template <class K, class V> struct RBTreeNode { pair<K, V> _kv; RBTreeNode* _left; RBTreeNode* _right; RBTreeNode* _parent; Colour _col; RBTreeNode(pair<K, V> kv) :_kv(kv) , _left(nullptr) , _right(nullptr) , _parent(nullptr) , _col(RED) {} };
template <class T> struct RBTreeNode { T _data; RBTreeNode* _left; RBTreeNode* _right; RBTreeNode* _parent; Colour _col; RBTreeNode(T data) :_data(data) , _left(nullptr) , _right(nullptr) , _parent(nullptr) , _col(RED) {} };
#pragma once #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <utility> #include <assert.h> enum Colour { RED, BLACK }; template <class T> struct RBTreeNode { T _data; RBTreeNode* _left; RBTreeNode* _right; RBTreeNode* _parent; Colour _col; RBTreeNode(T data) :_data(data) , _left(nullptr) , _right(nullptr) , _parent(nullptr) , _col(RED) {} }; template <class K, class T, class KeyOfT> class RBTree { typedef RBTreeNode<T> Node; public: bool Insert(const T& data); void Inorder() { _Inorder(_root); } private: void RotateL(Node* parent); void RotateR(Node* parent); void _Inorder(Node* root); private: Node* _root = nullptr; }; template <class K, class T, class KeyOfT> bool RBTree<K, T, KeyOfT>::Insert(const T& data) { KeyOfT kot; // 以搜索二叉树的规则插入 if (_root == nullptr) { _root = new Node(data); // 根节点为黑色 _root->_col = BLACK; return true; } Node* cur = _root; Node* parent = nullptr; // 找合适的插入位置 while (cur) { if (kot(data) < kot(cur->_data)) { parent = cur; cur = cur->_left; } else if (kot(data) > kot(cur->_data)) { parent = cur; cur = cur->_right; } else { return false; } } cur = new Node(data); // 判断该插入parent的哪边 if (kot(data) < kot(parent->_data)) { parent->_left = cur; } else { parent->_right = cur; } cur->_parent = parent; // 插入结束 // 保持平衡 while (parent && parent->_col == RED) // 出现连续的红节点 { Node* grandParent = parent->_parent; assert(grandParent); if (grandParent->_left == parent) // parent在祖父节点左边 { Node* uncle = grandParent->_right; // u为红色,一定要提前判断u是否存在 if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED) { uncle->_col = BLACK; parent->_col = BLACK; grandParent->_col = RED; if (grandParent == _root) { grandParent->_col = BLACK; return true; } else // grandParent不是根节点,但其父节点为黑色,也插入完成 { if (grandParent->_parent && grandParent->_parent->_col == BLACK) { return true; } else // grandParent的父节点为红,出现连续红节点,更新节点,继续调整 { cur = grandParent; parent = cur->_parent; } } } // end of if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED) else // u不存在或者为黑 { // cur在p的左边 if (cur == parent->_left) { RotateR(grandParent); grandParent->_col = RED; parent->_col = BLACK; } else // cur在p的右边,需要旋转成左边的情况 { RotateL(parent); RotateR(grandParent); cur->_col = BLACK; grandParent->_col = RED; } return true; } } // end of - if (grandParent->_left == parent) else // p在grandParent的右边 { Node* uncle = grandParent->_left; assert(grandParent); // u为红色 if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED) { uncle->_col = BLACK; parent->_col = BLACK; grandParent->_col = RED; if (grandParent == _root) { _root->_col = BLACK; return true; } else { if (grandParent->_parent->_col == BLACK) { return true; } // 更新继续调整 else { cur = grandParent; parent = cur->_parent; } } } // end of if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED) else // u不存在或者为黑 { // cur在p的右边 if (cur == parent->_right) { RotateL(grandParent); grandParent->_col = RED; parent->_col = BLACK; } else // cur在p的右边,需要旋转成左边的情况 { RotateR(parent); RotateL(grandParent); cur->_col = BLACK; grandParent->_col = RED; } return true; } } // end of - else }// end if - while return true; } template <class K, class T, class KeyOfT> void RBTree<K, T, KeyOfT>::RotateL(Node* parent) { KeyOfT kot; Node* subR = parent->_right; Node* subRL = subR->_left; subR->_left = parent; parent->_right = subRL; Node* pparent = parent->_parent; parent->_parent = subR; if (subRL) subRL->_parent = parent; if (_root == parent) { _root = subR; subR->_parent = nullptr; } else // 该子树是树的一部分 { subR->_parent = pparent; if (kot(subR)->_data < kot(pparent->_data)) { pparent->_left = subR; } else { pparent->_right = subR; } } } template <class K, class T, class KeyOfT> void RBTree<K, T, KeyOfT>::RotateR(Node* parent) { KeyOfT kot; Node* subL = parent->_left; Node* subLR = subL->_right; subL->_right = parent; parent->_left = subLR; Node* pparent = parent->_parent; parent->_parent = subL; if (subLR) subLR->_parent = parent; if (_root == parent) { _root = subL; subL->_parent = nullptr; } else { subL->_parent = pparent; if (kot(subL->_data) < kot(pparent->_data)) { pparent->_left = subL; } else { pparent->_right = subL; } } } template <class K, class T, class KeyOfT> void RBTree<K, T, KeyOfT>::_Inorder(Node* root) { KeyOfT kot; if (root == nullptr) return; _Inorder(root->_left); cout << root->kot(root->_data) << ' '; _Inorder(root->_right); }
