使用到的技术 uniapp uview2.0 文章最后我会贴上全部源码
- <u-popup :show="talkShow" mode="bottom" :customStyle="{'width':'100%','border-radius':'8rpx'}" @close="popclosed" @open="keyboard=true" :safeAreaInsetBottom="true">
- <view class="flex justify-between align-center" style="padding: 32rpx;">
- <div class="cirbOX padding-left padding-right-sm">
- <u--form labelPosition="left" :model="talkData" :rules="Rules" ref="Form" :borderBottom="false">
- <u-form-item label=" " prop="txt" :borderBottom="false" ref="item1" labelWidth='0'>
- <u--input :focus="keyboard" v-model="talkData.txt" cursorSpacing="30" maxlength="100" :placeholder="pinglunHolder" border="none" clearable></u--input>
- </u-form-item>
- </u--form>
- </div>
- <div class="submitpinglun" @click="submit">发布</div>
- </view>
- </u-popup>
在弹出层弹出的时候 在open事件中对input的focus属性布尔值设置为true,close时候设置focus为false。这样做的目的是在弹出输入评论的弹窗时会拉起小键盘,这个交互方式是模仿的微信朋友圈发布评论的形式。
当键盘拉起时候整个输入框因为设置了cursorSpacing="30",故整体页面会被小键盘托起。 当收起小键盘时候,输入框有回归到手机底部,因为我们popup设置的是底部的弹出层。这样是和微信朋友圈发布评论是对标的。
- <div v-for="(item,index) in onePagePinglunList" :key="item.id" class="margin-bottom">
- <pinglun :ref="`pinglun-${item.levelOneCommentVo.id}`" :caseIdData="caseId" :data="item" :indexxx="index" @comment="goComment" @noLogin="sonNoLogin"></pinglun>
- </div>
- <template>
- <div>
- <!-- 一级评论 -->
- <div class="flex justify-start align-start margin-bottom-sm">
- <div class="margin-right-xs">
- <d-image :dSrc="onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.userAvatar" dMode="aspectFit" dWidth="72rpx" dHeight="72rpx"></d-image>
- </div>
- <div class="flex-sub">
- <div class="flex justify-start align-center">
- <div class="name margin-right-sm">{{onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.userName}}</div>
- <div class="zuozhe flex justify-center align-center" v-if="onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.belongAuthor===1">作者</div>
- </div>
- <div class="flex justify-between align-center" @click="goPinglun(1,onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.id,onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.userName,onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.id)">
- <div class="content flex-sub">{{onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.content}}</div>
- <div class="flex flex-direction align-center" style="width: 68rpx;" @click.stop="likepinglun(1,'',onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.id)">
- <div class="margin-bottom-xs">
- <div v-show="onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.isCurrentUserLike===0">
- <u-icon name="heart" color="#667286" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- </div>
- <div v-show="onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.isCurrentUserLike===1">
- <u-icon name="heart-fill" color="red" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="likeNum">{{onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.likeCount}}</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="time">{{ $u.timeFrom(new Date(onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.createTime).getTime())}}</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- 二级评论 -->
- <div class="erpinglunBox" :style="{'height':`${pingjiaBoxMaxHeight}px`,'opacity':pinglunOpcity,}">
- <div class="pinglunDom">
- <div v-for="(item,index) in onePageList.twoLevelpinglun" :key="item.id" class="margin-bottom-sm">
- <div class="flex justify-start align-start">
- <div class="margin-right-xs">
- <d-image :dSrc="item.userAvatar" dMode="aspectFit" dWidth="72rpx" dHeight="72rpx"></d-image>
- </div>
- <div class="flex-sub">
- <div class="flex justify-start align-center">
- <div class="name margin-right-sm">{{item.userName}}</div>
- <div class="zuozhe flex justify-center align-center margin-right-sm" v-if="item.belongAuthor===1">作者</div>
- <div class="name" v-if="item.isReplayTwoComment===1">回复 {{item.replayLevelTwoCommentUser.userName}}</div>
- </div>
- <div class="flex justify-between align-center" @click="goPinglun(2,item.id,item.userName,onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.id)">
- <div class="content flex-sub">{{item.content}}</div>
- <div class="flex flex-direction align-center" style="width: 68rpx;" @click.stop="likepinglun(2,index,item.id)">
- <div class="margin-bottom-xs">
- <div v-show="item.isCurrentUserLike===0">
- <u-icon name="heart" color="#667286" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- </div>
- <div v-show="item.isCurrentUserLike===1">
- <u-icon name="heart-fill" color="red" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="likeNum">{{item.likeCount}}</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="time">{{ $u.timeFrom(new Date(item.createTime).getTime())}}</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- 展开和收起按钮 -->
- <div class="flex justify-start align-center" style="padding-left: 84rpx;">
- <div class="seeMore padding-top-sm padding-bottom flex align-center" v-if="onePageList.levelTwoCommentCount > 0&¶ms.current <= totalPage" @click="$u.throttle(getTwoLevelPinglun, 1000,true)">
