API插件支持 VS Code IDE、IntelliJ IDEA等平台、以及华为云自研 CodeArts IDE,基于华为云服务提供的能力,帮助开发者更高效、便捷的搭建应用。API插件关联华为云服务下的 API Explorer、DevStar、CodeLabs、SDK 中心和 CLI 中心产品,致力于为开发者提供更稳定、快速、安全的编程体验。
在IntelliJ IDEA等系列平台和VS Code IDE,华为云API插件的名称是Huawei Cloud API。而在CodeArts IDE,API插件是IDE原生内置的,名称是华为云API开发套件。
API插件在IntelliJ IDEA等系列平台和VS Code IDE的使用依赖底座插件,请提前安装底座插件。
安装准备:下载并安装JDK1.8或更高版本。下载并安装IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2或更高版本。
说明:若当前您想要安装插件的IntelliJ IDE已经在桌面打开,则进入插件市场搜索Huawei Cloud API,进入插件详情页,在右上角会识别到本地已经打开的IDE,点击相应按钮,在弹出的IDE窗口中点击ok,则IDE后台会开始安装相应版本的API插件。
安装验证:在IntelliJ系列平台上安装插件成功后在左侧的导航栏中可以看到Huawei Cloud Toolkit图标,点击后面板会出现Huawei Cloud API的字样,则说明安装成功。
本示例基于华为云SDK V3.0版本开发
您需要拥有华为云账号以及该账号对应的 Access Key(AK)和 Secret Access Key(SK)。请在华为云控制台“我的凭证-访问密钥”页面上创建和查看您的 AK/SK。更多信息请查看访问密钥。
endpoint 华为云各服务应用区域和各服务的终端节点,详情请查看地区和终端节点。
Java JDK 1.8 及其以上版本,推荐通过Maven 安装依赖的方式使用JAVA版本SDK。
在Maven 项目的 pom.xml 文件加入相应版本的依赖项即可。
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.ICredential;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.BasicCredentials;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ConnectionException;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.RequestTimeoutException;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ServiceResponseException;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.imagesearch.v1.ImageSearchClient;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.imagesearch.v1.model.RunCreateInstanceRequest;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.imagesearch.v1.model.CreateInstanceReq;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.imagesearch.v1.model.RunCreateInstanceResponse;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.imagesearch.v1.region.ImageSearchRegion;
- public class ImageSearchCreateInstanceDemo {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- String ak = "<YOUR AK>";
- String sk = "<YOUR SK>";
- ICredential auth = new BasicCredentials()
- .withAk(ak)
- .withSk(sk);
- ImageSearchClient client = ImageSearchClient.newBuilder()
- .withCredential(auth)
- .withRegion(ImageSearchRegion.valueOf("cn-north-4"))
- .build();
- RunCreateInstanceRequest request = new RunCreateInstanceRequest();
- CreateInstanceReq body = new CreateInstanceReq();
- body.setName("instance-name");
- body.setModel("common-search");
- request.setBody(body);
- try {
- RunCreateInstanceResponse response = client.runCreateInstance(request);
- System.out.println(response.toString());
- } catch (ConnectionException e) {
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- } catch (RequestTimeoutException e) {
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- } catch (ServiceResponseException e) {
- System.out.println(e.getHttpStatusCode());
- System.out.println(e.getErrorCode());
- System.out.println(e.getErrorMsg());
- }
- }
- }
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.ICredential;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.BasicCredentials;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ConnectionException;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.RequestTimeoutException;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ServiceResponseException;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.imagesearch.v1.ImageSearchClient;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.imagesearch.v1.model.RunDeleteInstanceRequest;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.imagesearch.v1.model.RunDeleteInstanceResponse;
- import com.huaweicloud.sdk.imagesearch.v1.region.ImageSearchRegion;
- public class ImageSearchDeleteInstanceDemo {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- String ak = "<YOUR AK>";
- String sk = "<YOUR SK>";
- ICredential auth = new BasicCredentials()
- .withAk(ak)
- .withSk(sk);
- ImageSearchClient client = ImageSearchClient.newBuilder()
- .withCredential(auth)
- .withRegion(ImageSearchRegion.valueOf("cn-north-4"))
- .build();
- RunDeleteInstanceRequest request = new RunDeleteInstanceRequest();
- request.setInstanceName("instance-name");
- try {
- RunDeleteInstanceResponse response = client.runDeleteInstance(request);
- System.out.println(response.toString());
- } catch (ConnectionException e) {
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- } catch (RequestTimeoutException e) {
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- } catch (ServiceResponseException e) {
- System.out.println(e.getHttpStatusCode());
- System.out.println(e.getErrorCode());
- System.out.println(e.getErrorMsg());
- }
- }
- }
使用如下代码(来自ImageSearchService.py)同步查询特定 Region 下的图像搜索服务(IS),调用前请根据实际情况替换如下变量 {your ak string}、{your sk string}、{your region string}、{your endpoint string} 、{your projectId string} 以及 {your file path string}
- class ImageSearchService(object):
- def __init__(self, service_name, region, ak, sk, end_point_url, project_id):
- self.end_point_url = end_point_url
- self.project_id = project_id
- self.sig = signer.Signer()
- self.sig.Key = ak
- self.sig.Secret = sk
- self.name = service_name
- self.region = region
- def create_instance(self, project_id, model, name, description="", tags=["test-tags"]):
- uri = "https://imagesearch.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/v1/%s/service"%project_id
