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MDN(Mozilla Developer Center):火狐开发者社区是一个完整的学习平台,你可以在这里深入学习Web技术以及能够驱动Web的软件 。

1. 第六章

1.1 Object

1.1.1 new操作符

  1. let person = new Object();
  2. person.name = "Nicholas";
  3. person.age = 29;

1.1.2 对象字面量


  1. let person = {
  2.    name: "Nicholas",
  3.    age: 29
  4. };


  1. let person = {
  2.    "name": "Nicholas",
  3.    "age": 29,
  4.    5: true,
  5. true: 123,
  6.    false: 321
  7. };
  8. person[5]; //true
  9. person[true]; //123
  10. person[false]; //321


  1. let person = {
  2.    "name": "Nicholas",
  3.    "age": 29,
  4.    5: true,
  5. true: 123,
  6.    true: 555,
  7.    name: 'jack'
  8. };
  9. // 最后person变为
  10. {
  11.    5: true,
  12.    name: "jack",
  13.    age: 29,
  14.    true: 555
  15. }


  1. let person = {
  2.    5:15,
  3.    true: 'yes',
  4.    false: 'no'
  5. };
  6. person.5; // ?
  7. person.true; // ?
  8. person.false; // ?
  9. person.__proto__ === ?;
  10. person.__proto__.constructor === ?;
  11. let person = new Object();
  12. person.__proto__ === ?;
  13. person.__proto__.constructor === ?;

1.1.3 访问/设置方式


  1. let person = {
  2. "name": "Nicholas",
  3. "age": 29,
  4. 5: true,
  5. true: 123
  6. };
  7. person.name; //"Nicholas"
  8. person.age; //29
  9. person.name = 'jack';
  10. person.age = 30;
  11. person.true; //对吗?
  12. person.5; //对吗?


  1. let person = {
  2. "name": "Nicholas",
  3. "age": 29,
  4. 5: true,
  5. true: 123
  6. };
  7. person['name']; //"Nicholas"
  8. person['age']; //29
  9. person['name'] = 'jack';
  10. person['age'] = 30;
  11. person[true]; //对吗?
  12. person[5]; //对吗?


  1. let name = {
  2.    firstName: '张',
  3.    lastName: '三'
  4. };
  5. let person = {
  6.   [name]: '张三'
  7. }

1.2 Array

1.2.1 Array构造函数

  1. let colors = new Array(); //表示创建一个空数组
  2. colors.length; //0
  3. let colors = new Array(5); //表示创建一个长度为5的空数组
  4. colors.length; //5
  5. colors[0]; //undefined
  6. let colors = Array(5); //不用new也可以
  7. let colors = new Array("red", "blue", "green"); //表示创建一个数组,并传入三个值
  8. colors.length; //3
  9. colors[0]; //"red"
  10. let names = Array("Greg"); //不用new也可以


  1. let colors = new Array(3);
  2. colors[0]; //?
  3. colors.length; //?

1.2.2 数组字面量

  1. let colors = ["red", "blue", "green"]; // 创建一个包含3个元素的数组
  2. let names = []; // 创建一个空数组
  3. let values = [1,2,]; // 创建一个包含2个元素的数组
  4. let ages = [,,,]; //创建一个包含3个三个空元素的数组
  5. colors.length = 2; //改变数组长度
  6. colors[2]; //undefined
  7. 思考:
  8. let cars = [1,2,,,];
  9. cars.length; //?
  10. let cats = [1,2,,,5];
  11. cats.length; //?
  12. cats[cats.length - 1]; //?
  13. let dogs = [1,2,3];
  14. dogs.length = 5;
  15. dogs.length; //?
  16. dogs[dogs.length - 1]; //?

1.2.3 Array.from

第一个参数是一个类数组对象,即任何可迭代的结构,或者有一个 length 属性和可索引元素的结构。

  1. // 字符串会被拆分为单字符数组
  2. console.log(Array.from("Matt")); // ["M", "a", "t", "t"]
  3. // 可以使用from()将集合和映射转换为一个新数组
  4. const s = new Set().add(1).add(2).add(3).add(4);
  5. console.log(Array.from(s)); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
  6. // Array.from()对现有数组执行浅复制
  7. const a1 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
  8. const a2 = Array.from(a1);
  9. console.log(a1); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
  10. a1 === a2; // false
  11. a2.push(5);
  12. a1.length; //?
  13. // arguments对象可以被轻松地转换为数组
  14. function getArgsArray() {
  15.    return Array.from(arguments);
  16. }
  17. console.log(getArgsArray(1, 2, 3, 4)); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
  18. // from()也能转换带有必要属性的自定义对象
  19. const arrayLikeObject = { 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, length: 4 };
  20. console.log(Array.from(arrayLikeObject)); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
  21. //没有length的对象不行,因为会将0,1,2,3当做对象的key,而不当做是下标
  22. const arrayLikeObject = { 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4 };
  23. console.log(Array.from(arrayLikeObject)); // []


  1. const arrayLikeObject = { 3: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 0: 4,length:4 }; //下标打乱顺序
  2. console.log(Array.from(arrayLikeObject)); //?
  3. const arrayLikeObject = { 3: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 0: 4,length:6 }; //长度多了2
  4. console.log(Array.from(arrayLikeObject)); //?
  5. const arrayLikeObject = { 3: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 0: 4,length:2 }; //长度只有2
  6. console.log(Array.from(arrayLikeObject)); //?
  7. //转换一个没有length的对象
  8. const arrayLikeObject = { a:1, b:2 };
  9. console.log(Array.from(arrayLikeObject)); //?
  10. //转换一个有length的对象
  11. const arrayLikeObject = { a:1, b:2, length:3 };
  12. console.log(Array.from(arrayLikeObject)); //?

1.2.4 Array.of


  1. console.log(Array.of(1, 2, 3, 4)); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
  2. console.log(Array.of(undefined)); // [undefined]

1.2.5 检测数组

  1. [] instanceof Array; // true
  2. Array.isArray([]); //true
  3. 思考:
  4. (new Array() instanceof Array); //?
  5. (Array.isArray(new Array())); //?

1.2.6 fill


[负值索引]  负值索引从数组末尾开始计算,也可以将负索引想象成数组长度加上它得到的一个正索引(如果长度减去负索引还是得到负数,索引则从0开始)。

  1. const zeroes = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; // 用5填充整个数组
  2. zeroes.fill(5);
  3. console.log(zeroes); // [5, 5, 5, 5, 5]
  4. // 用6填充索引大于等于3的元素
  5. zeroes.fill(0); // 重置
  6. zeroes.fill(6, 3);
  7. console.log(zeroes); // [0, 0, 0, 6, 6]
  8. // 用7填充索引大于等于1且小于3的元素
  9. zeroes.fill(0); // 重置
  10. zeroes.fill(7, 1, 3);
  11. console.log(zeroes); // [0, 7, 7, 0, 0];
  12. // 用8填充索引大于等于1且小于4的元素
  13. // (-4 + zeroes.length = 1)
  14. // (-1 + zeroes.length = 4)
  15. zeroes.fill(8, -4, -1);
  16. console.log(zeroes); // [0, 8, 8, 8, 0];
  17. fill()静默忽略超出数组边界、零长度及方向相反的索引范围
  18. [fill()]  注解如下:
  19. const zeroes = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
  20. zeroes.fill(1, -10, -6); // 索引过低,忽略
  21. console.log(zeroes); // [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  22. zeroes.fill(1, 10, 15); // 索引过高,忽略
  23. console.log(zeroes); // [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  24. zeroes.fill(2, 4, 2); // 索引反向,忽略
  25. console.log(zeroes); // [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  26. zeroes.fill(4, 3, 10); // 索引部分可用,填充可用部分
  27. console.log(zeroes); // [0, 0, 0, 4, 4]


  1. const zeroes = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
  2. zeroes.fill(1, -10, -1);
  3. console.log(zeroes); //?
  4. const zeroes = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
  5. zeroes.fill(1, -10, 20);
  6. console.log(zeroes); //?

1.2.7 copyWithin


  1. let ints = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
  2. // 从ints中复制索引0开始的内容,插入到索引5开始的位置
  3. // 在源索引或目标索引到达数组边界时停止
  4. ints.copyWithin(5);
  5. console.log(ints); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3,4]
  6. let ints = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
  7. // 从ints中复制索引5开始的内容,插入到索引0开始的位置
  8. ints.copyWithin(0, 5);
  9. console.log(ints); // [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
  10. let ints = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
  11. // 从ints中复制索引大于0并且小于3的内容
  12. // 插入到索引4开始的位置
  13. ints.copyWithin(4, 0, 3);
  14. console.log(ints); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9]
  15. let ints = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
  16. ints.copyWithin(2, 0, 6);
  17. console.log(ints); // [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9]
  18. // 支持负索引值,与fill()相对于数组末尾计算正向索引的过程是一样的
  19. let ints = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
  20. ints.copyWithin(-4, -7, -3);
  21. console.log(ints); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6]


1.2.8 reverse(倒序)


  1. // 书中的例子,只是作为反向排序讲解,不够全面
  2. let values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
  3. values.reverse();
  4. console.log(values); // [5,4,3,2,1]
  5. let numbers = [5,1,2,6,3];
  6. numbers.reverse();
  7. console.log(numbers); // [3, 6, 2, 1, 5]
  8. let chars = ['c','b','d','a','w'];
  9. chars.reverse();
  10. console.log(chars); // ["w", "a", "d", "b", "c"]
  11. let objs = [{a:1}, {a:5}, {a:3}];
  12. objs.reverse();
  13. console.log(objs); // [{a:3},{a:5},{a:1}]

1.2.9 sort


  1. let values = [0, 1, 5, 10, 15];
  2. values.sort(); // 不传比较函数出来的结果是不正常的
  3. console.log(values); // 0,1,10,15,5
  4. let values = [15, 1, 10, 5, 0];
  5. values.sort(function (value1, value2) {
  6.    if (value1 < value2) {
  7.        return -1;
  8.   }
  9.    else if (value1 > value2) {
  10.        return 1;
  11.   }
  12.    return 0;
  13. });
  14. console.log(values); // 0,1,5,10,15
  15. //使用箭头函数简写
  16. let values = [15, 1, 10, 5, 0];
  17. values.sort((a, b) => a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0);
  18. console.log(values); // 0,1,5,10,15
  19. //最简单的方法
  20. let values = [15, 1, 10, 5, 0];
  21. values.sort((a, b) => a - b);
  22. console.log(values); // 0,1,5,10,15
  23. 思考:
  24. let values = [15, 1, 10, 5, 0];
  25. //使用function的方式写一个反向排序方法
  26. //使用箭头函数简写
  27. let values = [15, 1, 10, 5, 0];
  28. //使用箭头函数简写的方式写一个反向排序方法
  29. //最简单的方法
  30. let values = [15, 1, 10, 5, 0];
  31. //使用最简单的方法写一个反向排序方法

1.2.10 concat


  1. let colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
  2. let colors2 = colors.concat("yellow", ["black", "brown"]);
  3. console.log(colors); // ["red", "green","blue"]
  4. console.log(colors2); // ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "black", "brown"]
  5. //不能添加第二层的数据
  6. let colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
  7. let colors2 = colors.concat("yellow", ["black", "brown"],"aaa",["bbb",'ccc', ['a','b',['c']]]);
  8. console.log(colors2); //["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "black", "brown", "aaa", "bbb", "ccc", Array(3)]

1.2.11 slice

slice()用于创建一个包含原有数组中一个或多个元素的新数组。slice()方法可以接收一个或两个参数:返回元素的开始索引和结束索引。如果只有一个参数,则 slice()会返回该索引到数组末尾的所有元素。如果有两个参数,则slice() 返回从开始索引到结束索引对应的所有元素,其中不包含结束索引对应的元素。

  1. let colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "purple"];
  2. let colors2 = colors.slice(1);
  3. let colors3 = colors.slice(1, 4);
  4. console.log(colors2); // ["green", "blue", "yellow", "purple"
  5. console.log(colors3); // ["green", "blue", "yellow"]
  6. console.log(colors); // ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "purple"]
  • slice()的负值索引跟fill()负值索引计算方式一样。

  • 静默忽略超出数组边界、零长度及方向相反的索引范围也跟fill()方法的一样。


  1. let numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
  2. console.log(numbers.slice(-5)); //?
  3. console.log(numbers.slice(-5,-1)); //?
  4. console.log(numbers.slice(-30)); //?
  5. console.log(numbers.slice(-3,-5)); //?

1.2.12 splice


  • 删除

    需要给 splice() 传2个参数:要删除的第一个元素的位置和要删除的元素数量。从原数组中删除任意多个元素,并返回一个数组,返回的数组包含删除的项。比如splice(0, 2) 会删除原数组前两个元素,并返回一个数组,数组中包含前两个已删除的项。

    1. let colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
    2. let removed = colors.splice(0,1); // 删除第一项,并将第一项返回
    3. console.log(colors); // ["green", "blue"]
    4. console.log(removed); // ["red"]
    5. let colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
    6. let removed = colors.splice(-3);
    7. console.log(colors); // []
    8. console.log(removed); // ["red", "green", "blue"]
    9. let colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
    10. let removed = colors.splice(-3,2);
    11. console.log(colors); // ["blue"]
    12. console.log(removed); // ["red", "green"]


  • 插入

    需要给 splice() 传3个参数:开始位置、0(要删除的元素数量)和要插入的元素,可以在数组中指定的位置插入元素。第三个参数之后还可以传第四个、第五个参数,乃至任意多个要插入的元素。比如,splice(2, 0, "red", "green") 会从数组位置2开始插入字符串 "red" 和 "green" 。

    1. let colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
    2. let removed = colors.splice(1, 0, "yellow", "orange"); // 在位置1插入两个元素
    3. console.log(colors); // ["red", "yellow", "orange", "green", "blue"]
    4. console.log(removed); // []


  • 替换

    splice() 在删除元素的同时可以在指定位置插入新元素,样要传入3个参数:开始位置、要删除元素的数量和要插入的任意多个元素。要插入的元素数量不一定跟删除的元素数量一致。比如,splice(2, 1, "red", "green") 会在位置2删除一个元素,然后从该位置开始向数组中插入 "red" 和 "green"。

    1. let colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
    2. let removed = colors.splice(1, 1, "red", "purple"); // 插入两个值,删除一个元素
    3. console.log(colors); // ["red", "red", "purple", "blue"]
    4. console.log(removed); // ["green"]


    1. let colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
    2. //写一个方法将colors所有的内容清空并替换为["yellow", "white"]


1.2.13 寻找下标

  • indexOf


    1. [1,2,3].indexOf(1); // 0
    2. [1,2,3].indexOf('1'); // -1,因为不全等,找不到就返回-1
    3. [1,2,3,1,5,6].indexOf(1, 2); // 3,第二个参数是从x下标开始搜索


  • lastIndexOf


    1. [1,2,3,1,5,7].lastIndexOf(1); // 3
    2. [1,2,3,1,5,7,1,5].lastIndexOf(1, 100); // 6 第二个参数是从x下标开始搜索
    3. [1,2,3,1,5,7,1,5].lastIndexOf(1, 5); // 3



  1. [1,2,3,1,5,6].indexOf(1, -2); // ?
  2. [1,2,3,1,5,6].indexOf(1, -3); // ?
  3. [1,2,3,1,5,7,1,5].lastIndexOf(1, -7); // ?
  4. [1,2,3,1,5,7,1,5].lastIndexOf(1, -5); // ? 3

