Eager:急切的、渴望的;很多文章翻译为:动态图,Eager execution(立即执行)引申为动态图。
Eager execution is a feature that makes TensorFlow execute operations immediately: concrete values are returned, instead of creating a computational graph that is executed later:
A user guide is available: https://www.tensorflow.org/programmers_guide/eager (source file)
使用指南:https://www.tensorflow.org/programmers_guide/eager (source file)
We welcome feedback through GitHub issues.
欢迎反馈:GitHub issues.
Sample code is available, including benchmarks for some:
TensorFlow's eager execution is an imperative programming environment that evaluates operations immediately, without building graphs: operations return concrete values instead of constructing a computational graph to run later. This makes it easy to get started with TensorFlow and debug models, and it reduces boilerplate as well. To follow along with this guide, run the code samples below in an interactive python
TensorFlow's eager(动态图)是一个命令式的编程环境,不建立图而是立即运算求值:运算返回具体值替换(以前)先构建运算图然后执行的机制。使得(使用)Tensorflow和调试模型变得简单,而且减少了多余(模板化、公式化操作)。请根据指南,在交互式Python的解释器中运行以下样例。
Eager execution is a flexible machine learning platform for research and experimentation, providing:
Eager execution supports most TensorFlow operations and GPU acceleration. For a collection of examples running in eager execution, see: tensorflow/contrib/eager/python/examples.
Note: Some models may experience increased overhead with eager execution enabled. Performance improvements are ongoing, but please file a bug if you find a problem and share your benchmarks.
Upgrade to the latest version of TensorFlow:
$ pip install --upgrade tensorflow
To start eager execution, add tf.enable_eager_execution()
to the beginning of the program or console session. Do not add this operation to other modules that the program calls.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import tensorflow as tf
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Tensorflow 1.6.0版本
- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
- import tensorflow as tf
- import tensorflow.contrib.eager as tfe
- tfe.enable_eager_execution()
- x = [[2.]]
- m = tf.matmul(x, x)
- print("hello, {}".format(m)) # => "hello, [[4.]]"
Now you can run TensorFlow operations and the results will return immediately:
tf.executing_eagerly() # => True
x = [[2.]]
m = tf.matmul(x, x)
print("hello, {}".format(m)) # => "hello, [[4.]]"
Enabling eager execution changes how TensorFlow operations behave—now they immediately evaluate and return their values to Python. tf.Tensor
objects reference concrete values instead of symbolic handles to nodes in a computational graph. Since there isn't a computational graph to build and run later in a session, it's easy to inspect results using print()
or a debugger. Evaluating, printing, and checking tensor values does not break the flow for computing gradients.
Eager execution works nicely with NumPy. NumPy operations accept tf.Tensor
arguments. TensorFlow math operations convert Python objects and NumPy arrays to tf.Tensor
objects. The tf.Tensor.numpy
method returns the object's value as a NumPy ndarray
动态图和NumPy兼容性很好. NumPy 运算接受 tf.Tensor
参数. TensorFlow 数学运算可以转换为Python对象,同时NumPy 数组可以转换为 tf.Tensor
对象. The tf.Tensor.numpy
方法返回对象的值和NumPy ndarray
a = tf.constant([[1, 2],
[3, 4]])
# => tf.Tensor([[1 2]
# [3 4]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=int32)
# Broadcasting support
b = tf.add(a, 1)
# => tf.Tensor([[2 3]
# [4 5]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=int32)
# Operator overloading is supported
print(a * b)
# => tf.Tensor([[ 2 6]
# [12 20]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=int32)
# Use NumPy values
import numpy as np
c = np.multiply(a, b)
# => [[ 2 6]
# [12 20]]
# Obtain numpy value from a tensor:
# => [[1 2]
# [3 4]]
The tf.contrib.eager
module contains symbols available to both eager and graph execution environments and is useful for writing code to work with graphs:
tfe = tf.contrib.eager
A major benefit of eager execution is that all the functionality of the host language is available while your model is executing. So, for example, it is easy to write fizzbuzz:
def fizzbuzz(max_num):
counter = tf.constant(0)
max_num = tf.convert_to_tensor(max_num)
for num in range(max_num.numpy()):
num = tf.constant(num)
if int(num % 3) == 0 and int(num % 5) == 0:
elif int(num % 3) == 0:
elif int(num % 5) == 0:
counter += 1
return counter
This has conditionals that depend on tensor values and it prints these values at runtime.