- data = {"project_id": project_id,
- "model": model,
- "name": name,
- "description": description,
- "tags": tags
- }
- json_data = json.dumps(data)
- r = signer.HttpRequest("POST", uri)
- r.body = json_data
- r.headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
- self.sig.Sign(r)
- resp = requests.request(r.method,
- r.scheme+"://"+r.host+r.uri,
- headers=r.headers,
- data=r.body)
- # print(resp.status_code, resp.reason)
- # print(resp.content)
- return resp
- def delete_instance(self, project_id, instance_name):
- uri = "https://imagesearch.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/v1/%s/service/%s"%(project_id, instance_name)
- data = {}
- json_data = json.dumps(data)
- r = signer.HttpRequest("DELETE", uri)
- r.body = json_data
- r.headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
- self.sig.Sign(r)
- resp = requests.request(r.method,
- r.scheme+"://"+r.host+r.uri,
- headers=r.headers,
- data=r.body)
- # print(resp.status_code, resp.reason)
- # print(resp.content)
- return resp
- def check_user_instance(self, end_point_url, project_id, instance_name):
- uri = "%s/v1/%s/service/%s"%(end_point_url, project_id, instance_name)
- print(uri)
- data = {}
- json_data = json.dumps(data)
- r = signer.HttpRequest("GET", uri)
- r.body = json_data
- r.headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
- self.sig.Sign(r)
- resp = requests.request(r.method,
- r.scheme+"://"+r.host+r.uri,
- headers=r.headers,
- data=r.body)
- # print(resp.status_code, resp.reason)
- # print(resp.content)
- return resp
- def add_picture(self, project_id, instance_name, path, file="", is_crop=False, tags={"test-tags": "test-default"}):
- print("call add_picture: %s, length of file path %d"%(path, len(path)))
- uri = "https://imagesearch.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/v1/%s/%s/image"%(project_id, instance_name)
- # print(uri)
- data = {}
- data["path"] = path
- data["file"] = file
- data["tags"] = tags
- json_data = json.dumps(data)
- r = signer.HttpRequest("POST", uri)
- r.body = json_data
- r.headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
- self.sig.Sign(r)
- resp = requests.request(r.method,
- r.scheme+"://"+r.host+r.uri,
- headers=r.headers,
- data=r.body)
- # print(resp.status_code, resp.reason)
- # print(resp.content)
- return resp
- def search_picture(self, project_id, instance_name,
- path="", box={"height": 0, "width": 0, "x": 0, "y": 0},
- file="", is_crop=False, limit=0, offset=0):
- uri = "https://imagesearch.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/v1/%s/%s/image/search"%(project_id, instance_name)
- data = {}
- data["path"] = path
- data["file"] = file
- json_data = json.dumps(data)
- r = signer.HttpRequest("POST", uri)
- r.body = json_data
- r.headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
- self.sig.Sign(r)
- resp = requests.request(r.method,
- r.scheme+"://"+r.host+r.uri,
- headers=r.headers,
- data=r.body)
- # print(resp.status_code, resp.reason)
- # print(resp.content)
- return resp
- def delete_picture(self, project_id, instance_name, path):
- uri = "https://imagesearch.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/v1/%s/%s/image"%(project_id, instance_name)
- data = {}
- data["path"] = path
- json_data = json.dumps(data)
- r = signer.HttpRequest("DELETE", uri)
- r.body = json_data
- r.headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
- self.sig.Sign(r)
- resp = requests.request(r.method,
- r.scheme+"://"+r.host+r.uri,
- headers=r.headers,
- data=r.body)
- # print(resp.status_code, resp.reason)
- # print(resp.content)
- return resp
- def check_picture(self, project_id, instance_name, path):
- uri = "https://imagesearch.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/v1/%s/%s/image/check"%(project_id, instance_name)
- data = {}
- data["path"] = path
- json_data = json.dumps(data)
- r = signer.HttpRequest("POST", uri)
- r.body = json_data
- r.headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
- self.sig.Sign(r)
- resp = requests.request(r.method,
- r.scheme+"://"+r.host+r.uri,
- headers=r.headers,
- data=r.body)
- # print(resp.status_code, resp.reason)
- # print(resp.content)
- return resp
- def update_picture(self, project_id, instance_name, path, tags={}):
- uri = "https://imagesearch.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/v1/%s/%s/image"%(project_id, instance_name)
- data = {}
- data["path"] = path
- data["tags"] = tags
- json_data = json.dumps(data)
- r = signer.HttpRequest("PUT", uri)
- r.body = json_data
- r.headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
- self.sig.Sign(r)
- resp = requests.request(r.method,
- r.scheme+"://"+r.host+r.uri,
- headers=r.headers,
- data=r.body)
- # print(resp.status_code, resp.reason)
- # print(resp.content)
- return resp
执行bash config.bash,脚本会自动python环境相关的依赖,然后根据系统提示输入AK,SK,Project ID。
- [hwc]
- ak=******
- sk=******
- project_id=63kkdjkd******9dkst3tskdgi53
- [endpoint]
- cn-north-1=https://imagesearch.cn-north-1.myhuaweicloud.com
- cn-north-4=https://imagesearch.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com
- ap-southeast-1=https://imagesearch.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com
输入python3 unit_test.py执行单元测试
输入python3 run.py执行演示程序
- create_instance
- .
