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#vi /etc/hosts   //并添加内网IP地址对应的hostname,如下           localhost
::1                   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6    oracledb
# vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 1521 -j ACCEPT
#service iptables restart
#yum -y install binutils compat-libcap1 compat-libstdc++-33 compat-libstdc++-33*i686 compat-libstdc++-33*.devel compat-libstdc++-33 compat-libstdc++-33*.devel gcc gcc-c++ glibc glibc*.i686 glibc-devel glibc-devel*.i686 ksh libaio libaio*.i686 libaio-devel libaio-devel*.devel libgcc libgcc*.i686 libstdc++ libstdc++*.i686 libstdc++-devel libstdc++-devel*.devel libXi libXi*.i686 libXtst libXtst*.i686 make sysstat unixODBC unixODBC*.i686 unixODBC-devel unixODBC-devel*.i686
#rpm -q package_name
# vim /etc/sysctl.conf
fs.file-max = 6815744  
kernel.shmmax = 536870912  
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128  
net.core.rmem_default = 262144  
net.core.wmem_default = 262144  
#sysctl -p
oracle     soft     nproc    2047
oracle              hard    nproc    16384  
oralce              soft     nofile    1024
oracle              hard    nofile     65536  
oracle              soft     stack     10240 
# groupadd oinstall
# groupadd dba
# useradd -g oinstall -G dba -d /home/oracle oracle
# passwd oracle          //设置oracle密码
#useradd -m -g oinstall -G dba -p password -d /home/oracle -s /bin/bash oracle
# mkdir -p /opt/oracle_11/app/  
# mkdir -p /opt/oracle_11/oraInventory/  
# chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/oracle_11/app/
# chmod -R 775 /opt/oracle_11/app/  
# chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/oracle_11/oraInventory/
# chmod -R 775 /opt/oracle_11/oraInventory/  
9、编辑 /home/oracle/.bash_profile  配置Oracle用户变量
#vi /home/oracle/.bash_profile
export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/oracle_11/app  
export ORACLE_SID=orcl   
#source /home/oracle/.bash_profile
编辑 /etc/pam.d/login
#vi /etc/pam.d/login  
session required /lib/security/pam_limits.so
session required pam_limits.so
#vim /etc/profile
if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; then  
  if [$SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
          ulimit -p 16384
    ulimit -n 65536  
    ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536  
#source /etc/profile
# xhost +  
#su - oracle
$ unzip p10404530_112030_Linux-x86-64_1of7.zip
$ unzip p10404530_112030_Linux-x86-64_2of7.zip  
$ export DISPLAY=:0  
$ ./database/runInstaller  
$ cp -R /home/oracle/database/response /home/oracle           //复制一份模板
$ cd /home/oracle/response
$ vi db_install.rsp                                               //修改安装应答文件
  1. 1 ####################################################################
  2. 2 ## Copyright(c) Oracle Corporation 1998,2008. All rights reserved.##
  3. 3 ## ##
  4. 4 ## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize ##
  5. 5 ## your installation. ##
  6. 6 ## ##
  7. 7 ## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment ##
  8. 8 ## can help to populate the variables with the appropriate ##
  9. 9 ## values. ##
  10. 10 ## ##
  11. 11 ## IMPORTANT NOTE: This file contains plain text passwords and ##
  12. 12 ## should be secured to have read permission only by oracle user ##
  13. 13 ## or db administrator who owns this installation. ##
  14. 14 ## ##
  15. 15 ####################################################################
  16. 16
  17. 17 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. 18 # Do not change the following system generated value.
  19. 19 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. 20 oracle.install.responseFileVersion=/oracle/install/rspfmt_dbinstall_response_schema_v11_2_0
  21. 21
  22. 22 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. 23 # Specify the installation option.
  24. 24 # It can be one of the following:
  25. 25 # 1. INSTALL_DB_SWONLY
  27. 27 # 3. UPGRADE_DB
  28. 28 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. 29 oracle.install.option=INSTALL_DB_SWONLY
  30. 30
  31. 31 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. 32 # Specify the hostname of the system as set during the install. It can be used
  33. 33 # to force the installation to use an alternative hostname rather than using the
  34. 34 # first hostname found on the system. (e.g., for systems with multiple hostnames
  35. 35 # and network interfaces)
  36. 36 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. 37 ORACLE_HOSTNAME=centos7
  38. 38
  39. 39 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. 40 # Specify the Unix group to be set for the inventory directory.
  41. 41 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. 42 UNIX_GROUP_NAME=oinstall
  43. 43
  44. 44 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. 45 # Specify the location which holds the inventory files.
  46. 46 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. 47 INVENTORY_LOCATION=/opt/oracle_11/oraInventory
  48. 48
  49. 49 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. 50 # Specify the languages in which the components will be installed.
  51. 51 #
  52. 52 # en : English ja : Japanese
  53. 53 # fr : French ko : Korean
  54. 54 # ar : Arabic es : Latin American Spanish
  55. 55 # bn : Bengali lv : Latvian
  56. 56 # pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese lt : Lithuanian
  57. 57 # bg : Bulgarian ms : Malay
  58. 58 # fr_CA: Canadian French es_MX: Mexican Spanish
  59. 59 # ca : Catalan no : Norwegian
  60. 60 # hr : Croatian pl : Polish
  61. 61 # cs : Czech pt : Portuguese
  62. 62 # da : Danish ro : Romanian
  63. 63 # nl : Dutch ru : Russian
  64. 64 # ar_EG: Egyptian zh_CN: Simplified Chinese
  65. 65 # en_GB: English (Great Britain) sk : Slovak
  66. 66 # et : Estonian sl : Slovenian
  67. 67 # fi : Finnish es_ES: Spanish
  68. 68 # de : German sv : Swedish
  69. 69 # el : Greek th : Thai
  70. 70 # iw : Hebrew zh_TW: Traditional Chinese
  71. 71 # hu : Hungarian tr : Turkish
  72. 72 # is : Icelandic uk : Ukrainian
  73. 73 # in : Indonesian vi : Vietnamese
  74. 74 # it : Italian
  75. 75 #
  76. 76 # Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en,fr,ja
  77. 77 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. 79
  80. 80 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. 81 # Specify the complete path of the Oracle Home.
  82. 82 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. 83 ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle_11/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
  84. 84
  85. 85 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. 86 # Specify the complete path of the Oracle Base.
  87. 87 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. 88 ORACLE_BASE=/opt/oracle_11/app
  89. 89
  90. 90 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. 91 # Specify the installation edition of the component.
  92. 92 #
  93. 93 # The value should contain only one of these choices.
  94. 94 # EE : Enterprise Edition
  95. 95 # SE : Standard Edition
  96. 96 # SEONE : Standard Edition One
  97. 97 # PE : Personal Edition (WINDOWS ONLY)
  98. 98 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. 99 oracle.install.db.InstallEdition=EE
  100. 100
  101. 101 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. 102 # This variable is used to enable or disable custom install.
  103. 103 #
  104. 104 # true : Components mentioned as part of 'customComponents' property
  105. 105 # are considered for install.
  106. 106 # false : Value for 'customComponents' is not considered.
  107. 107 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. 108 oracle.install.db.isCustomInstall=true
  109. 109
  110. 110 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. 111 # This variable is considered only if 'IsCustomInstall' is set to true.
