- import sqlite3
- # test.db is a file in the working directory.
- conn = sqlite3.connect("test.db")
- c = conn.cursor()
- # create tables
- c.execute('''CREATE TABLE category
- (id int primary key, sort int, name text)''')
- c.execute('''CREATE TABLE book
- (id int primary key,
- sort int,
- name text,
- price real,
- category int,
- FOREIGN KEY (category) REFERENCES category(id))''')
- # save the changes
- conn.commit()
- # close the connection with the database
- conn.close()
- import sqlite3
- conn = sqlite3.connect("test.db")
- c = conn.cursor()
- books = [(1, 1, 'Cook Recipe', 3.12, 1),
- (2, 3, 'Python Intro', 17.5, 2),
- (3, 2, 'OS Intro', 13.6, 2),
- ]
- # execute "INSERT"
- c.execute("INSERT INTO category VALUES (1, 1, 'kitchen')")
- # using the placeholder
- c.execute("INSERT INTO category VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [(2, 2, 'computer')])
- # execute multiple commands
- c.executemany('INSERT INTO book VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', books)
- conn.commit()
- conn.close()

- import sqlite3
- conn = sqlite3.connect('test.db')
- c = conn.cursor()
- # retrieve one record
- c.execute('SELECT name FROM category ORDER BY sort')
- print(c.fetchone())
- print(c.fetchone())
- # retrieve all records as a list
- c.execute('SELECT * FROM book WHERE book.category=1')
- print(c.fetchall())
- # iterate through the records
- for row in c.execute('SELECT name, price FROM book ORDER BY sort'):
- print(row)

- conn = sqlite3.connect("test.db")
- c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute('UPDATE book SET price=? WHERE id=?',(1000, 1))
- c.execute('DELETE FROM book WHERE id=2')
- conn.commit()
- conn.close()
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