- <div class="margin-right-xs">查看更多回复</div>
- <u-icon name="arrow-down" color="#00875A" size="28rpx" :bold="true"></u-icon>
- </div>
- <div class="seeMore retract padding-top-sm padding-bottom margin-left flex justify-center align-center" v-if="params.current > 1" @click="$u.throttle(retract, 1000,true)">
- <div class="margin-right-xs">收起</div>
- <u-icon name="arrow-up" color="#00875A" size="28rpx" :bold="true"></u-icon>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </template>
- updatHeight() {
- let that = this
- this.$nextTick(() => {
- // this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
- this.createSelectorQuery().select(".pinglunDom").boundingClientRect(function(rect) {
- // console.log(rect);
- that.pingjiaBoxMaxHeight = rect.height
- that.pinglunOpcity = 1
- }).exec();
- // }, 0)
- })
- },
- this.$forceUpdate();
- this.$nextTick(() => {
- for (let i = 0; i < this.onePagePinglunList.length; i++) {
- this.$refs[`pinglun-${this.onePagePinglunList[i].levelOneCommentVo.id}`][0].updatHeight()
- if (this.onePagePinglunList[i].twoLevelpinglun.length === 0) {
- this.$refs[`pinglun-${this.onePagePinglunList[i].levelOneCommentVo.id}`][0].params.current = 1
- }
- }
- })
- <template>
- <div :style="{'padding-bottom':`${(safeAreaBottom*2)+144}`+'rpx'}">
- <div style="padding: 32rpx 32rpx 50rpx;">
- <div class="margin-bottom-sm txt-1">成功蜕变历程</div>
- <div class="toplicheng flex justify-center align-center margin-bottom-sm">
- <div class="flex flex-direction align-center">
- <div class="flex align-center">
- <d-image dSrc="https://tj-data.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/uploadFiles/wx/mzkHomeland/caseDetailIcON2.png" dMode="aspectFit" dWidth="32rpx" dHeight="32rpx"></d-image>
- <div class="toptxt1 margin-left-xs">体重</div>
- </div>
- <div class="toptxt2 margin-top-xs">{{topweightcha||0}}kg</div>
- </div>
- <div class="midBox flex flex-direction align-center">
- <div class="xmonth flex justify-center align-center margin-bottom-xs">逆糖3个月</div>
- <div class="topshuxian"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="flex flex-direction align-center">
- <div class="flex align-center">
- <d-image dSrc="https://tj-data.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/uploadFiles/wx/mzkHomeland/caseDetailIcON1.png" dMode="aspectFit" dWidth="32rpx" dHeight="32rpx"></d-image>
- <div class="toptxt1 margin-left-xs">空腹血糖</div>
- </div>
- <div class="toptxt2 margin-top-xs">{{topxuetangcha||0}}mmol/L</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- 案例信息 -->
- <div class="caseBox">
- <div class="case-head-box flex justify-between align-center">
- <div class="head-left-box flex">
- <div class="avatarBox">
- <u-avatar :src="detailData.userInfoVo.userAvatar || 'https://tj-data.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/uploadFiles/wx/mzkHomeland/healthy.png'" size="72rpx" mode="aspectFill"></u-avatar>
- </div>
- <div>
- <div class="txt-1 margin-bottom-xs">{{detailData.userInfoVo.userName||'暂无昵称'}}</div>
- <div class="txt-2">{{detailData.isExistServicePack?detailData.servicePackVo.servicePackName:'暂无服务包'}}</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class=" flex justify-center align-center" style="width: 80rpx;height: 80rpx;">
- <u-icon name="share-square" color="" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="caseBoxContentBox">
- <u-row justify="space-start">
- <u-col span="4">
- <view class="txt-4 margin-bottom">项目</view>
- </u-col>
- <u-col span="4">
- <view class="txt-4 margin-bottom">管理前</view>
- </u-col>
- <u-col span="4">
- <view class="txt-4 margin-bottom">管理后</view>
- </u-col>
- </u-row>
- <u-row justify="space-start">
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="txt-3">服务时间</div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="startTime">
- {{detailData.managementInfoVo.managementStartTime||'--'}}
- </div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="endTime">
- {{detailData.managementInfoVo.managementEndTime||'--'}}
- </div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- </u-row>
- <div class="line"></div>
- <u-row justify="space-start">
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="txt-3">体重</div>
- <div class="txt-7">kg</div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="yellow-box flex justify-center align-center" style="position: relative;">
- {{detailData.managementInfoVo.beforeManagementWeight||'--'}}
- <div class="jiantou" v-if="detailData.managementInfoVo.beforeManagementFastingSugarBloodTrend===3">
- <d-image dSrc="https://tj-data.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/uploadFiles/wx/mzkHomeland/redUp.png" dMode="aspectFit" dWidth="24rpx" dHeight="24rpx"></d-image>
- </div>
- <div class="jiantou" v-else-if="detailData.managementInfoVo.beforeManagementFastingSugarBloodTrend===1">
- <d-image dSrc="https://tj-data.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/uploadFiles/wx/mzkHomeland/greenDown.png" dMode="aspectFit" dWidth="24rpx" dHeight="24rpx"></d-image>
- </div>
