int SDL_Init(Uint32 flags);
return:成功时返回 0,失败时返回负错误代码;调用SDL_GetError () 获取更多信息。
备注:在子系统使用结束后,需要调用SDL_Quit () 以关闭
int SDL_OpenAudio(SDL_AudioSpec * desired, SDL_AudioSpec * obtained);
return:如果成功则返回 0,将实际的硬件参数放入 指向的结构中obtained。
备注:更强大的方法是使用SDL_OpenAudioDevice (),指定使用设备
类型 | 释义 |
int freq | 每秒采样数 |
SDL_AudioFormat format | 音频数据格式 |
Uint8 channels | 独立声道数 |
Uint8 silence | 音频缓冲区静音值 |
Uint16 samples | 样本中的音频缓冲区大小 |
Uint32 size | 音频缓冲区大小 |
SDL_AudioCallback callback | 当音频设备需要更多数据时调用的函数 |
void *userdata | 传递给回调的指针 |
SDL2.0以后可以支持的值为 1(单声道)、2(立体声)、4(四声道)和 6 (5.1)
void SDL_AudioCallback(void* userdata, Uint8* stream, int len)
void SDL_PauseAudio(int pause_on);
bool StartPlay(const char* pAudioFilePath);
bool StopPlay();
bool PausePlay();
bool ResumePlay();
#pragma once extern "C" { #include "include/libavformat/avformat.h" #include "include/libavcodec/avcodec.h" #include "include/libavutil/avutil.h" #include "include/libswresample/swresample.h" } #include "SDL.h" #include <iostream> #include <mutex> #include <Windows.h> #include <vector> namespace AudioReadFrame { #define MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE 192000 // 1 second of 48khz 16bit audio 2 channel #define MAX_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE 50*1024*1024 // 5M //自定义结构体存储信息 struct FileAudioInst { long long duration; ///< second long long curl_time; ///< second int sample_rate; ///< samples per second int channels; ///< number of audio channels FileAudioInst() { duration = 0; curl_time = 0; sample_rate = 0; channels = 0; } }; //拉流线程状态 enum ThreadState { eRun = 1, eExit, }; enum PlaySate { ePlay = 1, ePause, eStop }; struct CircleBuffer { CircleBuffer() : dataBegin(0), dataEnd(0), buffLen_(0) {} uint32_t buffLen_; uint32_t dataBegin; uint32_t dataEnd; std::vector<uint8_t> decodeBuffer_; }; class CAudioReadFrame { public: CAudioReadFrame(); ~CAudioReadFrame(); public: bool StartPlay(const char* pAudioFilePath); bool StopPlay(); bool PausePlay(); bool ResumePlay(); private: //加载流文件 bool LoadAudioFile(const char* pAudioFilePath); //开始读流 bool StartReadFile(); //停止读流 bool StopReadFile(); //释放资源 bool FreeResources(); //改变拉流线程的装填 void ChangeThreadState(ThreadState eThreadState); //拉流线程 void ReadFrameThreadProc(); //utf转GBK std::string UTF8ToGBK(const std::string& strUTF8); private: uint32_t GetBufferFromCache(uint8_t* buffer, int bufferLen); void PushBufferCache(uint8_t* buffer, int bufferLen); void ClearCache(); void AudioCallback(Uint8* stream, int len); static void SDL_AudioCallback(void* userdata, Uint8* stream, int len); private: typedef std::unique_ptr<std::thread> ThreadPtr; //目的是为了重定向输出ffmpeg日志到本地文件 #define PRINT_LOG 0 #ifdef PRINT_LOG private: static FILE* m_pLogFile; static void LogCallback(void* ptr, int level, const char* fmt, va_list vl); #endif //目的是为了将拉流数据dump下来 #define DUMP_AUDIO 1 #ifdef DUMP_AUDIO FILE* decode_file; FILE* play_file; #endif // DUMP_FILE private: bool m_bIsReadyForRead; int m_nStreamIndex; uint8_t* m_pSwrBuffer; std::mutex m_lockResources; std::mutex m_lockThread; FileAudioInst* m_pFileAudioInst; ThreadPtr m_pReadFrameThread; ThreadState m_eThreadState; private: SwrContext* m_pSwrContext; //重采样 AVFrame* m_pAVFrame; //音频包 AVCodec* m_pAVCodec; //编解码器 AVPacket* m_pAVPack; //读包 AVCodecParameters * m_pAVCodecParameters; //编码参数 AVCodecContext* m_pAVCodecContext; //解码上下文 AVFormatContext* m_pAVFormatContext; //IO上下文 private: PlaySate m_ePlayState; std::mutex cacheBufferLock; CircleBuffer decodeBuffer_; }; }
