- select name Customers
- from Customers
- where id not in (
- select CustomerId from orders
- )
- select c.name as Customers
- from Customers as c left join Orders as o on c.Id = o.CustomerId
- where o.Id is null
c.Id(o.customerid) | Name |
1 | Joe |
2 | Henry |
3 | Sam |
4 | Max |
c.Id(o.customerid) | Name | o.Id |
1 | Joe | 2 |
2 | Henry | |
3 | Sam | 1 |
4 | Max |
c.id(o.customerid) | Name | o.Id |
1 | Joe | 2 |
2 | Henry | Null |
3 | Sam | 1 |
4 | Max | Null |
我们就是在上面这个连接表中进行查询的,利用where o.Id is null将那些没有订单的客户找出来
这里的约束条件一是员工的ID是奇数,可以用%2!=0表示,姓名不以M开头可以表示为not like 'M%'或者left(name,1)!='M',
- select employee_id,
- if (employee_id%2!=0 and name not like 'M%',salary,0) as bonus
- from employees
- order by employee_id
第二种是使用case when then else end语句
- select employee_id,
- case
- when employee_id%2!=0 and name not like 'M%'
- then salary
- else 0
- end as bonus
- from employees
- order by employee_id
- from person p1,person p2
- where p1.email=p2.email and p1.id>p2.id
- select user_id,concat(upper(left(name,1)),lower(substring(name,2))) as name
- from users
- order by user_id
- select sell_date,
- count(distinct product) num_sold,
- group_concat(distinct product) products
- from activities
- group by sell_date
- order by sell_date
- select temp.employee_id
- from
- (select a.employee_id
- from employees a left join salaries b on a.employee_id=b.employee_id
- where b.salary is NULL
- union
- select b.employee_id
- from employees a right join salaries b on a.employee_id=b.employee_id
- where a.name is NULL) as temp
- order by temp.employee_id
- select
- employee_id
- from
- (
- select employee_id from employees
- union all
- select employee_id from salaries
- ) as t
- group by
- employee_id
- having
- count(employee_id) = 1
- order by
- employee_id;
- select product_id,'store1' as store,store1 as price
- from products
- where store1 is not NULL
- union all
- select product_id,'store2' as store,store2 as price
- from products
- where store2 is not NULL
- union all
- select product_id,'store3' as store,store3 as price
- from products
- where store3 is not NULL
- select product_id
- case when store='store1' then price else NULL end as 'store1',
- case when store='store2' then price else NULL end as 'store2',
- case when store='store3' then price else NULL end as 'store3'
- from products
- order by product_id
- select if(max(distinct salary) is not NULL,max(distinct salary),NULL) as SecondHighestSalary
- from Employee
- where salary<(
- select max(salary)
- from Employee
- )
MySQL中imit y offset x 分句表示查询结果跳过 x 条数据,读取前 y 条数据。
- select ifnull((
- select distinct salary
- from Employee
- order by salary desc
- limit 1 offset 1
- ),NULL) as SecondHighestSalary
- #外面select可以处理NULL值
- select (
- select salary
- from
- (
- #利用窗口函数获取排名信息表
- select salary,
- #dense_rank当有并列排名时
- #下一个排名是接着上一个的排名
- #就像这样:1,1,2
- dense_rank() over (order by salary desc) rn
- from Employee
- ) as t
- #获取第二高,只返回一个
- where t.rn=2 limit 1
- ) SecondHighestSalary

- # Write your MySQL query statement below
- select a.id
- from weather as a
- #当天温度比前一天高
- where a.temperature>(
- #获取前一天的温度
- select b.temperature
- from weather as b
- where datediff(a.recorddate,b.recorddate)=1
- )
- order by a.id
- FROM Weather as a,Weather as b
- WHERE a.Temperature < b.Temperature and DATEDIFF(a.RecordDate,b.RecordDate) = -1;
- select a.stock_name,b.sell_money-a.buy_money as capital_gain_loss
- from
- (
- ##创建每只股票购买所花的钱数
- select stock_name,sum(price) as buy_money
- from stocks
- where operation='Buy'
- group by stock_name
- ) as a
- inner join
- (
- ##创建每只股票出售所获得的钱数
- select stock_name,sum(price) as sell_money
- from stocks
- where operation='Sell'
- group by stock_name
- ) as b on a.stock_name=b.stock_name