- check_user_instance is_788802
- https://imagesearch.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/v1/your_project_id/service/is_788802
- <Response [200]>
- .
- add_picture_by_local is_788802
- call add_picture: ./test_picture/43474673_7bb4465a86.jpg, length of file path 38
- .
- add_picture_by_url is_788802
- call add_picture: https://is-smirk.obs.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com:443/flowers_recognition/train/11405573_24a8a838cc_n.jpg, length of file path 105
- .
- search_picture_by_local is_788802
- .
- search_picture_by_url is_788802
- .
- update_picture is_788802
- .
- check_picture is_788802
- .
- delete_picture is_788802
- .
- delete_instance is_788802
- .
Ran 10 tests in 18.108s
- ['hwc', 'endpoint']
- [('cn-north-1', 'https://imagesearch.cn-north-1.myhuaweicloud.com'), ('cn-north-4', 'https://imagesearch.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com'), ('ap-southeast-1', 'https://imagesearch.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com')]
- https://imagesearch.cn-north-1.myhuaweicloud.com
- your_AK
- https://imagesearch.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/v1/your_project_id/service/hwc_demo
- call add_picture: 151385301_153eacf6b5_n.jpg, length of file path 26
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/151385301_153eacf6b5_n.jpg
- call add_picture: 200557977_bf24d9550b.jpg, length of file path 24
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/200557977_bf24d9550b.jpg
- call add_picture: 6953297_8576bf4ea3.jpg, length of file path 22
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/6953297_8576bf4ea3.jpg
- call add_picture: 134409839_71069a95d1_m.jpg, length of file path 26
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/134409839_71069a95d1_m.jpg
- call add_picture: 510874382_f7e3435043.jpg, length of file path 24
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/510874382_f7e3435043.jpg
- call add_picture: 15987457_49dc11bf4b.jpg, length of file path 23
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/15987457_49dc11bf4b.jpg
- call add_picture: 164670176_9f5b9c7965.jpg, length of file path 24
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/164670176_9f5b9c7965.jpg
- call add_picture: 2059172936_032ffc12aa.jpg, length of file path 25
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/2059172936_032ffc12aa.jpg
- call add_picture: 2093263381_afd51358a3.jpg, length of file path 25
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/2093263381_afd51358a3.jpg
- call add_picture: 3203779656_3580151ea4_m.jpg, length of file path 27
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/3203779656_3580151ea4_m.jpg
- call add_picture: 13920113_f03e867ea7_m.jpg, length of file path 25
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/13920113_f03e867ea7_m.jpg
- call add_picture: 5794835_d15905c7c8_n.jpg, length of file path 24
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/5794835_d15905c7c8_n.jpg
- call add_picture: 146023167_f905574d97_m.jpg, length of file path 26
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/146023167_f905574d97_m.jpg
- call add_picture: 486234138_688e0_n.jpg, length of file path 21
- add failed
- call add_picture: 486234138_688e0_n.jpg, length of file path 21
- call add_picture: 184682652_c927a49226_m.jpg, length of file path 26
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/184682652_c927a49226_m.jpg
- call add_picture: 40410814_fba3837226_n.jpg, length of file path 25
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/40410814_fba3837226_n.jpg
- call add_picture: 80846315_d997645bea_n.jpg, length of file path 25
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/80846315_d997645bea_n.jpg
- call add_picture: 413815348_764ae83088.jpg, length of file path 24
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/413815348_764ae83088.jpg
- call add_picture: 200557979_a16112aac1_n.jpg, length of file path 26
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/200557979_a16112aac1_n.jpg
- call add_picture: 163978992_8128b49d3e_n.jpg, length of file path 26
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/163978992_8128b49d3e_n.jpg
