<!-- 地图组件 --> <template> <view id="myMap" :regionChangeItem="regionChangeItem" :change:regionChangeItem="olRender.selectAdministrativeRegion" :tagSelectProduce=tagSelectProduce :tagSelectDistribute="tagSelectDistribute" :change:tagSelectProduce="olRender.tagSelectChangeProduce" :change:tagSelectDistribute="olRender.tagSelectChangeDistribute" :dropFrameDataProduce="dropFrameDataProduce" :dropFrameDataDistribute="dropFrameDataDistribute" :change:dropFrameDataProduce="olRender.loadDropFrameProduce" :change:dropFrameDataDistribute="olRender.loadDropFrameDistribute" style="width: 100%; height: calc(100vh - 84rpx);"></view> </template> <script> export default { props: { // 行政区选择数据 regionChangeItem: { type: Object, default: () => ({ geom: null, }) }, dropFrameDataProduce: { type: Object, default: () => ({ imagesGeom05: [], imagesGeom1: [], imagesGeom2: [], xzqdm: 530000, }) }, dropFrameDataDistribute: { type: Object, default: () => ({ imagesGeom05: [], imagesGeom1: [], imagesGeom2: [], xzqdm: 530000, }) }, tagSelectProduce: { type: Object, default: () => ({ tag05: true, tag1: true, tag2: true, }) }, tagSelectDistribute: { type: Object, default: () => ({ tag05: true, tag1: true, tag2: true, }) }, }, } </script> <script module="olRender" lang="renderjs"> import source, { Vector as sourceVector } from 'ol/source'; import ol, { Map, Tile, View, Feature } from 'ol'; import { Polygon } from 'ol/geom'; import { Style, Fill, Stroke } from 'ol/style'; import { fromLonLat, transform, Projection } from 'ol/proj.js'; import { DragPan, MouseWheelZoom, defaults as defaultInteractions } from 'ol/interaction'; import { Vector, } from 'ol/layer'; import VectorImageLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector'; import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector'; import WKT from 'ol/format/WKT'; import GeoJSON from "ol/format/GeoJSON"; import { bbox as bboxStrategy } from 'ol/loadingstrategy'; import { MapServiceLoader } from '@/map/MapServiceLoader.js'; import GLOBAL_VARIABLE from '@/public/config/GlobalConfig'; import { eventBus } from '@/utils/eventBus.js'; export default { data() { return { mapId: 'myMap', map: null, mapServiceLoader: null, format: new WKT(), xzqId: 'xzq', // 行政区id xzqIdYns: 'xzqYns', // 行政区id(省) xzqHighlightId: 'xzqHighlight', // 选择后高亮行政区id projection: {}, dropColor: { imagesGeom05: { strokeColor: 'rgba(175, 175, 175, 0.5)', fillColor: 'rgba(147, 250, 194, 0.5)', }, imagesGeom1: { strokeColor: 'rgba(175, 175, 175, 0.5)', fillColor: 'rgba(147, 240, 250, 0.5)', }, imagesGeom2: { strokeColor: 'rgba(175, 175, 175, 0.5)', fillColor: 'rgba(255, 196, 196, 0.5)', }, }, dropColorDistribute: { imagesGeom05: { strokeColor: 'rgba(152, 230, 0, 0.5)', fillColor: 'rgba(76, 230, 0, 0.5)', }, imagesGeom1: { strokeColor: 'rgba(152, 230, 0, 0.5)', fillColor: 'rgba(152, 230, 0, 0.5)', }, imagesGeom2: { strokeColor: 'rgba(230, 230, 0, 0.5)', fillColor: 'rgba(230, 230, 0, 0.5)', }, }, // 影像生产-落图框图层id drop05ProduceId: 'drop05_p', drop1ProduceId: 'drop1_p', drop2ProduceId: 'drop2_p', // 影像分发-落图框图层id drop05DistributeId: 'drop05_d', drop1DistributeId: 'drop1_d', drop2DistributeId: 'drop2_d', // 影像生产落图框图层 imagesGeom05LayersProduce: null, imagesGeom1LayersProduce: null, imagesGeom2LayersProduce: null, // 影像分发-落图框图层 imagesGeom05LayersDistribute: null, imagesGeom1LayersDistribute: null, imagesGeom2LayersDistribute: null, }; }, methods: { getRegionLayerDataCounty(cqlFilter = 'level in (2)') { const workspaceName = GLOBAL_VARIABLE.administrativeConfig.workspaceName; const layerName = GLOBAL_VARIABLE.administrativeConfig.layerNameCounty; const accessUrl = GLOBAL_VARIABLE.administrativeConfig.accessUrl; const optionWms = { layerName, matrixSet: 