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Flink随笔(二) SqlClient的配置和使用_flink sql-client

flink sql-client

Flink SQL Client


Flink’s Table & SQL API makes it possible to work with queries written in the SQL language, but these queries need to be embedded within a table program that is written in either Java or Scala. Moreover, these programs need to be packaged with a build tool before being submitted to a cluster. This more or less limits the usage of Flink to Java/Scala programmers.

The SQL Client aims to provide an easy way of writing, debugging, and submitting table programs to a Flink cluster without a single line of Java or Scala code. The SQL Client CLI allows for retrieving and visualizing real-time results from the running distributed application on the command line.

from https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.12/dev/table/sqlClient.html

原文的大概意思是说Flink 提供的 Table 和 SQL 的接口先前只能通过用户编写程序的方式嵌入的使用, 对于定制化程度比较高的程序没什么问题,但是我们日常使用的大部分程序都比较简单,查询逻辑大量重复,所以提供一个SQL的专用客户端比较有意义。 

其实这个就是类似 早期的Hive, Pig, 后来的SparkSQL这种,提供交互式的方式, 甚至作为一个SQL service独立 process [hiveserver2] (某种协议 thrift) 。 但是目前版本(1.12.1)都是提供embeded方式的,Flink 官方文档也列入了 SQL Client 部分的后期计划

Limitations & Future

The current SQL Client only supports embedded mode. In the future, the community plans to extend its functionality by providing a REST-based SQL Client Gateway, see more in FLIP-24 and FLIP-91.

from https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.12/dev/table/sqlClient.html

但是无论如何,凭借着 Flink 处理架构的优越性 和 现在社区的火热, Flink SQL Client 还是未来可期待的 。

为什用SQL Client 

前边文章说过了,当前公司X组内有一个 Ambari搭建的小型集群(其实是micro集群,