Many machine learning models are represented by composing layers. When using TensorFlow with eager execution you can either write your own layers or use a layer provided in the tf.keras.layers
While you can use any Python object to represent a layer, TensorFlow has tf.keras.layers.Layer
as a convenient base class. Inherit from it to implement your own layer:
class MySimpleLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, output_units):
super(MySimpleLayer, self).__init__()
self.output_units = output_units
def build(self, input_shape):
# The build method gets called the first time your layer is used.
# Creating variables on build() allows you to make their shape depend
# on the input shape and hence removes the need for the user to specify
# full shapes. It is possible to create variables during __init__() if
# you already know their full shapes.
self.kernel = self.add_variable(
"kernel", [input_shape[-1], self.output_units])
def call(self, input):
# Override call() instead of __call__ so we can perform some bookkeeping.
return tf.matmul(input, self.kernel)
Use tf.keras.layers.Dense
layer instead of MySimpleLayer
above as it has a superset of its functionality (it can also add a bias).
When composing layers into models you can use tf.keras.Sequential
to represent models which are a linear stack of layers. It is easy to use for basic models:
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, input_shape=(784,)), # must declare input shape
Alternatively, organize models in classes by inheriting from tf.keras.Model
. This is a container for layers that is a layer itself, allowing tf.keras.Model
objects to contain other tf.keras.Model
或者,通过基础 tf.keras.Model
class MNISTModel(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self):
super(MNISTModel, self).__init__()
self.dense1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=10)
self.dense2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=10)
def call(self, input):
"""Run the model."""
result = self.dense1(input)
result = self.dense2(result)
result = self.dense2(result) # reuse variables from dense2 layer
return result
model = MNISTModel()
It's not required to set an input shape for the tf.keras.Model
class since the parameters are set the first time input is passed to the layer.
classes create and contain their own model variables that are tied to the lifetime of their layer objects. To share layer variables, share their objects.
Automatic differentiation is useful for implementing machine learning algorithms such as backpropagation for training neural networks. During eager execution, use tf.GradientTape
to trace operations for computing gradients later.
is an opt-in feature to provide maximal performance when not tracing. Since different operations can occur during each call, all forward-pass operations get recorded to a "tape". To compute the gradient, play the tape backwards and then discard. A particular tf.GradientTape
can only compute one gradient; subsequent calls throw a runtime error.
w = tfe.Variable([[1.0]])
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
loss = w * w
grad = tape.gradient(loss, w)
print(grad) # => tf.Tensor([[ 2.]], shape=(1, 1), dtype=float32)
Here's an example of tf.GradientTape
that records forward-pass operations to train a simple model:
# A toy dataset of points around 3 * x + 2
training_inputs = tf.random_normal([NUM_EXAMPLES])
noise = tf.random_normal([NUM_EXAMPLES])
training_outputs = training_inputs * 3 + 2 + noise
def prediction(input, weight, bias):
return input * weight + bias
# A loss function using mean-squared error
def loss(weights, biases):
error = prediction(training_inputs, weights, biases) - training_outputs
return tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(error))
# Return the derivative of loss with respect to weight and bias
def grad(weights, biases):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
loss_value = loss(weights, biases)
return tape.gradient(loss_value, [weights, biases])
train_steps = 200
learning_rate = 0.01
# Start with arbitrary values for W and B on the same batch of data
W = tfe.Variable(5.)
