#!/bin/bash # # . ____ _ __ _ _ # /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ # ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \ # \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) ) # ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / / # =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/ # :: Spring Boot Startup Script :: # ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: {{initInfoProvides:spring-boot-application}} # Required-Start: {{initInfoRequiredStart:$remote_fs $syslog $network}} # Required-Stop: {{initInfoRequiredStop:$remote_fs $syslog $network}} # Default-Start: {{initInfoDefaultStart:2 3 4 5}} # Default-Stop: {{initInfoDefaultStop:0 1 6}} # Short-Description: {{initInfoShortDescription:Spring Boot Application}} # Description: {{initInfoDescription:Spring Boot Application}} # chkconfig: {{initInfoChkconfig:2345 99 01}} ### END INIT INFO # [ -z STRING ] “STRING” 的长度为零则为真。 # [ -n STRING ] “STRING” 的长度为非零 non-zero则为真。 # 判断是否开启 debug 模式。如果开启了 debug 模式,则通过 set -x 设置显示执行的命令 [[ -n "$DEBUG" ]] && set -x # Initialize variables that cannot be provided by a .conf file # 获取工作空间路径 WORKING_DIR="$(pwd)" # shellcheck disable=SC2153 # 获取 jar 文件路径,并赋值 [[ -n "$JARFILE" ]] && jarfile="$JARFILE" # 获取 APP 名字 [[ -n "$APP_NAME" ]] && identity="$APP_NAME" # Follow symlinks to find the real jar and detect init.d script cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit 1 # 如果不存在 jarfile,则将 当路径/当前执行文件名赋值给 jarfile [[ -z "$jarfile" ]] && jarfile=$(pwd)/$(basename "$0") # 判断 jarfile 是否符号链接。-L 判断文件是否为符号链接 while [[ -L "$jarfile" ]]; do # 如果 jarfile 包含 “init.d” ,则将当前执行文件名赋值给 init_script [[ "$jarfile" =~ init\.d ]] && init_script=$(basename "$jarfile") # 获取符号链接所指向的位置 jarfile=$(readlink "$jarfile") # 进入文件的真实目录 cd "$(dirname "$jarfile")" || exit 1 # 获取 jarfile 的绝对路径 jarfile=$(pwd)/$(basename "$jarfile") done # 进入 jarfile 文件所在的目录,并获取文件绝对目录赋值给 jarfolder 。pwd -P 显示当前目录的绝对路径 jarfolder="$( (cd "$(dirname "$jarfile")" && pwd -P) )" # 回到最初的工作空间 cd "$WORKING_DIR" || exit 1 # Source any config file # 获取配置文件名称,从这里可以看出来,配置文件名和可执行文件名称除了后缀,其他的应该相同 configfile="$(basename "${jarfile%.*}.conf")" # Initialize CONF_FOLDER location defaulting to jarfolder # 如果 CONF_FOLDER 值为空,则通过 jarfolder 定义 CONF_FOLDER 的值 [[ -z "$CONF_FOLDER" ]] && CONF_FOLDER="{{confFolder:${jarfolder}}}" # shellcheck source=/dev/null # 如果配置文件存在,source 配置文件 [[ -r "${CONF_FOLDER}/${configfile}" ]] && source "${CONF_FOLDER}/${configfile}" # Initialize PID/LOG locations if they weren't provided by the config file #如果配置文件中未定义日志输出目录,pid 文件目录等,则初始化为默认值 [[ -z "$PID_FOLDER" ]] && PID_FOLDER="{{pidFolder:/var/run}}" [[ -z "$LOG_FOLDER" ]] && LOG_FOLDER="{{logFolder:/var/log}}" ! [[ "$PID_FOLDER" == /* ]] && PID_FOLDER="$(dirname "$jarfile")"/"$PID_FOLDER" ! [[ "$LOG_FOLDER" == /* ]] && LOG_FOLDER="$(dirname "$jarfile")"/"$LOG_FOLDER" # 是否可执行 ! [[ -x "$PID_FOLDER" ]] && PID_FOLDER="/tmp" ! [[ -x "$LOG_FOLDER" ]] && LOG_FOLDER="/tmp" # Set up defaults [[ -z "$MODE" ]] && MODE="{{mode:auto}}" # modes are "auto", "service" or "run" [[ -z "$USE_START_STOP_DAEMON" ]] && USE_START_STOP_DAEMON="{{useStartStopDaemon:true}}" # Create an identity for log/pid files # 给日志文件,进程ID文件创建一个唯一的标识 if [[ -z "$identity" ]]; then if [[ -n "$init_script" ]]; then identity="${init_script}" else identity=$(basename "${jarfile%.