我是从java开始学习编程的,现在学了一遍C以后,更坚定了我对自身学习路线的认可。 C是你必须要学的一门编程语言,但绝不是第一门。
- c语言过于底层,如果上手就以C为主语言开始学习,学习、理解成本相对大,这样效率就不会那么高。
- C语言的统治领域与别的编程语言有非常大的区别。比如java擅长web,c++擅长客户端,而C适合系统。系统开发的工作岗位门槛较高,对语言底层理解和开发能力要求较高。而我自觉难达。
- c语言过于底层,面向过程,手动内存,语法简单。开发过程像是一点一点的去扣去实现。真正适应了C 再去转向别的语言,会觉得处处受限。语言间的歧视链就是这样产生的。
之前也听很多人说,写C就是从0做起,除了简单的函数库,什么都没了。数据结构需要全部自己实现。在学习java时,我曾阅读过大多数 数据结构 的源码,并付诸实现。两年之后,用c再来一遍,应该有不同的感受。
#ifndef LINKED_LIST_H #define LINKED_LIST_H #include <stddef.h> typedef int ll_data_t; struct list; // constructs a new (empty) list struct list *list_create(void); // counts the items on a list size_t list_count(const struct list *list); // inserts item at back of a list void list_push(struct list *list, ll_data_t item_data); // removes item from back of a list ll_data_t list_pop(struct list *list); // inserts item at front of a list void list_unshift(struct list *list, ll_data_t item_data); // removes item from front of a list ll_data_t list_shift(struct list *list); // deletes a node that holds the matching data void list_delete(struct list *list, ll_data_t data); // destroys an entire list // list will be a dangling pointer after calling this method on it void list_destroy(struct list *list); #endif
#include "linked_list.h" #include <stdlib.h> struct list_node { struct list_node *prev, *next; ll_data_t data; }; struct list { struct list_node *first, *last; }; // constructs a new (empty) list struct list *list_create(void) { struct list *res = malloc(sizeof(struct list)); res->first = NULL; res->last = NULL; return res; } // counts the items on a list size_t list_count(const struct list *list) { if (!list) return 0; struct list_node *list_node = list->first; size_t res = 0; while (list_node) { res++; list_node = list_node->next; } return res; } // inserts item at back of a list void list_push(struct list *list, ll_data_t item_data) { if (!list) { return; } struct list_node *node = malloc(sizeof(struct list_node)); node->next = NULL; node->data = item_data; node->prev = list->last; if (!(list->first)) { list->first = node; } else { list->last->next = node; } list->last = node; } // removes item from back of a list ll_data_t list_pop(struct list *list) { struct list_node *prev = list->last->prev; ll_data_t res = list->last->data; if (!prev) { list->first = NULL; } else { prev->next = NULL; } free(list->last); list->last = prev; return res; } // inserts item at front of a list void list_unshift(struct list *list, ll_data_t item_data) { if(!list) { return;} struct list_node *new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct list_node)); new_node->data = item_data; new_node->prev = NULL; new_node->next = (list->first) ? list->first : NULL; list->first = new_node; } // removes item from front of a list ll_data_t list_shift(struct list *list) { if(!list || !list->first) { return 0;} struct list_node *first = list->first; ll_data_t val = first->data; if(!list->first->next) { // node was the only item in the list list->first = NULL; list->last= NULL; } else { list->first = first->next; list->first->prev = NULL; } free(first); return val; } // deletes a node that holds the matching data void list_delete(struct list *list, ll_data_t data) { if (!list) return; struct list_node *next = list->first; while (next) { if (next->data == data) { if (!next->prev) { list->first = next->next; } else { next->prev->next = next->next; } if (!next->next) { list->last = next->prev; } else { next->next->prev = next->prev; } free(next); break; } next = next->next; } } // destroys an entire list // list will be a dangling pointer after calling this method on it void list_destroy(struct list *list) { if (!list) { return; } struct list_node *node = list->first; while (node) { struct list_node *tmp = node->next; free(node); node = tmp; } free(list); }
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