<scroll-view class='chat' id="chat" style="height:{{height}}px;" scroll-y style='padding-bottom:49px;' > <block wx:for="{{myMessages}}" wx:key="{{index}}"> <view class='chat-time' wx:if="{{item.time != ''}}">{{item.msgTime}}</view> <view class="chat-item flex-wrap {{item.isSelfSend ? 'house' : ''}}" wx:if='{{item.type != ""}}' bindtap='linkDetail' data-id="{{item.id}}" data-type="{{item.type}}"> <view class='avatar'> <image style="width:40px;height:40px;border-radius:50%;" mode= "scaleToFill" src="{{item.avatar}}"></image> </view> <view class='content ' style="width:520rpx;"> <image class='img' style="width:100%;height:120px;" mode= "scaleToFill" src="{{item.img == '' ? houseDefault : item.img}}"></image> <view class='info'> <view class='info-name'>{{item.name}}</view> <view class='info-title'>{{item.msgContent}}</view> <view class='flex-wrap'> <view class='flex-item3'> <view class='info-price'>{{item.price}}</view> </view> <view class='flex-item'> <view class='info-type'>{{item.type}}</view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="chat-item flex-wrap {{item.isSelfSend ? 's' : ''}}" wx:if='{{item.type == ""}}'> <view class='avatar'> <image style="width:40px;height:40px;border-radius:50%;" mode= "scaleToFill" src="{{item.avatar}}"></image> </view> <view class='content '>{{item.msgContent}}</view> </view> </block> </scroll-view> <view class='footer-h'></view> <view class='chat-footer flex-wrap'> <view class='flex-item ' bindtap='send1'> <text class="iconfont icon-yuyin" style='vertical-align: 0;padding-right:0; '></text></view> <view class='flex-item5'> <input class='input' bindinput="bindKeyInput" value="{{inputValue}}" placeholder="对ta发送消息"/> </view> <view class='flex-item2 send' bindtap='bindConfirm'>发送</view> </view>
.flex-wrap.s ,.house{ flex-direction:row-reverse; } .h49{ width: 100%; height: 49px; } .chat-item.flex-wrap.s{ margin: 20px 10px 20px 0px; } .chat-item.flex-wrap{ line-height: 20px; height: auto; margin: 20px 0px 20px 10px; } .chat-footer{ position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 49px; background: #ffffff; } .send{ width: 100%; height: 49px; line-height: 49px; text-align: center; background: #69BEFF; color: #ffffff; font-size: 16px; } .icon-yuyin::before{ font-size: 70rpx; color: #7F8389; display: block; height: 49px; line-height: 49px; text-align: center; } .input{ height: 49px; line-height: 49px; font-size: 13px; } .avatar{ width: 40px; height: 40px; background: #69BEFF; border-radius:50%; text-align: center; line-height: 40px; color: #ffffff; } .chat-item.flex-wrap .content{ background: #ffffff; margin-left: 10px; padding:12px; border-radius:10px; width: auto; max-width: 480rpx; font-size: 15px; text-align: justify; } .chat-item.flex-wrap.house{ margin-right: 10px; } .chat-item.flex-wrap.s .content{ margin-right: 10px; background: #69BEFF; color: #ffffff; } .chat-item.flex-wrap.house .content{ margin-right: 10px; padding: 0; width: 520rpx; } .content .img{ border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-top-right-radius: 10px; } .chat-time{ width: 80px; height: 21px; line-height: 21px; background: #CECECE; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; margin: 20px auto 0px; text-align: center; border-radius:5px; } .content .info{ padding:0 20rpx 20rpx; } .info-price{ color: #E93D26; font-size: 14px; } .info-title{ color: #999999; font-size: 12px; } .info-type{ width: 50px; height: 18px; line-height: 18px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; background: #CECECE; text-align: center; border-radius: 2px; } .footer-h{ height: 49px; width: 100%; }
