前一篇从个人角度介绍英文论文模型设计(Model Design)如何撰写。这篇文章将从个人角度介绍英文论文实验评估(Evaluation)部分,即Experimental Evaluation或Experimental study,主要以入侵检测系统为例(Intrusion Detection System),详细的对比分析下篇介绍。一方面自己英文太差,只能通过最土的办法慢慢提升,另一方面是自己的个人学习笔记,并分享出来希望大家批评和指正。希望这篇文章对您有所帮助,这些大佬是真的值得我们去学习,献上小弟的膝盖~fighting!
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该部分回顾和参考周老师的博士课程内容,感谢老师的分享。典型的论文框架包括两种(The typical “anatomy” of a paper),如下所示:
结果与方法一种是相对容易写作的部分,其内容其实就是你对收集来的数据做了什么样的分析。对于相对简单的结果(3个分析以内),按部就班地写就好。有专业文献的积累,相信难度不大。写起来比较困难的是复杂数据的结果,比如包括10个分析,图片就有七八张。这时候对结果的组织就非常重要了。老师推荐《10条简单规则》一文中推荐的 结论驱动(conclusion-driven) 方法。
The two groups were similar at the 2nd, 4th, and 8th trials; They differed from each other in the remaining trials.
Four-year-olds outperformed 3-year-olds in most trials, except the 2nd, 4th, and 8th trials, in which they performed similarly.
对于结果的呈现,作图是特别重要的,一张好图胜过千言万语。 但我不是作图方面的专家,如果你需要这方面的指导,建议你阅读《10个简单规则,创造更优图形》,文中为怎么做出一张好图提供了非常全面而有用的指导。
讨论中最常出现的问题就是把结果里的话换个说法再说一遍。其实讨论部分给了我们一个从更高层面梳理和解读研究结果的机会。更重要的是,需要明确提出自己的研究贡献,进一步强调研究的重要性、意义以及创新性。因此,不要停留在就事论事的结果描述上。读者读完结果后,很容易产生“so what”的问题——“是的,你发现了这些,那又怎么样呢?”。
Overall, our study contributes several promising preliminary findings on the potential involvement of humanoid robots in social rules training for children with ASD. Our results also shed light for the direction of future research, which should address whether social learning from robots can be generalized to a universal case (e.g., whether distrusting/deceiving the robot contributes to an equivalent effect on distrusting/deceiving a real person); a validation test would be required in future work to test whether children with ASD who manage to distrust and deceive a robot are capable of doing the same to a real person.
在时态方面,由于是描述已经发生的实验过程,一般用过去时态,也有现在时。大部分期刊建议用被动句描述实验过程,但是也有一些期刊鼓励用主动句,因此,在投稿前,可以在期刊主页上查看“Instructions to Authors”等投稿指导性文档来明确要求。一起加油喔~
图/表的十个关键点(10 key points)
折线图要选择适当的颜色和图标,颜色选择要考虑黑白打印的效果;折线图的图标选择要有针对性,比如对比A, A+,B, B+四种方法。
In this section, we employ four datasets and experimentally evaluate four aspects of WATSON: 1) the explicability of inferred event semantics; 2) the accuracy of behavior abstraction; 3) the overall experience and manual workload reduction in attack investigation; and 4) the performance overhead.
In this section, we prototype Whisper and evaluate its performance by using 42 real-world attacks. In particular, the experiments will answer the three questions:
We first describe the testbed and data sets we use in the experiment. Then we evaluate the system by comparing it with other classical intrusion detection systems on a series of critical axes such as detection rate, false alarm rate, detection time, query time and storage overhead.
In this section, we evaluate our approach with the following major goals:
In this section, we start analyzing the MUD profile of real consumer IoT devices that we have generated, and highlight attack types that can be prevented. Then, we will use traces collected in our lab, when we launched a number of volumetric attacks to four of IoT devices, to show how our system can detect these attacks using off-the-shelf IDS in an operational environment.
In this section, we present the implementation of BiDLSTM and discuss the experimental findings. We compare the model’s performance with state-of-the-art methods trained and tested on the same dataset (i.e., the NSL-KDD dataset). Also, we present a comparison of results with some recently published methods on the NSL-KDD dataset.
In this section, we performed two major experiments (named Experiment1 and Experiment2) to explore the performance of disagreement-based semi-supervised learning and our DAS-CIDS in the aspects of detection performance and alarm filtration. In this work, we use the WEKA platform (WEKA) to help extract various classifiers like J48 and Random Forest to avoid implementation variations, which is an open-source software providing a set of machine learning algorithms.
In this experimental study, we exhibit the impact of the proposed methodology and select the informative features subset from the given intrusion dataset, that can classify the network traffics into normal or attacks for the intrusion detection. Two diagnostic studies were conducted to verify the impact of the proposed method, such as precision-recall analysis and ROC-AUC analysis, which is helpful in the analysis of probabilistic prediction for binary and multi-class classification problems. The main objectives of these experiments are summarized below,
(1) Chuanpu Fu, et al. Realtime Robust Malicious Traffic Detection via Frequency Domain Analysis. CCS.
