a) x.n:当前存储在节点x中的关键字
b) x.n 个key值,以非降序顺序存放,即 x.key(1) ≤ x.key(2) ≤ ... ≤ x.key(x.n)
c) x.leaf:bool型,若为叶子节点 x.leaf=TRUE,反之为FALUSE
2) 每个节点x包含x.n+1个指向其子女的指针x.c(1),x.c(2),...x.c(x.n+1)。(叶子节点无此域)
4) 每个叶子节点具有相同的深度,即树的高度 h
5) 每个节点包含的key数有一个上界和下界,这些界可以用一个称为B树的最小度数的固定整数 t ≥ 2 来表示:
a) 每个非根的节点必须至少有t-1个 key. 每个非根内节点至少有t个子女。如果树非空,则根节点至少包含一个key.
b) 每个节点可包含至多2t-1个key。所以一个内节点至多可能有2t个子女。如果一个节点恰好有2t-1个key,则称该点是满的。
6)如果n ≥ 1,则对任意的一棵包含n个关键字,高度为h,最小度t ≥ 2的B树T,有:
- #include<iostream>
- #include<cstdlib>
- #include<cstring>
- #define Disk_Write(x)
- #define Disk_Read(x)
- #define t 2
- #define N 2*t
- using namespace std;
- typedef struct BTNode{
- int n; //the number of keys storing in the current node
- char key[N]; //N keys storing in nondecreasing order
- bool leaf; //TRUE:left;FALSE:internal node
- BTNode *c[N+1]; //point n+1 children
- }BTNode;
- typedef struct BTree{
- BTNode *root;
- }BTree;
- void BTree_Print(BTNode *x)
- {
- for(int i=1;i<=x->n;i++)
- {
- if(x->leaf == false)
- BTree_Print(x->c[i]);
- cout<< x->key[i]<<" ";
- }
- if(x->leaf == false)
- BTree_Print(x->c[x->n+1]);
- }
- void BTree_SplitChild(BTNode *x,int i)
- {
- BTNode *z=new BTNode();
- BTNode *y=x->c[i]; //split y (2t-1 keys) into y (t-1 keys) and z(t-1 keys)
- z->leaf=y->leaf;
- z->n=t-1;
- for(int j=1 ; j<=t-1 ; j++)
- z->key[j]=y->key[t+j];
- if(y->leaf==false)//if y has children ,copy its children to z
- for(int j=1; j<=t; j++)
- z->c[j]=y->c[j+t];
- y->n=t-1;
- //let z become the (i+1)th child of x
- for(int j=x->n+1; j>=i+1; j--)
- x->c[j+1]=x->c[j];
- x->c[i+1]=z;
- //insert the (t)th key of y into (i)th index of x
- for(int j=x->n; j>=i; j--)
- x->key[j+1]=x->key[j];
- x->key[i]=y->key[t];
- x->n++;
- Disk_Write(y);
- Disk_Write(z);
- Disk_Write(x);
- }
- void BTree_Insert_Nonfull(BTNode *x,char k)
- {
- int i=x->n;
- if(x->leaf)
- {//x node is leaf
- while(i>=1 && k < x->key[i]) //search for the insert index
- {
- x->key[i+1]=x->key[i];
- i--;
- }
- //insert key
- x->key[i+1]=k;
- x->n++;
- Disk_Write(x);
- }
- else // x node is not leaf
- {
- while(i>=1 && k < x->key[i])
- i--;
- i++;
- //Read its child,and insert the key into its child node
- Disk_Read(x->c[i]);
- //case 1: the child is full
- if(x->c[i]->n == 2*t-1)
- {
- BTree_SplitChild(x,i);
- if(k > x->key[i])
- i++;
- }
- //case 2:the child is not full
- BTree_Insert_Nonfull(x->c[i],k);
- }
- }
- void BTree_Insert(BTree *T,char k)
- {
- BTNode *r=T->root;
- if(r->n == 2*t-1)
- {//root node is full
- //a new node s becomes the root
- BTNode *s=new BTNode();
- T->root=s;
- s->leaf=false;
- s->n=0;
- s->c[1]=r;
- //split the original root into two chilren of s
- BTree_SplitChild(s,1);
- //insert the key into the nonfull node
- BTree_Insert_Nonfull(s,k);
- }
- else//root node is not full
- BTree_Insert_Nonfull(r,k); //insert key into root node directly
- }
