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  1. doPlusNum(e) {
  2. // 选中的商品信息
  3. let productInfo = e.currentTarget.dataset.item
  4. // 先获取缓存中的商品信息
  5. let cart = wx.getStorageSync('cart') || []
  6. // 判断当前商品是否第一次添加
  7. let index = cart.findIndex(v => v.id === productInfo.id)
  8. if(index === -1) {
  9. // 第一次添加则把商品信息及初始化的数量和选中状态一起存入
  10. cart.push({...productInfo,num: 1,checked: true})
  11. } else {
  12. // 前面添加过的话只需要更改商品中的数量即可
  13. cart[index].num = cart[index].num + 1
  14. }
  15. // 把更改后的购物车数据重新存入缓存
  16. wx.setStorageSync('cart', cart)
  17. this.setData({cartList: cart})
  18. wx.showToast({
  19. title: '商品已放入购物车',
  20. icon: 'none'
  21. })
  22. // 加入购物车给购物车加一个抖动的动画
  23. this.cartWwing()
  24. // 设置购物车状态(勾选、全选、总数、总价)
  25. this.setCart()
  26. },


  1. doMinusNum(e) {
  2. let that = this
  3. let productInfo = e.currentTarget.dataset.item
  4. let cart = wx.getStorageSync('cart') || []
  5. // 找到缓存中对应的商品
  6. let index = cart.findIndex(v => v.id === productInfo.id)
  7. // 商品数量大于1则直接减去数量,然后设置购物车状态
  8. if(cart[index].num > 1) {
  9. cart[index].num--;
  10. this.setCart(cart)
  11. } else if(cart[index].num == 1) {
  12. // 商品数量为1则给出弹窗提示
  13. cart[index].num = 0
  14. wx.showModal({
  15. content: '确定不要了吗?',
  16. success(res) {
  17. if(res.confirm) {
  18. // 确定移出则删除对应商品信息后设置购物车状态
  19. cart.splice(index,1)
  20. } else if(res.cancel) {
  21. // 取消后商品数量不做改变
  22. cart[index].num = 1
  23. }
  24. that.setCart(cart)
  25. }
  26. })
  27. }
  28. },


  1. setCart(cart) {
  2. cart = cart ? cart : wx.getStorageSync('cart') || []
  3. if(cart.length === 0) {
  4. this.setData({hideModal: true})
  5. }
  6. let allChecked = true,totalNum = 0,totalPrice = 0
  7. cart.forEach(v => {
  8. if(v.checked) {
  9. // 计算已经勾选商品的总价及总数
  10. totalPrice += getRoundeNumber(v.price * v.num) * 1
  11. totalNum += v.num
  12. } else {
  13. // 购物车中存在商品且没有商品被勾选,则全选按钮取消勾选
  14. allChecked = false
  15. }
  16. })
  17. // 购物车中不存在商品,则全选按钮取消勾选
  18. allChecked = cart.length != 0 ? allChecked : false
  19. wx.setStorageSync('cart', cart)
  20. this.setData({
  21. allChecked,
  22. totalNum,
  23. totalPrice,
  24. cartList: cart
  25. })
  26. this.handleList()
  27. },


  1. const getRoundeNumber = num => {
  2. if (!Number.prototype._toFixed) {
  3. Number.prototype._toFixed = Number.prototype.toFixed
  4. }
  5. Number.prototype.toFixed = function(n) {
  6. return (this + 1e-14)._toFixed(n)
  7. }
  8. return Number(num).toFixed(2)
  9. }


  1. handleCheck(e) {
  2. let { id } = e.currentTarget.dataset
  3. let cartList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.data.cartList))
  4. let index = cartList.findIndex(v => v.id === id)
  5. cartList[index].checked = !cartList[index].checked
  6. // 设置购物车状态
  7. this.setCart(cartList)
  8. },


  1. handleAllCheck() {
  2. let { cartList,allChecked } = this.data
  3. allChecked = !allChecked
  4. cartList.forEach(v => v.checked = allChecked)
  5. // 设置购物车状态
  6. this.setCart(cartList)
  7. },


  1. handleClearCart() {
  2. let that = this
  3. wx.showModal({
  4. content:'确定不要了吗?',
  5. success(res) {
  6. if(res.confirm) {
  7. that.setCart([])
  8. } else if(res.cancel) {
  9. console.log('用户点击取消');
  10. }
  11. }
  12. })
  13. },
  1. let newCart = wx.getStorageSync('cart').filter(v => !v.checked)
  2. this.setCart(newCart)


  1. getAllProduct() {
  2. let data = {}
  3. ...
