表结构 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/38354000
sqlalchemy参考 https://www.osgeo.cn/sqlalchemy/tutorial/data.html#selecting-data
import argparse from datetime import datetime from flask import Flask from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from sqlalchemy.orm import backref app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///example.db' app.config['SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'] = False db = SQLAlchemy(app, engine_options={'echo': True}) class Student(db.Model): sid = db.Column(db.String(10), primary_key=True) sname = db.Column(db.String(10)) sage = db.Column(db.DateTime()) ssex = db.Column(db.String(10)) scores = db.relationship('Score', backref='student', lazy=True) def __repr__(self): return '<Student - Sid: %s, Sname: %s>' % (self.sid, self.sname) class Course(db.Model): cid = db.Column(db.String(10), primary_key=True) cname = db.Column(db.String(10)) tid = db.Column(db.String(10), db.ForeignKey('teacher.tid')) scores = db.relationship('Score', backref='course', lazy=True) def __repr__(self): return '<Course %s>' % self.cname class Teacher(db.Model): tid = db.Column(db.String(10), primary_key=True) tname = db.Column(db.String(10)) courses = db.relationship('Course', backref='teacher', lazy=True) def __repr__(self): return '<Teacher %s>' % self.tname class Score(db.Model): sid = db.Column(db.String(10), db.ForeignKey('student.sid'), primary_key=True) cid = db.Column(db.String(10), db.ForeignKey('course.cid'), primary_key=True) score = db.Column(db.Integer) def __repr__(self) -> str: return '<Score - Student: %s, Course: %s, Score: %s>' % (self.sid, self.cid, self.score) def init_database(): db.create_all() students = [ Student(sid='01', sname='赵雷', sage=datetime.strptime( '1990-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d'), ssex='男'), Student(sid='02', sname='钱电', sage=datetime.strptime( '1990-12-21', '%Y-%m-%d'), ssex='男'), Student(sid='03', sname='孙风', sage=datetime.strptime( '1990-05-20', '%Y-%m-%d'), ssex='男'), Student(sid='04', sname='李云', sage=datetime.strptime( '1990-08-06', '%Y-%m-%d'), ssex='男'), Student(sid='05', sname='周梅', sage=datetime.strptime( '1991-12-01', '%Y-%m-%d'), ssex='女'), Student(sid='06', sname='吴兰', sage=datetime.strptime( '1992-03-01', '%Y-%m-%d'), ssex='女'), Student(sid='07', sname='郑竹', sage=datetime.strptime( '1989-07-01', '%Y-%m-%d'), ssex='女'), Student(sid='08', sname='王菊', sage=datetime.strptime( '1990-01-20', '%Y-%m-%d'), ssex='女') ] courses = [ Course(cid='01', cname='语文', tid='02'), Course(cid='02', cname='数学', tid='01'), Course(cid='03', cname='英语', tid='03') ] teachers = [ Teacher(tid='01', tname='张三'), Teacher(tid='02', tname='李四'), Teacher(tid='03', tname='王五') ] scores = [ Score(sid='01', cid='02', score=90), Score(sid='01', cid='03', score=99), Score(sid='02', cid='01', score=70), Score(sid='02', cid='02', score=60), Score(sid='02', cid='03', score=80), Score(sid='03', cid='01', score=80), Score(sid='03', cid='02', score=80), Score(sid='03', cid='03', score=80), Score(sid='04', cid='01', score=50), Score(sid='04', cid='02', score=30), Score(sid='04', cid='03', score=20), Score(sid='05', cid='01', score=76), Score(sid='05', cid='02', score=87), Score(sid='06', cid='01', score=31), Score(sid='06', cid='03', score=34), Score(sid='07', cid='02', score=89), Score(sid='07', cid='03', score=98) ] db.session.add_all(students) db.session.add_all(courses) db.session.add_all(teachers) db.session.add_all(scores) db.session.commit() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Flask-Sqlalchemy Example") parser.add_argument('-i', '--init', help='初始化数据库并导入数据', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if args.init: init_database()
执行python db.py -i 可初始化 example.db
Student.query.filter(Student.sid=='01', Student.sname=='赵雷').all()
Student.query.filter_by(sid='01', sname='赵雷').all()
Student.query.filter(db.and_(Student.sid=='01', Student.sname=='赵雷')).all()
# [<Student - Sid: 01, Sname: 赵雷>]
-- print(Student.query.filter(Student.sid=='01', Student.sname=='赵雷'))
-- print(Student.query.filter_by(sid='01', sname='赵雷'))
-- print(Student.query.filter(db.and_(Student.sid=='01', Student.sname=='赵雷')))
SELECT student.sid AS student_sid,
student.sname AS student_sname,
student.sage AS student_sage,
student.ssex AS student_ssex
FROM student
WHERE student.sid = ? AND
student.sname = ?;
Student.query.filter(db.or_(Student.sid=='01', Student.sid=='02')).all()
# [<Student - Sid: 01, Sname: 赵雷>, <Student - Sid: 02, Sname: 钱电>]
-- print(Student.query.filter(db.or_(Student.sid=='01', Student.sid=='02')))
SELECT student.sid AS student_sid,
student.sname AS student_sname,
student.sage AS student_sage,
student.ssex AS student_ssex
FROM student
WHERE student.sid = ? OR
student.sid = ?;
Student.query.filter(db.or_(Student.sid.like('0%'), Student.sname=='赵雷')).all()
# [<Student - Sid: 01, Sname: 赵雷>,
# <Student - Sid: 02, Sname: 钱电>,
# <Student - Sid: 03, Sname: 孙风>,
# <Student - Sid: 04, Sname: 李云>,
# <Student - Sid: 05, Sname: 周梅>,
# <Student - Sid: 06, Sname: 吴兰>,
# <Student - Sid: 07, Sname: 郑竹>,
# <Student - Sid: 08, Sname: 王菊>]
-- print(Student.query.filter(db.or_(Student.sid.like('0%'), Student.sname=='赵雷')))
SELECT student.sid AS student_sid,
student.sname AS student_sname,
student.sage AS student_sage,
student.ssex AS student_ssex
FROM student
WHERE student.sid LIKE ? OR
student.sname = ?;
Student.query.filter(db.and_(Student.sid.like('0%'), Student.sage.between('1991-01-01', '1992-12-12'))).all()
# [<Student - Sid: 05, Sname: 周梅>, <Student - Sid: 06, Sname: 吴兰>]
-- print(Student.query.filter(db.and_(Student.sid.like('0%'), Student.sage.between('1991-01-01', '1992-12-12'))))
SELECT student.sid AS student_sid,
student.sname AS student_sname,
student.sage AS student_sage,
student.ssex AS student_ssex
FROM student
WHERE student.sid LIKE ? AND
student.sage BETWEEN ? AND ?;
Student.query.filter(Student.sid.in_(['01', '02'])).all()
# [<Student - Sid: 01, Sname: 赵雷>, <Student - Sid: 02, Sname: 钱电>]
-- print(Student.query.filter(Student.sid.in_(['01', '02'])))
SELECT student.sid AS student_sid,
student.sname AS student_sname,
student.sage AS student_sage,
student.ssex AS student_ssex
FROM student
WHERE student.sid IN (POSTCOMPILE_sid_1);