B = tfe.Variable(10.)
print("Initial loss: {:.3f}".format(loss(W, B)))
for i in range(train_steps):
dW, dB = grad(W, B)
W.assign_sub(dW * learning_rate)
B.assign_sub(dB * learning_rate)
if i % 20 == 0:
print("Loss at step {:03d}: {:.3f}".format(i, loss(W, B)))
print("Final loss: {:.3f}".format(loss(W, B)))
print("W = {}, B = {}".format(W.numpy(), B.numpy()))
Output (exact numbers may vary):
- Initial loss: 71.204
- Loss at step 000: 68.333
- Loss at step 020: 30.222
- Loss at step 040: 13.691
- Loss at step 060: 6.508
- Loss at step 080: 3.382
- Loss at step 100: 2.018
- Loss at step 120: 1.422
- Loss at step 140: 1.161
- Loss at step 160: 1.046
- Loss at step 180: 0.996
- Final loss: 0.974
- W = 3.01582956314, B = 2.1191945076
Replay the tf.GradientTape
to compute the gradients and apply them in a training loop. This is demonstrated in an excerpt from the mnist_eager.py example:
重放tf.GradientTape计算梯度并将它们应用于训练循环中。这是从mnist_eager.py 示例中摘录的:
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((data.train.images,
for (batch, (images, labels)) in enumerate(dataset):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
logits = model(images, training=True)
loss_value = loss(logits, labels)
grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, model.variables)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.variables),
The following example creates a multi-layer model that classifies the standard MNIST handwritten digits. It demonstrates the optimizer and layer APIs to build trainable graphs in an eager execution environment.
以下示例创建了一个多层模型,将标准的MNIST handwritten digits分类。它演示了优化器和层APIs层在动态图环境中构建可训练的图形。
Even without training, call the model and inspect the output in eager execution:
# Create a tensor representing a blank image
batch = tf.zeros([1, 1, 784])
print(batch.shape) # => (1, 1, 784)
result = model(batch)
# => tf.Tensor([[[ 0. 0., ..., 0.]]], shape=(1, 1, 10), dtype=float32)
This example uses the dataset.py module from the TensorFlow MNIST example; download this file to your local directory. Run the following to download the MNIST data files to your working directory and prepare a tf.data.Dataset
for training:
此示例使用TensorFlow MNIST example中的dataset.py module模块;将此文件下载到本地目录。运行以下步骤将MNIST数据文件下载到工作目录,并准备一个tf.data.Dataset用于训练:
import dataset # download dataset.py file
dataset_train = dataset.train('./datasets').shuffle(60000).repeat(4).batch(32)
To train a model, define a loss function to optimize and then calculate gradients. Use an optimizer to update the variables:
def loss(model, x, y):
prediction = model(x)
return tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(labels=y, logits=prediction)
def grad(model, inputs, targets):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
loss_value = loss(model, inputs, targets)
return tape.gradient(loss_value, model.variables)
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.001)
x, y = iter(dataset_train).next()
print("Initial loss: {:.3f}".format(loss(model, x, y)))
# Training loop
for (i, (x, y)) in enumerate(dataset_train):
# Calculate derivatives of the input function with respect to its parameters.
grads = grad(model, x, y)
# Apply the gradient to the model
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.variables),
if i % 200 == 0:
print("Loss at step {:04d}: {:.3f}".format(i, loss(model, x, y)))
print("Final loss: {:.3f}".format(loss(model, x, y)))
Output (exact numbers may vary):
- Initial loss: 2.674
- Loss at step 0000: 2.593
- Loss at step 0200: 2.143
- Loss at step 0400: 2.009
- Loss at step 0600: 2.103
- Loss at step 0800: 1.621
- Loss at step 1000: 1.695
- ...
- Loss at step 6600: 0.602
- Loss at step 6800: 0.557
- Loss at step 7000: 0.499
- Loss at step 7200: 0.744
- Loss at step 7400: 0.681
- Final loss: 0.670
And for faster training, move the computation to a GPU:
with tf.device("/gpu:0"):
for (i, (x, y)) in enumerate(dataset_train):
# minimize() is equivalent to the grad() and apply_gradients() calls.
optimizer.minimize(lambda: loss(model, x, y),
objects store mutable tf.Tensor
values accessed during training to make automatic differentiation easier. The parameters of a model can be encapsulated in classes as variables.