  4. goodsMallFindAll(data).then(res => {
  5. if(res.data.code === 1) {
  6. let allProduct = res.data.data
  7. let cart = wx.getStorageSync('cart') || []
  8. let allProductId = allProduct.map(e => e.id)
  9. //过滤掉不存在的商品
  10. cart = cart.filter(e => allProductId.includes(e.id))
  11. //商品的数据进行更新
  12. cart = cart.map(ele => {
  13. allProduct.map(ele2 => {
  14. if(ele.id == ele2.id) {
  15. ele = Object.assign(ele, ele2);
  16. }
  17. })
  18. return ele
  19. })
  20. wx.setStorageSync('cart', cart)
  21. this.setCart()
  22. } else {
  23. wx.showToast({
  24. title: res.data.msg,
  25. icon: 'none'
  26. })
  27. }
  28. })
  29. },


  1. <!-- 商品菜单及列表 -->
  2. <view class="cates">
  3. <!-- 左侧菜单 -->
  4. <scroll-view scroll-y class="left_menu">
  5. <view class="menu_item title">商品列表</view>
  6. <view class="menu_item {{index == currentIndex ? 'active' : ''}}" wx:for="{{menuList}}" wx:key="index" bindtap="handleMenuItemChange" data-index="{{index}}" data-id="{{item.id}}">{{item.name}}
  7. </view>
  8. </scroll-view>
  9. <!-- 右侧列表 -->
  10. <scroll-view scroll-y class="right_content" scroll-top="{{scrollTop}}">
  11. <view class="product-item" wx:for="{{productList}}" wx:key="index" bindtap="goDetail" data-item="{{item}}">
  12. <image class="image" src="{{item.images}}"></image>
  13. <view class="info">
  14. <view class="name">{{item.name}}</view>
  15. <view class="remark">{{item.remark}}</view>
  16. <view>
  17. <view class="price">¥{{item.price}}</view>
  18. <view wx:if="{{item.storeCount && item.storeCount != null}}" class="inventory">还剩{{item.storeCount}}件</view>
  19. </view>
  20. </view>
  21. <view class="stepperBox" catchtap="preventBubbling">
  22. <van-stepper show-minus="{{false}}" input-width="0" bind:plus="doPlusNum" data-item="{{item}}"></van-stepper>
  23. <view wx:if="{{item.num}}" class="num">{{item.num}}</view>
  24. </view>
  25. </view>
  26. </scroll-view>
  27. </view>
  28. <!-- 底部固定购物车 -->
  29. <view class="cart">
  30. <view class="cart_img_view" bindtap="handleCart">
  31. <image animation="{{ani}}" src="/public/image/icon_cart.png" class="cart_img"></image>
  32. <view class="cart_num" wx:if="{{totalNum > 0}}">
  33. {{totalNum}}
  34. </view>
  35. </view>
  36. <view class="cart_price">¥{{totalPrice}}</view>
  37. <view class="cart_text" bindtap="placeTheOrder">去支付</view>
  38. </view>
  39. <!-- 购物车展示 -->
  40. <modal hideModal="{{hideModal}}">
  41. <view class="cartBox">
  42. <view class="top">
  43. <view class="selectAll">
  44. <checkbox-group bindchange="handleAllCheck">
  45. <checkbox color="#fff" checked="{{allChecked}}"></checkbox>
  46. </checkbox-group>
  47. <view>已选购商品({{totalNum}}件)</view>
  48. </view>
  49. <view class="clearCart" bindtap="handleClearCart">
  50. <image src="/public/image/icon_del.png"></image>
  51. <view>清空</view>
  52. </view>
  53. </view>
  54. <view class="bottom">
  55. <view wx:for="{{cartList}}" wx:key="index" class="cart-item">
  56. <view class="cart-item-left">
  57. <checkbox-group bindchange="checkboxChange" data-id="{{item.id}}">
  58. <checkbox color="#fff" checked="{{item.checked}}" value="{{item.id}}"></checkbox>
  59. </checkbox-group>
  60. <view class="cart-item-left-content">
  61. <image></image>
  62. <view class="info">
  63. <view class="name">{{item.name}}</view>
  64. <view class="remark">{{item.remark}}</view>
  65. <view class="price">¥{{item.price}}</view>
  66. </view>
  67. </view>
  68. </view>
  69. <view class="cart-item-right">