1.2.14 includes


  1. [1,2,3,4,5,6].includes(1); // true
  2. [1,2,3,4,5,6].includes('1'); // false,因为不全等
  3. [1,2,3,4,5,6].includes(8); // false

1.2.15 find


  1. [1,2,3].find(c=> c === 1); // 1
  2. [1,2,3].find(c=> c == '1'); // 1
  3. [1,2,3].find(c=> c === 5); // undefined
  4. [1,2,3].find(c=> c > 1); // 2
  5. const people = [{
  6. name: "Matt",
  7. age: 27
  8. },
  9. {
  10. name: "Nicholas",
  11. age: 29
  12. }];
  13. //三个参数分别是:当前遍历的项、当前下标、原始数组。
  14. let p = people.find((element, index, array) => {
  15. console.log(element, index, array);
  16. return element.age > 28;
  17. });
  18. console.log(p); // {name: "Nicholas", age: 29}

1.2.16 findIndex


  1. [1,2,3].findIndex(c=> c === 3); // 2
  2. [1,2,3].findIndex(c=> c === 5); // -1
  3. [1,2,3].findIndex(c=> c > 1); // 1

1.2.17 every


  1. [1,2,3].every(c=> c === 3); // false
  2. [1,2,3].every(c=> c > 0); // true
  3. [1,2,3].every(c=> c < 10); // true
  4. [1,1,1].every(c=> c === 1); // true
  5. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1].every((item, index, array) => item > 2); // false

1.2.18 some


  1. [1,2,3].some(c=> c === 3); // true
  2. [1,2,3].some(c=> c > 0); // true
  3. [1,2,3].some(c=> c < 10); // true
  4. [1,1,1].some(c=> c === 1); // true
  5. [1,2,3].some(c=> c === 5); // false
  6. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1].some((item, index, array) => item > 2);     // true

1.2.19 filter


  1. [1,2,3].filter(c=> c > 1); // [2,3]
  2. [1,2,3].filter(c=> c > 5); // []
  3. [1,2,3].filter(c=> c === 3); // [3]
  4. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1].filter((item, index, array) => item > 2); //[3, 4, 5, 4, 3]

1.2.20 forEach


  1. [1, 2, 3].forEach(c => {
  2.    console.log(c * 2);
  3. });
  4. // 2 4 6
  5. [1, 2, 3].forEach((item, index, array) => {
  6.    console.log(item * index);
  7. });
  8. // 0 2 6
  9. 思考:
  10. let numbers = [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }];
  11. numbers.forEach((item, index, array) => {
  12. if (item.a > 1) {
  13. item.a = index;
  14. }
  15. });
  16. console.log(numbers); // ?

1.2.21 flat


  1. let ary = [1, [2, [3, [4, 5]]], 6];
  2. console.log(ary.flat(1)); // [1, 2, Array(2), 6]
  3. console.log(ary.flat()); // [1, 2, Array(2), 6],不传参默认为1
  4. console.log(ary.flat(2)); // [1, 2, 3, Array(2), 6]
  5. console.log(ary.flat(3)); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
  6. console.log(ary.flat(100)); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],可以超过维度深度,超过则会扁平化所有维度
  7. console.log(ary.flat(Infinity)); //无限大的层数,表示可以扁平化所有维度
  8. console.log(ary); // [1, Array(2), 6]

1.2.22 map


  1. [1, 2, 3].map(c => {
  2.    return c * 2;
  3. }); // [2,4,6]
  4. [1, 2, 3].map(c => {
  5.    return 2;
  6. }); // [2,2,2]
  7. [1, 2, 3].map((item, index, array) => {
  8.    return item * index;
  9. }); // [0,2,6]
  10. [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }, { a: 4 }, { a: 5 }].map(c => c.a); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  11. 思考:
  12. [1, 2, 3].map((item, index, array) => {
  13.    return index;
  14. }); // ?
  15. [1, 2, 3].map((item, index, array) => {
  16.    return index * array.length;
  17. }); // ?
  18. let numbers =[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }, { a: 4 }, { a: 5 }];
  19. //请使用map方法将numbers数据变为[3,6,9,12,15]
  20. //请使用map方法将numbers数据变为[3,6,9,8,10]
  21. let numbers = [{ a: 1, b: 10 }, { a: 2, b: 10 }, { a: 3, b: 10 }, { a: 4, b: 10 }, { a: 5, b: 10 }];
  22. //请使用map方法将numbers数据变为[9,8,7,6,5]

1.2.23 join


  1. [1,2,3].join(','); // '1,2,3'
  2. 思考:
  3. [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }].join(','); // ?
  4. let persons = [{ age: 50 }, { age: 12 }, { age: 30 }];
  5. //请写一个方法将persons变为 '12,30,50'

1.2.24 pop


  1. let numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
  2. numbers.pop(); // 5
  3. console.log(numbers); // [1,2,3,4]
  4. let empty = [];
  5. empty.pop(); // undefined
  6. console.log(empty); // []

1.2.25 shift


  1. let numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
  2. numbers.shift(); // 1
  3. console.log(numbers); // [2,3,4,5]

1.2.26 unshift


  1. let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
  2. let length = numbers.unshift(7, 8, 9);
  3. console.log(length); // 8
  4. console.log(numbers); // [7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

1.2.27 reduce


  1. let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
  2. console.log(arr.reduce((total, next) => total + next));
  3. //等价
  4. let total = 0;
  5. for (let next of arr) {
  6. total += next;
  7. }
  8. console.log(total);

1.3 Set


  1. const set = new Set(); //创建一个空集合
  2. const s1 = new Set(["val1", "val2", "val3"]); // 使用数组初始化集合
  3. console.log(s1.size); // 3,长度访问跟数组的length不一样
  4. s1.add("Matt").add("Frisbie"); //可以链式添加
  5. s1.has('Matt'); // true,是否存在指定的项
  6. console.log(s1); // Set(5) {"val1", "val2", "val3", "Matt", "Frisbie"}
  7. s1.add("Matt");
  8. console.log(s1); // Set(5) {"val1", "val2", "val3", "Matt", "Frisbie"},无法添加重复项
  9. let deleted = s1.delete('Matt'); // delete方法返回删除结果
  10. console.log(deleted);   // true
  11. console.log(s1);    // Set(4) {"val1", "val2", "val3", "Frisbie"}
  12. deleted = s1.delete('Matt');
  13. console.log(deleted);   // false,无法重复删除
  14. //可通过for of访问每个项
  15. for (let item of s1) {
  16.    console.log(item);
  17. }
  18. //val1 val2 val3 Frisbie
  19. //也可通过forEach方法访问
  20. s1.forEach(item => console.log(item));


  1. let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3];
  2. numbers = Array.from(new Set(numbers));
  3. console.log(numbers);   // [1, 2, 3, 5, 6]


  1. let chars = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'c', 'd'];
  2. // 将chars去重


  1. let objs = [{ count: 20 }, { count: 66 }, { count: 16 }, { count: 30 }, { count: 5 }, { count: 20 }, { count: 66 }];
  2. //使用objs打印 "5,16,20,30,66"
  3. //使用objs打印 "20,30,66"

2. 第八章

2.1 对象属性的类型

2.1.1 configurable(可配置)

表示属性是否可以通过delete删除并重新定义,是否可以修改它的特性,以及是否可以把它改为访问器属性。默认情况下,所有直接定义在对象上的属性的这个特性都是 true

  1. let person = {};
  2. Object.defineProperty(person, "name", {
  3.    configurable: false,
  4.    value: undefined
  5. });
  6. console.log(person);    //{name: undefined}
  7. delete person.name;  //false
  8. console.log(person);    //{name: undefined}
  1. let person = {};
  2. Object.defineProperty(person, "name", {
  3.    configurable: true,
  4.    value: undefined
  5. });
  6. console.log(person);    //{name: undefined}
  7. delete person.name;  //true
  8. console.log(person);    //{}
  1. let person = {};
  2. Object.defineProperty(person,
  3.    "name", {
  4.    configurable: false,
  5.    value: "Nicholas"
  6. });
  7. //Uncaught TypeError: Cannot redefine property: name
  8. Object.defineProperty(person, "name", {
  9.    configurable: true,
  10.    value: "Nicholas"
  11. });

2.1.2 enumerable


  1. let person = {};
  2. Object.defineProperties(person, {
  3. name: {
  4. enumerable: false
  5. },
  6. sex: {
  7. enumerable: true
  8. },
  9. age: {
  10. enumerable: true
  11. }
  12. });
  13. for (let key in person) {
  14. console.log(key);
  15. }
  16. // sex
  17. // age

2.1.3 writable


  1. var obj = {};
  2. Object.defineProperties(obj, {
  3. sex: {
  4. value: '男',
  5. writable: true
  6. },
  7. name: {
  8. value: '张三',
  9. writable: false
  10. }
  11. });
  12. obj.name = '李四';
  13. obj.sex = '女';
  14. console.log(obj); //{sex: "女", name: "张三"}

2.1.4 value


  1. let person = {};
  2. Object.defineProperty(person, "name", {
  3.    value: "Nicholas"
  4. });
  5. console.log(person.name);   //Nicholas

2.1.5 get


  1. let book = {
  2.    year_: 2017,
  3.    edition: 1
  4. };
  5. Object.defineProperty(book, "year", {
  6.    get() {
  7.        return this.year_;
  8.   }
  9. });
  10. console.log(book.year); // 2017
  11. console.log(book.edition); // 1

2.1.6 set


  1. let book = {
  2. year_: 2017,
  3. edition: 1
  4. };
  5. Object.defineProperty(book, "year", {
  6. get() {
  7.     return this.year_;
  8. },
  9. set(newValue) {
  10.     if (newValue > 2017) {
  11.         this.year_ = newValue;
  12.         this.edition += newValue - 2017;
  13.     }
  14. }
  15. });
  16. book.year = 2018;
  17. console.log(book.year); // 2018
  18. console.log(book.edition); // 2

2.2 获取属性描述

2.2.1 getOwnPropertyDescriptor(查看单个对象的属性)


  1. let book = { name: '张三' };
  2. console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(book, 'name')); //{value: "张三", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true}

2.2.2 getOwnPropertyDescriptors(查看整个对象)


  1. let book = { name: '张三', age: 12 };
  2. console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(book));
  3. /**
  4. {
  5.   age: { value: 12, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }
  6.   name: { value: "张三", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }
  7. }
  8. */

2.3 合并对象


  1. var obj = {
  2.    a: 1,
  3.    b: 2
  4. }
  5. var obj1 = {
  6.    c: 3,
  7.    a: 5
  8. }
  9. {
  10.    a: 5,
  11.    b: 2,
  12.    c: 3
  13. }
  1. //一个特别简单的浅拷贝
  2. function extend(target, source) {
  3.    target = target || {};
  4.    if (typeof target !== 'object') {
  5.        throw new Error('target不是对象');
  6.   }
  7.    if (!source) {
  8.        throw new Error('source不能为空');
  9.   }
  10.    if (typeof source !== 'object') {
  11.        throw new Error('source不是对象');
  12.   }
  13.    for (let key in source) {
  14.        target[key] = source[key];  //然后将源对象的值赋值到target中
  15.   }
  16.    return target;  //最后返回target
  17. }
  18. var obj = extend({
  19.    a: 1,
  20.    b: 2
  21. }, {
  22.    c: 3,
  23.    a: 5
  24. })
  25. /**
  26. {
  27.   a: 5,
  28.   b: 2,
  29.   c: 3
  30. }
  31. */



  1. let obj = Object.assign({ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }, { c: 3 }, { a: 5 }, { b: 6 });
  2. //{a: 5, b: 6, c: 3}



  1. var obj = {
  2. a: 1,
  3. b: 'fff'
  4. }
  5. var obj1 = {
  6. a: 2,
  7. c: {
  8. name: '李四',
  9. age: 20
  10. }
  11. }
  12. var obj2 = Object.assign({}, obj, obj1);
  13. obj1.a = 3;
  14. obj1.c.name = '王五';
  15. obj1.c.age = 30;
  16. console.log(obj2); //obj2.c会跟着obj1.c的改变而改变


  1. //深拷贝
  2. function deepClone(target, source) {
  3. if (typeof target !== 'object' || !target) {
  4. return source || target;
  5. }
  6. if (typeof source !== 'object' || !source) {
  7. return source;
  8. }
  9. for (let key in source) {
  10. var item = source[key];
  11. if (typeof item === 'object' && item) {
  12. target[key] = deepClone(Array.isArray(item) ? [] : {}, item);
  13. } else {
  14. target[key] = item;
  15. }
  16. }
  17. return target;
  18. }
  19. var obj = {
  20. a: 1,
  21. b: 'fff'
  22. }
  23. var obj1 = {
  24. a: 2,
  25. c: {
  26. name: '李四',
  27. age: 20
  28. }
  29. }
  30. var obj2 = deepClone(obj, obj1);
  31. obj1.a = 3;
  32. obj1.c.name = '王五';
  33. obj1.c.age = 30;
  34. console.log(obj2); //obj2.c不会跟着obj1.c的改变而改变

2.4 解构

  1. // 使用对象解构
  2. let person = { name: 'Matt', age: 27 };
  3. //可以使用别名 personAge
  4. //相当于 let name = person.name;
  5. //相当于 let personAge = person.age;
  6. let { name, age: personAge } = person;
  7. console.log(name, personAge); //Matt 27
  1. let person = { name: 'Matt', age: 27 };
  2. let { job } = person; //不存在的也可以解构,其实就相当于 let job = person.job;
  3. console.log(job); //undefined
  1. let person = { name: 'Matt', age: 27, sex: null };
  2. //也可以设置一个默认值,如果获取的值为undefined的话
  3. //注:如果获取的值为null则不会取默认值,而是直接设置为null
  4. let { name, job = 'Software engineer', sex = '男' } = person;
  5. console.log(name); // Matt
  6. console.log(sex); //null
  7. console.log(job); // Software engineer
  1. //无法解构null和undefined
  2. let { _ } = null; // TypeError
  3. let { _ } = undefined; // TypeError
  1. const [n1, n2, { a }] = [1, 2, { a: 3 }]; //解构数组
  2. console.log(n1, n2, a); // 1 2 3


  1. const data = [
  2. {
  3. name: '张三',
  4. age: 50,
  5. sex: '男',
  6. children: [
  7. {
  8. name: '张琳',
  9. sex: '女',
  10. age: 20
  11. }
  12. ]
  13. },
  14. {
  15. name: '王五',
  16. age: 25,
  17. sex: undefined
  18. }
  19. ];
  20. //把每个人的 name,age,sex解构出来,没有sex的设置默认值:男,重名的设置别名

2.5 创建对象



2.5.1 简单工厂模式


  1. function createPerson(name, age, job) {
  2. let o = new Object();
  3. o.name = name;
  4. o.age = age;
  5. o.job = job;
  6. o.sayName = function () {
  7. console.log(this.name);
  8. };
  9. return o;
  10. }
  11. let person1 = createPerson("Nicholas", 29, "Software Engineer");
  12. let person2 = createPerson("Greg", 27, "Doctor");

