Paging主要由三个部分组成:DataSource PageList PageListAdapter
DataSource<Key, Value>
PageKeyedDataSource<Key, Value>
:适用于目标数据根据页信息请求数据的场景,即Key 字段是页相关的信息。比如请求的数据的参数中包含类似next/previous页数的信息。
ItemKeyedDataSource<Key, Value>
:适用于目标数据的加载依赖特定item的信息, 即Key字段包含的是Item中的信息,比如需要根据第N项的信息加载第N+1项的数据,传参中需要传入第N项的ID时,该场景多出现于论坛类应用评论信息的请求。
:适用于目标数据总数固定,通过特定的位置加载数据,这里Key是Integer类型的位置信息,T即Value。 比如从数据库中的1200条开始加在20条数据。
mMainThreadExecutor: 一个主线程的Excutor, 用于将结果post到主线程。
mBackgroundThreadExecutor: 后台线程的Excutor.
Config: 配置PagedList从Datasource加载数据的方式, 其中包含以下属性:
PagedStorage: 用于存储加载到的数据,它是真正的蓄水池所在,它包含一个ArrayList 对象mPages,按页存储数据。
PagedList会从Datasource中加载数据,更准确的说是通过Datasource加载数据, 通过Config的配置,可以设置一次加载的数量以及预加载的数量。 除此之外,PagedList还可以向RecyclerView.Adapter发送更新的信号,驱动UI的刷新。
PagedListAdapte是RecyclerView.Adapter的实现,用于展示PagedList的数据。它本身实现的更多是Adapter的功能,但是它有一个小伙伴PagedListAdapterHelper, PagedListAdapterHelper会负责监听PagedList的更新, Item数量的统计等功能。这样当PagedList中新一页的数据加载完成时, PagedAdapte就会发出加载完成的信号,通知RecyclerView刷新,这样就省略了每次loading后手动调一次notifyDataChanged().
除此之外,当数据源变动产生新的PagedList,PagedAdapter会在后台线程中比较前后两个PagedList的差异,然后调用notifyItem…()方法更新RecyclerView.这一过程依赖它的另一个小伙伴ListAdapterConfig, ListAdapterConfig负责主线程和后台线程的调度以及DiffCallback的管理,DiffCallback的接口实现中定义比较的规则,比较的工作则是由PagedStorageDiffHelper来完成。
DataSource: 数据源,数据的改变会驱动列表的更新,因此,数据源是很重要的
PageList: 核心类,它从数据源取出数据,同时,它负责控制 第一次默认加载多少数据,之后每一次加载多少数据,如何加载等等,并将数据的变更反映到UI上。
PagedListAdapter: 适配器,RecyclerView的适配器,通过分析数据是否发生了改变,负责处理UI展示的逻辑(增加/删除/替换等)。
数据源,是的,在Paging中,它被抽象为 DataSource , 其获取需要依靠 DataSource 的内部工厂类 DataSource.Factory ,通过create()方法就可以获得DataSource 的实例:
public abstract static class Factory<Key, Value> {
public abstract DataSource<Key, Value> create();
数据源一般有两种选择,远程服务器请求 或者 读取本地持久化数据——这些并不重要,本文我们以Room数据库为例:
interface StudentDao {
fun getAllStudent(): DataSource.Factory<Int, Student>
Paging可以获得 Room的原生支持,因此作为示例非常合适,当然我们更多获取 数据源 是通过 API网络请求,其实现方式可以参考官方Sample,本文不赘述。
2.负责控制 第一次默认加载多少数据,之后每一次加载多少数据,如何加载 等等
val allStudents = LivePagedListBuilder(dao.getAllStudent(), PagedList.Config.Builder()
.setPageSize(15) //配置分页加载的数量
.setEnablePlaceholders(false) //配置是否启动PlaceHolders
.setInitialLoadSizeHint(30) //初始化加载的数量
很显然,这对应的是 dao.getAllStudent() ,通过数据库取得最新数据,如果是网络请求,也应该对应API的请求方法,返回值应该是DataSource.Factory类型。
PageList提供了 PagedList.Config 类供我们进行实例化配置,其提供了4个可选配置:
public static final class Builder {
// 省略其他Builder内部方法
private int mPageSize = -1; //每次加载多少数据
private int mPrefetchDistance = -1; //距底部还有几条数据时,加载下一页数据
private int mInitialLoadSizeHint = -1; //第一次加载多少数据
private boolean mEnablePlaceholders = true; //是否启用占位符,若为true,则视为固定数量的item
就像我们平时配置 RecyclerView 差不多,我们配置了ViewHolder和RecyclerView.Adapter,略微不同的是,我们需要继承PagedListAdapter:
class StudentAdapter : PagedListAdapter<Student, StudentViewHolder>(diffCallback) {
//省略 onBindViewHolder() && onCreateViewHolder()
companion object {
private val diffCallback = object : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Student>() {
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: Student, newItem: Student): Boolean =
oldItem.id == newItem.id
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: Student, newItem: Student): Boolean =
oldItem == newItem
当然我们还需要传一个 DifffUtil.ItemCallback 的实例,这里需要对数据源返回的数据进行了比较处理, 它的意义是——我需要知道怎么样的比较,才意味着数据源的变化,并根据变化再进行的UI刷新操作。