'EPSG:4326', accessUrl: `${accessUrl}/${workspaceName}/wms`, id: this.xzqId, serviceType: 'wms', otherPara: { layerName: layerName, matrixSet: 'EPSG:4326', format: 'image/png', VERSION: '1.1.1', LAYERS: workspaceName + ':' + layerName, projection: this.projection, zIndex: 10, opacity: 1, exceptions: 'application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage', CQL_FILTER: cqlFilter, }, transformationMatrix: '1,2,3 2,4,5 4,6,7', }; const optionWmTs = { layerName, matrixSet: 'EPSG:4326', accessUrl: `${accessUrl}/${workspaceName}/gwc/service/wmts?request=GetCapabilities`, id: this.xzqId, serviceType: 'wmts', transformationMatrix: '1,2,3 2,4,5 4,6,7', otherPara: {} }; return optionWmTs; }, innitMap() { const projection = new Projection({ code: 'EPSG:4490', units: 'degrees', global: false, }); this.projection = projection; const view = new View({ projection, enableRotation: false, // 禁止地图旋转 }) const map = new Map({ target: this.mapId, layers: [], view, controls: [], interactions: defaultInteractions({ dragPan: false, doubleClickZoom: false, // 取消双击放大功能交互 mouseWheelZoom: false, // 取消滚动鼠标中间的滑轮交互 shiftDragZoom: false, // 取消shift+wheel左键拖动交互 }) .extend([ new DragPan({ condition: function(event) { return event.originalEvent.button === 1; } }) ]), }); // 拖拽移动 // const dragPan = new DragPan(); // const mouseWheelZoom = new MouseWheelZoom(); // // 添加DragPan和MouseWheelZoom交互到地图 // map.addInteraction(dragPan); // map.addInteraction(mouseWheelZoom); // 禁用地图旋转 view.setRotation(0); this.map = map; this.mapServiceLoader = new MapServiceLoader(map); // 加载行政区 this.mapServiceLoader.loadServices(this.getRegionLayerDataCounty()); // this.xzqLoadLocal(); this.map.on('click', (e) => { this.handleMapClick(e); }) // 定位到行政区 this.goToXzqLayer(); }, /** * 影像生产-落图框显示标签改变 */ tagSelectChangeProduce(e) { this.imagesGeom05LayersProduce && this.imagesGeom05LayersProduce.setVisible(e.tag05); this.imagesGeom1LayersProduce && this.imagesGeom1LayersProduce.setVisible(e.tag1); this.imagesGeom2LayersProduce && this.imagesGeom2LayersProduce.setVisible(e.tag2); }, /** * 影像分发-落图框显示标签改变 */ tagSelectChangeDistribute(e) { this.imagesGeom05LayersDistribute && this.imagesGeom05LayersDistribute.setVisible(e.tag05); this.imagesGeom1LayersDistribute && this.imagesGeom1LayersDistribute.setVisible(e.tag1); this.imagesGeom2LayersDistribute && this.imagesGeom2LayersDistribute.setVisible(e.tag2); }, /** * 影像分发-加载落图框 */ loadDropFrameDistribute({ imagesGeom05, imagesGeom1, imagesGeom2, xzqdm, }) { const wktFormat = this.format; const that = this; // 移除之前的高亮图层 if (this.mapServiceLoader) { this.mapServiceLoader.removeLayerBiyId(this.drop05DistributeId); this.mapServiceLoader.removeLayerBiyId(this.drop1DistributeId); this.mapServiceLoader.removeLayerBiyId(this.drop2DistributeId); } this.imagesGeom05LayersDistribute = null; this.imagesGeom1LayersDistribute = null; this.imagesGeom2LayersDistribute = null; if (imagesGeom05.length) { let features = []; imagesGeom05.forEach((geom) => { features = [...features, ...wktFormat.readFeatures(geom)]; }); features.forEach((f) => { f.setProperties({ cLayerStyleType: 'type1', type: that.drop05DistributeId }); }); const vectorSource = new VectorSource({ features: [...features], strategy: bboxStrategy }); const vectorLayer = new VectorImageLayer({ source: vectorSource, zIndex: 300, style(feature) { let strokeWidth = 1; return new Style({ fill: new Fill({ color: that.dropColorDistribute.imagesGeom05.fillColor, }), stroke: new Stroke({ color: that.dropColorDistribute.imagesGeom05.strokeColor, width: strokeWidth, }), }); }, }); vectorLayer.id = this.drop05DistributeId; this.imagesGeom05LayersDistribute = vectorLayer; // vectorLayer.setVisible(false); this.map.addLayer(vectorLayer); } if (imagesGeom1.length) { let features = []; imagesGeom1.forEach((geom) => { features = [...features, ...wktFormat.readFeatures(geom)]; }); features.forEach((f) => { f.setProperties({ cLayerStyleType: 'type1', type: that.drop1DistributeId }); }); const vectorSource = new VectorSource({ features: [...features], strategy: bboxStrategy }); const vectorLayer = new VectorImageLayer({ source: vectorSource, zIndex: 200, style(feature) { let strokeWidth = 1; return new Style({ fill: new Fill({ color: that.dropColorDistribute.imagesGeom1.fillColor, }), stroke: new Stroke({ color: that.dropColorDistribute.imagesGeom1.strokeColor, width: strokeWidth, }), }); }, }); vectorLayer.id = this.drop1DistributeId; this.imagesGeom1LayersDistribute = vectorLayer; // vectorLayer.setVisible(false); this.map.addLayer(vectorLayer); } if (imagesGeom2.length) { let features = []; imagesGeom2.forEach((geom) => { features = [...features, ...wktFormat.readFeatures(geom)]; }); features.forEach((f) => { f.setProperties({ cLayerStyleType: 'type1', type: that.drop2DistributeId }); }); const vectorSource = new VectorSource({ features: [...features], strategy: bboxStrategy }); const vectorLayer = new VectorImageLayer({ source: vectorSource, zIndex: 100, style(feature) { let strokeWidth = 1; return new Style({ fill: new Fill({ color: that.dropColorDistribute.imagesGeom2.fillColor, }), stroke: new Stroke({ color: that.dropColorDistribute.imagesGeom2.strokeColor, width: strokeWidth, }), }); }, }); vectorLayer.id = this.drop2DistributeId; this.imagesGeom2LayersDistribute = vectorLayer; // vectorLayer.setVisible(false); this.map.addLayer(vectorLayer); } if (xzqdm == 530000) { const myset = setTimeout(function() { that.gotoDropLayers([this.drop05DistributeId, this.drop1DistributeId, this .drop2DistributeId ]); clearTimeout(myset) }, 200); } }, /** * 影像生产-加载图框 */ loadDropFrameProduce({ imagesGeom05, imagesGeom1, imagesGeom2, xzqdm, }) { const wktFormat = this.format; const that = this; // 移除之前的高亮图层 if (this.mapServiceLoader) { this.mapServiceLoader.removeLayerBiyId(this.drop05ProduceId); this.mapServiceLoader.removeLayerBiyId(this.drop1ProduceId); this.mapServiceLoader.removeLayerBiyId(this.drop2ProduceId); } this.imagesGeom05LayersProduce = null; this.imagesGeom1LayersProduce = null; this.imagesGeom2LayersProduce = null; if (imagesGeom05.length) { let features = []; imagesGeom05.forEach((geom) => { features = [...features, ...wktFormat.readFeatures(geom)]; }); features.forEach((f) => { f.setProperties({ cLayerStyleType: 'type1', type: that.drop05ProduceId }); }); const vectorSource = new VectorSource({ features: [...features], strategy: bboxStrategy }); const vectorLayer = new VectorImageLayer({ source: vectorSource, zIndex: 300, style(feature) { let strokeWidth = 1; return new Style({ fill: new Fill({ color: that.dropColor.imagesGeom05.fillColor, }), stroke: new Stroke({ color: that.dropColor.imagesGeom05.strokeColor, width: strokeWidth, }), }); }, }); vectorLayer.id = this.drop05ProduceId; this.imagesGeom05LayersProduce = vectorLayer; this.map.addLayer(vectorLayer); } if (imagesGeom1.length) { let features = []; imagesGeom1.forEach((geom) => { features = [...features, ...wktFormat.readFeatures(geom)]; }); features.forEach((f) => { f.setProperties({ cLayerStyleType: 'type1', type: that.drop1ProduceId }); }); const vectorSource = new VectorSource({ features: [...features], strategy: bboxStrategy }); const vectorLayer = new VectorImageLayer({ source: vectorSource, zIndex: 200, style(feature) { let strokeWidth = 1; return new Style({ fill: new Fill({ color: that.dropColor.imagesGeom1.fillColor, }), stroke: new Stroke({ color: that.dropColor.imagesGeom1.strokeColor, width: strokeWidth, }), }); }, }); vectorLayer.id = this.drop1ProduceId this.imagesGeom1LayersProduce = vectorLayer; this.map.addLayer(vectorLayer); } if (imagesGeom2.length) { let features = []; imagesGeom2.forEach((geom) => { features = [...features, ...wktFormat.readFeatures(geom)]; }); features.forEach((f) => { f.setProperties({ cLayerStyleType: 'type1', type: that.drop2ProduceId }); }); const vectorSource = new VectorSource({ features: [...features], strategy: bboxStrategy }); const vectorLayer = new VectorImageLayer({ source: vectorSource, zIndex: 100, style(feature) { let strokeWidth = 1; return new Style({ fill: new Fill({ color: that.dropColor.imagesGeom2.fillColor, }), stroke: new Stroke({ color: that.dropColor.imagesGeom2.strokeColor, width: strokeWidth, }), }); }, }); vectorLayer.id = this.drop2ProduceId; this.imagesGeom2LayersProduce = vectorLayer; this.map.addLayer(vectorLayer); } if (xzqdm == 530000) { const myset = setTimeout(function() { that.gotoDropLayers([this.drop05ProduceId, this.drop1ProduceId, this.drop2ProduceId]); clearTimeout(myset) }, 200); } }, /**定位到行政区 */ goToXzqLayer() { // console.log('定位到行政区'); const extents = [97.52736740199998, 21.142140719999986, 106.19671131500002, 29.22577058899998]; this.map.getView().fit(extents); }, /** * 开关图层显示 */ setLayerVisible(layerId, visible) { const layer = this.mapServiceLoader.findLayerById(this.xzqId); if (layer) { layer.setVisible(visible); } }, /** * 根据id定位到图层 */ positioningLayersById(layerId, isVisible = true) { const that = this; const layer = this.mapServiceLoader.findLayerById(layerId); if (layer) { const extents = layer.getSource().getExtent(); this.map.getView().fit(extents, { duration: 1000 }); } const myset = setTimeout(function() { // 关闭主图 that.setLayerVisible(that.xzqId, isVisible); clearTimeout(myset) }, 1000); }, /** * 服务-切换地图到选择行政区上 */ selectAtiveRegion({ geom, xzqdm, children, }) { const that = this; // console.log('服务-切换地图到选择行政区上', xzqdm); const cqlFilter = `xzqdm = '${xzqdm}'`; // 加载行政区 this.mapServiceLoader.loadServices(this.getRegionLayerDataCounty(cqlFilter)); }, /** * 定位到落图框 */ gotoDropLayers(ids = [this.drop05ProduceId, this.drop1ProduceId, this.drop2ProduceId, this.drop05DistributeId, this.drop1DistributeId, this.drop2DistributeId ]) { const allLayers = this.map.getLayers().getArray(); let extents = []; allLayers.forEach((o, i) => { if (ids.includes(o['id'])) { extents = [...extents, ...o.getSource().getExtent()] } }); if (extents.length) { this.map.getView().fit(extents, { duration: 500 }); } else { // 没有落图框,定位到行政区 this.goToXzqLayer(); } }, /** * 行政区地图加载本地json */ xzqLoadLocal() { // 创建 GeoJSON 图层 const geoJSONLayer = new VectorImageLayer({ source: new VectorSource({ url: "../../static/XZQ_2K.json", format: new GeoJSON() }), style: new Style({ stroke: new Stroke({ color: "#ff0000", // 描边红色 width: 2 // 设置描边宽度为 1 像素 }), fill: new Fill({ color: "#ff000020" // 填充红色透明 }) }) }); console.log('geoJSONLayer', geoJSONLayer.getSource().getFeatures()); geoJSONLayer.id = this.xzqId; geoJSONLayer.setVisible(false); this.map.addLayer(geoJSONLayer); }, /** * 行政区geom-切换地图到选择行政区上 */ selectAdministrativeRegion({ geom, xzqdm, children, }) { const isYns = xzqdm == 530000; let isYnsTrue = null; if (this.mapServiceLoader) { // 省显示地图是否存在 isYnsTrue = this.mapServiceLoader.layersIsTrueById(this.xzqIdYns); // 移除之前的高亮图层 this.mapServiceLoader.removeLayerBiyId(this.xzqHighlightId); if (isYnsTrue) { this.mapServiceLoader.setVisibleById(this.xzqIdYns, isYns); } } if (!isYnsTrue || !isYns) { if (!geom) { return; } const wktFormat = this.format; let features = []; if (children && children.length) { children.forEach((c) => { features = [...features, ...wktFormat.readFeatures(c.geom)]; }); } else { features = wktFormat.readFeatures(geom); } features.forEach((f) => { f.setProperties({ cLayerStyleType: 'type1', type: 'region' }); }); const vectorSource = new VectorSource({ features: [...features], strategy: bboxStrategy }); const vectorLayer = new VectorImageLayer({ source: vectorSource, zIndex: 10, style(feature) { let strokeWidth = 2; return new Style({ fill: new Fill({ color: '#E1F0FF', }), stroke: new Stroke({ color: '#FFFFFF', width: strokeWidth, }), }); }, }); vectorLayer.id = isYns ? this.xzqIdYns : this.xzqHighlightId; // this.mapServiceLoader.setVisibleById(this.xzqIdYns, isYns); this.map.addLayer(vectorLayer); } // // 移除之前的高亮图层 // // this.mapServiceLoader && this.mapServiceLoader.removeLayerBiyId(this.xzqHighlightId); // // this.setLayerVisible(this.xzqId, true); // // this.goToXzqLayer(); // if (xzqdm === 530000) { // this.map // } // 定位到行政区 this.positioningLayersById(this.xzqHighlightId, false); }, /** * 影像点击事件 * * @param {Object} event */ handleMapClick(event) { console.log('点击:', event, event.coordinate); }, /** * 过滤行政区显示 */ filterRegions() { console.log('过滤行政区显示') } }, mounted() { this.innitMap(); }, onUnload() { // 移除地图实例 this.map.dispose(); } } </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> #myMap { padding: 0 $padding-base; margin-top: 30rpx; } </style>
import { Map } from 'ol'; import { Tile as TileLayer, Vector as VectorLayer } from 'ol/layer'; import { OSM, XYZ, Vector as VectorSource, ImageWMS, TileWMS, WMTS as sourceWMTS, } from 'ol/source'; import { optionsFromCapabilities } from 'ol/source/WMTS'; import { WMTS as tilegridWMTS } from 'ol/tilegrid'; import { get as getProjection } from 'ol/proj'; import { WMTSCapabilities } from 'ol/format'; export class MapServiceLoader { map; wmtsOptionss = []; constructor(map) { this.map = map; } /** * 获取当前的地图 */ getMap() { return this.map; } /** * 根据id查找图层 */ findLayerById(id) { const layers = this.map.getLayers().getArray(); // 使用自定义 id 属性查找图层 return layers.find((layer) => layer.id === id); } /** * 根据id移除图层 */ removeLayerBiyId(layerId = null) { if (layerId) { const layer = this.findLayerById(layerId); if (layer) { this.map.removeLayer(layer); } } } /** * 根据id显示或隐藏图层 */ setVisibleById(layerId, isShow = true) { const layer = this.findLayerById(layerId); if (layer) { layer.setVisible(isShow); } } /** * 根据id判断图层是否存在 */ layersIsTrueById(layerId) { let isTrue = false; const layer = this.findLayerById(layerId); if (layer) { isTrue = true; } return isTrue; } async getWMTSLayerConfig({ layerName, matrixSet, accessUrl, serviceType, }) { const response = await fetch(accessUrl); const text = await response.text(); const parser = new WMTSCapabilities(); let wmtsCapabilities = parser.read(text); const options = optionsFromCapabilities(wmtsCapabilities, { layer: layerName, matrixSet, }); this.wmtsOptionss.push({ url: accessUrl, ops: wmtsCapabilities }); return options; } /** * @param {Object} serviceConfigs * */ async loadServices(serviceConfigs) { const { layerName, matrixSet, accessUrl, serviceType, otherPara, } = serviceConfigs; let layer = null; if (serviceType == 'wmts') { const options = await this.getWMTSLayerConfig(serviceConfigs); layer = new TileLayer({ source: new sourceWMTS(options) }) } else if (serviceType == 'wms') { console.log('otherPara', otherPara); const source = new TileWMS({ url: accessUrl, params: { ...otherPara }, }); layer = new TileLayer({ source, }); } else { console.error('serviceType类型错误') } this.removeLayerBiyId(serviceConfigs.id); console.log('layer', layer); layer.id = serviceConfigs.id; this.map.addLayer(layer); } }
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