  112. 112 #
  113. 113 # Description: List of Enterprise Edition Options you would like to install.
  114. 114 #
  115. 115 # The following choices are available. You may specify any
  116. 116 # combination of these choices. The components you choose should
  117. 117 # be specified in the form "internal-component-name:version"
  118. 118 # Below is a list of components you may specify to install.
  119. 119 #
  120. 120 # oracle.rdbms.partitioning: - Oracle Partitioning
  121. 121 # oracle.rdbms.dm: - Oracle Data Mining
  122. 122 # oracle.rdbms.dv: - Oracle Database Vault
  123. 123 # oracle.rdbms.lbac: - Oracle Label Security
  124. 124 # oracle.rdbms.rat: - Oracle Real Application Testing
  125. 125 # oracle.oraolap: - Oracle OLAP
  126. 126 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  127. 127 oracle.install.db.customComponents=oracle.server:,oracle.sysman.ccr:,oracle.xdk:,oracle.rdbms.oci:,oracle.network:,oracle.network.listener:,oracle.rdbms:,oracle.options:,oracle.rdbms.partitioning:,oracle.oraolap:,oracle.rdbms.dm:,oracle.rdbms.dv:,orcle.rdbms.lbac:,oracle.rdbms.rat:
  128. 128
  129. 129 ###############################################################################
  130. 130 # #
  132. 132 # ------------------------------------------ #
  133. 133 # Provide values for the OS groups to which OSDBA and OSOPER privileges #
  134. 134 # needs to be granted. If the install is being performed as a member of the #
  135. 135 # group "dba", then that will be used unless specified otherwise below. #
  136. 136 # #
  137. 137 ###############################################################################
  138. 138
  139. 139 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. 140 # The DBA_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSDBA privileges.
  141. 141 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. 142 oracle.install.db.DBA_GROUP=dba
  143. 143
  144. 144 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. 145 # The OPER_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSOPER privileges.
  146. 146 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  147. 147 oracle.install.db.OPER_GROUP=oinstall
  148. 148
  149. 149 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. 150 # Specify the cluster node names selected during the installation.
  151. 151 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. 152 oracle.install.db.CLUSTER_NODES=
  153. 153
  154. 154 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. 155 # Specify the type of database to create.
  156. 156 # It can be one of the following:
  158. 158 # - DATA_WAREHOUSE
  159. 159 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. 160 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.type=GENERAL_PURPOSE
  161. 161
  162. 162 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. 163 # Specify the Starter Database Global Database Name.
  164. 164 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. 165 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.globalDBName=glassfish
  166. 166
  167. 167 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. 168 # Specify the Starter Database SID.
  169. 169 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. 170 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.SID=glassfish
  171. 171
  172. 172 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. 173 # Specify the Starter Database character set.
  174. 174 #
  175. 175 # It can be one of the following:
  176. 176 # AL32UTF8, WE8ISO8859P15, WE8MSWIN1252, EE8ISO8859P2,
  177. 177 # EE8MSWIN1250, NE8ISO8859P10, NEE8ISO8859P4, BLT8MSWIN1257,
  178. 178 # BLT8ISO8859P13, CL8ISO8859P5, CL8MSWIN1251, AR8ISO8859P6,
  179. 179 # AR8MSWIN1256, EL8ISO8859P7, EL8MSWIN1253, IW8ISO8859P8,
  181. 181 # KO16MSWIN949, ZHS16GBK, TH8TISASCII, ZHT32EUC, ZHT16MSWIN950,
  182. 182 # ZHT16HKSCS, WE8ISO8859P9, TR8MSWIN1254, VN8MSWIN1258
  183. 183 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  184. 184 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.characterSet=AL32UTF8
  185. 185
  186. 186 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. 187 # This variable should be set to true if Automatic Memory Management
  188. 188 # in Database is desired.
  189. 189 # If Automatic Memory Management is not desired, and memory allocation
  190. 190 # is to be done manually, then set it to false.
  191. 191 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. 192 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.memoryOption=true
  193. 193
  194. 194 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. 195 # Specify the total memory allocation for the database. Value(in MB) should be
  196. 196 # at least 256 MB, and should not exceed the total physical memory available
  197. 197 # on the system.
  198. 198 # Example: oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.memoryLimit=512
  199. 199 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  200. 200 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.memoryLimit=10240
  201. 201
  202. 202 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  203. 203 # This variable controls whether to load Example Schemas onto the starter
  204. 204 # database or not.
  205. 205 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  206. 206 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.installExampleSchemas=false
  207. 207
  208. 208 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. 209 # This variable includes enabling audit settings, configuring password profiles
  210. 210 # and revoking some grants to public. These settings are provided by default.
  211. 211 # These settings may also be disabled.
  212. 212 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  213. 213 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.enableSecuritySettings=true
  214. 214
  215. 215 ###############################################################################
  216. 216 # #
  217. 217 # Passwords can be supplied for the following four schemas in the #
  218. 218 # starter database: #
  219. 219 # SYS #
  220. 220 # SYSTEM #
  221. 221 # SYSMAN (used by Enterprise Manager) #
  222. 222 # DBSNMP (used by Enterprise Manager) #
  223. 223 # #
  224. 224 # Same password can be used for all accounts (not recommended) #
  225. 225 # or different passwords for each account can be provided (recommended) #
  226. 226 # #
  227. 227 ###############################################################################
  228. 228
  229. 229 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  230. 230 # This variable holds the password that is to be used for all schemas in the
  231. 231 # starter database.
  232. 232 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  233. 233 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password.ALL=glassfish
  234. 234
  235. 235 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  236. 236 # Specify the SYS password for the starter database.
  237. 237 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  238. 238 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password.SYS=
  239. 239
  240. 240 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  241. 241 # Specify the SYSTEM password for the starter database.
  242. 242 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  243. 243 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password.SYSTEM=
  244. 244
  245. 245 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  246. 246 # Specify the SYSMAN password for the starter database.
  247. 247 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  248. 248 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password.SYSMAN=
  249. 249
  250. 250 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  251. 251 # Specify the DBSNMP password for the starter database.
  252. 252 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  253. 253 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password.DBSNMP=
  254. 254
  255. 255 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  256. 256 # Specify the management option to be selected for the starter database.
  257. 257 # It can be one of the following:
  258. 258 # 1. GRID_CONTROL
  259. 259 # 2. DB_CONTROL
  260. 260 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  261. 261 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.control=DB_CONTROL
  262. 262
  263. 263 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  264. 264 # Specify the Management Service to use if Grid Control is selected to manage
  265. 265 # the database.
  266. 266 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  267. 267 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.gridcontrol.gridControlServiceURL=
  268. 268
  269. 269 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  270. 270 # This variable indicates whether to receive email notification for critical
  271. 271 # alerts when using DB control.
  272. 272 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  273. 273 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.dbcontrol.enableEmailNotification=false
  274. 274
  275. 275 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276. 276 # Specify the email address to which the notifications are to be sent.
  277. 277 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  278. 278 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.dbcontrol.emailAddress=
  279. 279
  280. 280 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  281. 281 # Specify the SMTP server used for email notifications.