2.5.2 构造函数模式

  1. function Person(name, age, job) {
  2. this.name = name;
  3. this.age = age;
  4. this.job = job;
  5. this.sayName = function () {
  6. console.log(this.name);
  7. };
  8. }
  9. let person1 = new Person("Nicholas", 29, "Software Engineer");
  10. let person2 = new Person("Greg", 27, "Doctor");
  11. person1.sayName(); // Nicholas
  12. person2.sayName(); // Greg
  13. console.log(person1.constructor == Person); // true
  14. console.log(person2.constructor == Person); // true
  15. console.log(person2 instanceof Object); // true
  16. console.log(person2 instanceof Person); // true
  1. //写成函数表达式也行
  2. let Person = function (name, age, job) {
  3. this.name = name;
  4. this.age = age;
  5. this.job = job;
  6. this.sayName = function () {
  7. console.log(this.name);
  8. };
  9. }
  10. let person1 = new Person("Nicholas", 29, "Software Engineer");
  11. let person2 = new Person("Greg", 27, "Doctor");
  12. person1.sayName(); // Nicholas
  13. person2.sayName(); // Greg
  14. console.log(person1.constructor == Person); // true
  15. console.log(person2.constructor == Person); // true
  16. console.log(person2 instanceof Object); // true
  17. console.log(person2 instanceof Person); // true


2.5.3 原型模式

  1. function Person() { }
  2. Person.prototype.name = "Nicholas";
  3. Person.prototype.age = 29;
  4. Person.prototype.job = "Software Engineer";
  5. Person.prototype.sayName = function () {
  6. console.log(this.name);
  7. };

缺陷: 1. 原型上的对象数据会被共享,一个对象改了,其他对象也会跟着变。2. 创建对象不方便。


  1. function Person(name, age, job) {
  2. this.name = name;
  3. this.age = age;
  4. this.job = job;
  5. }
  6. //将无需重复定义/共享的定义在原型上
  7. Person.prototype.sayName = function () {
  8. console.log(this.name);
  9. };
  10. let person1 = new Person("Nicholas", 29, "Software Engineer");
  11. let person2 = new Person("Greg", 27, "Doctor");
  12. person1.sayName(); // Nicholas
  13. person2.sayName(); // Greg

2.6 hasOwnProperty


  1. function Person() { }
  2. Person.prototype.age = 12;
  3. let person1 = new Person;
  4. person1.age = 20;
  5. console.log(person1.age); //20
  6. console.log(person1.hasOwnProperty("age")); //true 来自实例
  7. delete person1.age;
  8. console.log(person1.age); //12
  9. console.log(person1.hasOwnProperty("age")); //false 来自原型



  1. function Person() { }
  2. Person.prototype.age = 12;
  3. let person1 = new Person;
  4. person1.age = 20;
  5. console.log(person1.age); //20
  6. console.log(person1.hasOwnProperty("age")); //true 来自实例
  7. 'age' in person1; //true
  8. delete person1.age;
  9. console.log(person1.age); //12
  10. console.log(person1.hasOwnProperty("age")); //false 来自原型
  11. 'age' in person1; //true



2.7 keys


Object.keys({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });  //["a", "b", "c"]

2.8 getOwnPropertyNames


  1. function Person() {
  2. this.sex = '男';
  3. }
  4. Person.prototype.name = "Nicholas";
  5. Person.prototype.age = 29;
  6. Person.prototype.job = "Software Engineer";
  7. Person.prototype.sayName = function () {
  8. console.log(this.name);
  9. };
  10. var p = new Person();
  11. console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(p)); //?

2.9 values


  1. const o = {
  2. foo: 'bar',
  3. baz: 1,
  4. qux: {}
  5. };
  6. console.log(Object.values(o)); // ["bar", 1, {}]

2.10 entries

Object.entries() 接收一个对象,返回键/值对的数组。

  1. const o = {
  2. foo: 'bar',
  3. baz: 1,
  4. qux: {}
  5. };
  6. console.log(Object.entries(o)); // [["foo", "bar"], ["baz", 1], ["qux", {}]]


  1. const o = {
  2. foo: 'bar',
  3. baz: 1,
  4. qux: {}
  5. };
  6. Object.entries(o); //用解构将所有的key和value解构出来

2.11 原型


  1. function Person() { }
  2. Person.prototype.name = "无名";
  3. Person.prototype.children = [];
  4. Person.prototype.sayName = function () {
  5. console.log(`我的名字叫:${this.name}`);
  6. }
  7. let zhangsan = new Person();
  8. let lisi = new Person();
  9. console.log(zhangsan.name);
  10. console.log(lisi.name);
  11. console.log(zhangsan.hasOwnProperty('name'));
  12. zhangsan.name = '张三';
  13. console.log(zhangsan.hasOwnProperty('name'));
  14. console.log(lisi.name);
  15. Person.prototype.name = '有名';
  16. console.log(lisi.name);
  17. console.log(zhangsan.name);
  18. delete zhangsan.name;
  19. console.log(zhangsan.name);
  20. lisi.name = '李四';
  21. console.log(zhangsan.sayName());
  22. console.log(lisi.sayName());
  23. console.log(zhangsan.sayName === lisi.sayName);
  24. zhangsan.children.push('张欣');
  25. console.log(zhangsan.children);
  26. console.log(lisi.children);
  27. console.log(zhangsan.hasOwnProperty('children'));
  28. console.log(zhangsan.children === lisi.children);
  29. //?

2.12 原型链


  1. function Person() { }
  2. Person.prototype.constructor === ?;
  3. Person.prototype.constructor.prototype === ?;
  4. Person.prototype.__proto__ === ?
  5. let zhangsan = new Person;
  6. zhangsan.constructor === Person;
  7. zhangsan.__proto__ === ?;
  8. zhangsan.__proto__.__proto__ === ?
  1. let obj = new Object();
  2. obj.__proto__ === ?;
  3. obj.__proto__.__proto__ === ?

2.13 面向过程


  1. let zhangsan = new Object;
  2. zhangsan.name = '张三';
  3. zhangsan.age = 20;
  4. zhangsan.sex = '男';


  1. let lisi = new Object;
  2. lisi.name = '李四';
  3. lisi.age = 30;
  4. lisi.sex = '男';


  1. let zhangsan = new Object;
  2. zhangsan.name = '张三';
  3. zhangsan.age = 20;
  4. zhangsan.sex = '男';
  5. let lisi = new Object;
  6. lisi.name = '李四';
  7. lisi.age = 30;
  8. lisi.sex = '男';
  9. //...........剩下的3992行代码


  1. let zhangsan = new Object;
  2. zhangsan.name = '张三';
  3. zhangsan.age = 20;
  4. zhangsan.sex = '男';
  5. zhangsan.type = '青年';
  6. let lisi = new Object;
  7. lisi.name = '李四';
  8. lisi.age = 30;
  9. lisi.sex = '男';
  10. zhangsan.type = '青年';
  11. //...........剩下的4990行代码




2.14 面向对象(面向管理,封装函数统一管理)




  1. function Person(name, age, sex) {
  2. this.name = name;
  3. this.age = age;
  4. this.sex = sex;
  5. }
  6. let zhangsan = new Person('张三', 20, '男');


let lisi = new Person('李四', 30, '男');


  1. function Person(name, age, sex) {
  2. this.name = name;
  3. this.age = age;
  4. this.sex = sex;
  5. }
  6. let zhangsan = new Person('张三', 20, '男');
  7. let lisi = new Person('李四', 30, '男');
  8. //... 剩下的998行代码


  1. function Person(name, age, sex) {
  2.    this.name = name;
  3.    this.age = age;
  4.    this.sex = sex;
  5.    //只需在构造函数里新增一个判断即可,其他每个实例都不用动
  6.    if (this.age >= 20) {
  7.        this.type = '青年';
  8.   }
  9.    else {
  10.        this.type = '少年';
  11.   }
  12. }


  1. function Person(name, age, sex) {
  2.    this.name = name;
  3.    this.age = age;
  4.    this.sex = sex;
  5.    if (this.age >= 20) {
  6.        this.type = '青年';
  7.   }
  8.    else {
  9.        this.type = '少年';
  10.   }
  11. }
  12. Person.prototype.say = function () {
  13.    console.log(`我是${this.name},我今年${this.age}岁了,我是个${this.sex}人,算是${this.type}了`);
  14. }
  15. let zhangsan = new Person('张三', 20, '男');
  16. let lisi = new Person('李四', 30, '男');
  17. //... 剩下的998行代码
  18. console.log(zhangsan.say());
  19. console.log(lisi.say());

2.15 继承


  1. function Father() {
  2. this.money = 10000000000; //百亿家产
  3. this.houses = 10; //10栋别墅
  4. this.cars = 100; //100辆车
  5. }
  6. function Son() {
  7. Father.call(this); //继承父亲的家产
  8. }
  9. let son = new Son;
  10. console.log(son.money, son.houses, son.cars); //10000000000 10 100

2.15.1 原型式继承(父类的实例作为子类的原型(实力原型属性都会继承))

  1. function superType() {
  2. this.name = '张三';
  3. this.children = ['张欣', '张宇'];
  4. }
  5. superType.prototype.age = 12;
  6. function sub() {
  7. }
  8. sub.prototype = new superType();
  9. var s = new sub();
  10. console.log(s.name, s.age); //张三 12
  11. console.log(s.hasOwnProperty('name')); //false
  12. console.log(s.hasOwnProperty('children')); //false
  13. var s1 = new sub();
  14. s1.children.push('李四');
  15. console.log(s1.children);
  16. console.log(s.children);
  17. console.log(s.constructor === superType); //true
  18. console.log(s instanceof sub); //true
  19. console.log(s instanceof superType); //true

2.15.2 盗用构造函数(call中的this指向实例化对象)

  1. function superType() {
  2. this.name = '张三';
  3. this.children = ['张欣', '张宇'];
  4. }
  5. superType.prototype.age = 12;
  6. function sub() {
  7. superType.call(this);
  8. }
  9. var s = new sub(); //从sub派生出来的,继承自sub
  10. console.log(s.name); //张三
  11. console.log(s.hasOwnProperty('name')); //true
  12. console.log(s.hasOwnProperty('children')); //true
  13. var s1 = new sub();
  14. s1.children.push('李四');
  15. console.log(s1.children);
  16. console.log(s.children);
  17. console.log(s.constructor === sub); //true
  18. console.log(s instanceof sub); //true
  19. console.log(s instanceof superType); //false
  20. //目前为止一切看起来都正常了
  21. console.log(s.age, s1.age);

2.15.3 组合继承


  1. function superType() {
  2. console.log('superType执行了一次');
  3. this.name = '张三';
  4. this.children = ['张欣', '张宇'];
  5. }
  6. superType.prototype.age = 12;
  7. function sub() {
  8. superType.call(this);
  9. }
  10. //直接继承原型,不用再次实例化父类构造函数,防止再次执行父类构造函数
  11. //sub.prototype = Object.create(superType.prototype, { constructor:{ value:sub, enumerable:false } });
  12. //跟上面的一样,只是最后自己手动修改一下构造函数的指向
  13. sub.prototype = Object.create(superType.prototype)
  14. sub.prototype.constructor = sub;
  15. //使用浅拷贝的方式将自身的构造函数替换掉父类原型的构造函数
  16. //sub.prototype = Object.assign(Object.create(superType.prototype), { constructor: sub });
  17. var s = new sub();
  18. console.log(s.name); //张三
  19. console.log(s.hasOwnProperty('name')); //true
  20. console.log(s.hasOwnProperty('children')); //true
  21. var s1 = new sub();
  22. s1.children.push('李四');
  23. console.log(s1.children);
  24. console.log(s.children);
  25. console.log(s.constructor === sub); //true
  26. console.log(s instanceof sub); //true
  27. console.log(s instanceof superType); //true
  28. console.log(s.age, s1.age); //12 12

2.16 class类


  1. // 类声明
  2. class Person {}
  3. // 类表达式
  4. const Animal = class {};


  1. console.log(ClassDeclaration); //ReferenceError: ClassDeclaration is not defined
  2. class ClassDeclaration {}
  3. //同样也受到块级作用域的限制
  4. {
  5. function FunctionDeclaration() {}
  6. class ClassDeclaration {}
  7. }
  8. console.log(FunctionDeclaration); //FunctionDeclaration() {}
  9. console.log(ClassDeclaration); //ReferenceError: ClassDeclaration is not defined

2.16.1 类的构成


  1. // 空类定义,有效
  2. class Foo {}
  3. // 有构造函数的类,有效
  4. class Bar {
  5. constructor() {}
  6. }
  7. // 有获取函数的类,有效
  8. class Baz {
  9. get myBaz() {}
  10. }
  11. // 有静态方法的类,有效
  12. class Qux {
  13. static myQux() {}
  14. }
  1. class Person {
  2. constructor() {}
  3. name = '张三';
  4. _age = 17;
  5. children = [];
  6. say() {
  7. console.log(`我的名字叫:${this.name}`);
  8. }
  9. static isPerson(person) {
  10. return person instanceof Person;
  11. }
  12. get type() {
  13. if (this._age > 18) {
  14. return '青年';
  15. }
  16. return '少年';
  17. }
  18. get age() {
  19. return this._age;
  20. }
  21. set age(value) {
  22. if (value > 0 && value < 120) {
  23. this._age = value;
  24. }
  25. }
  26. }
  27. let person = new Person();
  28. console.log(person.age, person.type);
  29. person.age = 0;
  30. console.log(person.age);
  31. person.age = 20;
  32. console.log(person.type);
  33. console.log(Person.isPerson(person), Person.isPerson(new Object()));
  34. console.log(person.hasOwnProperty('name'), person.hasOwnProperty('children'));

2.16.2 类构造函数


  1. class Animal { }
  2. class Person {
  3. constructor() {
  4. console.log('person ctor');
  5. }
  6. }
  7. class Vegetable {
  8. constructor(color) {
  9. this.color = color;
  10. }
  11. }
  12. let a = new Animal();
  13. let p = new Person(); // person ctor
  14. let v = new Vegetable('orange');
  15. console.log(v.color); // orange
  1. //和下面代码等价
  2. function Person() {
  3. console.log('person ctor');
  4. }
  5. function Vegetable(color) {
  6. this.color = color;
  7. }
  8. let p = new Person(); // person ctor
  9. let v = new Vegetable('orange');
  10. console.log(v.color); // orange



  1. class Father {
  2. constructor(name, age, sex) {
  3. this.name = name;
  4. this.age = age;
  5. this.sex = sex;
  6. }
  7. money = 0; //总钱数
  8. //挣钱
  9. makeMoney(money) {
  10. this.money += money;
  11. console.log(`这次赚了${money},到目前为止总共已经赚了${this.money}了。`);
  12. }
  13. say() {
  14. console.log(`我叫${this.name},今年${this.age}岁。`);
  15. }
  16. }
  17. class Son extends Father {
  18. constructor(name, age, sex) {
  19. super(name, age, sex); //super作为父类构造函数只能用在子类构造函数中
  20. }
  21. say() {
  22. //super(); //报错
  23. super.say();
  24. console.log('我是我父亲的儿子,还在读大学');
  25. }
  26. }
  27. let son = new Son('张三', 20, '男');
  28. son.makeMoney(1000);
  29. son.makeMoney(100);
  30. son.say();
  1. //人(基类)基本类
  2. class Person {
  3. constructor(name, age, sex, skin, country) {
  4. this.name = name;
  5. this.age = age;
  6. this.sex = sex;
  7. this.skin = skin;
  8. this.country = country;
  9. }
  10. //定义的函数(自我介绍)
  11. introduction() {
  12. console.log(`我叫${this.name},今年${this.age}岁了,性别:${this.sex},国籍:${this.country},肤色:${this.skin}`);
  13. }
  14. }
  15. //黄种人
  16. class YellowPerson extends Person {
  17. constructor(name, age, sex, country) {
  18. super(name, age, sex, '黄色', country);
  19. }
  20. }
  21. //中国人
  22. class ChinesePerson extends YellowPerson {
  23. constructor(name, age, sex) {
  24. super(name, age, sex, '中国');
  25. }
  26. //自我介绍
  27. introduction() {
  28. super.introduction();
  29. console.log(`我们都会功夫,我们是世界第一!`);
  30. }
  31. }
  32. let yellowPerson = new YellowPerson('张三', 20, '男', '新加坡');
  33. let chinesePerson = new ChinesePerson('李四', 30, '男');
  34. yellowPerson.introduction();
  35. chinesePerson.introduction();

