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oracle 11g 从11.升级到11.操作步骤(一)_kkp2btop


oracle 11g 从11.升级到11.操作步骤


  1. oracle@oracle-R2:/opt/oracle/datasoft/16056266> opatch apply
  2. Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
  3. Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
  4. Oracle Home : /opt/oracle/datasoft
  5. Central Inventory : /opt/oraInventory
  6. from : /opt/oracle/datasoft/oraInst.loc
  7. OPatch version :
  8. OUI version :
  9. Log file location : /opt/oracle/datasoft/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2013-05-15_09-26-10AM_1.log
  10. Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
  11. OPatch continues with these patches: 13343438 13696216 13923374 14275605 14727310 16056266
  12. Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
  13. y
  14. User Responded with: Y
  15. All checks passed.
  16. Provide your email address to be informed of security issues, install and
  17. initiate Oracle Configuration Manager. Easier for you if you use your My
  18. Oracle Support Email address/User Name.
  19. Visit http://www.oracle.com/support/policies.html for details.
  20. Email address/User Name:
  21. You have not provided an email address for notification of security issues.
  22. Do you wish to remain uninformed of security issues ([Y]es, [N]o) [N]:
  23. Email address/User Name:
  24. You have not provided an email address for notification of security issues.
  25. Do you wish to remain uninformed of security issues ([Y]es, [N]o) [N]: Y
  26. Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
  27. (Oracle Home = '/opt/oracle/datasoft')
  28. Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
  29. y
  30. User Responded with: Y
  31. Backing up files...
  32. Applying sub-patch '13343438' to OH '/opt/oracle/datasoft'
  33. Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf,
  34. Patching component oracle.rdbms,
  35. Patching component oracle.rdbms.dbscripts,
  36. Verifying the update...
  37. Applying sub-patch '13696216' to OH '/opt/oracle/datasoft'
  38. Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf,
  39. Patching component oracle.rdbms,
  40. Patching component oracle.sdo.locator,
  41. Patching component oracle.sysman.console.db,
  42. Patching component oracle.sysman.oms.core,
  43. Verifying the update...
  44. Applying sub-patch '13923374' to OH '/opt/oracle/datasoft'
  45. ApplySession: Optional component(s) [ oracle.network.cman, ] not present in the Oracle Home or a higher version is found.
  46. Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf,
  47. Patching component oracle.rdbms,
  48. Patching component oracle.rdbms.dbscripts,
  49. Patching component oracle.network.rsf,
  50. Patching component oracle.network.listener,
  51. Patching component oracle.sysman.console.db,
  52. Verifying the update...
  53. Applying sub-patch '14275605' to OH '/opt/oracle/datasoft'
  54. ApplySession: Optional component(s) [ oracle.precomp.lang, ] not present in the Oracle Home or a higher version is found.
  55. Patching component oracle.network.client,
  56. Patching component oracle.network.rsf,
  57. Patching component oracle.precomp.common,
  58. Patching component oracle.rdbms,
  59. Patching component oracle.rdbms.dbscripts,
  60. Patching component oracle.rdbms.rman,
  61. Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf,
  62. Patching component oracle.rdbms.util,
  63. Verifying the update...
  64. Applying sub-patch '14727310' to OH '/opt/oracle/datasoft'
  65. Patching component oracle.rdbms,
  66. Patching component oracle.rdbms.dbscripts,
  67. Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf,
  68. Patching component oracle.sdo.locator,
  69. Patching component oracle.sysman.console.db,
  70. Patching component oracle.sysman.oms.core,
  71. Verifying the update...
  72. Applying sub-patch '16056266' to OH '/opt/oracle/datasoft'
  73. ApplySession: Optional component(s) [ oracle.network.cman, ] not present in the Oracle Home or a higher version is found.
  74. Patching component oracle.network.listener,
  75. Patching component oracle.network.rsf,
  76. Patching component oracle.ovm,
  77. Patching component oracle.rdbms,
  78. Patching component oracle.rdbms.rman,
  79. Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf,
  80. Patching component oracle.sdo.locator,
  81. Patching component oracle.rdbms.deconfig,
  82. Verifying the update...
  83. Composite patch 16056266 successfully applied.
  84. Log file location: /opt/oracle/datasoft/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2013-05-15_09-26-10AM_1.log
  85. OPatch succeeded.
  86. oracle@oracle-R2:/opt/oracle/datasoft/16056266> ls
  87. 13343438 13696216 13923374 14275605 14727310 16056266 patchmd.xml README.html README.txt
  88. oracle@oracle-R2:/opt/oracle/datasoft/16056266>
  89. oracle@oracle-R2:/opt/oracle/datasoft/16056266> opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -ph ./
  90. Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
  91. Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
  92. PREREQ session
  93. Oracle Home : /opt/oracle/datasoft
  94. Central Inventory : /opt/oraInventory
  95. from : /opt/oracle/datasoft/oraInst.loc
  96. OPatch version :
  97. OUI version :
  98. Log file location : /opt/oracle/datasoft/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2013-05-15_09-59-19AM_1.log