#include "CAudioReadFrame.h" #include <sstream> namespace AudioReadFrame { #ifdef FFMPEG_LOG_OUT FILE* CAudioReadFrame::m_pLogFile = nullptr; void CAudioReadFrame::LogCallback(void* ptr, int level, const char* fmt, va_list vl) { if (m_pLogFile == nullptr) { m_pLogFile = fopen("E:\\log\\log.txt", "w+"); } if (m_pLogFile) { vfprintf(m_pLogFile, fmt, vl); fflush(m_pLogFile); } } #endif CAudioReadFrame::CAudioReadFrame() : m_ePlayState(PlaySate::eStop) { std::cout << av_version_info() << std::endl; #if DUMP_AUDIO decode_file = fopen("E:\\log\\decode_file.pcm", "wb+"); play_file = fopen("E:\\log\\play_file.pcm", "wb+"); #endif #ifdef FFMPEG_LOG_OUT if (m_pLogFile != nullptr) { fclose(m_pLogFile); m_pLogFile = nullptr; } time_t t = time(nullptr); struct tm* now = localtime(&t); std::stringstream time; time << now->tm_year + 1900 << "/"; time << now->tm_mon + 1 << "/"; time << now->tm_mday << "/"; time << now->tm_hour << ":"; time << now->tm_min << ":"; time << now->tm_sec << std::endl; std::cout << time.str(); av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_TRACE); //设置日志级别 av_log_set_callback(LogCallback); av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, time.str().c_str()); #endif SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO); ClearCache(); } CAudioReadFrame::~CAudioReadFrame() { #if DUMP_AUDIO if (decode_file) { fclose(decode_file); decode_file = nullptr; } #endif StopReadFile(); } bool CAudioReadFrame::StartPlay(const char* pAudioFilePath) { if (m_ePlayState == PlaySate::ePlay) return false; if (!LoadAudioFile(pAudioFilePath)) { return false; } StartReadFile(); SDL_PauseAudio(0); m_ePlayState = PlaySate::ePlay; return true; } bool CAudioReadFrame::StopPlay() { if (m_ePlayState == PlaySate::eStop) return false; StopReadFile(); ClearCache(); SDL_CloseAudio(); return true; } bool CAudioReadFrame::PausePlay() { if (m_ePlayState == PlaySate::ePause || m_ePlayState != PlaySate::ePlay) return false; SDL_PauseAudio(1); } bool CAudioReadFrame::ResumePlay() { if (m_ePlayState == PlaySate::ePause) return false; SDL_PauseAudio(0); } bool CAudioReadFrame::LoadAudioFile(const char* pAudioFilePath) { ChangeThreadState(ThreadState::eExit); FreeResources(); av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_TRACE); //设置日志级别 m_nStreamIndex = -1; m_pAVFormatContext = avformat_alloc_context(); m_pAVFrame = av_frame_alloc(); m_pSwrContext = swr_alloc(); m_pFileAudioInst = new FileAudioInst; m_pSwrBuffer = (uint8_t *)av_malloc(MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE); m_pAVPack = av_packet_alloc(); //Open an input stream and read the header if (avformat_open_input(&m_pAVFormatContext, pAudioFilePath, NULL, NULL) != 0) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Couldn't open input stream.\n"); return false; } //Read packets of a media file to get stream information if (avformat_find_stream_info(m_pAVFormatContext, NULL) < 0) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Couldn't find stream information.\n"); return false; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_pAVFormatContext->nb_streams; i++) { //因为一个url可以包含多股,如果存在多股流,找到音频流,因为现在只读MP3,所以只找音频流 if (m_pAVFormatContext->streams[i]->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { m_nStreamIndex = i; break; } } if (m_nStreamIndex == -1) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Didn't find a audio stream.