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Adobe PDF library SDK 环境配置_adobepdflsdk18.0.5


Adobe PDF  library   http://www.datalogics.com/ 可在此网站上下载,下载后还要设置lisence的环境变量,



The Evaluation release of APDFL is license-managed. You must either

1) Place the eval.lic file into the current working directory when running your APDFL process, where the application will find it automatically, or

2) Set the RLM_License environment variable to point to it.

If you are on a Windows platform and choose to set the Windows environment variable (a recommended strategy if running multiple applications in various locations), right-click on "My Computer" and go to "Properties." Click on the "Advanced" tab and select the "Environment Variables" button at the bottom.  Click "New" and enter RLM_License as the name of the variable. For the value of the variable, enter the directory location of the eval.lic file; e.g.


Please note that the eval.lic file is time-limited, and will expire on the date shown within the file. (It is a plaintext file that you can view in any text editor.) Please contact your Datalogics Support representative if a new license file extension will be needed.

A licensed Production copy of the Library does not require an eval.lic file. When you purchase and license the Adobe PDF Library from Datalogics, you will receive an unrestricted Production release to replace your Evaluation copy.



这个Adobe pdf sdk是要收费的读写都要收费。 adobe Reader做为产品不收费,Adobe Acrobat做为编辑器 收费。





