本文上接Fast-Planner第一篇文章的内容,本文主要详解这一系列的第二篇Robust Real-time UAV Replanning Using Guided Gradient-based Optimization and Topological Paths中的TopologyPRM即其代码。如有问题,欢迎各位大佬评论指出,带着我一起进步。
/* function:拓扑路径搜索主函数 param: - start 起点坐标 - end 终点坐标 - start_pts 不知道干什么 - end_pts 同上 - graph 节点图 - raw_paths 搜索到的路径集合 - filtered_paths 剪枝后的路径合集 - select_paths 最后选择的比较短的几条路径 */ void TopologyPRM::findTopoPaths(Eigen::Vector3d start, Eigen::Vector3d end, vector<Eigen::Vector3d> start_pts, vector<Eigen::Vector3d> end_pts, list<GraphNode::Ptr>& graph, vector<vector<Eigen::Vector3d>>& raw_paths, vector<vector<Eigen::Vector3d>>& filtered_paths, vector<vector<Eigen::Vector3d>>& select_paths) { ros::Time t1, t2; //用于计时每个阶段的时间:生成节点时间、路径搜索时间、路径最短时间、路径剪枝时间、选择路径时间 double graph_time, search_time, short_time, prune_time, select_time; /* ---------- create the topo graph ---------- */ t1 = ros::Time::now(); start_pts_ = start_pts; end_pts_ = end_pts; //生成节点图 graph = createGraph(start, end); graph_time = (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec(); /* ---------- search paths in the graph ---------- */ t1 = ros::Time::now(); //在节点图中进行拓扑路径搜索 raw_paths = searchPaths(); search_time = (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec(); /* ---------- path shortening ---------- */ // for parallel, save result in short_paths_ t1 = ros::Time::now(); //路径缩短优化 shortcutPaths(); short_time = (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec(); /* ---------- prune equivalent paths ---------- */ t1 = ros::Time::now(); //筛选路径 filtered_paths = pruneEquivalent(short_paths_); prune_time = (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec(); // cout << "prune: " << (t2 - t1).toSec() << endl; /* ---------- select N shortest paths ---------- */ t1 = ros::Time::now(); select_paths = selectShortPaths(filtered_paths, 1); select_time = (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec(); final_paths_ = select_paths; double total_time = graph_time + search_time + short_time + prune_time + select_time; std::cout << "\n[Topo]: total time: " << total_time << ", graph: " << graph_time << ", search: " << search_time << ", short: " << short_time << ", prune: " << prune_time << ", select: " << select_time << std::endl; }
/* function:根据起始点和终点的位置信息,采样地图节点(对应文章算法1 Topological Roadmap) param: - start 起点坐标 - end 终点坐标 */ list<GraphNode::Ptr> TopologyPRM::createGraph(Eigen::Vector3d start, Eigen::Vector3d end) { // std::cout << "[Topo]: searching----------------------" << std::endl; /* init the start, end and sample region */ graph_.clear(); // collis_.clear(); //将起点和值哦观点设为守卫节点,并标定id号分别为0和1 GraphNode::Ptr start_node = GraphNode::Ptr(new GraphNode(start, GraphNode::Guard, 0)); GraphNode::Ptr end_node = GraphNode::Ptr(new GraphNode(end, GraphNode::Guard, 1)); graph_.push_back(start_node); graph_.push_back(end_node); // sample region // 采样区域 sample_r_(0) = 0.5 * (end - start).norm() + sample_inflate_(0); //x方向采样的半径 sample_r_(1) = sample_inflate_(1); //y方向采样的半径 sample_r_(2) = sample_inflate_(2); //z方向采样的半径 // transformation // 姿态改变参数 translation_ = 0.5 * (start + end); //创建局部坐标系切线-法线-副法线坐标系 Eigen::Vector3d xtf, ytf, ztf, downward(0, 0, -1); xtf = (end - translation_).normalized(); ytf = xtf.cross(downward).normalized(); ztf = xtf.cross(ytf); //局部坐标系和全局坐标系的旋转关系 rotation_.col(0) = xtf; rotation_.col(1) = ytf; rotation_.col(2) = ztf; int node_id = 1; /* ---------- main loop ---------- */ int sample_num = 0; //采样数目 double sample_time = 0.0; //采样时间 Eigen::Vector3d pt; ros::Time t1, t2; //采样数目和采样时间阈值内循环 while (sample_time < max_sample_time_ && sample_num < max_sample_num_) { t1 = ros::Time::now(); pt = getSample(); ++sample_num; double dist; Eigen::Vector3d grad; //梯度 // edt_environment_->evaluateEDTWithGrad(pt, -1.0, dist, grad); dist = edt_environment_->evaluateCoarseEDT(pt, -1.0); //距离esdf地图最近的障碍物的距离 if (dist <= clearance_) { //最小距离小于安全距离,舍弃该采样点 sample_time += (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec(); continue; } /* find visible guard */ /* 找到前采样点的可视守卫点合集 */ vector<GraphNode::Ptr> visib_guards = findVisibGuard(pt); if (visib_guards.size() == 0) { //没有可视守卫点,将其设为守卫点 GraphNode::Ptr guard = GraphNode::Ptr(new GraphNode(pt, GraphNode::Guard, ++node_id)); graph_.push_back(guard); } else if (visib_guards.size() == 2) { //如果有且只有两个可见guard,则要利用needConnection函数判断是否要添加新的connector。 /* try adding new connection between two guard */ // vector<pair<GraphNode::Ptr, GraphNode::Ptr>> sort_guards = // sortVisibGuard(visib_guards); bool need_connect = needConnection(visib_guards[0], visib_guards[1], pt); if (!need_connect) { sample_time += (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec(); continue; } // new useful connection needed, add new connector // 如果需要新的节点,添加新的节点 GraphNode::Ptr connector = GraphNode::Ptr(new GraphNode(pt, GraphNode::Connector, ++node_id)); graph_.push_back(connector); // connect guards visib_guards[0]->neighbors_.push_back(connector); visib_guards[1]->neighbors_.push_back(connector); connector->neighbors_.push_back(visib_guards[0]); connector->neighbors_.push_back(visib_guards[1]); } sample_time += (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec(); } /* print record */ std::cout << "[Topo]: sample num: " << sample_num; // 修剪节点图 pruneGraph(); // std::cout << "[Topo]: node num: " << graph_.size() << std::endl; return graph_; // return searchPaths(start_node, end_node); }
这个函数里提到一个概念叫做UVD(uniform visibility deformation)均匀可视变形,同样来自上文提到的整理的论文笔记中,其中不一样的点在于相比于右图的分均匀可视变形,可视变形的检测可以通过均匀采样一一可视检测完成,然后从两条可视变形的路径中挑选出最短的一条添加进节点图,这个算法的代码函数为sameTopoPath。论文中提到在概念上,UVD不太普遍,它是VD类型的子集的特征。实际上,它捕获的不同路径的类别比VD略多,但等价性检查的成本要低得多。
bool TopologyPRM::sameTopoPath(const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& path1, const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& path2, double thresh) { // 计算两条路径的长度 double len1 = pathLength(path1); double len2 = pathLength(path2); double max_len = max(len1, len2); int pt_num = ceil(max_len / resolution_); // std::cout << "pt num: " << pt_num << std::endl; // 离散path的路径点 vector<Eigen::Vector3d> pts1 = discretizePath(path1, pt_num); vector<Eigen::Vector3d> pts2 = discretizePath(path2, pt_num); Eigen::Vector3d pc; for (int i = 0; i < pt_num; ++i) { // 判断轨迹上是否有障碍物(两条轨迹均匀可视变形) if (!lineVisib(pts1[i], pts2[i], thresh, pc)) { return false; } } return true; }
// search for useful path in the topo graph by DFS // 通过DFS在节点图中搜索有用的路径,按节点数目对路径进行排序,选择节点数目较少的路径进行保留 vector<vector<Eigen::Vector3d>> TopologyPRM::searchPaths() { raw_paths_.clear(); vector<GraphNode::Ptr> visited; //标记节点是否被访问 visited.push_back(graph_.front()); //存入起点 depthFirstSearch(visited); //进行DFS更新raw_paths向量 // 路径排序 int min_node_num = 100000, max_node_num = 1; vector<vector<int>> path_list(100); for (int i = 0; i < raw_paths_.size(); ++i) { if (int(raw_paths_[i].size()) > max_node_num) max_node_num = raw_paths_[i].size(); if (int(raw_paths_[i].size()) < min_node_num) min_node_num = raw_paths_[i].size(); path_list[int(raw_paths_[i].size())].push_back(i); } // 选择节点数较少的路径 vector<vector<Eigen::Vector3d>> filter_raw_paths; for (int i = min_node_num; i <= max_node_num; ++i) { bool reach_max = false; for (int j = 0; j < path_list[i].size(); ++j) { filter_raw_paths.push_back(raw_paths_[path_list[i][j]]); if (filter_raw_paths.size() >= max_raw_path2_) { reach_max = true; break; } } if (reach_max) break; } std::cout << ", raw path num: " << raw_paths_.size() << ", " << filter_raw_paths.size(); raw_paths_ = filter_raw_paths; return raw_paths_; } void TopologyPRM::depthFirstSearch(vector<GraphNode::Ptr>& vis) { GraphNode::Ptr cur = vis.back(); //从已访问节点列表中获取最后一个节点作为当前节点 for (int i = 0; i < cur->neighbors_.size(); ++i) { // 检查邻居点中是否有目标节点 if (cur->neighbors_[i]->id_ == 1) { // 将当前路径添加到raw_paths vector<Eigen::Vector3d> path; for (int j = 0; j < vis.size(); ++j) { path.push_back(vis[j]->pos_); } path.push_back(cur->neighbors_[i]->pos_); raw_paths_.push_back(path); if (raw_paths_.size() >= max_raw_path_) return; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < cur->neighbors_.size(); ++i) { // 跳过目标节点 if (cur->neighbors_[i]->id_ == 1) continue; // 检查是否已访问过当前邻居节点 bool revisit = false; for (int j = 0; j < vis.size(); ++j) { if (cur->neighbors_[i]->id_ == vis[j]->id_) { revisit = true; break; } } if (revisit) continue; //如果已访问过,则跳过该邻居节点 // 将当前邻居节点添加到访问列表中,并递归搜索 vis.push_back(cur->neighbors_[i]); depthFirstSearch(vis); if (raw_paths_.size() >= max_raw_path_) return; vis.pop_back(); //回溯,从访问列表中移除当前邻居节点 } }