template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr> typename RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::self& RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::operator++() { if (_node->_right) // 右孩子存在 { _node = _node->_right; while (_node->_left) { _node = _node->_left; } } else { while (_node->_parent && _node == _node->_parent->_right) // 如果父节点存在并且当前节点是父节点的右孩子,要继续更新 { _node = _node->parent; } _node = _node->_parent; } return *this; } template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr> typename RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::self RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::operator++(int) { self tmp = *this; ++(*this); return tmp; } template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr> typename RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::self& RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::operator--() { if (_node->_left) // 右孩子存在 { _node = _node->_left; while (_node->_right) { _node = _node->_right; } } else { while (_node->_parent && _node == _node->_parent->_left) // 如果父节点存在并且当前节点是父节点的右孩子,要继续更新 { _node = _node->parent; } _node = _node->_parent; } return *this; } template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr> typename RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::self RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::operator--(int) { self tmp = *this; --(*this); return tmp; }
#pragma once #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <utility> #include <assert.h> enum Colour { RED, BLACK }; template <class T> struct RBTreeNode { T _data; RBTreeNode* _left; RBTreeNode* _right; RBTreeNode* _parent; Colour _col; RBTreeNode(T data) :_data(data) , _left(nullptr) , _right(nullptr) , _parent(nullptr) , _col(RED) {} }; template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr> struct RBTreeIterator { typedef RBTreeNode<T> Node; typedef RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr> self; RBTreeIterator(Node* node) :_node(node) {} Ref operator*() { return _node->_data; } Ptr operator->() { return &(_node->_data); } self& operator++(); self operator++(int); self& operator--(); self operator--(int); bool operator!=(self& s) { return s._node != _node; } Node* _node; }; template <class K, class T, class KeyOfT> class RBTree { typedef RBTreeNode<T> Node; typedef RBTreeIterator<T, T&, T*> iterator; typedef RBTreeIterator<T, const T&, const T*> const_iterator; public: pair<iterator, bool> Insert(const T& data); iterator begin() { Node* cur = _root; while (cur->_left) { cur = cur->_left; } return iterator(cur); } iterator end() { return iterator(nullptr); } const_iterator begin() const { Node* cur = _root; while (cur->_left) { cur = cur->_left; } return const_iterator(cur); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(nullptr); } void Inorder() { _Inorder(_root); } private: void RotateL(Node* parent); void RotateR(Node* parent); void _Inorder(Node* root); private: Node* _root = nullptr; }; template <class K, class T, class KeyOfT> pair<typename RBTree<K, T, KeyOfT>::iterator, bool> RBTree<K, T, KeyOfT>::Insert(const T& data) { KeyOfT kot; // 以搜索二叉树的规则插入 if (_root == nullptr) { _root = new Node(data); // 根节点为黑色 _root->_col = BLACK; return make_pair(iterator(_root), true); } Node* cur = _root; Node* parent = nullptr; // 找合适的插入位置 while (cur) { if (kot(data) < kot(cur->_data)) { parent = cur; cur = cur->_left; } else if (kot(data) > kot(cur->_data)) { parent = cur; cur = cur->_right; } else { return make_pair(iterator(cur), false); } } cur = new Node(data); // 判断该插入parent的哪边 if (kot(data) < kot(parent->_data)) { parent->_left = cur; } else { parent->_right = cur; } cur->_parent = parent; // 插入结束 // 保持平衡 while (parent && parent->_col == RED) // 出现连续的红节点 { Node* grandParent = parent->_parent; assert(grandParent); if (grandParent->_left == parent) // parent在祖父节点左边 { Node* uncle = grandParent->_right; // u为红色,一定要提前判断u是否存在 if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED) { uncle->_col = BLACK; parent->_col = BLACK; grandParent->_col = RED; if (grandParent == _root) { grandParent->_col = BLACK; return make_pair(iterator(cur), true); } else // grandParent不是根节点,但其父节点为黑色,也插入完成 { if (grandParent->_parent && grandParent->_parent->_col == BLACK) { return make_pair(iterator(cur), true); } else // grandParent的父节点为红,出现连续红节点,更新节点,继续调整 { cur = grandParent; parent = cur->_parent; } } } // end of if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED) else // u不存在或者为黑 { pair<iterator, bool> ret = make_pair(iterator(cur), true); // cur在p的左边 if (cur == parent->_left) { RotateR(grandParent); grandParent->_col = RED; parent->_col = BLACK; } else // cur在p的右边,需要旋转成左边的情况 { RotateL(parent); RotateR(grandParent); cur->_col = BLACK; grandParent->_col = RED; } return ret; } } // end of - if (grandParent->_left == parent) else // p在grandParent的右边 { Node* uncle = grandParent->_left; assert(grandParent); // u为红色 if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED) { uncle->_col = BLACK; parent->_col = BLACK; grandParent->_col = RED; if (grandParent == _root) { _root->_col = BLACK; return make_pair(iterator(cur), true); } else { if (grandParent->_parent->_col == BLACK) { return make_pair(iterator(cur), true); } // 更新继续调整 else { cur = grandParent; parent = cur->_parent; } } } // end of if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED) else // u不存在或者为黑 { pair<iterator, bool> ret = make_pair(iterator(cur), true); // cur在p的右边 if (cur == parent->_right) { RotateL(grandParent); grandParent->_col = RED; parent->_col = BLACK; } else // cur在p的右边,需要旋转成左边的情况 { RotateR(parent); RotateL(grandParent); cur->_col = BLACK; grandParent->_col = RED; } return ret; } } // end of - else }// end if - while return make_pair(iterator(cur), true); } template <class K, class T, class KeyOfT> void RBTree<K, T, KeyOfT>::RotateL(Node* parent) { KeyOfT kot; Node* subR = parent->_right; Node* subRL = subR->_left; subR->_left = parent; parent->_right = subRL; Node* pparent = parent->_parent; parent->_parent = subR; if (subRL) subRL->_parent = parent; if (_root == parent) { _root = subR; subR->_parent = nullptr; } else // 该子树是树的一部分 { subR->_parent = pparent; if (kot(subR->_data) < kot(pparent->_data)) { pparent->_left = subR; } else { pparent->_right = subR; } } } template <class K, class T, class KeyOfT> void RBTree<K, T, KeyOfT>::RotateR(Node* parent) { KeyOfT kot; Node* subL = parent->_left; Node* subLR = subL->_right; subL->_right = parent; parent->_left = subLR; Node* pparent = parent->_parent; parent->_parent = subL; if (subLR) subLR->_parent = parent; if (_root == parent) { _root = subL; subL->_parent = nullptr; } else { subL->_parent = pparent; if (kot(subL->_data) < kot(pparent->_data)) { pparent->_left = subL; } else { pparent->_right = subL; } } } template <class K, class T, class KeyOfT> void RBTree<K, T, KeyOfT>::_Inorder(Node* root) { KeyOfT kot; if (root == nullptr) return; _Inorder(root->_left); cout << kot(root->_data) << ' '; _Inorder(root->_right); } template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr> typename RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::self& RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::operator++() { if (_node->_right) // 右孩子存在 { _node = _node->_right; while (_node->_left) { _node = _node->_left; } } else { while (_node->_parent && _node == _node->_parent->_right) // 如果父节点存在并且当前节点是父节点的右孩子,要继续更新 { _node = _node->_parent; } _node = _node->_parent; } return *this; } template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr> typename RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::self RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::operator++(int) { self tmp = *this; ++(*this); return tmp; } template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr> typename RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::self& RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::operator--() { if (_node->_left) // 右孩子存在 { _node = _node->_left; while (_node->_right) { _node = _node->_right; } } else { while (_node->_parent && _node == _node->_parent->_left) // 如果父节点存在并且当前节点是父节点的右孩子,要继续更新 { _node = _node->parent; } _node = _node->_parent; } return *this; } template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr> typename RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::self RBTreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr>::operator--(int) { self tmp = *this; --(*this); return tmp; }
template <class K> class Set { struct KeyOfSet { const K& operator()(const K& data) { return data; } }; public: typedef RBTreeIterator<K, const K&, const K*> iterator; typedef RBTreeIterator<K, const K&, const K*> const_iterator; iterator begin() const{ return _t.begin(); } iterator end() const{ return _t.end(); } pair<iterator, bool> Insert(const K& k) { pair<RBTreeIterator<K, K&, K*>, bool> p = _t.Insert(k); return pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(p.first._node), p.second); } void Inorder() { _t.Inorder(); } private: typedef RBTree<K, K, KeyOfSet> RBTree; RBTree _t; };
template <class K, class V> class Map { struct KeyOfMap { const K& operator()(const pair<K, V>& data) { return data.first; } }; public: typedef RBTreeIterator<pair<K, V>, pair<K, V>&, pair<K, V>*> iterator; typedef RBTreeIterator<const pair<K, V>, const pair<K, V>&, const pair<K, V>*> const_iterator; iterator begin() { return _t.begin(); } iterator end() { return _t.end(); } const_iterator begin() const { return _t.begin(); } const_iterator end() const { return _t.end(); } pair<iterator, bool> Insert(const pair<K, V>& kv) { return _t.Insert(kv); } void Inorder() { _t.Inorder(); } V& operator[](const K& k) { pair<K, V> p(k, V()); pair<iterator, bool> ret = _t.Insert(p); return ret.first->second; } private: typedef RBTree<K, pair<K, V>, KeyOfMap> RBTree; RBTree _t; };
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