  282. 282 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  283. 283 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.dbcontrol.SMTPServer=
  284. 284
  285. 285
  286. 286 ###############################################################################
  287. 287 # #
  289. 289 # ------------------------------------ #
  290. 290 # Out-of-box backup and recovery options for the database can be mentioned #
  291. 291 # using the entries below. #
  292. 292 # #
  293. 293 ###############################################################################
  294. 294
  295. 295 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  296. 296 # This variable is to be set to false if automated backup is not required. Else
  297. 297 # this can be set to true.
  298. 298 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  299. 299 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.automatedBackup.enable=false
  300. 300
  301. 301 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  302. 302 # Regardless of the type of storage that is chosen for backup and recovery, if
  303. 303 # automated backups are enabled, a job will be scheduled to run daily at
  304. 304 # 2:00 AM to backup the database. This job will run as the operating system
  305. 305 # user that is specified in this variable.
  306. 306 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  307. 307 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.automatedBackup.osuid=
  308. 308
  309. 309 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  310. 310 # Regardless of the type of storage that is chosen for backup and recovery, if
  311. 311 # automated backups are enabled, a job will be scheduled to run daily at
  312. 312 # 2:00 AM to backup the database. This job will run as the operating system user
  313. 313 # specified by the above entry. The following entry stores the password for the
  314. 314 # above operating system user.
  315. 315 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  316. 316 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.automatedBackup.ospwd=
  317. 317
  318. 318 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  319. 319 # Specify the type of storage to use for the database.
  320. 320 # It can be one of the following:
  321. 321 # - FILE_SYSTEM_STORAGE
  322. 322 # - ASM_STORAGE
  323. 323 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  324. 324 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.storageType=FILE_SYSTEM_STORAGE
  325. 325
  326. 326 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  327. 327 # Specify the database file location which is a directory for datafiles, control
  328. 328 # files, redo logs.
  329. 329 #
  330. 330 # Applicable only when oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.storage=FILE_SYSTEM
  331. 331 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  332. 332 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.fileSystemStorage.dataLocation=
  333. 333
  334. 334 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  335. 335 # Specify the backup and recovery location.
  336. 336 #
  337. 337 # Applicable only when oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.storage=FILE_SYSTEM
  338. 338 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  339. 339 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.fileSystemStorage.recoveryLocation=
  340. 340
  341. 341 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  342. 342 # Specify the existing ASM disk groups to be used for storage.
  343. 343 #
  344. 344 # Applicable only when oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.storage=ASM
  345. 345 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  346. 346 oracle.install.db.config.asm.diskGroup=
  347. 347
  348. 348 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  349. 349 # Specify the password for ASMSNMP user of the ASM instance.
  350. 350 #
  351. 351 # Applicable only when oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.storage=ASM_SYSTEM
  352. 352 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  353. 353 oracle.install.db.config.asm.ASMSNMPPassword=
  354. 354
  355. 355 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  356. 356 # Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username.
  357. 357 #
  358. 358 # Example : MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME=metalink
  359. 359 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  361. 361
  362. 362 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  363. 363 # Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username password.
  364. 364 #
  365. 365 # Example : MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD=password
  366. 366 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  368. 368
  369. 369 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  370. 370 # Specify whether to enable the user to set the password for
  371. 371 # My Oracle Support credentials. The value can be either true or false.
  372. 372 # If left blank it will be assumed to be false.
  373. 373 #
  375. 375 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  377. 377
  378. 378 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  379. 379 # Specify whether user wants to give any proxy details for connection.
  380. 380 # The value can be either true or false. If left blank it will be assumed
  381. 381 # to be false.
  382. 382 #
  383. 383 # Example : DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=false
  384. 384 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  386. 386
  387. 387 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  388. 388 # Specify the Proxy server name. Length should be greater than zero.
  389. 389 #
  390. 390 # Example : PROXY_HOST=proxy.domain.com
  391. 391 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  392. 392 PROXY_HOST=
  393. 393
  394. 394 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  395. 395 # Specify the proxy port number. Should be Numeric and atleast 2 chars.
  396. 396 #
  397. 397 # Example : PROXY_PORT=25
  398. 398 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  399. 399 PROXY_PORT=
  400. 400
  401. 401 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  402. 402 # Specify the proxy user name. Leave PROXY_USER and PROXY_PWD
  403. 403 # blank if your proxy server requires no authentication.
  404. 404 #
  405. 405 # Example : PROXY_USER=username
  406. 406 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  407. 407 PROXY_USER=
  408. 408
  409. 409 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  410. 410 # Specify the proxy password. Leave PROXY_USER and PROXY_PWD
  411. 411 # blank if your proxy server requires no authentication.
  412. 412 #
  413. 413 # Example : PROXY_PWD=password
  414. 414 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  415. 415 PROXY_PWD=
  1. 1 ##############################################################################
  2. 2 ## ##
  3. 3 ## DBCA response file ##
  4. 4 ## ------------------ ##
  5. 5 ## Copyright 1998, 2007, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ##
  6. 6 ## ##
  7. 7 ## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize Oracle ##
  8. 8 ## Database Configuration installation. ##
  9. 9 ## ##
  10. 10 ## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment identifies the ##
  11. 11 ## variable type. ##
  12. 12 ## ##
  13. 13 ## Please specify the values in the following format : ##
  14. 14 ## Type : Example ##
  15. 15 ## String : "<value>" ##
  16. 16 ## Boolean : True or False ##
  17. 17 ## Number : <numeric value> ##
  18. 18 ## StringList : {"<value1>","<value2>"} ##
  19. 19 ## ##
  20. 20 ## Examples : ##
  21. 21 ## 1. dbca -progress_only -responseFile <response file> ##
  22. 22 ## Display a progress bar depicting progress of database creation ##
  23. 23 ## process. ##
  24. 24 ## ##
  25. 25 ## 2. dbca -silent -responseFile <response file> ##
  26. 26 ## Creates database silently. No user interface is displayed. ##
  27. 27 ## ##
  28. 28 ## 3. dbca -silent -createDatabase -cloneTemplate ##
  29. 29 ## -responseFile <response file> ##
  30. 30 ## Creates database silently with clone template. The template in ##
  31. 31 ## responsefile is a clone template. ##
  32. 32 ## ##
  33. 33 ## 4. dbca -silent -deleteDatabase -responseFile <response file> ##
  34. 34 ## Deletes database silently. ##
  35. 35 ##############################################################################
  36. 36
  37. 37 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. 38 # GENERAL section is required for all types of database creations.
  39. 39 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. 40 [GENERAL]
  41. 41
  42. 42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. 44 # Datatype : String
  45. 45 # Description : Version of the database to create
  46. 46 # Valid values : "11.1.0"
  47. 47 # Default value : None
  48. 48 # Mandatory : Yes
  49. 49 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. 50 RESPONSEFILE_VERSION = "11.2.0"
  51. 51
  52. 52 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. 53 # Name : OPERATION_TYPE
  54. 54 # Datatype : String
  55. 55 # Description : Type of operation
  56. 56 # Valid values : "createDatabase" \ "createTemplateFromDB" \ "createCloneTemplate" \ "deleteDatabase" \ "configureDatabase" \ "addInstance" (RAC-only) \ "deleteInstance" (RAC-only)
  57. 57 # Default value : None
  58. 58 # Mandatory : Yes
  59. 59 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. 60 OPERATION_TYPE = "createDatabase"
  61. 61
  62. 62 #-----------------------*** End of GENERAL section ***------------------------
  63. 63
  64. 64 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. 65 # CREATEDATABASE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "createDatabase".