  99. Invoking prereq "checkconflictagainstohwithdetail"
  100. Prereq "checkConflictAgainstOHWithDetail"not executed
  101. Unable to create Patch Object.
  102. Exception occured : 0
  103. OPatch succeeded.
  104. oracle@oracle-R2:/opt/oracle/datasoft/16056266> cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
  105. oracle@oracle-R2:/opt/oracle/datasoft/rdbms/admin> sqlplus /nolog
  106. SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed May 15 09:59:54 2013
  107. Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
  108. SQL> connect / as sysdba
  109. Connected to an idle instance.
  110. SQL> startup
  111. ORACLE instance started.
  112. Total System Global Area 338968576 bytes
  113. Fixed Size 1344820 bytes
  114. Variable Size 209717964 bytes
  115. Database Buffers 121634816 bytes
  116. Redo Buffers 6270976 bytes
  117. Database mounted.
  118. Database opened.
  119. SQL> select * from v$version where rownum<3;
  120. BANNER
  121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  122. Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
  123. PL/SQL Release - Production
  124. SQL> @catbundle.sql psu apply
  125. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  126. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  127. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  128. Generating apply and rollback scripts...
  129. Check the following file for errors:
  130. /opt/oracle/cfgtoollogs/catbundle/catbundle_PSU_ROCK_GENERATE_2013May15_10_01_06.log
  131. Apply script: /opt/oracle/datasoft/rdbms/admin/catbundle_PSU_ROCK_APPLY.sql
  132. Rollback script: /opt/oracle/datasoft/rdbms/admin/catbundle_PSU_ROCK_ROLLBACK.sql
  133. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  134. Executing script file...
  135. SQL> COLUMN spool_file NEW_VALUE spool_file NOPRINT
  136. SQL> SELECT '/opt/oracle/cfgtoollogs/catbundle/' || 'catbundle_PSU_' || name || '_APPLY_' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYYMonDD_hh24_mi_ss', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=''AMERICAN''') || '.log' AS spool_file FROM v$database;
  137. SQL> SPOOL &spool_file
  138. SQL> exec dbms_registry.set_session_namespace('SERVER')
  139. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  140. SQL> PROMPT Processing Oracle Database Packages and Types...
  141. Processing Oracle Database Packages and Types...
  142. SQL> ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = sys;
  143. Session altered.
  144. SQL> @?/psu/scripts/bug9858539.sql
  145. SQL> Rem
  146. SQL> Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/bug9858539.sql /st_rdbms_11. 2012/04/19 06:42:27 mjangir Exp $
  147. SQL> Rem
  148. SQL> Rem bug9858539.sql
  149. SQL> Rem
  150. SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  151. SQL> Rem
  152. SQL> Rem NAME
  153. SQL> Rem bug9858539.sql - <one-line expansion of the name>
  154. SQL> Rem
  156. SQL> Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines>
  157. SQL> Rem
  158. SQL> Rem NOTES
  159. SQL> Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.>
  160. SQL> Rem
  162. SQL> Rem mjangir 04/18/12 - Created
  163. SQL> Rem
  164. SQL>
  171. SQL> SET PAGESIZE 100
  172. SQL>
  173. SQL> -- load XSL stylesheets connect / as sysdba
  174. SQL>
  175. SQL> execute sys.dbms_metadata_util.load_stylesheets;
  176. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  177. SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/prvsawr.plb
