- void OBCameraNode::setupDevices() {
- auto sensor_list = device_->getSensorList();
- //std::cout<<"**********sensor list has "<<sensor_list->count()<<std::endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sensor_list->count(); i++) {
- auto sensor = sensor_list->getSensor(i);
- //std::cout<<"**********sensor list "<< i << " " <<sensor_list->type(i) <<std::endl;
- auto profiles = sensor->getStreamProfileList();
- for (size_t j = 0; j < profiles->count(); j++) {
- auto profile = profiles->getProfile(j);
- stream_index_pair sip{profile->type(), 0};
- if (sensors_.find(sip) != sensors_.end()) {
- continue;
- }
- sensors_[sip] = std::make_shared<ROSOBSensor>(device_, sensor, stream_name_[sip]);
- }
- }
- for (const auto& item : enable_stream_) {
- auto stream_index = item.first;
- auto enable = item.second;
- if (enable && sensors_.find(stream_index) == sensors_.end()) {
- ROS_INFO_STREAM(stream_name_[stream_index]
- << "sensor isn't supported by current device! -- Skipping...");
- enable_stream_[stream_index] = false;
- }
- }
- if (enable_d2c_viewer_) {
- d2c_viewer_ = std::make_shared<D2CViewer>(nh_, nh_private_);
- }
- CHECK_NOTNULL(device_info_.get());
- if (enable_pipeline_) {
- pipeline_ = std::make_shared<ob::Pipeline>(device_);
- }
- try {
- if (enable_hardware_d2d_ && device_info_->pid() == GEMINI2_PID) {
- device_->setBoolProperty(OB_PROP_DISPARITY_TO_DEPTH_BOOL, true);
- }
- if (!depth_work_mode_.empty()) {
- device_->switchDepthWorkMode(depth_work_mode_.c_str());
- }
- if (sync_mode_ != OB_SYNC_MODE_CLOSE) {
- OBDeviceSyncConfig sync_config;
- sync_config.syncMode = sync_mode_;
- sync_config.irTriggerSignalInDelay = ir_trigger_signal_in_delay_;
- sync_config.rgbTriggerSignalInDelay = rgb_trigger_signal_in_delay_;
- sync_config.deviceTriggerSignalOutDelay = device_trigger_signal_out_delay_;
- device_->setSyncConfig(sync_config);
- if (device_->isPropertySupported(OB_PROP_SYNC_SIGNAL_TRIGGER_OUT_BOOL,
- device_->setBoolProperty(OB_PROP_SYNC_SIGNAL_TRIGGER_OUT_BOOL, sync_signal_trigger_out_);
- }
- }
- if (device_info_->pid() == GEMINI2_PID) {
- auto default_precision_level = device_->getIntProperty(OB_PROP_DEPTH_PRECISION_LEVEL_INT);
- if (default_precision_level != depth_precision_) {
- device_->setIntProperty(OB_PROP_DEPTH_PRECISION_LEVEL_INT, depth_precision_);
- }
- }
- device_->setBoolProperty(OB_PROP_DEPTH_SOFT_FILTER_BOOL, enable_soft_filter_);
- device_->setBoolProperty(OB_PROP_COLOR_AUTO_EXPOSURE_BOOL, enable_color_auto_exposure_);
- device_->setBoolProperty(OB_PROP_IR_AUTO_EXPOSURE_BOOL, enable_ir_auto_exposure_);
- auto default_soft_filter_max_diff = device_->getIntProperty(OB_PROP_DEPTH_MAX_DIFF_INT);
- if (soft_filter_max_diff_ != -1 && default_soft_filter_max_diff != soft_filter_max_diff_) {
- device_->setIntProperty(OB_PROP_DEPTH_MAX_DIFF_INT, soft_filter_max_diff_);
- }
- auto default_soft_filter_speckle_size =
- device_->getIntProperty(OB_PROP_DEPTH_MAX_SPECKLE_SIZE_INT);
- if (soft_filter_speckle_size_ != -1 &&
- default_soft_filter_speckle_size != soft_filter_speckle_size_) {
- device_->setIntProperty(OB_PROP_DEPTH_MAX_SPECKLE_SIZE_INT, soft_filter_speckle_size_);
- }
- //***************add imu*********************
- enable_stream_[ACCEL] = true;
- enable_stream_[GYRO] = true;
- for (const auto& stream_index : HID_STREAMS) {
- if (stream_index == GYRO)
- {
- auto profile_list = sensors_[stream_index]->getStreamProfileList();
- supported_profiles_[stream_index] = profile_list;
- auto selected_profile = profile_list->getGyroStreamProfile(OB_GYRO_FS_125dps, OB_SAMPLE_RATE_200_HZ);
- stream_profile_[stream_index] = selected_profile;
- }
- else if (stream_index == ACCEL)
- {
- auto profile_list = sensors_[stream_index]->getStreamProfileList();
- supported_profiles_[stream_index] = profile_list;
- auto selected_profile = profile_list->getAccelStreamProfile(OB_ACCEL_FS_4g, OB_SAMPLE_RATE_200_HZ);
- stream_profile_[stream_index] = selected_profile;
- }