- select stock_name,
- sum(
- case operation
- when 'Buy' then -price
- else price
- end
- ) as capital_gain_loss
- from stocks
- group by stock_name
- SELECT s.product_id, product_name
- FROM Sales s
- Left JOIN Product p
- ON s.product_id = p.product_id
- GROUP BY s.product_id
- HAVING MIN(sale_date) >= '2019-01-01' AND MAX(sale_date) <= '2019-03-31'
least()函数用来寻找一些值中最小的一个 ,group by 除了可以指定列名还可以使用表达式
- select from_id as person1,
- to_id as person2,
- count(from_id) as call_count,
- sum(duration) as total_duration
- from calls
- group by least(from_id,to_id),greatest(from_id,to_id)
- select sale_date,sum(
- case fruit
- when 'apples' then sold_num
- else -sold_num
- end
- ) as diff
- from sales
- group by sale_date
- order by sale_date
带有条件的计数和求和,注意count中的or NULL条件
- select
- left(trans_date,7) as month,
- country,
- count(state) as trans_count,
- count(state='approved' or NULL) as approved_count,
- sum(amount) as trans_total_amount,
- sum(if(state='approved',amount,0)) as approved_total_amount
- from transactions
- group by country,year(trans_date),month(trans_date)
- # Write your MySQL query statement below
- select customer_id,customer_name
- from customers
- where customer_id in (
- #统计买了产品A、B但是没有买C的ID
- select a.customer_id
- from (
- #统计每个用户的购买情况
- select customer_id,group_concat(distinct product_name) as times
- from orders
- group by customer_id
- ) as a
- #用instr进行筛选
- where instr(a.times,'C')=0 and instr(a.times,'A')!=0 and instr(a.times,'B')!=0
- )
- order by customer_id

- SELECT a.student_id, a.student_name, b.subject_name, COUNT(e.subject_name) AS attended_exams
- FROM Students a CROSS JOIN Subjects b
- LEFT JOIN Examinations e ON a.student_id = e.student_id AND b.subject_name = e.subject_name
- GROUP BY a.student_id, b.subject_name
- ORDER BY a.student_id, b.subject_name
- select
- if(
- id%2=0,
- id-1,
- if(id=(select count(distinct id) from seat),
- id,
- id+1))
- as id,student
- from seat
- order by id
- select distinct a.seat_id
- from cinema a join cinema b on
- #连续的座位
- abs(a.seat_id-b.seat_id)=1 and
- #都是空闲的
- a.free=1 and b.free=1
- order by a.seat_id
- SELECT DISTINCT a.account_id AS account_id
- #隐式自连接
- FROM LogInfo a, LogInfo b
- #某个用户
- a.account_id = b.account_id
- #异地登录
- AND a.ip_address != b.ip_address
- #一个还没下线
- AND a.logout <= b.logout
- #另外一个就进行了登录
- AND b.login <= a.logout
- select
- school_id,
- #取最低分数,如果为null,则输出-1
- ifnull(min(score), -1) as score
- from
- Schools s left join Exam e
- #容量需大于分数段学生数量
- on capacity >= student_count
- group by school_id
当前行 - current row
之前的行 - preceding
之后的行 - following
无界限 - unbounded
表示从前面的起点 - unbounded preceding
表示到后面的终点 - unbounded following
取当前行和前五行:ROWS between 5 preceding and current row --共6行
取当前行和后五行:ROWS between current row and 5 following --共6行
取前五行和后五行:ROWS between 5 preceding and 5 folowing --共11行
- elect
- visited_on,
- amount,
- average_amount
- from (
- select
- visited_on,
- #按照访问日期进行排序
- row_number() over(order by visited_on) as rk,
- #过去7天用rows指定
- #最外一层的sum是组内求和
- sum(sum(amount)) over(order by visited_on rows between 6 preceding and current row) as amount,
- round(avg(sum(amount)) over(order by visited_on rows between 6 preceding and current row), 2) as average_amount
- from Customer
- group by visited_on
- ) as base
- where rk >= 7
- order by visited_on

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