  66. 66 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. 68
  69. 69 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. 70 # Name : GDBNAME
  71. 71 # Datatype : String
  72. 72 # Description : Global database name of the database
  73. 73 # Valid values : <db_name>.<db_domain> - when database domain isn't NULL
  74. 74 # <db_name> - when database domain is NULL
  75. 75 # Default value : None
  76. 76 # Mandatory : Yes
  77. 77 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. 78 GDBNAME = "glassfish"
  79. 79
  80. 80 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. 81 # Name : POLICYMANAGED
  82. 82 # Datatype : Boolean
  83. 83 # Description : Set to true if Database is policy managed and
  84. 84 # set to false if Database is admin managed
  85. 85 # Valid values : TRUE\FALSE
  86. 86 # Default value : FALSE
  87. 87 # Mandatory : No
  88. 88 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. 89 #POLICYMANAGED = "false"
  90. 90
  91. 91 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  92. 92 # Name : CREATESERVERPOOL
  93. 93 # Datatype : Boolean
  94. 94 # Description : Set to true if new server pool need to be created for database
  95. 95 # if this option is specified then the newly created database
  96. 96 # will use this newly created serverpool.
  97. 97 # Multiple serverpoolname can not be specified for database
  98. 98 # Valid values : TRUE\FALSE
  99. 99 # Default value : FALSE
  100. 100 # Mandatory : No
  101. 101 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. 102 #CREATESERVERPOOL = "false"
  103. 103
  104. 104 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. 105 # Name : FORCE
  106. 106 # Datatype : Boolean
  107. 107 # Description : Set to true if new server pool need to be created by force
  108. 108 # if this option is specified then the newly created serverpool
  109. 109 # will be assigned server even if no free servers are available.
  110. 110 # This may affect already running database.
  111. 111 # This flag can be specified for Admin managed as well as policy managed db.
  112. 112 # Valid values : TRUE\FALSE
  113. 113 # Default value : FALSE
  114. 114 # Mandatory : No
  115. 115 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. 116 #FORCE = "false"
  117. 117
  118. 118 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  119. 119 # Name : SERVERPOOLNAME
  120. 120 # Datatype : String
  121. 121 # Description : Only one serverpool name need to be specified
  122. 122 # if Create Server Pool option is specified.
  123. 123 # Comma-separated list of Serverpool names if db need to use
  124. 124 # multiple Server pool
  125. 125 # Valid values : ServerPool name
  126. 126 # Default value : None
  127. 127 # Mandatory : No [required in case of RAC service centric database]
  128. 128 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. 129 #SERVERPOOLNAME =
  130. 130
  131. 131 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. 132 # Name : CARDINALITY
  133. 133 # Datatype : Number
  134. 134 # Description : Specify Cardinality for create server pool operation
  135. 135 # Valid values : any positive Integer value
  136. 136 # Default value : Number of qualified nodes on cluster
  137. 137 # Mandatory : No [Required when a new serverpool need to be created]
  138. 138 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. 139 #CARDINALITY =
  140. 140
  141. 141 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. 142 # Name : SID
  143. 143 # Datatype : String
  144. 144 # Description : System identifier (SID) of the database
  145. 145 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide
  146. 146 # Default value : <db_name> specified in GDBNAME
  147. 147 # Mandatory : No
  148. 148 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  149. 149 SID = "glassfish"
  150. 150
  151. 151 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. 152 # Name : NODELIST
  153. 153 # Datatype : String
  154. 154 # Description : Comma-separated list of cluster nodes
  155. 155 # Valid values : Cluster node names
  156. 156 # Default value : None
  157. 157 # Mandatory : No (Yes for RAC database-centric database )
  158. 158 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159. 159 #NODELIST=
  160. 160
  161. 161 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  162. 162 # Name : TEMPLATENAME
  163. 163 # Datatype : String
  164. 164 # Description : Name of the template
  165. 165 # Valid values : Template file name
  166. 166 # Default value : None
  167. 167 # Mandatory : Yes
  168. 168 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  169. 169 TEMPLATENAME = "General_Purpose.dbc"
  170. 170
  171. 171 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. 173 # Datatype : Boolean
  174. 174 # Description : Set to true if passwords are encrypted
  175. 175 # Valid values : TRUE\FALSE
  176. 176 # Default value : FALSE
  177. 177 # Mandatory : No
  178. 178 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  180. 180
  181. 181
  182. 182 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  183. 183 # Name : SYSPASSWORD
  184. 184 # Datatype : String
  185. 185 # Description : Password for SYS user
  186. 186 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide
  187. 187 # Default value : None
  188. 188 # Mandatory : Yes
  189. 189 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  190. 190 SYSPASSWORD = "glassfish"
  191. 191
  192. 192 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  193. 193 # Name : SYSTEMPASSWORD
  194. 194 # Datatype : String
  195. 195 # Description : Password for SYSTEM user
  196. 196 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide
  197. 197 # Default value : None
  198. 198 # Mandatory : Yes
  199. 199 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  200. 200 SYSTEMPASSWORD = "glassfish"
  201. 201
  202. 202 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  203. 203 # Name : EMCONFIGURATION
  204. 204 # Datatype : String
  205. 205 # Description : Enterprise Manager Configuration Type
  207. 207 # Default value : NONE
  208. 208 # Mandatory : No
  209. 209 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211. 211
  212. 212 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  214. 214 # Datatype : String
  215. 215 # Description : Database Security Settings
  216. 216 # Valid values : ALL|NONE|AUDIT|PASSWORD_PROFILE
  217. 217 # Default value : NONE
  218. 218 # Mandatory : No
  219. 219 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  221. 221
  222. 222
  223. 223 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  224. 224 # Name : SYSMANPASSWORD
  225. 225 # Datatype : String
  226. 226 # Description : Password for SYSMAN user
  227. 227 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide
  228. 228 # Default value : None
  229. 229 # Mandatory : Yes, if LOCAL specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  230. 230 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  231. 231 #SYSMANPASSWORD = "password"
  232. 232
  233. 233 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  234. 234 # Name : DBSNMPPASSWORD
  235. 235 # Datatype : String
  236. 236 # Description : Password for DBSNMP user
  237. 237 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide
  238. 238 # Default value : None
  239. 239 # Mandatory : Yes, if EMCONFIGURATION is specified
  240. 240 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  241. 241 #DBSNMPPASSWORD = "password"
  242. 242
  243. 243 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. 244 # Name : CENTRALAGENT
  245. 245 # Datatype : String
  246. 246 # Description : Grid Control Central Agent Oracle Home
  247. 247 # Default value : None
  248. 248 # Mandatory : Yes, if CENTRAL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  249. 249 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  250. 250 #CENTRALAGENT =
  251. 251
  252. 252 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  253. 253 # Name : HOSTUSERNAME
  254. 254 # Datatype : String
  255. 255 # Description : Host user name for EM backup job
  256. 256 # Default value : None
  257. 257 # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  258. 258 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  259. 259 #HOSTUSERNAME =
  260. 260
  261. 261 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  262. 262 # Name : HOSTUSERPASSWORD
  263. 263 # Datatype : String
  264. 264 # Description : Host user password for EM backup job
  265. 265 # Default value : None
  266. 266 # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  267. 267 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  269. 269
  270. 270 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  271. 271 # Name : BACKUPSCHEDULE
  272. 272 # Datatype : String
  273. 273 # Description : Daily backup schedule in the form of hh:mm