Datasets. The datasets used in our experiments are shown in Table 4. We use three recent datasets from the WIDE MAWI Gigabit backbone network [69]. In the training phase, we use 20% benign traffic to train the machine learning algorithms. We use the first 20% packets in MAWI 2020.06.10 dataset to calculate the encoding vector via solving the SMT problem (see Section 4.2). Meanwhile, we replay four groups of malicious traffic combined with the benign traffic on the testbed:
(2) Ning Wang, et al. MANDA: On Adversarial Example Detection for Network Intrusion Detection System. INFOCOM.
NSL-KDD: We use the internet traffic dataset, NSL-KDD [45] (also used in AE attacks in IDS [9], but [9] dose not consider problem-space validity), for our evaluation. In NSL-KDD, each sample contains four groups of entries including Intrinsic Characteristics, Content Characteristics, Time-based Characteristics, and Host-based Characteristics. There are four categories of intrusion: DoS, Probing, Remote-to-Local (R2L), and User-to-Root (U2R) of which each contains more attack sub-categories. There are 24 sub-categories of attacks in the training set and 38 sub-categories of attacks are in test set (i.e., 14 sub-categories of attacks are unseen in the training set). There are 125,973 training records and 22,544 testing records. In our experiments, we only show the evaluations on an IDS model for discriminating DoS attacks from normal traffic since the results for the other three attacks are similar. The total number of entries for each record is 41 (in problem-space) which are further processed into 121 numerical features as an input-space (feature-space) vector.
MNIST: We also evaluate our approach on an image dataset, MNIST [46], to demonstrate its applicability. The images in MNIST are handwritten digits from 0 to 9. The corresponding digit of an image is used as its label. Each class has 6,000 training samples and 1,000 test samples. Therefore, the whole MNIST dataset has 60,000 training samples and 10,000 test samples. All the images have the same size of 28 × 28 and are in grey-level.
(3) Mohammed A. Ambusaidi, et al. Building an Intrusion Detection System Using a Filter-Based Feature Selection Algorithm. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS.
Currently, there are only a few public datasets available for intrusion detection evaluation. Among these datasets, the KDD Cup 99 dataset, NSL-KDD dataset and Kyoto 2006+ dataset have been commonly used in the literature to assess the performance of IDSes. According to the review by Tsai et al. [43], the majority of the IDS experiments were performed on the KDD Cup 99 datasets. In addition, these datasets have different data sizes and various numbers of features which provide comprehensive tests in validating feature selection methods. Therefore, in order to facilitate a fair and rational comparison with other state-of-the-art detection approaches, we have selected these three datasets to evaluate the performance of our detection system.
The KDD Cup 99 dataset is one of the most popular and comprehensive intrusion detection datasets and is widely applied to evaluate the performance of intrusion detection systems [43]. It consists of five different classes, which are normal and four types of attack (i.e., DoS, Probe, U2R and R2L). It contains training data with approximately five million connection records and test data with about two million connection records. Each record in these datasets is labeled as either normal or an attack, and it has 41 different quantitative and qualitative features.
The NSL-KDD is a new revised version of the KDD Cup 99 that has been proposed by Tavallaee et al. in [24]. This dataset addresses some problems included in the KDD Cup 99 dataset such as a huge number of redundant records in KDD Cup 99 data. As in the case of the KDD Cup 99 dataset, each record in the NSL-KDD dataset is composed of 41 different quantitative and qualitative features.
(4) Jun Zeng, et al. WATSON: Abstracting Behaviors from Audit Logs via Aggregation of Contextual Semantics. NDSS.
We evaluate WATSON on four datasets: a benign dataset, a malicious dataset, a background dataset, and the DARPA TRACE dataset. The first three datasets are collected from ssh sessions on five enterprise servers running Ubuntu 16.04 (64-bit). The last dataset is collected on a network of hosts running Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit). The audit log source is Linux Audit [9].
In the benign dataset, four users independently complete seven daily tasks, as described in Table I. Each user performs a task 150 times in 150 sessions. In total, we collect 17 (expected to be 4×7 = 28) classes of benign behaviors because different users may conduct the same operations to accomplish tasks. Note that there are user-specific artifacts, like launched commands, between each time the task is performed. For our benign dataset, there are 55,296,982 audit events, which make up 4,200 benign sessions.
In the malicious dataset, following the procedure found in previous works [2], [10], [30], [53], [57], [82], we simulate3 eight attacks from real-world scenarios as shown in Table II. Each attack is carefully performed ten times by two security engineers on the enterprise servers. In order to incorporate the impact of typical noisy enterprise environments [53], [57], we continuously execute extensive ordinary user behaviors and underlying system activities in parallel to the attacks. For our malicious dataset, there are 37,229,686 audit events, which make up 80 malicious sessions.
In the background dataset, we record behaviors of developers and administrators on the servers for two weeks. To ensure the correctness of evaluation, we manually analyze these sessions and only incorporate sessions without behaviors in Table I and Table II into the dataset. For our background dataset, there are 183,336,624 audit events, which make up 1,000 background sessions.