- </div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="green-box flex justify-center align-center">{{detailData.managementInfoVo.afterManagementWeight||'--'}}</div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- </u-row>
- <div class="line"></div>
- <u-row justify="space-start">
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="txt-3">空腹血糖</div>
- <div class="txt-7">mmol/L</div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="yellow-box flex justify-center align-center" style="position: relative;">
- {{detailData.managementInfoVo.beforeManagementFastingSugarBlood||'--'}}
- <div class="jiantou"
- v-if="detailData.managementInfoVo.beforeManagementWeightTrend===3||detailData.managementInfoVo.beforeManagementWeightTrend===4||detailData.managementInfoVo.beforeManagementWeightTrend===5">
- <d-image dSrc="https://tj-data.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/uploadFiles/wx/mzkHomeland/redUp.png" dMode="aspectFit" dWidth="24rpx" dHeight="24rpx"></d-image>
- </div>
- <div class="jiantou" v-else-if="detailData.managementInfoVo.beforeManagementWeightTrend===1">
- <d-image dSrc="https://tj-data.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/uploadFiles/wx/mzkHomeland/greenDown.png" dMode="aspectFit" dWidth="24rpx" dHeight="24rpx"></d-image>
- </div>
- </div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="green-box flex justify-center align-center">
- {{detailData.managementInfoVo.afterManagementFastingSugarBlood||'--'}}
- </div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- </u-row>
- <div class="line"></div>
- <u-row justify="space-start">
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="txt-3">用药数量</div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="yellow-box flex justify-center align-center">
- {{detailData.managementInfoVo.beforeManagementMedicationCount||'0'}}
- </div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="green-box flex justify-center align-center">
- {{detailData.managementInfoVo.afterManagementMedicationCount||'0'}}
- </div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- </u-row>
- <div class="line"></div>
- <u-row justify="space-start">
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="txt-3">对比照片</div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="margin-bottom-sm">
- <div>
- <div v-if="detailData.managementInfoVo.beforeManagementImagePhoto===''" class="noPicBox flex justify-center align-center">暂无</div>
- <div v-else>
- <d-image :dSrc="detailData.managementInfoVo.beforeManagementImagePhoto" dMode="aspectFit" dWidth="140rpx" dHeight="140rpx">
- </d-image>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- <u-col span="4">
- <view>
- <div class="margin-bottom-sm">
- <div>
- <div v-if="detailData.managementInfoVo.afterManagementImagePhoto===''" class="noPicBox flex justify-center align-center">暂无</div>
- <div v-else>
- <d-image :dSrc="detailData.managementInfoVo.afterManagementImagePhoto" dMode="aspectFit" dWidth="140rpx" dHeight="140rpx">
- </d-image>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </view>
- </u-col>
- </u-row>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- 评价 -->
- <div class="evaluateBox margin-top-sm margin-bottom-sm">
- <div class="margin-bottom-sm txt-1">健康评价</div>
- <div class="margin-top-sm flex flex-wrap pingjiaBox">
- <view class="pingjiaDom">
- <div v-for="(item,index) in defaultPingjia" :key="item.id" class="flex ">
- <div class="tag margin-right-sm flex align-center margin-bottom-sm" :style="{'background':item.styleBg}">
- <div style="height: 100%; " class="flex align-start margin-right-sm">
- <d-image :dSrc="item.styleIcon" dMode="aspectFit" dWidth="26rpx" dHeight="26rpx">
- </d-image>
- </div>
- <text :style="{'max-width': '544rpx','word-break': 'break-all','color':item.styleColor}">{{item.content}}</text>
- </div>
- </div>
- </view>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- echart -->
- <!-- <div class="margin-bottom-sm" style="position: relative;overflow: hidden;" v-for="(item,index) in echartList" :key="index">
- <detailChart :echarType="item"></detailChart>
- </div> -->
- </div>
- <!-- 评论 -->
- <div style="padding: 0 32rpx 56rpx;background: #FFFFFF;">
- <div class="flex justify-between align-center">
- <div class="pingluntitle">{{detailData.interActionVo.commentCount||'0'}} 评论</div>
- <div></div>
- </div>
- <div v-for="(item,index) in onePagePinglunList" :key="item.id" class="margin-bottom">
- <pinglun :ref="`pinglun-${item.levelOneCommentVo.id}`" :caseIdData="caseId" :data="item" :indexxx="index" @comment="goComment" @noLogin="sonNoLogin" @shouqi="shouqiTwoPinglun"></pinglun>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="contentB">- 让每个人都能从知识中获得健康 -</div>
- <!-- 底部评价评论点赞收藏 -->
- <div class="pingjialikeBox flex justify-between align-center" :style="{'bottom':`${(safeAreaBottom*2)}`+'rpx'}">
- <div class="talksomething flex justify-center align-center" @click="openPinglun">说点什么吧</div>
- <div class="flex justify-around" style="width: 428rpx;">
- <div class="flex align-center btn" @click="$u.throttle(clickLike, 500,true)">
