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spark以snappydata模式(内部表) 导入snappy数据库异常_query execution failed

query execution failed

使用spark job导数之后,job显示执行成功,去dbeaver查询表但是显示Syntax error or analysis exception: Union can only be performed on tables with the compatible column types. 

  1. Query execution failed
  2. 原因:
  3. SQL 错误 [20000] [42000]: (SQLState=42000 Severity=20000) (Server=rf-sd0003.rayfay.io/[2527] Thread=ThriftProcessor-3982) Syntax error or analysis exception: Union can only be performed on tables with the compatible column types. TimestampType <> DecimalType(38,0) at the first column of the second table;;
  4. 'Union
  5. :- Project [id#13361, name#13362, creat_time#13363, upt#13364, money#13365, _upt#13366, _SID#13379, timestamptomill(_UPT#13366) AS __T_UPT_T#13407L]
  6. : +- Project [id#13361, name#13362, creat_time#13363, upt#13364, money#13365, _upt#13366, 0 AS _SID#13379]
  7. : +- SubqueryAlias app_db_tset_t_talbe_test_lq
  8. : +- Relation[id#13361,name#13362,creat_time#13363,upt#13364,money#13365,_upt#13366] RowFormatRelation[app_db_tset.app_db_tset_t_talbe_test_lq]
  9. +- Filter (1 = 1)
  10. +- Project [_upt#13387, money#13388, upt#13389, creat_time#13390, name#13391, id#13392, _SID#13399, timestamptomill(_UPT#13387) AS __T_UPT_T#13416L]
  11. +- Project [_upt#13387, money#13388, upt#13389, creat_time#13390, name#13391, id#13392, 1 AS _SID#13399]
  12. +- Relation[_upt#13387,money#13388,upt#13389,creat_time#13390,name#13391,id#13392] parquet
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <daas-model xmlns="http://daas-model.rayfay.cn/pipline/job/"
  3. xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  4. xsi:schemaLocation="http://daas-model.rayfay.cn/pipline/job/ http://daas-model.rayfay.cn/pipline/job/daas-model.xsd">
  5. <domain viural="true">
  6. <sources>
  7. <source view="source_DF" provider="csv">
  8. <options>
  9. <option key="pat
