前面我们对Spring Cloud Gateway进行了一个入门的学习,具体文章可以查看《Spring Cloud Gateway 网关尝鲜》进行学习。
网关负责转发工作,那么它需要知道后端的服务信息,今天我们来学习下Spring Cloud Gateway 整合Eureka的操作,实现服务转发功能。
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.springframework.cloud</groupId>
- <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client</artifactId>
- </dependency>
- 复制代码
- server:
- port: 8084
- spring:
- cloud:
- gateway:
- routes:
- - id: fsh-house
- uri: lb://fsh-house
- predicates:
- - Path=/house/**
- application:
- name: fangjia-gateway
- eureka:
- instance:
- prefer-ip-address: true
- client:
- service-url:
- defaultZone: http://yinjihuan:123456@master:8761/eureka/
- 复制代码
- org.springframework.cloud.gateway.support.NotFoundException: Unable to find instance for fsh-house1
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- eureka.client.enabled=false
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在Spring Cloud Gateway中当然也有这样的功能,只需要通过配置即可开启,配置如下:
- spring.cloud.gateway.discovery.locator.enabled=true
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- http://网关地址/服务名称(大写)/**
- http://localhost:8084/FSH-HOUSE/house/1
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这个大写的名称还是有很大的影响,如果我们从Zull升级到Spring Cloud Gateway的话意味着请求地址有改变,或者重新配置每个服务的路由地址,通过源码我发现可以做到兼容处理,再增加一个配置即可:
- spring.cloud.gateway.discovery.locator.lowerCaseServiceId=true
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- http://网关地址/服务名称(小写)/**
- http://localhost:8084/fsh-house/house/1
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- @ConfigurationProperties("spring.cloud.gateway.discovery.locator")
- public class DiscoveryLocatorProperties {
- /** Flag that enables DiscoveryClient gateway integration */
- private boolean enabled = false;
- /**
- * The prefix for the routeId, defaults to discoveryClient.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_".
- * Service Id will be appended to create the routeId.
- */
- private String routeIdPrefix;
- /**
- * SpEL expression that will evaluate whether to include a service in gateway integration or not,
- * defaults to: true
- */
- private String includeExpression = "true";
- /** SpEL expression that create the uri for each route, defaults to: 'lb://'+serviceId */
- private String urlExpression = "'lb://'+serviceId";
- /**
- * Option to lower case serviceId in predicates and filters, defaults to false.
- * Useful with eureka when it automatically uppercases serviceId.
- * so MYSERIVCE, would match /myservice/**
- */
- private boolean lowerCaseServiceId = false;
- private List<PredicateDefinition> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
- private List<FilterDefinition> filters = new ArrayList<>();
- }
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文章源码参考地址: https://github.com/yinjihuan/spring-cloud/tree/master/fangjia-gateway