var webim = require('../../utils/webim.js'); var webimhandler = require('../../utils/webim_handler.js'); const app = getApp() Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { noData: app.data.imageUrl + '/no-msg.png', houseDefault: app.data.imageUrl + '/msg-default.png', inputValue:'',//发送的文字消息内容 myMessages: [],//消息 selToID:0, scrollTop: 0, houseId:'',//房源id type:'',//房源类型 height:'', complete:0,//默认为有历史记录可以拉取 is_lock:true//发送消息锁 }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { var that = this; that.setData({ height: wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight }) if(options){ if(options.id){//设置会话列表传参过来的为好友id that.setData({ selToID: options.id }) wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: options.name }) }else if (!options.dockingname){//非经纪人角色,私聊账号为推荐经纪人账号 that.setData({ selToID: app.data.userInfo.agent_member_id.toString(), houseId: options.houseid, type:options.type }) wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: '置业顾问' + app.data.userInfo.agent_name }) //拉取所需要自定义的消息数据发送 that.createhousemsg(); }else{ that.setData({ selToID: options.agent_member_id , houseId: options.houseid, type: options.type }) wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: '盘方顾问' + options.dockingname }) //拉取所需要自定义的消息数据发送 that.createhousemsg(); } } }, onShow:function () { var that = this; wx.setStorageSync('msgKey', '') wx.setStorageSync('lastMsgTime', '') webimhandler.init({ accountMode: app.data.Config.accountMode , accountType: app.data.Config.accountType , sdkAppID: app.data.Config.sdkappid , selType: webim.SESSION_TYPE.C2C//私聊 , agent_member_id: app.data.userInfo.id , id: that.data.selToID , name: app.data.userInfo.agent_name , icon: app.data.userInfo.agent_pic, that: that }); if (webim.checkLogin()) { webimhandler.getC2CHistoryMsgs(); } else { webimhandler.sdkLogin(that,app, this.data.selToID,()=> { //获取聊天历史记录 webimhandler.getC2CHistoryMsgs(); }); } }, //创建自定义房源消息体 createhousemsg:function(){ var that = this; var param = { app_token: app.data.userInfo.app_token, id: that.data.houseId, type: that.data.type } app.request('get', 'createhousemsg', that, param, (data) => { //这里的data.array.MsgContent为获取到需要发送的消息体字段 webimhandler.sendCustomMsg(data.array.MsgContent, (data)=>{ var myMessages = that.setDatas(data) that.setData({ myMessages: myMessages, }) setTimeout(function () { that.pageScrollToBottom() }, 100) }) }, () => { setTimeout(function () { login.login(app) }, 500) }, () => { wx.navigateBack({ delta: 1 }) return; }) }, //获取普通文本消息 bindKeyInput:function(e){ var that = this; that.setData({ inputValue:e.detail.value }) }, // 发送普通文本消息 bindConfirm: function(e) { var that = this; if(that.data.is_lock){ that.setData({ is_lock:false }) if (that.data.inputValue.length == 0) { wx.showToast({ title: '消息不能为空!', icon:'none' }) that.setData({ is_lock: true }) return; } var content = that.data.inputValue; if (!content.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '')) return; webimhandler.onSendMsg(content) } }, // 清除输入框 clearInput:function(e){ this.setData({ inputValue:'' }) }, /** * 下拉上翻历史记录 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { if (this.data.complete == 0){ wx.showLoading({ title: '加载历史记录中...', }) var that = this; webimhandler.getPrePageC2CHistoryMsgs() wx.stopPullDownRefresh(); }else{ wx.showToast({ title: '没有更多历史记录了', icon:'none' }) } }, // 滚动最底部 pageScrollToBottom: function () { wx.createSelectorQuery().select('#chat').boundingClientRect(function (rect) { // 使页面滚动到底部 wx.pageScrollTo({ scrollTop: rect.bottom }) }).exec() }, // 跳转房源详情 linkDetail:function(e){ switch (e.currentTarget.dataset.type){ case '新房': wx.navigateTo({ url: '../newHouseDetail/newHouseDetail?id=' + e.currentTarget.dataset.id, }) break; case '二手房': wx.navigateTo({ url: '../useroomDetail/useroomDetail?id=' + e.currentTarget.dataset.id, }) break; case '租房': wx.navigateTo({ url: '../rentroomDetail/rentroomDetail?id=' + e.currentTarget.dataset.id, }) break; case '小区': wx.navigateTo({ url: '../unitDetail/unitDetail?id=' + e.currentTarget.dataset.id, }) break; } }, setDatas: function (data){ var that = this; var myMessages = data.map((item, index) => { switch (item.type) { case 1: item.type = '二手房' break; case 2: item.type = '租房' break; case 3: item.type = '小区' break; case 4: item.type = '新房' break; } if (item.img == '') { item.img = that.data.houseDefault } return item; }) return myMessages; } })
