Word2Vec有两种主要的模型架构:连续词袋模型(Continuous Bag of Words,简称CBOW)和跳字模型(Skip-gram)。训练Word2Vec的核心目标是通过调整单词向量的权重,使得模型能够最小化实际上下文单词的预测误差。通过多次迭代,模型将学习到单词向量,这些向量在向量空间中能够捕获单词之间的语义关系,使得具有相似语义的单词在向量空间中距离较近。
在CBOW模型中,给定上下文单词,目标是预测中心单词。例如,对于句子 "Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind",如果我们将上下文大小设置为1,那么对于中心单词 "machine",上下文单词可以是 ["a", "in"]。
① 输入层(Input layer):目标单词上下文的单词,每个单词用ont-hot编码表示,为[1 * V]大小的矩阵,V表示词汇大小;
② 所有的ont-hot矩阵乘以输入权重矩阵W,W是[V * N]大小的共享矩阵,N是指输出的词的向量维数;
③ 将相乘得到的向量 ([1 * V] 的ont-hot矩阵乘上[V * N]的共享矩阵W) 相加,然后求平均作为隐层向量h, 大小为[1 * N];
④ 将隐层向量h乘以输出权重矩阵W',W'是[N * V]大小的共享矩阵;
⑤ 相乘得到向量y,大小为[1 * V],然后利用softmax激活函数处理向量y,得到V-dim概率分布;
⑥ 由于输入的是ont-hot编码,即每个维度都代表着一个单词,那么V-dim概率分布中,概率最大的index所指代的那个单词为预测出的中间词。
⑦ 将结果与真实标签的ont-hot做比较,误差越小越好,这里的误差函数,即loss function一般选交叉熵代价函数。
① 输入层(Input layer):将中心单词用ont-hot编码表示,为[1 * V]大小的矩阵
② 中心词ont-hot向量乘以输入权重矩阵W得到大小为[1 * N]的隐藏层向量h,W是[V * N]大小的共享矩阵,N是指输出的词的向量维数;
③ 将隐层向量h乘以输出权重矩阵W',W'是[N * V]大小的共享矩阵;
④相乘得到向量y,大小为[1 * V],然后利用softmax激活函数处理向量y,得到V-dim概率分布;
⑥ 将结果与真实标签的ont-hot做比较,误差越小越好,这里的误差函数,即loss function一般选交叉熵代价函数。
- import re
- import os
- from sqlalchemy import create_engine
- import pandas as pd
- import numpy as np
- import warnings
- warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
- import sklearn
- from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
- from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve,roc_auc_score
- import xgboost as xgb
- from xgboost.sklearn import XGBClassifier
- import lightgbm as lgb
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import gc
- from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
- from tensorflow.keras import models
- from tensorflow.keras import layers
- from tensorflow.keras import optimizers

- data=pd.read_excel('Inshorts Cleaned Data.xlsx')
- def data_preprocess(data):
- df=data.drop(['Publish Date','Time ','Headline'],axis=1).copy()
- df.rename(columns={'Source ':'Source'},inplace=True)
- df=df[df.Source.isin(['YouTube','India Today'])].reset_index(drop=True)
- df['y']=np.where(df.Source=='YouTube',1,0)
- df=df.drop(['Source'],axis=1)
- return df
- df=data.pipe(data_preprocess)
- print(df.shape)
- df.head()
- from nltk.corpus import stopwords
- from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
- stop_english=stopwords.words('english')
- stop_spanish=stopwords.words('spanish')
- stop_english
- from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
- from nltk.corpus import stopwords
- from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
- import nltk
- def replace_abbreviation(text):
- rep_list=[
- ("it's", "it is"),
- ("i'm", "i am"),
- ("he's", "he is"),
- ("she's", "she is"),
- ("we're", "we are"),
- ("they're", "they are"),
- ("you're", "you are"),
- ("that's", "that is"),
- ("this's", "this is"),
- ("can't", "can not"),
- ("don't", "do not"),
- ("doesn't", "does not"),
- ("we've", "we have"),
- ("i've", " i have"),
- ("isn't", "is not"),
- ("won't", "will not"),
- ("hasn't", "has not"),
- ("wasn't", "was not"),
- ("weren't", "were not"),
- ("let's", "let us"),
- ("didn't", "did not"),
- ("hadn't", "had not"),
- ("waht's", "what is"),
- ("couldn't", "could not"),
- ("you'll", "you will"),
- ("i'll", "i will"),
- ("you've", "you have")
- ]
- result = text.lower()
- for word_replace in rep_list:
- result=result.replace(word_replace[0],word_replace[1])
- # result = result.replace("'s", "")
- return result
- def drop_char(text):
- result=text.lower()
- result=re.sub('[^\w\s]',' ',result) # 去掉标点符号、特殊字符
- result=re.sub('\s+',' ',result) # 多空格处理为单空格
- return result
- def stemed_words(text,stop_words,lemma):
- word_list = [lemma.lemmatize(word, pos='v') for word in text.split() if word not in stop_words]
- result=" ".join(word_list)
- return result
- def text_preprocess(text_seq):
- stop_words = stopwords.words("english")
- lemma = WordNetLemmatizer()
- result=[]
- for text in text_seq:
- if pd.isnull(text):
- result.append(None)
- continue
- text=replace_abbreviation(text)
- text=drop_char(text)
- text=stemed_words(text,stop_words,lemma)
- result.append(text)
- return result
- df['short']=text_preprocess(df.Short)
- df[['Short','short']]

- test_index=list(df.sample(2000).index)
- df['label']=np.where(df.index.isin(test_index),'test','train')
- df['label'].value_counts()
- import gensim
- def word2vec_train(sentences):
- # 训练词向量矩阵用于embedding权重时,max_vocab_size设置为None
- '''
- sentences为分词、去停用词、去符号回车等的结果、单层列表
- 如:["only", "you", "can", "prevent", "forest", "fires"]
- '''
- params={
- 'sg':1, # 1对应skip-gram,0对应CBOW
- 'cbow_mean':1, # CBOW时使用,1计算向量均值、0计算向量和
- 'min_count':1, # 最低词频阈值,低于min_count的词过滤掉
- 'vector_size':128, # 词向量维度,取值几十到几百
- 'window':5, # 滑动窗口,当前词与上下文词最远距离
- 'workers':1, # 计算使用线程数
- 'hs':1, # 设置1,将使用分层softmax进行模型训练;设置0且“negative”为非零,则将使用负采样
- 'negative':3, # 负样本采样数量
- 'seed':1,
- 'max_vocab_size':None, # 词典最大词汇量
- 'shrink_windows':False, # 设置True时,对每个目标词,从[1,windows]范围进行均匀采样、以确定每个词的实际窗口大小
- 'ns_exponent':1,
- 'sample':0.001, # 高频字随机降采样的阈值
- 'epochs':5, # 语料上的迭代次数
- 'alpha':0.025, # learning rate
- 'corpus_file':None, # 指定sentences文档路径,与sentences仅传一个就好
- }
- model = gensim.models.word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences=sentences, **params)
- return model
- word2vec_model=word2vec_train(list(df.short.str.split()))
- vec_king = word2vec_model.wv['king']
- vec_king

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