2.16.3 继承


  1. class Father {
  2. money = 10000000000; //百亿家产
  3. houses = 10; //10栋别墅
  4. cars = 100; //100辆车
  5. makeMoney(money) {
  6. console.log(`又赚了${money}元`);
  7. this.money += money;
  8. }
  9. }
  10. class Son extends Father { }
  11. let son = new Son();
  12. console.log(son.money, son.houses, son.cars);
  13. son.makeMoney(10000);
  14. console.log(son.money, son.houses, son.cars);
  15. console.log(son.hasOwnProperty('money'), son.hasOwnProperty('houses'), son.hasOwnProperty('cars'));
  16. console.log(son instanceof Son);
  17. console.log(son instanceof Father);



  1. //爷爷
  2. class GrandPa { }
  3. //父亲
  4. class Father extends GrandPa{ }
  5. class Son extends Father, GrandPa { } //错误
  6. class Son extends Father extends Object { } //错误
  7. class Son extends Father, extends Object { } //错误
  8. class Son extends Father { } //正确,同时拥有了爷爷和父亲的属性
  1. //爷爷
  2. class GrandPa {
  3. house = 10;
  4. }
  5. //父亲
  6. class Father extends GrandPa {
  7. cars = 10;
  8. tellMe() {
  9. console.log(`我继承了我父亲的${this.house}套房子`);
  10. }
  11. }
  12. //儿子
  13. class Son extends Father {
  14. tellMe() {
  15. console.log(`我不用劳动就继承了我爷爷的${this.house}套房子和我父亲的${this.cars}辆车子`);
  16. }
  17. }
  18. var father = new Father;
  19. var son = new Son;
  20. father.tellMe();
  21. son.tellMe();



  1. function Dialog(msg) {
  2.    if (!(this instanceof Dialog)) {
  3.        return new Dialog(msg);
  4.   }
  5.    this.id = Dialog.id++;
  6.    this.Dialogs.push(this);
  7.    this.init(msg);
  8. }
  9. //所有的弹出框对象
  10. Dialog.prototype.Dialogs = [];
  11. //计算底部位置
  12. Dialog.prototype.getHeight = function () {
  13.    return this.container.clientHeight;
  14. }
  15. //使用观察者模式告知删除
  16. //接收通知
  17. Dialog.prototype.receive = function (height) {
  18.    this.resetTop(height);
  19. }
  20. //通知
  21. Dialog.prototype.notify = function () {
  22.    const height = -(this.getHeight() + 10);
  23.    this.Dialogs.forEach(item => {
  24.        if (item.id > this.id) {
  25.            item.receive(height);
  26.       }
  27.   });
  28. }
  29. //计算所有容器的高度总和
  30. Dialog.prototype.calcAllHeight = function () {
  31.    let height = 0;
  32.    this.Dialogs.forEach(item => {
  33.        if (item.id !== this.id) {
  34.            height += item.getHeight();
  35.       }
  36.   });
  37.    return height;
  38. }
  39. Dialog.prototype.resetTop = function (top) {
  40.    if (!isNaN(top)) {
  41.        const originHeight = parseInt(this.container.style.top.replace('px'));  //原始高度
  42.        top += originHeight;
  43.   } else {
  44.        top = this.calcAllHeight() + 10 * this.Dialogs.length;
  45.   }
  46.    //改变容器位置
  47.    this.container.style.top = top + 'px'
  48. }
  49. Dialog.prototype.init = function (content) {
  50.    this.container = document.createElement('div'); //创建一个div容器
  51.    this.container.style = `background: yellow;padding: 10px; border: #000000 1px solid; position: fixed;z-index: 99999;left: 43%;`;
  52.    this.header = document.createElement('div');    //头部容器
  53.    this.header.style = 'text-align:right;font-size:15px;';
  54.    this.closeButton = document.createElement('label'); //关闭按钮
  55.    this.closeButton.innerText = 'X';
  56.    this.closeButton.style = 'font-weight:bold;';
  57.    this.closeButton.onclick = () => {
  58.        this.remove();
  59.   };
  60.    this.header.appendChild(this.closeButton);
  61.    this.content = document.createElement('div');  //创建一个div用于显示content内容
  62.    this.content.innerHTML = content;
  63.    this.resetTop();
  64.    this.container.appendChild(this.header);
  65.    this.container.appendChild(this.content);
  66.    document.body.appendChild(this.container);  //将容器加入到body最后
  67. }
  68. Dialog.prototype.remove = function () {
  69.    const index = this.Dialogs.findIndex(c => c.id === this.id);
  70.    this.Dialogs.splice(index, 1);
  71.    this.notify();  //通知下边的提示框已删除
  72.    this.container.parentElement.removeChild(this.container);   //移除弹出框
  73. }
  74. Dialog.id = 0;
  75. let d1 = new Dialog('这是第一个弹出框');
  76. let d2 = Dialog('这是第二个弹出框');
  77. let d5 = Dialog(`<table border="1">
  78. <tr>
  79.    <td>姓名</td>
  80.    <td>年龄</td>
  81. </tr>
  82. <tr>
  83.    <td>张三</td>
  84.    <td>20</td>
  85. </tr>
  86. <tr>
  87.    <td>李四</td>
  88.    <td>30</td>
  89. </tr>
  90. </table>`);
  91. //弹出提示框
  92. function MyAlert(msg, type) {
  93.    Dialog.call(this, msg);     //将Dialog的this指向到当前实例对象上,所以使用this相当于给当前实例对象定义属性
  94.    this.setIcon(type);
  95. }
  96. //提示框继承Dialog,在Dialog的原基础上新增或修改
  97. MyAlert.prototype = Object.create(Dialog.prototype);
  98. MyAlert.prototype.constructor = MyAlert;
  99. MyAlert.prototype.setIcon = function (type) {
  100.    this.icon = document.createElement('label');
  101.    this.icon.innerText = type === 'fail' ? '×' : '√';
  102.    this.icon.style = 'color:red;font-size:20px';
  103.    this.container.insertBefore(this.icon, this.content);   //将图标加入到内容的前面
  104.    this.okButton = document.createElement('input');
  105.    this.okButton.type = 'button';
  106.    this.okButton.value = '确定';
  107.    //把内容容器改为inline-block
  108.    this.content.style.display = 'inline-block';
  109.    //将头部隐藏,因为不需要关闭按钮了
  110.    this.header.style.display = 'none';
  111.    //改变容器位置
  112.    this.resetTop();
  113.    //点击确定按钮时隐藏
  114.    this.okButton.onclick = () => {
  115.        this.remove();
  116.   }
  117.    this.buttonsContainer = document.createElement('div');  //用于存放按钮的容器
  118.    this.buttonsContainer.appendChild(this.okButton);
  119.    this.buttonsContainer.style = 'text-align:right;';
  120.    this.container.appendChild(this.buttonsContainer);
  121. }
  122. let d3 = new MyAlert('这是第一个失败的弹出框', 'fail');
  123. let d4 = new MyAlert('这是第一个成功弹出框', 'success');
  124. //询问对话框
  125. function MyConfirm(msg, title) {
  126.    MyAlert.call(this, msg);
  127.    this.setTitle(title);
  128. }
  129. //询问对话框可以继承提示框,在提示框的原基础上新增或修改
  130. MyConfirm.prototype = Object.create(MyAlert.prototype);
  131. MyConfirm.prototype.constructor = MyAlert;
  132. //设置标题
  133. MyConfirm.prototype.setTitle = function (title = '提示') {
  134.    this.title = document.createElement('div');
  135.    this.title.innerText = title;
  136.    this.title.style = 'font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;';
  137.    this.container.insertBefore(this.title, this.icon);
  138.    //改变一下icon的内容
  139.    this.icon.innerText = '?';
  140.    //改变容器位置
  141.    this.resetTop();
  142.    this.cancelButton = document.createElement('input');
  143.    this.cancelButton.type = 'button';
  144.    this.cancelButton.value = '取消';
  145.    this.cancelButton.onclick = () => {
  146.        console.log('取消');
  147.        this.remove();
  148.   };
  149.    this.buttonsContainer.appendChild(this.cancelButton);
  150. }
  151. let c1 = new MyConfirm('你确定要删除吗?');
  152. let c2 = new MyConfirm('你确定要删除吗?', '请看清楚');



2.17 作业

  • 使用ES5和class两种方法实现以下需求:

  1. 设计一个Person(人)基础类,有姓名、年龄、性别、血型等属性。会走路、吃饭、自我介绍、睡觉。

  2. 设计Famer(农民)类,继承自Person,会种地。

  3. 设计BusinessMan(商人)类,继承自Person,会做生意。

  4. 设计Coder(程序员)类,继承自Person,会写代码。

  5. 设计JavaCoderjava程序员)类,继承自Coder,会写Java的代码。

  6. 设计JSCoderJS程序员)类,继承自Coder,会写JS代码。

  7. 设计VueCoderVue程序员)类,继承自JSCoder,会开发Vue项目。

  8. 当调用自我介绍的方法时,每个人都要完整的说出自己会的每一项技能,如VueCoder会说:我叫xxx,今年xx岁了,我的性别是x,血型是x。我是个程序员,会写代码。JS是我的主力语言。不过我目前主要还是做Vue开发。

3. 作用域

JavaScript 一门解释型语言,运行到哪一段代码,就分析、编译哪一段代码,不会像其他编译型语言会提前将分析、编译等操作完成。所以JavaScript 的运行会分为两个阶段:分析阶段(分词、预编译)、执行阶段。


  1. function scope() {
  2. var a = 1;
  3. console.log(a); //这个作用域内可以被访问
  4. }
  5. scope(); //1
  6. console.log(a); //报错,因为出了scope函数作用域了


3.1 全局作用域


  1. var a = 1; //全局变量
  2. function fnScope() {
  3. console.log(a); //函数作用域中可以访问到
  4. }
  5. {
  6. console.log(a); //块级作用域中也可以访问到
  7. }

3.2 块级作用域


  1. {
  2. let a = 1;
  3. const b = 2;
  4. console.log(a); //只有在这个块级作用域中才能访问到a
  5. }
  6. console.log(a); //出了块级作用域访问不到a了
  7. console.log(b);
  1. {
  2. var a = 1; //提升
  3. }
  4. console.log(a); //1
  1. if (false) {
  2. var a = 1; //提升,但是执行阶段不赋值
  3. }
  4. console.log(a); //undefined
  1. {
  2. function init() { }
  3. }
  4. console.log(init); // ?
  1. if (false) {
  2. function init() { }
  3. }
  4. console.log(init); // ?
  1. {
  2. function init() { }
  3. init = 3;
  4. }
  5. console.log(init); // function init() { }
  1. {
  2. function init() { }
  3. init = 3;
  4. console.log('kuai', init); // 3
  5. }
  6. console.log(init); // function init() { }
  1. {
  2. init = 4;
  3. function init() { }
  4. init = 3;
  5. console.log('kuai', init); // kuai,3
  6. }
  7. console.log(init); // 4
  1. {
  2. init = 4;
  3. function init() { }
  4. init = 3;
  5. console.log('kuai', init);
  6. function init() { }
  7. var init = 5;
  8. }
  9. console.log(init);
  10. // Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'init' has already been declared
  1. function fn() {
  2. console.log('out');
  3. }
  4. if (false) {
  5. function fn() {
  6. console.log('inner');
  7. }
  8. }
  9. fn(); // out



  1. {
  2. init = 4;
  3. function init() { }
  4. init = 3;
  5. console.log('kuai', init); // ?
  6. function init() { }
  7. init = 5;
  8. }
  9. console.log(init); // ?
  1. {
  2. init = 4;
  3. function init() { }
  4. init = 3;
  5. console.log('kuai', init); // ?
  6. function init() { }
  7. init = 5;
  8. function init() { }
  9. }
  10. console.log(init); // ?

3.3 函数作用域


  1. function fnScope() {
  2.    var a = 1;
  3.    console.log(a);     //在此函数作用域中可以访问到a
  4. }
  5. console.log(a);     //出了函数作用域就访问不到a了
  1. function fn() {
  2.    console.log('out');
  3. }
  4. function init() {
  5.    if (false) {
  6.        function fn() {
  7.            console.log('inner');
  8.       }
  9.   }
  10.    fn(); // Uncaught TypeError: fn is not a function
  11. }
  12. init();
  13. /*
  14. 因为函数作用域下fn会提升,但如果为false的话,方法体不会提升。所以最终变为了:
  15. function init() {
  16. var fn;
  17.   if (false) {
  18.   }
  19.   // fn为undefined
  20.   fn(); // Uncaught TypeError: fn is not a function
  21. }
  22. */


  1. function fn() {
  2.    console.log('out');
  3. }
  4. function init() {
  5.    if (true) {
  6.        function fn() {
  7.            console.log('inner');
  8.       }
  9.   }
  10.    fn(); // ?
  11. }
  12. init();

4. 词法作用域

JavaScript 采用词法作用域(静态作用域),词法作用域是在分析阶段确定的。无论函数在哪里被调用,也无论它如何被调用,它的词法作用域都只由函数被声明时所处的位置决定(小技巧:除了this定义和调用的值,其他都是在词法作用域中)。

  1. var a = 123;
  2. function parent() {
  3. var a = 321;
  4. function child() {
  5. console.log(a); //做词法分析的时候就已经确定了调用parent的词法作用域中的a
  6. }
  7. child(); //321
  8. return child
  9. }
  10. const p = parent(); //无论调用位置在哪里
  11. p(); //321


  1. var a = 123;
  2. function parent() {
  3. var a = 321;
  4. function child() {
  5. console.log(this.a); //运行时才能确定this的指向,确定了this的指向后才能确定a的值
  6. }
  7. child(); //123 this指向window
  8. return child
  9. }
  10. const p = parent();
  11. p(); //123
  1. var a = 123;
  2. function parent() {
  3. var a = 321;
  4. function child() {
  5. console.log(a); //做词法分析的时候就已经确定了调用parent的词法作用域中的a
  6. }
  7. child(); //321
  8. return child
  9. }
  10. const child = parent();
  11. var obj = {
  12. a: 555,
  13. child: child
  14. }
  15. obj.child(); //321 无论怎么调用,在哪里调用这个方法永远都打印321

5. 执行上下文

JavaScript代码执行一段可执行代码(executable code)时,会创建对应的执行上下文(execution context)


  • 变量对象(Variable object,VO)

  • 作用域链(Scope chain)

  • this

5.1 变量对象


5.1.1 全局上下文

可以通过this引用,在客户端 JavaScript中,全局对象就是window对象。

console.log(this);	//window


console.log(this instanceof Object);


  1. //都能生效
  2. console.log(Math.random());
  3. console.log(this.Math.random());


  1. var a = 1;
  2. console.log(this.a);


  1. var a = 1;
  2. console.log(window.a); //1
  3. this.window.b = 2;
  4. console.log(this.b); //2
  5. console.log(self); //window
  6. console.log(globalThis); //window


1.1.2 函数上下文

在函数上下文中,我们用活动对象(Activation Object, AO)来表示变量对象。活动对象和变量对象其实是一个东西,只是变量对象是规范上的或者说是引擎实现上的,不可在JavaScript环境中访问,只有到当进入一个执行上下文中,这个执行上下文的变量对象才会被激活,所以才叫Activation Object,而只有被激活的变量对象,也就是活动对象上的各种属性才能被访问。

活动对象是在进入函数上下文时被创建的,它通过函数的arguments属性初始化。arguments属性值是 Arguments对象。

  1. function foo(a) {
  2. var b = 2;
  3. function c() {}
  4. var d = function() {};
  5. b = 3;
  6. console.log(a);
  7. console.log(b);
  8. }
  9. foo(1);


  1. AO = {
  2. arguments: {
  3. 0: 1,
  4. length: 1
  5. },
  6. a: 1,
  7. b: undefined,
  8. c: reference to function c(){},
  9. d: undefined
  10. }
  11. //var person = { name: '张三', age: 13 }; obj.name;

5.2 作用域链



  1. function foo() {
  2. function bar() {
  3. //更多代码
  4. }
  5. }


  1. foo.[[scope]] = [
  2. globalContext.VO
  3. ];
  4. bar.[[scope]] = [
  5. fooContext.AO,
  6. globalContext.VO
  7. ];


  1. function parent() {
  2. var a = 1;
  3. function child() {
  4. var b = 2;
  5. console.log(a); //可以访问到parent中的a
  6. }
  7. console.log(b); //报错,因为访问不到child中的b
  8. }

5.3 this


5.3.1 默认绑定(无任何修饰符,指向window)


  1. function foo () {
  2. console.log(this); //window
  3. console.log(this.a);
  4. }
  5. var a = 12;
  6. foo(); //12
  1. function a() {
  2. console.log('a', this); //'a' window
  3. }
  4. function b() {
  5. a();
  6. console.log('b', this); //'b' window
  7. }
  8. function c() {
  9. b();
  10. console.log('c', this); //'c' window
  11. }
  12. c();


  1. var a = 12;
  2. function test() {
  3. this.a = 13;
  4. }
  5. test();
  6. console.log(a); //?