- }
- // for (const auto& stream_index : HID_STREAMS) {
- // if (enable_stream_[stream_index]) {
- // pipeline_config_->enableStream(stream_profile_[stream_index]);
- // }
- // }
- imu_publisher_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::Imu>("imu_data", 10);
- std::shared_ptr<ob::Sensor> gyroSensor = nullptr;
- std::shared_ptr<ob::Sensor> accelSensor = nullptr;
- gyroSensor = device_->getSensorList()->getSensor(OB_SENSOR_GYRO);
- if(gyroSensor){
- auto profiles = gyroSensor->getStreamProfileList();
- // auto profile = profiles->getProfile(0);
- gyroSensor->start(stream_profile_[GYRO], [this](std::shared_ptr<ob::Frame> frame) {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(printerMutex);
- //auto timeStamp = frame->timeStamp();
- gyr_timestamp = frame->timeStamp();
- auto gyroFrame = frame->as<ob::GyroFrame>();
- if(gyroFrame != nullptr /*&& (timeStamp % 500) < 2*/) { //( timeStamp % 500 ) < 2: Reduce printing frequency
- auto value = gyroFrame->value();
- // std::cout << "Gyro Frame: \n\r{\n\r"
- // << " tsp = " << timeStamp << "\n\r"
- // << " temperature = " << gyroFrame->temperature() << "\n\r"
- // << " gyro.x = " << value.x << " rad/s"
- // << "\n\r"
- // << " gyro.y = " << value.y << " rad/s"
- // << "\n\r"
- // << " gyro.z = " << value.z << " rad/s"
- // << "\n\r"
- //sensor_msgs::Imu imu_msg = sensor_msgs::Imu();
- // std::cout<<"*******************************"<<std::endl;
- // std::cout<<"gyr_timestamp:"<< gyr_timestamp <<std::endl;
- imu_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time(gyr_timestamp);
- imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = value.x;
- imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = value.y;
- imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = value.z;
- // imu_publisher_.publish(imu_msg);
- }
- });
- }
- accelSensor = device_->getSensorList()->getSensor(OB_SENSOR_ACCEL);
- if(accelSensor) {
- auto profiles = accelSensor->getStreamProfileList();
- // auto profile = profiles->getProfile(0);
- accelSensor->start(stream_profile_[ACCEL], [this](std::shared_ptr<ob::Frame> frame) {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(printerMutex);
- //auto timeStamp = frame->timeStamp();
- acc_timestamp = frame->timeStamp();
- auto accelFrame = frame->as<ob::AccelFrame>();
- if(accelFrame != nullptr) {
- auto value = accelFrame->value();
- // std::cout << "Accel Frame: \n\r{\n\r"
- // << " tsp = " << timeStamp << "\n\r"
- // << " temperature = " << accelFrame->temperature() << "\n\r"
- // << " accel.x = " << value.x << " m/s^2"
- // << "\n\r"
- // << " accel.y = " << value.y << " m/s^2"
- // << "\n\r"
- // << " accel.z = " << value.z << " m/s^2"
- // << "\n\r"
- // << "}\n\r" << std::endl;
- // std::cout<<"acc_timestamp:"<< acc_timestamp <<std::endl;
- // std::cout<<"*******************************"<<std::endl;
- imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = value.x;
- imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = value.y;
- imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = value.z;
- imu_publisher_.publish(imu_msg);
- }
- });
- }
- //*******************************************
- } catch (const ob::Error& e) {
- ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Failed to setup devices: " << e.getMessage());
- } catch (const std::exception& e) {
- ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Failed to setup devices: " << e.what());
- }
- }
- #include <iostream>
- #include <mutex>
- #include <libobsensor/ObSensor.hpp>
- #include "utils.hpp"
- #define ESC 27
- std::mutex printerMutex;
- int main(int argc, char **argv) try {
- //打印SDK的版本号,SDK版本号分为主版本号,副版本号和修订版本号
- // Print the SDK version number, the SDK version number is divided into major version number, minor version number and revision number
- std::cout << "SDK version: " << ob::Version::getMajor() << "." << ob::Version::getMinor() << "." << ob::Version::getPatch() << std::endl;
- // Create a Context.