  70. <van-stepper async-change min="0" show-minus="{{item.num == 0 ? false : true}}" input-width="{{item.num == 0 ? 0 : 32}}" value="{{item.num}}" disable-input bind:plus="doPlusNum" bind:minus="doMinusNum" data-item="{{item}}"></van-stepper>
  71. </view>
  72. </view>
  73. </view>
  74. </view>
  75. </modal>



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  2. display: flex;
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  4. .left_menu {
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  6. width: 187rpx;
  7. .menu_item {
  8. display: flex;
  9. justify-content: center;
  10. align-items: center;
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  13. }
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  16. color: var(--themeColor);
  17. background-color: #fff;
  18. }
  19. .title {
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  21. font-size: 28rpx;
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  23. background-color: none;
  24. }
  25. }
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  28. padding: 0 20rpx;
  29. box-sizing: border-box;
  30. .product-item {
  31. display: flex;
  32. align-items: center;
  33. gap: 30rpx;
  34. height: 210rpx;
  35. box-sizing: border-box;
  36. position: relative;
  37. border-bottom: 1rpx solid #eeeeee;
  38. padding: 35rpx 0;
  39. .image {
  40. width: 140rpx;
  41. height: 140rpx;
  42. border-radius: 100%;
  43. border: 1rpx solid var(--themeColor);
  44. }
  45. .info {
  46. height: 100%;
  47. display: flex;
  48. flex-direction: column;
  49. justify-content: space-between;
  50. .name {
  51. font-weight: bold;
  52. font-size: 28rpx;
  53. }
  54. .remark {
  55. color: #767676;
  56. font-size: 24rpx;
  57. }
  58. .price {
  59. display: inline-block;
  60. color: #B08657;
  61. font-size: 28rpx;
  62. }
  63. .inventory {
  64. display: inline-block;
  65. font-size: 24rpx;
  66. color: #c5c5c5;
  67. margin-left: 20rpx;
  68. }
  69. }
  70. .van-stepper {
  71. position: absolute;
  72. right: 10rpx;
  73. bottom: 10rpx;
  74. .van-stepper__input {
  75. display: none;
  76. }
  77. }
  78. .num {
  79. position: absolute;
  80. right: 0rpx;
  81. bottom: 45rpx;
  82. width: 35rpx;
  83. height: 35rpx;
  84. border-radius: 100%;
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  91. }
  92. }
  93. }
  94. }
  95. .cart {
  96. position: fixed;
  97. bottom: 40rpx;
  98. left: 50%;
  99. transform: translate(-50%);
  100. z-index: 9999;
  101. width: 710rpx;
  102. height: 140rpx;
  103. background-color: #fff;
  104. border-radius: 92rpx;
  105. display: flex;
  106. align-items: center;
  107. z-index: 99;
  108. .cart_img_view {
  109. display: flex;
  110. justify-content:center;
  111. align-items:Center;
  112. position: relative;
  113. width: 120rpx;
  114. height: 120rpx;
  115. border-radius: 100%;
  116. background-color: var(--themeColor);
  117. margin-left: 22rpx;
  118. .cart_img {
  119. width: 64rpx;
  120. height: 58rpx;
  121. }
  122. .cart_num {
  123. position: absolute;
  124. width: 40rpx;
  125. height: 40rpx;
  126. top: -10rpx;
  127. right: -20rpx;
  128. background-color: #c1a077;
  129. padding: 2.5rpx;
  130. border-radius: 100%;
  131. display: flex;
  132. justify-content:center;
  133. align-items:Center;
  134. color: #fff;
  135. font-size: 25rpx;
  136. border: 1rpx solid #fff;
  137. }
  138. }
  139. .cart_price {
  140. margin-left: 40rpx;
  141. color: #3D3D3D;
  142. font-size: 36rpx;
  143. font-weight: 500;
  144. }
  145. .cart_text {
  146. position: absolute;
  147. right: 0;