db.session.execute(db.select(Student.sid, Student.sname).filter(Student.sid.like('0%'))).all()
# [('01', '赵雷'),
# ('02', '钱电'),
# ('03', '孙风'),
# ('04', '李云'),
# ('05', '周梅'),
# ('06', '吴兰'),
# ('07', '郑竹'),
# ('08', '王菊')]
-- print(db.select(Student.sid, Student.sname).filter(Student.sid.like('0%')))
SELECT student.sid,
FROM student
WHERE student.sid LIKE :sid_1;
# 查询结果
# 输出
# [('01',), ('02',), ('03',), ('04',), ('05',), ('06',), ('07',), ('08',)]
# 对应SQL输出见下方
SELECT student.sid AS StudentSID
FROM student;
# [('01',), ('02',), ('03',), ('04',), ('05',), ('06',), ('07',)]
-- print(db.select(Score.sid.distinct()))
FROM score
db.session.execute( db.select(Score.sid, db.func.sum(Score.score).label('total_score')).group_by(Score.sid) ).all() # [('01', 189), # ('02', 210), # ('03', 240), # ('04', 100), # ('05', 163), # ('06', 65), # ('07', 187)] db.session.execute( db.select(Score.sid, db.func.count(Score.score).label('total_score')).group_by(Score.sid) ).all() # [('01', 2), ('02', 3), ('03', 3), ('04', 3), ('05', 2), ('06', 2), ('07', 2)] db.session.execute( db.select(Score.sid, db.func.avg(Score.score).label('total_score')).group_by(Score.sid) ).all() # [('01', 94.5), # ('02', 70.0), # ('03', 80.0), # ('04', 33.333333333333336), # ('05', 81.5), # ('06', 32.5), # ('07', 93.5)]
-- print(db.select(Score.sid, db.func.sum(Score.score).label('total_score')).group_by(Score.sid))
SELECT score.sid,
sum(score.score) AS total_score
FROM score
GROUP BY score.sid;
-- print(db.select(Score.sid, db.func.count(Score.score).label('total_score')).group_by(Score.sid))
SELECT score.sid,
count(score.score) AS total_score
FROM score
GROUP BY score.sid;
-- print(db.select(Score.sid, db.func.avr(Score.score).label('total_score')).group_by(Score.sid))
SELECT score.sid,
avg(score.score) AS total_score
FROM score
GROUP BY score.sid;
# 平均分大于80的学号和平局分
db.select(Score.sid, db.func.avg(Score.score).label('total_score')).group_by(Score.sid).having(db.func.avg(Score.score)>80)
# [('01', 94.5), ('05', 81.5), ('07', 93.5)]
# And/Or同理
db.select(Score.sid, db.func.avg(Score.score).label('total_score')).group_by(Score.sid).having(
db.and_(db.func.avg(Score.score)>80, db.func.avg(Score.score)<90)
# [('05', 81.5)]
-- print(db.select(Score.sid, db.func.avg(Score.score).label('total_score')).group_by(Score.sid).having(db.func.avg(Score.score)>80))
SELECT score.sid,
avg(score.score) AS total_score
FROM score
GROUP BY score.sid
HAVING avg(score.score) > :avg_1;
db.select(Score, Student).select_from(Score).join(Student,
db.and_(db.or_(Student.sid=='01', Student.sid=='02'), Score.sid==Student.sid)
# [(<Score - Student: 01, Course: 02, Score: 90>, <Student - Sid: 01, Sname: 赵雷>),
# (<Score - Student: 01, Course: 03, Score: 99>, <Student - Sid: 01, Sname: 赵雷>),
# (<Score - Student: 02, Course: 01, Score: 70>, <Student - Sid: 02, Sname: 钱电>),
# (<Score - Student: 02, Course: 02, Score: 60>, <Student - Sid: 02, Sname: 钱电>),
# (<Score - Student: 02, Course: 03, Score: 80>, <Student - Sid: 02, Sname: 钱电>)]
SELECT score.sid,
student.sid AS sid_1,
FROM score
student ON (student.sid = ? OR student.sid = ?)