5.3.2 隐式绑定(带修饰符的,指向前边一个调用者obj.foo();)


  • 无论是直接在obj中定义还是再添加为引用属性,这个函数严格来说都不属于obj对象。

  1. function foo() {
  2.    console.log(this); //{a: 2, foo: ƒ}
  3.    console.log(this.a); //2
  4. }
  5. var obj = {
  6.    a: 2,
  7.    foo: foo
  8. }
  9. obj.foo();
  10. var obj = {
  11.    a: 2,
  12.    foo: function() {
  13.        console.log(this); //{a: 2, foo: ƒ}
  14.        console.log(this.a); //2
  15.   }
  16. }
  17. obj.foo();
  • 调用位置会使用obj上下文来引用函数,因此你可以说函数被调用时obj对象“拥有”或者“包含”函数引用。当foo()被调用时,它的前面确实加上了对obj的引用,当函数引用有上下文对象时,隐式绑定规则会把函数调用中的this绑定到这个上下文对象。因此调用foo()this被绑定到obj,因此在函数中执行this.aobj.a是一样的。

  • 对象属性引用链中只有上一层或者说最后一层在调用位置中起作用。

  1. function foo() {
  2.    console.log(this.a);
  3. }
  4. var obj2 = {
  5.    a: 1,
  6.    foo: foo
  7. }
  8. var obj1 = {
  9.    a: 2,
  10.    obj2: obj2
  11. }
  12. obj1.obj2.foo();    //1
  13. var obj3 = {
  14.    a: 3,
  15.    obj1: obj1
  16. }
  17. obj3.obj1.obj2.foo(); //1

5.3.3 显示绑定


  1. function foo() {
  2. console.log(this); //{a: 2}
  3. console.log(this.a); //2
  4. }
  5. var obj = {
  6. a: 2
  7. }
  8. foo.call(obj);
  1. function foo() {
  2. console.log(this); //{a: 2}
  3. console.log(this.a); //2
  4. }
  5. var obj = {
  6. a: 2
  7. }
  8. foo.apply(obj);
  1. function foo() {
  2. console.log(this); //{a: 2}
  3. console.log(this.a); //2
  4. }
  5. var obj = {
  6. a: 2
  7. }
  8. var f = foo.bind(obj);
  9. f();

5.3.4 new绑定(会将实例对象绑定到函数调用中的this上。


  1. function foo(a) {
  2. console.log(this); //foo {}
  3. this.a = a;
  4. console.log(this.a); //2
  5. }
  6. var bar = new foo(2);
  7. console.log(bar.a); //2
  8. console.log(a); //Uncaught ReferenceError: a is not defined


  1. function foo() {
  2. console.log(this); //?obj1
  3. console.log(this.a); //?20
  4. }
  5. var obj = {
  6. a: 2
  7. }
  8. var obj1 = {
  9. a: 20
  10. }
  11. var f = foo.bind(obj);
  12. f = f.bind(obj1);
  13. f();
  1. var num = 1;
  2. function a1() {
  3. 'use strict';//严格模式
  4. console.log(this.num++);
  5. }
  6. function a2() {
  7. console.log(++this.num);
  8. }
  9. (function () {
  10. 'use strict';//严格模式
  11. a2(); // ?
  12. })()
  13. a1(); // ?
  1. function c1(name) {
  2. if (name) {
  3. this.name = name;
  4. }
  5. }
  6. function c2(name) {
  7. this.name = name;
  8. }
  9. function c3(name) {
  10. this.name = name || 'test';
  11. }
  12. c1.prototype.name = 'c1';
  13. c2.prototype.name = 'c2';
  14. c3.prototype.name = 'c3';
  15. console.log(new c1().name + new c2().name + new c3().name); // ?

5.3.5 箭头函数


  • 外层有函数:外层函数的this就是箭头函数的this

  1. function ab() {
  2. var b = () => {
  3. console.log(this);
  4. };
  5. b();
  6. }
  7. ab(); //window,因为外层函数的this采用了默认绑定规则
  1. var obj = {
  2. a: 1,
  3. foo() {
  4. var fn = () => {
  5. console.log(this.a);
  6. };
  7. fn();
  8. }
  9. }
  10. obj.foo(); //1,外层函数的this采用了隐式绑定规则
  • 外层没有函数:箭头函数的this就是window

  1. var a = 123;
  2. var obj = {
  3. a: 1,
  4. foo: () => {
  5. console.log(this.a);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. obj.foo(); //123


  1. var a = 666;
  2. var obj = {
  3. a: 1,
  4. obj: {
  5. a: 2,
  6. obj: {
  7. a: 3,
  8. foo: () => {
  9. console.log(this.a);
  10. }
  11. }
  12. }
  13. }
  14. obj.obj.obj.foo(); //?
  1. var a = 666;
  2. var obj = {
  3. a: 1,
  4. foo() {
  5. console.log(this.a);
  6. var obj1 = {
  7. a: 2,
  8. foo: () => {
  9. console.log(this.a);
  10. function f() {
  11. console.log(a);
  12. console.log(this.a);
  13. }
  14. f();
  15. return f;
  16. }
  17. }
  18. obj1.foo()();
  19. }
  20. };
  21. obj.foo(); //?
  22. var ff = obj.foo;
  23. ff(); //?

5.4 总结


  1. var scope = "global scope";
  2. function checkscope(){
  3. var scope = "local scope";
  4. function f(){
  5. return scope;
  6. }
  7. return f();
  8. }
  9. checkscope();
  1. 全局上下文初始化。

  1. globalContext = {
  2. VO: [global], //window是暴露出来的一个指向全局变量对象的属性
  3. Scope: [globalContext.VO],
  4. this: globalContext.VO
  5. }
  1. 初始化的同时,checkscope函数被创建,保存作用域链到函数的内部属性[[scope]]

  1. checkscope.[[scope]] = [
  2. globalContext.VO
  3. ];
  1. 执行checkscope函数,创建checkscope函数执行上下文并初始化。

  1. checkscopeContext = {
  2. AO: {
  3. arguments: {
  4. length: 0
  5. },
  6. scope: undefined,
  7. f: reference to function f(){}
  8. },
  9. Scope: [AO, globalContext.VO],
  10. this: undefined
  11. }
  1. 执行f函数,创建f函数执行上下文并初始化。

  1. fContext = {
  2. AO: {
  3. arguments: {
  4. length: 0
  5. }
  6. },
  7. Scope: [AO, checkscopeContext.AO, globalContext.VO],
  8. this: undefined
  9. }


  1. this.a = 20;
  2. function go() {
  3. console.log(this);
  4. console.log(this.a);
  5. this.a = 30;
  6. }
  7. go.prototype.a = 40;
  8. var test = {
  9. a: 50,
  10. init(fn) {
  11. fn();
  12. console.log(this.a);
  13. return fn;
  14. }
  15. };
  16. console.log(new go().a); // ?
  17. test.init(go); // ?
  18. var p = test.init(go); // ?
  19. p(); // ?

5.5 作业

  1. alert(a); // ?
  2. a();
  3. var a = 3;
  4. function a() {
  5. alert(10);
  6. }
  7. alert(a); // ?
  8. a = 6;
  9. a(); // ?
  1. var x = 1, y = 0, z = 0;
  2. function add(x) {
  3. return (x = x + 1);
  4. }
  5. y = add(x);
  6. console.log(y); // ?
  7. function add(x) {
  8. return (x = x + 3);
  9. }
  10. z = add(x);
  11. console.log(z); // ?
  1. function foo() {
  2. console.log(this.a);
  3. }
  4. function doFoo(fn) {
  5. fn(); //调用位置
  6. }
  7. var obj = {
  8. a: 2,
  9. foo: foo
  10. }
  11. var a = 'this is global';
  12. obj.foo(); //?
  13. doFoo(obj.foo); //?
  1. function foo() {
  2. console.log(this.a);
  3. }
  4. function doFoo(fn) {
  5. fn(); //调用位置
  6. }
  7. var obj = {
  8. a: 2,
  9. foo: foo
  10. }
  11. var obj1 = {
  12. a: 3,
  13. obj: obj
  14. }
  15. var a = 'this is global';
  16. obj1.obj.foo(); //?
  17. doFoo(obj1.obj.foo); //?
  1. function foo() {
  2. console.log(this.a);
  3. }
  4. function doFoo(fn) {
  5. fn(); //调用位置
  6. }
  7. var obj = {
  8. a: 2,
  9. foo: foo
  10. }
  11. var a = 'this is global';
  12. setTimeout(obj.foo, 100); //?
  1. function foo() {
  2. console.log(this.a);
  3. }
  4. var obj = {
  5. a: 2
  6. }
  7. var bar = function () {
  8. foo.call(obj);
  9. }
  10. var a = 20;
  11. bar(); //?
  12. setTimeout(bar, 100);
  13. bar.call(window); //?
  1. function foo() {
  2. console.log(this.a);
  3. }
  4. var obj1 = {
  5. a: 2,
  6. foo: foo
  7. }
  8. var obj2 = {
  9. a: 3
  10. }
  11. obj1.foo(); //?
  12. obj1.foo.call(obj2); //?
  1. function foo(a) {
  2. this.a = a;
  3. }
  4. var obj1 = {
  5. foo: foo
  6. }
  7. var obj2 = {}
  8. obj1.foo(2);
  9. console.log(obj1.a); //?
  10. obj1.foo.call(obj2, 3);
  11. console.log(obj2.a); //?
  12. var bar = new obj1.foo(4);
  13. console.log(obj1.a); //?
  14. console.log(bar.a); //?
  1. function foo(a) {
  2. this.a = a;
  3. }
  4. var obj1 = {};
  5. var bar = foo.bind(obj1);
  6. bar(2);
  7. console.log(obj1.a); //?
  8. var baz = new bar(3);
  9. console.log(obj1.a); //?
  10. console.log(baz.a); //?
  1. var age = 12;
  2. function a() {
  3. var age = 13;
  4. function b() {
  5. console.log(this.age); //?
  6. console.log(age); //?
  7. var age = 15;
  8. function c() {
  9. var age = 16
  10. console.log(this.age); //?
  11. console.log(age); //?
  12. }
  13. c();
  14. }
  15. b();
  16. console.log(age); //?
  17. console.log(this.age); //?
  18. }
  19. a();
  1. var age = 12;
  2. function a() {
  3. var age = 13;
  4. function b() {
  5. console.log(age);
  6. var age = 15;
  7. function c() {
  8. var age = 16
  9. console.log(age);
  10. }
  11. c();
  12. }
  13. b();
  14. console.log(age);
  15. }
  16. a();
  17. //请写出以上代码创建执行上下文创建过程

6. 第九章

6.1 代理(对源数据起到波阿虎作用)


  1. //微商卖鞋的商家
  2. class shoesSeller {
  3. constructor(name) {
  4. this.name = name;
  5. }
  6. //问价
  7. askPrice(type) {
  8. switch (type) {
  9. case 'nike':
  10. return 1000;
  11. case 'addidas':
  12. return 900;
  13. case 'lining':
  14. return 1200;
  15. default:
  16. return 500;
  17. }
  18. }
  19. //买鞋子
  20. buy(type, money) {
  21. switch (type) {
  22. case 'nike':
  23. return money === 1000;
  24. case 'addidas':
  25. return money === 900;
  26. case 'lining':
  27. return money === 1200;
  28. default:
  29. return money === 500;
  30. }
  31. }
  32. }
  33. //微商鞋代理
  34. class shoesProxy {
  35. constructor(name) {
  36. this.name = name;
  37. this.seller = new shoesSeller('极度鞋城');
  38. }
  39. //问价
  40. askPrice(type) {
  41. switch (type) {
  42. case 'nike':
  43. return 1300;
  44. case 'addidas':
  45. return 1200;
  46. case 'lining':
  47. return 1500;
  48. default:
  49. return 800;
  50. }
  51. }
  52. //买鞋子
  53. buy(type, money) {
  54. let enough = false; //钱够不够
  55. switch (type) {
  56. case 'nike':
  57. enough = (money === 1300);
  58. break;
  59. case 'addidas':
  60. enough = (money === 1200);
  61. break;
  62. case 'lining':
  63. enough = (money === 1500);
  64. break;
  65. default:
  66. enough = (money === 800);
  67. break;
  68. }
  69. if (enough) {
  70. //如果钱够的话先给商家足够的钱,剩下的就是赚的代理费
  71. const sellerPrice = this.seller.askPrice(type); //商家的价格
  72. const proxyFee = money - sellerPrice; //代理费
  73. return true;
  74. }
  75. console.log('钱不够');
  76. return false;
  77. }
  78. }
  79. var seller = new shoesSeller('极度鞋城');
  80. var proxy = new shoesProxy('极度代理商');
  81. console.log('询问商家的价格:' + seller.askPrice('nike'));
  82. console.log('询问代理商的价格:' + proxy.askPrice('nike'));
  83. console.log('通过商家购买:' + seller.buy('nike', 1000));
  84. console.log('通过代理商购买:' + proxy.buy('nike', 1300));

6.1.1 创建空代理 Proxy(目标对象,处理程序对象)



  1. const target = {
  2. id: 'target'
  3. };
  4. const handler = {};
  5. const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
  6. // id属性会访问同一个值
  7. console.log(target.id); // target
  8. console.log(proxy.id); // target
  9. // 给目标属性赋值会反映在两个对象上
  10. // 因为两个对象访问的是同一个值
  11. target.id = 'foo';
  12. console.log(target.id); // foo
  13. console.log(proxy.id); // foo
  14. // 给代理属性赋值会反映在两个对象上
  15. // 因为这个赋值会转移到目标对象
  16. proxy.id = 'bar';
  17. console.log(target.id); // bar
  18. console.log(proxy.id); // bar
  19. // hasOwnProperty()方法在两个地方
  20. // 都会应用到目标对象
  21. console.log(target.hasOwnProperty('id')); //true
  22. console.log(proxy.hasOwnProperty('id')); //true
  23. // Proxy.prototype是undefined
  24. // 因此不能使用instanceof操作符
  25. console.log(target instanceof Proxy); //TypeError: Function has non - object prototype 'undefined' in instanceof check
  26. console.log(proxy instanceof Proxy); //TypeError: Function has non - object prototype 'undefined' in instanceof check
  27. // 严格相等可以用来区分代理和目标
  28. console.log(target === proxy); // false
  29. 'id' in proxy; //?true

6.1.2 get

捕获器就是在处理程序对象中定义的"基本操作的拦截器"。 跟Object.defineProperty的获取get()函数非常类似。

  1. const seller = {
  2. price: 1200
  3. };
  4. const handler = {
  5. // 捕获器在处理程序对象中以方法名为键
  6. get() {
  7. return '啥都别问我了,我不再代理那个无良商家的东西了';
  8. }
  9. };
  10. const proxy = new Proxy(seller, handler);
  11. console.log(proxy.price); //?
  12. console.log(proxy.name); //?
  13. console.log(proxy.whatsSell); //?
  14. console.log(seller.price); //?