- <div v-show="detailData.interActionVo.isCurrentUserLike===0">
- <u-icon name="heart" color="" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- </div>
- <div v-show="detailData.interActionVo.isCurrentUserLike===1">
- <u-icon name="heart-fill" color="red" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- </div>
- <text class="margin-left-xs">{{detailData.interActionVo.likeCount||'0'}}</text>
- </div>
- <div class="flex align-center btn" @click="$u.throttle(clickCollect, 500,true)">
- <div v-show="detailData.interActionVo.isCurrentUserCollection===0">
- <u-icon name="star" color="" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- </div>
- <div v-show="detailData.interActionVo.isCurrentUserCollection===1">
- <u-icon name="star-fill" color="#ff991f" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- </div>
- <text class="margin-left-xs">{{detailData.interActionVo.collectionCount||'0'}}</text>
- </div>
- <div class=" flex align-center btn">
- <u-icon name="chat" color="" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- <text class="margin-left-xs">{{detailData.interActionVo.commentCount||'0'}}</text>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <u-popup :show="talkShow" mode="bottom" :customStyle="{'width':'100%','border-radius':'8rpx'}" @close="popclosed" @open="keyboard=true" :safeAreaInsetBottom="true">
- <view class="flex justify-between align-center" style="padding: 32rpx;">
- <div class="cirbOX padding-left padding-right-sm">
- <u--form labelPosition="left" :model="talkData" :rules="Rules" ref="Form" :borderBottom="false">
- <u-form-item label=" " prop="txt" :borderBottom="false" ref="item1" labelWidth='0'>
- <u--input :focus="keyboard" v-model="talkData.txt" cursorSpacing="30" maxlength="100" :placeholder="pinglunHolder" border="none" clearable></u--input>
- </u-form-item>
- </u--form>
- </div>
- <div class="submitpinglun" @click="submit">发布</div>
- </view>
- </u-popup>
- <u-modal title="确认登录" :show="show1" width="608rpx" content="为了您的良好体验,建议您先确认登录 ~" :closeOnClickOverlay="true" @close="show1=false">
- <u-button slot="confirmButton" text="确定" shape="circle" color="#00875A" open-type="getPhoneNumber" @getphonenumber="getPhoneNumber" :customStyle="{'width':'264rpx','height':'68rpx'}"></u-button>
- </u-modal>
- <u-toast ref="uToast"></u-toast>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script>
- import { mapState } from 'vuex';
- import detailChart from "./detailEchart.vue"
- import pinglun from "./pinglun.vue"
- import { sub } from '@/utils/tool.js'
- import { getDetail, getCurveModule, collection, like, savecomment, getLevelOnePage } from '@/api/case/case.js'
- export default {
- data() {
- return {
- show1: false,
- keyboard: false,
- pinglunHolder: '说点什么吧',
- Rules: {
- 'txt': [{
- required: true,
- type: 'any',
- message: '评论不能为空',
- trigger: ['blur', 'change']
- },
- {
- validator: (rule, value, callback) => {
- return value.length < 100;
- },
- message: '您评论的字数超过100,请调整您的字数~',
- trigger: ['blur', 'change']
- }
- ],
- },
- talkShow: false,
- talkData: { //弹框form值 评论
- txt: ""
- },
- caseId: null,
- echartList: [],
- detailData: {},
- defaultPingjia: [],
- topweightcha: null,
- topxuetangcha: null,
- pinglunForm: { //接口参数
- caseId: null,
- caseLevelOneCommentId: '', //对一级评论进行回复时不可为空
- caseLevelTwoCommentId: '', //对二级评论进行回复时不可为空
- content: null,
- userId: null,
- },
- params: {
- current: 1,
- limit: 5,
- likeSort: 2, //点赞数排序 1:升序 2:降序
- timeSort: 2, //创建时间排序 1:升序 2:降序
- },
- totalPage: 1,
- onePagePinglunList: [],
- pinglunType: null, //判断用户评论的类型是案例评论(3)还是一级评论(1)还是二级评论(2)
- erpinglunIndex: 0, //暂存二级评论发送给父级组件给的一级评论的index
- }
- },
- components: { detailChart, pinglun },
- computed: {
- ...mapState(["hasLogin", "safeAreaBottom", "userInfo", ])
- },
- // 发送给朋友
- onShareAppMessage(res) {
- return {
- title: '妙智健康案例',
- path: `/pages-caseStory/caseDetail/index?caseId=${this.caseId}&title=${this.detailData.userInfoVo.userName}`
- }
- },
- //分享到朋友圈
- onShareTimeline(res) {
- return {
- title: '妙智健康案例',
- query: `caseId=${this.caseId}&title=${this.detailData.userInfoVo.userName}`,
- path: `/pages-caseStory/caseDetail/index` //自定义路径拼参数会导致接收参数会失败
- }
- },
- onReady() {},
- onLoad(option) {
- this.$refs.Form.setRules(this.Rules)
- this.caseId = option?.caseId
- uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
- title: `${option.title||''}案例`
- });
- this.getdetailData()
- this.getLevelOnePageData()
- },
- onUnload() {
- // this.$store.commit('set_caseShareEchartPicList', [])
- },
- onShow() {
- },
- methods: {
- sub,
- async getPhoneNumber(e) {
- // console.log("获取手机号code", e) //获取手机号已经不需要先进行wx.login(最新文档)
- if (!e.detail.code) {
- uni.showToast({
- title: '登录需要获取您的手机号',
- icon: 'none',
- duration: 2500
- })
- return
- }
- let resss = await this.$store.dispatch("loginFn", e) //能同步拿到vux中mutaion的resolve,然后给fourDataNum赋值(登录后数据更新)
- console.log(resss);
- if (resss.state === 1) { //登录成功
- this.show1 = false
- }
- },
- async getdetailData() {
- uni.showLoading({
- title: '加载中...'
