@href")[0] download = a.xpath("./@download")[0] #print( href, download ) #r = requests.get( href ) return href, download if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# -*- coding:utf-8 -* import urllib.request from lxml import etree root_url="http://www.itangyuan.com/" url=f"{root_url}/book/catalogue/14432108.html" def main(): # 第一步 html = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read() tree = etree.HTML(html) links = tree.xpath(".//div[@class='catalog']/ul/li/a/@href")[2:] # 第二部 for i, link in enumerate( links ): link = f"{root_url}{link}" html = urllib.request.urlopen(link).read() tree = etree.HTML(html).xpath(".//div[@class='section-main-con']") if len(tree) == 0: continue if len(tree) != 1: p("WARNING", link, len(len(tree))) tree = tree[0] title = tree.xpath(".//h1/text()")[0] content = "\n\n".join( tree.xpath(".//p/text()")[:-1] ) with open(f"res/{i+1:03d}.{title}.txt", "w", encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.write(content) # 下面这个函数忽略 def main2(): with open("虹猫蓝兔七侠传小说.md", "w", encoding="utf-8") as fpout: for fnm in glob.glob("res/*"): with open(fnm, encoding="utf-8") as fp: nm = fnm.split('\\')[1].split('.txt')[0] fpout.write(f"# {nm}\n") fpout.write(fp.read()+"\n") if __name__ == '__main__': main()
由于这个网页内容比较简单,直接 xpath 索引就全部获得了。
1)每次 xpath 完是个数组,可能应为是通过 class 索引缘故,未详细探索
2)用 utf-8 保存
chrome 中分析发现一个链接
使用 ffmpeg 下载之后发现有问题 ( ffmpeg -i xx.m3u8 -c copy demo.mp4 ), 视频是模糊的
先 clear 一下
刷新一下页面,分析包,然后发现下面那个请求,获得一个本质上是 json 的 url
可以在这个 url 中 分析得到
不过chrome 默认是没有装 jsonview插件的可以装一下
divs = tree.xpath(".//div[@label-module='para*']")
for e in divs: print( e.text)
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