val adapter = StudentAdapter()
recyclerView.adapter = adapter
viewModel.allStudents.observe(this, Observer { adapter.submitList(it) })
这样,每当数据源发生改变,Adapter就会自动将 新的数据 动态反映在UI上。
为什么不能把所有功能都封装到一个 RecyclerView的Adapter里面呢,它包含 下拉刷新,上拉加载分页 等等功能?
原因很简单,因为这样做会将业务层代码和UI层混在一起造成耦合 ,最直接就导致了 难 以通过代码进行单元测试。
UI层 和 业务层 代码的隔离是优秀的设计,这样更便于 测试, 从Google官方文档也可以看出。指导文档包括UI组件和数据组件。
接下来,我会尝试站在设计者的角度,尝试去理解 Paging 如此设计的原因。
将分页数据作为List展示在界面上,RecyclerView 是首选,那么实现一个对应的 PagedListAdapter 当然是不错的选择。
Google对 PagedListAdapter 的职责定义的很简单,仅仅是一个被代理的对象而已,所有相关的数据处理逻辑都委托给了 AsyncPagedListDiffer:
/* Advanced users that wish for more control over adapter behavior, or to provide a specific base * class should refer to {@link AsyncPagedListDiffer}, which provides the mapping from paging * events to adapter-friendly callbacks. * * @param <T> Type of the PagedLists this Adapter will receive. * @param <VH> A class that extends ViewHolder that will be used by the adapter. */ public abstract class PagedListAdapter<T, VH extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder> extends RecyclerView.Adapter<VH> { private final AsyncPagedListDiffer<T> mDiffer; private final AsyncPagedListDiffer.PagedListListener<T> mListener = new AsyncPagedListDiffer.PagedListListener<T>() { @Override public void onCurrentListChanged(@Nullable PagedList<T> currentList) { PagedListAdapter.this.onCurrentListChanged(currentList); } }; /** * Creates a PagedListAdapter with default threading and * {@link android.support.v7.util.ListUpdateCallback}. * * Convenience for {@link #PagedListAdapter(AsyncDifferConfig)}, which uses default threading * behavior. * * @param diffCallback The {@link DiffUtil.ItemCallback DiffUtil.ItemCallback} instance to * compare items in the list. */ protected PagedListAdapter(@NonNull DiffUtil.ItemCallback<T> diffCallback) { mDiffer = new AsyncPagedListDiffer<>(this, diffCallback); mDiffer.mListener = mListener; } @SuppressWarnings("unused, WeakerAccess") protected PagedListAdapter(@NonNull AsyncDifferConfig<T> config) { mDiffer = new AsyncPagedListDiffer<>(new AdapterListUpdateCallback(this), config); mDiffer.mListener = mListener; } /** * Set the new list to be displayed. * <p> * If a list is already being displayed, a diff will be computed on a background thread, which * will dispatch Adapter.notifyItem events on the main thread. * * @param pagedList The new list to be displayed. */ public void submitList(PagedList<T> pagedList) { mDiffer.submitList(pagedList); } @Nullable protected T getItem(int position) { return mDiffer.getItem(position); } @Override public int getItemCount() { return mDiffer.getItemCount(); } /** * Returns the PagedList currently being displayed by the Adapter. * <p> * This is not necessarily the most recent list passed to {@link #submitList(PagedList)}, * because a diff is computed asynchronously between the new list and the current list before * updating the currentList value. May be null if no PagedList is being presented. * * @return The list currently being displayed. */ @Nullable public PagedList<T> getCurrentList() { return mDiffer.getCurrentList(); } /** * Called when the current PagedList is