  1. //林志玲的经纪人
  2. const agent = new Proxy({
  3. name: '林志玲',
  4. sex: '女',
  5. sanwei: '34,24,36',
  6. hasband: '黑泽良平',
  7. showFee: 1000000
  8. }, {
  9. get(target, property, proxy) {
  10. if (['sanwei', 'hasband'].includes(property)) {
  11. return '这个涉及到个人隐私,我不便回答';
  12. }
  13. if (property === 'showFee') {
  14. return target[property] + 100000;
  15. }
  16. if (property in target) {
  17. return target[property];
  18. }
  19. return '关于她这方面的信息我不是很了解';
  20. }
  21. });
  22. console.log(agent.name);
  23. console.log(agent.sex);
  24. console.log(agent.sanwei);
  25. console.log(agent.hasband);
  26. console.log(agent.showFee);
  27. console.log(agent.parents);
  28. console.log(agent.highSchool);

6.1.3 set

  1. const person = {
  2. redPack: 0,
  3. name: '张三',
  4. sex: '男'
  5. };
  6. const mother = new Proxy(person, {
  7. set(target, property, value, proxy) {
  8. if (property === 'redPack') {
  9. if (value > 500) {
  10. console.log('红包太大了,坚决不能给他');
  11. } else if (value < 500) {
  12. target.redPack = value;
  13. }
  14. } else if (property === 'name') {
  15. console.log('你谁啊,凭啥给我儿子改名啊');
  16. } else if (property === 'sex') {
  17. console.log('别乱动我儿子');
  18. } else if (property === 'techang') {
  19. target.techang = value;
  20. } else {
  21. console.log('其他的我儿子一律不需要');
  22. }
  23. }
  24. });
  25. mother.redPack = 1000;
  26. mother.redPack = 300;
  27. mother.name = '李四';
  28. mother.sex = '女';
  29. mother.techang = '美术';
  30. mother.smoke = '抽烟';
  31. mother.drink = '喝酒';
  32. console.log(person);
  33. person.smoke = '抽烟';
  34. person.drink = '喝酒';
  35. console.log(person);


  1. const father = new Proxy(mother, {
  2. set(target, property, value, proxy) {
  3. if (property === 'redPack') {
  4. console.log('我做不了主,让他妈做决定吧');
  5. target.redPack = value;
  6. } else if (property === 'name') {
  7. console.log('啥?你要给我儿子改名字?这事不用问他妈,我抽死你');
  8. } else if (property === 'sex') {
  9. console.log('啥?你要让我儿子变性?我先打死你,不然让他妈知道了非得气死不可');
  10. } else {
  11. console.log('其他事我不管了,让他妈自己去决定吧');
  12. target[property] = value;
  13. }
  14. }
  15. });
  16. father.redPack = 300;
  17. father.name = '李四';
  18. father.sex = '女';
  19. father.smoke = '抽烟';
  20. father.drink = '喝酒';
  21. father.techang = '街舞';
  22. console.log(person);

6.2 Reflect


MDN Reflect资料查询

6.2.1 get/set


  1. const target = {
  2. foo: 'bar'
  3. };
  4. const handler = {
  5. get() {
  6. return Reflect.get(...arguments);
  7. }
  8. };
  9. const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
  10. console.log(proxy.foo); // bar
  11. console.log(target.foo); // bar


  1. const target = {
  2. foo: 'bar'
  3. };
  4. const handler = {
  5. get: Reflect.get
  6. };
  7. const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
  8. console.log(proxy.foo); // bar
  9. console.log(target.foo); // bar

如果想创建一个可以捕获所有方法,然后将每个方法转发给对应反射API的空代理,那么甚至不需要定义处理程序对象 。

  1. const target = {
  2. foo: 'bar'
  3. };
  4. const proxy = new Proxy(target, Reflect);
  5. console.log(proxy.foo); // bar
  6. console.log(target.foo); // bar

6.2.2 has

方法对应name in obj里面的in运算符。方法需要传递两个参数,第一个是要检测的对象,第二个要检测的对象属性名。

  1. function Person() {
  2. this.name = '张三';
  3. }
  4. Person.prototype.name = '李四';
  5. let person = new Person;
  6. console.log(person.name);
  7. Reflect.has(person, 'name');
  8. delete person.name;
  9. console.log(person.name);
  10. Reflect.has(person, 'name');

6.2.3 deleteProperty

方法等同于delete obj[name],用于删除对象的属性。方法需要传递两个参数,第一个是要删除的对象,第二个要删除的对象属性名。

  1. function Person() {
  2. this.name = '张三';
  3. }
  4. Person.prototype.name = '李四';
  5. let person = new Person;
  6. console.log(person.name);
  7. Reflect.deleteProperty(person, 'name');
  8. console.log(person.name);

6.2.4 construct

方法等同于new target(...args),这提供了一种不使用new,来调用构造函数的方法。 方法需要传递两个参数,第一个是要创建的对象,第二个是数组,数组内传递构造函数需要的参数。

  1. function Person(name, age, sex) {
  2. this.name = name;
  3. this.age = age;
  4. this.sex = sex;
  5. }
  6. let zhansan = new Person('张三', 20, '男');
  7. let person = new Person();
  8. let lisi = Reflect.construct(Person, ['张三', 20, '男']);
  9. let person1 = Reflect.construct(Person, []);

6.2.5 defineProperty


6.2.6 ownKeys


  1. function Person() {
  2. this.name = '张三';
  3. }
  4. Person.prototype.age = 12;
  5. let person = new Person;
  6. Reflect.defineProperty(person, 'sex', {
  7. value: '男',
  8. enumerable: false
  9. });
  10. console.log(Object.keys(person));
  11. console.log(Reflect.ownKeys(person));
  12. for (const key in person) {
  13. console.log(key);
  14. }

6.3 作业

  1. 使用使用Reflect.definePropertyObject.defineProperties实现明星经纪人需求。

  2. 使用Proxy实现明星经纪人需求。

  3. 要有getset

7. 第十章


每个函数都是 Function类型的实例,而Function也有属性和方法,跟其他引用类型一样。


7.1 函数的定义方式


  1. function sum(num1, num2) {
  2. return num1 + num2;
  3. }
  4. // 代码定义了一个变量 sum并将其初始化为一个函数
  5. // 注意函数末尾没有分号

函数表达式的方式 定义

  1. let sum = function(num1, num2) {
  2. return num1 + num2;
  3. };
  4. //注意函数末尾是有分号的,与任何变量初始化语句一样


  1. let sum = (num1, num2) => {
  2. return num1 + num2;
  3. }


  1. let sum = new Function('num1', 'num2', 'return num1 + num2');
  2. //不推荐使用这种语法定义函数,因为这段代码会被解释两次。第一次将他当做常规ECMAScript代码,第二次是解释传给构造函数的字符串。显然会影响性能
  3. //不过,把函数想象为对象,把函数名想象为指针是很重要的。这种定义方式很好地诠释了这些概念

7.2 箭头函数


  • 任何可以使用函数表达式的地方,都可以使用箭头函数。

  1. let arrowSum = (a, b) => {
  2. return a + b;
  3. }
  4. let functionExpressionSum = function(a, b) {
  5. return a + b;
  6. }
  7. console.log(arrowSum(1, 2)); //3
  8. console.log(functionExpressionSum(1, 2)); //3
  • 箭头函数简洁的语法非常适合嵌入函数的场景。

  1. let ints = [1, 2, 3];
  2. console.log(ints.map(function(i) {
  3. return i + 1;
  4. })); // [2, 3, 4]
  5. console.log(ints.map((i) => {
  6. return i + 1;
  7. })); // [2, 3, 4]
  • 如果只有一个参数,可以不用括号;没有参数,或多个参数的情况下,才需要使用括号。

  1. //一个参数
  2. let double = (x) => {
  3. return 2 * x;
  4. };
  5. let triple = x => {
  6. return 3 * x;
  7. };
  8. //需要括号
  9. //没有参数时,需要括号
  10. let getRandom = () => {
  11. return Math.random()
  12. };
  13. //多个参数,需要括号
  14. let sum = (a, b) => {
  15. return a + b;
  16. }
  17. //无效的写法
  18. let multiply = a,b => {
  19. return a * b;
  20. }
  • 使用大括号,说明包含“函数体",可以在一个函数中包含多条语句,跟常规函数一样。如果不使用大括号,箭头后面只能有一行代码(一个赋值操作,或者一个表达式),省略大括号会隐式返回这行代码的值。

  1. //以下两种有效
  2. let double = (x) => {
  3. return 2 * 3;
  4. }
  5. let triple = (x) => 3 * x;
  6. //可以赋值
  7. let value = {};
  8. let setName = (x) => x.name = 'jack';
  9. setName(value);
  10. console.log(value.name); //"jack"
  11. //无效写法
  12. let multiply = (a, b) => return a * b;

箭头函数虽然语法简洁,但也有很多场合不适用。箭头函数不能使用 arguments、super、 new.target,也不能做构造函数。此外,箭头函数也没有prototype属性。

7.3 理解参数



  1. function num(a, b) {
  2. console.log(a + b);
  3. }
  4. num(); //NaN
  5. function num(a, b) {
  6. console.log(a + b);
  7. }
  8. num(1); //NaN
  9. function num(a, b) {
  10. console.log(a + b);
  11. }
  12. num(1, 1); //2
  13. function num(a, b) {
  14. console.log(a + b);
  15. }
  16. num("2", 1); //21
  17. function num(a, b) {
  18. console.log(a + b);
  19. }
  20. num("2", 1, 3); //21
  21. function num(a, b) {
  22. console.log(a + b);
  23. }
  24. num("2", 5, "t"); //25


7.3.1 arguments

arguments对象是一个类数组对象(不是Array的实例。类数组:具有length属性,可以遍历。但是没有push()pop()等方法),因此可以使用中括号语法访问其中的元素。而要确定传进来多少个参数,可以访问 arguments.length属性。

  1. function sayHi(name, message) {
  2. console.log('Hello' + name + ',' + message)
  3. }
  4. sayHi("小明", "天气不错") //Hello小明,天气不错
  5. //使用arguments
  6. function sayHi() {
  7. console.log("Hello " + arguments[0] + "," + arguments[1]);
  8. }
  9. sayHi("张三", "天气不错") //Hello 张三,天气不错
  10. //打印结果可以看出,没有命名参数,函数照样可以调用。说明,js函数的参数只是为了方便才写出来的,并不是必须
  • 通过arguments对象的length属性检查传入的参数个数。

  1. function howManyArgs() {
  2. console.log(arguments.length)
  3. }
  4. howManyArgs('string', 1); //2
  5. howManyArgs(); //0
  1. function doAdd() {
  2. if (arguments.length === 1) {
  3. console.log(arguments[0] + 10);
  4. } else if (arguments.length === 2) {
  5. console.log(arguments[0] + arguments[1]);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. doAdd(10); //?
  9. doAdd(10, 20) //?
  • arguments对象可以跟命名参数一起使用。

  1. function doAdd(num1, num2) {
  2. if (arguments.length === 1) {
  3. console.log(num1 + 10);
  4. } else if (arguments.length === 2) {
  5. console.log(arguments[0] + num2);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. doAdd(1, 2); //3
  9. doAdd(1); //11
  • 并且arguments的值始终会与对应的命名参数同步。

  1. function doAdd(num1, num2) {
  2. arguments[1] = 10;
  3. console.log(arguments[0] + num2);
  4. }
  5. doAdd(1, 2); //11
  6. doAdd(1, 20); //11
  7. //他们两个的值会互相影响
  8. function doAdd(num1, num2) {
  9. num1 = 3;
  10. num2 = 10;
  11. console.log(arguments[0] + arguments[1]);
  12. }
  13. doAdd(1, 2); //13
  14. doAdd(50, 100); //13
  15. doAdd(1); //?
  16. //如果只传入一个参数,然后把arguments设置为某个值,那么这个值并不会反映到第二个命名参数
  17. //因为arguments对象的长度是根据传入的参数个数,而非定义函数时给出的命名参数个数确定的。。。如果没有传入命名参数,那么它的值就是undefined。就类似于定义了变量而没有初始化
  18. //doAdd(1);//NaN
  • 但是在严格模式下修改具名参数和arguments的值互相不会受影响。

  1. function doAdd(num1, num2) {
  2. 'use strict';
  3. num1 = 3;
  4. num2 = 10;
  5. console.log(arguments[0] + arguments[1]);
  6. }
  7. doAdd(1, 2); //3
  8. doAdd(50, 100); //150
  9. function doAdd(num1, num2) {
  10. 'use strict';
  11. arguments[0] = 10;
  12. arguments[1] = 20;
  13. console.log(num1 + num2);
  14. }
  15. doAdd(1, 2); //13
  16. doAdd(50, 100); //150

7.4 默认参数值

7.4.1 es6

  1. function makeKing(name = 'Henry') {
  2. return `King ${name} VIII`;
  3. }
  4. console.log(makeKing('Louis')); // 'King Louis VIII'
  5. console.log(makeKing()); // 'King Henry VIII'
  • 在使用默认参数时,arguments对象的值不反映参数从默认值,只反映传给函数的参数。当然,跟es5严格模式一样,修改命名参数也不会影响arguments对象,他始终以调用函数时传入的值为准。

  1. function makeKing(name = 'Henry') {
  2. name = 'Louis';
  3. return `King ${arguments[0]}`;
  4. }
  5. console.log(makeKing()); // 'King undefined'
  6. console.log(makeKing('Louis')); // 'King Louis'
  • 默认参数值并不限于原始值或对象类型,也可以使用调用函数返回的值。

  1. let romanNumerals = ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI'];
  2. let ordinality = 0;
  3. function getNumerals() {
  4. // 每次调用后递增
  5. return romanNumerals[ordinality++];
  6. }
  7. function makeKing(name = 'Henry', numerals = getNumerals()) {
  8. return `King ${name} ${numerals}`;
  9. }
  10. console.log(makeKing()); // 'KingHenry I'
  11. console.log(makeKing('Louis', 'XVI')); //'KingLouis XVI'
  12. console.log(makeKing()); // 'KingHenry II' 函数的默认参数只有在函数被调用时才会求值,不会在函数定义时求值。而且,计算默认值的函数只有在调用函数但未传相应参数时才会被调用。
  13. console.log(makeKing()); // 'KingHenry III'
  • 箭头函数同样也可以这样使用默认参数,在只有一个参数时,必须使用括号而不能省略了。

  1. let makeKing = (name = 'Henry') => `King ${name}`;
  2. console.log(makeKing()); // King Henry
  • 同样的,对象也可以有默认值。

  1. function person(obj = { name: '张三', age: 29 }) {
  2. console.log(`我叫${obj.name},今年${obj.age}`);
  3. }
  4. person({}); //?
  5. person(); //?
  6. person(0); //?
  7. person(1); //?
  8. person(true); //?
  9. person(false); //?
  10. person({ name: '李四' }); //?