- })
- try {
- let res = await getDetail({
- caseId: this.caseId,
- userId: this.hasLogin ? this.userInfo?.userId : ''
- })
- let echarRes = await getCurveModule({
- caseId: this.caseId,
- })
- if (res.state === 1) {
- this.detailData = res.content
- this.defaultPingjia = res.content.personnelEvaluationVoList
- this.topweightcha = this.sub(this.detailData.managementInfoVo.afterManagementWeight, this.detailData.managementInfoVo.beforeManagementWeight)
- this.topxuetangcha = this.sub(this.detailData.managementInfoVo.afterManagementFastingSugarBlood, this.detailData.managementInfoVo.beforeManagementFastingSugarBlood)
- }
- if (echarRes.state === 1) {
- this.echartList = echarRes.content.map(item => {
- let obj = {
- title: item.caseCurveType === 1 ? '硅基' : (item.caseCurveType === 2 ? "微策" : "体重"),
- defaultTime: item.caseCurveType === 1 ? item.curveStartDate : [item.curveStartDate, item.curveEndDate],
- userId: res.content.userInfoVo.userId
- }
- return obj
- })
- }
- uni.hideLoading();
- } catch (e) {
- uni.hideLoading();
- uni.$u.toast(e)
- }
- },
- async clickLike(item, index) {
- if (!this.hasLogin) {
- this.show1 = true
- return
- }
- try {
- let res = await like({
- userId: this.userInfo?.userId,
- caseId: this.caseId,
- })
- if (res.state === 1) {
- if (this.detailData.interActionVo.isCurrentUserLike === 1) {
- this.detailData.interActionVo.isCurrentUserLike = 0
- this.detailData.interActionVo.likeCount--
- } else if (this.detailData.interActionVo.isCurrentUserLike === 0) {
- this.detailData.interActionVo.isCurrentUserLike = 1
- this.detailData.interActionVo.likeCount++
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- uni.$u.toast(e)
- }
- },
- async clickCollect(item) {
- if (!this.hasLogin) {
- this.show1 = true
- return
- }
- try {
- let res = await collection({
- userId: this.userInfo?.userId,
- caseId: this.caseId,
- })
- if (res.state === 1) {
- if (this.detailData.interActionVo.isCurrentUserCollection === 1) {
- this.detailData.interActionVo.isCurrentUserCollection = 0
- this.detailData.interActionVo.collectionCount--
- } else if (this.detailData.interActionVo.isCurrentUserCollection === 0) {
- this.detailData.interActionVo.isCurrentUserCollection = 1
- this.detailData.interActionVo.collectionCount++
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- uni.$u.toast(e)
- }
- },
- popclosed() {
- this.talkData.txt = ''
- this.keyboard = false
- this.talkShow = false
- console.log(this.keyboard);
- },
- async getLevelOnePageData() {
- uni.showLoading({
- title: '加载中...'
- })
- try {
- let res = await getLevelOnePage({ userId: this.hasLogin ? this.userInfo?.userId : '', caseId: Number(this.caseId), ...this.params })
- if (res.state === 1) {
- for (let i = 0; i < res.content.records.length; i++) {
- res.content.records[i].twoLevelpinglun = []
- if (this.onePagePinglunList.some(item => item.levelOneCommentVo.id === res.content.records[i].levelOneCommentVo.id)) { //删除重复项
- res.content.records.splice(i, 1)
- }
- }
- this.onePagePinglunList = [...this.onePagePinglunList, ...res.content.records]
- this.totalPage = Math.ceil(res.content.total / this.params.limit) //总页数=总数量/每页数量
- }
- uni.hideLoading();
- } catch (e) {
- uni.hideLoading();
- uni.$u.toast(e)
- }
- },
- openPinglun() {
- if (!this.hasLogin) {
- this.show1 = true
- return
- }
- this.pinglunType = 3 //案例评论
- this.pinglunHolder = '说点什么吧'
- this.pinglunForm.caseLevelOneCommentId = '' //不回复一二级评论时候置空该字段
- this.pinglunForm.caseLevelTwoCommentId = '' //不回复一二级评论时候置空该字段
- this.talkShow = true
- // this.keyboard = true
- },
- goComment(e) { //处理回复一级二级评论 案例的顶级评论在openPinglun()函数中
- console.log(e);
- this.pinglunType = e.type //评论类型
- console.log('this.pinglunType', this.pinglunType);
- if (e.type === 1) { //一级评论
- this.pinglunForm.caseLevelOneCommentId = e.id
- this.erpinglunIndex = e.index
- this.pinglunHolder = `回复 @${e.replyName}`
- } else if (e.type === 2) { //二级评论
- this.pinglunForm.caseLevelTwoCommentId = e.id
- this.erpinglunIndex = e.index
- this.pinglunHolder = `回复 @${e.replyName}`
- }
- console.log("点击的item", this.$refs[`pinglun-${this.erpinglunIndex}`][0].onePageList);
- this.talkShow = true
- // this.keyboard = true
- console.log(this.keyboard);
- },
- async submit() {
- this.pinglunForm.userId = this.userInfo.userId
- this.pinglunForm.content = this.talkData.txt
- this.pinglunForm.caseId = this.caseId
- // let form = {
- // caseId: this.caseId,
- // caseLevelOneCommentId: '', //对一级评论进行回复时不可为空
- // caseLevelTwoCommentId: '', //对二级评论进行回复时不可为空
- // content: this.talkData.txt,
- // userId: this.userInfo.userId,
- // }
- try {
