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Kafka-UI_ui for kafka

ui for kafka

有多款kafka管理应用,目前选择的是github上star最多的UI for Apache Kafka。


To run UI for Apache Kafka, you can use either a pre-built Docker image or build it (or a jar file) yourself.

UI for Apache Kafka is a versatile, fast, and lightweight web UI for managing Apache Kafka® clusters. Built by developers, for developers.

The app is a free, open-source web UI to monitor and manage Apache Kafka clusters.

UI for Apache Kafka is a simple tool that makes your data flows observable, helps find and troubleshoot issues faster and delivers optimal performance. Its lightweight dashboard makes it easy to track key metrics of your Kafka clusters - Brokers, Topics, Partitions, Production, and Consumption.


To run UI for Apache Kafka, you can use either a pre-built Docker image or build it (or a jar file) yourself.





  1. # 拉取镜像
  2. docker pull provectuslabs/kafka-ui
  3. # 运行
  4. # docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -e DYNAMIC_CONFIG_ENABLED=true provectuslabs/kafka-ui
  5. # docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KAFKA_CLUSTERS_0_NAME=local -e KAFKA_CLUSTERS_0_BOOTSTRAPSERVERS=kafka:9092 -d provectuslabs/kafka-ui:0.3.0
  6. # docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KAFKA_CLUSTERS_0_NAME=local -e KAFKA_CLUSTERS_0_BOOTSTRAPSERVERS=kafka:9092 -d provectuslabs/kafka-ui:0.2.1
  7. docker run --name kafka-ui -p 8080:8080 -e DYNAMIC_CONFIG_ENABLED=true provectuslabs/kafka-ui


By default, kafka-ui does not allow to change of its configuration in runtime. When the application is started it reads configuration from system env, config files (ex. application.yaml), and JVM arguments (set by -D). Once the configuration was read it was treated as immutable and won't be refreshed even if the config source (ex. file) was changed.

Since version 0.6 we added an ability to change cluster configs in runtime. This option is disabled by default and should be implicitly enabled. To enable it, you should set DYNAMIC_CONFIG_ENABLED env property to true or add dynamic.config.enabled: true property to your yaml config file.


文档:Getting started - UI for Apache Kafka