  1. function person({ name = '张三', age = 20 } = { name: '张三', age: 29 }) {
  2. console.log(`我叫${name},今年${age}`);
  3. }
  4. person({});
  5. person();
  6. person(0);
  7. person(1);
  8. person(true);
  9. person(false);
  10. person({ name: '李四' });


  1. function person({ name = '张三', age = 20 } = { name: '张三', age: 29 }) {
  2. console.log(`我叫${name},今年${age}`);
  3. }
  4. person(null); //报错
  5. function person(obj = { name: '张三', age: 29 }) {
  6. console.log(`我叫${obj.name},今年${obj.age}`);
  7. }
  8. person(null); //报错

7.4.2 es6之前


  1. function person(name, age) {
  2. name = name || '张三';
  3. age = age || 20;
  4. console.log(`我叫${name},今年${age}`);
  5. }
  6. person();
  7. person(undefined, null);
  8. person('', 0);
  9. person('李四', -1);
  10. person(false, true);
  11. person(' ', 1);
  12. person(NaN, NaN);


  1. function person(obj) {
  2. obj = obj || {};
  3. let defaultConfig = { name: '张三', age: 20 };
  4. for (let key in obj) {
  5. defaultConfig[key] = obj[key];
  6. }
  7. console.log(`我叫${defaultConfig.name},今年${defaultConfig.age}`);
  8. }
  9. person({});
  10. person();
  11. person(0);
  12. person(1);
  13. person(true);
  14. person(false);
  15. person({ name: '李四' });
  16. person(null);
  17. person(' ');
  18. person(NaN);

7.4.3 默认参数作用域与暂时性死区


  1. function makeKing(name = 'Henry', numerals = 'VIII') {
  2. return `King ${name} ${numerals}`;
  3. }
  4. console.log(makeKing()); // King Henry VIII
  5. //这里的默认参数会按照定义它们的顺序依次被初始化。可以按照如下实例想象一下这个过程:
  6. function makeKing() {
  7. let name = 'Henry';
  8. let numerals = 'VIII';
  9. return `King ${name} ${numerals}`;
  10. }


  1. function makeKing(name = 'Henry', numerals = name) {
  2. return `King ${name} ${numerals}`;
  3. }
  4. console.log(makeKing()); // King Henry Henry


  1. function makeKing(name = numerals, numerals = 'VIII') {
  2. return `King ${name} ${numerals}`;
  3. }
  4. console.log(makeKing()); //报错


  1. function makeKing(name = 'Henry', numerals = defaultNumeral) {
  2. let defaultNumeral = 'VIII';
  3. return `King ${name} ${numerals}`;
  4. }
  5. console.log(makeKing()); //报错

7.4.4 收集参数


  1. function getSum(...values) {
  2. // 顺序累加values中的所有值
  3. // 初始值的总和为0
  4. return values.reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0);
  5. }
  6. console.log(getSum(1, 2, 3)); // 6
  7. console.log(getSum(...[1, 2, 3])); // 6


  1. //非法
  2. function getProduct(...values, lastValue) { }
  3. //合法
  4. function ignoreFirst(firstValue, ...values) {
  5. console.log(firstValue, values);
  6. }
  7. ignoreFirst();
  8. ignoreFirst(1);
  9. ignoreFirst(1, 2);
  10. ignoreFirst(1, 2, 3);


  1. let getSum = (...values) => {
  2. return values.reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0);
  3. }
  4. console.log(getSum(1, 2, 3)); // 6


  1. function getSum(...values) {
  2. console.log(arguments.length); // 3
  3. console.log(arguments); // [1, 2, 3]
  4. console.log(values); // [1, 2, 3]
  5. }
  6. console.log(getSum(1, 2, 3));

7.5 callee


  1. function abc() {
  2. console.log(arguments.callee);
  3. }
  4. abc();
  1. let count = 0;
  2. function abc() {
  3. if (count > 3) {
  4. return;
  5. }
  6. console.log(count++);
  7. arguments.callee();
  8. }
  9. abc();


  1. function abc() {
  2. 'use strict';
  3. console.log(arguments.callee);
  4. }
  5. abc(); //报错



  1. function factorial(num) {
  2. if (num <= 1) {
  3. return 1;
  4. } else {
  5. return num * factorial(num - 1);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. factorial(10); //3628800


  1. function factorial(num) {
  2. if (num <= 1) {
  3. return 1;
  4. } else {
  5. return num * arguments.callee(num - 1);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. factorial(10); //3628800

7.6 caller


  1. function outer() {
  2. inner();
  3. }
  4. function inner() {
  5. console.log(arguments.callee.caller);
  6. }
  7. outer();
  8. //以上代码会显示outer()函数的源代码。这是因为ourter()调用了inner(),inner的arguments.callee.caller指向outer().

7.7 递归


7.7.1 斐波那契数列

斐波那契数列数列就是从第3项开始,每一项都等于前两项之和:0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89。


  1. function feibo(count, current = 1, prev = 0) {
  2. if (count === 0) {
  3. console.log(current);
  4. return;
  5. }
  6. feibo(count - 1, current + prev, current);
  7. }
  8. feibo(10);

7.7.2 查找dom节点


  1. function findDomNode(nodeName, arr) {
  2. arr = arr || document.body.children;
  3. for (let node of arr) {
  4. if (node.nodeName === nodeName) {
  5. console.log(node);
  6. continue; //找到后无需再递归子节点
  7. }
  8. node.children && node.children.length && arguments.callee(nodeName, node.children); //如果有children属性并且children属性有子节点的话则继续递归查找
  9. }
  10. }
  11. findDomeNode('A');


  1. var data = [{
  2. name: "所有物品",
  3. children: [{
  4. name: "水果",
  5. children: [{
  6. name: "苹果",
  7. children: [{
  8. name: '青苹果'
  9. }, {
  10. name: '红苹果'
  11. }]
  12. }]
  13. }, {
  14. name: '主食',
  15. children: [{
  16. name: "米饭",
  17. children: [{
  18. name: '北方米饭'
  19. }, {
  20. name: '南方米饭'
  21. }]
  22. }]
  23. }, {
  24. name: '生活用品',
  25. children: [{
  26. name: "电脑类",
  27. children: [{
  28. name: '联想电脑'
  29. }, {
  30. name: '苹果电脑'
  31. }]
  32. }, {
  33. name: "工具类",
  34. children: [{
  35. name: "锄头"
  36. }, {
  37. name: "锤子"
  38. }]
  39. }, {
  40. name: "生活用品",
  41. children: [{
  42. name: "洗发水"
  43. }, {
  44. name: "沐浴露"
  45. }]
  46. }]
  47. }]
  48. }];
  49. //使用递归找到所有没有children属性的name

7.8 闭包


  • 私有变量

  1. //私有变量方法
  2. function privateVariable(variable) {
  3. return function () {
  4. return variable;
  5. }
  6. }
  7. let PI = privateVariable(3.141592658);
  8. let round = 180 * PI();
  • 柯里化


  1. function currying(x) {
  2. return function (y) {
  3. return x * y;
  4. }
  5. }
  6. let PI = currying(3.141592658);
  7. PI(180);
  8. PI(360);
  9. PI(90);

7.9 内存泄漏


7.9.1 原因


  1. //私有变量方法
  2. function privateVariable(variable) {
  3. //当执行方法的时候执行上下文
  4. privateVariableContext = {
  5. AO: {
  6. arguments: {
  7. length: 1,
  8. 0: 3.141592658
  9. },
  10. variable: 3.141592658,
  11. },
  12. Scope: [AO, globalContext.VO],
  13. this: window
  14. }
  15. return function () {
  16. //当执行方法的时候执行上下文
  17. Context = {
  18. AO: {
  19. arguments: {
  20. length: 0
  21. }
  22. },
  23. Scope: [AO, privateVariableContext.AO, globalContext.VO], //闭包的作用域链引用了privateVariableContext的AO
  24. this: window
  25. }
  26. return variable;
  27. }
  28. }
  29. let PI = privateVariable(3.141592658);
  30. let round = 180 * PI();


7.9.2 解决


PI = null;

7.10 立即执行函数


  1. function IIFE() {
  2. console.log('立即执行');
  3. }
  4. IIFE();


  1. (function IIFE() {
  2. console.log('立即执行');
  3. })()
  1. (function() {
  2. console.log('立即执行');
  3. })()
  1. //都合法
  2. !function () {
  3. console.log('立即执行');
  4. }()
  5. +function () {
  6. console.log('立即执行');
  7. }()
  8. -function () {
  9. console.log('立即执行');
  10. }()
  11. ~function () {
  12. console.log('立即执行');
  13. }()


7.10.1 模拟局部作用域


  1. //全部打印5
  2. !function () {
  3. for (var item of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) {
  4. setTimeout(() => {
  5. console.log(item);
  6. }, 100);
  7. }
  8. }()
  9. //打印正常
  10. !function () {
  11. for (var item of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) {
  12. +function (v) {
  13. setTimeout(() => {
  14. console.log(v);
  15. }, 100);
  16. }(item)
  17. }
  18. }()

8. 第十一章

8.1 同步


  1. function askToEat() {
  2. console.log('张三,吃饭去吧');
  3. }
  4. async function waitForMe() {
  5. console.log('等我3分钟,我写一下作业,写完了我告诉你');
  6. await new Promise((res, rej) => {
  7. setTimeout(res, 3000);
  8. });
  9. console.log('我写完作业了,吃饭去吧');
  10. }
  11. async function go() {
  12. console.log('也等我两分钟,我去换一下衣服');
  13. await new Promise((res, rej) => {
  14. setTimeout(res, 3000);
  15. });
  16. console.log('都弄好了,走吧');
  17. }
  18. //同步去吃饭
  19. (async function asyncEating() {
  20. askToEat();
  21. await waitForMe();
  22. await go();
  23. })()

8.2 异步


  1. function askToEat() {
  2. console.log('张三,吃饭去吧');
  3. }
  4. async function waitForMe() {
  5. console.log('等我3分钟,我写一下作业,写完了我告诉你');
  6. await new Promise((res, rej) => {
  7. setTimeout(res, 3000);
  8. });
  9. console.log('我写完作业了,吃饭去吧');
  10. return Promise.resolve();
  11. }
  12. async function go() {
  13. console.log('也等我两分钟,我去换一下衣服');
  14. await new Promise((res, rej) => {
  15. setTimeout(res, 2000);
  16. });
  17. console.log('都弄好了,走吧');
  18. return Promise.resolve();
  19. }
  20. //异步去吃饭
  21. !function asyncEating() {
  22. askToEat();
  23. Promise.all([waitForMe(), go()]);
  24. }()

8.3 单线程






















8.3.1 主执行栈



先将所有的同步代码,放入执行栈中执行,执行完毕后,去任务队列中先获取微任务放入执行栈中执行,所有的微任务执行完成后再将宏任务放入执行栈执行。所有的任务队列都完成后,则进行下一次的重复循环,这样无线重复循环的行为被称为"Event loop"(事件循环)。所以任务的执行顺序是先执行同步任务,再执行微任务,最后执行宏任务。

8.3.2 宏任务


setTimeout、setInterval 、setImmediate 、requestAnimationFrame 。


8.3.3 微任务


process.nextTick、MutationObserver 、Promise。

8.3.4 思考

  1. setTimeout(() => {
  2. //执行后 回调一个宏事件
  3. console.log('内层宏事件5')
  4. }, 0);
  5. console.log('外层宏事件1');
  6. new Promise((resolve) => {
  7. console.log('外层宏事件2');
  8. resolve()
  9. }).then(() => {
  10. console.log('微事件3');
  11. }).then(()=>{
  12. console.log('微事件4')
  13. })
  14. //1 2 3 4 5
  1. console.log('1');
  2. setTimeout(function() {
  3. console.log('2');
  4. new Promise(function(resolve) {
  5. console.log('4');
  6. resolve();
  7. }).then(function() {
  8. console.log('5')
  9. })
  10. })
  11. new Promise(function(resolve) {
  12. console.log('7');
  13. resolve();
  14. }).then(function() {
  15. console.log('8')
  16. })
  17. setTimeout(function() {
  18. console.log('9');
  19. new Promise(function(resolve) {
  20. console.log('11');
  21. resolve();
  22. }).then(function() {
  23. console.log('12')
  24. })
  25. })

8.4 Promise



  1. $.ajax({
  2. url: 'getUserById',
  3. data: {
  4. id: 1
  5. },
  6. success(data) {
  7. $.ajax({
  8. url: 'getRoleByUserId',
  9. data: {
  10. id: data.id
  11. },
  12. success(data) {
  13. $.ajax({
  14. url: 'getRightsByRoleId',
  15. data: {
  16. id: data.id
  17. },
  18. success(data) {
  19. $.ajax({
  20. url: 'getPagesByRrights',
  21. data: {
  22. rights: data.rights
  23. },
  24. success() {
  25. console.log('终于获取完了');
  26. }
  27. });
  28. }
  29. });
  30. }
  31. });
  32. }
  33. });


  1. new Promise((res, rej) => {
  2. $.ajax({
  3. url: 'getUserById',
  4. data: {
  5. id: 1
  6. },
  7. success(data) {
  8. res(data);
  9. }
  10. });
  11. }).then(data => {
  12. return new Promise((res, rej) => {
  13. $.ajax({
  14. url: 'getRoleByUserId',
  15. data: {
  16. id: data.id
  17. },
  18. success(data) {
  19. res(data);
  20. }
  21. });
  22. });
  23. }).then(data => {
  24. return new Promise((res, rej) => {
  25. $.ajax({
  26. url: 'getRightsByRoleId',
  27. data: {
  28. id: data.id
  29. },
  30. success(data) {
  31. res(data);
  32. }
  33. });
  34. });
  35. }).then(data => {
  36. return new Promise((res, rej) => {
  37. $.ajax({
  38. url: 'getPagesByRrights',
  39. data: {
  40. rights: data.rights
  41. },
  42. success() {
  43. console.log('终于获取完了');
  44. }
  45. });
  46. });
  47. });

8.4.1 Promise基础

ECMAScript 6新增的引用类型Promise,可以通过new操作符来实例化。 创建新Promise时需要传入执行器函数作为参数 。如果成功则会执行then的方法,如果失败则会执行catch方法。

  1. new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  2. //resolve为成功
  3. //reject为失败
  4. console.log('创建了一个Promise');
  5. }).then(() => {
  6. console.log('会打印我吗?');
  7. });
  8. //?
  9. new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  10. //resolve为成功
  11. //reject为失败
  12. console.log('创建了一个Promise');
  13. reject();
  14. }).then(() => {
  15. console.log('会打印我吗?');
  16. });
  17. //?
  18. new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  19. //resolve为成功
  20. //reject为失败
  21. console.log('创建了一个Promise');
  22. resolve();
  23. }).then(() => {
  24. console.log('会打印我吗?');
  25. });
  26. //?
  1. Promise.reject().then(() => {
  2. console.log('会打印1吗?');
  3. });
  4. //?
  5. Promise.reject().then(() => {
  6. console.log('会打印1吗?');
  7. }).catch(e => {
  8. console.log('会打印2吗?');
  9. });
  10. //?
  11. Promise.resolve().then(() => {
  12. console.log(1);
  13. }).then(() => {
  14. console.log(2)
  15. }).then(() => {
  16. console.log(3);
  17. });
  18. //?
  19. Promise.reject().catch(() => {
  20. console.log(1);
  21. }).catch(() => {
  22. console.log(2)
  23. }).catch(() => {
  24. console.log(3);
  25. });
  26. //?
  27. Promise.reject().catch(() => {
  28. console.log(1);
  29. throw 1;
  30. }).catch(() => {
  31. console.log(2)
  32. }).catch(() => {
  33. console.log(3);
  34. });
  35. //?
  36. Promise.reject().catch(() => {
  37. console.log(1);
  38. throw 2;
  39. }).catch(data => {
  40. console.log(data);
  41. throw 3;
  42. }).catch(data => {
  43. console.log(data);
  44. throw 4;
  45. }).catch(data => {
  46. console.log(5);
  47. }).catch(data => {
  48. console.log(data);
  49. });
  50. //?
  51. Promise.resolve().catch(() => {
  52. console.log(1);
  53. }).then(() => {
  54. console.log(2);
  55. }).catch(() => {
  56. console.log(3);
  57. }).then(() => {
  58. console.log(4);
  59. throw 8;
  60. }).then(data => {
  61. console.log(5);
  62. }).catch(data => {
  63. console.log(data);
  64. return 6;
  65. }).catch(data => {
  66. console.log(10);
  67. }).then(data => {
  68. console.log(data);
  69. }).then(data => {
  70. console.log(data);
  71. });
  72. //?
  73. Promise.resolve(new Error(1)).then(data => {
  74. console.log(1);
  75. }).catch(e => {
  76. console.log(2);
  77. });
  78. //?
  79. Promise.resolve().then(data => {
  80. data = data.toString();
  81. return 2;
  82. }).then(data => {
  83. console.log(data);
  84. }).catch(data => {
  85. console.log(data);
  86. });
  87. //?


