本文主要对2023ACL论文《Reasoning Implicit Sentiment with Chain-of-Thought Prompting》主要内容进行介绍。
情感分析(SA)旨在基于输入文本检测对给定目标的情绪极性。SA可分为显性SA(ESA)和隐性SA(ISA),前者是当前的主流任务,他的情感表达会明确出现在文本中。因此ISA更具挑战性,因为在ISA中,输入仅包含事实描述,没有直接给出明确的意见表达。例如,给定一个文本“Try the tandoori salmon!”,由于没有显著的提示词,几乎所有现有的情绪分类都预测“tandoori salmon”为中性极性。人类很容易准确地确定情绪状态,因为我们总是掌握在文本后面隐含的真实意图或观点。因此,在没有真正理解情绪是如何被激发的情况下,传统的SA方法对ISA是无效的。
近期大模型的崛起,让我们看到了机器对文本的理解有了新的高度。受到大模型中CoT的启发,文章提出了THOR( Three-hop Reasoning CoT framework),一个三段式的提问框架,能够通过循循善诱地方法,很好的让机器对隐形情感进行挖掘并预测,提升了ISA任务的性能。
Traditional Prompting,表明传统的提示学习方法就是直接问模型,这句话中这个词的情感极性是什么。
Three-hop Reasoning with CoT Prompting,则是本文提出基于大模型思维链(CoT)的方法,提出的三段式提问框架。首先询问句子在讲述方面词的什么方面;其次,将回答整合后,将整合后的答案继续问方面词背后有什么隐含观点;最后,再次整合前面的回答,最后问方面词的情感极性是什么。
假设我们要预测的句子为:“The new mobile phone can be just put in my pocket.”
其中要预测的方面词为“The new mobile phone”
第一步,模型的输入为 Given the sentence “X”, which specific aspect of t is possibly mentioned?
假设模型得到的结果为"The specific aspect of the new mobile phone mentioned in the sentence is the size or portability",记为A
第二步,模型的输入为Given the sentence “X”, A(第一问结果). Based on the common sense, what is the implicit opinion towards the mentioned aspect of the new mobile phone, and why?
假设模型输出为"Based on the mentioned aspect of size and portability, the sentence implies that the phone is small enough to fit in the speaker’s pocket. According
to common sense, the implicit opinion of speaker towards the portability is good, because the speaker is able to easily carry the phone with them by
placing it in their pocket, and find the phone to be convenient and easy to use."这个答案不妨记作O。
第三步,模型的输入为Given the sentence “X”, A(第一问结果), O(第二问的结果). Based on such opinion, what is the sentiment polarity towards the new mobile phone?
此时假设模型的输出为"The sentiment polarity towards the new mobile phone based on the given sentence is positive. The speaker finds the phone to be convenient and easy
to use, implying having a favorable view of the phone."
def prompt_for_aspect_inferring(context, target):
new_context = f'Given the sentence "{context}", '
prompt = new_context + f'which specific aspect of {target} is possibly mentioned?'
return new_context, prompt
def prompt_for_opinion_inferring(context, target, aspect_expr):
new_context = context + ' The mentioned aspect is about ' + aspect_expr + '.'
prompt = new_context + f' Based on the common sense, what is the implicit opinion towards the mentioned aspect of {target}, and why?'
return new_context, prompt
def prompt_for_polarity_inferring(context, target, opinion_expr):
new_context = context + f' The opinion towards the mentioned aspect of {target} is ' + opinion_expr + '.'
prompt = new_context + f' Based on such opinion, what is the sentiment polarity towards {target}?'
return new_context, prompt
这篇文章使用大模型思维链的思路优化了隐式情感分析中,隐含观点等难以挖掘的难题,使得ISA任务能够有较大性能的提升。随着近些年prompt learning的兴起,提示学习也逐渐成为NLP中的新范式,也让我们逐渐发现,训练出的大模型有很强的能力等待我们去挖掘,就好像一个聪明的小孩,你教他一遍怎么做,他就能帮你把任务做的不错了。
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