//发送消息(自定义消息) function sendCustomMsg(msgs,callback) { var data = msgs.Data;//数据 var desc = msgs.Desc;//描述 var ext = msgs.Ext;//拓展字段 var msgLen = webim.Tool.getStrBytes(data); if (msgs.length < 1) { alert("发送的消息不能为空!"); return; } var maxLen, errInfo; if (selType == webim.SESSION_TYPE.C2C) { maxLen = webim.MSG_MAX_LENGTH.C2C; errInfo = "消息长度超出限制(最多" + Math.round(maxLen / 3) + "汉字)"; } else { maxLen = webim.MSG_MAX_LENGTH.GROUP; errInfo = "消息长度超出限制(最多" + Math.round(maxLen / 3) + "汉字)"; } if (msgLen > maxLen) { alert(errInfo); return; } if (!selSess) { selSess = new webim.Session(selType, id, name, icon, Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000)); } var msg = new webim.Msg(selSess, true, -1, -1, -1, id, 0, name); var custom_obj = new webim.Msg.Elem.Custom(data, desc, ext); msg.addCustom(custom_obj); msg.sending = 1; // //调用发送消息接口 webim.sendMsg(msg, function (resp) { if (selType == webim.SESSION_TYPE.C2C) { // 处理消息 handlderMsg(msg,false); // 获取头像 getMyAvatar(id, agent_member_id,function(){ callback(currentMsgsArray) }); } that.msginformagent(id, msgs) webim.Log.info("发消息成功"); }, function (err) { webim.Log.info("发消息失败"); }); } // 解析消息(普通文本消息,自定义消息) function convertMsg(msg, prepend) { var that = this; var elems, elem, type, content, isSelfSend, ifromAccount; elems = msg.getElems(); isSelfSend = msg.getIsSend(); //消息是否为自己发的 true是自己发送, ifromAccount = msg.fromAccount for (var i in elems) { var currentMsg = {}; elem = elems[i]; type = elem.getType(); content = elem.getContent(); switch (type) { case webim.MSG_ELEMENT_TYPE.TEXT://文本消息 var msgContent = convertTextMsgToHtml(content); var msgTime = msg.getTime();//得到当前消息发送的时间 //解析时间 convertTime(msgTime, function (data) { currentMsg.id = ifromAccount;//房源标题 currentMsg.msgContent = msgContent;//当前消息的内容 currentMsg.img = ''; currentMsg.msgTime = data; currentMsg.name = '' currentMsg.price = ''; currentMsg.isSelfSend = isSelfSend; currentMsg.ifromAccount = ifromAccount; currentMsg.type = ''; if (prepend){ historyMsgsArray.push(currentMsg) }else{ currentMsgsArray.push(currentMsg); } }) break; case webim.MSG_ELEMENT_TYPE.CUSTOM://自定义消息 var msgContent = convertCustomMsgToHtml(content); var msgTime = msg.getTime();//得到当前消息发送的时间 if (msgContent.data == ''){ }else{ msgContent = JSON.parse(msgContent.data) } convertTime(msgTime, function (data) { currentMsg.id = msgContent.id//房源标题 currentMsg.img = msgContent.img//房源图片 currentMsg.msgTime = data;//消息时间 currentMsg.name = msgContent.name //楼盘名称 currentMsg.price = msgContent.price //价格 currentMsg.type = msgContent.type //类型(1二手房,2租房,3小区,4新房) currentMsg.isSelfSend = isSelfSend;//默认右边 currentMsg.ifromAccount = ifromAccount; if (prepend){ historyMsgsArray.push(currentMsg) }else{ currentMsgsArray.push(currentMsg); } }) break; } } } // 解析自定义消息 function convertCustomMsgToHtml(content) { var data = content.getData(); var desc = content.getDesc(); var ext = content.getExt(); var content = { data:data, desc: desc, ext: ext } return content; }
//发送消息(普通消息) function onSendMsg(msg) { //获取消息内容 var msgtosend = msg; var msgLen = webim.Tool.getStrBytes(msg); // 创建会话对象 if (!selSess) { selSess = new webim.Session(selType, id, name, icon, Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000)); } var isSend = true;//是否为自己发送 var seq = -1;//消息序列,-1表示sdk自动生成,用于去重 var random = Math.round(Math.random() * 4294967296);//消息随机数,用于去重 var msgTime = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);//消息时间戳 var subType = webim.C2C_MSG_SUB_TYPE.COMMON;//消息子类型c2c消息时,参考c2c消息子类型对象:webim.C2C_MSG_SUB_TYPE //loginInfo.identifier消息发送者账号,loginInfo.identifierNick消息发送者昵称 var msg = new webim.Msg(selSess, isSend, seq, random, msgTime, id, subType, name ); //解析文本和表情 var expr = /\[[^[\]]{1,3}\]/mg; var emotions = msgtosend.match(expr); if (!emotions || emotions.length < 1) { var text_obj = new webim.Msg.Elem.Text(msgtosend); msg.addText(text_obj); } else {//有表情 } webim.sendMsg(msg, function (resp) { if (selType == webim.SESSION_TYPE.C2C) {//私聊时,在聊天窗口手动添加一条发的消息 handlderMsg(msg,false); // 设置双方头像 getMyAvatar(id, agent_member_id, function () { that.clearInput(); var myMessages = that.setDatas(currentMsgsArray); that.setData({ myMessages: myMessages, is_lock: true }) // setTimeout(function () { that.pageScrollToBottom() // }, 100) }); that.msginformagent(id, msgtosend) webim.Log.info("发消息成功"); } }, function (err) { webim.Log.error("发消息失败:" + err.ErrorInfo); }); } //解析文本消息元素 function convertTextMsgToHtml(content) { return content.getText(); }
// 解析消息(普通文本消息,自定义消息) function convertMsg(msg, prepend) { var that = this; var elems, elem, type, content, isSelfSend, ifromAccount; elems = msg.getElems(); isSelfSend = msg.getIsSend(); //消息是否为自己发的 true是自己发送, ifromAccount = msg.fromAccount for (var i in elems) { var currentMsg = {}; elem = elems[i]; type = elem.getType(); content = elem.getContent(); switch (type) { case webim.MSG_ELEMENT_TYPE.TEXT://文本消息 var msgContent = convertTextMsgToHtml(content); var msgTime = msg.getTime();//得到当前消息发送的时间 //解析时间 convertTime(msgTime, function (data) { currentMsg.id = ifromAccount;//房源标题 currentMsg.msgContent = msgContent;//当前消息的内容 currentMsg.img = ''; currentMsg.msgTime = data; currentMsg.name = '' currentMsg.price = ''; currentMsg.isSelfSend = isSelfSend; currentMsg.ifromAccount = ifromAccount; currentMsg.type = ''; if (prepend){ historyMsgsArray.push(currentMsg) }else{ currentMsgsArray.push(currentMsg); } }) break; case webim.MSG_ELEMENT_TYPE.CUSTOM://自定义消息 var msgContent = convertCustomMsgToHtml(content); var msgTime = msg.getTime();//得到当前消息发送的时间 if (msgContent.data == ''){ }else{ msgContent = JSON.parse(msgContent.data) } convertTime(msgTime, function (data) { currentMsg.id = msgContent.id//房源标题 currentMsg.img = msgContent.img//房源图片 currentMsg.msgTime = data;//消息时间 currentMsg.name = msgContent.name //楼盘名称 currentMsg.price = msgContent.price //价格 currentMsg.type = msgContent.type //类型(1二手房,2租房,3小区,4新房) currentMsg.isSelfSend = isSelfSend;//默认右边 currentMsg.ifromAccount = ifromAccount; if (prepend){ historyMsgsArray.push(currentMsg) }else{ currentMsgsArray.push(currentMsg); } }) break; } } }
//监听新消息(私聊(包括普通消息、全员推送消息),普通群(非直播聊天室)消息)事件 //newMsgList 为新消息数组,结构为[Msg] function onMsgNotify(newMsgList) { var newMsg; //获取所有聊天会话 for (var j in newMsgList) {//遍历新消息 newMsg = newMsgList[j]; if (newMsg.getSession().id() == id) {//为当前聊天对象的消息 selSess = newMsg.getSession(); handlderMsg(newMsg, false); currentMsgsArray = currentMsgsArray.map((item, index) => { if (!item.isSelfSend) { item.avatar = myAvatar } else { item.avatar = friendAvatar } return item; }) var myMessages = that.setDatas(currentMsgsArray); that.setData({ myMessages: myMessages, }) setTimeout(function () { if (that.data.is_chat){ that.pageScrollToBottom() } }, 100) } } getUnread() } //更新消息未读数 function getUnread(){ var sess= {}; var sessMap = webim.MsgStore.sessMap(); if (that.data.contactList) { // 更新消息的未读数 for (var i in sessMap) { sess = sessMap[i]; var contactList = that.data.contactList.map((item, index) => { if (item.To_Account == sess.id()) { item.UnreadMsgCount = sess.unread() } return item; }) that.setData({ contactList: contactList }) // 获取最新的会话消息 webim.getRecentContactList({ 'Count': 10 //最近的会话数 ,最大为 100 }, function (resp) { var MsgShow = resp.SessionItem.filter((item, index) => { if (item.To_Account == sess.id()) return item; }) var contactList = that.data.contactList.map((item, index) => { if (item.To_Account == sess.id()) { // 获取最新消息 if (MsgShow[0].MsgShow == '[其他]'){ MsgShow[0].MsgShow = '[房源信息]' } item.MsgShow = MsgShow[0].MsgShow } return item; }) that.setData({ contactList: contactList }) }) } } }
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