updated. * <p> * This may be dispatched as part of {@link #submitList(PagedList)} if a background diff isn't * needed (such as when the first list is passed, or the list is cleared). In either case, * PagedListAdapter will simply call * {@link #notifyItemRangeInserted(int, int) notifyItemRangeInserted/Removed(0, mPreviousSize)}. * <p> * This method will <em>not</em>be called when the Adapter switches from presenting a PagedList * to a snapshot version of the PagedList during a diff. This means you cannot observe each * PagedList via this method. * * @param currentList new PagedList being displayed, may be null. */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public void onCurrentListChanged(@Nullable PagedList<T> currentList) { } }
当数据源发生改变时,实际上会通知 AsyncPagedListDiffer 的 submitList() 方法通知其内部保存的 PagedList 更新并反映在UI上:
public class AsyncPagedListDiffer<T> {
private PagedList<T> mPagedList;
private PagedList<T> mSnapshot;
public T getItem(int index) {
if (mPagedList == null) {
if (mSnapshot == null) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
"Item count is zero, getItem() call is invalid");
} else {
return mSnapshot.get(index);
return mPagedList.get(index);
其中, 触发下一页加载的就是PagingList中的loadAround(int index) 方法。
/** * Load adjacent items to passed index. * * @param index Index at which to load. */ public void loadAround(int index) { mLastLoad = index + getPositionOffset(); loadAroundInternal(index); mLowestIndexAccessed = Math.min(mLowestIndexAccessed, index); mHighestIndexAccessed = Math.max(mHighestIndexAccessed, index); /* * mLowestIndexAccessed / mHighestIndexAccessed have been updated, so check if we need to * dispatch boundary callbacks. Boundary callbacks are deferred until last items are loaded, * and accesses happen near the boundaries. * * Note: we post here, since RecyclerView may want to add items in response, and this * call occurs in PagedListAdapter bind. */ tryDispatchBoundaryCallbacks(true); }
PagedList,也有很多种不同的 数据分页策略:
这些不同的 PagedList 在处理分页逻辑上,可能有不同的逻辑,那么,作为设计者,应该做到的是**,把异同的逻辑抽象出来交给子类实现(即loadAroundInternal方法),而把公共的处理逻辑暴漏出来**,并向上转型交给Adapter(实际上是 AsyncPagedListDiffer)去执行分页加载的API,也就是loadAround方法。
好处显而易见,对于Adapter来说,它只需要知道,在我需要请求分页数据时,调用PagedList的loadAround方法即可,至于 是PagedList的哪个子类,内部执行什么样的分页逻辑,Adapter并不关心。
/** * Create a PagedList which loads data from the provided data source on a background thread, * posting updates to the main thread. * * * @param dataSource DataSource providing data to the PagedList * @param notifyExecutor Thread that will use and consume data from the PagedList. * Generally, this is the UI/main thread. * @param fetchExecutor Data loading will be done via this executor - * should be a background thread. * @param boundaryCallback Optional boundary callback to attach to the list. * @param config PagedList Config, which defines how the PagedList will load data. * @param <K> Key type that indicates to the DataSource what data to load. * @param <T> Type of items to be held and loaded by the PagedList. * * @return Newly created PagedList, which will page in data from the DataSource as needed. */ @NonNull private static <K, T> PagedList<T> create(@NonNull DataSource<K, T> dataSource, @NonNull