- print(int("AAA",16))
- # 答案是2730
- import datetime
- dat1 = datetime.date(1900,1,1)
- dat2 = datetime.date(9999,12,31)
- comaaa = 0
- def com(yl,year,ml,month,dl,day):
- s,y = 0,0
- for i in range(yl):
- s = s +int(year[i])
- for u in range(ml):
- y = y + int(month[u])
- for x in range(dl):
- y = y+ int(day[x])
- if s == y:
- return True
- while dat1 != dat2:
- yl,year,ml,month,dl,day = len(str(dat1.year)),str(dat1.year),len(str(dat1.month)),str(dat1.month),len(str(dat1.day)),str(dat1.day)
- if com(yl,year,ml,month,dl,day):
- comaaa = comaaa+1
- dat1 = dat1 + datetime.timedelta(1)
- print(comaaa)
- list = [99,22,51,63,72,61,20,88,40,21,63,30,11,18,99,12,93,16,7,53,64,9,28,84,34,96,52,82,51,77]
- cons = 0
- for i in range(len(list)):
- for u in range(i+1, len(list)):
- if list[i]*list[u] >= 2022:
- cons += 1
- print(cons)
- 110010000011111110101001001001101010111011011011101001111110
- 010000000001010001101100000010010110001111100010101100011110
- 001011101000100011111111111010000010010101010111001000010100
- 101100001101011101101011011001000110111111010000000110110000
- 010101100100010000111000100111100110001110111101010011001011
- 010011011010011110111101111001001001010111110001101000100011
- 101001011000110100001101011000000110110110100100110111101011
- 101111000000101000111001100010110000100110001001000101011001
- 001110111010001011110000001111100001010101001110011010101110
- 001010101000110001011111001010111111100110000011011111101010
- 011111100011001110100101001011110011000101011000100111001011
- 011010001101011110011011111010111110010100101000110111010110
- 001110000111100100101110001011101010001100010111110111011011
- 111100001000001100010110101100111001001111100100110000001101
- 001110010000000111011110000011000010101000111000000110101101
- 100100011101011111001101001010011111110010111101000010000111
- 110010100110101100001101111101010011000110101100000110001010
- 110101101100001110000100010001001010100010110100100001000011
- 100100000100001101010101001101000101101000000101111110001010
- 101101011010101000111110110000110100000010011111111100110010
- 101111000100000100011000010001011111001010010001010110001010
- 001010001110101010000100010011101001010101101101010111100101
- 001111110000101100010111111100000100101010000001011101100001
- 101011110010000010010110000100001010011111100011011000110010
- 011110010100011101100101111101000001011100001011010001110011
- 000101000101000010010010110111000010101111001101100110011100
- 100011100110011111000110011001111100001110110111001001000111
- 111011000110001000110111011001011110010010010110101000011111
- 011110011110110110011011001011010000100100101010110000010011
- 010011110011100101010101111010001001001111101111101110011101
- data =[
- "110010000011111110101001001001101010111011011011101001111110",
- "010000000001010001101100000010010110001111100010101100011110",
- "001011101000100011111111111010000010010101010111001000010100",
- "101100001101011101101011011001000110111111010000000110110000",
- "010101100100010000111000100111100110001110111101010011001011",
- "010011011010011110111101111001001001010111110001101000100011",
- "101001011000110100001101011000000110110110100100110111101011",
- "101111000000101000111001100010110000100110001001000101011001",
- "001110111010001011110000001111100001010101001110011010101110",
- "001010101000110001011111001010111111100110000011011111101010",
- "011111100011001110100101001011110011000101011000100111001011",
