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queues that occur everyday life can be seen ( ).



Unit 1 About Computer

Unit 2 More about Computer

Unit 3 Brief Introduction of Computer

Unit 4 the Fundamentals of Computer Hardware

Unit 5 Office Automation

Unit 6 Multimedia

Unit 7 The Fundamentals of Computer Software

Unit 8 Computer Networking

Unit 9 Computer Virus

Unit 10 Program Design

Unit 1

Text one

1.Match the following words with their proper Chinese meanings.(中英文搭配)

printer 打印机

display 显示器

floppy disk 软盘

motherboard 主板


Unit 2

Text two

1. Match the words with their proper Chinese meanings without looking at the vocabulary list.

printer 打印机

display 显示器

stereo 立体的


Unit 3

Text one

1.Match each of the words or phrases with their Chinese meaning.

disk 磁盘

modem 调制解调器

driver 驱动器

printer 打印机


Unit 4

Text 1 Organization of Computer System Components


1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words according to the text.(根据课文内容填空)

(1)A computer is a fast and accurate symbol manipulating system.

(2)The keyboard of a workstation connected online to a computer is an example of device.

(3)The input/output and secondary storage units are sometimes called peripheral devices.

(4)The heart of a computer system is cpu.


Unit 5

Text 1 Fundamentals of Office Automation


1. Multiple choices.(多选题)

(1)Office automation is ( ABD ).

A. the application of computer B. communications technology

C. the computer D. used to improve the productivity of people

(2)Office automation was the interactive system of word and text processing in the( B ).

A. mid-1950s B. mid-1970s

C. mid-1960s D. 1980s


Unit 6

Text 1 What is Multimedia?


1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words according to the text.

(1)Multimedia is the combination of _computer and _video technology.

(2)In fact, Multimedia is just two media: _sound_ and _picture.

(3)Multimedia PC needs to be more powerful than mainstream computer.

(4)If you want separate an ordinary computer from multimedia, the only things are a soundboard and a CDROM driver.

(5)The CD serves as multimedia ’s chief storage and exchange medium.

(6)Multimedia involves the many things: hardware, software, and the interface.


Unit 7

Text 1 Data Structure


1. Multiple choices.

(1)The attributes of the stack are ( A ).


C. queue D. built into their circuitry

(2)Queues that occur everyday life can be seen ( ABCD ).

A. in an emergency room of a hospital

B. in certain societies lacking equality

C. as people waiting for service at a bank

D. as automobiles waiting for a traffic light


Unit 8

Text 1 Data Communications


1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words according to the text.

(1)The end equipment is either __generates the digital information for transmission_ or_ uses the received digital data.

(2)When digital data are transmitted, they are _in serial form_.

(3)_DTE___ is data terminal equipment.

(4)_STACO is the corresponding unit at the secondaries.


Unit 9

Text 1 Virus Introduction


1. Multiple choices.

(1)A virus is a ( A ).

A. programB. computerC. bad manD. beast

(2)A virus is a program that reproduces its own code by ( ABC ).

A. adding to the end of a file B. inserting into the middle of a file

C. simply placing a pointer D. replacing another program


Unit 10

Text 1 Computer Languages


1. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.

(1)The ( A ) is a language that was represented by long strings of ones and zeroes.

A. machine language B. high-level language

C. low-level language D. assembly language

(2)The ( D ) maps machine instructions to human-readable mnemonics.

A. machine language B. high-level language

C. low-level language D. assembly language



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