  178. SQL> /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  180. SQL> *
  181. SQL> * This package will handle the reporting for AWR. The report main
  182. SQL> * routine will be called by the dbms_workload_repository.awr_report
  183. SQL> * function.
  184. SQL> * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  185. SQL> /*
  186. SQL> * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. SQL> * DBMS_SWRF_REPORT_INTERNAL error code summary
  188. SQL> *
  189. SQL> * -20001 : error in the report main, at the top of the error stack
  190. SQL> * -20002: internal error in ith_displayable_child routine when passed
  191. SQL> * invalid arg tree_idx
  192. SQL> * -20003: internal error in ith_displayable child routine when passed
  193. SQL> * invalid arg child_idx
  194. SQL> * -20004: invalid argument passed to dflt_align_for_type, internally
  195. SQL> * -20005: error initializing the report due to missing snapshot data
  196. SQL> * -20006: missing start value for dba_hist_librarycache
  197. SQL> * -20007: missing end value for dba_hist_librarycache
  198. SQL> * -20008: missing init.ora param
  199. SQL> * -20009: missing system stat
  200. SQL> * -20010: missing start value for dba_hist_waitstat
  201. SQL> * -20011: missing end value for dba_hist_waitstat
  202. SQL> * -20012: missing start time wait value for dba_hist_system_event
  203. SQL> * -20013: missing end time wait value for dba_hist_system_event
  204. SQL> * -20014: missing start value for DBA_HIST_LATCH gets and misses
  205. SQL> * -20015: missing end value for DBA_HIST_LATCH gets and misses
  206. SQL> * -20016: missing value for SGASTAT
  207. SQL> * -20017: Missing start value for DLM statistic
  208. SQL> * -20018: Missing end value for DLM statistic
  209. SQL> * -20019: invalid begin_snap/end_snap pair specified by user
  210. SQL> * -20020: invalid dbid/inst_num pair specified by user
  211. SQL> * -20021: missing start value for time model stat
  212. SQL> * -20022: missing end value for time model stat
  213. SQL> * -20023: missing start and end values for time model stat
  214. SQL> * -20024: failed to reset time zone
  215. SQL> *
  216. SQL> * -20100: invalid flush level specified to create_snapshot
  217. SQL> * -20101: no valid snapshots in range (bid, eid) for database id dbid
  218. SQL> * -20102: user name 'schname' is invalid
  219. SQL> * -20103: directory name 'dmpdir' is invalid
  220. SQL> * -20104: not allowed to specify the 'SYS' user
  221. SQL> * -20105: unable to move AWR data from schema to SYS
  222. SQL> * -20106: cannot move data from newer AWR schema
  223. SQL> * -20107: not allowed to move AWR data for local dbid
  224. SQL> * -20108: cannot move data from newer AWR schema
  225. SQL> * -20109: error encountered during move_to_awr
  226. SQL> * -20110: invalid Top N SQL value. not allowed to specify 0 or 1.
  227. SQL> * -20111: invalid Top N SQL string: topnsql
  228. SQL> *
  229. SQL> * -20500: Invalid input to generate ASH report
  230. SQL> * -20501: Invalid input to helper function to create report
  231. SQL> *
  232. SQL> * -20600: Invalid (dbid, version) for DB Feature Usage
  233. SQL> * -20601: Invalid (dbid, version) for High Water Mark
  234. SQL> */
  235. SQL> create or replace package dbms_swrf_report_internal wrapped
  236. 2 a000000
  237. 3 1
  238. 4 abcd
  239. 5 abcd
  240. 6 abcd
  241. 7 abcd
  242. 8 abcd
  243. 9 abcd
  244. 10 abcd
  245. 11 abcd
  246. 12 abcd
  247. 13 abcd
  248. 14 abcd
  249. 15 abcd
  250. 16 abcd
  251. 17 abcd
  252. 18 abcd
  253. 19 9
  254. 20 9738 206d
  255. 132 MW5PuDuBQLeYPPHrL8axf/AryMJWMlrtXP6hxeEw4EbEgmFnZb7ybeTotbgCOZ7TQK93gDD8
  256. 133 gxsr0bQ7K9iJbFe4T0CKui8rSow3s5HUFK0YOQWbLOnvyslwlgPap0A/Em4iIgWzVc0LEVkX
  257. 134 EZ8aTAZcA/KwfsdtdrdWJYJ2Bv2qbmzDwpwy9fibmvlbalVnog==
  258. 135
  259. 136 /
  260. Package created.
  262. No errors.
  263. SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/prvtawr.plb
  264. SQL> /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  266. SQL> *
  267. SQL> * This package will handle the reporting for AWR. It will have the
  268. SQL> * following interfaces:
  269. SQL> * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  270. SQL> create or replace package body dbms_swrf_report_internal wrapped
  271. 2 a000000
  272. 3 1
  273. 4 abcd
  274. 5 abcd
  275. 6 abcd
  276. 7 abcd
  277. 8 abcd
  278. 9 abcd
  279. 10 abcd
  280. 11 abcd
  281. 12 abcd
  282. 13 abcd
  283. 14 abcd
  284. 15 abcd
  285. 16 abcd
  286. 17 abcd
  287. 18 abcd
  288. 19 b
  289. 20 8a8a7 1752c
  290. 21 kJdswIBy2atlN05e2rPpIOORqLYwg4pz9hL9eMIWXz/BZN3/owOhG6BW+qHJ4JWtrrd+oXpI
  291. 1323 JRfIyfT7XjUkv00XGZYED0HLh0mZtmD58B2wiv1AMj+S0bBbtLtvl2nuxxYNNsky7O0LmtrT
  292. 1324 Zn/IpBZpXQOtsu7xEjRHminLdeRHQZGo2im0caFzaqFRjPFPk+vO2dz7Tcq3WmoUIsBsLAIo
  293. 1325 PgDQxm2XDpeuO2oVpB0vJX7PspDkR1gVLF8n3xzD6Aw/yT2tAbCmw4gWxbZJgvyPQZHDH3dl
  294. 1326 XFu2ZzXsuhZaxyRoe6b9uZtSe72pz//F2aUeLl0kw2fTnRZAR4RCBQTsQVklhrTOOVgliVB8
  295. 1327 wKk7IQ3WXOeFrhDeACwwKPYweqOLM9RTJkM6KrZ3p8+l8hA35i00KEIMYX4lQn/V44J4ul0B
  296. 1328 tgil3ydlq67xesDf+re3JkYL9vHtiCjTF7ZlaD6cb+q3zjvt+s9nLEhL9xNPFUpmD6qCKkK3
  297. 1329 ka1oEYTwlxs7hcqGoJE+iYdHcoIUQG0UE5W3H7WGtR0rVWgD
  298. 1330
  299. 1331 /
  300. Package body created.
  301. SQL> show errors;
  302. No errors.
  303. SQL> /* --------------------------------------------
  304. > * DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY package body
  305. SQL> * -------------------------------------------- */
  306. SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY dbms_workload_repository wrapped
  307. 2 a000000
  308. 3 1
  309. 4 abcd
  310. 5 abcd
  311. 6 abcd
  312. 7 abcd
  313. 8 abcd
  314. 9 abcd
  315. 10 abcd
  316. 11 abcd
  317. 12 abcd
  318. 13 abcd
  319. 14 abcd
  320. 15 abcd
  321. 16 abcd
  322. 17 abcd
  323. 18 abcd
  324. 19 b
  325. 20 b4ae 1c88
  326. 21 Bld5KyDP/eUzy+9q/SDG+a0X5Lgwg80A9scFV/H+WJ3hDQ3q8WVZKzND6CfGhsPMZpFSB2aU
  327. 118 QJxOK0ltCVj/j1CWO92Rwm41l7zENqdawMtWOhmeVDbCwrh6OR47BRxfMvo3qCVoy+3E0YVI
  328. 119 4T6UXZ+4411BvPc2U5RNWSeumo5Dv4m8G6B3tJc/uA0a9vj5XSBdDVFKeE4HXfAZWMaFFY9Z
  329. 120 iH1rtidMcPIOpljmFMHED9x/sogmrVG75YGMrY81xHZpcK362U0+b+laQveklV6BQIq1znhi
