update t1 set t1.c2 = t2.c2
from t2
where t1.c1 = t2.c1
Update t1 set t1.c2 = t2.c2
from t1 inner join t2 on t1.c1 = t2.c1
二、FROM 子句中指定的表的别名不能作为 SET column_name 子句中被修改字段的限定符使用。飞飞As,p技术乐园例如,下面的内容无效:
UPDATE titles
SET t.ytd_sales = t.ytd_sales + s.qty
FROM titles t, sales s
WHERE t.title_id = s.title_id
AND s.ord_date = (SELECT MAX(sales.ord_date) FROM sales)
若要使上例合法,请从列名中删除别名 t 或使用本身的表名。
UPDATE titles
SET ytd_sales = t.ytd_sales + s.qty
FROM titles t, sales s
WHERE t.title_id = s.title_id
AND s.ord_date = (SELECT MAX(sales.ord_date) FROM sales)
UPDATE titles
SET titles.ytd_sales = t.ytd_sales + s.qty
FROM titles t, sales s
WHERE t.title_id = s.title_id
AND s.ord_date = (SELECT MAX(sales.ord_date) FROM sales)
update item_master i set i.contral_ma= ( select max(b.control_ma) from base_complex b where b.code=i.hs_code );
update mytab a set name=(select b.name from goal b where b.id=a.id)
where exists (select 1 from goal b where b.id=a.id);
update mytab a
set (name,address)=(select b.name,b.address
from goal b
where b.id=a.id)
where exists (select 1
from goal b
where b.id=a.id )
update customers a
set city_name=(select b.city_name from tmp_cust_city b where b.customer_id=a.customer_id)
where exists (select 1
from tmp_cust_city b
where b.customer_id=a.customer_id
update 超过2个值
update customers a
set (city_name,customer_type)=(select b.city_name,b.customer_type