- let res = await savecomment(this.pinglunForm)
- if (res.state === 1) {
- if (this.pinglunType === 3) { //案例评论
- this.onePagePinglunList.unshift({
- twoLevelpinglun: [],
- ...res.content.caseCommentHomeVo
- })
- this.$forceUpdate();
- this.$nextTick(() => {
- for (let i = 0; i < this.onePagePinglunList.length; i++) {
- this.$refs[`pinglun-${this.onePagePinglunList[i].levelOneCommentVo.id}`][0].updatHeight() //重置子组件内部height 不管新增一级还是二级都需要全部重置高度不然会出现bug
- if (this.onePagePinglunList[i].twoLevelpinglun.length === 0) {
- this.$refs[`pinglun-${this.onePagePinglunList[i].levelOneCommentVo.id}`][0].params.current = 1
- }
- }
- console.log(this.$refs[`pinglun-${127}`][0].onePageList);
- })
- this.$forceUpdate();
- } else if (this.pinglunType === 1 || this.pinglunType === 2) { //回复一级评论或二级评论 push完需要注意的是在获取分页数据时候去重,因为这个push操作是模拟更新数据,后端并不知晓所以后端未做去重
- console.log(this.$refs[`pinglun-${this.erpinglunIndex}`][0].onePageList.twoLevelpinglun);
- this.$refs[`pinglun-${this.erpinglunIndex}`][0].onePageList.twoLevelpinglun.push({
- ...res.content.caseLevelTwoCommentVo
- })
- console.log(this.$refs[`pinglun-${this.erpinglunIndex}`][0].onePageList.twoLevelpinglun);
- let indxx;
- for (let i = 0; i < this.onePagePinglunList.length; i++) {
- if (this.onePagePinglunList[i].levelOneCommentVo.id === this.erpinglunIndex) {
- indxx = i
- break
- }
- }
- // 目的是防止发表一级评论之后父级向下重新注入数据,会触发pinglun组件内部的watch,导致会重置组件内部的twoLevelpinglun为[],
- this.onePagePinglunList[indxx].twoLevelpinglun = this.$refs[`pinglun-${this.erpinglunIndex}`][0].onePageList.twoLevelpinglun
- this.onePagePinglunList[indxx].levelTwoCommentCount++
- this.$refs[`pinglun-${this.erpinglunIndex}`][0].updatHeight() //重置子组件内部height
- }
- this.talkData.txt = '' //重置评论
- this.keyboard = false //自动聚焦设为false
- this.talkShow = false //关闭弹窗
- this.updatePinglunNum() //更新评论数量
- console.log(this.keyboard);
- this.$refs.uToast.show({
- type: 'success',
- message: "已发送评论~",
- duration: 1200,
- })
- }
- } catch (e) {
- uni.$u.toast(e)
- }
- },
- sonNoLogin(e) {
- console.log(e);
- if (!this.hasLogin) {
- this.show1 = true
- return
- }
- },
- async updatePinglunNum() {
- try {
- let res = await getDetail({
- caseId: this.caseId,
- userId: this.hasLogin ? this.userInfo?.userId : ''
- })
- if (res.state === 1) {
- this.detailData = res.content
- }
- } catch (e) {
- uni.$u.toast(e)
- }
- },
- //因为每次发表二级评论都会往父级的twoLevelpinglun添加属性,也就是submit函数里面的565行代码,会导致一个bug 就是发布二级评论后,
- // 因为同时给父级也赋值了,故收起二级评论后,再发表一级评论,重置了了渲染,会将父级被赋值的twoLevelpinglun同步到二级评论的twoLevelpinglun,相当于之前收起操作白重置了twoLevelpinglun
- shouqiTwoPinglun(index) {
- let indxx;
- for (let i = 0; i < this.onePagePinglunList.length; i++) {
- if (this.onePagePinglunList[i].levelOneCommentVo.id === index) {
- indxx = i
- break
- }
- }
- this.onePagePinglunList[indxx].twoLevelpinglun = []
- },
- },
- // 上拉加载
- async onReachBottom() {
- if (this.params.current > this.totalPage) {
- this.$refs.uToast.show({
- type: 'warning',
- message: "已经到底啦~",
- duration: 1200,
- })
- return
- }
- this.params.current += 1
- await this.getLevelOnePageData()
- uni.stopPullDownRefresh() //停止上拉加载
- },
- // 下拉刷新触发
- async onPullDownRefresh() {
- this.params.current = 1 //重置页码
- this.onePagePinglunList = []
- await this.getLevelOnePageData()
- this.$refs.uToast.show({
- type: 'success',
- message: "刷新成功",
- duration: 1200,
- })
- uni.stopPullDownRefresh() //停止下拉刷新
- },
- }
- </script>
- <style lang="scss" scoped>
- @import '@/pages-caseStory/style/caseCommon.scss';
- .pingluntitle {
- font-size: 28rpx;
- font-family: PingFangSC;
- color: #1F3253;
- height: 90rpx;
- line-height: 90rpx;
- }
- .contentB {
- margin: 42rpx 0;
- font-size: 24rpx;
- font-weight: 400;
- color: #667286;
- text-align: center;
- }
- .pingjialikeBox {
- padding: 32rpx;
- width: 100%;
- height: 144rpx;
- background: #FFFFFF;
- position: fixed;
- left: 0;
- .btn {
- height: 70rpx;
- width: 78rpx;
- }
- }
- .toplicheng {
- height: 160rpx;
- background: linear-gradient(47deg, rgba(23, 144, 109, 0.84) 0%, #5DC063 100%);
- border-radius: 12rpx;
- }
- .topshuxian {
- width: 1rpx;
- height: 80rpx;
- opacity: 0.5;
- border: 2rpx solid #FFFFFF;
- }
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- width: 156rpx;
- height: 47rpx;
- background: #FFFFFF;
- border-radius: 0rpx 0rpx 14rpx 14rpx;
- opacity: 0.8;
- font-size: 24rpx;
- font-weight: 400;
- color: #00875A;
- }
- .toptxt1 {
- font-size: 28rpx;
- font-weight: 400;
- color: #FFFFFF;
- }
- .toptxt2 {
- font-size: 36rpx;
- font-weight: bold;
- color: #E2FFF5;
- }
- .midBox {
- width: 156rpx;
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- margin-left: 70rpx;