  330. 121 kDQP
  331. 122
  332. 123 /
  333. Package body created.
  335. No errors.
  336. SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/prvtawrs.plb
  337. SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY dbms_awr_report_layout wrapped
  338. 2 a000000
  339. 3 1
  340. 4 abcd
  341. 5 abcd
  342. 6 abcd
  343. 7 abcd
  344. 8 abcd
  345. 9 abcd
  346. 10 abcd
  347. 11 abcd
  348. 12 abcd
  349. 13 abcd
  350. 14 abcd
  351. 15 abcd
  352. 16 abcd
  353. 17 abcd
  354. 18 abcd
  355. 19 b
  356. 20 1d1d6e 37272
  357. 21 N4lHor+NgG99294ZjkGBl94cSB4wg4pz9r8FYcIkSiT+Ct2/uw+18QmVH6G8FHlFp1bV9K4Q
  358. 22 CgFJmMH0p9GgO7ZVxQmfwpwP5CwdqRS5NlqtSro6blW0FMl8HandR1vWr+kDgRJOhP2kQSxz
  359. 3106 tjbptjkqgcSrSNM+2orFsr4NpHlkOEtCp4zXEtjuizvPNELQIo8R8FZi+xC6jAD3VuClyYRH
  360. 3107 LbhNC5kGUfENvTqKoU8TKjiuIFoSHXHco9ROmRBakCGYNVwSLoE0OTwS+Xlkh8OHLcLIf+3G
  361. 3108 7MloKbr966UieO3EKmleEboKcFQMkz3lAaPEcnXc0+i1CRixaBoPhYYXNWJ48CIiDZTjLiUZ
  362. 3109 lmzdWG+rSZXcGLFgGCarPzD3VT/F92w0TO9rYq5kDbRv2fuSHM0GMoEMlAcqCQ8o6JjYRnDQ
  363. 3110 IPGHS+C4x5NYbEoTqIf4dKi9aplPG27AFpYolj/UVIImVC1Uw/9D6eBXfYTm1E+AVYxq/wJv
  364. 3111 dS14E0fGNXYOjMyiJVSGwH1mzhUL/bKlI0uEYFMddmBtf2ZnnnKpBFH9rL2nj+dVD9CSsSGd
  365. 3112 K5Yv8zE4fHTm44PjF7jdjo9NqiQTdgAWBoaVCMz+0l19LKtEhB1c3NDQrq5X/X/h4SWPtBFo
  366. 3113 DPiRT4kifQkzJ2M3vpjN1mq23UXHuFAAMa1Iv6uloL/AsxpobmXmPbt1C9ISF39/EJo6Hqk/
  367. 3114 mr6YZRC19sFuP7XZKPDOljOI+TBwkkpbJHM/euyrnbvk17z4D1SfVNR/GTBWCwcfB9qAB7WY
  368. 3115 7Shs+ikxqrHn2WfyvyKQxz+kzeTHI0IIu7WatSzEK8cx
  369. 3116
  370. 3117 /
  371. Package body created.
  373. No errors.
  374. SQL> @?/patch/scripts/bug12904308.sql
  375. SQL> Rem
  376. SQL> Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/bug12904308.sql /st_rdbms_11. 2012/07/18 04:46:58 vpriyans Exp $
  377. SQL> Rem
  378. SQL> Rem bug12904308.sql
  379. SQL> Rem
  380. SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  381. SQL> Rem
  382. SQL> Rem NAME
  383. SQL> Rem bug12904308.sql - Audit CREATE/DROP DIRECTORY actions by default
  384. SQL> Rem
  386. SQL> Rem This file enables auditing for CREATE/DROP DIRECTORY actions
  387. SQL> Rem
  388. SQL> Rem NOTES
  389. SQL> Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.>
  390. SQL> Rem
  392. SQL> Rem vpriyans 07/12/12 - Created
  393. SQL> Rem
  394. SQL>
  395. SQL> Rem --Enable Audit for CREATE/DROP DIRECTORY actions
  397. Audit succeeded.
  398. SQL>
  399. SQL> PROMPT Processing Oracle Workspace Manager...
  400. Processing Oracle Workspace Manager...
  401. SQL> ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = sys;
  402. Session altered.
  403. SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/owmv1120.plb
  404. SQL> update wmsys.wm$env_vars set value = '' where name = 'OWM_VERSION';
  405. 1 row updated.