/* function:通过对路径进行优化,找到一条更短或更高效的路径,同时避免与障碍物或其他不可行区域发生碰撞(对应论文中的算法2) param: - path: 待优化的原始路径 - path_id: 编号 - iter_num:迭代次数 */ void TopologyPRM::shortcutPath(vector<Eigen::Vector3d> path, int path_id, int iter_num) { vector<Eigen::Vector3d> short_path = path; vector<Eigen::Vector3d> last_path; for (int k = 0; k < iter_num; ++k) { last_path = short_path; //将路径稠密化 vector<Eigen::Vector3d> dis_path = discretizePath(short_path); if (dis_path.size() < 2) { short_paths_[path_id] = dis_path; return; } /* visibility path shortening */ // 障碍物id 梯度 方向 推力方向 Eigen::Vector3d colli_pt, grad, dir, push_dir; double dist; short_path.clear(); short_path.push_back(dis_path.front()); for (int i = 1; i < dis_path.size(); ++i) { //利用lineVisib来衡量可见性,找到线上不可见的第一个点 if (lineVisib(short_path.back(), dis_path[i], resolution_, colli_pt, path_id)) continue; //计算障碍点上的梯度 edt_environment_->evaluateEDTWithGrad(colli_pt, -1, dist, grad); if (grad.norm() > 1e-3) { grad.normalize(); //计算到第一个新点的方向 dir = (dis_path[i] - short_path.back()).normalized(); push_dir = grad - grad.dot(dir) * dir; //推离方向 push_dir.normalize(); colli_pt = colli_pt + resolution_ * push_dir; //推离到新点 } short_path.push_back(colli_pt); //添加点 } short_path.push_back(dis_path.back()); /* break if no shortcut */ // 比较两个路径的长度,保留短的 double len1 = pathLength(last_path); double len2 = pathLength(short_path); if (len2 > len1) { // ROS_WARN("pause shortcut, l1: %lf, l2: %lf, iter: %d", len1, len2, k + // 1); short_path = last_path; break; } } short_paths_[path_id] = short_path; } //对通过DFS找到的原始路径进行shortcut处理,用于减少路径中的冗余节点,以得到更短或更高效的路径。 void TopologyPRM::shortcutPaths() { short_paths_.resize(raw_paths_.size()); if (parallel_shortcut_) { //是否开启多线程并行处理每条路径 vector<thread> short_threads; for (int i = 0; i < raw_paths_.size(); ++i) { short_threads.push_back(thread(&TopologyPRM::shortcutPath, this, raw_paths_[i], i, 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < raw_paths_.size(); ++i) { short_threads[i].join(); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < raw_paths_.size(); ++i) shortcutPath(raw_paths_[i], i); } }
/* function:将路径集中的其他路径与最短路径进行比较,产生一个长度比值,该比值小于阈值,将该路径放入新的路径集中保留,直到达到新的路径集中保留。 */ vector<vector<Eigen::Vector3d>> TopologyPRM::selectShortPaths(vector<vector<Eigen::Vector3d>>& paths, int step) { /* ---------- only reserve top short path ---------- */ vector<vector<Eigen::Vector3d>> short_paths; vector<Eigen::Vector3d> short_path; double min_len; for (int i = 0; i < reserve_num_ && paths.size() > 0; ++i) { int path_id = shortestPath(paths); if (i == 0) { short_paths.push_back(paths[path_id]); min_len = pathLength(paths[path_id]); paths.erase(paths.begin() + path_id); } else { //路径长度比较 double rat = pathLength(paths[path_id]) / min_len; if (rat < ratio_to_short_) { short_paths.push_back(paths[path_id]); paths.erase(paths.begin() + path_id); } else { break; } } } std::cout << ", select path num: " << short_paths.size(); /* ---------- merge with start and end segment ---------- */ for (int i = 0; i < short_paths.size(); ++i) { short_paths[i].insert(short_paths[i].begin(), start_pts_.begin(), start_pts_.end()); short_paths[i].insert(short_paths[i].end(), end_pts_.begin(), end_pts_.end()); } for (int i = 0; i < short_paths.size(); ++i) { shortcutPath(short_paths[i], i, 5); short_paths[i] = short_paths_[i]; } short_paths = pruneEquivalent(short_paths); return short_paths; }
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