  148. top: 0;
  149. width: 190rpx;
  150. height: 100%;
  151. border-radius: 0rpx 92rpx 92rpx 0rpx;
  152. background-color: var(--themeColor);
  153. font-size: 28rpx;
  154. color: white;
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  157. align-items:Center;
  158. }
  159. }
  160. .popup-content-class {
  161. padding: 0 !important;
  162. }
  163. .cartBox {
  164. position: fixed;
  165. bottom: 0;
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  168. background-color: #fff;
  169. z-index: 999;
  170. max-height: 80%;
  171. overflow-y: scroll;
  172. padding-bottom: 250rpx;
  173. .top {
  174. position: -webkit-sticky;
  175. position: sticky;
  176. top: 0;
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  179. align-items: center;
  180. padding: 30rpx;
  181. border-bottom: 1rpx solid rgba(180, 180, 180,0.3);;
  182. .selectAll {
  183. display: flex;
  184. align-items: center;
  185. }
  186. .clearCart {
  187. display: flex;
  188. align-items: center;
  189. gap: 10rpx;
  190. color: #b3b3b3;
  191. font-size: 28rpx;
  192. image {
  193. width: 42rpx;
  194. height: 43rpx;
  195. }
  196. }
  197. }
  198. .bottom {
  199. padding: 30rpx;
  200. .cart-item {
  201. display: flex;
  202. align-items: center;
  203. justify-content: space-between;
  204. margin-top: 20rpx;
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  206. display: flex;
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  208. gap: 30rpx;
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  210. display: flex;
  211. gap: 10rpx;
  212. image {
  213. width: 126rpx;
  214. height: 126rpx;
  215. border: 1rpx solid #eeeeee;
  216. }
  217. .info {
  218. display: flex;
  219. flex-direction: column;
  220. justify-content: space-between;
  221. .name {
  222. font-size: 28rpx;
  223. color: #333333;
  224. }
  225. .remark {
  226. font-size: 24rpx;
  227. color: #767676;
  228. }
  229. .price {
  230. font-size: 28rpx;
  231. color: #B08657;
  232. }
  233. }
  234. }
  235. }
  236. }
  237. }
  238. }
  239. .van-stepper__minus,.van-stepper__plus {
  240. border-radius: 100% !important;
  241. width: 45rpx !important;
  242. height: 45rpx !important;
  243. }
  244. .van-stepper__minus {
  245. border: 1rpx solid #d8d8d8 !important;
  246. color: #d8d8d8 !important;
  247. font-weight: bold !important;
  248. }
  249. .van-stepper__plus {
  250. background-color: var(--themeColor) !important;
  251. color: #fff !important;
  252. }
  253. .van-stepper__input {
  254. background-color: #fff !important;
  255. color: #353535 !important;
  256. font-weight: bold !important;
  257. }
  258. /* 多选框 */
  259. .wx-checkbox-input {
  260. width: 40rpx !important;
  261. height: 40rpx !important;
  262. border-radius: 100% !important;
  263. background-color: #fff !important;
  264. }
  265. .wx-checkbox-input.wx-checkbox-input-checked {
  266. width: 40rpx !important;
  267. height: 40rpx !important;
  268. background-color: var(--themeColor) !important;
  269. }


  1. Page({
  2. /**
  3. * 页面的初始数据
  4. */
  5. data: {
  6. menuList:[],
  7. productList: [],
  8. cartList: [],
  9. currentIndex: 0,
  10. currentGroupId: "",
  11. baseUrl: "",
  12. scrollTop: 0,
  13. hideModal: true,
  14. ani: '',
  15. totalNum: 0, // 已选商品数量
  16. totalPrice: 0, // 已选商品总金额
  17. allChecked: true,
  18. },
  19. /**
  20. * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
  21. */
  22. onLoad(options) {
  23. this.getGoodsGroup()
  24. },
  25. // 获取商品分组
  26. getGoodsGroup() {
  27. ...