- BTNode *BTree_Search(BTNode *x,char k,int &i)
- {//return pair(y,i)consisting of a node y and an index i such that y.keyi=k
- i=1;
- while(i <= x->n && k > x->key[i])
- i++;
- if(i <= x->n && k == x->key[i])
- return x;
- else if(x->leaf)
- {
- i=0;
- return NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- Disk_Read(x->c[i]);
- return BTree_Search(x->c[i],k,i);
- }
- }
- void BTree_Create(BTree *T,string ch)
- {
- //first,create an empty root node
- BTNode *x=new BTNode();
- x->leaf=true;
- x->n=0;
- Disk_Write(x);
- T->root=x;
- //second,add new keys into T by calling Insert method
- for(int i=0;i<ch.length();i++)
- BTree_Insert(T,ch[i]);
- }
- void BTree_PrintDetail(BTNode *x)
- {
- cout<<"The root is:";
- for(int i=1;i<=x->n;i++)
- cout<<x->key[i]<<" ";
- cout<<endl;
- cout<<"The root's child is:"<<endl;
- for(int j=1;j<=x->n+1;j++)
- {
- BTNode *child=x->c[j];
- for(int i=1;i<=child->n;i++)
- cout<<child->key[i]<<" ";
- cout<<endl;
- }
- for(int i=1;i<=x->n+1;i++)
- {
- cout<<"The "<<i<<" child"<<endl;
- BTNode *child0=x->c[i];
- int m=child0->n+1;
- for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)
- {
- BTNode *c1=child0->c[j];
- for(int jj=1;jj<=c1->n;jj++)
- cout<<c1->key[jj]<<" ";
- cout<<endl;
- }
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- //string test_ch={'F','S','Q','K','C','L','H','T','V','W','M','R','N','P','A','B','X','Y','D','Z','E'};
- cout<<"/*----------------------------Create B-tree---------------------------*/"<<endl;
- BTree *T=new BTree();
- BTree_Create(T,test_ch);
- cout<<"After creating ,the B-tree(its degree is "<<t<<"):"<<endl;
- BTree_Print(T->root);
- cout<<endl;
- cout<<"The detail B-tree is:"<<endl;
- BTree_PrintDetail(T->root);
- cout<<"/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/"<<endl;
- cout<<"/*---------------------------Insert B-tree----------------------------*/"<<endl;
- char ich;
- cout<<"Please input the inserting char:";
- cin>>ich;
- BTree_Insert(T,ich);
- cout<<"After inserting ,the B-tree:"<<endl;
- BTree_Print(T->root);
- cout<<endl;
- cout<<"The detail of B-tree is:"<<endl;
- BTree_PrintDetail(T->root);
- cout<<"/*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/"<<endl;
- cout<<"/*--------------------------Search B-tree------------------------------*/"<<endl;
- char sch;
- BTNode *sNode=NULL;
- int index;
- cout<<"Please input the searching char:";
- cin>>sch;
- sNode=BTree_Search(T->root,sch,index);
- if(sNode==NULL)
- cout<<"The key doesn't exist in the B-tree."<<endl;
- else
- {
- cout<<"The key in the Node:";
- for(int i=1;i<=sNode->n;i++)
- cout<<sNode->key[i]<<" ";
- cout<<endl;
- cout<<"The index of the key in the node is:"<<index<<endl;
- }
- cout<<"/*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/"<<endl;
- return 0;
- }

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