*}")_${jarfolder//\//} fi fi # Initialize log file name if not provided by the config file #日志文件名录 [[ -z "$LOG_FILENAME" ]] && LOG_FILENAME="{{logFilename:${identity}.log}}" # Initialize stop wait time if not provided by the config file [[ -z "$STOP_WAIT_TIME" ]] && STOP_WAIT_TIME="{{stopWaitTime:60}}" # ANSI Colors echoRed() { echo $'\e[0;31m'"$1"$'\e[0m'; } echoGreen() { echo $'\e[0;32m'"$1"$'\e[0m'; } echoYellow() { echo $'\e[0;33m'"$1"$'\e[0m'; } # Utility functions # &> /dev/null :把标准错误重新定向到文件 /dev/null checkPermissions() { touch "$pid_file" &> /dev/null || { echoRed "Operation not permitted (cannot access pid file)"; return 4; } touch "$log_file" &> /dev/null || { echoRed "Operation not permitted (cannot access log file)"; return 4; } } isRunning() { ps -p "$1" &> /dev/null } await_file() { end=$(date +%s) let "end+=10" while [[ ! -s "$1" ]] do now=$(date +%s) if [[ $now -ge $end ]]; then break fi sleep 1 done } # Determine the script mode action="run" if [[ "$MODE" == "auto" && -n "$init_script" ]] || [[ "$MODE" == "service" ]]; then action="$1" shift fi # Build the pid and log filenames PID_FOLDER="$PID_FOLDER/${identity}" pid_file="$PID_FOLDER/{{pidFilename:${identity}.pid}}" log_file="$LOG_FOLDER/$LOG_FILENAME" # Determine the user to run as if we are root # shellcheck disable=SC2012 # id -u 获取当前用户 uid 的值 ,$(ls -ld "$jarfile" | awk '{print $3}')获取用户名 [[ $(id -u) == "0" ]] && run_user=$(ls -ld "$jarfile" | awk '{print $3}') # Find Java # 查找 Java # type命令用来显示指定命令的类型,判断给出的指令是内部指令还是外部指令。 # -t:输出“file”、“alias”或者“builtin”,分别表示给定的指令为“外部指令”、“命令别名”或者“内部指令”; # -p:如果给出的指令为外部指令,则显示其绝对路径; # -a:在环境变量“PATH”指定的路径中,显示给定指令的信息,包括命令别名。 # "Unable to find Java" 问题的根本所在 if [[ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ]] && [[ -x "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" ]]; then javaexe="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" elif type -p java > /dev/null 2>&1; then javaexe=$(type -p java) elif [[ -x "/usr/bin/java" ]]; then javaexe="/usr/bin/java" else echo "Unable to find Java" exit 1 fi # Java 虚拟机参数配置 ,数组 arguments=(-Dsun.misc.URLClassPath.disableJarChecking=true $JAVA_OPTS -jar "$jarfile" $RUN_ARGS "$@") # Action functions start() { if [[ -f "$pid_file" ]]; then pid=$(cat "$pid_file") isRunning "$pid" && { echoYellow "Already running [$pid]"; return 0; } fi do_start "$@" } # ${arguments[@]} : 数组使用@ 或 * 可以获取数组中的所有元素 do_start() { working_dir=$(dirname "$jarfile") pushd "$working_dir" > /dev/null mkdir -p "$PID_FOLDER" &> /dev/null if [[ -n "$run_user" ]]; then checkPermissions || return $? chown "$run_user" "$PID_FOLDER" chown "$run_user" "$pid_file" chown "$run_user" "$log_file" if [ $USE_START_STOP_DAEMON = true ] && type start-stop-daemon > /dev/null 2>&1; then start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \ --chuid "$run_user" \ --name "$identity" \ --make-pidfile --pidfile "$pid_file" \ --background --no-close \ --startas "$javaexe" \ --chdir "$working_dir" \ -- "${arguments[@]}" \ >> "$log_file" 2>&1 await_file "$pid_file" else su -s /bin/sh -c "$javaexe $(printf "\"%s\" " "${arguments[@]}") >> \"$log_file\" 2>&1 & echo \$!" "$run_user" > "$pid_file" fi pid=$(cat "$pid_file") else checkPermissions || return $? "$javaexe" "${arguments[@]}" >> "$log_file" 2>&1 & pid=$! disown $pid echo "$pid" > "$pid_file" fi [[ -z $pid ]] && { echoRed "Failed to start"; return 1; } echoGreen "Started [$pid]" } stop() { working_dir=$(dirname "$jarfile") pushd "$working_dir" > /dev/null [[ -f $pid_file ]] || { echoYellow "Not running (pidfile not found)"; return 0; } pid=$(cat "$pid_file") isRunning "$pid" || { echoYellow "Not running (process ${pid}). Removing stale pid file."; rm -f "$pid_file"; return 0; } do_stop "$pid" "$pid_file" } do_stop() { kill "$1" &> /dev/null || { echoRed "Unable to kill process $1"; return 1; } for i in $(seq 1 $STOP_WAIT_TIME); do isRunning "$1" || { echoGreen "Stopped [$1]"; rm -f "$2"; return 0; } [[ $i -eq STOP_WAIT_TIME/2 ]] && kill "$1" &> /dev/null sleep 1 done echoRed "Unable to kill process $1"; return 1; } force_stop() { [[ -f $pid_file ]] || { echoYellow "Not running (pidfile not found)"; return 0; } pid=$(cat "$pid_file") isRunning "$pid" || { echoYellow "Not running (process ${pid}). Removing stale pid file."; rm -f "$pid_file"; return 0; } do_force_stop "$pid" "$pid_file" } do_force_stop() { kill -9 "$1" &> /dev/null || { echoRed "Unable to kill process $1"; return 1; } for i in $(seq 1 $STOP_WAIT_TIME); do isRunning "$1" || { echoGreen "Stopped [$1]"; rm -f "$2"; return 0; } [[ $i -eq STOP_WAIT_TIME/2 ]] && kill -9 "$1" &> /dev/null sleep 1 done echoRed "Unable to kill process $1"; return 1; } restart() { stop && start } force_reload() { working_dir=$(dirname "$jarfile") pushd "$working_dir" > /dev/null [[ -f $pid_file ]] || { echoRed "Not running (pidfile not found)"; return 7; } pid=$(cat "$pid_file") rm -f "$pid_file" isRunning "$pid" || { echoRed "Not running (process ${pid} not found)"; return 7; } do_stop "$pid" "$pid_file" do_start } status() { working_dir=$(dirname "$jarfile") pushd "$working_dir" > /dev/null [[ -f "$pid_file" ]] || { echoRed "Not running"; return 3; } pid=$(cat "$pid_file") isRunning "$pid" || { echoRed "Not running (process ${pid} not found)"; return 1; } echoGreen "Running [$pid]" return 0 } run() { pushd "$(dirname "$jarfile")" > /dev/null "$javaexe" "${arguments[@]}" result=$? popd > /dev/null return "$result" } # Call the appropriate action function case "$action" in start) start "$@"; exit $?;; stop) stop "$@"; exit $?;; force-stop) force_stop "$@"; exit $?;; restart) restart "$@"; exit $?;; force-reload) force_reload "$@"; exit $?;; status) status "$@"; exit $?;; run) run "$@"; exit $?;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|force-stop|restart|force-reload|status|run}"; exit 1; esac exit 0
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