  28. goodsGroupFindAll(data).then(res => {
  29. if(res.data.code === 1) {
  30. this.setData({menuList: res.data.data.content}
  31. if(this.data.currentGroupId) {
  32. this.getProductList(this.data.currentGroupId)
  33. } else {
  34. this.getProductList(res.data.data.content[0].id)
  35. }
  36. } else {
  37. wx.showToast({
  38. title: res.data.msg,
  39. icon: 'none'
  40. })
  41. }
  42. })
  43. },
  44. // 获取商品列表
  45. getProductList(groupId) {
  46. let data = {}
  47. data.groupId = groupId
  48. goodsMallFindAll(data).then(res => {
  49. if(res.data.code === 1) {
  50. ...
  51. this.setData({productList: res.data.data})
  52. } else {
  53. wx.showToast({
  54. title: res.data.msg,
  55. icon: 'none'
  56. })
  57. }
  58. })
  59. },
  60. // 获取所有商品更新缓存购物车数据
  61. getAllProduct() {
  62. let data = {}
  63. data.shopId = wx.getStorageSync('shop').id
  64. goodsMallFindAll(data).then(res => {
  65. if(res.data.code === 1) {
  66. let allProduct = res.data.data
  67. let cart = wx.getStorageSync('cart') || []
  68. let allProductId = allProduct.map(e => e.id)
  69. cart = cart.filter(e => allProductId.includes(e.id))
  70. cart = cart.map(ele => {
  71. allProduct.map(ele2 => {
  72. if(ele.id == ele2.id) {
  73. ele = Object.assign(ele, ele2);
  74. }
  75. })
  76. return ele
  77. })
  78. wx.setStorageSync('cart', cart)
  79. this.setCart()
  80. } else {
  81. wx.showToast({
  82. title: res.data.msg,
  83. icon: 'none'
  84. })
  85. }
  86. })
  87. },
  88. // 购物车回填商品列表数据
  89. handleList() {
  90. let cart = wx.getStorageSync('cart') || []
  91. let productList = this.data.productList.map(item => {
  92. delete item.num
  93. return item
  94. })
  95. productList.map(item => {
  96. cart.map(v => {
  97. if(item.id === v.id) {
  98. item.num = v.num
  99. }
  100. })
  101. })
  102. this.setData({productList})
  103. },
  104. // 点击侧边栏
  105. handleMenuItemChange(e) {
  106. let {index,id} = e.currentTarget.dataset
  107. this.setData({
  108. currentIndex: index,
  109. currentGroupId: id,
  110. scrollTop: 0
  111. })
  112. this.getProductList(id)
  113. },
  114. // 点击购物车
  115. handleCart() {
  116. this.setData({
  117. cartList: wx.getStorageSync('cart'),
  118. })
  119. if(wx.getStorageSync('cart') && wx.getStorageSync('cart').length != 0) {
  120. this.setData({hideModal: false})
  121. } else {
  122. wx.showToast({
  123. title: '请添加商品',
  124. icon: 'none'
  125. })
  126. }
  127. },
  128. // 阻止事件冒泡
  129. preventBubbling() {},
  130. // 加入购物车
  131. doPlusNum(e) {
  132. console.log(e);
  133. let productInfo = e.currentTarget.dataset.item
  134. let cart = wx.getStorageSync('cart') || []
  135. let index = cart.findIndex(v => v.id === productInfo.id)
  136. if(index === -1) {
  137. cart.push({...productInfo,num: 1,checked: true})
  138. } else {
  139. cart[index].num = cart[index].num + 1
  140. }
  141. wx.setStorageSync('cart', cart)
  142. this.setData({cartList: cart})
  143. wx.showToast({
  144. title: '商品已放入购物车',
  145. icon: 'none'
  146. })
  147. this.cartWwing()
  148. this.setCart()
  149. },
  150. // 移除出购物车