\n"); return false; } m_pAVCodecParameters = m_pAVFormatContext->streams[m_nStreamIndex]->codecpar; m_pAVCodec = (AVCodec *)avcodec_find_decoder(m_pAVCodecParameters->codec_id); // Open codec m_pAVCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(m_pAVCodec); avcodec_parameters_to_context(m_pAVCodecContext, m_pAVCodecParameters); if (avcodec_open2(m_pAVCodecContext, m_pAVCodec, NULL) < 0) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Could not open codec.\n"); return false; } //初始化重采样 采样率为双通 short, 48k AVChannelLayout outChannelLayout; AVChannelLayout inChannelLayout; outChannelLayout.nb_channels = 2; inChannelLayout.nb_channels = m_pAVCodecContext->ch_layout.nb_channels; if (swr_alloc_set_opts2(&m_pSwrContext, &outChannelLayout, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, 48000, &inChannelLayout, m_pAVCodecContext->sample_fmt, m_pAVCodecContext->sample_rate, 0, NULL) != 0) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "swr_alloc_set_opts2 fail.\n"); return false; } swr_init(m_pSwrContext); //保留流信息 m_pFileAudioInst->duration = m_pAVFormatContext->duration / 1000;//ms m_pFileAudioInst->channels = m_pAVCodecParameters->ch_layout.nb_channels; m_pFileAudioInst->sample_rate = m_pAVCodecParameters->sample_rate; SDL_AudioSpec want; want.freq = 48000; want.channels = 2; want.format = AUDIO_S16SYS; want.samples = 1152; want.userdata = this; want.callback = SDL_AudioCallback; if (SDL_OpenAudio(&want, NULL) < 0) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "SDL_OpenAudio fail:%s .\n", SDL_GetError()); return false; } m_bIsReadyForRead = true; return true; } bool CAudioReadFrame::StartReadFile() { if (!m_bIsReadyForRead) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "File not ready"); return false; } if (m_pReadFrameThread != nullptr) { if (m_pReadFrameThread->joinable()) { m_pReadFrameThread->join(); m_pReadFrameThread.reset(nullptr); } } ChangeThreadState(ThreadState::eRun); m_pReadFrameThread.reset(new std::thread(&CAudioReadFrame::ReadFrameThreadProc, this)); return true; } bool CAudioReadFrame::StopReadFile() { ChangeThreadState(ThreadState::eExit); if (m_pReadFrameThread != nullptr) { if (m_pReadFrameThread->joinable()) { m_pReadFrameThread->join(); m_pReadFrameThread.reset(nullptr); } } FreeResources(); return true; } void CAudioReadFrame::ReadFrameThreadProc() { while (true) { if (m_eThreadState == ThreadState::eExit) { break; } //读取一个包 int nRet = av_read_frame(m_pAVFormatContext, m_pAVPack); if (nRet != 0) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "read frame no data error:%d\n", nRet); ChangeThreadState(ThreadState::eExit); continue; } //判断读取流是否正确 if (m_pAVPack->stream_index != m_nStreamIndex) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "read frame no data error:\n"); continue; } //将一个包放入解码器 nRet = avcodec_send_packet(m_pAVCodecContext, m_pAVPack); if (nRet < 0) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "avcodec_send_packet error:%d\n", nRet); continue; } //从解码器读取解码后的数据 nRet = avcodec_receive_frame(m_pAVCodecContext, m_pAVFrame); if (nRet != 0) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "avcodec_receive_frame error:%d\n", nRet); continue; } //重采样,采样率不变 memset(m_pSwrBuffer, 0, MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE); nRet = swr_convert(m_pSwrContext, &m_pSwrBuffer, MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE, (const