  274. 274 # Default value : 2:00
  275. 275 # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  276. 276 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  278. 278
  279. 279 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  280. 280 # Name : SMTPSERVER
  281. 281 # Datatype : String
  282. 282 # Description : Outgoing mail (SMTP) server for email notifications
  283. 283 # Default value : None
  284. 284 # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOBACKUP are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  285. 285 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  286. 286 #SMTPSERVER =
  287. 287
  288. 288 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  289. 289 # Name : EMAILADDRESS
  290. 290 # Datatype : String
  291. 291 # Description : Email address for email notifications
  292. 292 # Default value : None
  293. 293 # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOBACKUP are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  294. 294 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  295. 295 #EMAILADDRESS =
  296. 296
  297. 297 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  298. 298 # Name : DVOWNERNAME
  299. 299 # Datatype : String
  300. 300 # Description : DataVault Owner
  301. 301 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide
  302. 302 # Default value : None
  303. 303 # Mandatory : Yes, if DataVault option is chosen
  304. 304 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  305. 305 #DVOWNERNAME = ""
  306. 306
  307. 307 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  308. 308 # Name : DVOWNERPASSWORD
  309. 309 # Datatype : String
  310. 310 # Description : Password for DataVault Owner
  311. 311 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide
  312. 312 # Default value : None
  313. 313 # Mandatory : Yes, if DataVault option is chosen
  314. 314 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  315. 315 #DVOWNERPASSWORD = ""
  316. 316
  317. 317 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  319. 319 # Datatype : String
  320. 320 # Description : DataVault Account Manager
  321. 321 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide
  322. 322 # Default value : None
  323. 323 # Mandatory : No
  324. 324 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  326. 326
  327. 327 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  329. 329 # Datatype : String
  330. 330 # Description : Password for DataVault Account Manager
  331. 331 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide
  332. 332 # Default value : None
  333. 333 # Mandatory : No
  334. 334 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  336. 336
  337. 337
  338. 338
  339. 339 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  341. 341 # Datatype : String
  342. 342 # Description : Location of the data file jar
  343. 343 # Valid values : Directory containing compressed datafile jar
  344. 344 # Default value : None
  345. 345 # Mandatory : No
  346. 346 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  348. 348
  349. 349 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  351. 351 # Datatype : String
  352. 352 # Description : Location of the data file's
  353. 353 # Valid values : Directory for all the database files
  354. 354 # Default value : $ORACLE_BASE/oradata
  355. 355 # Mandatory : No
  356. 356 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  358. 358
  359. 359 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  361. 361 # Datatype : String
  362. 362 # Description : Location of the data file's
  363. 363 # Valid values : Recovery Area location
  364. 364 # Default value : $ORACLE_BASE/flash_recovery_area
  365. 365 # Mandatory : No
  366. 366 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  368. 368
  369. 369 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  370. 370 # Name : STORAGETYPE
  371. 371 # Datatype : String
  372. 372 # Description : Specifies the storage on which the database is to be created
  373. 373 # Valid values : FS (CFS for RAC), ASM
  374. 374 # Default value : FS
  375. 375 # Mandatory : No
  376. 376 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  377. 377 #STORAGETYPE=FS
  378. 378
  379. 379 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  380. 380 # Name : DISKGROUPNAME
  381. 381 # Datatype : String
  382. 382 # Description : Specifies the disk group name for the storage
  383. 383 # Default value : DATA
  384. 384 # Mandatory : No
  385. 385 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  387. 387
  388. 388 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  389. 389 # Name : ASMSNMP_PASSWORD
  390. 390 # Datatype : String
  391. 391 # Description : Password for ASM Monitoring
  392. 392 # Default value : None
  393. 393 # Mandatory : No
  394. 394 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  395. 395 #ASMSNMP_PASSWORD=""
  396. 396
  397. 397 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  398. 398 # Name : RECOVERYGROUPNAME
  399. 399 # Datatype : String
  400. 400 # Description : Specifies the disk group name for the recovery area
  401. 401 # Default value : RECOVERY
  402. 402 # Mandatory : No
  403. 403 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405. 405
  406. 406
  407. 407 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  408. 408 # Name : CHARACTERSET
  409. 409 # Datatype : String
  410. 410 # Description : Character set of the database
  411. 411 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g National Language Support Guide
  412. 412 # Default value : "US7ASCII"
  413. 413 # Mandatory : NO
  414. 414 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  415. 415 CHARACTERSET = "AL32UTF8"
  416. 416
  417. 417 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  419. 419 # Datatype : String
  420. 420 # Description : National Character set of the database
  421. 421 # Valid values : "UTF8" or "AL16UTF16". For details, check Oracle11g National Language Support Guide
  422. 422 # Default value : "AL16UTF16"
  423. 423 # Mandatory : No
  424. 424 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  426. 426
  427. 427 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  429. 429 # Datatype : Boolean
  430. 430 # Description : Specifies whether to register with Directory Service.
  431. 431 # Valid values : TRUE \ FALSE
  432. 432 # Default value : FALSE
  433. 433 # Mandatory : No
  434. 434 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  436. 436
  437. 437 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  438. 438 # Name : DIRSERVICEUSERNAME
  439. 439 # Datatype : String
  440. 440 # Description : Specifies the name of the directory service user
  441. 441 # Mandatory : YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE
  442. 442 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  443. 443 #DIRSERVICEUSERNAME= "name"
  444. 444
  445. 445 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  446. 446 # Name : DIRSERVICEPASSWORD
  447. 447 # Datatype : String
  448. 448 # Description : The password of the directory service user.
  449. 449 # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
  450. 450 # Mandatory : YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE
  451. 451 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  452. 452 #DIRSERVICEPASSWORD= "password"
  453. 453
  454. 454 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  455. 455 # Name : WALLETPASSWORD
  456. 456 # Datatype : String
  457. 457 # Description : The password for wallet to created or modified.
  458. 458 # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
  459. 459 # Mandatory : YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE
  460. 460 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  461. 461 #WALLETPASSWORD= "password"
  462. 462
  463. 463 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  464. 464 # Name : LISTENERS
  465. 465 # Datatype : String
  466. 466 # Description : Specifies list of listeners to register the database with.
  467. 467 # By default the database is configured for all the listeners specified in the
  468. 468 # $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora
  469. 469 # Valid values : The list should be space separated names like "listener1 listener2".
  470. 470 # Mandatory : NO
  471. 471 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  472. 472 #LISTENERS = "listener1 listener2"
  473. 473
  474. 474 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  475. 475 # Name : VARIABLESFILE
  476. 476 # Datatype : String
  477. 477 # Description : Location of the file containing variable value pair
  478. 478 # Valid values : A valid file-system file. The variable value pair format in this file
  479. 479 # is <variable>=<value>. Each pair should be in a new line.