  406. SQL> commit;
  407. Commit complete.
  408. SQL> create or replace function wmsys.get_expanded_nextvers wrapped
  409. 2 a000000
  410. 3 1
  411. 4 abcd
  412. 5 abcd
  413. 6 abcd
  414. 7 abcd
  415. 8 abcd
  416. 9 abcd
  417. 10 abcd
  418. 11 abcd
  419. 12 abcd
  420. 13 abcd
  421. 14 abcd
  422. 15 abcd
  423. 16 abcd
  424. 17 abcd
  425. 18 abcd
  426. 19 8
  427. 20 269 19d
  428. 21 pGwkFZjwr/4ajpli3MJGYw41Fgowg/AJ2SdqfC+KMQ8tB+ZWBkAbxux2kRK2mZExfTjaSczj
  429. 22 KWKJ34nPPwFs4ulr0G3bvMkXYIOI9/YrmTCI/59TNCJPSmqzQUDZOgswEtDH72OUYqDDi2yN
  430. 23 /Ra4gLKxynTBNhQn70T1jXtNXOpVmYoybSXgmlQuggoosuFe81+Q0fulgLvrM/5AdWerrVM0
  431. 24 4sUnE6P7tqv+Fsb6LvzVaJ/YUAFUOObevbfsNm/6Zlh/01S2B+zuQb0HpjTiEwjLr3aFdnpH
  432. 25 A0GyWZIrSmUYZrLHCDvbJiVdFzeMVwFlxsfoiHzko9zTu3OBFOuSMSiu9Z6n+ylDe3PR/J08
  433. 26 zn+KWEDiovOmfu6z6pDJu4ON/83qaEF68GCAuSL7Ql5P/A==
  434. 27
  435. 28 /
  436. Function created.
  437. SQL> begin
  438. 2 delete wmsys.wm$nextver_table
  439. 3 where next_vers != '-1' and split=1 and
  440. 4 exists (select 1
  441. 5 from table(wmsys.get_expanded_nextvers(next_vers)) n
  442. 6 where n.next_vers not in(select version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table v)) ;
  443. 7 end;
  444. 8 /
  445. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  446. SQL> drop function wmsys.get_expanded_nextvers ;
  447. Function dropped.
  448. SQL> create or replace view wmsys.wm$exp_map as
  449. 2 select *
  450. 3 from table(wmsys.lt_export_pkg.export_mapping_view_func()) ;
  451. View created.
  452. SQL> declare
  453. 2 cnt integer ;
  454. 3 begin
  455. 4 select count(*) into cnt
  456. 5 from dba_tables
  457. 6 where owner = 'WMSYS' and
  458. 7 table_name = 'WM$EXP_MAP_TBL' ;
  459. 8
  460. 9 if (cnt=0) then
  461. 10 execute immediate 'create table wmsys.wm$exp_map_tbl as (select * from wmsys.wm$exp_map where 1=2)' ;
  462. 11 end if ;
  463. 12 end;
  464. 13 /
  465. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  466. SQL> delete sys.impcalloutreg$ where tag='WMSYS';
  467. 27 rows deleted.
  468. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$EXP_MAP', 4, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  469. 1 row created.
  470. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$BATCH_COMPRESSIBLE_TABLES', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  471. 1 row created.
  472. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$CONSTRAINTS_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  473. 1 row created.
  474. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$CONS_COLUMNS', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  475. 1 row created.
  476. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$ENV_VARS', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  477. 1 row created.
  478. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$EVENTS_INFO', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  479. 1 row created.
  480. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$HINT_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  481. 1 row created.
  482. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$INSTEADOF_TRIGS_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  483. 1 row created.
  484. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$LOCKROWS_INFO', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  485. 1 row created.
  486. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$MODIFIED_TABLES', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  487. 1 row created.
  488. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$MP_GRAPH_WORKSPACES_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  489. 1 row created.
  490. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$MP_PARENT_WORKSPACES_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  491. 1 row created.
  492. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$NESTED_COLUMNS_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  493. 1 row created.
  494. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$NEXTVER_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  495. 1 row created.
  496. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$REMOVED_WORKSPACES_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  497. 1 row created.
  498. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$RESOLVE_WORKSPACES_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  499. 1 row created.
  500. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$RIC_LOCKING_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  501. 1 row created.
  502. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$RIC_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  503. 1 row created.
  504. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$RIC_TRIGGERS_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  505. 1 row created.
  506. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$UDTRIG_DISPATCH_PROCS', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  507. 1 row created.
  508. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$UDTRIG_INFO', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  509. 1 row created.
  510. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$VERSION_HIERARCHY_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  511. 1 row created.
  512. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$VERSION_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  513. 1 row created.
  514. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$VT_ERRORS_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  515. 1 row created.
  516. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$WORKSPACES_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  517. 1 row created.
  518. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$WORKSPACE_PRIV_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  519. 1 row created.
  520. SQL> insert into sys.impcalloutreg$ values('LT_EXPORT_PKG', 'WMSYS', 'WMSYS', 3, 1000, 0, 'WMSYS', 'WM$WORKSPACE_SAVEPOINTS_TABLE', 2, 'Workspace Manager') ;
  521. 1 row created.