Better encapsulate model parameters by using tfe.Variable
with tf.GradientTape
. For example, the automatic differentiation example above can be rewritten:
class Model(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self):
super(Model, self).__init__()
self.W = tfe.Variable(5., name='weight')
self.B = tfe.Variable(10., name='bias')
def predict(self, inputs):
return inputs * self.W + self.B
# A toy dataset of points around 3 * x + 2
training_inputs = tf.random_normal([NUM_EXAMPLES])
noise = tf.random_normal([NUM_EXAMPLES])
training_outputs = training_inputs * 3 + 2 + noise
# The loss function to be optimized
def loss(model, inputs, targets):
error = model.predict(inputs) - targets
return tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(error))
def grad(model, inputs, targets):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
loss_value = loss(model, inputs, targets)
return tape.gradient(loss_value, [model.W, model.B])
# Define:
# 1. A model.
# 2. Derivatives of a loss function with respect to model parameters.
# 3. A strategy for updating the variables based on the derivatives.
model = Model()
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
print("Initial loss: {:.3f}".format(loss(model, training_inputs, training_outputs)))
# Training loop
for i in range(300):
grads = grad(model, training_inputs, training_outputs)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, [model.W, model.B]),
if i % 20 == 0:
print("Loss at step {:03d}: {:.3f}".format(i, loss(model, training_inputs, training_outputs)))
print("Final loss: {:.3f}".format(loss(model, training_inputs, training_outputs)))
print("W = {}, B = {}".format(model.W.numpy(), model.B.numpy()))
Output (exact numbers may vary):
- Initial loss: 69.066
- Loss at step 000: 66.368
- Loss at step 020: 30.107
- Loss at step 040: 13.959
- Loss at step 060: 6.769
- Loss at step 080: 3.567
- Loss at step 100: 2.141
- Loss at step 120: 1.506
- Loss at step 140: 1.223
- Loss at step 160: 1.097
- Loss at step 180: 1.041
- Loss at step 200: 1.016
- Loss at step 220: 1.005
- Loss at step 240: 1.000
- Loss at step 260: 0.998
- Loss at step 280: 0.997
- Final loss: 0.996
- W = 2.99431324005, B = 2.02129220963

With graph execution, program state (such as the variables) is stored in global collections and their lifetime is managed by the tf.Session
object. In contrast, during eager execution the lifetime of state objects is determined by the lifetime of their corresponding Python object.
During eager execution, variables persist until the last reference to the object is removed, and is then deleted.
with tf.device("gpu:0"):
v = tfe.Variable(tf.random_normal([1000, 1000]))
v = None # v no longer takes up GPU memory
can save and restore tfe.Variable
s to and from checkpoints:
x = tfe.Variable(10.)
checkpoint = tfe.Checkpoint(x=x) # save as "x"
x.assign(2.) # Assign a new value to the variables and save.
save_path = checkpoint.save('./ckpt/')
x.assign(11.) # Change the variable after saving.
# Restore values from the checkpoint
print(x) # => 2.0
To save and load models, tfe.Checkpoint
stores the internal state of objects, without requiring hidden variables. To record the state of a model
, an optimizer
, and a global step, pass them to a tfe.Checkpoint
为了保存和加载模型,tfe.Checkpoint存储对象的内部状态,而不需要隐藏变量。记录模型、优化器和全局步骤的状态,将它们传递给 tfe.Checkpoint
model = MyModel()
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.001)
checkpoint_dir = ‘/path/to/model_dir’
checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "ckpt")
root = tfe.Checkpoint(optimizer=optimizer,
# or
are stored as objects. Update a metric by passing the new data to the callable, and retrieve the result using the tfe.metrics.result
method, for example:
m = tfe.metrics.Mean("loss")
m.result() # => 2.5
m([8, 9])
m.result() # => 5.5
@{$summaries_and_tensorboard$TensorBoard} is a visualization tool for understanding, debugging and optimizing the model training process. It uses summary events that are written while executing the program.