- //首先需要创建一个Context,用于获取设备信息列表和创建设备
- ob::Context ctx;
- // Query the list of connected devices
- //查询已经接入设备的列表
- auto devList = ctx.queryDeviceList();
- if(devList->deviceCount() == 0) {
- std::cerr << "Device not found!" << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- // Create a device, 0 represents the index of the first device
- auto dev = devList->getDevice(0);
- std::shared_ptr<ob::Sensor> gyroSensor = nullptr;
- std::shared_ptr<ob::Sensor> accelSensor = nullptr;
- try {
- //获取陀螺仪传感器
- gyroSensor = dev->getSensorList()->getSensor(OB_SENSOR_GYRO);
- if(gyroSensor) {
- //获取陀螺仪传感器的配置列表并选择第一个配置开流,在开流的回调里获取帧的数据
- // Get configuration list
- auto profiles = gyroSensor->getStreamProfileList();
- // Select the first profile to open stream
- auto profile = profiles->getProfile(0);
- gyroSensor->start(profile, [](std::shared_ptr<ob::Frame> frame) {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(printerMutex);
- auto timeStamp = frame->timeStamp();
- auto gyroFrame = frame->as<ob::GyroFrame>();
- if(gyroFrame != nullptr ) { //( timeStamp % 500 ) < 2: Reduce printing frequency
- auto value = gyroFrame->value();
- std::cout << "Gyro Frame: \n\r{\n\r"
- << " timestamp = " << timeStamp << "\n\r"
- << " temperature = " << gyroFrame->temperature() << "\n\r"
- << " gyro.x = " << value.x << " rad/s"
- << "\n\r"
- << " gyro.y = " << value.y << " rad/s"
- << "\n\r"
- << " gyro.z = " << value.z << " rad/s"
- << "\n\r"
- << "}\n\r" << std::endl;
- }
- });
- }
- else {
- std::cout << "get gyro Sensor failed ! " << std::endl;
- }
- }
- catch(ob::Error &e) {
- std::cerr << "current device is not support imu!" << std::endl;
- }
- // Get Acceleration Sensor
- accelSensor = dev->getSensorList()->getSensor(OB_SENSOR_ACCEL);
- if(accelSensor) {
- // Get configuration list
- auto profiles = accelSensor->getStreamProfileList();
- // Select the first profile to open stream
- auto profile = profiles->getProfile(0);
- accelSensor->start(profile, [](std::shared_ptr<ob::Frame> frame) {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(printerMutex);
- auto timeStamp = frame->timeStamp();
- auto accelFrame = frame->as<ob::AccelFrame>();
- if(accelFrame != nullptr ) {
- auto value = accelFrame->value();
- std::cout << "Accel Frame: \n\r{\n\r"
- << " timestamp = " << timeStamp << "\n\r"
- << " temperature = " << accelFrame->temperature() << "\n\r"
- << " accel.x = " << value.x << " m/s^2"
- << "\n\r"
- << " accel.y = " << value.y << " m/s^2"
- << "\n\r"
- << " accel.z = " << value.z << " m/s^2"
- << "\n\r"
- << "}\n\r" << std::endl;
- }
- });
- }
- else {
- std::cout << "get Accel Sensor failed ! " << std::endl;
- }
- std::cout << "Press ESC to exit! " << std::endl;
- while(true) {
- // Get the value of the pressed key, if it is the ESC key, exit the program
- int key = getch();
- if(key == ESC)
- break;
- }
- // turn off the flow
- if(gyroSensor) {
- gyroSensor->stop();
- }
- if(accelSensor) {
- accelSensor->stop();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- catch(ob::Error &e) {
- std::cerr << "function:" << e.getName() << "\nargs:" << e.getArgs() << "\nmessage:" << e.getMessage() << "\ntype:" << e.getExceptionType() << std::endl;
- }
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