  522. SQL> commit ;
  523. Commit complete.
  524. SQL> grant alter session to wmsys ;
  525. Grant succeeded.
  526. SQL> PROMPT Processing Spatial...
  527. Processing Spatial...
  528. SQL> ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = sys;
  529. Session altered.
  530. SQL> @?/md/admin/mdprivs.sql
  531. SQL> Rem
  532. SQL> Rem $Header: sdo/admin/mdprivs.sql /st_recommended_11. 2013/01/03 09:09:59 sravada Exp $
  533. SQL> Rem
  534. SQL> Rem mdprivs.sql
  535. SQL> Rem
  536. SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  537. SQL> Rem All rights reserved.
  538. SQL> Rem
  539. SQL> Rem NAME
  540. SQL> Rem mdprivs.sql - <one-line expansion of the name>
  541. SQL> Rem
  543. SQL> Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines>
  544. SQL> Rem
  545. SQL> Rem NOTES
  546. SQL> Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.>
  547. SQL> Rem
  549. SQL> Rem sravada 12/31/12 - Backport sravada_bug-13561951 from
  550. SQL> Rem vkolovsk 01/22/09 - grant flashback to mdsys (needed for incremental
  551. SQL> Rem semantic inference)
  552. SQL> Rem ningan 09/24/07 - bug-6415891: add dba_java_classes privilege for NDM
  553. SQL> Rem bgouslin 01/07/07 - New version to fix Windoze format issue caused by
  554. SQL> Rem some ADE bug
  555. SQL> Rem zzhang 01/05/06 - grant dba_all_tables privilege to georaster
  556. SQL> Rem zzhang 10/20/05 - add more privileges for georaster
  557. SQL> Rem nalexand 05/19/05 - add create any trigger to MDSYS
  558. SQL> Rem sravada 05/11/05 -
  559. > Rem geadon 05/04/05 - Add DBMS_SYSTEM privilege
  560. SQL> Rem zzhang 04/27/05 - remove grant DELETE ANY TABLE privilege to MDSYS
  561. SQL> Rem sravada 04/28/05 -
  562. > Rem sravada 04/20/04 - bug 3575743
  563. SQL> Rem wexu 06/24/03 - grant DELETE ANY TABLE privilege to MDSYS
  564. SQL> Rem sravada 10/01/02 -
  565. > Rem sravada 04/22/02 - revoke "all privilleges" from MDSYS
  566. SQL> Rem sravada 10/08/01 -
  567. > Rem bgouslin 02/12/01 - Fix mdsys entries
  568. SQL> Rem sravada 04/20/00 - grant admin to mdsys
  569. SQL> Rem ranwei 10/22/98 - Privileges list for MDSYS
  570. SQL> Rem ranwei 10/22/98 - Created
  571. SQL> Rem
  572. SQL>
  573. SQL> REM
  574. SQL> REM You must connect as SYS prior to running this script.
  575. SQL> REM
  576. SQL>
  577. SQL> --
  578. SQL> -- System privs needed by MDSYS
  579. SQL> --
  580. SQL> -- grant all privileges to MDSYS with admin option;
  581. SQL> -- the set below should be included in the admin option
  582. SQL>
  583. SQL> grant create session to MDSYS;
  584. Grant succeeded.
  585. SQL> grant connect, resource, create library, create procedure to MDSYS;
  586. Grant succeeded.
  587. SQL> grant create operator to MDSYS;
  588. Grant succeeded.
  589. SQL> grant create indextype to MDSYS;
  590. Grant succeeded.
  591. SQL> grant create type to MDSYS;
  592. Grant succeeded.
  593. SQL> grant create table to MDSYS;
  594. Grant succeeded.
  595. SQL> grant create public synonym to MDSYS;
  596. Grant succeeded.
  597. SQL> grant drop public synonym to MDSYS;
  598. Grant succeeded.
  599. SQL> -- grant select_catalog_role to MDSYS ;
  600. SQL> -- grant execute_catalog_role to MDSYS;
  601. SQL> grant create view to MDSYS;
  602. Grant succeeded.
  603. SQL> grant create sequence to MDSYS;
  604. Grant succeeded.
  605. SQL>
  606. SQL> -- the following seem to give errors; so explicitly grant them
  607. SQL> --
  608. SQL> -- Privs needed for MDSYS to create mdbootstrap package
  609. SQL> --
  610. SQL> -- grant select on sys.obj$ to MDSYS;
  611. SQL> -- grant select on sys.user$ to MDSYS;
  612. SQL> -- grant select on sys.ts$ to MDSYS;
  613. SQL> -- grant select on sys.col$ to MDSYS;
  614. SQL>
  615. SQL> --
  616. SQL> -- Privs needed for MDSYS to create mdlib package
  617. SQL> --
  618. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_objects to MDSYS;
  619. Grant succeeded.
  620. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_tablespaces to MDSYS;
  621. Grant succeeded.
  622. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_tables to MDSYS;
  623. Grant succeeded.
  624. SQL> grant select on dba_views to mdsys with grant option;
  625. Grant succeeded.
  626. SQL> grant select on dba_object_tables to mdsys with grant option;
  627. Grant succeeded.
  628. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_tab_columns to MDSYS;
  629. Grant succeeded.
  630. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_tab_privs to MDSYS;
  631. Grant succeeded.
  632. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_constraints to MDSYS;
  633. Grant succeeded.
  634. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_cons_columns to MDSYS;
  635. Grant succeeded.
  636. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_indexes to MDSYS;
  637. Grant succeeded.
  638. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_ind_columns to MDSYS;