@{$summaries_and_tensorboard$TensorBoard} 是一个可视化工具,用于理解、调试和优惠模型训练过程。它使用在执行程序时编写的摘要事件。
is compatible with both eager and graph execution environments. Summary operations, such as tf.contrib.summary.scalar
, are inserted during model construction. For example, to record summaries once every 100 global steps:
writer = tf.contrib.summary.create_file_writer(logdir)
global_step=tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() # return global step var
for _ in range(iterations):
# Must include a record_summaries method
with tf.contrib.summary.record_summaries_every_n_global_steps(100):
# your model code goes here
tf.contrib.summary.scalar('loss', loss)
can also be used in dynamic models. This example for a backtracking line search algorithm looks like normal NumPy code, except there are gradients and is differentiable, despite the complex control flow:
tf.GradientTape可以用于动态模型。backtracking line search算法的这个示例看起来像正常的NumPy 代码,除了有复杂的控制流之外,还有梯度,并且是可微分的:
def line_search_step(fn, init_x, rate=1.0):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
# Variables are automatically recorded, but manually watch a tensor
value = fn(init_x)
grad = tape.gradient(value, init_x)
grad_norm = tf.reduce_sum(grad * grad)
init_value = value
while value > init_value - rate * grad_norm:
x = init_x - rate * grad
value = fn(x)
rate /= 2.0
return x, value
is a powerful interface for computing gradients, but there is another Autograd-style API available for automatic differentiation. These functions are useful if writing math code with only tensors and gradient functions, and without tfe.Variables
—Returns a function that computes the derivatives of its input function parameter with respect to its arguments. The input function parameter must return a scalar value. When the returned function is invoked, it returns a list of tf.Tensor
objects: one element for each argument of the input function. Since anything of interest must be passed as a function parameter, this becomes unwieldy if there's a dependency on many trainable parameters.tfe.gradients_function
—Similar to tfe.gradients_function
, but when the returned function is invoked, it returns the value from the input function in addition to the list of derivatives of the input function with respect to its arguments.tfe.value_and_gradients_function
—类似于tfe.gradients_function函数,但是当调用返回函数时,除了输入函数的导数的列表之外,它还从输入函数返回值。In the following example, tfe.gradients_function
takes the square
function as an argument and returns a function that computes the partial derivatives of square
with respect to its inputs. To calculate the derivative of square
at 3
, grad(3.0)
returns 6
以下示例, tfe.gradients_function将square函数作为为参数,并返回一个函数来计算square相对于它的输入的偏导数。计算square在3
的导数, grad(3.0)
def square(x):
return tf.multiply(x, x)
grad = tfe.gradients_function(square)
square(3.) # => 9.0
grad(3.) # => [6.0]
# The second-order derivative of square:
gradgrad = tfe.gradients_function(lambda x: grad(x)[0])
gradgrad(3.) # => [2.0]
# The third-order derivative is None:
gradgradgrad = tfe.gradients_function(lambda x: gradgrad(x)[0])
gradgradgrad(3.) # => [None]
# With flow control:
def abs(x):
return x if x > 0. else -x
grad = tfe.gradients_function(abs)
grad(3.) # => [1.0]
grad(-3.) # => [-1.0]
Custom gradients are an easy way to override gradients in eager and graph execution. Within the forward function, define the gradient with respect to the inputs, outputs, or intermediate results. For example, here's an easy way to clip the norm of the gradients in the backward pass:
def clip_gradient_by_norm(x, norm):
y = tf.identity(x)
def grad_fn(dresult):
return [tf.clip_by_norm(dresult, norm), None]
return y, grad_fn
Custom gradients are commonly used to provide a numerically stable gradient for a sequence of operations:
def log1pexp(x):
return tf.log(1 + tf.exp(x))
grad_log1pexp = tfe.gradients_function(log1pexp)
# The gradient computation works fine at x = 0.
grad_log1pexp(0.) # => [0.5]
# However, x = 100 fails because of numerical instability.
grad_log1pexp(100.) # => [nan]
Here, the log1pexp
function can be analytically simplified with a custom gradient. The implementation below reuses the value for tf.exp(x)
that is computed during the forward pass—making it more efficient by eliminating redundant calculations:
def log1pexp(x):
e = tf.exp(x)
def grad(dy):
return dy * (1 - 1 / (1 + e))
return tf.log(1 + e), grad
grad_log1pexp = tfe.gradients_function(log1pexp)