- "011010001101011110011011111010111110010100101000110111010110",
- "001110000111100100101110001011101010001100010111110111011011",
- "111100001000001100010110101100111001001111100100110000001101",
- "001110010000000111011110000011000010101000111000000110101101",
- "100100011101011111001101001010011111110010111101000010000111",
- "110010100110101100001101111101010011000110101100000110001010",
- "110101101100001110000100010001001010100010110100100001000011",
- "100100000100001101010101001101000101101000000101111110001010",
- "101101011010101000111110110000110100000010011111111100110010",
- "101111000100000100011000010001011111001010010001010110001010",
- "001010001110101010000100010011101001010101101101010111100101",
- "001111110000101100010111111100000100101010000001011101100001",
- "101011110010000010010110000100001010011111100011011000110010",
- "011110010100011101100101111101000001011100001011010001110011",
- "000101000101000010010010110111000010101111001101100110011100",
- "100011100110011111000110011001111100001110110111001001000111",
- "111011000110001000110111011001011110010010010110101000011111",
- "011110011110110110011011001011010000100100101010110000010011",
- "010011110011100101010101111010001001001111101111101110011101"]
- def dfs(x, y, num):
- vis[x][y] = 1
- for dx,dy in [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0,1), (0, -1)]:
- current_x = x + dx
- current_y = y + dy
- if 0 <= current_x < 30 and 0 <= current_y <60:
- try:
- if vis[current_x][current_y] != 1 and data[current_x][current_y] == '1':
- num = dfs(current_x,current_y,num)
- except:
- print(current_x)
- print(current_y)
- return num + 1
- res = 0
- vis = [[0 for i in range(60)] for j in range(30)]
- for i in range(30):
- for j in range(60):
- if data[i][j] == '1' and vis[i][j] == 0:
- num = 0
- num = dfs(i,j,num)
- res = max(num, res)
- print(res)
- n = eval(input())
- nm = eval(input())
- nm = nm % 7
- if n + nm >7:
- print((n + nm) % 7)
- else:
- print(n + nm)
- w, h, n, r = map(int, input().split())
- points = set()
- ans = 0
- for _ in range(n):
- a, b = map(int, input().split())
- points.add((a, b))
- def check(x, y):
- for a, b in points:
- if pow(x - a, 2) + pow(y - b, 2) <= r * r:
- return True
- return False
- for i in range(w + 1):
- for j in range(h + 1):
- if check(i, j):
- ans += 1
- print(ans)
- ponit = set()
- s = set()
- n,m = map(int,input().split())
- for b in range(n):
- for v in range(m):
- s.add((b,v))
- t = eval(input())
- for i in range(t):
- r1,c1,r2,c2 = map(int,input().split())
- for u in range(r1-1,r2):
- for x in range(c1-1,c2):
- ponit.add((u,x))
- ponit = set(ponit)
- result = s - ponit
- print(len(result))
- # 错误的暴力做法,直接寄了
- # 定义上、下、左、右
- dir = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]
- # 是否在场地中
- def is_in_mat(mat, row, col):
- if 0 <= row < len(mat) and 0 <= col < len(mat[0]):
- return True
- # DFS
- def dfs(mat, row, col, visited):
- height = mat[row][col]
- max_distance = 1
- for d in dir:
- new_row = row + d[0]
- new_col = col + d[1]
- if is_in_mat(mat, new_row, new_col) and not visited[new_row][new_col] and mat[new_row][new_col] < height:
- visited[new_row][new_col] = True
- distance = dfs(mat, new_row, new_col, visited)
- max_distance = max(max_distance, distance)
- return max_distance + 1
- # 读取输入
- n, m = map(int, input().split())
- mat = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(n)]
- # 遍历初始化
- result = 0