uint8_t **)m_pAVFrame->data, m_pAVFrame->nb_samples); if (nRet <0) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "swr_convert error:%d\n", nRet); continue; } int buffSize = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, 2, nRet, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, 1); #if DUMP_AUDIO //获取重采样之后的buffer大小 fwrite((char*)m_pSwrBuffer, 1, buffSize, decode_file); #endif PushBufferCache((uint8_t*)m_pSwrBuffer, buffSize); av_packet_unref(m_pAVPack); } } bool CAudioReadFrame::FreeResources() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locker(m_lockResources); if (m_pSwrBuffer) { av_free(m_pSwrBuffer); m_pSwrBuffer = nullptr; } if (m_pFileAudioInst) { delete m_pFileAudioInst; m_pFileAudioInst = nullptr; } if (m_pSwrContext) { swr_free(&m_pSwrContext); m_pSwrContext = nullptr; } if (m_pAVFrame) { av_frame_free(&m_pAVFrame); m_pAVFrame = nullptr; } if (m_pAVPack) { av_packet_free(&m_pAVPack); m_pAVPack = nullptr; } if (m_pAVFormatContext) { avformat_free_context(m_pAVFormatContext); m_pAVFormatContext = nullptr; } if (m_pAVCodecContext) { avcodec_close(m_pAVCodecContext); m_pAVCodecContext = nullptr; } m_bIsReadyForRead = false; return true; } void CAudioReadFrame::ChangeThreadState(ThreadState eThreadState) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locker(m_lockThread); if (m_eThreadState != eThreadState) { m_eThreadState = eThreadState; } } std::string CAudioReadFrame::UTF8ToGBK(const std::string& strUTF8) { int len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, strUTF8.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0); wchar_t* wszGBK = new wchar_t[len + 1]; memset(wszGBK, 0, len * 2 + 2); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, strUTF8.c_str(), -1, wszGBK, len); len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszGBK, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); char *szGBK = new char[len + 1]; memset(szGBK, 0, len + 1); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszGBK, -1, szGBK, len, NULL, NULL); //strUTF8 = szGBK; std::string strTemp(szGBK); delete[]szGBK; delete[]wszGBK; return strTemp; } void CAudioReadFrame::PushBufferCache(uint8_t* buffer, int bufferLen) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locker(cacheBufferLock); if (decodeBuffer_.dataBegin == decodeBuffer_.dataEnd) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cache is maybe full, but not play, cache from begin\n"); decodeBuffer_.dataBegin = 0; decodeBuffer_.dataEnd = 0; decodeBuffer_.buffLen_ = 0; } else if (decodeBuffer_.dataBegin < decodeBuffer_.dataEnd) { if ((bufferLen + decodeBuffer_.dataEnd) > MAX_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE) { if ((bufferLen + decodeBuffer_.dataEnd - MAX_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE) >= decodeBuffer_.dataBegin) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "This packet is so strong to fill cache, cache from begin\n"); decodeBuffer_.dataBegin = 0; decodeBuffer_.dataEnd = 0; decodeBuffer_.buffLen_ = 0; } else { memcpy(decodeBuffer_.decodeBuffer_.data() + decodeBuffer_.dataEnd, buffer, MAX_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE - decodeBuffer_.dataEnd); memcpy(decodeBuffer_.decodeBuffer_.data(), (uint8_t*)buffer + (MAX_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE - decodeBuffer_.dataEnd), bufferLen + decodeBuffer_.dataEnd - MAX_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE); decodeBuffer_.dataEnd = bufferLen + decodeBuffer_.dataEnd - MAX_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE; decodeBuffer_.buffLen_ += bufferLen; return; } } } else if (decodeBuffer_.dataBegin > decodeBuffer_.dataEnd) { if (bufferLen + decodeBuffer_.dataEnd >= decodeBuffer_.dataBegin) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "This packet is so strong to fill cache, cache from begin\n"); decodeBuffer_.dataBegin = 0; decodeBuffer_.dataEnd = 0; decodeBuffer_.buffLen_ = 0; } } memcpy(decodeBuffer_.decodeBuffer_.data() + decodeBuffer_.dataEnd, buffer, bufferLen); decodeBuffer_.dataEnd += bufferLen; decodeBuffer_.buffLen_ += bufferLen; } uint32_t CAudioReadFrame::GetBufferFromCache(uint8_t* buffer, int bufferLen) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locker(cacheBufferLock); uint32_t iReadLen = 0; if (decodeBuffer_.dataBegin < decodeBuffer_.dataEnd) { iReadLen = (decodeBuffer_.dataBegin + bufferLen) > decodeBuffer_.dataEnd ? decodeBuffer_.dataEnd - decodeBuffer_.dataBegin : bufferLen; memcpy(buffer, decodeBuffer_.decodeBuffer_.data() + decodeBuffer_.dataBegin, iReadLen); decodeBuffer_.dataBegin += iReadLen; } else if (decodeBuffer_.dataBegin > decodeBuffer_.dataEnd) { if (decodeBuffer_.dataBegin + bufferLen > MAX_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE) { uint32_t iLen1 = MAX_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE - decodeBuffer_.dataBegin; memcpy(buffer, decodeBuffer_.decodeBuffer_.data() + decodeBuffer_.dataBegin, iLen1); decodeBuffer_.dataBegin = 0; uint32_t len2 = bufferLen - iLen1; len2 = decodeBuffer_.dataBegin + len2 > decodeBuffer_.dataEnd ? decodeBuffer_.dataEnd - decodeBuffer_.dataBegin : len2; memcpy((uint8_t*)(buffer)+iLen1, decodeBuffer_.decodeBuffer_.data() + decodeBuffer_.dataBegin, len2); decodeBuffer_.dataBegin += len2; iReadLen = iLen1 + len2; } else { iReadLen = bufferLen; memcpy(buffer, decodeBuffer_.decodeBuffer_.data() + decodeBuffer_.dataBegin, iReadLen); decodeBuffer_.dataBegin += iReadLen; } } if (iReadLen < bufferLen) { memset((uint8_t*)buffer + iReadLen, 0, bufferLen - iReadLen); } decodeBuffer_.buffLen_ -= iReadLen; return iReadLen; } void CAudioReadFrame::ClearCache() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locker(cacheBufferLock); decodeBuffer_.decodeBuffer_.clear(); decodeBuffer_.decodeBuffer_.resize(MAX_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE); decodeBuffer_.dataBegin = 0; decodeBuffer_.dataEnd = 0; decodeBuffer_.buffLen_ = 0; } void CAudioReadFrame::SDL_AudioCallback(void* userdata, Uint8* stream, int len) { CAudioReadFrame* pThis = static_cast<CAudioReadFrame*>(userdata); if (pThis) { pThis->AudioCallback(stream, len); } } void CAudioReadFrame::AudioCallback(Uint8* stream, int len) { SDL_memset(stream, 0, len); uint8_t playAudioData[9600]; uint32_t playLen = GetBufferFromCache(playAudioData, len); if (playLen == 0) { return; } m_pFileAudioInst->curl_time += 1000 * playLen / 2 / m_pFileAudioInst->channels / m_pFileAudioInst->sample_rate; SDL_MixAudio(stream, playAudioData, playLen, SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME); #if DUMP_AUDIO fwrite(playAudioData, len, 1, play_file); #endif } }
#include "CAudioReadFrame.h"
int main()
AudioReadFrame::CAudioReadFrame cTest;
return 0;
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