- call add_picture: 43474673_7bb4465a86.jpg, length of file path 23
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/43474673_7bb4465a86.jpg
- call add_picture: 21652746_cc379e0eea_m.jpg, length of file path 25
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/21652746_cc379e0eea_m.jpg
- call add_picture: 118974357_0faa23cce9_n.jpg, length of file path 26
- add failed
- call add_picture: 118974357_0faa23cce9_n.jpg, length of file path 26
- call add_picture: 154332674_453cea64f4.jpg, length of file path 24
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/154332674_453cea64f4.jpg
- call add_picture: 162362896_99c7d851c8_n.jpg, length of file path 26
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/162362896_99c7d851c8_n.jpg
- call add_picture: 160456948_38c3817c6a_m.jpg, length of file path 26
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/160456948_38c3817c6a_m.jpg
- call add_picture: 5794839_200acd910c_n.jpg, length of file path 24
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/5794839_200acd910c_n.jpg
- call add_picture: 3179751458_9646d839f6_n.jpg, length of file path 27
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/3179751458_9646d839f6_n.jpg
- call add_picture: 2183357362_4b4da4b6b5.jpg, length of file path 25
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/2183357362_4b4da4b6b5.jpg
- call add_picture: 141652526_2be95f21c3_n.jpg, length of file path 26
- add failed
- call add_picture: 141652526_2be95f21c3_n.jpg, length of file path 26
- call add_picture: 169371301_d9b91a2a42.jpg, length of file path 24
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/169371301_d9b91a2a42.jpg
- call add_picture: 200288046_0032f322ff_n.jpg, length of file path 26
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/200288046_0032f322ff_n.jpg
- call add_picture: 3450344423_63ba3190e3.jpg, length of file path 25
- add failed
- call add_picture: 3450344423_63ba3190e3.jpg, length of file path 25
- call add_picture: 11405573_24a8a838cc_n.jpg, length of file path 25
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/11405573_24a8a838cc_n.jpg
- call add_picture: 2141413229_3f0425f972_n.jpg, length of file path 27
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/2141413229_3f0425f972_n.jpg
- call add_picture: 3554620445_082dd0bec4_n.jpg, length of file path 27
- add failed
- call add_picture: 3554620445_082dd0bec4_n.jpg, length of file path 27
- call add_picture: 44079668_34dfee3da1_n.jpg, length of file path 25
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/44079668_34dfee3da1_n.jpg
- call add_picture: 40411019_526f3fc8d9_m.jpg, length of file path 25
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/40411019_526f3fc8d9_m.jpg
- call add_picture: 2609353769_dc3654f12f.jpg, length of file path 25
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/2609353769_dc3654f12f.jpg
- call add_picture: 40410963_3ac280f23a_n.jpg, length of file path 25
- add picture success: ./test_picture/train/40410963_3ac280f23a_n.jpg
- [('40410814_fba3837226_n.jpg', 0.8202), ('40411019_526f3fc8d9_m.jpg', 0.7959), ('44079668_34dfee3da1_n.jpg', 0.7957), ('40410963_3ac280f23a_n.jpg', 0.7948), ('200288046_0032f322ff_n.jpg', 0.7419), ('184682652_c927a49226_m.jpg', 0.7291), ('5794839_200acd910c_n.jpg', 0.6738), ('163978992_8128b49d3e_n.jpg', 0.6732), ('200557977_bf24d9550b.jpg', 0.6675), ('134409839_71069a95d1_m.jpg', 0.6608)]
- [('162362896_99c7d851c8_n.jpg', 0.9541), ('163978992_8128b49d3e_n.jpg', 0.9534), ('21652746_cc379e0eea_m.jpg', 0.93), ('413815348_764ae83088.jpg', 0.8996), ('5794835_d15905c7c8_n.jpg', 0.8991), ('5794839_200acd910c_n.jpg', 0.8933), ('134409839_71069a95d1_m.jpg', 0.8806), ('169371301_d9b91a2a42.jpg', 0.8272), ('43474673_7bb4465a86.jpg', 0.78), ('44079668_34dfee3da1_n.jpg', 0.7677)]
- [('15987457_49dc11bf4b.jpg', 0.7605), ('151385301_153eacf6b5_n.jpg', 0.7571), ('80846315_d997645bea_n.jpg', 0.7416), ('11405573_24a8a838cc_n.jpg', 0.6828), ('146023167_f905574d97_m.jpg', 0.6674), ('13920113_f03e867ea7_m.jpg', 0.6639), ('160456948_38c3817c6a_m.jpg', 0.6396), ('510874382_f7e3435043.jpg', 0.6251)]
- [('2141413229_3f0425f972_n.jpg', 1.0), ('2093263381_afd51358a3.jpg', 0.6334)]
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