- margin-right: 23rpx;
- }
- .noPicBox {
- width: 140rpx;
- height: 140rpx;
- background: #E7EFF6;
- }
- .jiantou {
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- right: 0;
- }
- .evaluateBox {
- background: #FFFFFF;
- border-radius: 12rpx;
- padding: 40rpx 32rpx 78rpx;
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- background: #FFF6E9;
- border-radius: 30rpx;
- padding: 20rpx 30rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
- vertical-align: center;
- }
- }
- .talksomething {
- width: 248rpx;
- height: 80rpx;
- background: #F4F5F7;
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- font-size: 28rpx;
- font-weight: 400;
- color: #697588;
- }
- .cirbOX {
- width: 600rpx;
- height: 80rpx;
- background: #F4F5F7;
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- }
- .submitpinglun {
- height: 80rpx;
- width: 64rpx;
- font-size: 32rpx;
- font-weight: 500;
- color: #00875A;
- line-height: 80rpx;
- }
- </style>
- <template>
- <div>
- <!-- 一级评论 -->
- <div class="flex justify-start align-start margin-bottom-sm">
- <div class="margin-right-xs">
- <d-image :dSrc="onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.userAvatar" dMode="aspectFit" dWidth="72rpx" dHeight="72rpx"></d-image>
- </div>
- <div class="flex-sub">
- <div class="flex justify-start align-center">
- <div class="name margin-right-sm">{{onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.userName}}</div>
- <div class="zuozhe flex justify-center align-center" v-if="onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.belongAuthor===1">作者</div>
- </div>
- <div class="flex justify-between align-center" @click="goPinglun(1,onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.id,onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.userName,onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.id)">
- <div class="content flex-sub">{{onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.content}}</div>
- <div class="flex flex-direction align-center" style="width: 68rpx;" @click.stop="likepinglun(1,'',onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.id)">
- <div class="margin-bottom-xs">
- <div v-show="onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.isCurrentUserLike===0">
- <u-icon name="heart" color="#667286" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- </div>
- <div v-show="onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.isCurrentUserLike===1">
- <u-icon name="heart-fill" color="red" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="likeNum">{{onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.likeCount}}</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="time">{{ $u.timeFrom(new Date(onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.createTime).getTime())}}</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- 二级评论 -->
- <div class="erpinglunBox" :style="{'height':`${pingjiaBoxMaxHeight}px`,'opacity':pinglunOpcity,}">
- <div class="pinglunDom">
- <div v-for="(item,index) in onePageList.twoLevelpinglun" :key="item.id" class="margin-bottom-sm">
- <div class="flex justify-start align-start">
- <div class="margin-right-xs">
- <d-image :dSrc="item.userAvatar" dMode="aspectFit" dWidth="72rpx" dHeight="72rpx"></d-image>
- </div>
- <div class="flex-sub">
- <div class="flex justify-start align-center">
- <div class="name margin-right-sm">{{item.userName}}</div>
- <div class="zuozhe flex justify-center align-center margin-right-sm" v-if="item.belongAuthor===1">作者</div>
- <div class="name" v-if="item.isReplayTwoComment===1">回复 {{item.replayLevelTwoCommentUser.userName}}</div>
- </div>
- <div class="flex justify-between align-center" @click="goPinglun(2,item.id,item.userName,onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.id)">
- <div class="content flex-sub">{{item.content}}</div>
- <div class="flex flex-direction align-center" style="width: 68rpx;" @click.stop="likepinglun(2,index,item.id)">
- <div class="margin-bottom-xs">
- <div v-show="item.isCurrentUserLike===0">
- <u-icon name="heart" color="#667286" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- </div>
- <div v-show="item.isCurrentUserLike===1">
- <u-icon name="heart-fill" color="red" size="34rpx"></u-icon>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="likeNum">{{item.likeCount}}</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="time">{{ $u.timeFrom(new Date(item.createTime).getTime())}}</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- 展开和收起按钮 -->
- <div class="flex justify-start align-center" style="padding-left: 84rpx;">