  1. Promise.resolve(1).then(data => {
  2. console.log(data, '成功');
  3. });
  4. //等价
  5. Promise.resolve(1).then(data => {
  6. console.log(data, '成功');
  7. }, null);
  1. Promise.reject(1).then(null, data => {
  2. console.log(data, '失败');
  3. });
  4. //等价
  5. Promise.reject(1).catch(data => {
  6. console.log(data, '失败');
  7. });
  1. Promise.resolve(1).then(data => {
  2. console.log('成功:' + data);
  3. }, data => {
  4. console.log('失败:' + data);
  5. });
  1. Promise.reject(1).then(data => {
  2. console.log('成功:' + data);
  3. }, data => {
  4. console.log('失败:' + data);
  5. });




8.4.2 同步/异步执行的二元性

  1. try {
  2. throw new Error('foo');
  3. } catch (e) {
  4. console.log(e); // Error: foo
  5. }
  6. try {
  7. Promise.reject(new Error('bar'));
  8. } catch (e) {
  9. console.log(e);
  10. }
  11. // Uncaught (in promise) Error: bar

8.4.3 finally


  1. Promise.resolve().then(() => {
  2. console.log(1);
  3. throw 2;
  4. }).finally(() => {
  5. console.log(222);
  6. });
  7. Promise.resolve().then(() => {
  8. console.log(1);
  9. throw 2;
  10. }).catch(data => {
  11. console.log(data);
  12. }).finally(() => {
  13. console.log(222);
  14. });


  1. function valid(userName) {
  2. try {
  3. if (!userName) {
  4. console.log('账号不能为空');
  5. return;
  6. }
  7. userName = userName.substr(1, 5);
  8. } catch (e) {
  9. console.log(e);
  10. } finally {
  11. console.log('最终还是执行了');
  12. }
  13. }
  14. valid();
  15. valid(15);

8.4.4 Promise.all


  1. let five = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  2. setTimeout(() => {
  3. res(5000);
  4. }, 5000);
  5. });
  6. let three = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  7. setTimeout(() => {
  8. res(3000);
  9. }, 3000);
  10. });
  11. Promise.all([five, three]).then(([a, b]) => {
  12. console.log(a, b);
  13. });


  1. let five = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  2. setTimeout(() => {
  3. rej(5000);
  4. }, 5000);
  5. });
  6. let three = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  7. setTimeout(() => {
  8. rej(3000);
  9. }, 3000);
  10. });
  11. let four = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  12. setTimeout(() => {
  13. rej(4000);
  14. }, 4000);
  15. });
  16. Promise.all([five, three, four]).then(([a, b]) => {
  17. console.log('成功');
  18. }).catch(e => {
  19. console.log(e);
  20. });


  1. let five = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  2. setTimeout(() => {
  3. res(5000);
  4. }, 5000);
  5. });
  6. let three = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  7. setTimeout(() => {
  8. res(3000);
  9. }, 3000);
  10. });
  11. let four = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  12. setTimeout(() => {
  13. rej(4000);
  14. }, 4000);
  15. });
  16. Promise.all([five, three, four]).then(([a, b]) => {
  17. console.log('成功');
  18. }).catch(e => {
  19. console.log(e);
  20. });

8.4.5 Promise.race


  1. let five = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  2. setTimeout(res, 5000, 5000);
  3. });
  4. let three = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  5. setTimeout(res, 3000, 3000);
  6. });
  7. let four = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  8. setTimeout(res, 4000, 4000);
  9. });
  10. Promise.race([five, three, four]).then(data => {
  11. console.log('成功', data);
  12. }).catch(e => {
  13. console.log('失败', e);
  14. });


  1. let five = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  2. setTimeout(rej, 5000, 5000);
  3. });
  4. let three = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  5. setTimeout(res, 3000, 3000);
  6. });
  7. let four = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  8. setTimeout(rej, 4000, 4000);
  9. });
  10. Promise.race([five, three, four]).then(data => {
  11. console.log('成功', data);
  12. }).catch(e => {
  13. console.log('失败', e);
  14. });
  1. let five = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  2. setTimeout(res, 5000, 5000);
  3. });
  4. let three = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  5. setTimeout(res, 3000, 3000);
  6. });
  7. let four = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  8. setTimeout(res, 4000, 4000);
  9. });
  10. Promise.race([five, three, four]).then(data => {
  11. console.log('成功', data);
  12. }).catch(e => {
  13. console.log('失败', e);
  14. });


  1. //方法最大执行时间
  2. function execMax(fn, delay) {
  3. const reject = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  4. setTimeout(rej, delay, '请求超时');
  5. });
  6. return Promise.race([fn, reject]);
  7. }
  8. //获取用户
  9. let getUser = new Promise((res) => {
  10. //一个耗时的axios请求
  11. setTimeout(res, 3000, {
  12. id: 1,
  13. name: '张三'
  14. });
  15. });
  16. execMax(getUser, 5000).then(data => {
  17. console.log(data);
  18. }).catch(e => {
  19. console.log(e);
  20. });

8.5 async/await


  1. let data = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
  2. $.ajax({
  3. url: 'getUserById',
  4. data: {
  5. id: 1
  6. },
  7. success(data) {
  8. res(data);
  9. }
  10. });
  11. });
  12. data = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
  13. $.ajax({
  14. url: 'getRoleByUserId',
  15. data: {
  16. id: data.id
  17. },
  18. success(data) {
  19. res(data);
  20. }
  21. });
  22. });
  23. data = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
  24. $.ajax({
  25. url: 'getRightsByRoleId',
  26. data: {
  27. id: data.id
  28. },
  29. success(data) {
  30. res(data);
  31. }
  32. });
  33. });
  34. data = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
  35. $.ajax({
  36. url: 'getPagesByRrights',
  37. data: {
  38. rights: data.rights
  39. },
  40. success() {
  41. console.log('终于获取完了');
  42. }
  43. });
  44. });

8.5.1 async


  1. async function foo() {}
  2. let bar = async function() {};
  3. let baz = async () => {};
  4. class Qux {
  5. async qux() {}
  6. }


  1. async function foo() {
  2. console.log(1);
  3. }
  4. foo();
  5. console.log(2);


  1. async function foo() {
  2. return 1
  3. }
  4. //两者等价
  5. function foo() {
  6. return Promise.resolve(1)
  7. }
  1. async function foo() {
  2. console.log(1);
  3. }
  4. foo().then(() => {
  5. console.log(3);
  6. });
  7. console.log(2);
  1. async function foo() {
  2. console.log(1);
  3. return 3;
  4. }
  5. foo().then(console.log);
  6. console.log(2);
  1. async function foo() {
  2. console.log(1);
  3. return Promise.resolve(3);
  4. }
  5. foo().then(console.log);
  6. console.log(2);

8.5.2 await


  1. let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000, 3));
  2. p.then(console.log); //只是通过回调通知接收了结果,并不知道何时调用完成,所以后续的操作要放在回调函数中
  3. console.log(await p); //使用await就得等待Promise执行完成才能进行下一步
  4. console.log('上一次的Promise完成了,可以继续接下来的事了');


  1. async function foo() {
  2. await Promise.resolve(); //合法
  3. }
  4. function foo() {
  5. await Promise.resolve(); //非法
  6. }


  1. let data = await Promise.resolve(1).then(data => {
  2. console.log(data);
  3. return 2;
  4. }).then(data => {
  5. console.log(data);
  6. return 3;
  7. }).then(data => {
  8. console.log(data);
  9. return 4;
  10. }).then(data => {
  11. console.log(data);
  12. return 5;
  13. });
  14. console.log('最终执行结果:' + data);


  1. async function s() {
  2. console.log(2);
  3. }
  4. async function foo() {
  5. console.log(1); //同步
  6. await s(); //同步
  7. console.log(3); //从这儿开始,await之后就是异步的了
  8. }
  9. foo();
  10. console.log(4);
  1. async function foo() {
  2. console.log(1);
  3. await 2;
  4. }
  5. //等价
  6. function foo() {
  7. console.log(1);
  8. return Promise.resolve(2).then(() => undefined)
  9. }

8.5.3 停止和恢复执行


  1. async function foo() {
  2. console.log(await Promise.resolve('1'));
  3. }
  4. async function bar() {
  5. console.log(await '2');
  6. }
  7. async function baz() {
  8. console.log('3');
  9. }
  10. foo();
  11. bar();
  12. baz();


  1. async function foo() {
  2. console.log(2);
  3. }
  4. console.log(1);
  5. foo();
  6. console.log(3);



  1. async function foo() {
  2. console.log(2);
  3. await null;
  4. console.log(4);
  5. }
  6. console.log(1);
  7. foo();
  8. console.log(3);
  1. async function foo() {
  2. console.log(2);
  3. console.log(await Promise.resolve(8));
  4. console.log(9);
  5. }
  6. async function bar() {
  7. console.log(4);
  8. console.log(await 6);
  9. console.log(7);
  10. }
  11. console.log(1);
  12. foo();
  13. console.log(3);
  14. bar();
  15. console.log(5);

8.5.4 应用场景


  1. async function sleep(delay) {
  2. return new Promise((resolve) =>
  3. setTimeout(resolve, delay));
  4. }
  5. async function foo() {
  6. const t0 = Date.now();
  7. await sleep(1500); // 暂停约1500毫秒
  8. console.log(Date.now() - t0);
  9. }
  10. foo();

8.5.5 WebWork


Web Worker的作用,就是为JavaScript创造多线程环境,允许主线程创建Worker线程,将一些任务分配给后者运行。在主线程运行的同时,Worker线程在后台运行,两者互不干扰。等到Worker线程完成计算任务,再把结果返回给主线程。这样的好处是,一些计算密集型或高延迟的任务,被Worker线程负担了,主线程(通常负责UI交互)就会很流畅,不会被阻塞或拖慢。


8.5.6 思考

  1. Promise.resolve().then(() => {
  2. return new Error('error');
  3. }).then((res) => {
  4. console.log(1);
  5. }).catch((err) => {
  6. console.log(2);
  7. });
  1. Promise.resolve().then(() => {
  2. return new Error('error');
  3. }).then((res) => {
  4. console.log(1);
  5. }).catch((err) => {
  6. console.log(2);
  7. throw new Error(3);
  8. }).then(console.log).catch(console.log);
  1. const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  2. console.log(1);
  3. setTimeout(() => {
  4. console.log(5);
  5. resolve(6);
  6. console.log(7);
  7. }, 0);
  8. console.log(2);
  9. });
  10. promise.then((res) => {
  11. console.log(res);
  12. });
  13. console.log(4);
  1. Promise.resolve().then(() => {
  2. console.log(1);
  3. const timer2 = setTimeout(() => {
  4. console.log(2)
  5. }, 0)
  6. });
  7. const timer1 = setTimeout(() => {
  8. console.log(3)
  9. Promise.resolve().then(() => {
  10. console.log(4)
  11. })
  12. }, 0)
  13. console.log(5);
  1. const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  2. resolve(1);
  3. reject(2);
  4. resolve(3);
  5. });
  6. promise.then((res) => {
  7. console.log('then:', res);
  8. }).catch((err) => {
  9. console.log('catch:', err);
  10. })
  1. async function async1() {
  2. console.log(1);
  3. await async2();
  4. console.log(2);
  5. }
  6. async function async2() {
  7. console.log(3);
  8. }
  9. async1();
  10. console.log(4);
  1. let a;
  2. const b = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  3. console.log('1');
  4. resolve();
  5. }).then(() => {
  6. console.log('2');
  7. }).then(() => {
  8. console.log('3');
  9. }).then(() => {
  10. console.log('4');
  11. });
  12. a = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
  13. console.log(a);
  14. console.log(await b);
  15. console.log(a);
  16. console.log('5');
  17. await a
  18. resolve(true);
  19. console.log('6');
  20. });
  21. console.log('7');
  1. async function async1() {
  2. console.log('1')
  3. await async2()
  4. console.log('2')
  5. }
  6. async function async2() {
  7. console.log('3')
  8. }
  9. console.log('4')
  10. setTimeout(function() {
  11. console.log('5')
  12. })
  13. async1()
  14. new Promise(function(resolve) {
  15. console.log('6')
  16. resolve()
  17. }).then(function() {
  18. console.log('7')
  19. })
  20. console.log('8');
  1. const promise1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  2. setTimeout(() => {
  3. resolve('1')
  4. }, 1000)
  5. })
  6. const promise2 = promise1.then(() => {
  7. throw new Error('2')
  8. })
  9. console.log('3', promise1)
  10. console.log('4', promise2)
  11. setTimeout(() => {
  12. console.log('5', promise1)
  13. console.log('6', promise2)
  14. }, 2000)
  1. async function async1() {
  2.    console.log( '1' )
  3.    console.log(await async2())
  4.    console.log( '2' )
  5. }
  6. async function async2() {
  7.    console.log('3')
  8.    setTimeout(
  9.     ()=>console.log('4')
  10.   ,0)
  11.    console.log( '5' )
  12. }
  13. console.log( '6' )
  14. setTimeout( function () {
  15.    console.log( '7' )
  16. }, 0 )
  17. async1();
  18. new Promise( function ( resolve ) {
  19.    console.log( '8' )
  20.    resolve();
  21. } ).then( function () {
  22.    console.log( '9' )
  23. } )
  24. console.log( '10' )
  25. //6 1 3 5 8 10 undefind 2 9 undefind 7 4