Executor notifyExecutor, @NonNull Executor fetchExecutor, @Nullable BoundaryCallback<T> boundaryCallback, @NonNull Config config, @Nullable K key) { if (dataSource.isContiguous() || !config.enablePlaceholders) { int lastLoad = ContiguousPagedList.LAST_LOAD_UNSPECIFIED; if (!dataSource.isContiguous()) { //noinspection unchecked dataSource = (DataSource<K, T>) ((PositionalDataSource<T>) dataSource) .wrapAsContiguousWithoutPlaceholders(); if (key != null) { lastLoad = (int) key; } } ContiguousDataSource<K, T> contigDataSource = (ContiguousDataSource<K, T>) dataSource; return new ContiguousPagedList<>(contigDataSource, notifyExecutor, fetchExecutor, boundaryCallback, config, key, lastLoad); } else { return new TiledPagedList<>((PositionalDataSource<T>) dataSource, notifyExecutor, fetchExecutor, boundaryCallback, config, (key != null) ? (Integer) key : 0); } }
PagedList是一个抽象类,实际上它的作用是 通过Builder实例化PagedList真正的对象:
public PagedList<Value> build() { // TODO: define defaults, once they can be used in module without android dependency if (mNotifyExecutor == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("MainThreadExecutor required"); } if (mFetchExecutor == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("BackgroundThreadExecutor required"); } //noinspection unchecked return PagedList.create( mDataSource, mNotifyExecutor, mFetchExecutor, mBoundaryCallback, mConfig, mInitialKey); } }
ContiguousPagedList 对应ContiguousDataSource
@NonNull ContiguousDataSource<K, V> dataSource,
@NonNull Executor mainThreadExecutor,
@NonNull Executor backgroundThreadExecutor,
@Nullable BoundaryCallback<V> boundaryCallback,
@NonNull Config config,
final @Nullable K key,
int lastLoad)
TiledPagedList 对应 PositionalDataSource
TiledPagedList(@NonNull PositionalDataSource<T> dataSource,
@NonNull Executor mainThreadExecutor,
@NonNull Executor backgroundThreadExecutor,
@Nullable BoundaryCallback<T> boundaryCallback,
@NonNull Config config,
int position)
private static <K, T> PagedList<T> create(@NonNull DataSource<K, T> dataSource,
@NonNull Executor notifyExecutor,
@NonNull Executor fetchExecutor,
@Nullable BoundaryCallback<T> boundaryCallback,
@NonNull Config config,
@Nullable K key)
这个过程中,通过Builder,将 多种数据源(DataSource),多种分页策略(PagedList) 互相进行组合,并 向上转型 交给 适配器(Adapter) ,然后Adapter将对应的功能 委托 给了 代理类的AsyncPagedListDiffer 处理——这之间通过数种设计模式的组合,最终展现给开发者的是一个 简单且清晰 的API接口去调用,其设计的精妙程度,远非普通的开发者所能企及。
public abstract class LimitOffsetDataSource<T> extends PositionalDataSource<T> { private final RoomSQLiteQuery mSourceQuery; private final String mCountQuery; private final String mLimitOffsetQuery; private final RoomDatabase mDb; @SuppressWarnings("FieldCanBeLocal") private final InvalidationTracker.Observer mObserver; private final boolean mInTransaction; protected LimitOffsetDataSource(RoomDatabase db, SupportSQLiteQuery query, boolean inTransaction, String... tables) { this(db, RoomSQLiteQuery.copyFrom(query), inTransaction, tables); } protected LimitOffsetDataSource(RoomDatabase db, RoomSQLiteQuery query, boolean inTransaction, String... tables) { mDb = db; mSourceQuery = query; mInTransaction = inTransaction; mCountQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( " + mSourceQuery.getSql() + " )"; mLimitOffsetQuery = "SELECT * FROM ( " + mSourceQuery.getSql() + " ) LIMIT ? OFFSET ?"; mObserver = new InvalidationTracker.Observer(tables) { @Override public void onInvalidated(@NonNull Set<String> tables) { invalidate(); } }; db.getInvalidationTracker().addWeakObserver(mObserver); } /** * Count number of rows query can return */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public int countItems() { final RoomSQLiteQuery sqLiteQuery = RoomSQLiteQuery.acquire(mCountQuery, mSourceQuery.getArgCount()); sqLiteQuery.copyArgumentsFrom(mSourceQuery); Cursor cursor = mDb.query(sqLiteQuery); try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { return cursor.getInt(0); } return 0; } finally { cursor.close(); sqLiteQuery.release(); } } @Override public boolean isInvalid() { mDb.getInvalidationTracker().refreshVersionsSync(); return super.isInvalid(); } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") protected abstract List<T> convertRows(Cursor cursor); @Override public void loadInitial(@NonNull LoadInitialParams params, @NonNull LoadInitialCallback<T> callback) { int totalCount = countItems(); if (totalCount == 0) { callback.onResult(Collections.<T>emptyList(), 0, 0); return; } // bound the size requested, based on known count final int firstLoadPosition = computeInitialLoadPosition(params, totalCount); final int firstLoadSize = computeInitialLoadSize(params, firstLoadPosition, totalCount); List<T> list = loadRange(firstLoadPosition, firstLoadSize); if (list != null && list.size() == firstLoadSize) { callback.onResult(list, firstLoadPosition, totalCount); } else { // null list, or size doesn't match request - DB modified between count and load invalidate(); } } @Override public void loadRange(@NonNull LoadRangeParams params, @NonNull LoadRangeCallback<T> callback) { List<T> list = loadRange(params.startPosition, params.loadSize); if (list != null) { callback.onResult(list); } else { invalidate(); } } /** * Return the rows from startPos to startPos + loadCount */ @Nullable public List<T> loadRange(int startPosition, int loadCount) { final RoomSQLiteQuery sqLiteQuery = RoomSQLiteQuery.acquire(mLimitOffsetQuery, mSourceQuery.getArgCount() + 2); sqLiteQuery.copyArgumentsFrom(mSourceQuery); sqLiteQuery.bindLong(sqLiteQuery.getArgCount() - 1, loadCount); sqLiteQuery.bindLong(sqLiteQuery.getArgCount(), startPosition); if (mInTransaction) { mDb.beginTransaction(); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = mDb.query(sqLiteQuery); List<T> rows = convertRows(cursor); mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); return rows; } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } mDb.endTransaction(); sqLiteQuery.release(); } } else { Cursor cursor = mDb.query(sqLiteQuery); //noinspection TryFinallyCanBeTryWithResources try { return convertRows(cursor); } finally { cursor.close(); sqLiteQuery.release(); } } } }
实际上,笔者上文所叙述的内容只是 Paging 的冰山一角,其源码中,还有很多很值得学习的优秀思想,本文无法一一列举,比如 线程的切换(加载分页数据应该在io线程,而反映在界面上时则应该在ui线程),再比如库 对多种响应式数据类型的支持(LiveData,RxJava),这些实用的功能实现,都通过 Paging 优秀的设计,将其复杂的实现封装了起来,而将简单的API暴露给开发者调用,有兴趣的朋友可以去研究一下。
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