AND score.sid = student.sid;
db.session.execute( db.select(Score, Student).select_from(Score).join(Student, db.and_(db.or_(Student.sid=='01', Student.sid=='02'), Score.sid==Student.sid), isouter=True) # left outer join ).all() # [(<Score - Student: 01, Course: 02, Score: 90>, <Student - Sid: 01, Sname: 赵雷>), # (<Score - Student: 01, Course: 03, Score: 99>, <Student - Sid: 01, Sname: 赵雷>), # (<Score - Student: 02, Course: 01, Score: 70>, <Student - Sid: 02, Sname: 钱电>), # (<Score - Student: 02, Course: 02, Score: 60>, <Student - Sid: 02, Sname: 钱电>), # (<Score - Student: 02, Course: 03, Score: 80>, <Student - Sid: 02, Sname: 钱电>), # (<Score - Student: 03, Course: 01, Score: 80>, None), # (<Score - Student: 03, Course: 02, Score: 80>, None), # (<Score - Student: 03, Course: 03, Score: 80>, None), # (<Score - Student: 04, Course: 01, Score: 50>, None), # (<Score - Student: 04, Course: 02, Score: 30>, None), # (<Score - Student: 04, Course: 03, Score: 20>, None), # (<Score - Student: 05, Course: 01, Score: 76>, None), # (<Score - Student: 05, Course: 02, Score: 87>, None), # (<Score - Student: 06, Course: 01, Score: 31>, None), # (<Score - Student: 06, Course: 03, Score: 34>, None), # (<Score - Student: 07, Course: 02, Score: 89>, None), # (<Score - Student: 07, Course: 03, Score: 98>, None)]
SELECT score.sid,
student.sid AS sid_1,
FROM score
student ON (student.sid = ? OR student.sid = ?)
AND score.sid = student.sid;
subq1 = db.select(Score).filter_by(cid='01').subquery()
subq2 = db.select(Score).filter_by(cid='02').subquery()
db.select(subq1.c.sid.distinct()).select_from(subq1).join(subq2, subq1.c.sid==subq2.c.sid, isouter=True).filter(subq1.c.score>subq2.c.score)
# [('02',), ('04',)]
SELECT DISTINCT anon_1.sid FROM ( SELECT score.sid AS sid, score.cid AS cid, score.score AS score FROM score WHERE score.cid = ? ) AS anon_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT score.sid AS sid, score.cid AS cid, score.score AS score FROM score WHERE score.cid = ? ) AS anon_2 ON anon_1.sid = anon_2.sid WHERE anon_1.score > anon_2.score;
subq = db.select(Score.sid).select_from(Teacher).join(Course, Teacher.tid==Course.tid, isouter=True).join(Score, Course.cid==Score.cid, isouter=True).where(Teacher.tname=='张三') ''' SELECT score.sid FROM teacher LEFT OUTER JOIN course ON teacher.tid = course.tid LEFT OUTER JOIN score ON course.cid = score.cid WHERE teacher.tname = '张三'; ''' # [('01',), ('02',), ('03',), ('04',), ('05',), ('07',)] db.session.execute( db.select(Student.sid, Student.sname).filter(~Student.sid.in_(subq)) ).all() # [('06', '吴兰'), ('08', '王菊')]
SELECT student.sid,
FROM student
WHERE (student.sid NOT IN (
SELECT score.sid
FROM teacher
course ON teacher.tid = course.tid
score ON course.cid = score.cid
WHERE teacher.tname = ?
db.session.execute(db.text('select * from student')).all()
# [('01', '赵雷', '1990-01-01 00:00:00.000000', '男'),
# ('02', '钱电', '1990-12-21 00:00:00.000000', '男'),
# ('03', '孙风', '1990-05-20 00:00:00.000000', '男'),
# ('04', '李云', '1990-08-06 00:00:00.000000', '男'),
# ('05', '周梅', '1991-12-01 00:00:00.000000', '女'),
# ('06', '吴兰', '1992-03-01 00:00:00.000000', '女'),
# ('07', '郑竹', '1989-07-01 00:00:00.000000', '女'),
# ('08', '王菊', '1990-01-20 00:00:00.000000', '女')]
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