Does choosing UX design tools feel like choosing which spice level you want at a restaurant? How do you know if it’s going to be too spicy? Go to spicy and you risk a painfully unenjoyable meal — your taste buds scorched by the unbearable heat.
d OES选择UX设计工具,觉得你想在一间餐厅,香料水平选择? 你怎么知道它会不会太辣? 变得辛辣,您可能会遭受令人痛苦的不愉快的一餐—难以忍受的热量使您的味蕾焦灼。

Finding the right design tools for remote, distributed, or teleworker designers and team’s, its important to understand remote team’s pain-points more generally. Wrong tools stack will create barriers in communicating, collaboration and transparency and accessibility; team, assets and information.
为远程,分布式或远程工作的设计师和团队找到合适的设计工具,这对于更全面地了解远程团队的痛点很重要。 错误的工具堆栈将在沟通,协作以及透明度和可访问性方面造成障碍; 团队,资产和信息。
As a remote DesignOps Manager I’m constantly experimenting and piloting tools that improve the experience of our distributed design team.
作为远程DesignOps Manager,我一直在尝试和试验工具,以改善我们分布式设计团队的经验。
“We’re going to see an era of everyone employing remote tech workers, and it’s not too far away. In fact, now’s the time to prepare for it.” — Naval Ravikant
“我们将看到每个人都雇用远程技术人员的时代,而且时代不算太远。 实际上,现在是时候为此做准备了。” —海军拉维坎特
Remote work has become more popular. 72% of talent professionals agree that the remote work trend is important according to the Linkedin Global Talent Trends 2019. As remote work and distributed teams are becoming more critical we need to be mindful that tools enable designers to do their jobs, communicate, collaborate and access files seamlessly.
远程工作变得越来越流行。 根据Linkedin全球人才趋势2019,72 %的人才专业人士认为远程工作趋势很重要。 随着远程工作和分布式团队变得越来越重要,我们需要注意工具可以使设计人员无缝地完成工作,交流,协作和访问文件。
New tools and features are rapidly coming to market — solving the challenges of a distributed design teams. Cloud based design features enable teams to embrace a collaborative digital space. Major players in the design tools arena are investing heavily in cloud based features as seen here, here and here.
新工具和功能正在Swift推向市场-解决了分布式设计团队的挑战。 基于云的设计功能使团队能够拥抱协作式数字空间。 设计工具领域的主要参与者正在大力投资基于云的功能,如此处 , 此处和此处所示 。
远程团队原则 (Remote Team Principles)
Let’s take a look at the three principles and criteria that we focused on while building our design tool stack for remote teams.
1.沟通 (1. Communication)
One of the main barriers of distributed teams can be how and when you communicate. Tools that facilitate frictionless communication are critical for our team at HPE. I prefer tools that remove the friction in communication — easy jump on a team chat, direct message, assign urgency and screen-share.
分布式团队的主要障碍之一可能是如何以及何时进行交流。 促进无摩擦通信的工具对于我们HPE团队至关重要。 我更喜欢消除交流障碍的工具-轻松进行团队聊天,直接发送消息,分配紧急性和共享屏幕。
2.辅助功能 (2. Accessibility)
With remote teams it's important to have access not only to one another but to artifacts like design systems, prototypes, research, notes, white board sessions, and design assets. Our design team require ways to capture new ideas, access the latest versions of designs and share designs with stakeholders and other members of the team.
对于远程团队,重要的是不仅要相互访问,而且要访问诸如设计系统,原型,研究,说明,白板会议和设计资产之类的工件。 我们的设计团队需要捕捉新想法,访问最新设计版本以及与利益相关者和团队其他成员共享设计的方法。
3.合作 (3. Collaboration)
Remote teams need ways to collaborate in a digital spaces. Designers need to be able to collaborate with stakeholders, product owners, fellow designers and engineers to present ideas, facilitate interviews and brainstorm. We need a way to track and manage projects, document our teams process, and a repo for our files. It's important to know who is working on what and what version is the correct version of a design, or what the roadmap looks like and when research has been synthesized and ready for consumption.
远程团队需要在数字空间中进行协作的方法。 设计师必须能够与利益相关者,产品所有者,同行设计师和工程师合作,以提出想法,促进访谈和集思广益。 我们需要一种跟踪和管理项目,记录团队流程以及文件存储库的方法。 重要的是要知道谁在从事什么工作,什么版本是设计的正确版本,或者路线图是什么样的,何时进行了综合研究并准备投入使用。
远程团队的设计工具堆栈 (Design Tool Stack for Remote Teams)
Let’s take a look at design tools that I feel are the right spice level for remote design teams. The tools that I choose create less friction, and more transparency and enable communication between engineering, business and our design team.
让我们看一下我认为对于远程设计团队来说合适的设计工具。 我选择的工具减少了摩擦,提高了透明度,并使工程,业务和我们的设计团队之间能够进行沟通。
项目管理 (Project Management)
Managing a distributed team can be challenging. As a manager I need to see who is working on what. As a team we need to track our work, files, and documentation. Beyond this as a team you’ll need a way to communicate and collaborate with each other.
管理一个分散的团队可能是一个挑战。 作为经理,我需要看看谁在做什么。 作为一个团队,我们需要跟踪我们的工作,文件和文档。 作为团队,除此之外,您还需要一种相互交流和协作的方式。