还记得我之前有篇博客讲的如何用JavaScript 获取指定字符串中出现次数最多的字符及其出现次数吗?这次是找单词哦!上代码:
let article = "Age has reached the end of the beginning of a word. May be guilty in his seems to passing a lot of different life became the appearance of the same day;"; function findMostWord(article){ //使用trim()方法删除字符串的头尾空白符 article = article.trim(); //利用正则取出所有单词存放于数组中 var array = article.match(/[A-z]+/g); //所有单词以空格间隔重新拼接 article = " " + array.join(" ") + " "; var max = 0,word,num = 0,maxword = ""; //遍历拼接成的新字符串 for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { //将所有的单词作为匹配项 word = new RegExp(" " + array[i] + " ",'g'); //相当于是统计每个单词的次数 num = article.match(word).length; //比较所有单词出现次数 if(num > max){ max = num; maxword = array[i]; } } return {maxword,max} } console.log(findMostWord(article)); //打印结果:{ maxword: 'the', max: 4 }
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