- # 如下代码,sg.popup控件会根据当前的self.window的位置和大小,自适应显示在相应的位置
- def my_popup(self, title, message, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=3):
- """弹出提示框"""
- x, y = self.window.current_location()
- w, h = self.window.size
- lw = w // 30 # line width
- dx = w // (lw / 4) # distance from center of screen to popup
- if len(message) < lw:
- half_w = (lw - len(message)) // 2
- message = ('>' * half_w) + message + ('<' * half_w)
- sg.popup(title, message, line_width=lw, location=(x + w//2 - dx, y + h//3),
- auto_close=auto_close, auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration)
- """
- 其中:
- (w, h) 为 (580, 420)
- lw = w // 30,这个30需要自行调整数值
- dx = w // (lw / 4),这个4也需要自行调整
- """
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