- <div class="seeMore padding-top-sm padding-bottom flex align-center" v-if="onePageList.levelTwoCommentCount > 0&¶ms.current <= totalPage" @click="$u.throttle(getTwoLevelPinglun, 1000,true)">
- <div class="margin-right-xs">查看更多回复</div>
- <u-icon name="arrow-down" color="#00875A" size="28rpx" :bold="true"></u-icon>
- </div>
- <div class="seeMore retract padding-top-sm padding-bottom margin-left flex justify-center align-center" v-if="params.current > 1" @click="$u.throttle(retract, 1000,true)">
- <div class="margin-right-xs">收起</div>
- <u-icon name="arrow-up" color="#00875A" size="28rpx" :bold="true"></u-icon>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script>
- import { mapState } from 'vuex';
- import { commentlike, getLevelOnePage, getLevelTwoPage } from '@/api/case/case.js'
- export default {
- data() {
- return {
- caseId: null,
- indexxxx: null, //一级评论的index
- params: {
- current: 1,
- limit: 5,
- timeSort: 1, //创建时间排序 1:升序 2:降序
- },
- totalPage: 1,
- onePageList: {},
- pingjiaBoxMaxHeight: 0,
- pinglunOpcity: 0,
- timer: null,
- timer1: null,
- }
- },
- props: {
- caseIdData: {
- type: Number,
- // 定义是否必须传
- required: true,
- // 定义默认值
- default: 0
- },
- data: {
- type: Object,
- // 定义是否必须传
- required: true,
- // 定义默认值
- default: {}
- },
- indexxx: {
- type: Number,
- // 定义是否必须传
- required: true,
- // 定义默认值
- default: 0
- }
- },
- watch: {
- caseIdData: {
- immediate: true,
- handler(val) {
- this.caseId = val;
- }
- },
- data: {
- immediate: true,
- handler(val) {
- this.onePageList = val;
- }
- },
- indexxx: {
- immediate: true,
- handler(val) {
- this.indexxxx = val;
- }
- }
- },
- components: {},
- computed: {
- ...mapState(["hasLogin", "userInfo"])
- },
- mounted() {},
- beforeDestroy() {
- clearTimeout(this.timer)
- clearTimeout(this.timer1)
- },
- methods: {
- async likepinglun(type, index, id) {
- if (!this.hasLogin) {
- this.$emit('noLogin', '一二级评论点赞未登录')
- return
- }
- let form = {};
- if (type === 1) {
- form.caseLevelOneCommentId = id
- } else if (type === 2) {
- form.caseLevelTwoCommentId = id
- }
- try {
- let res = await commentlike({ ...form, userId: this.userInfo?.userId })
- if (res.state === 1) { //如果接口回调成功
- if (type === 1) { //如果点击的是一级评论的点赞
- if (this.onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.isCurrentUserLike === 0) { //判断点赞之前是0还是1 然后取反 并且对应点赞数量同步加减
- this.onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.isCurrentUserLike = 1
- this.onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.likeCount++
- } else if (this.onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.isCurrentUserLike === 1) {
- this.onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.isCurrentUserLike = 0
- this.onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.likeCount--
- }
- } else if (type === 2) { //如果点击的是二级评论的点赞
- if (this.onePageList.twoLevelpinglun[index].isCurrentUserLike === 0) {
- this.onePageList.twoLevelpinglun[index].isCurrentUserLike = 1
- this.onePageList.twoLevelpinglun[index].likeCount++
- } else if (this.onePageList.twoLevelpinglun[index].isCurrentUserLike === 1) {
- this.onePageList.twoLevelpinglun[index].isCurrentUserLike = 0
- this.onePageList.twoLevelpinglun[index].likeCount--
- }
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- uni.$u.toast(e)
- }
- },
- goPinglun(e, id, name, indexx) {
- if (e === 1) { //一级评论
- this.$emit('comment', {
- type: e,
- id: id,
- // index: this.indexxxx,
- index: indexx,
- replyName: name, //点击的谁的评论进行回复,用于在输入框的placeholder回显
- })
- } else if (e === 2) { //二级评论
- this.$emit('comment', {
- type: e,
- id: id,
- // index: this.indexxxx,
- index: indexx,
- replyName: name, //点击的谁的评论进行回复,用于在输入框的placeholder回显
- })
- }
- },
- async getTwoLevelPinglun() {
- try {
- let res = await getLevelTwoPage({ userId: this.hasLogin ? this.userInfo?.userId : '', caseLevelOneCommentId: this.onePageList.levelOneCommentVo.id, ...this.params })
- if (res.state === 1) {
- for (let i = 0; i < res.content.records.length; i++) {
- res.content.records[i].twoLevelpinglun = []
- if (this.onePageList.twoLevelpinglun.some(item => item.id === res.content.records[i].id)) { //删除重复项
- res.content.records.splice(i, 1)
- console.log("发现重复项,删除他!!!");
- }
- }
- this.onePageList.twoLevelpinglun = [...this.onePageList.twoLevelpinglun, ...res.content.records]
- this.totalPage = Math.ceil(res.content.total / this.params.limit) //总页数=总数量/每页数量
- this.params.current += 1
- this.updatHeight()
- }
- } catch (e) {
- uni.$u.toast(e)
- }
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- // console.log(rect);
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