  480. 480 # Default value : None
  481. 481 # Mandatory : NO
  482. 482 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  483. 483 #VARIABLESFILE =
  484. 484
  485. 485 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  486. 486 # Name : VARIABLES
  487. 487 # Datatype : String
  488. 488 # Description : comma separated list of name=value pairs. Overrides variables defined in variablefile and templates
  489. 489 # Default value : None
  490. 490 # Mandatory : NO
  491. 491 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  492. 492 #VARIABLES =
  493. 493
  494. 494 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  495. 495 # Name : INITPARAMS
  496. 496 # Datatype : String
  497. 497 # Description : comma separated list of name=value pairs. Overrides initialization parameters defined in templates
  498. 498 # Default value : None
  499. 499 # Mandatory : NO
  500. 500 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  501. 501 #INITPARAMS =
  502. 502
  503. 503 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  504. 504 # Name : MEMORYPERCENTAGE
  505. 505 # Datatype : String
  506. 506 # Description : percentage of physical memory for Oracle
  507. 507 # Default value : None
  508. 508 # Mandatory : NO
  509. 509 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  510. 510 #MEMORYPERCENTAGE = "40"
  511. 511
  512. 512 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  513. 513 # Name : DATABASETYPE
  514. 514 # Datatype : String
  515. 515 # Description : used for memory distribution when MEMORYPERCENTAGE specified
  517. 517 # Default value : MULTIPURPOSE
  518. 518 # Mandatory : NO
  519. 519 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  521. 521
  522. 522 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  524. 524 # Datatype : Boolean
  525. 525 # Description : flag to indicate Automatic Memory Management is used
  526. 526 # Valid values : TRUE/FALSE
  527. 527 # Default value : TRUE
  528. 528 # Mandatory : NO
  529. 529 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  531. 531
  532. 532 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  533. 533 # Name : TOTALMEMORY
  534. 534 # Datatype : String
  535. 535 # Description : total memory in MB to allocate to Oracle
  536. 536 # Valid values :
  537. 537 # Default value :
  538. 538 # Mandatory : NO
  539. 539 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  540. 540 TOTALMEMORY = "10240"
  541. 541
  542. 542
  543. 543 #-----------------------*** End of CREATEDATABASE section ***------------------------
  544. 544
  545. 545 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  546. 546 # createTemplateFromDB section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "createTemplateFromDB".
  547. 547 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  548. 548 [createTemplateFromDB]
  549. 549 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  550. 550 # Name : SOURCEDB
  551. 551 # Datatype : String
  552. 552 # Description : The source database from which to create the template
  553. 553 # Valid values : The format is <host>:<port>:<sid>
  554. 554 # Default value : none
  555. 555 # Mandatory : YES
  556. 556 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  557. 557 SOURCEDB = "myhost:1521:orcl"
  558. 558
  559. 559 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  560. 560 # Name : SYSDBAUSERNAME
  561. 561 # Datatype : String
  562. 562 # Description : A user with DBA role.
  563. 563 # Default value : none
  564. 564 # Mandatory : YES
  565. 565 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  566. 566 SYSDBAUSERNAME = "system"
  567. 567
  568. 568 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  569. 569 # Name : SYSDBAPASSWORD
  570. 570 # Datatype : String
  571. 571 # Description : The password of the DBA user.
  572. 572 # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
  573. 573 # Default value : none
  574. 574 # Mandatory : YES
  575. 575 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  576. 576 #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"
  577. 577
  578. 578 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  579. 579 # Name : TEMPLATENAME
  580. 580 # Datatype : String
  581. 581 # Description : Name for the new template.
  582. 582 # Default value : None
  583. 583 # Mandatory : Yes
  584. 584 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  585. 585 TEMPLATENAME = "My Copy TEMPLATE"
  586. 586
  587. 587 #-----------------------*** End of createTemplateFromDB section ***------------------------
  588. 588
  589. 589 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  590. 590 # createCloneTemplate section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "createCloneTemplate".
  591. 591 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  592. 592 [createCloneTemplate]
  593. 593 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  594. 594 # Name : SOURCEDB
  595. 595 # Datatype : String
  596. 596 # Description : The source database is the SID from which to create the template.
  597. 597 # This database must be local and on the same ORACLE_HOME.
  598. 598 # Default value : none
  599. 599 # Mandatory : YES
  600. 600 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  601. 601 SOURCEDB = "orcl"
  602. 602
  603. 603 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  604. 604 # Name : SYSDBAUSERNAME
  605. 605 # Datatype : String
  606. 606 # Description : A user with DBA role.
  607. 607 # Default value : none
  608. 608 # Mandatory : YES, if no OS authentication
  609. 609 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  610. 610 #SYSDBAUSERNAME = "sys"
  611. 611
  612. 612 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  613. 613 # Name : SYSDBAPASSWORD
  614. 614 # Datatype : String
  615. 615 # Description : The password of the DBA user.
  616. 616 # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
  617. 617 # Default value : none
  618. 618 # Mandatory : YES
  619. 619 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  620. 620 #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"
  621. 621
  622. 622 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  623. 623 # Name : TEMPLATENAME
  624. 624 # Datatype : String
  625. 625 # Description : Name for the new template.
  626. 626 # Default value : None
  627. 627 # Mandatory : Yes
  628. 628 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  629. 629 TEMPLATENAME = "My Clone TEMPLATE"
  630. 630
  631. 631 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  633. 633 # Datatype : String
  634. 634 # Description : Location of the data file jar
  635. 635 # Valid values : Directory where the new compressed datafile jar will be placed
  636. 636 # Default value : $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates
  637. 637 # Mandatory : NO
  638. 638 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  640. 640
  641. 641 #-----------------------*** End of createCloneTemplate section ***------------------------
  642. 642
  643. 643 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  644. 644 # DELETEDATABASE section is used when DELETE_TYPE is defined as "deleteDatabase".
  645. 645 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  647. 647 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  648. 648 # Name : SOURCEDB
  649. 649 # Datatype : String
  650. 650 # Description : The source database is the SID
  651. 651 # This database must be local and on the same ORACLE_HOME.
  652. 652 # Default value : none
  653. 653 # Mandatory : YES
  654. 654 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  655. 655 SOURCEDB = "orcl"
  656. 656
  657. 657 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  658. 658 # Name : SYSDBAUSERNAME
  659. 659 # Datatype : String
  660. 660 # Description : A user with DBA role.
  661. 661 # Default value : none
  662. 662 # Mandatory : YES, if no OS authentication
  663. 663 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  664. 664 #SYSDBAUSERNAME = "sys"
  665. 665
  666. 666 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  667. 667 # Name : SYSDBAPASSWORD
  668. 668 # Datatype : String
  669. 669 # Description : The password of the DBA user.