  639. Grant succeeded.
  640. SQL> grant select on sys.kopm$ to mdsys;
  641. Grant succeeded.
  642. SQL> grant EXECUTE on dbms_registry to mdsys;
  643. Grant succeeded.
  644. SQL> grant select on dba_registry to mdsys;
  645. Grant succeeded.
  646. SQL> grant select on dba_role_privs to mdsys;
  647. Grant succeeded.
  648. SQL> grant execute on dbms_lock to mdsys;
  649. Grant succeeded.
  650. SQL>
  651. SQL>
  652. SQL> --
  653. SQL> -- Privs needed for MDSYS to use import/export extensibility
  654. SQL> --
  655. SQL>
  656. SQL> -- grant insert on sys.exppkgobj$ to MDSYS;
  657. SQL> -- grant insert on sys.exppkgact$ to MDSYS;
  658. SQL> -- grant insert on sys.expdepobj$ to MDSYS;
  659. SQL> -- grant insert on sys.expdepact$ to MDSYS;
  660. SQL> -- grant delete on sys.exppkgobj$ to MDSYS;
  661. SQL> -- grant delete on sys.exppkgact$ to MDSYS;
  662. SQL> -- grant delete on sys.expdepobj$ to MDSYS;
  663. SQL> -- grant delete on sys.expdepact$ to MDSYS;
  664. SQL>
  665. SQL>
  666. SQL> --
  667. SQL> -- for GeoRaster
  668. SQL> --
  669. SQL> grant drop any trigger to mdsys;
  670. Grant succeeded.
  671. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_triggers to mdsys;
  672. Grant succeeded.
  673. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_synonyms to mdsys;
  674. Grant succeeded.
  675. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_types to mdsys;
  676. Grant succeeded.
  677. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_type_attrs to mdsys;
  678. Grant succeeded.
  679. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_all_tables to mdsys;
  680. Grant succeeded.
  681. SQL> grant select any table to mdsys;
  682. Grant succeeded.
  683. SQL> grant update any table to mdsys;
  684. Grant succeeded.
  685. SQL> grant alter any table to mdsys;
  686. Grant succeeded.
  687. SQL>
  688. SQL>
  689. SQL> --
  690. SQL> -- for RDF
  691. SQL> --
  692. SQL> grant execute on sys.dbms_system to MDSYS;
  693. Grant succeeded.
  694. SQL> grant create any trigger to MDSYS;
  695. Grant succeeded.
  696. SQL> grant delete any table to MDSYS;
  697. Grant succeeded.
  698. SQL> grant flashback any table to MDSYS;
  699. Grant succeeded.
  700. SQL> --
  701. SQL> -- for NDM
  702. SQL> --
  703. SQL> grant select on sys.dba_java_classes to MDSYS;
  704. Grant succeeded.
  705. SQL>
  707. Grant succeeded.
  708. SQL>
  709. SQL> ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = SYS;
  710. Session altered.
  711. SQL> PROMPT Updating registry...
  712. Updating registry...
  713. SQL> INSERT INTO registry$history
  714. 2 (action_time, action,
  715. 3 namespace, version, id,
  716. 4 bundle_series, comments)
  717. 5 VALUES
  720. 8 '',
  721. 9 6,
  722. 10 'PSU',
  723. 11 'PSU');
  724. 1 row created.
  725. SQL> COMMIT;
  726. Commit complete.
  727. SQL> SPOOL off
  728. SQL> SET echo off
  729. Check the following log file for errors:
  730. /opt/oracle/cfgtoollogs/catbundle/catbundle_PSU_ROCK_APPLY_2013May15_10_01_08.log
  731. SQL> !vi /opt/oracle/cfgtoollogs/catbundle/catbundle_PSU_ROCK_APPLY_2013May15_10_01_08.log
  732. SQL> exec dbms_registry.set_session_namespace('SERVER')
  733. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  734. SQL> PROMPT Processing Oracle Database Packages and Types...