- list_maxdis = []
- for i in range(n):
- for j in range(m):
- visited = [[False] * m for _ in range(n)]
- visited[i][j] = True
- distance = dfs(mat, i, j, visited)
- u = max(result, distance)
- list_maxdis.append(u)
- # 输出结果
- print(max(list_maxdis))
- # 记忆优化做法,这个能过
- n, m = map(int, input().split())
- lst = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(n)]
- cache = [[-1] * m for _ in range(n)]
- def dfs(x, y):
- if cache[x][y] != -1:
- return cache[x][y]
- ans = 1
- for dx, dy in [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)]:
- xx = dx + x
- yy = dy + y
- if 0 <= xx < n and 0 <= yy < m and lst[xx][yy] < lst[x][y]:
- ans = max(dfs(xx, yy) + 1, ans)
- cache[x][y] = ans
- return ans
- res = 0
- for i in range(n):
- for j in range(m):
- res = max(dfs(i, j), res)
- print(res)
- # 又是暴力做的,有两个数据过不去
- n = int(input())
- a = list(map(int, input().split()))
- k = int(input())
- result = []
- for i in range(n):
- left = max(0, i - k)
- right = min(n - 1, i + k)
- min_value = min(a[left:right+1])
- result.append(min_value)
- print(' '.join(map(str, result)))
- # 自行dp吧,看到有大佬过了
- n = int(input())
- a = list(map(int, input().split()))
- t = int(input())
- dp = [0] * n
- dp[0] = min(a[1 - t if 1 - t >= 0 else 0: 1 + t + 1])
- for i in range(1, n):
- p1 = i - t - 1 if i - t - 1 >= 0 else 0 # 左指针-1
- p2 = i + t if i + t < n else n - 1
- if a[p1] == dp[i - 1]: # 出区间了,重新计算
- dp[i] = min(a[p1 + 1: p2])
- else:
- dp[i] = dp[i - 1] if a[p2] > dp[i - 1] else a[p2]
- print(' '.join([str(x) for x in dp]))
nums = [454771, 329157, 801601, 580793, 755604, 931703, 529875, 361797, 604358, 529564, 574776, 821517, 195563, 688516, 223321, 607845, 284772, 603562, 543328, 707484, 533688, 380468, 233733, 257995, 896582, 670074, 912386, 702393, 722092, 834842, 126346, 606526, 376981, 910643, 413754, 945725, 817853, 651778, 350775, 676550, 316935, 487808, 939526, 900568, 423326, 298936, 927671, 539773, 136326, 717022, 886675, 466684, 436470, 558644, 267231, 902422, 743580, 857864, 529622, 320921, 595409, 486860, 951114, 558787]
- nums = [454771, 329157, 801601, 580793, 755604, 931703, 529875, 361797,
- 604358, 529564, 574776, 821517, 195563, 688516, 223321, 607845,
- 284772, 603562, 543328, 707484, 533688, 380468, 233733, 257995,
- 896582, 670074, 912386, 702393, 722092, 834842, 126346, 606526,
- 376981, 910643, 413754, 945725, 817853, 651778, 350775, 676550,
- 316935, 487808, 939526, 900568, 423326, 298936, 927671, 539773,
- 136326, 717022, 886675, 466684, 436470, 558644, 267231, 902422,
- 743580, 857864, 529622, 320921, 595409, 486860, 951114, 558787]
- uhhh = []
- def uh(i):
- a1 = str(i)[0]
- a2 = str(i)[1]
- a3 = str(i)[2]
- a4 = str(i)[3]
- a5 = str(i)[4]
- a6 = str(i)[5]
- s = int(a1)+int(a2)+int(a3)+int(a4)+int(a5)+int(a6)
- return s
- for u in nums:
- uhhh.append(uh(u))
- print(nums[uhhh.index(min(uhhh))])
- L = int(input())
- count = 0
- while L > 1:
- L //= 2
- count += 1
- print(count+1)
- def delete_characters(string, n,m):
- if string is None or n == 0 or m <= 0:
- return string
- if m >= n:
- return ""
- stack = []
- for c in string:
- while stack and c < stack[-1] and m > 0:
- stack.pop()
- m -= 1
- stack.append(c)
- while m > 0 and stack:
- stack.pop()
- m -= 1
- result = ""
- while stack:
- result = stack.pop() + result
- return result
- n,m = map(int,input().split())
- S = input()
- result = delete_characters(S, n,m)
- print(result)
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