  670. 670 # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
  671. 671 # Default value : none
  672. 672 # Mandatory : YES, if no OS authentication
  673. 673 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  674. 674 #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"
  675. 675 #-----------------------*** End of deleteDatabase section ***------------------------
  676. 676
  677. 677 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  678. 678 # GENERATESCRIPTS section
  679. 679 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  680. 680 [generateScripts]
  681. 681 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  682. 682 # Name : TEMPLATENAME
  683. 683 # Datatype : String
  684. 684 # Description : Name of the template
  685. 685 # Valid values : Template name as seen in DBCA
  686. 686 # Default value : None
  687. 687 # Mandatory : Yes
  688. 688 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  689. 689 TEMPLATENAME = "New Database"
  690. 690
  691. 691 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  692. 692 # Name : GDBNAME
  693. 693 # Datatype : String
  694. 694 # Description : Global database name of the database
  695. 695 # Valid values : <db_name>.<db_domain> - when database domain isn't NULL
  696. 696 # <db_name> - when database domain is NULL
  697. 697 # Default value : None
  698. 698 # Mandatory : Yes
  699. 699 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  700. 700 GDBNAME = "orcl11.us.oracle.com"
  701. 701
  702. 702 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  703. 703 # Name : SCRIPTDESTINATION
  704. 704 # Datatype : String
  705. 705 # Description : Location of the scripts
  706. 706 # Valid values : Directory for all the scripts
  707. 707 # Default value : None
  708. 708 # Mandatory : No
  709. 709 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  711. 711
  712. 712 #-----------------------*** End of deleteDatabase section ***------------------------
  713. 713
  714. 714 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  715. 715 # CONFIGUREDATABASE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "configureDatabase".
  716. 716 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  718. 718
  719. 719 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  720. 720 # Name : SOURCEDB
  721. 721 # Datatype : String
  722. 722 # Description : The source database is the SID
  723. 723 # This database must be local and on the same ORACLE_HOME.
  724. 724 # Default value : none
  725. 725 # Mandatory : YES
  726. 726 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  727. 727 #SOURCEDB = "orcl"
  728. 728
  729. 729 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  730. 730 # Name : SYSDBAUSERNAME
  731. 731 # Datatype : String
  732. 732 # Description : A user with DBA role.
  733. 733 # Default value : none
  734. 734 # Mandatory : YES, if no OS authentication
  735. 735 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  736. 736 #SYSDBAUSERNAME = "sys"
  737. 737
  738. 738
  739. 739 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  740. 740 # Name : SYSDBAPASSWORD
  741. 741 # Datatype : String
  742. 742 # Description : The password of the DBA user.
  743. 743 # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
  744. 744 # Default value : none
  745. 745 # Mandatory : YES, if no OS authentication
  746. 746 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  747. 747 #SYSDBAPASSWORD =
  748. 748
  749. 749 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  751. 751 # Datatype : Boolean
  752. 752 # Description : Specifies whether to register with Directory Service.
  753. 753 # Valid values : TRUE \ FALSE
  754. 754 # Default value : FALSE
  755. 755 # Mandatory : No
  756. 756 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  758. 758
  759. 759 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  761. 761 # Datatype : Boolean
  762. 762 # Description : Specifies whether to unregister with Directory Service.
  763. 763 # Valid values : TRUE \ FALSE
  764. 764 # Default value : FALSE
  765. 765 # Mandatory : No
  766. 766 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  768. 768
  769. 769 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  771. 771 # Datatype : Boolean
  772. 772 # Description : Specifies whether regenerate database password in OID/Wallet
  773. 773 # Valid values : TRUE \ FALSE
  774. 774 # Default value : FALSE
  775. 775 # Mandatory : No
  776. 776 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  778. 778
  779. 779 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  780. 780 # Name : DIRSERVICEUSERNAME
  781. 781 # Datatype : String
  782. 782 # Description : Specifies the name of the directory service user
  783. 783 # Mandatory : YES, if the any of the reg/unreg/regenPasswd options specified
  784. 784 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  785. 785 #DIRSERVICEUSERNAME= "name"
  786. 786
  787. 787 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  788. 788 # Name : DIRSERVICEPASSWORD
  789. 789 # Datatype : String
  790. 790 # Description : The password of the directory service user.
  791. 791 # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
  792. 792 # Mandatory : YES, if the any of the reg/unreg/regenPasswd options specified
  793. 793 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  794. 794 #DIRSERVICEPASSWORD= "password"
  795. 795
  796. 796 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  797. 797 # Name : WALLETPASSWORD
  798. 798 # Datatype : String
  799. 799 # Description : The password for wallet to created or modified.
  800. 800 # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
  801. 801 # Mandatory : YES, if the any of the reg/unreg/regenPasswd options specified
  802. 802 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  803. 803 #WALLETPASSWORD= "password"
  804. 804
  805. 805 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  807. 807 # Datatype : String
  808. 808 # Description : Database Security Settings
  809. 809 # Valid values : ALL|NONE|AUDIT|PASSWORD_PROFILE
  810. 810 # Default value : NONE
  811. 811 # Mandatory : No
  812. 812 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  814. 814
  815. 815
  816. 816
  817. 817 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  819. 819 # Datatype : String
  820. 820 # Description : Database Security Settings
  821. 821 # Valid values : true|false
  822. 822 # Default value : true
  823. 823 # Mandatory : No
  824. 824 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  826. 826
  827. 827
  828. 828 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  829. 829 # Name : EMCONFIGURATION
  830. 830 # Datatype : String
  831. 831 # Description : Enterprise Manager Configuration Type
  833. 833 # Default value : NONE
  834. 834 # Mandatory : No
  835. 835 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  837. 837
  838. 838 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  839. 839 # Name : SYSMANPASSWORD
  840. 840 # Datatype : String
  841. 841 # Description : Password for SYSMAN user
  842. 842 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide
  843. 843 # Default value : None
  844. 844 # Mandatory : Yes, if LOCAL specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  845. 845 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  846. 846 #SYSMANPASSWORD = "password"
  847. 847
  848. 848 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  849. 849 # Name : DBSNMPPASSWORD
  850. 850 # Datatype : String
  851. 851 # Description : Password for DBSNMP user
  852. 852 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide
  853. 853 # Default value : None
  854. 854 # Mandatory : Yes, if EMCONFIGURATION is specified
  855. 855 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  856. 856 #DBSNMPPASSWORD = "password"
  857. 857
  858. 858 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  859. 859 # Name : CENTRALAGENT
  860. 860 # Datatype : String
  861. 861 # Description : Grid Control Central Agent Oracle Home
  862. 862 # Default value : None
  863. 863 # Mandatory : Yes, if CENTRAL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  864. 864 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  865. 865 #CENTRALAGENT =
  866. 866
  867. 867 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  868. 868 # Name : HOSTUSERNAME
  869. 869 # Datatype : String
  870. 870 # Description : Host user name for EM backup job
  871. 871 # Default value : None
  872. 872 # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  873. 873 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  874. 874 #HOSTUSERNAME =
  875. 875
  876. 876 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  877. 877 # Name : HOSTUSERPASSWORD
  878. 878 # Datatype : String
  879. 879 # Description : Host user password for EM backup job
  880. 880 # Default value : None
  881. 881 # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  882. 882 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  884. 884
  885. 885 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  886. 886 # Name : BACKUPSCHEDULE
  887. 887 # Datatype : String
  888. 888 # Description : Daily backup schedule in the form of hh:mm
  889. 889 # Default value : 2:00
  890. 890 # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  891. 891 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  893. 893
  894. 894 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  895. 895 # Name : SMTPSERVER
  896. 896 # Datatype : String
  897. 897 # Description : Outgoing mail (SMTP) server for email notifications
  898. 898 # Default value : None
  899. 899 # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOBACKUP are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  900. 900 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  901. 901 #SMTPSERVER =
  902. 902
  903. 903 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  904. 904 # Name : EMAILADDRESS
  905. 905 # Datatype : String
  906. 906 # Description : Email address for email notifications
  907. 907 # Default value : None
  908. 908 # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOBACKUP are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
  909. 909 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  910. 910 #EMAILADDRESS =
  911. 911
  912. 912 #-----------------------*** End of CONFIGUREDATABASE section ***------------------------
  913. 913
  914. 914
  915. 915 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  916. 916 # ADDINSTANCE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "addInstance".