  735. Processing Oracle Database Packages and Types...
  736. SQL> ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = sys;
  737. Session altered.
  738. SQL> @?/psu/scripts/bug9858539.sql
  739. SQL> Rem
  740. SQL> Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/bug9858539.sql /st_rdbms_11. 2012/04/19 06:42:27 mjangir Exp $
  741. SQL> Rem
  742. SQL> Rem bug9858539.sql
  743. SQL> Rem
  744. SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  745. SQL> Rem
  746. SQL> Rem NAME
  747. SQL> Rem bug9858539.sql - <one-line expansion of the name>
  748. SQL> Rem
  750. SQL> Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines>
  751. SQL> Rem
  752. SQL> Rem NOTES
  753. SQL> Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.>
  754. SQL> Rem
  756. SQL> Rem mjangir 04/18/12 - Created
  757. SQL> Rem
  758. SQL>
  765. SQL> SET PAGESIZE 100
  766. SQL> Rem NAME
  767. SQL> Rem bug9858539.sql - <one-line expansion of the name>
  768. SQL> Rem NOTES
  769. SQL> Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.>
  770. SQL> /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  771. SQL> * DBMS_SWRF_REPORT_INTERNAL error code summary
  772. SQL> *
  773. SQL> * -20001 : error in the report main, at the top of the error stack
  774. SQL> * -20002: internal error in ith_displayable_child routine when passed
  775. SQL> * invalid arg tree_idx
  776. SQL> * -20003: internal error in ith_displayable child routine when passed
  777. SQL> * invalid arg child_idx
  778. SQL> * -20004: invalid argument passed to dflt_align_for_type, internally
  779. SQL> * -20005: error initializing the report due to missing snapshot data
  780. SQL> * -20006: missing start value for dba_hist_librarycache
  781. SQL> * -20007: missing end value for dba_hist_librarycache
  782. SQL> * -20008: missing init.ora param
  783. SQL> * -20009: missing system stat
  784. SQL> * -20010: missing start value for dba_hist_waitstat
  785. SQL> * -20011: missing end value for dba_hist_waitstat
  786. SQL> * -20012: missing start time wait value for dba_hist_system_event
  787. SQL> * -20013: missing end time wait value for dba_hist_system_event
  788. SQL> * -20014: missing start value for DBA_HIST_LATCH gets and misses
  789. SQL> * -20015: missing end value for DBA_HIST_LATCH gets and misses
  790. SQL> * -20016: missing value for SGASTAT
  791. SQL> * -20017: Missing start value for DLM statistic
  792. SQL> * -20018: Missing end value for DLM statistic
  793. SQL> * -20019: invalid begin_snap/end_snap pair specified by user
  794. SQL> * -20020: invalid dbid/inst_num pair specified by user
  795. SQL> * -20021: missing start value for time model stat
  796. SQL> * -20022: missing end value for time model stat
  797. SQL> * -20023: missing start and end values for time model stat
  798. SQL> * -20024: failed to reset time zone
  799. SQL> *
  800. SQL> * -20100: invalid flush level specified to create_snapshot
  801. SQL> * -20101: no valid snapshots in range (bid, eid) for database id dbid
  802. SQL> * -20102: user name 'schname' is invalid
  803. SQL> * -20103: directory name 'dmpdir' is invalid
  804. SQL> * -20104: not allowed to specify the 'SYS' user
  805. SQL> * -20105: unable to move AWR data from schema to SYS
  806. SQL> * -20106: cannot move data from newer AWR schema
  807. SQL> * -20107: not allowed to move AWR data for local dbid
  808. SQL> * -20108: cannot move data from newer AWR schema
  809. SQL> * -20109: error encountered during move_to_awr
  810. SQL> * -20110: invalid Top N SQL value. not allowed to specify 0 or 1.
  811. SQL> * -20111: invalid Top N SQL string: topnsql
  812. SQL> *
  813. SQL> * -20500: Invalid input to generate ASH report
  814. SQL> * -20501: Invalid input to helper function to create report
  815. SQL> *
  816. SQL> * -20600: Invalid (dbid, version) for DB Feature Usage
  817. SQL> * -20601: Invalid (dbid, version) for High Water Mark
  818. SQL> */
  819. SQL> create or replace package dbms_swrf_report_internal wrapped
  820. 2 a000000
  821. 3 1
  822. 4 abcd
  823. 5 abcd
  824. 121 mMoNhJth12pm96+jP3zGeJKVAfeo8w95DaPOFcDi63iTicxaGE3Fq6Owb/DYV5auRjDF26fg
  825. 122 wRzr5e0Yd0b0nDO9XxmSIlOnIftjQtyOyFzOS88XB7Sf1qXUZYyun3hrr5hS/42Ur1goGGZ6
  826. 123 YyvFGILEzdaREYDdXYUUvF7QdNrYriRTsXV0YPkq7QVlPSlOTfBJKsfXQp/k61SrVY+aZiV1
  827. 124 Xzi60ulMkzizX18XXrqz/iVopIRAYf3miv3CfGldWKDF94nYPS5OoTKjrSND5U/aSvraSVkk
  828. 125 SUfmsC5gsNehsC4usNdpsC7DsNfqsC66sNeHsC7gsJcBAjuAPLPu/GbZLaxt/CHoNDqaoXBc
  829. 126 WAzMiSzMYlxddUBcoYbFGlJVs0slEXGTIeJsq+oo8B4CXsPnuxhjZ96lUK5KKflMA//yzYfJ
  830. 127 0dwOmSEfZrhaLXnAL8ODPj6zFA/qfwGjyy66C9nLyKqvuSYDmqVgjYrKClpe/s61sfbcLENA
  831. 128 I+SdohJ7LOboAgC6nYwDa23p5ERSR9yU2zbVHHypb//PVZz6y9bBGDEjbBA/gGn9YlZNDbOA
  832. 129 fmAwIH5Gbxll3ca5AWMsuH+SqvHyHv6J/SpR/UbN3gOlNY474YRP7cM7xXdDlGPBty/XGS7y
  833. 130 T3j2z49Qhezwcm+rHGIhZUqR91nin12YUYsResbGHIa0Mbp1j8swdzH6f/YHDl/CY3PUpU55
  834. 131 BIT+5z6O6Mw5JK5+aVDQS2pMRkYs0983oUUELqcGVpGtYtQT3aqybOFhz0OFv0v6ydWyJJp7
  835. 132 MW5PuDuBQLeYPPHrL8axf/AryMJWMlrtXP6hxeEw4EbEgmFnZb7ybeTotbgCOZ7TQK93gDD8
  836. 133 gxsr0bQ7K9iJbFe4T0CKui8rSow3s5HUFK0YOQWbLOnvyslwlgPap0A/Em4iIgWzVc0LEVkX
  837. 134 EZ8aTAZcA/KwfsdtdrdWJYJ2Bv2qbmzDwpwy9fibmvlbalVnog==
  838. 135
  839. 136 /
  840. Package created.


