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[HDLBits] Tb/tb2

[HDLBits] Tb/tb2


The waveform below sets clk, in, and s:

Module q7 has the following declaration:

module q7 (
    input clk,
    input in,
    input [2:0] s,
    output out

Write a testbench that instantiates module q7 and generates these input signals exactly as shown in the waveform above.

  1. module top_module();
  2. reg clk;
  3. reg in;
  4. reg [2:0] s;
  5. wire out;
  6. q7 u_q7(
  7. .clk(clk),
  8. .in(in),
  9. .s(s)
  10. .out(out)
  11. );
  12. always #5 clk=~clk;
  13. initial begin
  14. clk=1'b0;
  15. in=1'b0;
  16. s=3'd2;
  17. #10 s=3'd6;
  18. #10 s=3'd2;
  19. in=1'b1;
  20. #10 s=3'd7;
  21. in=1'b0;
  22. #10 s=3'd0;
  23. in=1'b1;
  24. #30 in=1'b0;
  25. end
  26. endmodule