  151. doMinusNum(e) {
  152. let that = this
  153. console.log(e);
  154. let productInfo = e.currentTarget.dataset.item
  155. let cart = wx.getStorageSync('cart') || []
  156. let index = cart.findIndex(v => v.id === productInfo.id)
  157. if(cart[index].num > 1) {
  158. cart[index].num--;
  159. this.setCart(cart)
  160. } else if(cart[index].num == 1) {
  161. cart[index].num = 0
  162. wx.showModal({
  163. content: '确定不要了吗?',
  164. success(res) {
  165. if(res.confirm) {
  166. cart.splice(index,1)
  167. } else if(res.cancel) {
  168. cart[index].num = 1
  169. }
  170. that.setCart(cart)
  171. }
  172. })
  173. }
  174. },
  175. // 设置购物车状态
  176. setCart(cart) {
  177. cart = cart ? cart : wx.getStorageSync('cart') || []
  178. if(cart.length === 0) {
  179. this.setData({hideModal: true})
  180. }
  181. let allChecked = true,totalNum = 0,totalPrice = 0
  182. cart.forEach(v => {
  183. if(v.checked) {
  184. totalPrice += getRoundeNumber(v.price * v.num) * 1
  185. totalNum += v.num
  186. } else {
  187. allChecked = false
  188. }
  189. })
  190. allChecked = cart.length != 0 ? allChecked : false
  191. wx.setStorageSync('cart', cart)
  192. this.setData({
  193. allChecked,
  194. totalNum,
  195. totalPrice,
  196. cartList: cart
  197. })
  198. this.handleList()
  199. },
  200. // 加入购物车动画
  201. cartWwing: function(){
  202. var animation = wx.createAnimation({
  203. duration: 100,
  204. timingFunction: 'ease-in'
  205. })
  206. animation.translateX(6).rotate(21).step()
  207. animation.translateX(-6).rotate(-21).step()
  208. animation.translateX(0).rotate(0).step()
  209. // 导出动画
  210. this.setData({
  211. ani: animation.export()
  212. })
  213. },
  214. // 购物车勾选
  215. checkboxChange(e) {
  216. console.log(e);
  217. let { id } = e.currentTarget.dataset
  218. let cartList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.data.cartList))
  219. let index = cartList.findIndex(v => v.id === id)
  220. cartList[index].checked = !cartList[index].checked
  221. this.setCart(cartList)
  222. },
  223. // 全选
  224. handleAllCheck() {
  225. let { cartList,allChecked } = this.data
  226. allChecked = !allChecked
  227. cartList.forEach(v => v.checked = allChecked)
  228. this.setCart(cartList)
  229. },
  230. // 清空购物车
  231. handleClearCart() {
  232. let that = this
  233. wx.showModal({
  234. content:'确定不要了吗?',
  235. success(res) {
  236. if(res.confirm) {
  237. that.setCart([])
  238. } else if(res.cancel) {
  239. console.log('用户点击取消');
  240. }
  241. }
  242. })
  243. },
  244. // 支付跳转
  245. placeTheOrder() {
  246. let data = {}
  247. ...
  248. orderGoodsInsert(data).then(res => {
  249. if(res.data.code === 1) {
  250. ...
  251. // 删除缓存中已经下单的商品
  252. let newCart = wx.getStorageSync('cart').filter(v => !v.checked)
  253. this.setCart(newCart)
  254. } else {
  255. wx.showToast({
  256. title: res.data.msg,
  257. icon: 'none'
  258. })
  259. }
  260. })
  261. },
  262. /**
  263. * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
  264. */
  265. onShow() {
  266. this.setCart()
  267. }
  268. })