# As before, the gradient computation works fine at x = 0.
grad_log1pexp(0.) # => [0.5]
# And the gradient computation also works at x = 100.
grad_log1pexp(100.) # => [1.0]
Computation is automatically offloaded to GPUs during eager execution. If you want control over where a computation runs you can enclose it in a tf.device('/gpu:0')
block (or the CPU equivalent):
import time
def measure(x, steps):
# TensorFlow initializes a GPU the first time it's used, exclude from timing.
tf.matmul(x, x)
start = time.time()
for i in range(steps):
x = tf.matmul(x, x)
_ = x.numpy() # Make sure to execute op and not just enqueue it
end = time.time()
return end - start
shape = (1000, 1000)
steps = 200
print("Time to multiply a {} matrix by itself {} times:".format(shape, steps))
# Run on CPU:
with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
print("CPU: {} secs".format(measure(tf.random_normal(shape), steps)))
# Run on GPU, if available:
if tfe.num_gpus() > 0:
with tf.device("/gpu:0"):
print("GPU: {} secs".format(measure(tf.random_normal(shape), steps)))
print("GPU: not found")
Output (exact numbers depend on hardware):
- Time to multiply a (1000, 1000) matrix by itself 200 times:
- CPU: 4.614904403686523 secs
- GPU: 0.5581181049346924 secs
A tf.Tensor
object can be copied to a different device to execute its operations:
x = tf.random_normal([10, 10])
x_gpu0 = x.gpu()
x_cpu = x.cpu()
_ = tf.matmul(x_cpu, x_cpu) # Runs on CPU
_ = tf.matmul(x_gpu0, x_gpu0) # Runs on GPU:0
if tfe.num_gpus() > 1:
x_gpu1 = x.gpu(1)
_ = tf.matmul(x_gpu1, x_gpu1) # Runs on GPU:1
For compute-heavy models, such as ResNet50 training on a GPU, eager execution performance is comparable to graph execution. But this gap grows larger for models with less computation and there is work to be done for optimizing hot code paths for models with lots of small operations.
对于计算重模型,如GPU上的ResNet50(一种深度卷积神经网络)训练,动态图性能可与(静态)图相媲美。但是,对于计算量较小的模型来说,这种差距越来越大,需要对许多小操作的模型优化hot code 路径。
While eager execution makes development and debugging more interactive, TensorFlow graph execution has advantages for distributed training, performance optimizations, and production deployment. However, writing graph code can feel different than writing regular Python code and more difficult to debug.
For building and training graph-constructed models, the Python program first builds a graph representing the computation, then invokes Session.run
to send the graph for execution on the C++-based runtime. This provides:
Deploying code written for eager execution is more difficult: either generate a graph from the model, or run the Python runtime and code directly on the server.
The same code written for eager execution will also build a graph during graph execution. Do this by simply running the same code in a new Python session where eager execution is not enabled.
Most TensorFlow operations work during eager execution, but there are some things to keep in mind:
大多数TensorFlow 运算都是在急切的执行过程中进行的,但是有以下情况请注意:
for input processing instead of queues. It's faster and easier.tf.keras.layers
and tf.keras.Model
—since they have explicit storage for variables.tf.enable_eager_execution
, it cannot be turned off. Start a new Python session to return to graph execution.It's best to write code for both eager execution and graph execution. This gives you eager's interactive experimentation and debuggability with the distributed performance benefits of graph execution.
Write, debug, and iterate in eager execution, then import the model graph for production deployment. Use tfe.Checkpoint
to save and restore model variables, this allows movement between eager and graph execution environments. See the examples in: tensorflow/contrib/eager/python/examples.
Selectively enable eager execution in a TensorFlow graph environment using tfe.py_func
. This is used
when tf.enable_eager_execution()
has not been called.
def my_py_func(x):
x = tf.matmul(x, x) # You can use tf ops
print(x) # but it's eager!
return x
with tf.Session() as sess:
x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32)
# Call eager function in graph!
pf = tfe.py_func(my_py_func, [x], tf.float32)
sess.run(pf, feed_dict={x: [[2.0]]}) # [[4.0]]
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