  917. 917 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  918. 918 [ADDINSTANCE]
  919. 919
  920. 920 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  921. 921 # Name : DB_UNIQUE_NAME
  922. 922 # Datatype : String
  923. 923 # Description : DB Unique Name of the RAC database
  924. 924 # Valid values : <db_unique_name>
  925. 925 # Default value : None
  926. 926 # Mandatory : Yes
  927. 927 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  928. 928 DB_UNIQUE_NAME = "orcl11g.us.oracle.com"
  929. 929
  930. 930 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  931. 931 # Name : INSTANCENAME
  932. 932 # Datatype : String
  933. 933 # Description : RAC instance name to be added
  934. 934 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide
  935. 935 # Default value : <sid_prefix>+<highest_current_thread+1>
  936. 936 # Mandatory : No
  937. 937 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  938. 938 #INSTANCENAME = "orcl1"
  939. 939
  940. 940 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  941. 941 # Name : NODELIST
  942. 942 # Datatype : String
  943. 943 # Description : Node on which to add new instance
  944. 944 # (in 10gR2, instance addition is supported on 1 node at a time)
  945. 945 # Valid values : Cluster node name
  946. 946 # Default value : None
  947. 947 # Mandatory : Yes
  948. 948 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  949. 949 NODELIST=
  950. 950
  951. 951 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  953. 953 # Datatype : Boolean
  954. 954 # Description : Set to true if passwords are encrypted
  955. 955 # Valid values : TRUE\FALSE
  956. 956 # Default value : FALSE
  957. 957 # Mandatory : No
  958. 958 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  960. 960
  961. 961 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  962. 962 # Name : SYSDBAUSERNAME
  963. 963 # Datatype : String
  964. 964 # Description : A user with DBA role.
  965. 965 # Default value : none
  966. 966 # Mandatory : YES
  967. 967 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  968. 968 SYSDBAUSERNAME = "sys"
  969. 969
  970. 970 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  971. 971 # Name : SYSDBAPASSWORD
  972. 972 # Datatype : String
  973. 973 # Description : The password of the DBA user.
  974. 974 # Default value : none
  975. 975 # Mandatory : YES
  976. 976 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  977. 977 #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"
  978. 978
  979. 979 #-----------------------*** End of ADDINSTANCE section ***------------------------
  980. 980
  981. 981
  982. 982 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  983. 983 # DELETEINSTANCE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "deleteInstance".
  984. 984 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  986. 986
  987. 987 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  988. 988 # Name : DB_UNIQUE_NAME
  989. 989 # Datatype : String
  990. 990 # Description : DB Unique Name of the RAC database
  991. 991 # Valid values : <db_unique_name>
  992. 992 # Default value : None
  993. 993 # Mandatory : Yes
  994. 994 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  995. 995 DB_UNIQUE_NAME = "orcl11g.us.oracle.com"
  996. 996
  997. 997 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  998. 998 # Name : INSTANCENAME
  999. 999 # Datatype : String
  1000. 1000 # Description : RAC instance name to be deleted
  1001. 1001 # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide
  1002. 1002 # Default value : None
  1003. 1003 # Mandatory : Yes
  1004. 1004 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1005. 1005 INSTANCENAME = "orcl11g"
  1006. 1006
  1007. 1007 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1008. 1008 # Name : NODELIST
  1009. 1009 # Datatype : String
  1010. 1010 # Description : Node on which instance to be deleted (SID) is located
  1011. 1011 # Valid values : Cluster node name
  1012. 1012 # Default value : None
  1013. 1013 # Mandatory : No
  1014. 1014 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1015. 1015 #NODELIST=
  1016. 1016
  1017. 1017 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1018. 1018 # Name : OBFUSCATEDPASSWORDS
  1019. 1019 # Datatype : Boolean
  1020. 1020 # Description : Set to true if passwords are encrypted
  1021. 1021 # Valid values : TRUE\FALSE
  1022. 1022 # Default value : FALSE
  1023. 1023 # Mandatory : No
  1024. 1024 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1026. 1026
  1027. 1027 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1028. 1028 # Name : SYSDBAUSERNAME
  1029. 1029 # Datatype : String
  1030. 1030 # Description : A user with DBA role.
  1031. 1031 # Default value : none
  1032. 1032 # Mandatory : YES
  1033. 1033 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1034. 1034 SYSDBAUSERNAME = "sys"
  1035. 1035
  1036. 1036 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1037. 1037 # Name : SYSDBAPASSWORD
  1038. 1038 # Datatype : String
  1039. 1039 # Description : The password of the DBA user.
  1040. 1040 # Default value : none
  1041. 1041 # Mandatory : YES
  1042. 1042 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1043. 1043 #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"
  1044. 1044
  1045. 1045
  1046. 1046 #-----------------------*** End of DELETEINSTANCE section ***------------------------
$cd /home/oracle/database
$./runInstaller -silent -responseFile /home/oracle/response/db_install.rsp
//当安装界面出现如下信息的时候  打开另一个终端窗口
The installation of Oracle Database 11g was successful.
Please check '/home/oracle/oraInventory/logs/silentInstall2016-02-04_09-21-13AM.log' for more details.
As a root user, execute the following script(s):
 1. /home/oracle/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh
 2. /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/root.sh
Successfully Setup Software.
$cd /home/oracle/response
$netca /silent /responsefile /home/oracle/response/netca.rsp
Parsing command line arguments:
    Parameter "silent" = true
    Parameter "responsefile" = /opt/database/response/netca.rsp
Done parsing command line arguments.
Oracle Net Services Configuration:
Profile configuration complete.
Listener "LISTENER" already exists.
Oracle Net Services configuration successful. The exit code is 0
$lsnrctl status
$dbca -silent -responseFile /home/oracle/response/dbca.rsp 
$ sqlplus / as sysdba  //as前有个空格
[oracle@oracledb ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Feb 16 14:26:57 2015
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> start
SP2-1506: START, @ or @@ command has no arguments
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 3290345472 bytes
Fixed Size                  2217832 bytes
Variable Size            1795164312 bytes
Database Buffers         1476395008 bytes
Redo Buffers               16568320 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
使用show parameter;或者select table_name from dba_tables看看是否正常
Checking swap space: 0 MB available, 150 MB required.    Failed <<<<

dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/swapfile bs=1M count=512
mkswap /home/swapfile
swapon /home/swapfile

/home/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0


Error in writing to directory/tmp/OraInstall2012-09-16_01-54-05AM. Please ensure that this directory iswritable and has atleast 60 MB of disk space.




[SEVERE] - Email Address Not Specified


这个是因为db_install.rsp 中的 DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES没有设或者为false