In general, our experimental behaviors for abstraction are comprehensive as compared to behaviors in real-world systems. Particularly, the benign behaviors are designed based upon basic system activities [84] claimed to have drawn attention in cybersecurity study; the malicious behaviors are either selected from typical attack scenarios in previous work or generated by a red team with expertise in instrumenting and collecting data for attack investigation.
(5) S. Krishnaveni, et al. Efficient feature selection and classification through ensemble method for network intrusion detection on cloud computing. Cluster Computing.
The datasets applied in this proposed work are the following: (1) Real-time Honeypot Dataset (2) Kyoto 2006+ Dataset and (3) NSL-KDD.
Real-time honeypot dataset. In this research work, honeypots were set up on the AWS public cloud. The real-time data was collected during the period August 19th, 2018 to September 19th, 2018. And then, log data was collected for further analysis, resulting in over 5,195,499 attacker’s log entries. The proposed Honeynet system demonstrates the system configuration of container-based honeypots that can investigate and discover the attacks on a cloud system [27].
NSL-KDD dataset. The KDD Cup99 dataset is a popular dataset used for network-based intrusion detection. It has the drawback of several redundant records, which will affect the effectiveness of the evaluated systems. Pervez et al. [28] have presented a new built form of KDD99 named as NSLKDD for overcoming these issues. The KDDTrain+ and KDDTest+ sets of NSL KDD dataset have approximately 125,973 and 22,544 connection records correspondingly. Similar to KDD99, each record in this data is unique as it is labeled with attack or normal based on the 41-feature set. NSL-KDD dataset includes the same four categories of attacks as the original KDD-99 Dataset.
Kyoto dataset. Kyoto dataset was anticipated by Song et al. [29] This dataset is created on real-time 3 years of network traffic data from regular servers and honeypots. The data was utilized for further analysis of approximately 257,673 records. Each connection in the dataset was seen to be unique with 24 features and 14 statistical features from KDD Cup 99 dataset, also 10 features from their networks, were extracted by the authors. The statistics of the intrusion datasets were utilized for the experiments is displayed in Table 1.
(6) Neha Gupta, et al. LIO-IDS: Handling class imbalance using LSTM and improved one-vs-one technique in intrusion detection system. Computer Networks.
This section discusses the three intrusion detection datasets that have been used in this paper for experimentation purposes. This includes NSL-KDD, CIDDS-001, and CICIDS2017 datasets.
The NSL-KDD (Network Socket Layer – Knowledge Discovery in Databases) dataset was developed in 2009 as the successor of the KDD 1999 dataset [46]. The NSL-KDD dataset overcame the drawbacks of the KDD dataset by removing several redundant and duplicate samples in training and testing datasets. It was created to maximize prediction difficulty, and this characteristic makes it a preferred choice by researchers even today [47]. NSL-KDD consists of separate training and testing datasets containing network traffic samples represented by 41 attributes. Each instance has a label corresponding to the normal class or one of the 22 attack types. These attack types are grouped into four major attack classes, namely Denial of Service (DoS), Probe, Remote to Local (R2L), and User to Root (U2R). Table 3 shows the number of samples present in various classes of the NSL-KDD dataset. The uneven distribution of samples in different classes of this dataset makes it an appropriate choice for testing the proposed LIO-IDS.
The CICIDS2017 dataset was developed by Sharafaldin et al. [49] by generating and capturing network traffic for a duration of five days. The dataset consists of normal traffic samples and traffic samples generated from fourteen different types of attacks. The authors utilized the B-profile system to imitate benign human activities on the web and generate normal traffic from HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and SSH protocols. Different categories of attacks were generated using various tools available on the Internet. The original CICIDS2017 dataset consists of eight CSV files containing 22,73,097 normal samples and 5,57,646 attack samples. Each traffic sample consists of 80 features that were captured using the CICFlowMeter tool. Due to the huge size of the original dataset, a subset of the CICIDS2017 dataset was selected for experimentation in this paper. The details of the selected subsets have been shown in Table 5.
The intrusion detection datasets selected in this paper consist of categorical as well as numerical attribute values. To bring these values in a uniform format, dataset pre-processing was performed on both of them. This process has been explained in the following sub-section.
(7) Yakubu Imrana, et al. A bidirectional LSTM deep learning approach for intrusion detection. Expert Systems With Applications.
The NSL-KDD dataset (Tavallaee et al., 2009; UNB, 2009) is one of the bench-marked datasets for evaluating Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). It is an enhanced form of the KDDCup ’99 dataset (Dua & Graff, 2017). The dataset comprises a training set (KDDTrain+) with 125,973 traffic samples and two separate test sets (i.e., KDDTest+ and KDDTest−21). The KDDTest+ has 22,544 traffic samples, and the KDDTest−21 has 11,850 samples. Additionally, to make the intrusion detection more realistic, the test datasets include many attacks that do not appear in the training set (see Table 2). Thus, adding to the 22 types of attacks in the training set, 17 more different attack types exist in the test set.
The NSL-KDD dataset contains 41 features, including 3 non-numeric (i.e.,
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